PLOTIIO THEi COURSE for his cempalgit for ground eatly wlish a Pros -if4 tis* Octobei 17 election is Progressive Con- Burlingios iseadcuartes lest se qAîrvative candidate for Maison West, George ha defending hin seat in tise Or Kerr, eani hin campsign manager Andre sure. Frame. Mi. Kerr gos his campalas off tise J. M. Deityes Public Scisoal Hume and Scisuol Association met Mosday evening la the firsi meeting of tise 1967«6 Nese offîceis sere instaltri, îOsluding pat preident Wal tir Bell, president Mis. Mai. gares Wood, fisi vice.presi dent NhOs. H. Weise, second vice-president Ralpis Mrtan, secretary Mis. A. Wits and treanurer Mis. May Jahnstan. Tise teaeblng aMO fof tise scisool wsanintraduced. and Mis. E. Presse gave s brief ialk an ier soîk ln speech correctian witstise Miltas public scisasd sytemn. Principal W. . Ciase noted 1 ilChrc Srv ae BOSON AND OMAGN PRISYTUIAN CHURCHE Re. Stanley E. Smith, BA. SEPTEMM E1 4tis. 1967 Omagis: 129tis Asiversary Services. 1100 as-Rev.R G.MMl 7.30 p.m.-tktv. f.R. Kedal, B.A.,BD. %aton congiegatias and Sunt- day Schaal sel jis seti CNURCN 0F CHRIST No 5 Sideiaad and 4th Line Trfagar SUNDAY SEPTEOBER 24h, 1967 10» .ai-,Bible Scisool Cass. es for al age. 11»0 a.m.-Maring Waship. &W0 p.m-Pieachiag of tisa Gospe. LWwVZ,- UBM UNITED CORR0I0S OF OF CANADA Minster: Reveitnd Ernest . Baskltî, BA., BD). SUNDAY SEPTEMBERE 24th, 196 Sermon - "A Gnsmbliig Sers. ant is tise atheis Maouse." 10M0 a.m.-Eervice at Zimmer. 1130 ain.-Service at Loseville. Wamship can strengtlsen Four Faits." ST. PAULS CHURCU TItI UNITD CIOUSC 0F CANADA Main Si. ai James S. Minister: 3ev. C. A. Mainer. B.A., B.D. Oiganist and Chir Leader: Mi. Harold Maget. SUNDAY SEPTEMsBER 241h. 1967 11.00 a.m-Mrning Warshlp. SUNDAY SCHOOO. 9.30 a.m.-Sunday Scisoal for al boys ad& giris oser 8 years. 110sam-lofant 'Nursery la charge of registeied aurse and nursery departint. 11.00 a.m.-Bays and giris 4 - 8 years inclusive sel attend cisuic i eth parents asnd pioccetd ta their depari. ments falosing the second hyma. Invitation To Ail &%&MANUEL SAPTIT COIURCN Commercial Street, Milton Pssist4 Rtv. Ciytas Colts 978-4473 87-3342 Tht Lrds Day SUNDAT' SEPTEMSBER 241h, 1967 9.45 a.m-.Suitday Schaol for ai. 1 11.00, a.s.--Moaing Waisip. 6M0 pin-Sang Service. 710 Pin-aEvçnlng Worâaip. Nurmary atsttkay services. Wednesday, 8.00 pin. - Bibe AStudy and Payor Meeting. Ai Are Wsisaly Weiae. MILTON GOSPILHAL 306 Ontario St. N. 87M2022 Cirstians gathered ln tise name aftie Lrd Jenus Christ. Lrds Day SUNDAY SEPTEMSBRE241h, 196 10.30 a.m-Breakiag of Bread. 12.-15 p.m-Sunday ScisooL. 700 pin--Gospel Service. Wednesday. 8 pin. - Prayer and Bible re@dMng lilare seliie ta fisese Whsaever bailevetis tiat Je sus la the Christ ih hors of God. Ist John 3, 1. ORACI ANOUCAN CHUSCH Miltos, Ontario. Rector: Re. T. M. Dustan, BiA.. BA).. DD. Assaclate: Re. Canon F. H. Masos. MA.. B.D. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24th, 1967 Trinity XVIII .00 a.m.-Haty Communias. 9.25 cm-Jr. Church Sehool. 930 a.i.-MHoly Communiait and Sermon. 1045 a.m.-Sr. Cissîci Scisoal. 1.0 am-Maring Prayer and Sermon. 200 p.M.-Maoly Baptîsin. Tiuisday, September 21, St. Mithaes' Day - 10 am., Maiy Communion. IONWAY OMIPL CNUUCN A local asstmbly of TE PRNTRC43STAL ASSEJMUI.ES OFt CANADA Pastor: Res. M. Chritensen LORDS DAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24th, 1967 9.45 .m.-Sunday Sehaol. 11.00 a.m-Mornisg Warship. 7.00 p.m.-Evasgelitiîc Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m-Bible Stu dy and Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m-Yaung Peaples Service. A Chuicis Yau Cas Make Youî oine A Warm Wecome ta Everyose KNOX PRISITTiRIAN CHURCN Minister: Res. J. K. L McGosen, B. 117l"06 8782652 O0 came let us sorshlp and base doses; let us kneel befoe tise Laid oui Makeî." S9JNDAY SEPTEMBBRE 24h, 1967 9.45sam-Sr. Chancis Sciool sel visit Bramalea -Presby. terlan ta preseno SMO. 9.45 a.m.-Yassig Peoplas Bible Clas. 10350 Churci s chool. l1ln ain.-Mornlng Worohlp. Pecstiar.' escaption c ses eieban. the school Is In th stages of experime usgrsded classes, socistion meeting with titis yeaî. -Milon O.P.P. vestigating a tie worth of auna cash fromt as A home esîlier tis ACCOUI, EARL G.6 B.C . Céhattered AC MunicipalJ Bot4163 Main DONALD E. BArris. -N 17A AMIStretl.4 Telephase 8I »0 Staveisank Rd 274-34 Office Houis te AUCTION FRANKf Auctiuansds »0 Ciapel St. E. Telephoas C. M. TI AE5ClTlOfRi EVALOJI Phases: Rockwo ASH ##Pme poty Iotas coule By Mis. George Pelletterto Many peuple ronithIis dis. trict gatisered ai tise Boyse Commusuty Centre Frilday nlght ta Sonar Marvey Tasifer and is sbride » ta - ha. Eleseor Pomtray, priai ta tiseir marri- ac in Toronto on Octahai 6, and ta present them sitis masy iavely gifts. Tise first part of tise evening wsa spent pisylsg t.uchi e, atter whiich Harvey and leasor opened their gifts, and cxpressed their anpreciatiaîu ta ail present. Donna Marris seas isasored arnoet hîs ai a misceilateoun bridai shows- eek M sel Satsrday atteraosn, sehen ee.H ilmany of lier friends gatiseîed ýnario legisie- at tiseisome ut Betty Jettares In Camphallville. (Saff Photo) Tise ev.iingl brandi ut St. _____ Lukt-i A.C.W. met ai the home af Mia. Eleen Vas Moi Wed- teeeetr nenalay evenlng. is imnsy Little Bruit Patterson, fine- tenttio iasetis monts-aid son ufthtie Rev. and îa subieco As- Min. Ken Pattersan ofE Peler. ig sel deai mu, underwsiti eye surgery at lise Hospital for ick Ciildien - lant seeek. Me ia reporird ta ar bteii-h ding very seeli and tise te l in-et to peratian quiste auccensful. camefras,430 Figit attendant Donna Mere- cton disritdith ut tise R.C.N. ias been s ontisr visiting as her home here for senlly statiuned ai Trenlun. Bshe leases for Germany Mon- day nighi seiere she seul npend about a seek. Foliosinga ta se wis eul a king eerai trips ta Cyprua. Greece. Tht IIS past fese msstis Donna han made tripsa armas Canada, ta tisesesi coant and points In the BLACK U.S.A. and eerai la Germany RIA., C.A. as seeli as a trip siound the Lccoist*ta serld. Auditar Mes. Don Rivers and iStreet Bannie of Oakviile visited Sun- Mlton. Ont. day siti tise Meiedltiss. 12Bob Wistelisand is recupersi- ing at i ;-haine aliosing his YET tsea seek stsy ai St. Josephs Hosptal, amilton. Babby Ragera of Walkers SKINNER Lise. Buringtan. spent last M.RÀ.I.C. seekend sith tise Peletteroos. Suite 2, Adtn Baveraml stits tromnt iss $33-2740 or district hase enîolled ai thitr A.. Port Citdlt respective colleges and univer- ma8 itien. Jin Gabraiths han enraiL. y Afflitmntl ed atie University of Toronta, aTGsan ndadJi Tay MEERS lor slaîted their classes tarlier - - in_ Seplember ai Rytisoît Paiy PT tzcissicalIinstitute. Linda Pel- PdEvTM to letteria ias enroiied atie On- idEautr tario Colege of Educatlan in .Georgetowns Toronto, -1 Laîry Petetterto M7-28at ih estering imua isisec.ssd ycsi ai tise Otario Courege af Art. Mis. M. Walker, motiser of JFFIN Ms:, Jack Tayar returssed E AND iome Mosday nigt ftmEsg TOR land, seere sie lied bees visit- voad &Ç6.42%6 inp sitis ier ist ince July. 8564373 EDEN MILLS. ONTARIO. CHIROPRACTONS A. P. lKENT, DC. Ducour ut Chironpractie 237 ings Court Crescent Cuiter Marin St. Mondei. Wt.dnesd'., Thuîsday I p.M..ta 9 p.. Tusisday and Frlday 9 a.m. ta 6 p.. Saîitiday Il asm. ta 3 p.m. Phine 8782031 IMSIJRANCE CO-OPERATORS 5NSURANCE ASSOCIATION .>ssît-Hstc. Pruictlitan.Accid. ent i .d Sicknc.-v-F.,miiv Liability Faim Liablit v Vost I illas Agent %I,. Tiss are li. R. Na. 1. Miltan Pisose 87&.9741 FUIERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL MOME Cumpiee Air CanditiuningI Sisiec. CuirgeusSesc %igisi or Da% $784432 OPTOIdETRISTS i ARTMUR A. JOMNSON, O.D 1$4 Mats St.. sMilon Phase 789972 Res. 878-967à Hours: TUESDAYS. 9 asm. ta 3 pi.m PRIDAYS. 9 asm. îa S p.m. WM. C. MILLIGAN. O.D. 111 Trafalgar Rd.. OakvIlii Office Moui.s Daly Cincluding Salurday. a.m. CIii8451511 for appalsoment LIBRARY HOURS Tuesday. Tisursdav and Frlday 12 maon ta 5.30;'6.30 ta 90 Mondav. 12 nons ta 530 Closed Wedaesday BSt.iday - 9.30.12, 1.30 By Mrs. C" Patiermos Tht Susday scisaaimontoofat Betisiljnited Cisurcis antise scent at a happy celebiatian on i Saturday evening, September1 16 as tamlly, friends and seigh- bois gathered ta exiesd co- gratulations and gaad wishes ta Mr. and Mis. George Baiiey 1 on tise occasion aifliseir 5tis scedding aoniversaiy. Masy at- tended the event and the couple received scores oi gifts, cards and floral arrangements. A handsome gaid aad swhite floral pitre was frram Mainby Grecs- houses. Mrs. Bailey îtceived her guents in a gase ot gîesn ciepe and seare a yeiiow cor- sage. Ta eas poursi tram a table nicely aîîasged sitis a lace clatis, white tapeis and a large weddisg cake decoiated sitis gald belis. Nitres Mis. J. Ledgei. Mis. M. èIeGili, Mis. S. Palier, Mis. J. Izzat. Airs. Lusa Hoseley and Mis. Stan Cîuickshank pauîed tra during tise evening. The gianddaughteis served dainty retiesisments. They seere Laurel, Meladie and Aides Ew. ing of Toranta, Janet and Sai. an Bailey af London, Gaifl lese tan of Bulingtos and Mary Lou and Osees Baiiey ut Main- isy. Tht couple have thret sans. Gardon, William and Elmer and twa daughteîs Mary Meselas and Msilded Ewing. Ail sere present ta celebiate sith their parents and 16 grandeiildien altended. David Esing seis is n tht Canadian Navy stationed at Sheaiseater, Nova Sctia, was ttnable la he preseni. Betiset U.C.W. cateied for tise occasion. Guests weîe pieseal tram Landon, Toronto,. Ri lînglon. Niagara Falls, Guelph, Rockwood. Ajax, Oakville. Paît Credit. Cooksvilie. Georgetawn and local points. Alil jisn wishisg tiis fine couple masy taure yeais together. Mi. and Mi.. Bsiiey recived rifts ftram the cummusity. tise Diumquis Instilute and fîiends. Nesrly 200 altended. Mi. and Mis. Baiitïïreceiv- ed a plaque tram tise Hn. John Rolaits. Premier ut Ontario, pîesented by M.P.P. George Keri and given ta them by Jim Ssase. local candidate. Rmlly Day Services seere held n Bethel United Churcis us Sunday, September 10. Rev. Reish Hasekes dtliveîtd tise sermon story "Little Jackt Hor. ner, and wans ssisted isy mers- hais outhtie Staaday schoini tise service. Tisase iaklng part seere, Dariene Wood, Bob LaIts, Norma J. Bail, Patricia Sseeet- mas, Gîta Lester and usheis -A cr drises by Ras Finit, SI Robert StCMiltas. îvcelvtd V»5 damage on tise PunI Lise Esqueslng Saissîday mnoring. ht stiucks an animal as thse rond and eaded up Ithtie ditcis. :PLAZA oAKvUiLà 1131 SMIIIIIIRD8. AT KUIR Sr. W* d .nly "The WrWgon" et 7 &9p.m. *STARTS THURSDAY - Complote Show 7 p.m. a Robert Stack - f ike Sommer - Nancv l(wan ln 1 "TfE CORRUPT ONES" IShoWls mt 7 p... NismIy - Sas. - Sun. Mailsea 2 puis. N * AMS SHOWING AT 9 P.M. ONLY * THE SENSATION.FiI.LED BEST SELLER "HOTEL" N COLOR WITH Rbd Taylor - Catherine Spaak - Kari Maiden- * Richrd Conte * Reommandead em Adubi Inlatmnnmmt Kun Aldersos, Harold Merry, Meivin Balilasd Del Wood. Tise attendance aseards for the« past year seere ises aut by superintendant Toim Aider- sas and secîetary Miss M. BaIL Firat year pin-Heatiser Har- ris, David Knox, Garry assais. Daryi Rolph. Secosd year pin-Elles ter, Shelley Leslie, Dean Woad. Derrick Wood, Shelley Eakiss. Mark Lester. Cathy Eakins. Third year - David Fleming. ton. Diana Harris, Vicki Leslie. John Bailey. Debbie Knox. Fauîth year - Nornman itle mingtan. Carol Mannals. AllisoS Bye. Douglas }lannah. Fifth - Meather Evea. Michael Flemînglan. Pamela Bye. Sialis yamr - Lysa Stewart, Hieather Bailey, Dw.syne Woad, Ralph Rue. Marold Merry. Dan- les Wood, Biily Stewart, Rosa. lys Merry.. Sevritti year - Bruce Balley, Mary Lou Baiiey, Cliftard Rute. Eighth year - Elaîne Lister, Tom Sseetman, Danny Lister. John Aidersos. Ninth year - Denise Wood, Darryl Wood, Mervis Balil. Ken Aldersan. Tesih year - Patricia Sweel. mas, Darlene Wood, Del Woad. Twenifth yeaî pins ta - Vel. ma Bail, Norma Bail, Marlene Balil. Margaret Balil. musaNorth Trafalgar Coin. munily Club heid Iheir Septens. ber meeting as the hanse af Mis. J. Wiffiamsan an Wednes. day, September 13 at 8.30 pi. Mis. 1. Hasnah. secretary and Mrs. E. Balil gave gratilyiag reparts sf the seoîk accomp. Lshed n the pasi year. Gifla were resenteà ta tise retiring presideni, -Mis. T. A. Leslie and the secretary. Mis. Hannash, the treasurer Mis. Baliland the card canveser, Mis. N. Spari. ina. Tht e e execulive chosen ta gide the club faortise seat year are: preiident. Mis. David bowing, vice president. Mis. J. Cordisgly, second vice presld- est. Mrs. Audrey Ross; secret- aiy Mis. J. assais and treas- arer. Mis. E. Balil. Th next mseeing is ai tise home of Mis. James May. Th meinhis setre sorry to itara that Mis. Robs Mains wsanmaving ta Bronte and she seas piesenttd sitis a gif t. Rmnso Boimadln asanenroiL ed at Waerloo University, mai. oriig in tleciiasics. Gel seeli sishes ta Linda Chamberlain, convalesctng at her haine alter a stay in Oak. MU. AMMM. OSU M IMM of Mornby clalesd sha 50th Wedding Anniversary seitis 200 guesis Saiurday evening n tisa Chars scisool room of Beihel Unted ChoieS MHers ihey cul iheir thite-tier cake. ville Hospital. While playlng football at tise Prrcy W. Meîry Sciseol. Lee Fui- ler received s braken shouider. G Friends hop-- he is soas beter. Biithday giettings ta Engle. O heut Nasak. lanice Mancack, Rasalyn Meîry. Antisany Balisa, Ail Throuash Robiert Miller, Theresa Bakular, Janice Gaireit. This Winter cossrtulaiiooàa"mmd hst %vsihes lu Mi. and Mrs. Sain with Finnit an their wtdding anat- versary September 17. We are sorry ta, report tisat U DE Mois. Sam Finnie Si. is a patt TU DE -nt un Oakvillle Haspital. Frit ends seisshber a spetdy recav- M E ery. Friends and ex pupils of this Fmr Just à Litte ares jais in estending congratu- aa. o h latians and gaud sisises ta Ian More Ct h Poster and his bride as thei Securlly of Non- marriage ainasnoxChurcis, Mil- las. Friday evenisg, Beplem- tpT.e ber 15 ai a candielight service. John Aidersan attesded Cale- Make "Studs" dan Pair an Septemiber 9 and wsa awaîded third place and a as mucfl a part ment lintise swlse club in Peel 4Ht campetitians. of y@ur car's Job. Aldauon received foui- ts placing and iis biaiser Ken Vifter staad secand in showmanship nt calves at Actas Pair as Sep- maintenaince tember 16. Congratulations a nufez beys. cscniffz 'Betisel annlveisary drese large cangregations an Suitday, and battery Sept. 17. A fellaseship was hel an reresmens wre cheks served follaselng tise evening A isuge coin and seiener roant wsa ieid aiDruinquin as Fr1-m2 4 day evtning, etmer1.Ti wsa spansoied by tise S.S. and SERVICE STATION cangregation of Betisel Cisurcis Gaines and conatesta pravidtd 8 82 5 &" p*d sses te Mm, Scknl Asseciti Milton Night School Classes fHI MILTON ADVISORY COMMITTNU ON *99111 UDUCATION IN COOPURATM ON THEI MILTON MM NSCHOOLBOARD, ANNO$NCM THÉI POLOWiNONIONT CLASSE. 1 Cooversatlonl French 11 Eem.ntary Sewing 2 GOmeral Art - AN Media 12 Advanced Sewing 3 N..dlewovk 13 Rug Making 4 Weldlng 14 TaiIorIng 5 Fumiture R.flnlehlng 15 Mllllnery 6 Floriculture 16 Smocklng 7 Typlng 17 Copper Inamelling 8 Beinners 011e 18 Leather Craft 9 Advanced 011e 19 Copper Toolngend 10 Hostese Nlumlnum Etchlng Courses wllI conalat of 14 two.isour lessons commenclng on Tues.. Oct. 17 at .00 pin. and each Tues. foîlowlng until Dec. 3 and recommenclag Jan. 9, 1968 end rua tltrougis until Februaiy 20. Tise Basic Fee for tise 14 week course selIse 17.00, ta be psid sitis the application. Ail supplies are extra. A minimum aumber of i3 applilassss mus b. seue fer at ism. TisaCeommit- teearmuve. thse rgbt 96 ea="or emnceal any tisa 1aissi..Appliats must b. 16 ymar of mgp or mua. APPLICATIONS FOR NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSWORK Complote mnd Maili DEX« OCT. 2, 1%7 ti. "UnmSeree t Xcf N l iamma MmIL R.G. IMlss0lUMarin 8S,.. Milieu. Ontaeio (Please Mr. State Mis. Wlnch) Iss ....................................... .................................................. Addres ........................................................ I hone . Fieisrofea.brta wwlg te hm.conurses a"y 'b. b mina fanM Q G Rob.eta87M96; Mmm.IXA. Wusdoms, VA 74884; Usu.IL.0, King r01. Be m m itaee 031M Yom i stmaiom fmo of SN lé iyour applleatis. y mwmsg 7U5 &pPOU*" Oa ..Y Ycu WsUl lnesma v obt.lnig turtSai ea. MILTON8704272 Show Timsa I<QX"ffUN 7 & 9 p... TIIIATU y 2 pm.. THURS. FR1 -SAT. SE". 21.2223 "IN LIKE FLINT" - Color JAMES COBURN - LEE J. COBB nADII AND IS LAMP', - Camiio L Saurday Matin».et52 p.m. SUN .MON. TUB WID. SE". 2425-26-27' "FRANKENSTEIN CREATED WOMEN" PETER CUSHING - SUSAN DENBERG "THE MUMMY'S SHROUD"m ANDREW MORELL - ELIZABETH SELLERS 1tHURts..FuI..SAT. SEPT. 28.29.30 "MAYA" - Color CLINT WALKER - JAY NORTM "UFHTIN ABILENE" - Color "GNFOBT8Y VDARIN Siurdoy Mmsnm. mO 2 p... celebrated by Mr., Mis. GeS. BaiIey