Ripping un Highwby 25 WQRXM94 ARE RIPPNOSUp t4i shoulders highwsy between I-ighwey 401 end Acton. along à ons-mile stretch of Highwsy 25 north Here, Deprtment of Highwas survsyorns sze of i-ighwsy 401, instsliing nsw shoulders inl up the lob in the top photo; while in the bot- preperation for a two-foof widening of the tom photo, a front end loader gîvensà reîtsik pavement. The widening is being carried out rant driveway o fc-lifting n preporotion fr n conjunction with a repavlng program on the the improvements to corne. (Staff Photos) MOFFAT By Mm..D. Rse. Th. funerai 0f hlistlae CO. lan DunkIe was heid on Wed- nmsday aternoon frei Wafl's Funerai Home to Çrown ce metery, Puslinch. Mr. Dule b.d i'beu lnpour besult for sevet-al years but was azouad mot of th ime. Ne wu. *tri- cken with a atiasu passed away on Sund&y li Guelph General HospîtaL nie speni mst of idaiM in th. MoRal districtmd wpui to sahoci to No. 3 Ie BO 94a member f Nassagaw.ya Fias. byterian church and was ce- ular ln atteudance. Th. sym- pathy of tie communlty is wth th. aud esters. Mrm W. A. Fiams and Mr and . Mci. Don UMWIa atended th fuserai of Mrs. frams' broth.r-in-law lu OuI. Ilis on Wednesday. W. attend sympathy to th.m ln their Isour cf sornow. W. ans sorry ta report Mr. Joseph Curne l confined to the hospital. liii frlonds hope h. may have a soeedy recov- eCy. Msm.LPyatt entertained sh- outi 35 ladies at lier home on August 30 and pt'sected Miss Donnie Mullen wih a misc- ellaneous shower. Bonnie e- ceived many heautîfual gfts. 8h. wsî ssisted by Mns. May Britton, Beth Cuia nd Lin- da Storey, ln openug th. gif t. Mci. Pyttansd h.r grand- daughiecs, Mc. 0. leffares snd Mist. M Pyst Jr. erveds lovely lunch. Sonnie le10 lbe a September bride. lh. ladies cf Nassagaweya Presbyierian Church met lai week ai the home of MUn. Trousdais cf Rnckwoodwu th. guesmispeaker. Deplore untidy Esquesing dump 8gev. George Leslie camp- lained sbout the untidlness f the township domp ai lthe lait regular meeing cf Eiqueilg Cooncil. He orged some acion le keep h. dump more ldy. "We're golng 10 have ta put a lock on the gaie ome day," a- reed Councillor Pa Patterson. IlitIt u'i usy ilh.domp," e- marked Coumcillor Tom Hill,'s garbage al over h. road, Ioo." Soin. people f rom George- icien choose 10o, se "or place" inslead f cwn, sald Mr. Patienson, ad h18 doësn't hall siafisc. THE SCHNEIDER MALE CHORUS OF KITCHENER Will Precrita Concert ai: Martin Street Senior School Auditorium FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 - Turne: 8.30 P.m. Admission - SilO Ticketsi Avaiable - Choir Members Sponsored by: Choir ut Grace Anglican Church For Ail of Your TV N..ds Moite CHASE'S vaut T.V. Headquairters IN MILTON SALES - SERVICE - AERIALS COMPARE AT $1.48 - LARGE SIZE - LUSHUS JELLY OOc COMPARE AT $1 .32 - 2 PAC 33c SIZE - 8 ROLLS BALLETc Toilet Tissue 99c COMPARE AT $1.19 - FAMILY SIZE O Tc PEPSODENTPASTE 8 COMPARE AT $1.18 - HONIG - 4 BOXES CHICKEN NOODLE or SPRING VEGETABLE SoUp RQ '6 e u ONTARIO GREEN PEPPER 4SQUASH- 'O0 each Md uw 1. AV