Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 16

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~ ~I~n ws~ a~ spt ~ Name corn wiflfers %b.d t suppt. ent fiâdtp cattie showmen Dy Eus nom Qasalus thea Mst mui for lte eat aSat l iai bat spUa Prof it for thei daleyaa Titis la a crucall dtie of as-fr faeedlag da1ry casa. C"aManawlloon ha ci.9in anar trots Pasture ta wistar teeding and face changes la the cows eted needs. Doa't raI- tca mach on tit, picked-aver pastares ta pranide ail tise teed autrieats tise cow needs in tise laut weeks ot tha Pasture seasmn Unta seitu pàauma- look gdtis lime cf year, tise m sta lower la pratela. and las i total dtgeatiisle nsa triants titan il is earitr la tise sasoa Titesa factors- atong wltis tisa miserabla seeatisar tha't ottea Is a part af tha taîl scaste causa mita production siampa. oace caws drap an anerage ot a lew poanda *a day, as sa maay isards do halseea now and treea ap, tisai asaatly continue alaag at about that lenel, aad neyer reatly pull OUI af tise slump. itos mach titis arots ta blos milk production is hard ta say. t doa*t tii t isas heen accurately calculated hy aaby resarch scientist, bal it cao osi Yaa a lot af monay. dAy leader knows how mach essier it is ta keep milk flow ai a sseady rate titan it is ta hoost it ap ta regular levais atler a slamp. lis tat haipa re- duce tisslump is ta give tise caws plenty ot forage. Feed- îng hay in a rack in tha yard. or silage fromt a halls. prorides ifs fU.W aie fini@ail, reatilvaa and campantios la tisa isrd hq o WgtIl ~et us ai tisa Milton Fair tiis Salue day. Whila tae mtdway, hall axibil, hors. racas, wseirn harle, show and equlpmaosl disptaysora, tare ta ha e orlis- whisie. dont miss tihe caile show wsesn ea elb. primped, pôlshed and par. forming. Saa yau lisr? (Staff PhF1è Canada - sere poliliciani gel tagetiser ta discuts paner- ty avec a 330 dinner A saccesatal marie producer tisanka his lucki- stars. incarne: an amoant of mon- ey - large or small - which you spend more thon. at Georgetown Fair us«satauspplantaot ta [li pas- As a nmotser of tact, as ln- cr asi utsmer of top cWlay- tao fllow tiis prgctlca thitohiout tisesmr atotc mattar hase gond tisa pasisare. Tise dry hay faad and the a- lage ls lower ta protanto isa grass. Tise pasture el not have as hgit a proteia content as it did earier is tise season. Bth ot ttese tacts meatitat tise proteia levet tantisa gran wll neef ta ha iacreasad a bit u lit camnes on, untit it la gra- dually up ta wltar teadini lavais. Tha grain s eulaed more vitamia and miserai supple- menlatioa aow ton. Viamnia A in particular ls qulckly lost tram iay once 15tla pt lta torage, and ram sUlage tao. We need ta attase for titis la planing tise concetrate teed- iag programt for tiseisrd. As we mare taiigisr anar- gy dairy ratioas, witis a littie more at tise ted tram cacer- tetes aad est ram raugisage. tise miacrat-vitamin neds af isa caw change. Researchs bas siownta ta as a cow gets mare grain antd les rougisage. hec istake ot Visa- min A. calcium, pisspisorus, ad poslhly tisé .-vitamios ts attected. la reueuts yemeRutritionistt have revised titeir recommnd- ations oa pissphoflas contet ia cattle rations. ta pace of tise former coacepitishat a cow aeedad ahout hait as mach pisaspisrtas as atise aedeti cal- cium, maay 00W ttroagly ad- visa that hbtth minerais shatlt -ha lnabaout equal amouts As researcis uatolds more aad more iaformationabaout tie autrieats required by tha dairy animal and tha relatioa- shisp tiat thase autrients have Ita each ater, tise farmer wlll j hneftlTisese chaages wilt ha inlcorporated into catteatratea sehen tisai are ted accordlag ta directions, milk production caus wilha reducad. Wth lise ropld derelopments tisat are takiag ptace ia dalcy autrition,. t Is impractical for a tanner la try la malte iis Ssupplemeals. The tanner seit doas aot usa supplements or properly balanced rations wll ha iard pressed toc compele witi tise ose seho doas ha. causa his production casts wtlt ha ton higi. Adequate phosphoras nuti tica plays a key raie la regu- i. larlty af breediag. S? ol lace. sa.sa b t tis time on, consumnera shailtl o grge.Do fnt et be ablete tbiuy a wtde seteetton fez atke safta. of Ontario apple sariettes. At, dereeoP as siosslle. %nrt but tise present ttme, Cotands hsd nole% serlodcallr. malte thir appea"ace. fottaw- ed by, Dlictalou early Octo. Whos burina anaples h M41l b"r, and Spv tn late Octaber. be taes-aur sdvantmsge ta aiçe a Severat other svarletes, tnàornai- store that Ieens anuteç reMrt- 1fr qsanttes. ivltt'I se be sod erated i-ours or davs suent for short pertods. ta a %varmn erocerv store verv Fotlowing ts as iadex of tise ouirkii reduce the ieentng qualities of our main sarietieS noualiiis of tise oroduct. Aisa Valety Eatig Caokinlg ou %vili find the fruit wviit be Weaithv Qaad Good tesq criai'. and the atin wi be Mcintoth Excetteat Goad dry. àCortanti Goad Good Aapie grades are tmtportant )Narisers Spv Good Exceltenit ta know when bssvtng '*fancv" sRed Deictaus Excettent Poor and "Cee" grades. Bath of sGotden Deito. Good Gaad these grade% reosatre that ap- Ail of thea vartettes are ptes be free from defects. dlean, e graws ta Ontarta, aod satd t throughaut a targe pari af the fait, i. tter and -sprtnez. Ail vartittes, taciadise Deitiaus . ARTHURE A. are of just as good.qualtt as O N k. those tmn)orted from U.S.A. or JOH SO , .D. p Britishs Coumbta. Rememiter, 0010-01W o that vau are itoaad ta get bet- t ter value from a local produet T us 0 since there are les transporta- 9g ,. o Sg i 9 tien charges tsvaived. e Home tarage af appies 1Is Pdd.y h Important If vasa expect the 9 aim s s8.pi t euatista hoid uas aver a part- t od af tîne. Store ln a pasttc ~ MMS. U d bau la a refrteratar. Those 18MANS. I M . that wnt go ta the refrigera- i" » o WAk ELECTRIC MOTORS WUSnàfl$fSiPY FM MOTOU U TO 40 . REPAIRING & INDING I OME - FAIM - INDUSTRY W. ce"i- bkwe mera, dm41 »Vos, apassma DyG OraItTalr On Satucday, SOptOmbar 23, tise Acittvantnt Day for tise Hatan 4-H Siseap and Coca Clubs wsa held at Georgetownl Fair setisresulttu astolows: italton 4-Hl Coen Clubs tirst, K. Alderson; second. Beian Ro- bertson; tiird. ave Austis; tourtit, iJohnNurse; if titBcy- an Rohrson; siait, Phillp Ag- De. Tiera are 20 romoesihanl tise Haltan 4-H Coca Club. Bacis menthar was caquiced o exiibit i10 coits ai caca. saken ftmis or hec plot. Tise two rarleties used tiis year sere United Hyhrld 7, and PAG SX 48. Tise top six placinga are eligihte for shosingata Erin fair. 4.1H SHEEP CLUB Tise judge toc tise 4-H SiteP Cluits Aciievement Day seas Rai- Clarkson. tram Brampton* Lacis memhar seas placed on tise merits of lus sitawmansiP. ltloseeti y a class for market lamits. and a cas tor breed- iag ewe lamba. la sha Show- mansiip Division, irsplaces seent ta Lois Halnter. tollowed hy Doug Garditouse second. and Gave Cation tird. la tise e lamit claaa. icol again vwet t t Lois Haunter, Second ta Jane Hanter. and tiird ta Gare Ca- tion. Int tishird dlata, Marcte SIIACE TME It selîl taon ha caca silo-fil- lina time. Every year wea read at farnt people gettlag caugits in forage iarvestera and ailla blowears.-Wiy? .Prtmarlly ho ceuse tisai- sereIla a itary, or didat have tise macinea opa- rating praperli-. or sere juai plain careleas. 6a dont YOU can lise ris af an amputation. Gel tise equlpaetn a ond shape and oparate Il safali-. A. T. MOORE iNSURAI AIMcKU Mouth-Watring Satisfyng BURGERS AsM eai il Comasueasl - CUMROOT-m Uv *et Cap oe Cestmer PLAVOR-CRISP CHIOKE Citién Se: 3«.U9 =peFklulePak pi9 P osPk .... . . Patly Pl* ....... m Murmy Hooi DvIw-iun aU» UnMWai-Wo tulSw wuaêt 40e SOMTHSIDE PAINTS & SUPPLIES pbl PhN. 1 iaUaL.S U LaMba. tiseawace anty tisae antrWs. pict wat t t Sndq Bannat.seconsd tu Data Gard4- hous, and thîrd, ta Lyle' Stoks»a DAJRT AND BELl' CATflA SHOWMANSHII' Tise judge for te sisowmasi- siip cats was Btli Meels. tramErin. Tiera were a total af 39 anselea ta Junior Show- manaip Clas s tGargetawfl Fair. Tiis casa was opan ta boys and girla under I16i-cars aof age. Susan MçChlg waa irs. Mary tscGe a satsecond, and John Alderson liird. Tisa tirs price waa a Blaya wrlat watcit donated hy sha Canadie Imperal Bank af Commerce; second Pr= ws110 and shird ta elgititprse ere $35eacis llb the SenirShowmansil Clasa for boys and girls 16 tc 20 i-gars of age. uirss prisa sent to -Bill Jackaon; second te Marrai- McCaig. third ta Daus Gardisousa. lnta iis dasstahis tirs priseeseas a secits watcl donaled by Johtn Bougiton Jeseellera. Georgetowen. The second pritse at $10 and thisi ta elgistisprises vwere $5 gacis. -- --- M- m Il hmîÈý DIMTSERVICE HANCOCK *LICTRIC 2". WATU SR. * W. m amhim«h, ounm«_ uB'zw.à -à

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