i CAMPULLVILL Women- buying chairs for vestry of church By Ni-. George agUa financtat report, Mrs. James Mns. Robert Hurren was hos. Robertson gave the cheer re. te"s tu, the September meetinge port. and thc president gave ut St. Davids Womens Associ. the quit report. Donations ation meeting, shen att gath. wecc accpted for the Miton ereti carly to viese the beautitul Fair exhibit. flomer garlens, .ftcr which Me. E. D. Mmtoes and Mns. Mms. A. 1. Moore pnsided md J. K. Mahon et named a cont- opened with 'Be Stili and mttee ta get flomers for the Know." Mns. Howson Lush church for anniversanv, Octo. tok charge of the devotional ber 8. priod assistcd by Mms. Lloyd Plans wcre made for a pot Crawford who read a prayer hick supper in the church for hi Chiet Yettowlark. Donations th October meeting an Octo. of gond used etothing itt tic ber 11, ta whch ail ladies of gladly accepted by Octoben 1, thi. conretattan milI beitn. 2, 3, for an tndian leservation vited. by Mms. J. K. Mahon or Mr%. The roi] clt was ansmered A. . Moore. by naming a highlight during Mm. Kenncth Moore sent tac yaur sommer vacation. by t3 ladies% The birthday sang ma3 sung for Mm. James Rabeçtson. Mrs. Murray Mahan and Mrs. ORMARYRobert Hurnen. Mrs. George OBITARYInglis and Mrs. Murray Mahon mccc named a cammittec to Mrs. J. McLauglulin purchase 'tcw chairs for the Mn.Anne ç4.u44in,4idvestry ofthe churnit. hIr Anie ÇI.ugllindic Ater the lastdhUans mas ung. Bepimmber 4 et. her «9iec, .4 i'rant mas repeajedi nm a socý i latnCentenimal Maoior.. à,m hlat haumcmlollased oveç a Mrs. McLaugllin tuakit i 12 to- fts days beoe ier death. She sas tppyf lthdy rtinst in ber 7tb year. app inMrriay reean, Mm. Mms. Md.aughli mas harn Mrs.lJ.nK Mahn F Mn Mele in Dundee, Scotland. and mov . D.. Mahon M. Weitte cd to Canada in 1904. Bb e- Rob'ErtD. ao.MsWilm ceived ber educatian t Uigny Mr. md Mrs. George tnglis sehool and was active in the attended the weekend Centen. Grace Anglican Cburch WA. il celebrations t Mitigrove The. t. of the tate John Mc. Saturdav aid Sunday. Laughlin. ste lu survivedi by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Donaven ber childmen John in Detroit, wr ekn iiaswt Nellie lMirs. R. Coatesi Acton. îoert ietkn is trwt Annie t Mrs. s. Kely) Jean Robert ng ai.rayget (Mm. L. Saes) aid Frank 0f tîgs Io Mr. and Mrs. Abent Miton and Donna lMrs. L. Page ai R.R. 2 Campbellville. Bod7) in Burington. Bbc was Mr. aid Mns. Lorue Colina ut also the mother of the late Ri. t. Campbcttvilte, Mr. aid Edith McLauglii. Ms .K aa i n i Bbc was tihe sister ut George Mis.J K.et MareaifMrCamp. Pryde af Dondas, Phitip and br eitteai Mnsre oaimp. Les of Peteborough aid the S:alvl and irso and R.t tate Aea of Port Wiltam. Bbc C*ampevRoinsn. .R 1 was a sister ta Mii. Margareit ca nd Mel 'Rsi Crbei Mton Mci. B. Cremion of are enjaying a fishing trip in Muriton a M m.et Bres 'r tise îortb thi% week. Buacintonh) ot and r tJehe Many of tis district attend altos 'dif orant'idth ed the t3lst annivemsary of tate Edîth hi Prvd the Nassagameva Preshyterian Ch Mis.te o Mcatinwahe steAexne rcb Sundav. bth mrniig Prduer nf tsie latew teaner i evening service, shen Rc. Preand ssvie Mate. F N. Young, BA. ai George the MKemsie Funerat Home ontkchrefbt s. September 6 with 1ev. R. P. vices. ___ Jeffares officiating. Intentent -Aoeracdn m r- took place at Evergneen Cent. -pote ataccien bih on:. tae arr y. ila o Guelph LUne soutb of Camp. Pelîeares mre FilayMn.bettvilc Wednesday evcnlngof Callunt. Peter Crewson, George lait week. A Htamilton mtan's Avery and Lawrence Milson of car received SM0 damagle and Milton and Ion Pasons oi Ac. tmo peuple In the car were ton and John Sanford ai Bur. sightly injurcd wbcn lt miss- ington. cd the curve. lma adouble-rIgwdlm ce remony i rac. nlia *hEh.Iiton, om Anut 119 îleverley Wilmi Woodsaecm the. bride of John Criaiopber Ltvcey. Rev. Dr. T. M. Dutan offlclated, and Mn. George eweli wuseorganist Tii. bride la thc daugl#ter of Mr. and Mms. Wiiam 1. Woods of M92Meadowbrook Dr., Mit- ton. and la cmployed et North- cernBcctic plant. The groom la the son of Mr. and Mms. leg. lnald Livcsey of 637 Wlckcms Ave., Bulingtan. and an emp loyee of the town rof Burting- ton. Tii..pmipwmb ofanithe bride, Mr. and Ms. .Barry Mc- Lcod of Rlii 1, Acton, and Mr. Harry WolfCampbellvilllc mc rnn or the marriage. White chrysanthemutms and white gladioti decom'tcdth Ie church as the bridé came down the aisle on thse ai of ber fa ther. Shc mon. an cmbroldercd chiffon gosen wth a long train and crystal hcaddrcus. She car- ried a bouquet of yllow roies aid more a pcart necklace. 'Mms. Bonnie Desaurler, thc brides sister of Vancouvcr, B. C., mas matron of honor. Thic bridcsmaids er. Charteme Armstrong, a cousin of thc bride. Vers 'MacLod, mm aunt of the bride, andJoan Ctsld, a friend of the bride. Acother cousin, Gsecn Armstrong mas flomen girl. - mmstwb InfodiorMW6 gem Livemey mme 5!eoilBlam Ushera mre *Mlm Posrot q# Brtl imand Gog ig. Braamptom, both frand ii adtebrilde'.uncle Over 100 guests wore mies' talned mnt tcereceptloc mt the Mohawks Inn, CimpiielIvill wbcrc lb. bride'. mother te. cclved i a bue lace die wth swhite acoecsorlesanmd white gardenlai. The groom'. mother assistcd, wcarlng a tur'- quoise brocade dress ithll white accssorles and a white gandenla corsage. Yellom car. ations and white glatdioli dec- orated the banquet mont of the mol.i Telogroaes werm read front thc groom'. auntsanmd umcem living in Emgland and New Zeatand. Gucts ttendedironi Kitchener, Gueph, Durllngton, Acton and Milton districts. Voltowlng a boncymoon trip through Moribari Ontario, thse couple have taken up resîdeace et lA. 3, Milton. The bride'm golne.away outtit wae a two- picce navy drusa mtb a cor. sage of baby yelow roses. Prior to the wcddlng, several shoseers mere held for tise bride. Hostesses lncluded Mas. Wallhouse, Mr. Yvonne Chris- tic md Mrs. Jack Bayton, and the bridesmaids hetd a abomer at the home of Mms. Ivan fut. strong. O.P.P. investigating fraud, theif cases Dormeg the meek of Sept. 10 to 16 incusive, personnel of Mittan Detacbntent Ontario Provincial Police monked a tot- al af 793V/i houns aid patrolled 6,759 mites on arcs higbways. As a resoît of patrot, 64 traffle changes were prefenred, 54 traffic amnings weme .med, aid 50 vehicles were safety chccked. There wecm 69 convie. tians rmgistemed in Magis- traIe s Court durnng this per- iod. lTber. e e. 10 property dam.- age accidents investigaleti and fixe personal injury accidents, resulting in six pemaon bing injured aid total propemty da- mage of approxintately $6-.. Causes af accidents mer. inat. tentive driving, olloing to closely, driver lait controt of veblcte. and cutting in. Thece weene nune charges lad as a re- suit of these accidents. Thityeigbt genemal occur- rences wcnc repoted dunlng this period, iicludlng imo break, enter md thefts in Es quesing Tmp.. two fraud inves tigatians resulting in one pen. son hegarested and chang. cd. one minsing juvenile lac. ated aid eturmed home, on. person arreited for Mcmio To- minta Police Dept., thrae minor tbefts being lnve&tlgated, aid three presmises found Insecure at îlght. Other occurrencea were of a minor atura. fa eamtesctloaluia begun on Higbmay 23 ooth of 401 Rtwy.. construction rose speedi ara bing posted. These potail speed imits shal h strlctly eforced, ccordlmg to C. 3. Pamknson. sergeant. JUSI RIGHT for Back-to-School J Wear Plain & Pritsd Corduroys rom $159 yd. Riviera Flammel 54" Washable - Plains, Cheiks, Plids......... $2.98 yd. 54" Wwol Sklrt Lumths Bold 77 ...... $1.98uque", Liviey-Woods A SUMMU WEDOIN@ in Grae Anglican Church on July 15 wsa followed by a honeymoon trip to Cape Cod for Mr. end Mns. Richard Phillip Desiaurier. The brida is the former Mary Louise Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Robants of 114 Court St., Milton. The groom is a son of Mr. end Mrs.* Fern Destauier of 49 Mary St., Milton. Rev. Dr. T. M. Dustan offloeated at their double-ring mariage ceremony. OMAGH PRESYTERAN C1URCH 2077 No. S Side Road, Oakvle Minister: REV. STANLEY E. SMITH, B.A. 129th Anniversary Service 1 1.00 a&. Roy. IL G. loMuMLAN 7.30 p.m. R..F. L KENDALL, B.A., B.D. oes hop an fSis 11* $o ohn t=bm Catherine Mc>owal, Bonok Taylor, Semea Quionn.marie MariMurphy. Norman Mose. bray, Cath tieTuait Wldfong, hellyno Mdte«rr Janct Brodie, Robert Damvia, Danny.Ervin, Nancy Newl, Karen Smith, lathy Crydor. -ln Tetrcy Kant, Imme Thomnon, Patricia Orr, Jo-An McCoy and 'lathy Eliaton, an. joyed the exhibition for only M3 per person. MflOS DuIeIW are 110W.,. am nd to"ntalking your language. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! Officiai Opening TODAY (Wednesday) OFFERINOt NEW OWNERS: OPE: Cakes end Pastries WERNER and Mon., Tues, Wed., Sot. 5kkii (off.. SIp HOMDEARD BURCK 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Take-utsandwiches a Iu hmac unIs.Rhlsm H.& oU h .rg S alelady: Mus. Waltraud Frift, Thurs. and FM. = )eastUamus hm baeteg Mnotuh ea&m C 'mntiumiliaie omosiion Finé hmuwitd and Vending end Lunchs.. 9 &.M. to 9 p.m . 1m WServlng 4e aaug aeelEàmtma Dunstl r O undy 11 rn.te3 pm. Woldnt o reaIly radier have a Bulck? Se on nlorzd Bstck due I AIT'~I lII1AECEIAudhoiead Bi de or a le 1,-68 MI O DELUVI ICi.jjSi'q 248 MAIN E. - 878-2081 MILTON MOTORS SALIS Limiffl --- -- - - - - - - - __. -MILTON, OT 'g t fi 32 studants enjoy Expo A total c 32 dblidrefr=n Milton public achoole rrlved &t B»ram4ton rallway tatIoni Mdady evenlmg after e four.1 dytpto Ipo67 "o-or cd by the BrMaIq.. in club ini cooperation sita the1 Milton club and Mlton public asiool board. The youngstera, lncluig Englebent Nowak, Anti Collin- son. Nancy &tisizzi, Mary SPKIALS TiISMEÇ "New" CHED-R-SPREAD - 16-oz. las -57c ea. KAM Lunchoon Most, 12-oz. tins ...47cs. MaphLm a KLICK Luncheon M.at, 12.o:, tins .... 57c èë. Roi. 2 bmuOc. 6e- Lage51, Bau White Swan FACIAL TISSUE ... 4 boxes 95c JAVEX - Reg. 89c<.......... 75c 128-om. gei. Bâ& Sic - 240&L ove ChrIsties <Buttermate) BREAD .... 3 loaves 65c BANANAS .....-...............1Oc lb. Sunkist ORANGES . ...---------- 3 doz. 89c Fresh Firm LETTUCE ......... 2 heads 29c #Ae Fryers CHICKENS -- ........--35c IL Fresh Chlcken LEGS or BREASTS ..... 45c<IL Fr.sh Roast PORK SHOULDER .......37c IL Frmers PORK SAUSAGE ..........43cIL Suif PORK CNOPS ................ 49e lb. Fresh RUMP ROAST ............ ...79c lbs. WING STEAK ...........................75c lbs. CHUCK STEAK - For Barbe<uln ...65c<IL Fresh Lean HAMBURG ---.........39c lb. Lean Bock PEAMEAL BACON 6....... clb. ALFON SOFS FRUIT MARKET 172. Mill St. Milton 878-2460 FREE DELIVERY. qmd