CONUUVAIVE SUPPORTER frors Oakville of the double decker buses. tact' bus mas end Burlingon travelled au Hamilton for John accompanied by a bond and the trip lu the Robers' kikoff in two double decker buses. rally aud back wan anythiag but quiet. Mrs Jim Saur sud lis wife ou h ieft sud (Staff Photo) George Kerr and hs wfe are showu in front Haltons Kerr, Snow help Robarts Iaunch campoign Excitenent aud entusiasmtuet echoed from une duuble-deck- figi erbus lu the otiser Friday as an George Kerr and lieu Saur cia supporters, spurred on by seg- Mr meats uf the Oakviile Citizeas' bac Baud and the Burlinglua Tour ' Band, travelled to Mamlton lu te help Ontaro Premier lohn P. v a Roberts officialiy kick off is ir election campaiga. wa The Haltos Eastanad ilaton tc West candidates and their sup- jus porters ttended te cally in rns Scott Park Schuol la Hamil- ton, travelling from their hume Sir riding headquarters in Oak gic ville and Burliaglon with saih bunload of supporters apiece. as Thcy joincd P.C. candidates ta front the is Hamilton ridings ta in supportiag the premiers kick-off. n 'Depite having to travel and el the fart maay were tied op el home eaumerating sud P- mn pariag th campalga. th Mal Ea tan supporters made up a5 h large portion uft he estimated pr 700 in atteadance. A mere an menion ut ithea' of the Hal- p son candidates brouglat with it so s chorus; of "Wlen the Saints ca Come Marchiag ta," or "Whea d Georgie Cones. Manealing Home." Whea 1the premier vis introducqd the clsoass changed from "Georgie" au Johaay" and peopre heered, bannera were rsised. girls danced and the bands pisved on. Minister of Public Works, th Hon. Ray Conneli wsa chalraaseta the rely and la- troduced each of the e'ght Ha- mton and area candidates who made brief speeches. Mr. Kerr warned votr to benare of opposition promises - "Ive heard them time ad ime again. They'H i tke over this, lheyll take over thot. They're going ita pay 100 per cent ut tbisanad 80 per cet o that, 115 not Ihat simple. Ra' nîng a goverament li no easY cltore.." M. Snow expa'eased gratifi cation to, ho a PC. candidate and said Je was confident non slone wld bc lef t uturned in tihe Conservativec ampaigu. Mr. Conneil reierred to the new federal leader Robert Stafleld as "a quiet undis' Ilp. ect à qpiuved Poliowiang Oakvlile's lead, Burllngtan Councillist wek approvid a bylaw authoriziug the town to spenli money on thse pmoponed Burliugton-Oak- ville airport project in norIa Oakvile. Tise talen's initial cot sel ho $75,00, or haff tins estimaI- cd price of puechasing th tand Hosever tires ut Bur- iùlan IlI councilors were agaut approviag the bylsw, cf.dming th cot seul be above expctatlona. Norths end couan cilor iali Green termeti tins aleport "a liabiity, tnt an oa"' TRI ipot preitoaSl itilo befor tise Otario Municipal Board jeter thîn year. The 0M.B. seul ho asked no aP- prove bylawa rzoniag the ag- tiulltural farmiaud t Omagh for alcort ptrposen sud autia. orlzlag tise speMnia of public fonds ta buy tise site wlthoast a vote ofthtie ratepayet'n Wlnle tins malofty of ccu- clola inbutintoamssare la favor, tOnumemembers of euch connclihtve teid tesdy op position. North Oakville rate- payera are aino up ia armas aMr th, prospem ofa abuav apml locaed near tinsr farmn aad radeedl hada urbable mas wecacouhave con- ience in. Wr already have imacnlike thal in our etrovin' ïa leader. He is everythiaf r. Stanfiild is, cacepa he bas iad six ycars au prove il." The Premier spuke for cluse 045 minutes but neyer re- ie.d lais campaiga platiorra nfu. His speech, lauwever. a'. highlightcd bts promises .increase huusing. assume all jstice cusas, and provide tas aclif au individual taspayers. Recummendations in ah e ;mith taxatin report and re- unat guverament are two ut te slcps the Premier outlined as moviaf toward "a genuine ta relief for the individual tapayers". "Tbere musa bc s priority ut responsibilities. We rani do eerytbing for everybudy aI eery ievel of goveroment." He spuke of the goverta' ment's 'Home Osaerahip Made .asy plan. "Despite efitofu lac opposition tu degrade the .rogram. il is workiug well nd it will work well, It's nut periera but you have to, start somewhere - sud h is tnt easy sehen ou have nu prece- dent." Mr. Robarîs spoke uf the Quehcc prohlcm and said he had becs pleased wth the re- sponse from Daniel Johnsun about Iheir plan for "a Con- fedieratios of Tomorrors Con- fercace". Here provinces could preseas Iheir own vicws and lisen tuolhers. Hec spuke of the uamatched acrimoay belseeca George Brursa and John A. Macdonald and huw thcy came lu loin in Confeder- alion. The provinces have ncv- er becs fricadiier, he ssid. The Premier lited a consum- er protection bureau, 19 Col leges ut Applicd Arts and Tech-' nology, 98 per cent fll ecm- pluyment and legat aid as sume ut the goverament accomplish- meula. He conciuded is speech hy pleading for a clear, decisive mandate. and sald he woutd work with Uic siter province au reaffirta aimu and strcngth- en th Canadian purpose. I dont ask to be elecled as an aseard for 1 accomptiismeat, but rather a tokea of ability of thin dynamic. forwsrd, pro- gressive govermnsetti. HERE TIS YOUNOSTER was ihere to see what tbey vie rejected the big hand at first but later ce- lad to offer, but dloesn't seem quite convinced considered, ait thePC. chicken barbecue ln as Progressive Conservatisie candidate Jimi Coronation Park, Oakville, Saiurday. Seiow extends hs hand. Young Suzanne Ogil- (Staff Photo) ST. EORE'Sdas% The coaseers gave their ST. EORE'Sreport, andi tih' roitcati mas .uîiswered lýas.n article to lac Reviews history handed iin on the hacaar. of Halton County The A.C.W. oi the Aternoon Braclaof Si. Georges Clurcla, Lowville. met ai ta-c home oi Mnrs. LoIs Jay on Wednessiav. Sept. 13. The meeting mas op encd bvthe presideat, Mrs. H Kag mita-tise progra m "Camne Ve Apari" taken [rîom the Liv ing Message. The praven parîvers, praver mas read. Mrs. H. Richardison gave the Script are reading and Mrs. Gastie the thought for the nevmeeting t" abc hled inSt. Gerges churîla on Oct. 3, aad the bnazaan laciaflcd je Luw sie park ia conjoaction illa Lowville Unitedi andi Kilhide churches on Oct. 9. Mr. Schssengcn mas ihe gucst ,pcaker andi gise an intenesi- iiig îalk on ihc hiitors of Hpl' to rouais' He had pictures. maps andti hsiorical papers da- icg hack to thesvear 1800. He %%,introducedl lasMrs. Gatle aînd thanbcd las Res' icifares. 68DELTA Imrf CUJSTOM,1 1 1 IS ANOD ô8lO ACLDS SEE. HERE IL8 NINETYEIGHTW IrC LUXURY SEDAN I.LJ ttANeQBRMDkJia I0WM,5,5.f ing and Mrs. King acted as ase. tioncer for lac sale. Lunch %aa'.sers'cd lasthe commitece n char ge and Mr,. McLeau thanked the hosiess and al whu cuenihaed au aie tacet. ing. East P.C. adtae jlm Snow too o a casual atospinert at what ciairman for tht day Bill Sargent lagged as a Pro- aesasîve Conservative "De-la" at Coronation Park ln Oakvile flarday. Twe groupa. a pair of tok sisgcrs "The Broad and Mar- ruse" aad a mophaired rock group "Tire Sketch" catertain- cd in the eariy portion ot the abuse. Crnanad chioken wsre served and guesta engagcd in a wateraseion eatiag content. 0f the six cabinet miaisters scheduled lu attend only two wecre able 10 be Ihere as plat. farta guesa. Thomas Wells and Darcv McKcogh, members withou portfolio, gave brief speeches sppurtiag Mr. Sauw. The lion. Ray Cuaneli uf Dua- ab.t had heen at the park carl- eer ita the afternuon but 1usd tise evMi. Other plattorta guenia s ere DilI Batemnan, vice arealdant of "Oi Progresusive Consmailv Association for the Oalaviile ares; George KCerr, Halton Wst candidate; W. D. Thompsona. vlcepresldent for Halton East; Mrs. W. Riteinie, Ladies' vice- presideal for'Hallon Eani; and Mrs. Barbera Cooper, presi dent for the Oakville ares and Campaigs Manager for Mr. Snow. -Swerving to miss asner- raticallv'drivea vehîcle ap- proaching hlm. Bernard Cleasy of 162 Main St., Milton diiela- cd his own car on 17 Slderoad in Esquesing Saturday aonca ing.Ilu received "W00damage sahea il collided wlth a tree. FILL UP YOUR SIN NOW I *Chestnut end Steve 0 Cannel Cool 0 Blacksmth Cool 0 Fireplace Wo.d WE CARRY A FULL UNE OF BUILDING MATERIALS & DRAIN TUIL CRAWFORD LUMBER AND FUEL 854-2232 CAMPUMLLU At Milton Department Store MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT CORDUROYL Cheers for Corduroyl Theres nuîhing lke corduroy for the virile masculine look - tise hanli- somely dashing lok - great for yoong men and men youug'at-hsart. Corduroy keeps ius crease but drops the wrinktes, wears -for ages ... thse new "Park Rom" spurtcuat adds zip ta your wardrobel Extremely com- fortable natural shoulder style, deep back vent. fu patterned i lning, and attractive simulated-horn buttons. Carduroy colors include îawny ba'own, cocoanut, sand. siate,, dark olive:.From 25 Sizes 36 au 46 ............................................F $ 49 Fashion Exftra! Add a BLAZER fa your wardrobel We illustrate the quality pure virgin wool flannel blazer. RIih ditinctive shades oi hurgundy, loden green, mldniglst blue, sudth ever-popular navy. flssigned brass buttons. Sites 36 MILTON DIPARTMINT STORE 200 Main St. E. Pho.w.S78-9261 "Se. Your Nurest Authorized Oldsmobile Dealer" Tise eseadien Champion. W.dneda~, Sept. 20, 1#47 ~ r117 1~* (en& ct*k.u~ ~ht a. ueIeas waeMptO* The campalmn <or Malion ta Issu. Aboul 11H aiieaded