Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 3

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ap"Au alile anti produce tenialDace nt Caart a tetitaimpov tie peaer ani itilia tit of o Clas ben suces cnaderna ductia pollea tsatwil hvi cl01- p roiles Miltn Arna Fids. bu it as a fi aval. tà tse csaraterzoaa TV ies- tias. eis wer tisr. àta ie srte & ouIoeth, Eave imosibe a ae ousef rsasolae etislla. hesslvi. r.Va Wue aci erica tie ies=istTonfottinsait tsebor A smte WTed TVun andsradiootar Gardiei spec ntal etincfav o ta ano te t0 apl he aan t sehocafel . sh ers aan i acntst tsy. etismat- app, sngeh an ortua r. ptis e tht eveninaAMr. anti M s oa f inancia suc s oadfetsltn ppe titt te"esuieveiutf tta i Lnia DancerandCbromta ron t poethe - - ersaddrge MeLeoff t ion Cea ntai cs onieinng e nBevrsrgst a icust b at aris andthis Pairs anti Squares iigh- iciteti the evcning's entertain- ment. Bob Scott anti is Can- adian Pioneer orcisestra anti tise Combas. a continental or- ciestra pravidedth ie munie. Personel andi tecisiical prab- lems marred tise prageam. Princens Carmita, tise eariti famaus sngiisg sensation tram tise Fji Isandis dit not show up. It was reparteti ater sise isati taken ill prur lo show time. Sise was replaceti by Miss Stuart. Mr. Tapp referr- cd tu iocely Etian as one of Canatia top folk anti pop OY 20 COMPL entaredth ie costume costest etthies. utti- singers. Canadien Club Dance anti Cabaret snMilton Areaa rtay evening. Tisa wîssers were Mer. and ari. Eddy Mteoti of Milton, left, anti Mr. anti trs. L. Vastieren of Gakville. (Staff Pisalqi Milton Cou ncil During aliriet regul-ar meet- e Agte ing of Miltaon Cooncdil on Mon- entimeni day sitli att members present. ing by-la cauneillora: ina inspe e Reterredti th ie Police structian Chef anti Wrks Soperintenti- ions te eut a requet front, Mrs. Joy lems. Ir Anderson for croswalks andti asn sl adiaci crassaiig zones on On- Ford ni tario St. isrtis for tise25 scisacl obligatio cisiltren whio mus cross tu for a rai tise wst sitie of thec street. and iff e Acceptedth eii regret tise cannatc reignation of Gord Cllinson tosen wh froa tise Parks Baard of Man- notiing1 agement. Mr. Clliasois sugt- to tisefi, getedth ie regitnatian be effec- e Hea tive Octolier 31 ta permit a reporta nese member ta patticipate in iy-awv conalderation of tise iext vear was soiî tactk anti budget preparatian. cluded1 A letter cf appreelation was ta spectort h. tirectedt im sa. of doses ,» Agrcedt t iear a presen- eti distai talion fsont tise urtlnacais tion.' lecces on tic pcsglile etais- e At ihment of a Junior Chamber $4799.19 cf Commerce is Milton. Cons.x,î balance e Aut proclaim Ilection FrePr Pte Pt bic&f 0 a kept oa statement ta lits campaign seerkee workers at hisieatquarters amaser lu Eurllnglton. tinuedt Mr Luais also criticizedth ie e Rece goverismetst for failing ta brina creekc rcgultory meanures ta hait iaving "Get ries deats for f ringe ap- some of ratorn'. He naidth ie ganeris- perienct ment wsan ot casicerneti about lar Be crodiug wsates tisat constantly checkcd demsauti more tan datlars. areasd Mr. Lus calleti for a more anti no luinuesalike approacis ta an. at tisa vceuiment. "Stop-gap mesures e DO sel ot do, h.saiti. wses standii OPENS OFFICE ence tl Italtan West Liberal candi- for cal date Jack Lîssis has openeti is 0CoC campaign ieatquarters et 393 eti the Brant Et.is urintas. About thier, 30 supporters sere on iandt t weinueis tise openina. Tise Esrlintan stackbratter ls acttvely easpaignina ta de- test liPP. George A. Kerr, tise Pragressive Canservative member for the present Nat- ton ritn. OAICVILLII COtINTING Mtl of Haltan East ridina sel get om. use aut of tise t3akvilte Municipal Building, (Ictober 17 seien resots are tabulateti there for the Pr- vincil eetian. At an <akvlte council meet- ing at seek it seas cissen an tise best-qoippeti building. becaus.. amang oticr tiinas, it han a Zenitis telepisone line, ansei as 10 standard sires. H Tosen Adminitrator K. Neeti- luam, uggeted the stimateti cot of ,N511for tise evenisngs camputmng b. biltedt thie re- turnlug offiter. Syvlvassios Thibert of 17 Mnar- tis St. wsantaken ta Milton District Hoapita Saturday even. tng fotosing an acciden autsitie litsliome. Mir. Tibiet isati ieen target sisotinq witli a 22 calibre rifle adsneremovced it rom his ca, it tiscisargei, woondiug --Sm Tise Cfiimpiasis o TIrma #mon vFe-Si ced ta prepare an amn- It ta tisenosen's builti- law ta permit tise builti- lector ta regulate con- n of watts anti fnunda- a aiid ftodîng prab. In a letter ta, cooncil, solicitors Staiden andi ited tise torwn liatino an ta provide drainage tepayer's parcel of landi flaoding occurreti be comptais against tise isere tise tasen ias donc gta cause or contribute flooding. eard Councillar B.'Best a reviese of tise sewer was usderwav ant ila tgested anaisority be in- taI permit a tasen in- rta insure tise disdiarge sapauts sntise reqinr ance froas tise tounda- iproveti payasent of t9 ta tise Halton Regfiots ration Autbarity as tise eaf tise 1967 levy. Ltiorizedth Ie mayar ta Oi Octaber 8tot 14 es eveistian Week. aotei tise sanitarv landi is ati been seel unet an aturday mornina it is pen eacis montis. Os. 9 people taok refus. ta amp site drna tise Md opening. It wseanrec- Mdt tissservice h. can- 1tisrougis Octaber. siveti indicatians tise cleaning program was gits effeets in retievne of tise flotiing brisa ea- ieti previously. Council- Best reporteti le isat tid some of tise prolileas dorna a recent storm io ftotiinafisad occurreti t tise. Directeti notices ta titose ebusiness tas is out- ng anti aothorized refer- of tise unpatd accaunts olection. Council as a group sisit- ýe funerat home ta pas respects ta fthe laie E. C.NI.B. blitz nets $1#300 Tise Lions Club repart a cal- lectian of clase ta $1.30 for tise Canadian National Inotit- .te for tise B1usd. Ciairman cf tise blitz, Gos Mawbray sait tbev bati yet ta get ta tise thre apartment buildings anti Mar- tin St. This is tise first year tise Li- ons Club bave ondertakei tise bite anti Mr. Maselray 15 pIes- seti witb tise resait.. Oakville tieti for first place in tise costume content. Over 20 Couples paradeti about tise arena is tise calorful cantest. isatigeaofttise cotese were Nalttai County Wartien anti Reeve af Nasoagaweya Town- slip, William Cautter anti bis wlf. Miltun Mayor Sydney Chisili andi bis wife anti Secret. ary of tise Vice-Consul for tise Netiserlantis, Mr%. A. Klein anti ber isusband. Frankt Timmermans woan tise grand daar prine - a trip ta HoHtanti. Spakesman for thse Dutcis- Cana tuais Club. Peter VanWouse COLOS WAS TM iKE7NOU ttise Duttis-Cana- crowdti mstimatmd et 500. Tier coiceful cet- dits DasteeaIteMillos Aresa Friaey evesisg.tomes atided as ethnie tinge ta thse aimas- Hiere tise Lasing Dascers perform befareg, phaere. (Staff phsoto) Byerrsan whis hati been an ac- tive memnier of tise toens Committee of Adlstment as serti as secretary-treasotvr of tise Miton cemnetery C-..A:. donation. sn lieuo0f floseers. was aothorieed ta tise Seart- Pond.1 Your Date With Progress Yeu amreCordilly r s Inviflte .Attend a Rafly Reception f f JOHN 0. RSAMTS IMiS NOW The Hon. John P. Robarts AJ IM SNOW PROGRESSIVÉ CONSERVATIVE - HALTON EAST %hmoi A. Iiackolmek igi s ciscl - 1160 Rebeeca ES., Oakvlhi SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 30 - 8 P.M. IveMybdy Weicmmm - AdmiWme r.. - Sing Voue Monie jwa -READY TO M Couner, by Michaels/Stern -lte suit that hep ta hé wom. Courier camea an thes uit scenc-asid staya. It keapa ita alsape, looks great evcry lime yoU wcar ItI These acret? Courier clti-pore woal mpe. clally seaven ta mccitihe demanda af ruigmed wecar. Il laitue. beautifully, ln tise Mlciael Stern tradition of fine dtallng. And Il bastise incomparable f..l af what it 19-100% wooll Tey an tise Courier. Mchael/Stern makea it is a variety of styles and patternt trealtumulu. We've Sai them ah-mn yoar salec.' $89.e5 anal »M9-A Other Reedy ta Wear Suite Pemm $49.9i To 5». Iundr.ds of New Fall end Winter Fabrics in Our Men's Tilor.d-to-M.asure D.partm.ent. - -Warren Austin anti lMilton Dep- artesent Store have gone ail out ta bring you thm greateat selectian ever prmaented isy tissm. Peaturing Calypso coloas of rilti BrSes, Jade, Teal, Grey and Pisse. In fabria s sois as Veestians, English Worsteda, Twitst, Double Plain Worteda, Silk and wool, Fortrel anid vool. Patterns are flen cheoks, neat checks.,a stripes, tweeds, plain sorteda, diagonale, pie anti pie and iserringbones eaves. Tise stylinq f'cr faîl is contoured fitting two or ttre button front in a varimty of aaclcet, vent and lApel treatmtents ta carsletient your figure. This i. a tailoreti to mteasure presentatian sec are very prouti of and w. tiinIk you sill b. impreasmd. Tise f it, fabria andi styling muet cooePleeent your shape anti li in gooti taste or ues will not ativise tise garm. cnt for YOu. Pricd frOtis 85.00. Yaur appearance is aur ooncrn. Iooking forseard ta serving yau. MILTON DEPARTMINT STORE Main st., Mihon Chle0 ed Poiso er te b m etir PAsy eP luse074 a *1 .A, TuE a DOUBLE LOFE 0P CAR COATS Ail these beautiful caats are is~f wise ta the ways af the weather . . . and neyer 1.9 yau down. Pick and chaos. f rom a variety af smart styles, Iengths.. lined and unlined caats. Sm. *a.Levely Ceea y NICCOLINI - IRVING POSLUNS - GUNN GARMENTS Is Plis Wool, Swmdcnc, Pur Fabrica. n Self-Trim Mmd or Fur Collera Frm n$19.95 At MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE M a"in lit. Ph... 0704201 rHearty Iak TO THE FRIENDS AND BUSINESS ACQUAINTANCES WHO SENT US S0 MANY CARDS, LETTERS, AND FLOWERS 0F WELCOME. ULRICH and KAY NOWAK, Owners The Caravan Restaurant lenb 88-M0 878-n3901m 1

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