Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Sep 1967, p. 14

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Shw hom for coti. t filfr A 1MM NIW CAIM MMl islaundur coesstuctios et Milioe foilfair. The 30 by 20W Taot bulrtg la belngorotod ai a Paie Grounds, sebere ilt iti houai tho boit end daiey cotlte castiof $9300 ed hould b. roady for foir lime, Sept. 20 e.sorlg tht 1967 edition ai tht Mltas Agriculturil Sociilys end 30. (Staff Phoo) haute liagues for another year sel dissappiar aed aur chitd- ted th seaton got undrtay re wiil enjoy and Ibrive as 1 fl Tuesd.y sight with a roliick- residîsce flile. News fom 0 .S. D. ing gme of broom bil, inth ýWI' vmasum. h Thy is wek eScOSecir areport os aciviis ai - Ontario School for the Deaf, 'Miltos JUNIOR BOYS' L RESIDENCE NEWS C Widnesdty, Sept. 6 sase tht beipof ai tether terrn 1 herilB 0.6.0. This year we t selcorned tppraximatety 31t nets boys ta tht junior scholsaN risideece. Tht majority af tbise chldree are je tht 5-6 agi group. Our routinetsted chedules will cetm sîrage ta them for tht fjrst few wtekt but s00, tbey tili hi telint un whicb days or weîkends te have off. Tbe older ose veteren stud- etst if you can imaginet a 10- yitr-oid vettrani are usualiy settied je afler th first ftw dtys. Hawever thty ton criti- cite th routine with quips like, "But I dide't go ta bid at 8.30he t wtt ai homne' or "I dide't havi a shower iviry nigt. Ntvertheless, they retire tt tht sttted bour tiser their nightly shotir if sorewbat relucttetly. Tht baye, especially thtder unes, tri glad ta hi back. They bave M tess s tories and adven- sttarelate ta thijélgat C tes. Same. bowevtr. . re tsrntyed ta find Ibas a ftw of sheir hauddts' have rnoeed on ta a sieDorm and younger boys have reptctd them. For tht netsfitwieke th aider baya try ta "boss" thîte yauet- orer asti tstd. thiekiegthIat 'thise littie boys ares' big esaagb for aur Dorm. 1 gues this je tht same as higb tcbaal. Once ted reached grade Il or i1. wî lfokd dote aur notes", at th Grade t studînts. This year te have samethini net thietir-eie in tht jun- ior boys' residence. Il le tht formttion of a Haute Liague. Priviously, sWC loak aur boys ta th gymeasium for Physicti Edocatian. Thsis yitr. bawevtr. it lestp ta us, tht coueseliars ta provide Iis training. Thus, th formation af tht Haute Letgue. Thiri tri five tîams coesittittg of 12 boys. Each is coacbed hy a Counsellor, ted i have goad riasoin ta hueliv Ibat tht compititive spirit (hi- temn Couesellors. sot boys). tiilb hiere. I thiek tht Haute Leagut titi develop not only thtele- cintive ta tie among tht boys, but alto will heip ta dîvîlop physicat teli-being and sports- manship amant themn. Garnit tili iscludt toccer. football. basebaît, bail hockey, basket- bail tnd perhaps ice hockey. i keiowtshat ail the boys are ieteesely jnerested ted keeP asking me "whin ilil tht iirst gtms bi" Sa, althougb Ibis scboi year is oely higineing, tiret- dy il bas pmogrtsted wtll ted tht future seeses ta hald a great deal je store for eeery- By Graemne Colven. Resideoce Counselior JUNiOR GIRLS Tht fjrst wetk back t ,Cbaàt'I ays a busy, con- ftï1dndahectic: ont, ted thé Junior Retidenci ai -S. wtt no etception. The corri- dors resoueded with shouts ai joy at tht slgbt of aid frieeds tnd tears af lonelieested bi- tilderment af fetristl niwcorn- tes. Nase the datly patterns are bicommîngeîstablithid and tht cbiidrin are settliie bappiiy jeta tht routine. Swimmieg. the peresnit fa- vanite. bas bigan td thetutle ones scrmant wth delfght at tht sIghaioftheir towtis ted swirn suits. The Fasens le darm ont are rethir Young ta participate in the recrittion progrtm, but tbty tri most en- thusiastic witb their time spgent s-ingng. slidint ted rid- jttheir tricycles. and thret htve egurt their night wtt games nigint ie tht Junior Residence, ted Ibis iv- 'et bigan in the gates roomn were paper bag mtsks were created. Feom Sbire, we pro- gressed ta tht auditorium ta oie in games with bisa bags aed halls etc. Tht final stage invalved a trip ta tht boys' lorm - te advtntus'e te itself - where iviryone set ta work cretting t large mural. lm aii reports tht eveisg wtt t trial successted eviryone en- Ioyid themselves thsroughly. Another year is net undîr. way ted it promises to hc an active tnd itterestiet ose with tht varitd proeram ai recret- tional activities ted exception- ai ittilities ie which ta carry tbem ouI, wt are confident the tat traces of home sickness leaders for tht 167468 stosn. Congratulations ta captai n Jean Matlasd and cheerlead- ers Patti Wsnoski. Dale Payse, Mary Martin, Jantte Jacquet, Dehhie McClure, Lleda Russell and Shtwn Chard. Tht girls' first appiarance ai tht yitr %vil] hi al the pep relly Tbursday, Sept. 20 le tht girls' gym as 12.45. Go taim, gai1 Their egagement la stili à secret - ta everybody ls aay. ing. Red Cross volutleers visit the hidsides of thaastsds af haspi- tttized tar vetertes each year. They ring them gaod chier, smaill ifts tnd cctmpnionship. Yur 0%111ONU The ateost, hoilott halEs inte io rld are hero. Tirapit gîta pot lthe tavotiatt sprnsg gardas psu coutd tît- if ysu plant thom nase Att posefavorites, eosonebty prlced. Choose feom the complete selection et YSý LJ= UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO IMîlton 878-2391 o.egoton 772271 ýt 0nÇitlIf, ~o4y Sopm. M,17 in th muon 1>I0AGRUSWItI and wffl competeoSlly W 110r111 AMATEUR SHOW AWAR» thpyar sre they cianaqt Uni? Dear Sir: There t another matter tat I wtt ane ai the 230 persottt touk place that sight which was sebo went ta see the amateur very noticeable ta everyoae, 1 show t the arena here ta Mil arnsure. Milse Chamir af ton. I weet there ta se and Commerce shosld have bita hoar the local talent preseated up on tht stage from the hi. * hby the Mton CDhamber of gtnntng af the pragrat. Il wtt Commerce, aed I write tis lit- dawnrtght shameful haw &hio tir ta voici rny diagut t hoti wtt talon as stage aed wtt tht sem-profesttontlt snappid prectlcally tgnored Itantainduf- NW A tht prima front the yaunsters. ferent manser. 0NW A Ie my optnton, tht frst prtz- es were given ta the terni-pro- To top Il ail, the contestant sL W L fessianals just because thty mere lined Up je front of ber L W L were winners elsesehere. A per- and she was subjected ta tht s son who wins t rophies from ail anominabir dl-respect for the EVERYTHIP aver tht country should he big First Lady of tht Chamber of enougb ta entertain for th Commerce. She deserved mstch Low Rate Fi aoke of etertatatas, and let mort cosrtesy thaonsehat elht the priait go ta sorti of tht recived se that stage. very good yostngsr and firat- .if thert are no lettert agret- ligme contestants. ieg witb me an these svhjects U l'hoSiptembar th issue of iln Tht Champion le weeka t S T E M Tht Champion showis a picture came, t willt ht grtatly disap- of two liddies who danced poieled in tht mthers oi the their way ta the "favor of the talenttd chlldren af thet tataTV cant crowds, but evéryont cant hi ai Milton. winners". Righl abovt this pic- Yours truly, 348 ucngslolgh Coi ture art tht pictures of tht Marie -Henry, firet prize winners. In that 74 Robert St., Milton. show were others wbo csuld -------- bave taken tht first prîtes but thywr i nuhta enter- NEM S SE- tain for the simple Joy of iv- THEM ST NSATIONAL M iL ing pleasure tu others wth- out gais for themsilves. TEDTHCN DA O NR Yes, I1 admit that tht irst TEDTHCN DA ONR prize winners were good, but PRESENTS tbey had years of experience behlnd them, where tht young- leurs. In mv estimation, the C NT NU fistrsiz wiafers aIl, onlsa tho wtre lotest on the ist. In- fity imthe mwinneseet ho-s 16 l9e DANCE & CAS, aas hywre hintestants tbsueyo ini SEPTEMBER 22 - MILTON Ai unsw ure wit. , a trophies, tnd someone wtb o e o ol P T * N pirbaps years of experience i Cle O @l FE UR1t- their pat, cas stand up thiri aosT n ai tr-ýG RI and compile wiîh amateurs. * FeosT edRd@Str- ODI akncowteg Ibat îbey tilIls, ît * Cenadien Centonniel Band - ". Sc beyond me. Why dont these ine people gelstome gumptiot' ted Poe go ouI and work as profession.- The Peirsa nd Sques - TV% own sc 0 aie le tht teterlaismeet world, i-or is it that they fear failure, r p *FRANK'S COMBO - Continentel Eunq *And the World Femous Cabaret Ster PRINCESS CAMITA . .. Milton "Vii PicadlIIy "Loves Hor" - Milon, Italy "P' A. T. MOORE ADISSIN - $2.54 Amw"mO, (or uqwte INSURANCE IIIIIIII M 0 Ae pecahlon iseate 85 ~ 2CAMPSILLVILLI Don't Miss the Most Spectaculur E kND USUD SETS .OW PRICES INO MUST GO inancing Avallebi. IART'S id RADIO îurt 878-2432 îT 0F THE YEAR 1 CLUB 0F MILTON ARET r$ ýRENA - 7 P.M. àCornu Cornu ETAPP gcott and T4e Canadien square dane exhibitIon peBond rfrein the Fiji Islands - ealcosues Mer" - London ,proises e. l d e Up mM B t am WELCOME Event of the Y.er ifyour dhý fumace doesn'tdo its jmob, t ire it Nat ta a perlect ima te convert te modern Naturet Gas. Il dotant takeas tarse cash eatlay. 'Thrta taodate ptpmet-ted the cosI et tht lar- naca, plat tht tupply et gas, cas ha pad for titequat paymets. Vas canencjef the benetîts oI a natrai gas farced air haativg eptet. ot'It have batanctd hattnd hamiditp, t constant aapply eftlresh flîttred air, aet hast threughout tht ahota hause youIl likoly sovor naed 10. Thra's nothing 1k Naturel Gai tue astelite comtorit aded iclety.-l- tteIt a n«v gai tmie syatom soi and tnd oatt for yauetait iis wiltrt Soi Unted Oaa or pote hoattag con- inacise. Aka&bout tise l"4 StopsatoTotal ledoar Camirt'. UNITED OAS >CALL THESE KEATING CONTRACTORS FOR ESTIMATS: * STAN MARTIN IIEATINO " Phono Collait 112.4-0238 O0Oa Company Alimente Hum"e " Ne Obligation for Itimafta Ail Wo.k Oaèrantod Met. 1947 li S. A. FAY & SON LTD. * 0 Phono 07114831Pumbngm atn 0 146 Main t. L, Milton *9 r=n 02bi "m"ny for ove.àaqoate i e of aà lur à - & . Il 1 gil n ij Ju en wl cr gr io * HI-FI STEUSO

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