we. WdNa- h onshelise friedy la May, il wsanunderaloodti ltI liera seould ha no lesatans anslisal wsinAmon Day". origlnaied wbell tracs see ceramonicus- y planted. Since sec needeli no more tracs arond lise grounds, sec used tise day la dlean up tise sctscol bouse and tise yard. Everyone wsinsupposed t1, iring cleining clotiss. brooms. rakes etc..and oreimes a small plot seis dug up and a fese flowees planed. Everytiins seould ttc aip- sape by noun n d mier îldy- iss ourselves up and eatlag lunch,. secseold proceed ta ike îbree or four miles ta tise next scisool, eiere a compatit' ie lournament of noflisml seoulti eh bld elwean tise îeans aoftrce or four neigis boriang scisools. We seio were Ion voons 10 play wosld joa tise cbeing section, bolleins ounselves bonnse for or own 4tcarn. Tise ist sebool serveti a sack and lemonide iefore sec starleti iack home. Luinch limela tbe warm sean- tiser was a verilable pitsit la lise grassy yard and i iully be- lieve tisaI is sehere tise pot tuck luncbeon originatet, an sec shared or varlety of sand- siches. brd-isoiled cspand homse-made gondies seuls one asoliser. If Molier appened tb ha sisot of bread for sandwiches - sonellmes tiera seere feus of us raquiring bancisea- ise gave us a dîme toisuy esokies ail lie storeanmd isme seare considereti quite a malt by mil seio sbmced tem. Ransy applea and otiser fruit grosen ustie farms were oflus carled. Va n»%iwaMseoragesac- cep ail Christmnas ime. and bananes seere a vcry rare ti. We md goond use of tise Fleccc - lined ilSmers or t ong-lcged undersecar wsa tised clotiing weiscis protccted un s froca tise elements and sitera ai bone of contention te, us girls.s Tise es of lise undersecar i see alseayn lasger Ibmn orb osen legs andbm ha bI odet j over in an effort 10 look neal - an impossible tiing ta mas-q ter under or sonwmmte. isad - knitei. ievy seaclent stocklngs. sonsailmeauo tIse say bome frons seisool sec seouhd jurnp on a passing sîcigis drives by icnighbior as ie rtumned bome rons tise grisl mlii ori store. Sincp lise membera of1 or family ee vo dlose 10 lheis scisool. sec used 10 prolatss or ride by going on ta, tise seat concession and saikns back. t gucin sec Sot or ex- * cess eaergy f roma tise isot por- ridge and bearly meals sec con- surned. Tise roling hisiis tof tise fins fields la tbe aea, matie exce- lent spots for ieigis mldlanmd masy happy bouts sere spent aI Iis sport. Sometimes a fi- mily sould plan a ilelgblag or ikatins party for al tise scisool chishdren in tise community and sec sould ha collected up ln a buge f arn steigis. kept sarm seis eavy itMIo robes andi quihte. Bug"di gathseig tise faime teaves lta, geat ples sud playlag ide and s.ek la tisn and collectlng bouquts of gai. dus rod and seld psorple eter, Or favorite mInima gans sem groupselI.Idiylaine- es an dci' and gpel i but atar by ennai outI ofOi iilao thse buai, dbm tdu dos lise otiser group would f0lu and t Use..w * Vthlie danr OMcoudt back ta ~gyW *dey, , 96 Scodedys The fourth "R" MM.Zllzbetls Srlnkmaa. Oberraismede. Germiny. Dean Elizabeths: In remisiscing seitisose of .. rscisoot cbums sebo stili tise seat us. we att agrethtia we seemed 10 spend more tine on tise fourtis R of tise lons-ago sciseoldays titan on tise otiser tires al put together. Racre- ilion wsanminglet iseti ssttues in many ways - a walk la tise seaodn durlng receso time wsa for tise purpose of making noI- es of tise signs rof sprlssg for tise sext tys assigament, and turned ouI 10 ha pure fun an we cavorîcti around like colts after Seing confined 10 i cor- rat. We seould vie wils one mo tiser bokins for tise firt May- floweer or otier tresures and race back 10 tise scisoolisouse seben lime wsa up. Or lise bute migit give tise inspiration necded 50 wrte n composition on suds topirs an 'Tise First Day tof Sprlag" or "Tisougitss about &otier 'Mature". Borne of tise less imaginative teacis- es kqt usuconflnid 10 lise scboolyard, but since tiere sere many older boys anti girls weil able t0 keep an eye on tise younger ones. mot f tise leachers g ave us oui free- dom as tosg as wr observed certain satety rutes. la lise nice. eaitiser, we trieti 10 reacistise playgtround early enougis 10 bave a gamne of bail or tours - tag before scisool started. and tise trees around tise yard offered excllent op- portunity for tise boys to col leet birds' nets and otiser specimens for nature study. Tbe girls objectcd, tbougis, wben lbey îormented tiesquir. rais, rapping and captturing îbem juil for lise fus of it. it is sot bard 10 confuse a s.qulrral and tbey end up doing tome foolisb tings. f ten 10 tbe delriment of tieir sel-be- ing. Inth ie early sprlng. ton. tbs boys seould colleci "snp- sickles" for us, Ibat delicncy seiicis is formed by sap drip- ping on a mild day, lies freer- ing int fragile icicles during lise rrostv ngit. maple trees al lunch ime, tise girls on one ide of tise grounds and tise boys on tise oliser for tbe sake of a peaceful few inf- Utes. Valies I was seven years oit, 1 learned ta swim la thse "coin hale" in tise crack nearby. One 0f tise more lenient teitisers let un swim tisera eisen tise seatber wan favorable an ag' ain tihe older girls satcised ov- er un. Tbey seoulti stand la tise deeper saler and encourage usu t0 aplas furtiser cul eaeh day until flnilly sec seeadogpad- dling" rigisl acrons tise creek. We bave alseays apprciaet lise lessons. an many people sec met in liter yeam ltell us lisey neyer bati an opportunity la leara 10 sima. Wh. Wisar cameseC stili playeti ouldoors, since tise crack would freeneoser and make a firn-rate rlnk - la our eyen, anyway. Some of oui cbsims, seiolilve il a distance. would take a siort-cul 10 scisool in lise sinler lay skating sp tise crack ftom tise mI concession. There beautiful snowbanks available In many spots an we coulnt resisl sliding dosen tiese, climbing back up and slding dosen again, repeains tise procedura unlil recens or lunch bour sens over. f weasere litageting home 7frons scisool allter four o'clock, tour parants surmiscd tisat we ishad been enjoying Iis sport. eOn a mld winters day, we sewere likely 10 gel soaked t0 S or wisl frontlise 'softer, setter snose, as we didn't bave lise sensible sinter garmens for chistdren aucit as ara avail. 1 able today. Tien wc would be tsent borne for or parants le cdcii wih. mec ntarliisg point seltiout tise tn ccbng Ibens, il sncon- sdrdquite atrick betause tisere seere ntecpiis on both sides of tise crack, seiic mdc il difficult 10escape seibout halas seca. Tise girls aitea joined in Ibis slranuous saine seien plîying bouse aad lise quidter ganses g01 ton borins. Tishe neemt aI Chisltmas lime followed ahrnost lise samte pattera an tisose attse cisurcis except tisere seoulti ha mort micrercitalons anti dia3a. à. 14 you con pictore moîl of ise pupils aI anc liane, Plus tise teaciser anti a fese helpful parents, ail up belsindthets makensif t curlalas on tisa stage. getîns rcmdy for lb' varlous suissiers on tise pre- grams, you tan imagine the confusion Ibat raignet. Tise bisfn ofaitIl s gelling intocostume. Tise Santa seould make i vissit comphete seitis bomeasade CO& turne, pillose tomacis and witie secol seblekers. Th. cisiltiren titi a gooti job of mmt king lise parenss hlleve lits se tboughis Ils erally Santa Claus. seusail lise lime, wa kanese il sas lise farmen Ovel on tise next concession seis tradedth ie job seiti s sares f romtor sciscol section forI concert il anotiser scisool. Tiese aiooi trostees unic tise purstr ings enougitg buy a trat for every cil seiicis se a colorcd net bel filled seh a fese bard candie aad utg'ani ecreally 100ke foreid tao MyIl. c 1musI leave tise Sdootfs 1 for indîber Icîter. an il wsan' eevent of griat recresiottil a' edocallon aluise. sait regarde, Bleanor Coult Centennial birsay winner MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL WA. presintid ils cenennili yenr burtary for $100 ta Cindy Striper Donna leington. 18, during an anacu- tive meeting iseid et tisa iospitil lest weik. Donna has enroled in tise scisool of nursng et tise Toronto Genaral Hospital, and seas tisa sucrassfui applicant ciosan from severîl Car, dy Strpers wiso ippliali for fundi loaia tisem foiiow a ciriar relating ta iospital we Candy Stripar suparvisori Mm. S. Frima Mrs. G. Jackson are sowset atisa loft eas praidaent Mns. D. ptoeamy presents tis chu to Donna. On tisa righl ara Donnsi par Mr. end Mms. Clifford Leingon. Staff PI 'Wbcn li-year-old Donna Lese- ingtoan enrolîrd in tbe Toronto General Hospitals Scisool of Nursing Wedaesday mornias 0f lat seeek, se seusl siti 5100 is ber pockel sehicis sie enpecled sould " go s long seay" loseard ber cisnen pro- fession. A year ago Donna, tise dume ter of Mn. and Mrs. Cifford Lewingtos of 336 Pearl St.. sanlcd 10 become a leaciser. But tise Candy Sîiper pro gram aI Milton 'District Hospit- aI cisangeti ail tisaI. Donna johnad tisa Canty Stni- pers and before ber first year 0f part-lime volusltary service in lise hospitli iad enpired. aise bad sel ber slgbls on a nurs- sna cancer. Sies jul one of eerai local teen - agers whio bave been sulded halo bospitat work Ibrougis their service siti tise Wome's Auxtllmcy- sponsorad Cindy Stiper pro- gramn. Tise S100seas a gifî fron tise W.A, a centeanial year bursry represealing a dollar for escis vean of confedieration, AumilI- Canaodion missions topic for Knox women Mdrs. Harold Mage e as boit. css for tise Sepenfnter meeting of Knox Cbw'ch Evemas De- prtnent of tise WMS.Tise president. Mrs. Oenboer, opus- cd with prayer and tise mrna 'Forth in Tisy Nane, O LOrd" uw s m was 5115. TEW S Mns. Brynkus bcditccharge Of WITH A the devotionat and read front tise second ciapler of Acta, 12 NIAI verses 3242. Thiiss tis e torY of tise comias of tise «Iioy SPr- GIJARANTE i.Members were asked to comment on tise resuts ofilPe- ters sermon acd ta ompare tise Ciristians of tisat era wth thsone of today. Follosins tiss discussion, tise hYisy "JuthA seas offered by tise leader. lise diapter of tiese tudy book was entitled MIh iosy F RICU FROM ONLY Growtis in tise Canadian Wet." Mis. Bllots led ties tudy, an- 1 .9 the grup. Itwas N.inDtwn nations bâi*n M ati 2.00 a Wak apreading tise gospel itoiY ta AT tise fatist corners Of tise land. This great tank was be- H A E sun in tise early years ofth CHise iPtis century and continues to- Home Appilancos Il was interestltng to nute tise 181 TOI. *power and influence of tise Mlii St. 878-3221 Hudson Bay Comnpany in tise enrly days. and to iear tisat an 1. ltl as 1924. a settiement la ,ftise interlor of Britishs Colons1- a bia iad been witisout a rellg- itous service for 173 flf Il . -Tise offring was received FUIIN1 a nd dedated nnd colt cati was te nnsseered isy 14 members. Ra& ~ M > ports sere rend and confina- ke ed and it wns nnnounced Ihat l s i tise Fli Rally sould be iseld la sa -Knox Cisurcis, Onkille, on n% Seplember 27, wtb boti after- t, noon and evening scssion. RING THE s- Aller tise singins of «Zions Ld King Shail Relga Victorloun". sPAKEBC ie tise president pronouaced tise PAKUBC I a. beniediction. A social bouc fot- t loseed witis Mrs. Mctntosisand We cleans your upholsi a Mrs. Armstrong aslstinsg tise sith modern equipmailt e iostess. At tise next meeting, klanexric ga r tise suent speaker wll be Mms. skimdeernc g. o W. Stanford Red of Guelph. intee yos lthe besi ofr ne suits seien we cleans yo i soleli andlor slanedu id 1'itoi n urme1 holstery or rugs - ciii f ta IImore information. I, 246 MAIN ST. ag 1878-23431 »d C5MTC Alil our work flzabeths Arden I Preparations f air Du Barry-Max Fabtor toi Chanel No. 5 UPHC Agency forL LAURA SECORD CANDIO 578-9ffl mm. Stan Allen, prenident. ef Hilton Cntennal Maner W.A, welcomed lise memtbérs bck Septelober 8 nit their lirai meeting following nummner bol- idays. Committee reports seere gi. yenand lise nuxillnry prayer sens sald la unison. Il wsn de' cided Mis. Allen would be tise Hallon Auxlllnrv delegate to tise Convention of Homes for tise Aged in Ottnawa. An inviaions will be sent t0 tise auxillafy of Wentwortis Lodge, Dundas, le a Itincheon Ocîciner 4 to escisange ideas on bandicraft work. A social batf bouc sens en- joyed following tise meeting. Personals Mr. nnd Mrs. Ken Tucker andi family 0f Prince Abert, Sask., moîored to Monîreni andi spent n fese days t Expo. Then îbev molored t10-Milton and vslled Mrs. Tucker's uncle Blake Hume and ber cousins Gordon and Cisbolm 'Hume. Tlsey sent borne by Niagara FPals te let the familv see Nia- gara Falls. -Acton Fair wsns eld la conjunction setis a tisce - day cenlennial celebration In Acton slai on tise weekend. Georgetown% .,_fair ih Ibis weekend. aenti iary presideant tira. D. Ptal. emy prasenled tise cisoque laI seeek duing a W.A. execulîve meeting il tise sospilal, prals' ing Donnas "admirable Ser- vice",and sisiins ber ail lise hanl la tise yeare mieati. liii WA. isacamylh avail- able only 10 memisers ai tise Cindy Stripers, and Il mot ha use d toseard ps'ofenslonal tralalag ta enter ny profes- sion rcltlng 10 isosptal sork. "1 am very bonored ta ha the finI ta ecelve Iis isury," Donna tlintise W.A. anesaiers as sise iccepted tise ciseqsue. W. A. Cindy Sriper saterviora Mia Ge.uieItqPmd Mc. Pt ai ii eti tise FOR ALL OCCASIONS ANNriVUARIUI C400SE APPROPRIATE GIFTS 0F DISTINCTION Gifis Tht Are Sura To Sa Apprecited Chaos. Conftdently At Il -TAie ,eungaigt*WgIaigig0 -T~r~ aattled 4W019S00 ln6LMiIM&~Ur ansd tise extnr**-cw'rlctlar ACt. mny w# . PM Mvties are ieuanblê fit, Sp.Z W ryou cntu a more baut~fi stockin~r. electric heating is EIactric heating offera 80 many dvantages, you might asiîy oxpectit to1 be expensive. Sufprise. Eîoctric heating is dean and quiet, yat comparable in cost 10 any automnatic heatirig system,. Thafs wtly people who live in electrically- heateli homes afmn't necessariîy weaîthy. Juat comfoi'tmbîa. lye botter .Iectricaîîy 'MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONI $784M.5 __________________ '4 k..,... Arbor Day meant fun for al W.A., boosts career in nursing Candy Striper receives'$100 at any price!I lc daî ieo An-tse cre bad ..iig of beastiful fission colours, cac opeaa lest or searned sockgs-buy Iayse. ro*. 2 * KAYSER -MIto. Jqartm.mt Store 200 Main St. East 1714216 MiMa Bloomers and heavy stockings TU55 nd IZ for is fuly uaranted tAILTON OLSTERING LORNE ARTHUR 1.1. 3. MLON 77mmrmm