Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 20

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~~#~q5uNW W~dee,~ popu ~W47 lid a;ouly la > long, exeUndnn fram La onl olib -t., t5aWIMne 1 8t~hs nthse 0llçle tbt m~ aila inI ~m e~ Aperica and thse fl thée great systemt of 1aprtatlon tlsat today rea#lses Mfm tise.Atlantic lu tise Pacise. Ils construction was most primitive. Tise rails were ut wooç l nats lt bacs of icon spikea tciem. Àt'irst. horses wcce tise motive poweer, but lat«'W b16nôtivee callet tise 'DÉclester' bull by Robert St*cusun & Co., wss imported troi England and lise official OPqing ufte. âne was made Meti a disttngtush -ed eouspany ofasegr ai oad including L odGslisrd, lie Governor Ge*ral. tise Hon. Peter McGill, Pre4ident of tise Railway Com- pairW, sud otiser notables. The short journey ut 16 miles sas mafe most succésstully - lise "nattaiuing a speed ut 20 mites su Iour. Illr over 10 years il was lise onl& railwayiu Britisis Norths AnWrica. RVèestin 1850 liere weçe unly 66 miles ut ailway in tise.country. bt siortly aller 1850 tie railway boom' iegan an4 by 1860 Canada iad over 2,00 miles of railway sn actual oprtii. Today il ias a mile- agd ut 42,000 - lise most et- tesive' mleage per capila ut any cuuntry in tise world. Betuce lise cumigof uthtie railways Canada was litîle beftcr Issu a string ut scatter- cdjirovinces and communities islated sud separated rom cadi tisor tsy long distances. Betwecs Upper and Lower Canada 'ad the provinces by tise Atlantic a wilderness inter- vesict. Selîlemeul clung close- ly Io river, luIse or sea. No communications or inlercourse seas possible exeept by coud or water .Tiere sas lile spirit ofuty o1 rsational cuesclous- ucas. At best lise unly linIs sas h toft caflmus loyaty lu lise Bltisis Crown. l'lu àllmys cianged al this Tisose parallel bauds ut steel stretching tcom lise Atantic lu band reords dancingta ethu:% i Is A. Carton Siswband at, . 0 * otsl Galax5P lub l aceesalur. dey n'els. Tise sance wa.l * spousord by tie- band's fan club lu Miton, headcd by pres. ldent F'rank Lee. Palnted by J. 0. Kelly fer Cnfedeetion fLIt Celleelben CANADA'S FIRST RAILWAY Opesîse of tisaCiamplain aud S. Lawrence Reilwey - Juiy- 1837 lise Pacifiecishanged lise seiole tact of Canada. Rapid and ciseap transportationl clamped sogesiser lise seflemets spread acro-ss lie coninent, illed lise wase spaces. and rcated a pisvsical iasis toc usitv and strentgli To tishe as ansd su LOWVILLE Son of Lowville family leaves for U.S. university Mr. and Mes. Grant Coulson anA suis.Gary bave heurn visit- in& ailise isome ut is parents. M. and Mrs. L. W. Coulsun.g Grant bas recently been invited , tu taIse is ducturs.t dugreceinsu Plyciulugical Masiematical1 Learning f cury wtis Dr Juo Thiess ai tisa Univrsity ut Wis- cousin, Madisun, Ms., U.S.A. Grant is a graduate ut McMass. tee Unversity, Hamilton, and York University, Turontu. Wu uliICCsinces '. congaltiolans and sisilient wel uring tsci e sjoursuta ise U.S.A. Bill Gudgeun fbas rturned ta Chsamspain Cllege ai Peter biteougis. Miss Mcg GuAgcon Lu ise Ontario Vtertts.sy Col- lge as Guelphs and Miss Bannie Poswell u MsMasler Universtty, llasiltun. Mr. andi Ms. James Aytan, M. and Ms. Bruce Coverdale, M. and Mes. Donald Hunt and M. and .Mrs Eugene Caulter atLeoded tise weddingouta cou- in, lsu CauulRawe la Alait Yvas in Si. Judes Episcoa.lian Cisurcis. Butialu, NY. onî Salue- day. Mr. and Mrs. BocAge Gussby %V:c c uests fast seek ai Mr. and Ms. Mecvu Coulson as shiei sommer collage on Laon Bay, near Dorset. Me. Milon Carter, a unc eideul ot Losisille Unied Cisurcis parsanage. Miss Grace sarisis and Miss Lith Noc- uoening service ai Lossville Jnitcd Cisurcis Sonday mnc- ng and aftîeseard %vers: un- licou guests wsitis Mr. and Ms. J. M. Readbcad. Cburisesof i al detsotitra- tioua in lise tosen ot Burling- ton iave becs invited tu par- ticip.te 'n as tenlenntal ServIce ol risankseiviný lu 6bcielA in Welington SqÏuarecU n i te d Cisuecb on Wedscsday. Octoisec 4. ai 8.15 pm. Tise service will bce spansured bv lise Burling- Ion ýMinisteiat Associaion in co-peaiot mils tie Buling ton Centennial Commilîec. Evervtsnc i, selconie to attend Mr .and Mrs. Gý-ssrg Cool. son, Mr..sand Mes.Mervyn Coulson, Mes Tam Rassshase atnd Mr,. Dugla Sss.ll.\ssssiee suppec gtei5-. sith Mi.tand Mes. Cis.rle-.Oes.st (iflMsutl. ierg anA alletAcA tise evening .ittsserzarserics .ai lise Mountsiserg Bapisl Cisurcis seiere tise soies proside thlie music. Gises Ipreaciser iras Rev. Ritcef St.Cîlisîrines. a former pastor outhlie cisurcis Mr. and Mes F. 0. Collsng 'genithis. sxks'vsl ai nes Harisosrsitlî Mr, andA Mes. Fr- \\in Gtihv ANTI-POLLUTION Hallsst Conîsv as ieen ce- leateA la lise tiird piase of a liird-class antIs -pollution program, Robin Sisuce, Haltan East LibertI candidate in tise forliscoming provinctitl cIet- ion s,id Sonda. Ms. Skuce, speasking ai s -Mecs lIhe Ciisvdislkte"galbes- ns ,t(Betis El sst.sgsge in t).kville. sîst iecssss ive t)e-nmentl s plavingî-ilis lises iss l.ilng la lake effective sctionsonuthlieair anAd ss.ter pollutison prdlems. 1 L. 1 the %vest along cisese basdsof tfuthtie Alantic anA tise Pacitic steel pas tise sealtis of Ca onuthssi r %vas to ise muts ut adito tise cilles anA seapocîs lise sortd. Commerce financîng and bank services heiped this farmer buy a new pick-up truck. Are you planning any purchases? Came ta the farmer's bank. CANADIAN lMIERIA ÇIBANK OF COMMERCE of $Slatioj Army Arsum.nos ha5e19s .aeto bbrio# ftssous Oa $itnTeit alenon rt BdtaJltpfor a concr lu St. Pauls.tlnlted Chsuéh, October 26. The choiraiSt. Pauls la sponsoring thse con- cert. Tise baud la conducted by Dervk Dlttey, iuemerly princi- pal cornet ufthlie Welsis Guardu Baud frum London, England. Tise concert begins at 8.30 p.m. and advance tickets are un sale aI 5.50. ILR. S, MILTON INSIDE OUTSIDE s CUSTOM MADE TO CUSTOMER SPECIFICATION PHONE MILTON 878-6768 878-2425 Tise baald has been apkeai' ing in tise seekîs Tuesdav nigisl "Pi0 and Whistsle' pro- gram ut CFTO.TV, Chaninel 9. Toronto and liseir large folloe- ing uf fans is eroscino. Local fan club memisers hope lu soot urganize fan clusinl Tu- cousu and Humilon regions. Several couples seens hume fcom Saîucdas's esenswiili door prizes and dance mires, ncludisg ses eaI long lising alhoms lisse band ias recurded. INSURANCE RAR.FORD Milton, Ont. 878-6357 Ail Through This Wint.r with STUDDED TMES For Just a Lie More, GeW the Securlty of Non. Stop Travel Make "Studs" as Much a part of your car's winter maintenance as anti-freeze and battery checks 10-25 SERVICE STATION 878-2952 SPECIAL! O VEN READY -FRESH SMALL .8OIL IN G FQWL 25. N.4LTOPOULRYPRODUCS D.w Grdeu Lan., eff MiIIS. 8840 ADMIRAI COLOR TV., FOR 1968, NO W A T RICHA RDSON'S- SEE THEM TODA Y! PROVEN DESIGN FOR SETTER COLOR TELEVISION . .. PROVEN RELIABILITY FOR TROUBLE FREE SERVICE ...j " Admirai "Super Scope" Turret Tuner 0 New Admirai Calar Balancer " New Admirai Rectangular Colar TV Picture Tube The VENETIAN, AdiaiCla idityCnta K!31 0 Admirai Warranted Dependabiiity COME IN AND SEE COLOR TV-- OR WITHOUT OBLIGATION ... TRY ONE OUT UN YOUR OWN HOME RICHARDSON'S m TV& APPLIANCIS Sui Availlable te SutYour Pock.fbeek 200 Main L. Admirai Sales a Service Phone 878-M9 m mm& vý ý, Milton Night School Classes THE MILTON ADVISORY COMMITTI! ON ADULT IDUCATION IN CO-OPIRATION WIN THE MILTON IIGN SCHOOL BOARD, ANNOUNCES THE FOLLOWING NIONT CLAUS. 1 Canversational French il Eiementary Sewing 2 Generai Art - Ail Media 12 Advanced Sewing 3 Neediew@rk 13 Rug Making 4 Weiding 14 Tailoring 5 Furniture Refinishing 15 Milinery 6 Floriculture 16 Smgocking 7 Typing 17 Copper Enamgelling 8 Beginners Olis 18 Leather Craft 9 Advanced Olis 19 Copper Tooling and 10 Hastess Aiuminum Etching Courses svll consist ut 14 two-hosLr lessssns commencirsg on Tues.. Oct. 17 aI 8.00 p.m. and each Tues. fotlowing until Dec. 5 and recommencing Jan. 9, 1968 and run Ibrougis until Pebruary 20. Tise Basic Pec for thse 14 week cours.e wil bc 87.00, Io bc psid sitis the application. Ail supplies are extra. A minimum number of 13 applcasîs must h. secured for acli Clse. Thi. Commit- tee raseyves lhe ight ta carry o! cancel any clama Il wlshes. Applcants muaItlie 16 y«eaosigau or over. APPLICATIONS FOR NIGUT SCHOOL CLASSWORK ComplèiteaM MilBBPOIE OCT. 2, 1967 10 --Tishe et" aniNîiot a..waa Mrs. R. G. King, 100 Martin St., Milton, Ontario (PMcase Mr. State - Mes. W lich ) M iss ý....... ......... ................................ A ddre ss ................. ...... ...... ... ......... Ph one ............. Furtiser informion pertalning to tises. courses may be obtslssetifronm s G. Roliersis 7.73; Mes. D. A. Weidover VA 73334; Mrs. R. G. King 8783331. Be sure go enclose yoor regstratli tee ot 37.00 wlth your application. By miling your applcations esrly you will Incresse your chances of obtalsslug pour choice..

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