Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 13

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- ToutiVeaue CoruPpondant Hum q egeweddltito The Csemplo - A YoJth Pe. hM I biseret yaut rom tMos. i have quélomed erboibdthea Niis scioot. 1 flnd a "thumnbsuWu"attudefrots Approachlng an eduit,>(oan Hasead) i got the 96piy, «it&aîida b; I think t îhouid bl iclied tisMerns YSW.-&ý ownmore ta go. Getting saome serve up, .1 ap-( proachiti ose of tise neser les. chers ta aur school staff, M. Mitchell. t giseas t chose tise rigit sort of people, for lie Ina neplidâ, M goti de, Tise are stieclisections la otisir papissfon a youtb page, seiy sot ln Milton?" On continuing my intenview wsetis hlm, ise sug- ptiti Tees Vews' for ili tille. Mm, 'MacArù'br, oe of tise teaciesn witistise mosî expeni- itice on ties chatl staff, aso ssppiiid me witis a favorable viwpolaî. er tisougits ara: "Excellent ides. Youtis itsIl mueas and makis its assesment aI the sorld il lives In. Tisiy are, as evinyone knows, a viry important part aI tise popula- tion."lMr suggeted tilla for tise page wsan "Youtis Spealis Out. 1t Ibm ventured imb lIter- vee seitis varous studusts. Of tise four (Mary Ann Fret- niak, ýRobrrt Hatiley. Daviti Frenchs, anti KenHilson)I tre- cessedti Irer "yeabs' anti ose bom". Mr. Boa n eplied, "t juat cant tee it.' Wisen asked seby, hi went on ta Say,."I don't tbink 1111 seork, 'Milton juat isn't big enaugis. Wisetiser tise Youlb Page is a succes )r not, dependt on tise young people of tise Milton Ares. With freedats aI speech in aur democratir Society, there is no reason sehy t shoutti not gelt ome gondi opinions on today's worli aI potitirs. liter- store, art. music, sports, lads, fashions, hippies, taw, educa- lion, morats, anytising and et. erything tisaI seul give readers tise realilation tisaI young peo- pie aI totiay are thinking seitis deptis and coscern; and tisaI they are sot just jovial, cari- trieand unimpresslosabte In- dividuals. Are not tise young people tise future aduits al to- tsorrow? BIG0go BON**US BARGAI NS R. G. CLIMENTS BamlUNEI 10W M na P .. Sffl3 »i 0'rw tla fthe Ptronage of Dur custociers, we !larLhe ý"Outteigducts for homes and gardon a sari- h o cpicet.If ou re aiready a cusomer cli uo for an order f»r. If oureot pet a customercal us oyway. Even a mlta rder qualifies ou ImmediateIp. TUACI4M K. J. BLACK of Mlton ligh Scisoal wililie inolruct- ing tise driver edacation course tisaI wiil sIal soon at.tise scisool. Tie photo shows Mor. Back fseslîd) receving instruc- lion in tise use of s fieid-of-visian listing unit from inspeclor Roger Powell, during a courte hi tok in Toronto this suramer. New.hw o*eroeàcma $uStomt saut hW ,scheel A driver edocation course for stutients ofr'Miton District Higis Scisoot sell be undenseay in thse near future, siti teach- er K. J. Black oI tise scisool staff hasdling tise instruction. Tise course seul hi given 10 stodents af er scisool hoors. osing a ciasroots provitird by th shool board anti an in. struction car fitted sitis dual costrols. Tise rosIta students Biachs atsdent taking tise course sel bc requirçd ta, put in 25 hours in th clastroom, plon six hours bhisnd tise weei oftheb car, and 18 hoors in tise car as an observer sehite anotiser student drives. Mr. Btack attended a special course sponsored by th Ont- aro qaety ILeague in Toron- ta tiis sommer ta pepare ien. self ta, instruct the course. He was ose of 192 higish Ch teanisers seisaquaified fan & cetiflcate aitishe end of tise two seek course. Promotion of the llfe-saving courte is c- s-ed on tise Ontariao epat ment af Transport, -HigbseaY Safety Brancis, asti th course a bing taugist in 265 Ontario scisoola. Tisa aswn bua hein apps-ov- ed In prineipla by the Milton District Higis Scisooi Board Tise board expets th cost per student seiti hi approximateis $40 and is prepaned tao ndin- write hait thi ont. As in othin snhoois, gradua tes 0f th courtse ili bieill ble fan a 10 per cent redutiar in insonance rates unlil tisey rearh tise agle aI 25 years. Tiis saving in premioms lias been estimateti at up ta SiMWO. Superv! sg % prncipal aI Mit- tas Publier hoals E. W.Pois- ter reports rbitdren are pre- psrng for billon Fati Falr sitis estries in hsking, art, writisg. prnting, gardenisg, INTRODUC1NG The Champions "youth page" devoted to our young people By Laery Martin Yoth Page Co.ordlnatoe GREETINGS! Youth page ra-ardinator will happenings la Milton and dis. Namate hst ad auar, bec or tuy tricI wil b Miss Janet Fer- Nhere st erîh ng aI inare Tiositsiple.ns I berome rier oI Campbeltville. Janet is therest ta YcU omng ise-ats itspaeasi t'fgme- a Grade 12 student aI M.D.H.S. pios nrwIo unb paeChm- y contributions frot a nom- seestudiet trave ber ime pIf s eyouunr1tiuge. d ber of able correstiandruls and for a variety ot oulside inter- af coulenerîs21ts. Kitsd you-%ybo make happenings esîs inrluding singing. enter- s ouebof Exres. iese happen. taining. sritiaf and art. soeMi.Exr ss Shirts Partons, an le- Janet writes ber own rotn- ~~~OY* ~~~~~year.old Grade 12 student at tyan f11maeiaro- For Iis is going ta bc a sec- Milton District Higis Scisool panying berseif an tise guitar tion aI tise paper devotedt 1, witt be coxtring tise teen scene wben ste entertattss at a varie- deviseti by, andi directly con- around M.D.II.S. Iis year. and IV 0f public tunctiotis. Sise cerniaf yo. ber neses and comtnrntos witI el hi handting severat speciat Annaanring tise nrw addition farts part of tise vautis page assigaments ln tise fild of ta Tise Champion, Managing roverage. Shirt is an esleriar. voutis and her reportas witi be Editor lits Dilis points ouItishat cd wsriter wbo enjoys writing part aI tise page in comiaf yaung people are an imîportant sories and paetry and working weeks. segment oftie community anti sitis people. Her interesîs in- tise staff is striving to make lutie a varieîy of sports. ta Youth organizatioas in Mil- tise paper more enjoyahîr ta recent vrart se bas bien tire- ton anti ares are invited ta, par- readers oI ail ages. He points parias herseitfor tise work-a- tiripate in tise voutis page pro- out aboutt ane-tiird oI MitIonsâ day world witb part time ets- irrt, by keeping us iaformeti aI population is in lise under-21 ployment in an office, a store your artivities. TisaI way, a bracket, and tise seven laser' and more recentty as a nurses' broader roverage of every as- sciools alune accommodate aid in a local institution. pect of yoth in tise commun- over 2,5W stadents. Asitting witb coverage nI lv sili be possible. Busy days Sister Alexantier, principal of Holy Rosary Separale Scisoal reports tise students are pre- paring exhisiits for Multan F811 Fair Ibis week. Holy Rosary Parisis Credit Union bas begun its students' ssvings fond, sitis egular Col lections of deposits made on Motttay mornings. Posters are alto bing design- eti for tise ansual Halton ire Prevention Poster contest. IKeet#akW tqeP ME Titi OiiUwho seulli e helping Youti Paga n-ordlnalor Lrry Martnaesu parI-ime correspondants for Tise Champlon'a youtis page. Janet errier, left. sel l e doing speclal auagn ments la tise yauth field sehile Shiri Parsons, rlght, seul km readers posted an happenings et Milton District igi Scisool. (Staff Photos) Sports, organizations elections underway DyUSiM!Parions mis Sciai correspondent Il is Septemiser 5, 1967. Tiese un sies brightly and lthe morning mist isas just rites. A new day begins and so dais a new school year for approximateiy 700 higis scisool students. Milton District High Scisool isas once again been favored with bath new students and new teans- ers. To ail, bots old and new. a iearty wecotse. .»ots teacisers and stsdantas ean sôons in'sue groove of tishool lite and Ia- medlately scisool trams began appearing. Tise soccer team. wici is M.D.HS.'s pride and joy, aller winnng lise leagise cbampionsisip last year, is being coacised by Mr. Stevens, Mr. Sullivan and Mn. Sammy. Tise tests played ils first garni on Friday ln Millton against Jisn F. Ross of Guelpis. Tise game was close and end- ed le a 2i victory for Milton 'igis. Stars of tise game were Doriano Poloni and Cam Mulciselle. Indicatios aara biais htisaI MORS. wijl sol onîy have s top soccer teats but also a terril jr football leats under Mn. Foley, Mir. Leonard and Mn. Robinson. The juniors isave played Isea games to date and have bees iigbly succesoful ln bath. Tise Millon Mustangs defeated Bi1- sisop McDosell nf Guelpis 240, and tisey defeated Guelphs Collegiate 120. Tis weelc will tlnd tiese oniors on tise gridenon agalnst Stanover. After ioolting at tise juniors al lisat cas be sald Is-follose sull Tise girls' vollevisal eams have bien choses and have bien practlsing diligent- ly. Miss Corcoran and Miss Rankis. tise coaches, are planning an exhibition garni seitis 050. some tirne tiis week, sehîci should prove lnterestlng. MUnion 101gb Isavarinus clubs sehicis rover a varietv of interests. Two meet- ings have bren iseld and ai ane nf these meetings tise liisrary rotstittee seas forts ed. Mary Hadley seas nominated as pre- sident. Andrea Porter as serretarv- treas- urer, and toge Jensen as seretary. Miss Lange leet tise club sejîl give interested students experienre in wonking in tise library. Thse club plans ta hotti book dis- eussions an new books whirb arrive and tiss xpand tiseir lterary icnawledge. Miss Latsge said tise club wouid bi talclng some kind of a trip tome time durlng tise year, allisougis definite pîans have sot yrt bien made. Frlday, Septembin 22 swung Ista tise evening seitis a group calîrd tise '%ondo Caurt" as M.D.M.S. iseld is tirst dance of lise vear. Tise dance entltled tise "Frosis" wsa designed ta welrame tise grade fines and get tiset into tise swing of tings. MjDIHS. was also pleased ta have been hast ta some teens trottise Ontario Scisool for tise Oral. You knaw sehat tisey oay - tise more tise merrienl oi.ne ortise nuit excitlng events at srbaol inlise course of tise year is tise ratspaigning for tise leaders aftie Stu- dent Cottnril. Nominations seere made during tise week and tise artual campalgn- ing started in Pntday. Ose look ai tise halls weul tell yoo tisat a lot of lime snd effort bas gane mb tiste planning of eacis rampaifs. Campaigning seul lant unttl Tuesday ai sebîci tinte tise randidates will give their ideas, plans and proposais for tise 67-6M scisoal yrar. Pailoseing thîs tise ballots will be rast. With tise promising teams. enthusai- tir clubs, a pinris oI pride, a dasis 0f dar- ing andi a little bit of scisool spirit, se sisould bave tise recipe for one of tise bout srisool vears M.'OJt.S. bas even knawn! T"PwIaSA a t5-tATTi.a feyre effî.dy MtulaSIMs ORLYt.iTotiay 15 the tnip! lierIeM imVur TSimOCrédit CMd A ros nof 115Grade 1 e e*FOR eUR eVOR eHO DROILL bY SKP-CRAFT Tosm.nibls tpeed ad Ois tase Riaests oesasmuisp ss lmaImihse.M5f ioIs- SALAD UOWL MU bytty istac. ittled l te best oes ry .t noSyu ale.atOn@ ma4Oasis ad Ir pttoand k tsesm g'md oude o1f durals. rkily &raiai atis fietlsisd Casiasardod. Law* Spmi8KLtR end OANDESNost ba lo isl a ieJtl' ip4fkimoafls 220 s ORLtet Ylesess ftlsl .~~005ffiktmatst5d ses.pend ai dents take Expo by storm 10 ta Grade 12 students afI ilIn District High Scisool trît for Expo '67 ai Montreal this mors- ing iWednesdsyl on a four- day excursion that promises ta lie as edurational igbighl aI tiseir hores. Tise studeats are paying their oses say. inrtud- ing $45 tisaI covered th bus trip, 'accommodation in th THE WASHER _______ W1TH A 12 YEAR MIARANTE Mercier Hotel la Motreat and thIb entraître ta Espo; plus spendlng maaey attise site of tise Wortds Pair. A boens on tise trip s a stop- over at tipper Canada Village os the iameseandtip Salon. day. Six staff members a1 tise sschoal sel are travelin iseti tise stodents as chaperons l:- clude K. 1. Black, Miss C. A. Cannas-as, Mns. M. Tiompsan, J. H. Sammy, M. V. 'Riody and Mns. M. Gray. Tise trip wsanogasized by bins. A. MacArthurn sho s. ranged tastIsommers Grade 12 trip ta Expo. birs. MacArthur said tise students enjoyed it sa murs andi pnofitted by tis e x- peiesce, tse itsmediateiy stsnted ta set op a 1.11 trip fan students tronts the other grades. "Expo is so seonderfltand it anty crames once la a ltetime,' tse emarked. Travai andiaccommodation arrangements sein madr eti lise Georgetoses Transportatian Company. Later in tise 1%67-68 srhooi yean, birs. -MacArthur hopes ta, gel asother Grade 12 trip an- ganleed. "Tise students are ai. ready anxiaus tao tart panning it." sise satd. If you tisk tise worM oses you a living. hostie ouI and cottect Il. tife isa111e a minron; il ne- ver refleets more tissu se pt mb to t POIUS FM THUNDU ttise Mlltas Ditniet tors Includle Jantce Coselesocf CookWvle Higis Schooi dasce Fndsy evenlng wsa Mike endi Sndre Whsiey of M.D.N.S. Sioki of this "Monda Court". Musîr approcla- Staff photo) SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL VEGETABLE SOUP DRsl.25 CHICKEN LEG DINNER & SAGE DESN GREEN PEAS MASI4ED POrATOES OR FRENCH PRIES CH-EF SALAD BAKED DEEP APPLE PUDDING PMORI MATUMONS INI 7S.W6 We " eOffenbuey Day tlugh.uO h.y*- LIDO RETAURANT loiie A mCONIuOuD Milie

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