Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Sep 1967, p. 15

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HALTON POWMII ASSOCIATIO han béés busy sn récent second vic-presidént J. Camneras Marsitall and agriculturat weéks making pans for te annuel t-aIton Pîowing MaItc, lo represenlalive Henry Saney. Te direclors sitown inte be iteld os Saîurday, October 28 osnte farm of Stanley Nor- second rom are 8111 Rayner, Jobn Breckon, Bryan Marsbal eiséi, RR. 1 Moffal, Here are te direclors of te Assocaion. Bries Cargilî, Frank Peecock, Lloyd Stokes, Clifford Wrlggles- n te fron row, lfI la rigitl, are secretary Jack Taylor, presi- wortit and Roy Currie. dent James Cunninghamn, irsl vice-presidenî George Swenn, (Saff Phtoo) I[ Eltipic Add urea for protein ,Corn is mature, heads for silos Dy Heunry 3. Stanley Witit lie warm, dry weatiter of te pat 1cm eeks, tecrtn crop bas natured very rapidly. Sonse fat-met-sbhave slarled 10 fuIlteir silos, If your cors is in te lte douait stage, ensile il nom b- fore te frots dry ouItlite ears and lower te vitanin content. As Iis stage te ear accounts for one-baf te dry malter yield 0f te silage, and te wbole plant is beeen 65 and 70 pet- cent moisture. If you have a large silo, you cas go as lom as 60 per cent moisture and st1l1 mate excellent silage. However, a snsall silo wit les compaclion will sol preserve dry silage Ica elI. la recent yare. early ma- luring cors bas iteen grown fot- ilage Alîboughit i takes more acres 10 f ili a silo, te sitage is munit igite.in esergy and con- tains munit ess watert Ian te lalet- maluring varielies. Il is muci citeapert 10pump water rons ite ev-îitan buitd a silo 10 bold il. A nens question tas arises- Sitould you add urea 10 cot-n silage' Feed grade urea would increase te prolein content of te silage and loner te amount wbm auhi.veauat dY flY G =of .ta ofs Medland secondJo. Brow; Keit A ike te dn tird Caro1 mervîlle. Acton 4-H Forage Club, placed Senior Hostein Conforma- t irst in tise Dat Class for Acton tion Classes - fitst. Erica Bt-o- 4H Forage Clubs, in addition kov; second, Susan Murray; to receiving fitst-place ribbon third. Marjorie Johnston. for i% Leaf Collection. Sentor Siorthorn H i fe r Kith sas followed closely Classl- firsl. Keitb Lasby: fol- by Carol Swackhamer. who te- lossed by Kelth Atken, second, celyrd second in both ber O)at and Norma Leslie, third. and Leaf Collection exiibits. Bill Lasbv topped lhe Steer Third place was Rae Swack- Class, followed by is brotiter hatmer. witit is Oat entry. and Bob mito was second, and 12h iite Leaf Collection. George McPilt.hird. Laura Tryssenaar received a The judie for thc Acton 4-H first-place rbbon for ber For- Caîf Clubs Aciievement Day age entty, consistmna aofoe was Dave Felleterio, Feed De- bale of hay, first cutting. Site parîment, U.CO., Weston. élso receved a tiird place in _______ te Leaf Collection. In tise Barley entries. Bob TRACTOR PASSENGERS Lule receved finI., followed Quotation rons a recent by is lwo sisters, L«ai, se newspaper. -Yeslerday a 13- cond; and Norma.third. Titeir year-old boy was crusited to Leat Collecton placed lltit ttb deatit wien tite larm tractor and l3th. on miicit ie was riding opset.' In thte Aoton 4-H Caîf Clubs Note titat " . . on wiicit Achitevemnlt Day. Keith Aitken ite was rîding." 'How nsany of sas declared top sbowman. fol- our tractons bave passenger lowied by Bill Lsby. second, seats? Nonte, ettcept for a few and Matjoie Joitnston thiird. European models titat bave a Tih e enuMM of lie Caf eat wide enoug rt orI. Make Classes were as follows: t a "Nu passenger" rule. Dont junior Hostein Conformna- vou bc responsîble for a ciilds ion Classes - fîrst, Wayne & ut FDONT WAIT, GO MODERN WITH Bp of prolein required in lte grain min. If you are feeding Imo- ltirds or more of your dairy caIlle rougnage requiremenîs as cot-I silage, you migit con- vider adding urt-c ulte silage. If you feed less titan two-tbirds crn silage, lte prt-em siould be supplied hbroug thlie grain min. Urt-a sbould only be added lu cors silage miticit is sufficient- lv mature, so ltaIliter, milI sot b, seepage Ironslte silo. If titere is seepage, lte ceea could migraI, down towards lte boîton of lte silo, resulting in toctuith a concentration aI lte bottons. Thé reécemmsndéd level cf addition is 10 pounds oI urea per Ion of corn silage. Il is usually added aI lte lime of silo f illing by spreading lte correct amount over lte top of te load. tiniform mining is a neccssity. For beef caIlle, lter, are ut-ea-calcium additives 10 bc applied aI 20 lb. per ton of s ilhge. The sains, precaulions sitould be takes as for dait-y caIlle. Thte calcium additions are nul recomnnended for doit-y ratlle, as 1no advantages bave it:en shows by revearchIto1 date. Cmetalol ntest 1Wr HIton P&ewim A new cenlens aI year class or ploss'men lv one of te fea- lut-es ut ibis yearv assual Hal- os Counly lowing Matcht. Thte matchit i sciteduled for Salut-day, Ortber 28, aI ite R. R. I Moflat fat-m of Stanley Norrisit, il vas asnoonced fol-- lowing a directors' meeting in Miloos ast week. Thte centennial class is a chtange ronste populat- "bus- inessmen's" maItcitaI has been iteld sn previaus years. Tiis year, asyone wbo bas even plowed in a Hallon County matchin te past 100 ears is inviled tu parlicipale. J, M. Ledwitit of Milton bas donated a îropby for te winner. Norval Jerseys Jersev clavs leaders for te monlt'of Auguvl bave jusi bees announced by te Cas- adian Jersey CaIlle Club. In te eior îwo - year - old class, Oak Meadow Sloneboy Tammy, a daugiter cf Don Head Milestose Belleboy, oms- ed and esled bv -v. S. L. Eva Harper, Georgelown, itad te iigietvlre-ord 'At Iwo veat-v 197 davs. sn 305 days. site pro dut-rd 10112 lits. milit, 511 lbv. fat, 5.05 per- cent, a Silver Me- dat record. Tite second iigitest record ir ltis clavs wav made by Rose- gale Lady Bijou, a daugiter of Generatios Sir Bijou, bred and îesled its Mac Aleander. Nor val. In 305 day-s, ai tl,as- 324 daYsv.vie produced 9,130 its. mitit, 532 [bv. fat, 5.83 per cent, a Silser Medîl record. Chevrolet Truck Iays it on the uine... with the '68 Job Tamers See your Chevrolet dealer nowl SEE US NOW for a low price on Canada's finest farm building Thé new low look! Ail Métal. Ranch-type tyling. Modern two-tone colour schemes. Yet Butler FarmatedOD buildinp are low in coit - Iower than wooden buildinga on a cot-per-yeer bai. Let us give you a free estimate. Write or call us today. 1221 klIlvlew Ave. OudlImIé, c a 44M with standout féatures that stand Up to the tough lobs Take Citevys exlra workPOweî: for con- ventionai pckupa in '68, te rugged 155- itp 250 Six ia thé biggeat standard Six you cas buy. Or ani for the 292 Six. Want more? Gel thé brand-new 200-hp 307 V8 - standard In V8 canventional picitupa for '68. In ail, you won't find a broader range of power In any popular pickupl And leavé It ta Chevy Trucks ta give you a truck-lougit cab and body with double-strong construction. Cab, cowl. windeitield piliars, roof and door open- -Inga on ail modela. . . doubie-waii aides and tailgale on Fieetidea . .. ail double- strong wbere lh.y hould be - to fue the lougietaljob. ""Sit YOUR NEAREST AUTHORIZIO CHEVROLET TRCK DEALER" Farmer charges C.N.R. fits to ait own weeds lssquesing Councîl vas asked ts farm, but ite was a1111 oper by a tow nship larme r 0 take ang ite fat-m and could gel some action about the aleged nwber n15 orrespondence reluctance of te Canadian wit thlie company. National Raitways to col weeds "Tlsey jusl peu.te bock," os Ibeir property aItteir lasi tbcitharged. meeting. ',ls a never-ending figit to1 Jack Wagsîaffe, R.R. 1, Glen keep grass and weeds out," Williams, told counicillors te ,aid Mr, Wagtaffe. "I cul 100 C.N.R. migitl bave ceased to acres rigitt up 10 lite fence and operaîr lite railssav bordering on te otiter side, weeds are _________ _____-gong to veed vear aler year.' Councit îlecided to end a lt- o th e railwa% Vasking for Two pig litters v"ome action. Mr. Wagvlaffe also comp- born in lel@s Itincd Io councit about receis- * in, 1550 separalC aâssessmChlls tha ix *es onS isproperîs, ssbicit ad on- thanun deed. He v-as advised 10 A vsls on titr farm of Lorne sit dosce vitit assessor Art Mavatev. near Acton, prodoced Benlos to discuss possible sot- a ltiler oI 10 recelly ssiicb llos esukesnriavurprise. Levv titan ________ is îeeks lter, itosever. 13 pigltlv sîre farrovced Irons te CLEANERS vame motter. Neyer mix itouseitold dlean- Aithlie voung pigs were nor- ers. Because ammonia is good mat and iteaity, alîboogi t î and Ajax is good il does sol Ironste firvl lIt ter died and mean thal scien mixed tbey are ait of te second succumbed. Issîce as good! Tbey, or any The veernarlan said in bis alter cleaners viten mixed, long service siite profession, cas itroduce Fitosgene. Titis is he hd nver un cros an. on lte citorine compounds lbing like tiis, but itad read used as agsdrn orl a about incidents inaliter plac- 1,wiicb vas set-y effective in es. killitg and disabling people. Norml prio of imebc-Since cittoine is use aIfte ba- îwees liîîerv for pigv iv 112 esn'redienîs of many dlean- davs Th fist ittr ws b r s te combinalion cf lysa or aus'v.3Tite sirndtiller a onmore dlerent cleaners couId Auuer lieseod9e.es produce Pitospene or alter dan- ber ~gerous cases. ELECTRIC MOTORS Wl CAN SUPPLY PARE MOTORS UP TO 40 M.P. IREPAIRING & REWINDING HOME - FARM - INDUSTRY W carry bbewer mt.,, drill sawa, applianceas DIRECT SERVICE IHANCOCK *LICTRIC 2&-C WATU ST. 0 W. servi« lns Muets, Attention Farmers Our Sémed Cleaning Plant es now cI.aning wh.at for fMI planting. CALL US FOR A SEEED CLEANINO APPOINTMENT TODAY "SEDRWHEAT' W. have a good supply of Canada No. 1 Gene»seea.d wheat on hand for faîl planting. This whaut s of top quallty, troat.d, and pack.d in new bags. "GRAIN ARATORS" Koep your combined grain in good condition in your bins by k..ping it cool with a grain a.~o.W. have a good supply on hand. Order yours today. W. -stock a full lino. of4 MASTER FEED MASTER FEEDS STu~m R.R. 2, g.org.fown - Dial 877-3512 &nd open your doors to with Thée NEW MODERNAIRE OIL PURNACI CéWe aawld a W.il Pean.d mud Ingînemri HmnéSysua -y SHIPTONS HEATINO COUilFUD ROBSINS Il7e6838 MILTON aàmw beidia L.P. FinancePlan F III The Canaèdien Cthéels, Wedmday, 967*0 No. 1 Local NEW POTATOUS 1 0-1bb.gn35< Firm YeIIow BANANAS ...........10c IL Crisp Oreen CELERY....-. 2 stalle for 29C CAKE -MIX - 7 Flavors .........2pkgs. 79C First Quality NYLONS ............. 3 pro. $1. Can. Packmrs SEEF BURGER .........55c lb. C.P. J ubile. BREAKFAST SAUSAGE .... 55c lb, Maple Loaf WIENERS ...............49c IL. Maple Leaf RindimsSlicod SIDE BACON .....79c lb. k

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