4YhS Cssnlen CNsePin, W*W"ady, Sept .,1967 Proficsency in any fild ften ruas witin a family frant ons gtnra tics ta tire next. Sa sacras tg ha the casa af pransin- ont sparts figure Ait (aaa) essn. Arts =etwas active la b Ielfrara the tirs e e as nid enotihi ta flnd is oses sey ta thre diamand until iis death lSetsiaof1951. But ire sas jut receatly acknoseledged friris otiton ta thre spart wiren iru was named ta thre Nova Scotia Sprts Hall of Fasse. Tire eider f lire diamand persasalities played his first argasized hall in Inverness and laler played for Glace Bay and Sydney. As J. E. "Ge" Ahern, president of the Nova Scotia Sports Hall af Pame pts it, Sammy seas a rasa with spirit and ama- bition and ire sas alwayos axiaus ta pass il alang ta youszer players. He oeffebe b Dominion Hawks la tire Cape Bretan Pra L.eague and et tac neeraI years sautirte senar teara Sassry caacired -th Juniar Hawks. Art stitl recals iis fathiers lait perfarmance as a bail player. "I sas a bat boy ties and ray fatirer seas tire manager. We were sirrtiandtd sa ire stepped in and irad two hiAs and a saalk in tirree tîmes aI bat and we won tiras game." Art sald. Sama senior sas 51 years aId aItirhaI ime. Foozy Scaloin, Fred Leaver and Art al played an las caacired bv tire eIder Melanson n Nova Scotia. Al trrea lefI Hoa Scatis lagelirer, spit rip an tieir arrivai in Otario and came lagetirer luter iere in Miltan ta pay lntermediate irockey. Art spent is ftst wlter travelling fram iis liase In Toranto ta Milton ta play iockey. Tire fltasing seasan ire mnoved ta Mltas wiere ie warked in a brick yard far a year hefare gins tu wark ai Kigirîs Mes's Wear. wiere ias ias ircen emplayed ever since. Leaver maved fram Brantford ta Mltas and stilI ives n tire ares. Perirsps Faazy wautd ha hast rememhared because of iis eility and caluir an ice. He piayed part af s seasos in Spring- field wiîir Eddie Siores tndians but nieyer casspleled tire season. Art bas bhem pari of lire Miltas Intermnediaie hasebali less since iis arrivai in Mltas n 1946. Ha coacired the teara ta a ciaspiansirip in 1949 and 1959 and stepped n as coacir sales Dick Clessent steppad down early tlis season. Ha also playad ihackey ustil tire intermadiale eara folded n favar of a junior entry tirea years ag. As fr as caaciing seat year gaes, tire Nava Scotian sative -has sald ie pas ta dacline but tire is a long sinter airead and s lot of ime for hlm ta chrage iis mnd Tireasse willngrsess ta ieip bail players and yaung hoc- key piayers ciat "Gea" Aieren speak of whan tiresasse Maas sas comaes up, s avidesi wiih rti or Sammsy junior. URm. .m#ut Rodny wlns s.ries two srlh becomes O.B.A. Junior B champs. YOiJNOSTEUM OLANCU OVR lcader Joyce Sciults siraulder to get a peck aItirhe score card end sec exactly hase il s donc. Registre- ions for youtir bowling began Saturday and altirougi sassabowsed tira (AmI day, ihe aga e wil b.undecway In carnestssext week. (Staff Photo) Oust.S%. Maris Jack Roberts paces Merchants to wun compete in finals againsi Petrolia Cassphaliville sutteresi une ai ire sorsi defeats tiailas avec bean inticlad an tiera Salur- day sales SI. Mays ied up lire seri-isai sries witir s lt-t victory. Tire ie fealura of St. Marys win sas -a saven rus ciglilli ising thtirasaî*cOtfip isired wilhir aspone it. Tire real esplanation aftie oulcaîne of lire gansa sas Caraphlîvilias inaiity la scure off the offeringi cf St. Harpas pilcirers Armstrong and lak seho lsi tirera go ose rso off tiree its (ail singes). Caraphllilie 511hlied sipies. ty f appartunsities tu, score as lbcy picked up nise satks andi 'et 13 men strasded on hase. Thaîsao St. Marys pitchers struck ouI nine. Hseey Itm whseose lest sîmil for Caraphalivilla lied becs on August 12, buriesi sex- as and ose-tiird inisgs. givîng Up ter. runs off fixe its. He sealkad sexes, bit Isea. struck oui six andsi entire viim oai a cry ioosa datasse. In Isso- tiirds of an inntins ol relief pitching Italpir Rinloul sirut out St. -Maryn ittera, but saikesi tsao. Riglt fielder Hastings drove s long bosse ruis aver the IcI - centre field tance in tIhe iraI Anni g lu give St. Harys tire leasi seicli tbay neer relis. quisbed. Armstrong saaikcd ta open tire bttora ofthtirhiird and lh ires sur Ieaomt 'Hast- inirA ir e hall 10 deep centre- field. -Bill Flial crairesiinta tire se tafnce in etre field as ire atterapled sire cacir and bolireanad tire hall sesssvec tire tance - but sot tagalirer. tht uraipires ruled Iis a double. Foîtunateiy tac Caniphalivilte ansd only Armstrong aaarcd tu, makte it 2-O for St. Marys. luthb se utb tsao alks andi s sngle by Love produced as. allier tu, make t 30 and tis is basatire score reraained ustil tire top of lire saventir, sabn saihose out Elliol wsansafe os an erar andi advanced on se iild ouI Tsao sasîs loadesi tire basas and lires Flial scor cd trora lird osnsasld pitchi ta close thea gap. The irsîlar of tire eigirli praed e0 a anigirîsare toi Caraheiville. V. Noble opet- cd tire Assise by bunting est wsa sale seien calcirer Pets Andrewes slpped asd feu seirer fieldin i. A salk put a man as irst and eccnd andi thar Leslie buntesi and tire play sent fram catcher ta huirt base andi usplre caled tire ruts sec sae - a rulise tirt ws hotlI diapulesi by Camapbell ville ta, sa aval. A salk and a bt baller forcesi n Isea rusi and the Caphellvilla got o ams ouI t lire plate on as inissed graunsder. Hastise tires bit seiat appiaered ta bl a susmedoubla play ball tt Dradge, but At aluck As hi g lave, a rus scoresi andi ti suertseanwacle. lira Nobk tire s ingled ln tira fA»lian. cltir riesoftli Assi tsl thre CM int Htftire tansa. ainloul repisesiHassltlon and analirer rus scored saien Andrewes drappasi a tirras t om Repta aItirhe plate. Tire isai rus af tira inning came in on sasild pilcir and sales tira otk chsqd,9t.Marys Hastings.ihcedansidaclo- bled fur Si. Miry s. Love, Jira N.be and Maxwel Il slng- lad. Elmer Dradge, Bart Cair- ns and Harry Hasiltan slag- lad fr Casspbelvilie. LINESSh Campville 000 000 -00 - i 3 5 St. Marys 101 10t07 -10 5 2 Caraphilivilla - Hamilton. Ris. taul (8) andi Andreses. St. Macys - Armsrang, lsck (8) andi Lesie. linOttesgun nIf the Ontario Intarinediale ' Finals w111 ha piayed in Cassphellvile on Sat- urday. Septessier 23 aI 2.30 pm. against Petralia. Ptrolia reacirasitire isais by detaatlng the defending Ciampions trams Fish andi Game News by a rn cui1stn iWthdocïkhuetlng sssa. onlp a be short seeks asasp, maphe e sthould al sir-rpas up a bit As more seeye tia one. nassety aurrasaser n liret fielsid anc ir a. Tiasea lva- ip fait Saturday atersacas are c a gond tisse to Set liraI aid1 sirotgun ou, maka sure t lac sot loadesi ansi Irea nsonob-1 struction lanlire barrai, cdean c and cA l At er leavisg il standng ail turassr. ,Most Satsrday aflamnonsej tramtsose on, tirera elhca a club merahar or twoataItirej trap and range of tira Malta. Spartsmnras Club Hanse ta as- i isI yan sitir pour prabiama ansi ietp siarpes pour eye sith a fews abts ai cday birds. Wien pan gel Ato thaefieid. yan sili fAssi lis selbave1 bacs tAse seau spest. Reineuner, Ilowss. Ierelas ana basic ruie in duck hirrslg tirait 1aradfrald s sot hause taoseed traM lenst fese ears. lb a fiock of ducks trayais ta- sard pour blinsi ansi panses a blid 10 get 10 pours. seit un- tl lirey get in range ansilaItirae otirrfettos bave eabaht ta pre- ventthIbm saste of sirels ansitira cripplise cf brds. MHatas Sparlsssen'n Clb e- actosngirt n Sapleraber ase a fes cianges la tire secutîve. Paul Canlon tank ovr tire presienl s$et f ram ira MouneAin afler Isea pears of service as Jura stappasi doses to vic-presisiast. John Reasi- hiras nstili secretacy. F05 Marsarl is tressurer silli Gorsi Misltas as iis assist- ast ansi Gordi Tuck of Branle as tire nasa eus sirectcr. Gordt bringtsill ihm a treasure of shoot planning ansi la sien an ardent hunier ansiteapsiroot- or. Pisg dretcr s DS lcemrney, mit asndbenexcient Kan L1»"l, pubietarelellita Arn CouIscs entertainisest cararalîle George Ptuciak, firis ralsing DieU Stiterai et ilbrde, hiracshsoe costuMe PrAmo -Rgo, building Ire Mtur- phy. The club bed lirir fsssiiy piania lasI Sstursiay and 1 grasasrps ans i kIs ail enjoyasi lise cars ruant as a conclusion toa sfine tesson. Bank ai Nova Scolie manag- er William Woods and iris sos. botir ardent irustars, spent a coupie of seeeks As Algonquin 1 Park ansi reparlea sgoasi halA-j siay but soltan ssmany fisir. gend.e »d lac Winder. Anse ansi Wayne Aucklansi spent s fisim eeendsailli Ara ansi Helen Caulsan et Ibeir cottage in lire Kaseartiras ansi returad seitir IheAr lirait af pickerel and bass. Wayne las. desi s 38incli Huakie (gel lis) saillias ultra lAgirI spînsAse reai ansi a tirrea punsi lest lina. Ruas Roharîsa.George Ra- bertson, Jira Mauntain, Elvis and Delaisr Coulsas, Art Rob- arIsos ansi lie Marshrall boys ara planning s meose irunt bor tira frst of Oclober. A spart tiret is catciring on fast As Eastern Ontario andi Quebea is niglit angling for saeap. t1irave Iriesi this ansi fins iAt mosl frustraline aller haAsg able a sac rap Uneaet ail tisses. To stacl fising et nighir l ka learsing al avec again. During tire day, tliraelteye is a gond gesse flair, If a bAt reluclant ta sîrike avtdiy. But sitar dark iahabcasses a rulir- lets predator. pauscing os any- liAs smalIer liras hfirself andi baIlles saIr detersslrstlos tiret atriums aven caperiesced wsall- epa fisirarmas. We mentiosesia a Lias As lis cahtnas about tire là- crassa In lire mambar of isir- las anti hualing icansstver tire pa6 15 pear. Ncseae sassa figuiret fronatisae United Blatsn. Lest p car rasideals al un spent 139 mllion dollars far 42,103,510 sixte iruntlsg et blabnlahcanss. TisaI la avec tIsece lire population of cain- dal llalkertoa An usea stralgir gamas seule CarapielIll caca bealing SI. Mary's, wselIn trr bad elirainatesi Hagers. villa. lin aseond ga» insel hacAs Paîralla on Srinday. Saptaraher 24 et 2.30 pas. -CarapbellîSI? advanced ta lira Ontario Inlarmediate "B" fin- ils hy bating Si. Hary's 6-I in tira third atsd deciding gantr oi thliîr ha-t of tirce series in Canspblvilte on Sunday lasi. Smarting from tire lt-I deteal liandasi Ihera by Si. Macy's, tire prctiaus day. Campbirelville calmly ansi efticiently cul doses thiritoppanents bhins iiJck Roirits ircilliant t i[ liipilcir- Dave Fleck seent tira routa lac St. Mary's, allaseing six ruas otft 12 huts. Haesaalked thrc, hut s bsitcc sad struck out tirrea. Hall tira bits ire ai- lowed essara luc extra bases. Roberts sealked tIssuansi struck oui fAve, Hc lit ana baller. In tire boltora of tira tirst Moore singled. stole second and sas siiven liase by Dresige's double taoinakesIt -t. la tire second Cirester scored [touit lirsi on loycers doubla la make il 2-0 andsin tire flihRapta saalked. seenIta osecond saies a pick-off astrapt seent sacane ansi scored on Manra's double ta huils iAt up la 3-0. Roberts singlesi la open tira boltos af tire seventir but seas oui a1 second on Repla's at- tesspted sacrifice. Repta stole second andsi sared an Moore's single andsi il as 4-0 for Camp- hlville. ln tire lap--of tire igirtir Maxwell walked but wsa ouI aI second as as intiald groun- der iry Ballenline. Mitchals soîrt singialei centre put mas an second ans tirird and a ii baller aded tire basas. Love tiras ut ta shrort and Camp- hilvilie sacresillis a sahisker of completisg a double play as Ballestise scored ta make il 4-i. In lire bottaraofatira igrtir Lary McPhiral horaered to make il 5-i and tiras Stu King dauh- lad and scîîrtd an Roberts' single ta complate tire scaring ai 6-i. àira Noblie and Mitchell sisg- led tur St. Mary's. Par Camp. baiville Ken Moore snd Fisser Dredge botir doubled and sing lad Iseice. Blu Kings utt so doubles. Jack -Roberts Isea sing. les, Larry McPhrail a bosse rn andi Dos Joyce a double. L14ESCORE St. Mary's 300 000 0i0-i 2 0 Csapville lit 818 12 -6 12 t St. Mary's - Plack andi Leslie, Taylar (6). Caiapbellville - Roberts and Joyce. Belles split series lose second gamne 38-18 Hilton Belles ansi George- towan Gergettes ara prasentiy deadockad n a - itliafoc tire Hulai LLadies' basebali dchamp- ionshirp. Milaonsean tira firsl gama -I andi losI the second gane 3-lt. Saedy Cutirirrteon was tira kcy 10 tle big sin toc tira Belles. Sire lires a sno-iitar ands srsîk out lb bailers As 'aven inninIts of play. Mltas broke outin lire score- lais sasse. saoring Isea ruas in tire s.sliransi faut nnlira seves- tir issing. Georgetowan scared n the sixtli Asise annsalks la L. Quackanhusir andi B. Ouakenhusir. Sirlhep Bridgessan lad tira Hilton batlin aiir ith assoe rus, a triple ansi Iso singlen, saille Caiha Handsi sngiesi huma tisses, Deirbie Burkiroider sng- lad Ilirea lAmes, Carol Hrarns loînerasi andi Sandra Watsoon singlas. The tablas lurnes in tira sec- andi fasse. Georgetosenseastesi no0 tissa leling thir presance ha ksosen as tirey sîruck toc 17 runsenlira f irstIinnise. Tirey scoresi six in tire third ansi At n tire îaxenlli la accouai fac the buik aofIthe scorlng. Milon scoras oi n lire firsl ana n tiretlird, tour n tire touclir, six n tira sialir ansi fIxe n lire navencli. Eveona os the Georgetowen squsti 50 ai leassl Iseabits. Pst Davldson led tire pack saur eigirl bits. BettyOuakeshusir ansi L. Quakanbshsrcairtad sia iAs saille J. Siepard. S. Quinn. ansi J. McNaIAay ail iad four. Eacli of liraMltas girls sot sale basa uits as seali. Mare Mcare, Kaya Mersir ansi C. Robinson ail ussi Ilrec a aai. Tira seat gae seure ln Mil- ton Wadnassiiy nigirt. -BaSehai is stitlin fuIl sseng, but ihockeylAs just aroiund tliracorser. IT'S FRID'S For Hab.rdaehoe Ferlm nsU Mdumen Our seeli pianneds tockt concentriles on qualliy, vsrlety and great calore ta convey an upled lissagetaImode«t prics.. RUD'S TAILORINO SHOP 217 Mal, b.Il. itâdnay cspitalized on a aIrs- tegic hsckfire andi tire tck of r ad clulch ir rting la hast tire Altos Juniors irere Sunday and sin tire OBA. Junior B Cirampionsiip to gamas 10 Tire sîretegia bsckfire casse in lire tap of liraaigirthi Asng. Miltasnseaudoses 4-2 sitis tse out and a mas on firsl sales coacir Art Mlansas chose ta put tira catcirer Pascue on hase' no Nayler couid tirrosa ta Hagg. Hagg irad slruck out tirrea imes in iis first tirrea trips ta tire plate. Wlsb men on firsl and sec- ond Naler tirrew lie re Wn plcir atnd Hagg assied it isto centre fied. Doug Cove rdale sisjudged tire hall andi movesi ta on it. The sras ssllad over iis iraad aad scored two rusa. Tire batter was lirrowa oui slidiag jasa home plate. Milton took aa earlv 20 leasi in tire irst isaiag. Rodsey scoced anca in tire liird, tirre lisses in lire seveatir and mov- ed ouI of reasi witi tseo more in lh iraegirli to takeas 6-2 wla. Bili Currie openes tire scor- isg in lira first insing sitir a long weli iris hall in straiglil- asesy centre feld far s home rus. Steve Gervais doubled! and scaresi on Bilan Stavrs single ia tire flrst innisg. Miton teft Il mes on base in tire remaiaiag innings. Tirey loades tire hases in tire second and again in the sixtir stasca but could sot cosse tlirougls witir liranecassary hingo. The emisad (tire latgest 0f tire seasoal rose ta a pitchi n the siathir inoswaien John Pensas came tircougir staia pincir ut single witi Leon Slickle as hase. But tira idea were retiresi sitiout anyona crasslsg tire platle and Radney retursesi liase wlnnern. Ras Nayler allowed six rusa on seves uits in gaisg lire dis- lance, salue Milton scored two ruas os seves uits. Bill Cur- rie iraseresi and sînglesi, Hq. ler, Trev Houstan andi Bilan Staver singied ISice ecd, Stickle douied and slnghad and Slave Gervais daubled for tire Miltan offence. Milton U.»sa8-2 lb.d Clinton home runs spark rally-vuctory tues serues Miltan Juvesiies last tire sec- and garat af tht serai-finals to Clintan irare Qundsy. Milton laok a 4-h iaad in tire second inning and incraased il 10 an 8-2 cossmand in tire fiflir. lira pruceedad tla blosetire gasse. Tisa lots lied tire saries et ose gesse eacir. Tire trsin paletofthtir gante casse in tire top of lira qixtir inning whien Clintan don- nesi tieir battlng siraca andi casse out ssalnging. Tiry sot tirrea con.scsstive singies and a doublea ff Trac Houston ha- fore Ricir Classant casse An on relief. Tira first battar ho Iaced «asiresiose irrta deep centre fieldi fora bosse rus. Vive rusa scored and tire sert tirrea mas seere retires Iin tors. A sissilar bating ensued Inl tira foliosaing Assise. Two bat. ters çlngied, a lirird gat on tirrougi a f ielder's chiroce srd tira tourti hossered, scorisa totir ruseAs theatinming andi tak- Ins a 1l-t esige tiras was sot cauntered. ObWn n rmd twa runs on elgirs is sainteHaustos was os lire sound and scored tour runs on faur uits off Classent. Bougirton pitchesi tire ast inn- ing sitrorit silowing as ut. Slave Gervais irorered for Milton, Crsig Brusir triplesi, Psggion lclpled, Brian Bougir- ion %inglesi Isice andsi sngles wenlta Leos Stickle and Barry McTracir. Hawes, Darlîlti andi Mustard sil borared for Clinton. Thsemarlas rasinma n Clsn. ton an Sunday. Gasse tIsse ts 2 pra. Tirrea cars are requlres far tira trip. If aspone la sel- ing 10 drive tirey siroulsi con- tact Nip Gervais taniglit (Wcd- nesday) or as soon as possible aI 978-3152. Must register this weekend for M.M.H.A. hockey school Registrationseul ha eaccept- Ragsrtions uNibhatakeS asi Ibis saeekand for a spatial Sslurday. Sapa. 23 frara 9 ara. hrockey sciroul sponsaresi by la, 12 saon ansi Susday tram lire Hilton Misor Hockey As- 12.3tol 2.30 pra. Ragstrains sociation, league secrelarY Bill tacs bave been set at 3.50. Rasasey annouscasi today. Tissas ansi breakdowsas selI Tire sbool w s eul hb ais t appear in saxl seemkt Chaim- Milos .AtaàpbiýOwIisg Qato- pion. ber 2. The u63~Abltu Mc. Rosaney alsa miorinces aaneaes 8-ht ansi registre-, axpactallans of 423 boys tfi lions saiSi halirates ta tire firal age six la 18 10 pallpeaIn 175 playara. mAsac ihockey titis year. the is coming to THE MILTON FAIR SEPTEMBER 29 and 30 Here is your chance ta play thm exciling Esso Hockey Game (the hit ot let years CNE) ... bromse lhrough the coiourfui hockey exhibit ... a nd find out whsVas new snd better in MODERN HOME HEATING EQUIPMENT. Alil thias v oura ta enjoy when the big Essa Hockey Caravan coraca ta îawn. Be sure you attend and enter your name in the big Esco Hockey Trip Contest. il's the big avent of the season ... DONT MISS IT) Win a ons*wook ~ 5l~t5 trip for 2 \ sld59îf teoany one of the 12 N.HL.. citios of your choice! d eta il1s at th e'Esso Hockey Caravan GUS MOWBRAY-878-2381i Yeur irepodi bu eAqent end M4me Haut Serie. Dernier 436 Main St. M. - Milles, Ont. e - - 1 's --- - ý M IN ga W, tu VI Pt 24 0 ai iri 01 c Si Ili p ci ti R il le ri tl 0