*#isMWoods 1 1>Main St. -NiIItmf lIigrOOZA, 8&IOe batt, 2 bedroom uuetnd 1 diffli I ~ ~ I f - -- I n.W..... Som:a *.1W~ îi UAU~AT h, eàLIB"TAUI 119 LESAI -~ 1~~~~~ 14;- I WANTED 10 BUV 10 10o100 Aç.s Wlfh bworveihat bcatlngc- Bllon. Acto= - Oaomgtwn aà- ea. Pnivta. Phone: Milon 878-9267 l'ibn ~E. L.PAGE - " Um 342000feuprie.100acrs co-Memaber of tdu Toroato. Oniri dy toac o co banit bars, 8 and Oakvlfl - Trafalgar Dcc 142»m0fu rt 0ae s hoote. 4 ear ot Boa rd ic ido acramoe. ané, Nassga- ueya Twp. -Aaklng $4,M0. Cali 3878-2095 878-6057 vua to racani ales. lstings a- reqscred. We hava buyera wih absfantial dowa ACTON RED UCD FOR QUICK SALE 4-badrota brick home on min road, :modern onnveniences, large kitchan. dlntng rom, 11- ving rootn. Asklstg now only 1:1W fli price. open ta Or- LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS S4cdrom brick bungalow. 4 place bah, S farnaca, et- twe W e large bacamneni. Sydnery KLamb BEALTOR R.R. 4, Milton, Ontario 878-3212 Mm enta t Canaian, Onaro & 17c»0 PAUL S. STARR =ALTMe UMITE» 173 Woolwlch St., Guelpht, Ont. Brick Bungalow $».0 bhge a"d dry uih love ly vicu, 3 badrooni brick bun W nalarge lot 120x mIlea« norti of Mlo large livng roomuwiffr lcl crac. spaclocca ktchen uilh émple opbord, barduood floors. cf tached garage, fou bacenent uii og furnace. Ecrly possession. Miltoni Bungalow 324A50. 3b-bdon brick bunga low on an attractive treed loi -re drive. 2-cr gafge. opn dmd kitrcen ulOli ecdlct es, lovely large, briglitu rom uit h broadloom, 11eî bath Uit vanif y. flclslce e ioa nd macy extras. Campbellville Bongalom $21M00, nea bungalow on luie lot 185' x 150, lacafed 5 tolei nrt of Ccncphellvllle. achn, bus cf gaM, 3 large bedroonu 4place bah, lovely brigicf ki chen, ivng roon, dictng rooz ultis lovely vlew. eectoncTý hcafed, fa»l bacemnent sud walk.et Times 1200. DJ 13350. Early possession. CAM BARBARA KING Tel. 878-3551 17c 4 Bedroomns 319.50 for fiis lovly home, fi iched baemnt wlth xai wcchrom complefey feacu patio, barbecue end ma mm extrat. Maut be een t day. $3,500-00 Down Payment New aluotiacco ided. lectric ly beated, 3 - bedoom ouns low. gond czcd ktchen Wc living and dining tao, r taot pcmllally flnlhad wi walk-ouf, sifuated on »A ofj acre, just north of Campbe vilea - 401 cut.off. FOR SALE Lots and acreages la Mt Caniphelivill crac. Tai M" be arragetL We ara la deaperafe naed of à Ifg. v you are *hlnking buylzg or selllag, pleci tact yoqclocalleth agent STELLA PART0#N MNIton 878-6705 1I9 ACTON 20 ACRES $9,000, losantly ippeaclng prcp- erty, garden soitllvely buali, cooistlig of meple, beach and ast tincler, ni-a pond, gaod roacé farer af properfy. IdeaI for greenhaune, markt fgr. denn or seetené retreaf.1 Jut tep off N. 7 liwy. MILTON HOBBY FAIM 2800or hesl cas fifer for tiis vemy appealing 10 acres, beautffliy treed ulth «l0rooot immacclate hante, il heating, mooennizeé hrauglnouf, 3. alorey batn, safer, electrcity throughout. A eac fanily hsomenmd opporfunily ta aup plament yaur inoome. CALi. TOM BRADLEY 878-9543 17c»0 ACTON HOMES -raom brick bungalow ulth car. port. ln excellent condition, lot 54' x 12, selIlmcadcccped, close ta sclceolc and shopping. Aating $16,900 ulth 9330 douL. 7-root tri-level for inuneélafe possessian, gond central loca- Stion, 6%4% motrgage curries for ocly 5108 oacthly includ- ing taiec. FullI pice $18,50. Haite mc oSer. 5beroomebungalow sith car- port. hoote in immaacclate co- dition, cootplefely lanésccped lot 60 x 110, 6;4% 10. morlgage carrles for $114 > monfhly inleuirnaes. '» 5-roona bunglow in toncentra, x large lot, ful basement. new 811,50. C re'-Wfor*îj; dnonthly including laies. e Brand eau3-bediombnao tith tlcched gccga 4pion colorsé batiroom suite, camp lefely dacoralcé, bulit to E M i-A. apecificatlans. 7% mortgage. 13M 0d-ua. Pull prica $21O»0 'G.Aleclohnsorî 8 Mli Street Hat - ACISI Phone 853-2086 1c 01c c, - Incarne Properties Gond invesîment hers for ani, tloua bayer lanliis substa la red brick home with3 large self - containeé apat ment$, eaonomlccl gau &test pressuisé heating syseen.a) -minet tormsanmd cre.n and oduhr extra. The sort i done. Step in ané collet tIl revenua. riced aI 835.00 Tarot acrranged. Subtantlal red brick home uitl 2 large self.contcloed 3 - bed room aloarttents, dcle daunfaun art. Lit pour hom I& sort for you. Price 125,00. d,- In Farms and Acreage! 331,500, 14 acre grden faro t] 7-roasn stucco home, g» biarns wth ucter under poe cure, conveient ta main ra- for marktandmconotctg. ga 860,00), in central Burlingt -10IW acres pradctive lmcd wul sa. large farot pond, large br: 1h icepleotent shed, 1 % -.score mn house needa camte repui t»-. wonderful location. Ouie uilllng ota lie bact fin motrîgage ith scbacc doua payment. J"() per acre, .22 acres of w. tn- ed property wth cfrong flcy meg lostrecot, convenlent lo« inlerlcange. lt. Lciteau fr aU sasies. Sf Ccli pour Gibson Wlloughby~ Do eprecaotctives. Anna&Arci. Cairr Mo0 Main $tru à"Sa Phone 878-6980 For Se.sice & Satisfactioan conscat IREALTOR ANDI 310 Main St., Hilton. ont. i 878-6292 878-6592 4 'FARMETTE' - 23 acres ai t gond fart land ulth comort.à abIe house, bant barnt. inple- ment shed,. garage and isagc bcrn, toua teater supply. close ta toua.Fa» price 52",000 suish terms. Call Art Feacact. $18,3W0 - Modern bungalow, bubl196, conicllng af i spa- caus living root, ktcisen, 3 ledroonts. bclhroot, full div. lécé baseotent. -FIA Sas heat-« icg, 63496 oortgage. Montisly payoetsa$111.11 F. I. & T. Large lot, close 10 scisools. OMKIVItLE - $7,900 flt doun1 payotent 9 - root spllf - level home coonprlslatg a spaciaus combication livaig mcd dntng root. titchean, naturel uoaé »finisheti oupboards anédcco- ter unita, exhausl fan, fatily root, 5 ledroota. ctility mont, F/A gat s ectlng. 1 fuli bthrot, 1 2pece uasraom. -This is an ideai hoote for a 1 large faotily. 6%4% mortgcge. -Moailhly payoetsn$115 P. I. & 4 T. Ouser opean 10 offer. COUNRY LOTS - 14 acre ta 15 i acres, wuthin 5 miles of Mil v tes. Ficed fiant 133M 0 > $8f-Some' v s cenic les 0 cation' os'una eC"ciment. 2 Terots available. r For the Best In Real Estate or Insurance -:Cail 878-6292 17c20 I 8 TENDERS TENDER o For Addition and Alterations f0 Milton District High School HILTON, ONTARtO. Sealeti tenders on a cîlpulaInd set busis, plalaly otarted "Tan- dem for Billon District Iligi Scisool sli le mceived until 3Mpot.,..S.T., Tlcuraday, Oc- >- laIer Sh,1967, attise officec of t- Dunlop, Wardal. Mataul, AIter 3 90 Pomytise Street, OakviIle, or t- Six Points Plaza, lIciiaiton, Ont ki. Tenders for Mecisanacal an- Ds Electrical scalconfractors 10 be la deposilcé tith thse Toroanbo Con- te structian Association Bld Depos- M. itomy, 92 Yortville Sreet, Tomai- ta, betre 3.00 potn.. E1.S.T. Wedneaday, October 4, 196. h Dreingsanmd specificctions ee oay be abtained froonthlIe Arci. ce tect at 90 Forcythe Sret Ok cieque payable 10 tise Archltect Cieque refundable cpon retual af docuotents i gooé candition s Draulanga andi cpecificatiaa, dch oay le vieued at Archiecta CO néd fices aI 90 Forsythe Sreet, Oak as ville and Six Points laza, Ishiai las ton; tise Toronto Constructifl Acociationa nd tise Haotiltcr Ecilders' Exchsange. ti Loweett or any tender nal nec rn, esaarily accepîcé. M' ple 4r, 1, Tieresa Stein, RR. 3, o« Caotpbelhville. On., ilI nal lai le responcihîe for any debla t" or obligations lncurred in otynancoe or of The Car4van oé- -etaurant, -Milton Plaza, t. Milton, Ont., aller thic date, 401 Sepleoter 7th, 1967, sutla- ouI t y urittela signature. -19a FINO M Tise ucp fa extra cah by unling items no longer hi c0 aca uith ac ilendlp Champ- ion ClasfltéAé. ARTMtAN SPRI4 SlMLL CRM K- .150 ACRES A great aId farm for feu - tint fammlng or Idéai for the weet. ender. Cisat beé la deep an- ouhfor d«leoting; caché ha mallaite tade hais. Wctan runs throuis barn yaar round. Containa 135 crop acre, 50 x 83 barn, 4bedrom home. Eld. erly couple, bath ovar 80, must selI. Astlng 324,0. M. K. HENDRY REALTOR Tel.: 519-923-2812 17c20 in the Matr oCf R. S. Adams Stores . U Lmited ed ara raqueated f0 aend tdu sute to tdu underslgnad collcit-. ors on or before the 20<11 day of September, 1967, otherwlse the assefs of thse aforeaald coot- pany wil» be diafrlbufed wltisou regard te tieir clalots. SHARFE & NICHOLS, 207 Mary Street, MILTON, Ontario. Solictors for R. S. Adaots Stores Liotted. Dated t Hilton, Sept. 4,f196. 19621 Notice to Creditor.ç 1 Electoral District cf Halton East Public notice la hereby glven, pursaof10 Section 73 of due - Voterc' Licta Act, of the Revision of due Vofers' Lîcîs for c&l poll- la duhe tae0f JAMFES BELL. ing subdivicionc for tca laIe cd tdu Toue 0 MAton, la due Coscty of BtoneAutnmz-O N 0F M L bila DealIer, dacaccad. T W F M LO - In the Electorsl .Dctrict f e iton Eact aAIls peas having thany dai AND FUJITHER TAKE NOTICE dthatsittings will be hefd by aaînît tse ste thdedaonvo- t he Revislng Officer cf the tIoes and place hereinaffer cet forth. aouteddced wh aido rAny person qacallfied ta vote cf thc pending election 1 lIce L.egia- abouttae r6thday of December, lAtive Asscmbly and whose naote hac been ootitted fran or icn- 16,acrlured ta tend 00f-I correct ly entercé la, the enumeratorcs liaItcof votera lc called upon ice of the tame ta the undercign- 1 ta attend et -thce timea and place hereunder ment iancd for the pur- cd Solicitors an or before the po.e of hcving hic came enrolled upon due votera' lista ta be accé 4th day of October, 1967, affer aI the sald election. Coraplaints wlclch have been prsperly filed, whicis date the distribution of wtth reference to names wrongfcully enfcrad upon due enumcraoec the catate wll be otade with re- lista wlll be heard at thcac aittinga. Such complainta must be flled gard only ta dlaims on notice. with the Clerk ta dce Rcvising Officer an or befote Dafed at Milton' thit 6tis dayOTBE 2d,16 af September. 1967. CO E 2n,16 HUTCHINSON & THOMPSON, 219 Main Street, Milton, Onario, Solicitors for the Esecutors. '9c"1 Notice ta Creditors las due Ecite ofMICHlAEL JOHN CARTN, liMe of du Towas 0f MilIc, lastdu Ceucas ty oret aIn, Rattrad Fermer. Ail persans iaving any clabota againstl the Esate of the abose- naoted deceased. uho died an or about tise tth day of April. 1967, are reqaired ta tend notice of tise taince totcfhe undersigned Slicitors on or before the 20th day of Seplember, 1967, af 1r whiicis date the distribution of the estate will bc otade with regard anly 10 clalots an notice. Datectatc Milton this 23rd da of Aamgstlw7; . HUTICHINSON &TIIOMF- SON, 219 Main Sreet Eat, Mitton, Ontario, Solicitors for tise Executors. 19C19 'l Notice ta Creclitorsi la dh naeaof PIILIAI UCHARLTON. Oparo Ail persans aiig clioti abast the Etate of PhilipA ur Charlton. laIe af dcc T of Milton, Operatar, uho on or about -the 26tis day of uary, 1967. arc e hrchy nal ta sené partîculars of sai thse underaigneti on or b tise 21sf day of Octaber, 1967, after whlch date tise tale ulîl le distribctcd uitl gard only -f0 the clabmo f w tihe undcrsigned shaîl then sot ice, and the underaigned rot le lhable ta any perac whise dd i e shah nt have notice. DATED at Georgetown, 101h day of Septeotier, 1967. John William Charlton. Execulor oi tise Estate af lin Arhsur Charlton, Bs hia solcitors, LATIMER & BAIN-ES, 5 23 Mlii Street, *Georgetownt, Ont. Notice ta Creditî AND OTIIUS S duth Matar 0f9dhalast F_ BAIL PAT1CC TRAi late rMMiescStreet, t Touas 0f Millon, latuh0 o tydof Hcîtoas, VaritY Steu . ear, dacaaced- > Ail persans isaving clair atot tise Eslate of BASIL I01110K TRAYNOR. late of3 - les 'Street, i tiseToua ic tan,in tise Caunfy eof1H Variety Store Operator. d .cd, uha died a-orabot lîth day of August, 1961 requestedt f send particali tiseir clal o th ie under5 Dn or before tise 2Ofh d octaber, 1967. after whirl tise said Htate uil ed 12 cted amoan tise parties ar thereto, and tise Adoini' will n01 be hiable for any-c w hiclt he ias not ties notice. Dafed tise igts day of S ber, 1967. SHARPE & NICHOLi 207 Mary Street, ýMitan, Ont., Solicitors for tise At tratat. ir.mc1I Milton wilîl e open for public inspection etftdu office of the Re- turning Officer lacatecé 11103 George Street, Oakvllle. betwecn tdu hours of aine oclock c.m. and five oclock pot., DS.T., on and afler Tisursday. September 21st, 1967. The Lita may ao be inspectcd at the office of the Clrk of the Town tf Milton in the Municipal Building btween tise houra 0f nine aclock acm. and five oclack pxn., OiS.T, an and cter Thursday. Septeotber 21sf, 1967. SITTINGS ulîl bc held for the Regtration and Revisiof Dis- trict of the Towan eofaMilton et 219 Main Street East. Reglatailen and Ravialag Offlcer - F. DAVID THOMPSON iClak le ItaicOMMea - LORIRAINE GARDN4ER Office of Reviing Officer and Clark. 219 Main Street Eat. HOURS OF' SITTING: <MIl DS.T.) October 2nd, 197-2.00 p o.00 pot. and 7.30 pot. ta,9.30 pan. Octaber loxi.197-2.00 pot. 10 4.00 pot. and 7.30 p.o.t o 930 p.. October 4th, 496-2300 pot. 10 4» p.m. and 7.30 pot. fa 9.30 p. DATED at MILTON, Septeother 12d, 1967. ALAN B. SP(IAGUE, Chairtan of fthe Election Board for the Cocny af Italton. 19621 THE ELECTION ACT Section 3(7) APPOINTMENT- 0F CLERK TO-THE ELECTION BOARD TC ML.VWHOM IT MAY CONCERN This la torgie notice that fara. Dorene Pierce of the Toun of Miltan in theCaunty of Hlion ca by resolutian 0f dcc Election Board of tdu Coanfy tcf Gialton on due 6th day of Septeother, i967. appoint cd Clerk of the caid Board. Correapondence ahould bea d- dreaacd ta the sacM Clerit at The Caurt flouse, Mitlton, Ontario, mcd tise telephone calls -fa Hilton 878-2801, extension 41. DP.TED cf Milton, Septcotber 6th, 1967. UML PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO ELECION THE VOTERS' LIST ACT FART I NOTICE 0F REVISION 0F VOTERS' LISTS For the Town of BU RLI NGTON Electorel District cf Halton West Public notice is iereby gises, pusuant to Section 73 of tdu Volers' Lisis Act, of the Revisican caltdu Volera Lista for cil poli- ing subdivisions for tise TOWN 0F BURLINGTON In lise Electoral District of Ifalton West AND FURIIR TAllE NOTICE dut iftinga dUllh hléby tise Revising Officers attise tiotes and places hereboaler set «lfit. Any persan qcàified 10 sole a cpandingelcCtlio d Lg isiatise Asseothly andi teiose nae be n mite froan or incorrectly enfereti in, t he enuoterataras liaI af votera la ccllcd ttc- an ta attend at the ites anti places hereunder otcnlioed forntdu purpose of isasing las naine enrolleti cpon tdu voler liste 10 le cseti attise saiti electican. Coacplaintc wich have beau proparlp f ilcé ubtisreference 10 nates uranglcly eatered cpon tdu enta- eratrs lisîs teili he huard at these siflinga. Scch compicints mail le filet i thstise Cierkt 1 tise Re-esing Off ice on or bd=re__ OCTOBER 2nd, 1967 1de- ALAN B. OPSAGUE, VOTERS' LISTS for ail palling subdivisions of tdu Toua of Chainnan of tdu Election BOad calington uill be open for public inspection at due office of tdu for due Cocaty of aIeon. Retcrning Officer lacated at 458 Elizabeth Street between due a au. g isours of nine oclock amo. and five o'clock pin., D.S.T.. on and .rtlc ___________________________ affer Tiscrsday, Septeinber 21a, 1967. rowic The Lista otay also be inspccted aI thc office of tdu Clark of didtise Toun of Burliaigfon in tise Municipal Building betweantdu Fiad hacrs of nine oclock at. mcd f ive oclock pan,. D.S.T.. on and tffedaffer Thursday, Septeotier 21st, 1967. e te tiare SITTINGS wil l e ielé for the Registration and Dcvialng Dis- AD. trict of the Touai of Burlington as fotiosa: eEs -NARO1.For tisaf portion of fisc Towai of Brlington lylng seat of PRO INC 0F ONT RIOta -ouhry iecootposed 0of -Kerna bcad, Jub'aiLaasc whic PR VIN E OF ONT RIO and he orton o th Ouen lizabeth Way rmwing c caufherlp havedirctin toNorh SoreBoulevard: mcd c fcrther portion of tdu 1 ilELECTION Town of Bcrlington lying south.ucsterly of due North Shore Batée tises yard fa, and including. tise Brant tnnn 502 Debomàh Cessant. THE -VOTERS' LIST ACT Ragltrationandé RevWcng Officar - JRM UT A.PART Ilit Office of Revising Officer mcd Clerk, M2 Dehorah Creeccnt. sale 2. -For tisat portion of tise Town of Buraingan bocndeé on due d h-NOT1CE 0F West by a narfiserly - southerly 110e composedl of ICe adé Jobs Lane and tiseportion of t he Oucen Elizabeth Wcyrnan REVISION 0F VOTERS' LISTS in a aoutiserly direction to North Shore 1ocalevard; on àïm For fhe Ton cfof tise Oueen Elizabeth Way and fisc North Shore Boulevard, euat- FortheTow oferly along tise Nortis Shore Boulevard to the Brant Inn, soufhalp l9c2ota Lake Ontario anti then easterly ta the Guelph Lina; on du erat 092 A K V I L L E b tieGuelph Liaie; and os thse north hy the North ServiceRacéd osElectoral District cf Hlton East J lIce Oueen Elizabeth Way ai 704 Cocrtand Place Ragitrtmtioct and Reviiing Officer-Wl-LLIAM E. lOOUR-IGAN Public noatice is iereby givean. prsuant to Section 73 of tise Cert tu Revlclng Offlea - DO"A TUILY Votera Licta Act, aoflise Revtsion tflie Votera' Lista for ail poilI- Ofc fRssn fie nt in,74CutéPae Mea of ing subdivisionsa for the Ofc fRvsn fie n lr,74CutadPae KNRroe , r i~l~Al 3. For thaf portion of tise Toun of Burlinglon bon& id on due la due TOWVYN OF r OAK5IVILLE west by tise Guelpis Line; on ties octl by Lake Ontario; on due cua- In tise Eletoral District of Hilton East east by tise Town Line between Burilagies mcd Oekville; and on a O>p- AND FURTHEIR TAXE NOTICE tisaI sittiangs tili be held lise nortis by the Quecai Elizabeth Wiay aI 5SM Brannley Racé. by the Revising Officers athtisefmes and places iercinaffer set Regstrations ccd Reviieg Offlear - HUOI DUAN ns ag- forth. Aaiy persan qualificd ta vote ai lise pending electian 10 lise Clark te R-Avlag Officer - BBRYL GOSHI - FAT- Legisiative Assembîy and uhose naine has been omnitteti froot or Office of tkeising Ofl-icer anti Clark, 5370 Bomlep Roacé 38 Mi- incorrectiy eniered in, tise enuoterators lit 0f volera la callcd cal- 4 o ia oto fts oac irigo ocne nd f i-on toatend at lise imes and places iereunder otentioned for thdcc *% htpr-ino h ono ufigo oneo h laiton,- purpose of hcsing iis naie enrollcd upon the votera' lista 10 be tes by a northeriy - soutinerly lune cootposed of dueHast Plain- 'sto'sed a h said eleciioit. Conplîlols uhicis have been properîly iorougisTown Ln n en od ntesocth by due North eceas- iîed wt eeec onie rnflyetrduo h nm Sersice Road of tise Oteen Elizabeth Way confinulng eaaterlp ilm ut theseraows ista refereear to na e uro tngully cedcapnlinsenust-the Oceen Elizabeth Way; on tise eat by due Toun Linabetwees e re tors ile isstheulîbeerd a tseesitnga. ucis on plarnts muaIOaitville and Burlington; and an tdu forth by tdu Toua Lina bu. are efildwt ieCei ateReiig0 ie na eoe tween Borlington and Nassagaueya cI 418 Brant Street signeti OCTOBER 2nd, 1967 Registrationan md Revsing officer - DONALD MIEM Icy of n date VOTERS' LISTS for ail poliiag subdivisions tf tise Touaaf i Clrk ta Revtang Offica - iMAS.BELLE LAM iarib. Oatvii-le teilI be apen fan public inspection cftishe office of tdu Re- Office of Revisiaig Officer and lert, 418 Brunt Street, nilled turoing Officer lacated aI 103 George Street befucen the houra of tetor fine o'clact ct. mcd fine oloct pot..D.S.T., on and 5<er Thur- OURS OFA 730 GS. 10930 pin. claimis cday, Septeraber 2lst, 1967. October Jrd, 1%7-2.00 pmo. to 4. p.amd 730 pin. 109 30 pin. recelv- Tise Lista mnay asc be inspected at tbe office of tise Clark af Octaber 4tis. 1967-2.00 pot. to 4.00 pt. mcd 730 pin. -t 930 pin. the Touai ai Oatvtlle in thc Municipal Builing betueco the hacams ýepteot- of nine oclact a.m. scié five oclact pot., DS.T., on and cter DATED at-Milton, Septecober 12th, 1967. Thuraday, September 21a1, -967.- ALAN B. SftAf3U SI SITTINOS siiî be hld for tise Regstration mcd Ravîsing Dis -airnduoftheBletio fard tricl of tdu Toum 0f Ockvillc ac fllows:foth myof& m1a loinis -. For that portion tf the Toun of Octvlle bounded an tdu 19a2 nortis by dheutCacao Elizabeth Way; on due met by tdu Foutreeci- îCsttnued cas Fage 10) Il PROVINCE. 0F ONTARIO ELECTION THE VOTERS' LIST ACT FART 11. NOTICE 0F REVISION 0F VOTERS' LISIS For th-e Town cf M 1L TO0N 4 1 CARbàà 1 1 34 xears- çýontinucus mervice 1 .01 d tl -BbbeCrek; on the. west by the TomUrnee Ockvillic a"don thdu oc by Lake OtmPar %6o cf l Sout h. RagbivatlMd as tmag OMMterne - W. am3 aktise aldasg Offica - MION &JU*EBE Office of Revlalng Officer and Clark, %6 Browle LacéSOUi& 2. For that porkion of the Town of Oakville boundu casthé west by thec Fourteen4tîle Creek; on fte narth bY the OumesEliz abeth Way on the east byteSxSNU Cekadoduc& by Lke Otari st 35 hurcli Street. Raglisration and Revlaiag Ofnlca-DOUGLAS G,.AA* Clark teR fluc Officar - BEATICE NERO Office 0f 'Revislng Officer and Cderk, 235 ChancIt Street. 3. For that portion of the Town of Oakville bocnded on the icest by thse Sixteen-Mile Creek; on the north by flhc Oceen Eiliza- beth Way; on the east by thse Town une betwen the Cocctiaz of Halton and Peel and on the soutis by Lake Onttaria at 168 Lakte- shore Road East. Regstrat ion cnd Revlcasg OMMlar 30810P. I.FORD Clark 10 ltevlclng Officer - fOAN 30ONES Office of Revsing Officer and Clerk. 168 LakeshomRe B ut1mi 4. For chat portion of the Town of Octyllle U"Or thed Oueen Elizabeth Way at 103 George Street. Ragstraioa and RevIain Offlear - JAMES G. IÎNWMY Clark te Revling Officer - DORIS AN4TOIN0E Office of Revising Officer and Clerk. 103 George Street. HOURS OF SITTINGS: <AIl DS.T.) October 2nd,;197-2.00 pom.t o4.00 pot. and 730 p.m. 10 930 pin. October 3rd, 1967-2.00 pan. to 4.00 pot. and 7.30 pot. 10930 pin. Ocloiser 41 h. 197-2.00 pot. f0 4.00 pin. and 730 pot, te 930 pin. îDATRI) at Milton, September 121h, f967. ALAN 8. Sl'IAI3UE Chairannof< due lection Board for tdu Cotnt y of Balon 19621