Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 14

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JînsJbttins b y jm d 1t1 Suger and. Spe b y- b 1t1 8M 1l0y * te s t bmudaotr4 ng ime a hi s corner Ibis ta nd a&U taeclip. ninmal'va been pitdog in PilasOn lit dm for comment are goigi or ont. Il uit hea a "miscellaneous" assembly of comment, soute aid and somte neta. If yau dont ike 'iousecieaning baller swtich ta anotiter channel n0W. 0 Back in April dia Municipal World qMated dia Hon. J. W. Spooner Min laie:oa Municipal Af fairs as saying«As fartas cao ha judged ram te submoi- amasraceved tram bodi local and de- liestunetal sources, te general reactian ta te dralic recomamendaians made by te Commasion bas certalnly otbeu favorable." Dont gel yous- iopas up titoogit,ite was talkissg about dia local goveroment reviese aI Otawa, Saatvlew and Careton County. No surit definite comment has yet emnerged on te local Plunkaîl Raview. And aven suri t lings as tha counly asseffment comDmlaslones- systen appears slallad bre untl ha do. 0 Rev. Charles Mainr dropped me off a copy of Tite Inquirer and Mrsor fron Nantucket, Mass. Ils aites- des- sgned! for people wtidilong arma or tiey like ta keep te numbes- of pagm dawn. Thte page .size s 22 incites tade by 30 incites deep or jusi about te aquiv- aient la two pagms f Tietahamnpion. and tera taIre only twa double column itedings an taI witle massive front page. The paper bils isaîf as tae Illargest paper in America" and I cao see why. 18 Noticed tahere Leaminglon District Secondas-y Scitonl must hava set some kind af a record in ils grade XIII esaminationi. A total af 5210 papers wre tritten and 50 were passed for a %62 par cnt rate. 0f te 109 pupils. 102 Wao dbdotmma and 13 became Ontario iritolars. *Titan titrestha clpplnm, nota qute ont of date in the march of human avents, but il recounted the "death' of a weekly paper inite tiny communily of Comber, Ont. It waes a spot Id come 15 krow and perhaps 10 marvet aI buta a weekly couid survive, but ils passin, ity absorption iota a larmes- neihborlnm waekly, reflecta tae trend ta larme: usban centres and dia dwindlinm import- ance of tose omaller cross roada rom- munlties for commerce and lnduslry. 0 TIse leaves hava aven itegian lu lake on tae attractive faitcolora. As te waatiter mats coider and te earlls bard- ens, te trees tannI gel ton munit water froa te ground and the reen pmment in tae leaves talîl fade. persssltinm te orange and yalow pigments 10 become more atlractls'ely prominent. And on dia andaegpe wlti hadaubed with a mentie 0f color taI maktes fali anaec0f my favorite seasons. 0 And aitlte ime Sapu has been open, titey've iteen chartlng te crowilda b tait you tha st day 10 go. Nowt deY's-f ready titlyou te bail lime 10 vist Sapa In Seplemhar andOrtber lasithort- ly afler tite ates open on a cold wet Fs-lday. Tuesdays and Wednesdays have been dsawinm tae major çrowds and long weekands have been dows. Onty six days have exceeded 400»W1 and 1 not have te support for my feeling taI aur famtty had bit anaenoftae bigMeat crowds an ls vist. 0 Gondness. thaeitousecleanlng job an the notas and cllppings ls barely itegun. May ha more extI waek If!1 dont taesa qtsidlleT tay ot. ITS FALIMRAIRMI AGAIN, aid Hal- tons.bounteous harvaittali ha ,among the dispt iatouta Fal ar tdiiiFri- dey id Sturdy. Daipita Inroeda made by urbanization, Halton'i titrea annuel fairs in Actai, Gaorgetown end Miltan consentrate on depicting the rural flavar as mauch as possible and produce dis- plays aoch as these oar i uch a part .f rural life as ever. (Staff photo) Down[s] in this f wihrydws Corner itee uslct#? Witite arrivaI of taIt comes te thasgisg of the lasses asd taIt iraI tang tf aulums in te air. il's also fair ime. Acton and Georgeown fairs on tiis past twa weekends have launicied te fair saisn in tiis aesa and Miltons tiis weekand taps item off. The f aU fair ih many tiings la many people. Is a ime for lun, a place la, meel your friands, 'a chance for an al. day outng on a beautiful fat day. Thte predominautly rural almospitere of te far 18stowiy citangng but te farma flavor lingers an, as il has for tiis pat 115 years. Jusl for fus. we dacided la sit datai aid sce wthat lagredients aofte fais- we mouid find. using te itlers aifte spon sorng Milton Fair oraniations name - ialtlon Agrcullural Sociaty. H is for Hlappy faces you'tt f lad ail ovr the fair, thier tey are youngslere larkling tae tandy floSs or ldsears admirisa a fine hrd of caIlle. A is for Apples, bth te kind taItin grotaers' prizas in te competitians, and te sllcky. tandied klnd that maka a mess of mosl loIs' faces. t. is for Laugitler that rings titroui thlie gunil larspersad titit squeats from di firîs an the ferris tabeel. T is fr Tampting, tae axiibits ai baklng and preservas and te odars from te fond boots aiong dh imdsey Ois for te Oder folks taioan fal&Ï tains bring bactt a hast ai happy N is for te Newa feston isicorporaled eat year la improve and modernize te aves-citsingatamospitere ai a ..fati fair. A Is for Agriculture, boraver tae mainstay af a country fair. G la dia Grandsland. taiere yaung and aId galbter la tes, and taatc thlit horse sbuoss and races and gal a good overaIt look aI dia acllW t. R is fr Saunions bttaeen folks fron near and far, taio attaays meat aI leesl once a yaar au far lime. 1 isfor Implementa te dealers roudlY disptay in commercial axhiitIs. C is fr Crnlannlal fealures, neat thIis yaar's far In ceebralian af aur counry. 1001h Itt9lZ Il t is tae Unliorts- Ye't sme 011 te band. t. la for Lunches, taeres a grand verlaly available rigitt on thie grounds. T is for Titritis. ana a minute on te nidway. U is for te Umplean exiibils on display, and timpleen places la spand a dîme or a quarter an rats or anlertaîn- ment. R la for ides up and datan tite aldway. A ta for Anecdotes, taemcaa ita s8 million oftem. L is for Lvilock. att kinds on disptay and tehast ite country. S la for Sidesitotas. taitre you see ani- mals and f reaks of ait kindi. O la for Outstaodinm, and MItons is te out-stissdlng-asl af ait. C ls for Cbîckans, filing up a haro wtid docks and mSes and bunoles. I la for Intereallag, the tahota taira is a sitotplece titit sometiig for avarY- anaetata visita. S is for Sotitusiasan, and te Drerlars are aipeclatly glfted tait enltusiasan to continue titeir ttsankless tasks year after yaar. T la for Tentes iicit rover te boadis up and datai the midtaay, itouslag titeir ames aI chance and restaur- ants and bingos and palm readers. y ls far You - and lit meel you tera. Ramemaber. Friday and Saturday of tels taaekend. tae 1151h annuel ver- sion of Hallon Aricuturat Soclely's Msilton Paît Fair. D0001 miss IL. PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST i Hardy, Jean Desear, Bdth Petterson Vera Brooks, Froid$ Feiteralene, Dora- tiy Cochrane. Third rase, Queute King Ruth McCain, Ruby Wlea, Marg- wat Dlek, Edia BSi@&, laabelAsidsoat Imttm ras, Fred Ltle, Stewart Robert- Soi, Jasper Miarti. MIng seere Gre- ,î.10004 aao.setaMEchafl. Wth a provincial etaction testtaon titrea waeks away i saems asfuity quiet. Are thera any laIssu? ta thone any interest? Unlais thîngas wara up a good doit ln theamat trea waaka It may go dlow ta aonaof titi qu~telertIons n history. id Ilrî*é1thara mdy ha vas-y ltta oppositolo ft lnthe Osiro house. W. think thare are Iaues but titay ra't dia glamoroui aiea t tcatch votes- iterest or on whici the linea of party demarcation are very ftrm. Ia- celly sea can't hlp but seondar about the future of local govrnmant. Witt thara ha govarnmental action diat sl ift dhii district frare the limba of un- cestainty ln shichIt isatplacad by the Ptunkt Report? Is ragional govarn- ment luit a catch phrase that means county goverîmant aI ovar again, clodi- ad in a nae set of s enad legisti- tion? What protection doas a frmer have againit expropriation of iis laid for tome new rban use, et toast Io dia axtent of adleqoate compensation hased on hiti need ta ra-stabiish? Witt the rural landoser continue ta ha raitsict- ed in his laid ose and sale whla iosing his volce ln local governanant ta dia old rapresentation by population theary, desite the six. of hia asaisment aid holdings in compeari sidi h.esmaii. ar rbon proparty ownar? W. aIl complain about tite rising coît of education aid the increasing municipal taxas. il has been iuggestad thora latota h some relief in this are&, counter hlanced sith naw tee impoits - o.ottecarea, asany party dia gute fil lei os Iplain unvarnitaod laiguage diat If w. want ta rut goverîment costt wead battes- gel used ta lais service? It Just might ha tht a haaitity percent. e of the adoilt population migitt gat ltae massage, undrstaid It and support If. The University Women's Club, for- tonately. is arraîging an Il-çandidate metinggin MiltonIn Octohar for thea Maltai fast candidates ta prasant titeir positions aid ha quastioned. The lest tima thay arraige i tae avait i playad ta. capacity audience iidicating et least thorae s Interast. A similar situation is anticipated this vear. The laction campaigi seul ha sehat the vaters aid candidates maka it but nithar, by thamtelvas. seul ha abla ta provoke intarast enougit for a suncera, raprasentativa rafiection of votars et dia poils on Octohar 17. Lt's collectively caisidar tha kid of gavrîmant we want et Queai's Park bafore votlng dey. The ima ta start Is nota. lie ppaice fi 9PO.'tà What do 100 ne familles mean ln a commoiity? Statistics ara psesnted aid argsed frequaitly on dhis tapir, aid undosabtadly no set ai figuras con ha complateiy applicable ta aies-yrani- muiity. Dr. E. G. Plava ai the Unversity ai Western Ontario has compiied tite fol- iasing set of statistics aid sea submitt thamn for the information ai Ms. Aves-- ae Properly Otaier. Oie sttement Dr. Plave mokas et te outset. hosevas-, lathal ai 100 nae homes Il lit direct municipal taxes coected seIli pay for oniy haîf aifsehat those homes reqoire ln services. The rsat ai tha money weul comae from as- »sèment on commercial aid Industriel proparty, fieral aid provincial graîte. mastly incoma tex. llquor tex aid gasa- lieo tex aid borrosehngs. Sa the 100 ne familles seul meurt 149 mare tara aid 472 more people. Thé people selîl ha mceeoa 118 more chittdren ln ichoal seit 69 ln elament- ary, 40 ln hlgh ichool aid nineIn uni- versity. 'Ihs seul fake 21g;iota elamai- îary inhoni rooms, 1.9 neta higit snhool roomi aid 5.21 mare teas-hers. The sèea100 fîmilias creata a nead tas- an additioîai 6.7 acres of public laids Iislucing 1.61 acres for elemant- ary scitacl, 1.1 as-ns for high oritool, 1.9 acres for parks aid 2.1 acras for playgrouids. Additional municipal amployaas re- quis-ad ase astimatad aI .94 la the police department, .73 intae fis departmeît, 5.89 on the municipsl staff. Aid i tha filid ai municipal sesvices, Dr. Ploya says taead for sester vili increase by 567,000 gallons pas- day; for hospital accommodation by 2.07 more hadi; 704 sdditioaa books intae libres-y snd .21 additioiai s-als l Intaeaoil. Wa dont psrticuiis-iy agrea sitit tae set ai figuras in total but il doas ps-vide a base for tomm olid tiîkIng about commonity groseti. Mayha tat should hear soma commentea@bout witethes- t's a good thitlg for towsi ta expand. Our lattas-s ta the adItar colomnislaopen for brie! sttemmîte oi the sublact. SOo e pople te a bealing A"ud skulk awvay 4o lukthieir wossnda. Not i m5e. Like a!e, t balleve titat, 'NWta te0. galng gets tasigit, te lougi t gginE.'. Just to digreas for a moment, dldnt I you admire the old teaciter's coPraga during that convention? Titough he was caugitt ln a web of his own creation, he itad enaugh guts to die figiting, political-0 iy, ratiter ilian flnd for iimsalf a sof Il spot to land on bis last fllght. And thte 0 mlxed matapitor spotters can go bo work b on titat one. Bark tb business. You tant say li m onot gme. Two years ago,t1 tauncited one member of the famlly loto a unverslty career. lHe went loto orblt, tottarad E arotsnd In thte stratopitere, ran out Oft fuel, flzzied, and tank, titougit fot wllh-1 out a trace.t Titat was aon Mugit.lHe dld pretty weti i iigit scitool. Scraped titrotigi first year colae. Chanmed courses i aecond year. Lasted titi tale November. One day, after istenlng to a partlcuiariy 1 putrid lecture - and you have no idea how numerous titey are - he turned to a clasa-mate and sald, "Thats il. I ranit take any more,' waiked oul, and hasn't been back since. Ater wlnlerlng in fle ico and other southern dîmes <duinwln tich ha lived on grass for a three-day stretch) ha came homne for a whlle, talit a btssted finger. The planiat. Lef ti mid-aummer, to et a job. A montis tater we had a tard f rom Cape Cod, tahere he was about to mes a job cutting flith, tatever tatisl. Silence. This week we had a tetter. He had a job at Sens Deicalesaen in Montreal, hoped t0o nil dotan sometiting aI Expo, and was planninm ta cornu aet University of Mexico. Somne time. iJodaunted Ian about 10 taunch an- other miasile at te university. Kim la ton young tb mo, t1tanuldn't mn back ta Uiniversity if they paid me $100 a day, and titeres 00ly one ater member of te family. You're rigbt. The Old Battleaxe la moînm 10 hack and hew her way tbrougit fourth year Honor Eomish. She hopes. Wity? We marked our 21s1 anniver- am, bte alter day. Or, rilb elt de> star 9» aalias-day, berausawa batt or- Anddota ik btwon'b mat me. 'dtiktâ,M ilCetam esad beqiecontentltb '-' my noie t h grindstone snd enjoy eif. The ans-vers are seves-at. Fis-st, sites ana 0f ltaose eaasperaling people seho tike 10 finish sometiting tey've hagun, aven Ififls tao derades tatas-. Ridiculous, but ltaI's ltaetaay site is. Sa seiy didot site finish bas- course i thafîrat place? Welt t pl ith Ie vernacutar, site gaI a bon 1n dia ovan. TIsa bun lurnad out lo be aur fis-st-bora. Site sts-ugglad bs-avety 10 cas-sy on aI lec- tures, but declded thal diahe um, nota spetîed bImm), tas more important dian daRomantin PuaIs and ltae Modes-n Navet. Secoodty, lte Ides ias been perrolat- mg for savas-al yens-s. Siteitas Ion, mont intellectuat nus-losily la sink loto dia, famîhiar mas-ass ai leas and ltae bridge and curling and gatd and gassip. Thirdly. ltae kids as-e out of the shahl. The son 1a t young rooster, dia dauistas- a iteaty chislk. The days ai diapers, boI- lies, Hlallowaeen costumes and itelpinm taitis ioanetork are ove-. And fous-lth, heres lte ecoamic factor. Ste bas lislened la me ms-ao and cronrit out af had 1Inlte aornnm. Site bas balsen a Ion& Isardlok aI the baga ondes- ay eyaa, the bulges ondes- my beli. Ste bas iteard me itackiog 1inlte mor-- lag, taieaxing ai te- ane fligit of stairs. il's gaod Insurance ta hava a collage de- gree ltaI taili gel you a job taitn Midas kics-k ltaecao. Site doesol koose il. but lte minoute site graduabes, I relire. Sa, il's Jasepitine Collage. off la tec- bures, fuît of ideals and seosres about te mass shah came home 10 avary tank- end. lite-e as-a ony a tata Itingi ltaI troubla me a trifle. I topa aIse imn't iarrs-csed 1n one of ttaose slodent demon- strallons. I hope site doasot fail in lova taitit a fresitmeo. And I hope I cao ron ltaI btastad sestnrachina. Pages of the Pasi from champion filtes 20 years ago Tlman fs-an alausse ai The uaia Cmitmo, gaptemetr 23, 194 Oves- tao bonds-ad men froan differ- ent parts of Central Ontario alisred a1 H. A. C.,vel1i neta building prior la lte officiel apenlom la sea a shoitoseotf lte nasa Studebaker molor cas-. Repres- anlalives of various industries, especlly in te autamobiveanmd gasoine business. as taaIt as friands tram itae oeIiborinm lotans and communîly tarre present. A tons-taon tais sasvad. Days of the aId fashioed las-m bees seere revived amain lasI sent setan ovar htalf a itunds-ed firmess ahred aI lita neta site aifteliallon Faderalion o-f Amriculures Coanmuolly Centre, t lars lit a tnd in preparatan for futurs faran ps-ogmas. Sa populas- was tae venture ltaI oskaen slayed for a second day. seien arsangements seea made 10 hotd mnottaI lasI Monday. Naarly a dozan Isalars aid as anany leans lurned out ta cleas te land of an abondance of shs-ubhas-y aid smaaitIrees. Oters cama salt stscvels. axas and sawsm 1 levaI laid. dig 001 roots and tria tae tatI- century old rses. Thte neta commonlly s-ntre nesîles In the vailed il Loweilie, an tae banks of te Ttaatve Mite Crealt. Thea situalion abounda us haauly and avenlualty w s etthehashow place oi lialon. 50 years ago TikntIm e elaisseoriTmsaCamul Champion, Saptamrnt27, 1917 Lest Suoday nigitl Councillor David Carke% bay tas-se dtsappeared fsorstae pestas-e in Mas-ins Filas. Il seas plain ltahait ad iteen stolen, as ha itad been laken fsorstaaltes-hanses, vs-intha taould 001 have tatI 0f bts otan as-ord. and a panel of te fans-a iad iteen lakan dotan. fot kicked dotai. The torse had itean slectad for hits seelitI.mste- ltai taIofotites-s, sahinitare drvera. Ms-. Clar-ke valuas hima as30. Hte offars a raeard osf 23. for te appreitanslan tof lte lief. In addition tn the reaard and whiînt aay ha as mort as1350 In seicth ie sounly seil pay, ondes-a by-usw tise discrelion of te judge. As-Ion fais- cama off yeslerday and manv Mîtoniaos ataodad il. TIselmate res-lpîs esceedad ltose of aoy prsced. Iîg fais- aidtae show seas exclet i. al Unes, parlls-oiasly lanitorsas, In taiicit lte foiiowlng sere among te prix. sali- nets- senes-al pus-pose teaim, fisst, W. N. Scobt; rosdslar lean, tiraI, O. S. Robes-t. sono; single roadaer, Dr,.Si. S. ««aslpp; Wm. Alian tock il prises for poultsy, lts-ne firs-is and ttao sacopdfor sIsep filsti for a tsew iotrd Pascitason colt, and tirst for qulrk lithU> Hterbert W. Piarcy, Caoada's fare- mosrl eicullantst. willi ive a renitaI aI ltae Mtiodîsl Citurcli eil Mooday nigitt, Orbitas- i. teas- the grand Bible slory ai Josepit andlits9B'rates-s. sel- actions frors Shakaeare, Longfellowe, Tennyson, humorous and oter sketches. 100 years agio champnis, Matait, gptasem r 26 t1W Thte grealciteese inten#d la haexà- iited aI the forthcoming show tais la hava been brougitl dotan by steaer titis marnlam, bol did nat airiva. Otaln$ 10 ils immense size, the gassgway tae 001 taîde enomihtotarecaive il, son laitI coutd 001 ha mt aboard aI aiamniltaq Il tailI have to ha sent by rail. The mon- ster tacîits 7,000) pounds. Tita Voluoleers wtaltbhaptaased té tearo taI neta breedi loiding rifles for ltae 201h Ballelion have arrived. bogettes- taiit a suppîy ai ammonilion. Tite Soider ls a vas-y effective taeapon, and tae hope dia men of dia 2th itsulpay mset attention 10 ltaeis-dilil, sonas 10 ha able, in case of trouble, to use them agisarfocs. In ronsaquande of dia change a sms, some ittes-ation itis been made in tae différent movements of tha Companies and Battallans. A fata weeks ago Mr. Robsert Slmp- soon. Lîomse Inspectas- of Nelian, seho- bais been active lante discitarga of itis dulies, suffersd a severs tosi by having ailth datrees oI bis ns-s-ard irdled. liii arcitard is a large and valuable ana and conslsting chiai ly oi yaung Ireas. We do n1 knoataif ltey have doncsaon al- raady. but iltaaould ha very propos- for- dia Totanship ta ailes- a retarsd for the dicove-y of te perpetrators of ltis fouI deed. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Mu Piime UMOMMii M a.LI& 191 Mai. S~,sngotut Plen .5111,21 J.. ss& 011, Miosal.étain, RWY i E.n, SNsm liM . 14y& lai,. Ma5IIis a,5i PubIised e*ey Wdnday t 1MainSeM, Miia, Ontério. Ms dm o Ilecanaden W.*I N*wNa5i555Aussitis,, aad l 4Ontéril t mkî " 15in W.d,,e, $4.0 nlveddlnsritet Kv in MIlb., $t.lt ps =,87101, .1 saiM AdesoalseI.n Ms M t ho a*"it*à% la têli t, ~ ora seum" mMl. " u sMM lu.,.Stamalla .«tOale Bwgmu En; wil S ludm S. a, bai sa nt, - se Mactlinsal a lIta. - s 1pt Md ,s Myse sidedsaMstesl Put 059 ssasd mondaM ?ON NUIt mm C»=OLForanTeo, 1919-20 iicitded diqse stodentaaitosen in e photo ioaied by MmS-a . A. Feyt Top rase, Ulîlan Turner, Helen Psr4, Masry rvng,,Ale Tigit, Mary Mc- lacens-iksulen Bock, Helen brandon. Second rose. Windsor Badley, teacher Mise Huise, s-me Faiirtona, Maiy

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