56The Canadien Char pion, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1 967 corning this weekend for dedicafions at church Pre"da ilit-ia h= be wau wl I» .glaei oer thse wu," leto retios home1 on Saturday tram thse akville-i Trafalgar Memorlal Hospital sehere ste wsa a patient for the pat week. The cveing roup of te 1 Hornhy Unitd Church Womcn met at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Dufour and journeyed 10 Oakvllle shere lhey altended the show, "Divorce American Style" aI ihe Odeon Theatre. Folloselng the show the 13 la- dies returned 10 lite home fi Mrs. Dufour witere they en- joyed a delicinus lonch and a social visil. The Septeniber meeting of te Eden UJnited Chsrch Wo- men wan iteld ai the home o Mms. John Hamilton on Tues- day nigit, Sepember 12. Mms. 81i1IHill, presidesi for the meeting whicb opened with the hymn. "What a frend we biave in Jesus". A minutes sil- ence was observcd in memory of Mms. George Hamilton. Mrm. Rimer May read te scripture, Psalm 23 and a sar5. entitled, "Trial and Error"' followed by prayer. Ms. 1Hill iniroduced the sludy book, "Panorama nf the Bible", fiist chapter of "Amos". The minutes of te ast meeting sere read and ap- proved. A card of thanks seas read from te family of Mrs. George Hiamilton. Thte citurcit Anniversary Services will be held on Stnday, September 24 titit Rev. Ketit Hawekes in charge aofte Il am. service and Rev. Kelvin Joitnsion of Georgetown in charge of the 8 pm. service. Mms. John Cor- disgley and Mms.Pal'at May were appoinied for the decor- ating committee. It was de- cidedtai te annuali urkey dinner would be hefd on Tues- day nigitt. Novemiter 7 seit Mms. RImer May . B iillh and Mms. John Cordingiey in citarge. Thic ral cal sa an-. swered by Il members and one visilur. A deliclous lunch was served by te honiess. Plans are baing made for an Old Pasiioned Centennial Thanksgiving Service ai Si. Stepitens Anglican Citurcit on September 24 ai 4 pan. Bishop Wilkinson will consecrate a portion of cemetery land and blessith new Lyci-Gate in memorv ofl'osier Brain. Tite citarcit orchestra w11' iuppiy 'W. and Mrs. Anold King (nec Joan Robinson) of Lon- don. Fingland. are vsiing seti thte laterls parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson for titae seeeks. Wiile in Canada tey wll attend Espo. Douglas Shaw won second prise sitit one f his homses ai te Acion FaIt lair on Satur- day. fllhday greeilngs to Darryle Drew-Brook, seitawill nIle- braie iis inst birthday on Titursday. September 21. Friends of Mns. Victor Hall Sr. will 6e pleased to bear cite bas bees released fromt the Milton District Hospital and is recuperating aI lite home of Ysur Savl.gs Em Good ntremi et your Local Trust Company 6.L~ 1 to 5 YEAR GUARANTUID INWESTMONT CERTIFICAliS MOUNtS $100 - $100»0 COME IN A.ND ASK US ABOUT M MILTON 252 Main Sreet 878-2834 LORNE SKUCE. Ménager LOCAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Carl Martin. VicePrealdesst v . NORTH MALTON ADVISORY 111A1111> BRb a ~~ John Tr Armstrong, Chairman: Retord Gardhouse. Maurice C. lmy 'PV,.'"Michael Ledwilh, John Goy, Dr. B. D. Young e '~ ~ CONVENIENT OFFICE MOUES -- Mon. - Thurs. 9 - 5 Fridoys 'fil 6 HALTON & PEEL TRUST a SàAVIN*s COMPANY Nead OMMia Oakville. Olfter banéà Offlise Bramptaon, urlinglan, Simca., Dehi, Georgetown, Coaltavlle Amb ader AdunhsrWenlt ued *75,0000 Mr. and Mms. red Workman.% Hem many fricotsln tiis dust. rct woudd like ta extan their best sisies 10 Mms. Hall, wseit selîl celîbrate ber hlrthday oni Sunday. Septemnber 24. 1 Sincean sympathy is extend-i ed ta tite family of te late1 Mrs.,Bertita leacock, seitadivid -uddenty on Friday. Leonard Buekler accompan- cd his son-in-lase Clyde Brook- er of Hamilton on a fishlng trip ta Gransy Lake on thte weecend. Annlvenary gFeelngs 10 Mr. and Mms. Morice Wlllamson. se itasel celebrale their wed- ding anniversarv on Sept. 27. Congratuations ta Mr. and Mrs. Kennetit Hoseden (see Sandra Howeard) seho sere married on Saturday, Sept. 16 ai Horaby U.nited churcit. sith Rev. Keitit Hasekes officiating. l'riends cf Harry Lee of thte Nintit Lise el e please ta itear he wsa able ta return home on Saturday from tite Peel Memoriat Hospital, sehere te wsa a patient for two weekn. Sincere sympatity is exlend- cd ta Roy Wilson and family in thte deatit of iis fater. John Wilson.,seio died on Mosday. Sept. Il. in iis 87t yea. Msr. and Mm.Citarles Mc- Carron let by plane on Titurs- day morning from tite Toron- to International Airpori for Vancouver.sehere tey attend- ed te sedding of titeir daugit- ter Rose-Marie.seita sanmar- raed on Saiurday. Sept. 16. Birtday greetings ta Don- aId Leslie on Sepiember 20. Mrs. Bert Arciter on Septemn- ber 24, David Laidlase on Sep- tember 25 and Rosalind Merry on Sepiember 26. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Sailey, seit cele- braîrd their golden seddlng anniverçarv on Sturday. Sep- teesher 16. Mr. and Mms. Keitlt Bla and Sitasn of Georgetowen visitesi os Sunday sitit Mr. and Mrs. Ken l. Mr. and Mma Roy Southt of Brampton visiled on Sunday oe pll bcpo«t* mw lIW eu& om lte ituaury eof omq. V115 9to540d Carl R. 1-tmilton Car l *laos an1ton. 67. of fleIlderson, Akanaaea a * altor and former motel imil va sotT aodled ia hosÏltal ember 3. Mr. Hlamlton seas a native 0f Milton, a member f0lte An- g l cn church and a veteran of Wold War One. PFuneral service wsa conduct- ed September 6 ai Memorial Chapet with Rev. Thomas Howze, pastor of the Lake Nor- folk l'resbyterian Church of Henderson officiating. Inter- ment was in te Herron cerne- lery under the direction af the Memorlal FuseraI Service. Pallbeareres ern Afred Keen, Beutas Swanner, Josepht Crsm, Arnod Fowter. Bàiley Sec and Val Johnson. Mr. Hamitton wsa born in Miton, Augusi 9 1900, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hamilton. He servcd with the Casadian rmed forces du- ring World War Ose and mov- cd tc Baxter Coonty, Arkaonsas, lwo vears ago. He il survived by is sie Rut, and sisters Mrs. Roy Ro- bertson (Ruth) 0f Hamilton, and Mrs. J. P. Middlebro' (Ka- thicen) of Toronto. He Icaves severat coosins in ibis vicinily ry Ltd.. asd Dufferin Quarries ai Milton. The local is affiliaI- cd with the National Safety Council of Northt America. seit Mr. and Mr. Garry Ham ilton and family. Aogthte local sinnersata thtechiclen barbecue antd cors roast iteld at tite Cronatian Park. Oakville on Saturday bY te Haton East Progressive Consersatise Association wsa Mrs, trene Saunders seit won scconsd prize tor thee het dm51s- cd lady. Site sas dresscd in a white lises dress seiicitsa 60 years old. black nelvel bead- cd embraidered itat seit large cotored plumes. Site carried a black parasol whiicit sas pur. cbascd by Miss Prairie Mag' ire's fater in Kassas Ciy in 1893. Irene sas presented seit a silver serving spoon by Jies Snow. tite local candidate. Mr. and Mms. Ed Byerman af Mil- ton weon a price for beisg ose of thte bell drvssed couples. Titi lornby Migets swon teir second game cf te Nat- ion Rural finals seien titey de- fcated te Loseville Midgets by a score of 6-5 on Sonday nigitl aI tite Loseville Park. Tite tird gamene wul bc ptayed on Wed- nesday nigitt aI Hornby. Tite Hornby United Citrcit Women calered for tite wed- ding receplion 0f te Hoseden- Howeard wedding an Saturday aI te citurcit. Connie Jane May. daugitier of Mr. and Mrs. George May seas able 10 came home on Salorday from the Sout Peel Hospilal seitere site han becs since her birtit on Augusi 24. Ornamental IRON RAILINGS Wmought Iron Woe* phefe 87"8127 loets! 18CheuruIo...tMsyU flk>ioulewbenmdbdru cworohftgotlfo'8 ~IuwIIeb.. toghe>u admMt*cwpointftepmrtffl. Cbevlftsgoitfor'68 CHEVYZ NOVA SCOUPE W r HON.r for'68!1 PrCORVTTE STING RAY COUPEIqw inortgm tguaeom o-d-In< NorthAmoapoea. Seo yorB or okdol-er nov! "*,Soe Your Neamt Auiherlzod Chevrolet Dernier" MILTON HARDWARE 2 2 / Moin ýt Foo PAILTON IR 8-23ý3 1d t F i TUME T START YOUR CARE ... This is the Sauson to Start a New Lawn or Revitalize on OId One.. GET YOUR SUPPLIES HERE ... * Grass Sssd <Good Assortmsnt) *b Fortilizers <Yeur Choies) 0 GARDEN TOOLS 0 RENTALS ILUMTON.MACHINIRY HASUNUD into action folloselng lait week's announcîmîent of a provincial election October 17. Here Halton West reîsmning otticer Don McMillan of Moffai ex- plains te work ahead for election clerk Mrs. E. Cairns and secretary Mrs. B. Sommer.. bot of Burlinglon. Hi hls set up bis headctuarîers on Brant St. in Burlngton. (Staff Photo) Seminar on safety planned by union Local 336 Unied Cement. ar Seplember 19 aI Country Lime and Gypsues Workera' In- Club of te St. Lawence Ceïn- ternational Union voted ta conest Ca. near Milton. Seminara tinue ils joint safely endeavors have becs instrumental in pr- seitite varlous compasies il venllng industriat accidents. mainiains collective bargalnisg Local 366 bas unîts titrougit- rigitis wil3i ai a recent meet- out iis area represestlng Iour- ing in Oakville. ly pald wsereaI St. Laser Thte Local valed 10 have a ence Cement. Wetern Gypsues sixlt consecuivi safety emi- lad.. Rebro irransfer and Ouar- fie new Ohevro, lJfr?4111!15CHICKEN SNACK '~~~&V &2 Pieces 0f Chickes J SPECIAL PICNIC PAK 8 Places of Flavor CeissaChickes 21 CHICKEN UN A BOX FAMILY PAX J Pieces of Chiches 14 Pieces of Prencht Pries, Cle Chiches. Rols. SIase. Buttered $3.99 BuHny $1.39 PAK$5.2 PHONE 878-608 21 Piecs of Murrcay Hood Drive-In UAE LIN§ RD., WEST OF NIONWAY 23 AT MILTON a. -1