The Lquor Licence Act Notice of Annuel Meeting Licennlng District NO. . TAKE NOTICE that thse An- nusi Meeting Meeting of Tise Liquor Licence Board of Ontar- i0 for Licensing District No. 5, '.omprising Counties af Went. éî Wortis and Halton, Wn b. beld t at Caral Roomu, KnlgisI Hall, 6 Sanford Ave. S., in tise Cty or Hamilton, in thse Couniy 0f Wentwortis, on Tuesday, tise lOtis day of October, 1967, comment- mu eat tise iour of Ton a'clock in the forenoon, at wlsicis time i il ll iear anS determine appli- cations for tise reneseal of lic- ences in accordance seltisThse Liquor Licence Act, and tise Re- gtlationa tiereunder. ANID PURTHER TAlCS NOT- ICE tisat any person Wiso la resident in tise licening district and abjects ta any application sisal file is grounds 0f objec- flan in writing with thse Deputy Registrar et east ton days bse- fore tise meeting. G. C. GAGE. Q.C., Deputy Registrar. 15 Kng St. W. Hamilarton, Ont. 9c20 20 AUCTION SALES * Walter Reinkart Brampton LUveaîack Excangae Socîgrove Licensed Auctioneer Ferrm Sales. Hauaeisold Saes anS Appralsals PHONE Cllect Kitchener 319-742-7437. lOctî COMPLETE AICTION SERVICE Househis - Dispersais or Farm Sales CIiris. A. Schouten AUCTIONEER Gradoate tram IKansas Cty Auction Scisoat SalesondanteS anywhiere. Pteaar caI collact 878-2S76. CLEARMN AUCTION SALE For MAC DRET! Lot 15, Con. 2, West Taronto Twp.. 1 mite orst No. I-Steel- es Ave. Saturday, Sepiamaber 23, 1%7? At t p.m. Camnptete line farmo macisinecy, bey and grain. ALBERT MoBRIDE, 20h12 AuctianSr. Estate Antique AUCTION Monday Eeiag, Sepiambar 25 At 7 p.m. kemaved by reqocot for sale at Nerv arlais Hall Hanging temps etc. Antique furnituce. ColoreS anS clear glass. Ciina. Antique guns. Estate jewettery. Pictures etc.. etc. On view tramn 5 p.m. No reserve. ROY ASHWORTH, F.V.t.. Auctianeer, 20)c20 Brampton 459-0580. CIIETIIOLME HOLITEMN DISPERSAI SALE (asener Graydan Chster, Narval) OEPTEUDER 2», 1%7? At 1.30 p.m, aI tise GergtonSa"sArom .Georgetosen, Ont. one of tise aIder facmer/ breeder ierds, afferlng e gcaup of yaung open heifers. bred isel. fers and good, strang brood cases sitis gond udder and in fine candition. Ptsly accredited since 1947. Daug Dutan bulls played e pramineni part in tise earty yeers, and more recently top AI. siren s ate been useS. An excellent appartunlty te purcisese yaur faRt mllk. - folaserd by thse- ileis Raekwood Iniaatis. Comtgamnn Bala 50 MUAi) A quality group of top cal 'AôcIoSrWiÉ as' 2'0 iOTION *AL«# CLEARMN spool bedn; spinlng wbise; R1- SA E by carniage; many amall acliel AUTO S L es toa numeraus ta mention. TERMS: Cash wetti clerk an re M -d ay 0f sale.,; eo r&&BlalIn.,Fi Auctianeer or auner not ras- AUTY SALON Daiey E9iFiieitPaS, IIa'I ponsible for accidents or injur- ina'. aie. ies day of sale. Tise rapery ît~ Everyting ta We removed by a, ~ ao Th rpet f October 1t Vogue eautySao ALBERT PDI No rçserve as tend is ratiteS. ANWCIFR Lot 4. 2nd Line, Enquesing, on5 Boots by Mimosa UC.W. ANWCIFR 25 Msey.. norlis of Hilton, an Auctioneer. MAUX STORE'<. Designed Just For Yan ,TUESDAY, SEPTEMER 2M6 Rockwood, phone 816-9751. - and - i9 Hos 2.3cw0. nyea Fred Baptie and COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE fresh witb caives at foot anSd .R~e trs 81 Cal 878-2461 close springers, balance varios CLEARING19MasSce breeding dates; 7 heifers, t 92Mi1Sre fresisen Oct, t - Dec.; 2 ieifers. AUCTION SALE ready t0 breed; 6 caives. tramn 59 mon. This is a big, strong herd. Centrai Ontario Unit sires O Ra"lelàaed anS Grad. Bol- HENNY'S have been used for severai stelas and a Pull linae o Paies years. - Fruo Implemants HAIR STYLING deluxe No. 35 tractor; Cock- tIntise Twp. of Oakvilte, Lot 198Mlii St. Hilton. shutt 315 mower; Fergoson 2- 14, Con. 4, just a isaîf mile cat furrow plow; Fard dise-, 24 fi. of Milton, on Main St. -E. foc- CALL 878-3711 bale elevatar; rubber ire wag- mnerly Given Rd., farm iocated FOR APPOINTHENT on; fiat rack; International ma- a tise corner of 3rd Line anS nure spreader; Cockshutt 4-bar Main St. E. Modemn eqaipment. %ide detivery rake; 3 - section For Expert ntling, calaring. wav- drag cuttivetor; i-section isar- FRED AMME in. 21cxlf roses; 3-rum steel ratier; M. H. SATURDAY, SEPT. 235d, 167 tg 12-hae drill: steel sater trougis; At 12 octock sharp. ______________ endtess drive Wtlt; braoder DAIRY CATLE-8 reg. cowsn bouse, 1l s 16; pile of 16 f t. silo in ful1 flow,. anS due again 10 ILICTRICAL smvicu lumWer; pile of fireplace seood; Marcis and April; 2 reg. cases. -_____________ pile oif masure, if sot previaus- due in Dec.; t reg. case, due lime ly solS; otS seooden isay car ut sale; 4 reg. 2-yeae.old heifera. McPHAIL ELECTRIC dump rake sitis rope anS put- Sue is Dec.. Jan.. Aprit; 4 rerg. ley; lise usual small articles. yearling ieifers. a IN'DUSTRIAL DAIRY and FEED - Champ- GRADES - 3 cowss fresis ap- t, COMMERCA ion 24-can huIt conter. 2unit pros. t mo.; 4 cass fresis ap-RIA Surge milker, pump and piping; pr0s. 2 seeks; t case, due lime 0 DOMESTIC Gem tank coler; pails; about utf sale; 3 coses, due Nov.: 5 800 bales of oat sîrase; quantiîy cass due Dec.; 2 cowss due jan.; 0 ELECTRIC MJEATINO of oats; 800 bales af ibay. 2 coses, due Feis.; 5 cos, Sue PURNITURE. selling aI 12.30 Marcis; 5 cases, due in April. Cm - GoaS seainut 9-piece ining FARM MACHINERY - Trac- OP loto Electric Homne room suite; 2 steel Weds. spingi torn Massey Fergusan 65 (gas), 06 Chartes St. fililon anS mattress; dresser; 2 seasis3 P.T.H. sitis L.F.T.O.; traclor. stands; 2draseer chest; odd Ferguson 85, ail rebuilt, in very 878-9513 chairs; studio coucis; radio; pine good running conditian; Cobey desk; pine dent table; ireptace masure spreader, 125 bus.. P.T. grate; pair of brass andirons; 0.; Nese Idea manure spreader. spinning seheel parts; and a tese 125 bus., junt like nee; isay bel- TV and RADIOSurfCS other old articles; medicine er, Massey Ferguson -Na. 10, new chest; utiliîy caphoard; utility 2 pears ago; Massey ferguson table; quitting trames; other grain anS tertilizer drill sitls smalt articles. grass seeder. t5-ras, on rubber; DURNAN Farmn sotS. autamnatic bale stocker. mouints TV AND AP'LIAIcE Osener anS auctioneer not res- os any baler; tractor blaSe; 3 F. passible far any accident on pre- T.H.; Massey Ferguson 3 P.T.Hf. SALES & SERVICE mises, double disc, 9 fI.; 'Fleury issaIel Pslt Lunch bontis. culîipacker; John De5ere bey *P aP TV & Tapa Racordar TERMS: CASH. moseer. P.T.O.. traiter type, an * R.CJs Stere, TV, Appliamm FRANK PETCH, Auctioneer, rubber; John Deere side Sellv- * Sparton TV anS Sterao Tel. 8772864. ery rate. 4-bac. very good con- 22 MAIN ST. 8794445 Geo. Carnie, cterk. 20h12 illon; Massey Ferguson plase. 3 otif P.T.H.. 12 bottomn. CLEARING Massey Ferguson 2 - farrow plose. 3 P.T.-H.. 12" bottam; 1 3. AUC IOseLE ction beevy duty barroses; 1 UMIN MACHINIS i-section seed harrases; 2 rubber 09 Seg. anS Grade BSt CaIla, tireS tarai sagons selti 16 fI. Boep, Tfrsa. Pun- Inpteas- racks, ike nese; bale elevator eaEmuifuu Auomsobile-.siti motar. 32 fi.; geais auger ll9JI - - sitis motor. 17 tt.; past bote dg SIg-ER Tise undersigned bas received er , 3 P.T.H., 12", junt ana year SEWING MACHINE insructions tram aId; McCormick grain chopper; HUGH K. ADSETP and i-section spring toots cultivaI- SALES - SERVICE WULiAM H. ADBETT or; crcatar nase; 3 P.T.H. teacter Ta wttl by auction atet l i puîey; tractor chaina; buet- RE N TA I Lot 23. Cos. 6, Eramosa Top., bouse for 65 Massey tractor. ne situated 4 mites straigist north last fait; Chromotox eteclele PHfONE 874M6 of Everton, on tise 7tis Line of beater. ideal foe heating milk Eramosa Tsep.. on bouse; quantity of cedar anS Milton Fabric Centre 3ATuDAYsEpramER steel tesce pasîs; t ral of nae SATURDAY. SEPTE12.30 snoosefence. 50fil.; extension Services anS Repaira an Comm, tencolin g:I 2.0pm *ladder; 200 gal. tank; selce at, mahea of sewlbqmachinea. shap.tis egosei g sîtretcher; Champion oat railer ot huit.6ys LE - Reg ateSAnussitis dasîpecof motor anS teeS-25-t bunll.6 rs ot. a7 g o ue nabox; 3 stack tankn, 200 gala. <Sanolir a EX); 7zig pai. acis; Duro sater pump; 2 silo eS Angus cass f Bandotier anS crIs anS ton many more articI- TAILORIO -RIAI Eiteenmere breeding; 7 Young es tnnmra amnin (Pure braS) calves tram tise a-m MÎLKING EQUIPHENT- cos eligibie for registration); Champion 35 - cao bul er, T IL RN 12 grade coss Hereford-Short- jast lite nese; 3 Universal mitât. AL RN hora-Angus cross. mostty braS ingasits; 2 staintess steel mllkA by sale day 10 tise a-m bhull; 11 sîrainers; large vacuum pump ILTERATIONS Young beef-type camves; 5 Mot-sitis piping far3M cases; mutaan stein steers, about 7500 bs. pands HOG - orksos sitis 6 HAY, GRAIN anS STRAW I- REAR pigs buen Aag. 15; Landrace sose Approx. 4.000 bas. of Rodney EAR sili 10 pigs bora Auguat 17; 30 clats. first seeding of ceg. secS; K I tisifîy chunks. about 3 mon. 015. appo. 50 aeNtfchis HT'SMEN'S WEAR IMPEMNT - as DC 4 mixeS bey liant yeaea ceopl anS 202 Mais SIceet tactor; Massey Marris 30 trac- approx. 6,000 hales ef choIce. P NE8 -47 tor; Atis Cisalmes CA tracter; mxeSbeyNEhs8y78-"c72) Messey 'Harris pany grdnapx. 4.100 ts ofean nat 21o7-i Iractor; tnt. 3-turrase piose Bu- srse.400 aeofcannt207 heb2-lter do-besAttivator; M-L AUCTI1ONEERS NOTE: TMt 20plteSobl Ssc AC u- s a Setter tisan average isard, RON ATO base plase. 3 p.m.; AC tiaclar al] Unit sires useS. Titis isrd cuitivator. 3 pis.; AC souffler, bas as average of 4% butter- teetis, discs anS tout bar, 3 pis.; fat, berS consisting of ait yauing DOMCO A-C 7 fI. paower moseer. 3 phs.; cases anS heifers, practicalty ai D~I~D Tfk Hamboît manare loaSer salI under 6 years of ae. Hece la RERGE TO dirI blaSe; pRose anS celivater voue opporîunity toaddSSta your Domestie Retelgerator t0 fit MNH. pany tracter; MMt. quote. Breeding dates sell b. and i3-mn grain anS fertitizer drill; given Sale 0f sale. CatIe will Freezer Service. Spreadmaster P.TO. ma8nure sei et apprax. 3 p.m. spreader Inear nesel; COP rab- Eveeytbing munI te saiS Phono: ber tiraS wagon witb fIat recka; -No reserve. for Mr.Anme la CamPboîîvillîe 854-2605 Mli. 7 fi. cul binder; MN, bey giving up farming for Iseatuli lctt miSder; steel seheet wagon; reasons. bornesteigisa; Cockshutt cisap- Lunch boots avaitabte on theIN per; LeIz griadee; nteelralter. premises. K N OLD IMPLEMENTS - I.H.C. Auctioneer or osener net ras- 2turrose plose; Front anS Wood ponsible for accidents day of R FIG R TO moseer; Frost anS Wood outti-l. ERG A IO vea; t..C. bay toasSer; MNH. Conditions of sale areccash. INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL seed drill; Cocksbuîî steel man- Noîhing to bo removed unlil are spreeder; MNH. binder. -etteS for. SALES & SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS - Cotony Auctianeec: bause; 5' drive Wtlt; set 0f higis CHRIS A. SCH6IJSN, Retiia anS Efficient beam acales; Universel milkier, R.R. 3, Milton, Ont.,CAPEVIL pamp anS mtar anS pipe for Phone 070-2576 9cases; seter trough is etisfloat, Jim Lang ek7aS-855222 saitebte for hogo; Paultry fred- m aer. tean.854-222 ers, seaterers anS 2 Propane Delmar Ford on Pedigrees. brooders; cisain sase (Canadian), 24" blaSte; about 5o pelaIts, ver-b2 ious sices; 2 gai terage bar- rais, 200 ga; oit $Pacea]istaer; 2 couk slowes; pile of crgp Iran; a osverai eîecîrcnet lit umi.r aFoi- Your rîntng.. large ize. W IiE1I o ull AUTOMOBILE - 1966 Impa. * Top tllat Sev le 4-Soor iardtoP. radie, peser Efficien Servic 1tern . ase -baks .s ,~* Reaonable Prlam a 9'd4e ck Of 'ca mping ... (Conln ron trmPMpSaon) we were p leaudeto pte ie tisaI thse SCAF la wel qualifieS wacmh h ofpisOl*t d te isave seittan, tisaI îO-BX Sbeilafrtioe caatin, but Plan or weialever you. call Il maily for tiele tiendllna SKORAJI tisai eîat a 1 l i euthisand tise cisarm oft ieir cUS _________________and eecs.P .Tsiprairie cen. Our hasts ga e n "1> air realîr wealtens e fellose ..."* deptis ttor 0f Cegeyantilua DRAvERY e C perte tiseevening gels- environs, Surine swiich we r DRAPEY erd round tis e brthns thfle calteS the "aId limes" around affcers' quarters, îissenlng Milton. 'Ibis stop-avec attardeS BROADLOOM selde-eyed as Don and hi: yoong sometimne ta change tise scotch " Residanilal d pasi moment of aerana- More next week. " Industriel tical glaries. Bilt Kelly. Dy way ot a ftashback, t " Commercial mont ssv that tise Dryden ~r51Iq etr Redymae raes10etci.(Ont.) peper mill is a good p sn i Red-ad rpe nstc.stop. Thev have tours througish .W afw cuc Par Customu Service. the milI on a regular basin. Thse tour wsa handled by a young A cammunian table Bible CALL 878M207 OM HOME University of Manitoba agricol- and lectern seu be presented APPOINTMENT tarai studeni seho gave us aIl by Kntox Presisyterian Churcis tie technicel data on Ibis vest Scisool ta their extension con- SYERS îindusîcv. tram îogn ln tise gregation in Branralea nexi 228 MainSRt. 87&M207 creek ta the end praducl whicis Sunday. 21.4tincluded huge raIls of paper Tiseaut la simler 10 ane sehidis would require a crae prvsented 10 Knox by tise _____________________ 1 lift, rigisi dasn ta amatI church scisot Jane 25. wite and pnk ones about UASCONTRACTOSS iand size._ Dryden is pretty mach sup- RAY LAN ported by this industry and Is arias sildereesi. Much pros- i BUILDING perity abaunds visere. Unlike CONTR CTORSLTD. mont northern tosens, tise kids CONTRCTORSLT atay there or go away for higis * Home Impravemeua4 er education but moslly atways " Renavallons reiurn. Interestlng top.over. " AlteationsNow, back to Saskatchewean c * Alecatonsand heading foc Calgary. " Additions Au posireaude»rst ont ltsJ " Commercial or Induetelal-Mr. Editor, this in tise big land. big sky, big everythlng P L A I UL 4-2263 counlry. One cen and dors Ira- ______________ vel ai higis spred, and be un- molented by tise law. ehicis CAU seems nosehere te 5e evideist. L IRVING ROOFING A mid-day stop fonS an et 'Irvine", I ihints il wan. Wres- Par gaged some of the local farm- ROO)FING BAVESTROUGHINO ers in conversation et ane et ALUMINUM SIDINO tise waiering-holen. You cati tte-ROOflng Our 8P«ially gel lots of Information and et- PHONE 87&-020 MILTON tention, it srrmn. if you reveal - Frera Estimetea - tisat you're tram Ontario. INSURE C016 21ctl Same look et you like Vau - AD LN oece a bug in a testtube.ADPAT Anather stop in tise ltae- teracon jasi belote Calgary * FII OMelfl I RVMC was et Gleicken' or some0 otl nucis place. Thse great nombera Fomoa of Indiens provîde problems ln lb Everl Formosa this tosen and geeral victnity. These eanly Canadiens gel Ladc pg titemselves n m qulte a relax- ed moad by late afteraoonn - R mtt CONTRACTOR name ne relaed as ta 5e horiz-FO R P antal. * Sdusg andSoaddlssg 5h1 i Sng lois of Hippies *Weed apceyln on tiseiglnwsy. * ertllizlng Our hs -uk eaiiR *Trea tclmming ad iat"ok eaiiR 0 Paiosandhin ettractive site Sheila * Patiosaseitrd aur late arrivaI at 87-363 tieir home anS eit tiis paint lnaA N Ib-363 tis watered - dasen camping 729 21c-tt trip. "home" saund prelty goad 882f -il conjures up tisoughs ofa bot sowers. saft beds etc. Sa PAINTNO MBND ICOAYIW< GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Controctor Indusiszia - RealdentWa Interier - Ixtetier CalI nase for Fra. Estlmate 878-137 Box 114, Milton. 21edt WELL DRILLING J. B. RUITAN R. R. 2,.HiMon, Ont. Phsone Burlington NEléon 4402 CUUTM UPHOISUT MILTON UPHOLSTERY MNw osened and opeaed by Lama Arthur PHIONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Milln *Autotrm *Upisolatasy leanln *Customa builiturniura *FPees pckup atisud ivey Halton Upholstering Re-Upholal.rlng Customa BuilI Fuenituce Chrome Iilcien Chairs Rug anS upisolatacy sampooing Free pick-up anS delivec. H. ENSEN R.R. 2, Campbelivilla. Phono: 854-9939 2leS-il Harold's Upholstery j79 FINE STREET Caîl 878-2056 Reupisolsterlng chesteialti suites, chroame chairs, Irusek lests, customa building asdmd atylisg. Free Esti mes anS Detiveclas HROLD KELLN 2104.f dieonnai b m vd id$ ton -wu es sd over a M0W IsQm fortiaa s ole,15 saheaeROM., warnsd d* cucfosa moe eqalYs-; tam oet 8«$b se ud hlng 1 bc adoptali befor tise couIty could, popgtss la my aime fields. Welfare, eduscation, plan. ning and asasment would R. ait a standatill until th. enlie county adopteS a unifeemu se- tamt of assessing propertles, ho said. The vote was finally calteS. Oakville and Eurllngton rep- resentatives and Deputy -Reeve George Curcie of Enqueslng fa- vored thse motion calllng for tise county ta, reject thse sciseme. Thse opposition waa co. gistered by Acton, Geot'getown and Milton's detegaten, Warden Caulter and Esquealng EReve George Leslie, aat ts viom sait! they favored immediate adapt ion of thse system. F Bus Koeght's M.e*s Wear Pmmt &cm tle FALL 1967 COMRIUN SOON Tim. ieglnnlng of a new m inle and moea w fv* cd'al-allaaof mml WV Wm . wh@m flMW g-i- ffl sghinge from WOWUK. Cook ... armi9e hagima of al Bidm... lieus. aofliaibeell and R"l a raiuihbody myllng - ea ntmumua. malmas. Ar On havaboa. awed lissai fla., of ruggadmaalma a du lima 'W makbY diuaW. balduaste helng a&» lie new yodl Bmrau of CwaadaLWd MENSWEA - - - - - - - - -- r 1 1 Il - > ; - 1 - -, 1- ý- 1- -- - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - -1-1 ý - - - - -, ý- - - , ý - Il , - ý - --; , - -!-- 11, 1 1 ; - ý7 v ~~cqcr~v-> 878-4472 202 Main St. L, ANIton