ABSTRACT IS what you moka lt, If you can ai tho hormo of SW. Gaztoy, Given Rd.The mako anything of i. Mre Brenda Wilson oi shaw, running fram 9 arn. ta 9 p.m., înciudi- Milts studios ane of the palnings et iflton cd dispicys ai landscapes, abstracts. collages Arts end Crafts Societys Saiurday iawn show and portraits. (Staff Phota) Tewahipcanet stop aa aswq givargefor resieace miss Barbea cGuay. egsa oi Mr. and Mrs. Ray=Gaya Milton,. eocved her surslng diplomae on Sept. 8 item gis Chathsam Public Genorcl os pitli Scisaci aiNursing, andi wesas airdoti the PeleCIllc Campbell. schoirship for ln- trpersosaI reiatioeisiip seili patients end ca.woelkers. 3h. secs choses by hr clacamt as vaiedictorian. Barbare la workung nas etc St. Josephe Hospital In Lndes. New bouses, garages and traiders came in for mare dis- cussion ai a meeting ai Esques- lng Township Council an Mon- day. wbes a mas asked for per- mission ta lite in a garage near Limeisouse untit ise cas buitti a bouse an tise pranerty. Wblle eousselllrs recognizeti tise need for some farc ofai on- lng by-law ta, prevent sucis a tiig ram happening. ibey bcd ta admit tbey were stymied by bis requesi. Legalty. tise towen- ship cannai prevent int ftram obtaining a building permit for a garage, and ihere is natis on tise books ta say tise mas cannai lite in tise garage. CUS oeuiolo Saturday evening as tise Base Lino Roasi. iro cars collidesi for a total damage of $1370 Mitoan OP.. report. A car drives by Linder Guenter ai 57 Kng St., Miltas received tise bruni of tise damirage andsth ie driver receiveti a sisaulder in jury. Tise otiser car was drives by itarry Lyncis af Oakvilte. CountY Council Briefs li Dsrisg thse September met saltis ai former inspectar Ver . 'mg of lIctas Cauaty Cicit as McArtbur af Losevitie. on Friday: e Attendance ai tise Ontario a Perminsson wsmagrantesi Public Healtis Assciation cas- tor tise tawerlsg ofth.1e speesi ventian la Niagara Faits in Oct. linmit as tise 13 Sideroasi ber seas appravesi for 00.K tlraugb h ttat ta 35 mitas per Dr. fi. B. Hay. assistant M.O.H.t. lour. in c000pliancOe itis a eDr. L M. Stuar, ciief santary qsest fracs tise Nssagawea inspector J. Powell, nursg di Township Cotsn<d. rectar Miss G. t.eavey and tise chiarman of tise Board af ei A tender aofitaywmrd and Hiealtis. Pickett. Miltas, was accepiesi e Maltas Cetennial Manor for tise suppty o sansi for seli. part-tlme emiptoyees were git. ter catrat as roadi. en a ive per cent cost of iving e Hitlta's 50w Medicat 0f- bonus, retroactive ta May t. fir of Sieclis, Dr. 3. &. itay. e Permission wsa grantesi ta was intraducesi ta snmes. Warden William Couter, Mil- In a fese brief sussarks, be ton *Reeve Austan Ledwitis andi plesigesi. "my c155 ber wll be 'Maar Board secretary Clair ta gite you a public health ser. UciCay ta attend tise Ontario vice tiat sel b. second ta Association Hames for tise Ag- nase in thse province, or any ed convention ln Ottasea iis tiser province for dtimot- seek. ter." e A report ram tise Mus. eum Board indicates tise 1967 0 Cauncillors approved a re aitendance aitishe museum ai quesit tise province go ta. Kelsa bas been "tantastic. es- dardize ragons of municipal timatesi ta be pat tise 25000 services tiroiigbaii Ontario. mark." It wscs stes tise mua- Ose councilar laier explaines esans is soi cisarglng as admis tisaitise D 'atment oet W> sionsfteeduring cestensiat year. seays districts, for emple, dd e saatary o ai ltpbysic- sot camply seuls any otesr ver fanDr. C. K. Stevenson was lonat isoundares teprvnc nce te ram 350 ta 32.300 isas set. Copies Of thse motionpur mnum, seestise praperty are goisg ta tise Ontarioa ov commitee naied an iscrease eramnesi andi tiese oatin in tise jali population. Tise of Onario Cousues for sup nstailer of fumâstes bas grawn port. from 587 la 1964 ta 752 iis 70r. e Tise slary cof tise sarden wsan lcseased tram 83"00te ... $5000 ansually, retroactive ta Souh S"I tise tari af iis yer. e Notes ram tise agric.attsr (Continuait ram Page Ose) ai cammitee Indicatesi luge bave bcs decided beore see flocks of blackblrdsare 1deu- mtst Hes e suggesied tise traying cornaM"iun la ttn. peis lgavrunent seoutd Tise commttee la ta mecelt it Dol wate tse maey fh con- Maltons agrieslural reprasen- trlbutasi If tise Matia Houas tative ta diseuse the problein was mproperty lacateil. and is seeklng issirssitis WasdaCoaltar cm thtie dis. 11ro1s1 tarmers 1.1508 C5«M5cussion short setisa remînder bave been atftes. tise fealbiity studios seaulsi e A grant oet1500 la prie ot aiseail thse f acts Ittacos- n"y waa apprevei for the ihal. aderatan. Deputy4ieeve Rog- tos 441 Forage, Cors ansi Con. arasamade a final pies. "Ta use servation Clubs, an expressilontise teenagers e George eseli af0.R. 1, use, you have ta ' a wbere tise Mut, as, e appinftesi aa Rai-action l' andsitsinlatise ton Weod Inspector. tollewlng ouds wlseee you bave 80 pr tise toigsatlan tisseIo 18 cment fyur peotple." Tise applicant, Ralpis Holtis. sas quite apen and hisnesi about tise requesi. He said bc sus iseisg marrled sburtly andi wanies ta bsîiid a 22 by 22 foas garage ta tide bim aver antit be cauid get bis bouse undes construction. Ht even offered ta sign an agreement inc!ading a date wben be maulsi be abtigesi ta vacate tise garage. Couneli was aganM bis ides ai living in tise garage. baitisad na legal grounds ta stap ii. Insteasi, tbey suggested be "'saisi bcbe btter ta buitd tise basement ai thse bouse. roof il over andi live in is: or resi a traiter in whicb be cauid lite on tise praperty. 'Your miFutake was sn bqisà sw ouianesi,' summeul up Caotn citiar Tom Hiii. Ht said tise mas coutd have hals a garage ansi mavedini, and tise tawn- sip coaldn't stop isim. 'Wr baven't gai a leg tc stanîd on," asidesi Cauncillai Pat Pattersos. but be isapet thsu mas wouid do "tise right thing" for tise sake ai tise rest ai tise townshsip residents. "tlet's saS make fisisofaie and fawi ai tise oliser," cas- tinued Coancitior Hils. "Me lt people isuild a cellar andi lite sn it far lite years isefare iisey buitd a bouçe aver fit. M les tisem lite in traiders, some witisaut a tee. Misy stop ibis itan fram living in a garage?" Tise ansticani was urged te check witi tise Heatthisst and %e If thse inspectars would ap strate residence in tise garage Meansebile. tise councit Is cati ing ins s 'sicitor ta sec wbcl cas bc daste. Members were geseralty ih agreement tisai a zonlsg by-tas wss seedesi. dnaaday, !pt. 20, 1967 ~ Nuirss.. t4.ontsnued trou ?ce On.) sets ibir hasrs of woris ai 33 pur weolt. "nie nurses a ~pyand tise perpnnet tie Io hsappy," Depty.laev Frankt Rogera.,'Burlingtons, toisithe couscil. beputy-Reeve Charles Moeey, Miltas.,cangratuiciesi thse negoiiatiisg cammtittee for working ouian eqsiiabie agre- Tise dlapule wiitiste nurses * began wits a rdquet for cal- lective bargaising and erupted :ntu a mas, waikaut by th staff last fait. Afier a mastis off work, th-cy returned on the promise as agreement wouid be warked oui, but meanwiie the causiy bealth unit was "greyilsiod" and nurses across the province were urged ta re- fuse work here. Idegafiations bogged down eariier iis year when tise nurse% aiiempied ta wark oui an agreement wih the countys nefaiiaiing commiitee. Fin aity a conciliation board was agreed upon. Tise grey-isiing n'as drapped a few weeks aga. Laier in tise same meeting ai coui vcouncit. oembers tcarned in a report tram tise Board ai Heath tise nursing camptement ai 30 had drapped ta 13 fuit urne and ihree pari- trne nurses. Tisere had been 24 on staff when thse trouble brake ouit asi year. and ser- vices were Mong performed. Counillioru aita appraved a contract witls ihe guards ai tise aison Couniy b it i Miton. effective retroactive ta Juty 19 and rusnisg for iwo years. The guards received an increase ai appraximatelv 19 lper cens or StuCS ta $4,8011 wih f ive annuat increments ai $220. in Jlty of 1968 the siariing saary witi be uppedt ta15.00wiis f ive ansuat incre-ments ai $220. Tuis agreement was warked oui in jusitlshrre meetings and Warden Wiliam Coulter report- ed il was dose "witls the besi of retations" betwes-n thse em- ptavce and employer. The <Irst wagon roasi ihrough the Alps was Iegun in 1338 and ted iiraugis the Sept imer pass. Saxons were tise teading mi. siers in'Europe durlsg lise 1itt century. I i I1 Whoun our moen do ith. lob of pOlntlng or fia ing tise body cf yaur car, yov're sur.ciflise bet. *ILLS AUTO BODY 'i, 878-2721 b .878-3251 ~.., KAY AND ULRICH NOWAK of Nornby, wise pueisd fiste Cams Resaurant rêtently. Mrs. Nowak Io experlenced as c walieess,wlj a totally nOw saff assistinci her. Ulrlch vwac top stvodent of tise Pm. vinclal Institut. of Tradles, Toronto,.end hoed of tise eulinery dapaut ment t the Ontario Vocatlonal Sceeol at Soult Si.. Marie. Dusfng1964, Mr. Newak financeetià tour thresagh Europe by worlilng as à chaf. This experienceawlll add Européen vareey te the Cravans new monu. Changea made *ascludd o eeprlclng. Cofiee. for exemple wlll new h. ton omnia par tep. THE NEW 0OWNERS 0f THE CARAVA N IN THE MILTON PLAZA WON'T YOU DROP IN AND MEET US. OUR POLICY NEW STAFF Courteeus und Fleudiy NEW ME SpeduIIzing Ia Eurepeam und Canaden Cuisine NE.W _.QWNIEI Wh o pe Y. WIIDrap lu. mand Say "i" FO=R EATING OUT PLEASURE 1.. COMM TO Tnu CARAVAN IN THE MILTON PLUA Open Front 8 a.m. t. Mldnlght on W.okaids BANOI 0 a CLUB 0 Neoe: Pu New Phoeo. Ne. ls 878-390 DININO 00088i CHICKEN LEGS ................. 49e lb. CHICKEN WINGS ............-3 lbo. $1. CNICKENS ...... .. ...........37c lb. DEVON BACON ................ 75c lb. Schneider's Crispy Flake LARD .....28c IL Maxwel Nous. COFFE.....79c IL.pkq. PORK CHOPS ................ . 65< lb. PEAMEAL BACON .......... .... 75c lb. SPARE lias .....................65c lb. RIB ROASI - - - 69c lb RUMP ROAST - - 85e lb. ROUND STEAK- 85c lII. 0 FREEDELIVIRY* Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878-3161 ln w wý at wi w fo ul ul 01 in bg ol n, Il b ti cri a t ai