L &I - YM sbope va tir J 0 et.b orfWn comae' .bi qflais Fostr oSetobrITbeE* ronm VOS: 6lBdecorao In Pnk adubtme raiir and weddIng be ,. M . ih- am Ree odctdacoSa sehich wsas woan by Mns. Edgar Poster and Mx'.. Iren Saun ders. The brIde-to-be w, as slsted opening her glti by Cheryl Bradley. Some delîglt' fut pano music was supplled ayJuy Fuoas adelilus luch.Wl= te hoalas and the gutta for their lovely gits and carda of good stshes. Anniversary greelîngi to Mr. and tirs. Frank Hllt who sel *>prate their sedding annl 20 kiws sh.w.r brde clwrches set By mmiaCeci Pattacien A mscellaneaus sitaser ta honr a fal bride-to-be Miss Donna erry mas held on Mon day afternoi at the hirse of her gaidmolheMns. Elmer Leslie. Third Lina. About 20 relatives and friendi atteided thse soialafternoon. Cames aid contests see enJoyed afler mhicit Donna openied her guIfs aifselicIs there nere many very hesulisal and useisl. She enpressed ber appreciaian for the gits aid gonod sishes. Donna sell be the brida af William ManiaI. Miss Mary Campbell shami11 b a bridai attendant, made Donna a clacmiig ribton tI. A del- iciauî lunch sets sereed ta the guesîs hy Mns. John Stecrit of Brampton and Miss Isabel Les- lias af Toronto, auntsoaf the bride seho see the hastesses for te shasecc. Aiuiversary e-ceaseuilbe held in Knox resbylerian Ch- to'eh Sixleen on Suîday. Sept. la- Omagit Presbterian Citurrit annivecsary services are ac- anged foc Sept. 24. Bicihday greetings la Chates Jareis. son of M. aid Mns. Harold Jaris. one year old acm Sept. 4 liElmer Dossaba.Sea a gieit tie Mania . Fu>lec sed*ing iscnge on Sept. 2. - Cngrtulilons ta William and Gocdon Rayier on thier splendid 1cam ot harses Bell aid King, aid seita serehiite parade il te Sîain Filein MAi ltis paît seeekend. Gai Caa'osatseas also on hand welt his lhreshing mach ne aid steam engine. Thte preîidcnl and hits dir- etors. helpers and ail sebo Inak and active part should be complimenird on te very fine show tiis pasi neek shich drese lhousands of viitlors tram al parts of Onaro and United Sates. Caod seatk boys Omagit Fee Wee hall leam aid coaches aid foltoseces mot- ored 10 .Winlret an tAanday Sept. 4 10 campele iite OR. mres. Congraulations boys on yoîe sii over Wainlelt leain -3. et game aI Omagis hall park on Wed. Sept. 6. Mc. aid 'Mes. Harvees Jack- son and ehildren ai Orange- ville and Miss Lois Jackson ai Manillon nere nrekrnd visIi to s It teir graîdmotiter Mes. George Peaeoek and tam- ity. Henry Peaaoek suftered in' juunes ta hi% foot in an acci- dent an his fat-m. Fouth Lune. on Mondas' aternoos. shile aperatine a grai blîder. e tas Ina iraken loes. a severe cul aid ater Injuries. aid Is travelling an crolcitri. We hope te is sain iitproved. Mci. C. K. Jareis tai hbeen holidivig i Western Canada forte pasi fen serks tîititer relatives. We are plasrd 10 report taI tAcs. Masîrd S. is doing niiet ln Milton Hospital. Johi Ferry s qdoiîg nicecît aI iis home folloselng an an' cidenl aI hits seatk a fese eeki aga. Mr. Ferry lait part of1 te forefinger on hiî rigit hand. Friands hope he la moon beller. flrtlsiay gstisg tM GarrY Fatterson. Kathy Adainson. Rabat Colback, Lorraine My- ers, Gladys Smiit, Steven Brownridge and Isins Laurs Lee Leslie and Lou Aun Leslie. Congratulatis la tMr. and Ms. Homer McCann celebrst- ing teir J2nd sedding anni vrtiry on Sept. 7 aid 10 Mr. aid Mrs. John Ferry an Sept. 2. DRUMOUIN By M&c CeU Ftsý. Mrs R A rice of Medicine Ha, Albera, arrîved on Thurs. day. Aug. 31 far a visit aI ber daughlcr's home wilh Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fuller and family. Mr. aid Mrs. Li Lister and fansly holidayed test seaek silh friendi aid relatives ai Chaik River. Ontaria. Len Buckier aid Bll Beley eahibited tIsit- nIdliase angines aid tractor aI Miltai Steain Pair onIh weekend. ]Eaci piece of eîuipmenl wsa shîn- iîg aid painled lire nes. tiuny retativesanad trienda froi tiis district were guesîs aI te Mania - Puler wedding on Sept. 2 aI Ospringe. Thon. altendine net-c Mrs. Fred Tuck, Mr. and Mes. L. Chamberlain, Mr. aid trs. Keit Met-ty. M. aid Mrs. William McPheron aid Ros. Mr. aid Mc. Ken Pallet-son ai Oîkville, Mr. aid Mrs Ray Fullet- aid Cathy, Mes R. A. Pricer.Mr. aid Mrs. Stanley, MeHîgitaid sons Wayne aid Russell aid M. and Mrs. George McMugit. Mr. anti Mrs. George Baletserre unabr ta attend. Miss Iat Fuller nas a citarming litîle lower girl tac iter cousin Miss Halene Pull- er ai Sept. 2. Katy sore a gosen o gld sai aid camred Shtasta daisies. Besi nisites la MsBeveriy Hocv, a bride-ta-be an Salut-- dat,. Sept. 9. Blcllsday gecuetalaNeysa Marie Punnie. Carol Hannait. G'regory' il. Richtard Rutledge Richard Cle. Jeancîle Simp -ai. Debocait CoulIs, Jobn Laitri. ,William Seweart, Hea- litet-Balies', Vieki Leslie, Steve Trenes. Congratulations la Mr. aid Mes. Mot-mai Fleming, cele. hre'ig thelottsedding an- iivectaey an Sept. 7. 15c dividend 1 Aît e meeting lisI seek, ite Diectors of Hilton aid 1 Pel Trustîand Savinga Coi. pany decared the regular t quartecît, dlsidend of 15 cents per shace payable October 16 1967. t0 shareitolders of record Septemnber 29 1967. VORrCJSI~CHICKEN SNACK 2 Piece, of Chieken f enn~Mh Frenet Pries 9 -D ~?X~" SPECIAL PICNIC PAK 8 ieces of lat-ar RnvtSev.$2.19 CHICKEN IN A BOX 3 ieces of Chckei Frencht ries. Cle las, Bultered $1,39 lbun. Honev IaG PHONE 870-608 IMurray Hg u UNE I ..WIST PAMILY PAK 14 Fieces 0' Chitlkeî. Rolla1.. Maney $39 PARTY PAK 20 Pteceu of $5.25e lood Drive-in vertery èn Wadtssd'e. Septen-1 ber 6.1 A - rewd wau on bondi at tise Hornby Community Park1 on Tûeaday alolt Asgut 29, Mo enjoy lb 'annual comnita-1 lty cornsroast. Cors. bot dogI4 coite. and sofl drinks uer g enjoyed isy ail atmtesl. A1 Pe Wee sot tisslgaine, barvia v. Stornby. listhse Ontarloq Rural Playof f5s as played, priar ta thse cors rosît wth1 Jarvis winiîg hy a score o 7 - . Eleven ladies aftIeHJornby Unted Church atersoon sevw- log group met aItihe borne of Mns. tarold Raed on TueadY' for a pot luck dlnner and a = " oar ~f i*. 8ornby Un. ited Churcli Sunday &itool and ther familles eajoyed a corns roast aI the chut-ch hall on Wednesday cveîlng, August 30, with a gaod crowd attenidng. The fInIt part of the evanltlg aspet watchlng tomne alîdes taken at the Indians at Long-a iese, Aberta, where Mr. ansd <ns. Walter Cpulton are llta' loned as miionary workers. The Coultons had sent thesle lîdes whlch were token raient- y, and see just recelved on llednesday morslog. Corn, attfee aid daugitnuts were set- 'cd for lunch by Mrs. Albert Marchmnent and thte Suiday citooltleaciters. Anniversary ereetings to Mr. and Mns. Harry Lowden Who .111 celebrate thelr weddtng îantiversary on Septemnber 12. Mr. uni Mrs. at Flppane returned home on Thorsdsy evenig follosetng a month'a vacation vlsltig frienda In Engtaid and lreland. Mita Wallace of Brampton sprît a few daci last weelt with her uncle and aunt, Mr. aid lIes. Leslie Rutledge. Get wveli svisheq arc rstesded ao Mrs. Victor Hall Sr., who Is a pattent ln the Milton District Htospital. Mr. aid tArs. Jack Frics are enjoyiig a holiday ln Europe. Mr'. aid Mrs. John Bcadley ipeit the wcekend ln MichI' tan sehere thes'net-c joied by liter daugitter Karen.,seho bad spent hec sommer bolidays with ber aunts. Mca. Edia Brunk aid Miss AIma Bradley of Peorla. llinois. Mr. and Mrs. fDatid Wglan lice Wtlma -Sinclair) have an' iaunced the arrivaI ofthieir soi. Brook David. Mcas. Elmer May spent thte woekend witit Mr. aid Mns. Chartes Thonmson aid famtly ai their cottage ai Kenîcts Lake. Mc. aid Mrs. David Leslie aid fantît, spent thc wcekend ai their cottage at Carnet Lake. Fred tAcCarron or Sotion vis. ited tasi weelî with Mc. and Mes. John Hamilton aid otiter tciends lntitis district. Margaret Oliphant aid Citeryl Bradley speit last wecei t a tendingthlie Anglican Leader- ship Training course in Loi' don. Cordon Bailey of London spent thc weetteid witit bis parents. r. aid Mrs. George Bajîrs nithe Sevenili Ue. Friands of Mia district seisit a spm'dy recovecy ta Ronald Break. whits a patient In thc Fret -MemociltHospital,.ln Brampton, following an acci- dent plte Deers Sideroad tat Mainda%- He la suiiering t rom itcad and face lacerations aid teg iniîîrles. Mrs. V. G. Hawtii ai Ste. SnS. 1871 Helson Street, Van- couvert., B.C. wisites ta express hec best wlîhes toniter tatiter and motter, Mc. and Mcs. Clii. tard! Wrigglesworlh on ttceo- casion o! their wedding anni- vers-ars' on Sundas', September lTe people ai titis district acrectitocked ta hear aiflte sodden irathof R. .Zimmer of lte Dcccv Sideroad. nit a s bound dead on Saturdat mari- ng. Thse Bradley reunlon %va,; trIA rerenllv ai lteitome af Mrt. Mars' Bradies' niith61 attend- ine. Ttc aldesl memiter attend ie' was L.etlie ticadies' Of Or. Illa. seitaalto îras'elled lte firthctl. An intereslitr arl- rie witiehvsa (an disîlas' nas the rmils' Irc oiflte Bcad- les-t wih seat trcnared a test s'eart aglt' lte lte Ronald McLaugitiin. Fullossiiag a social vsiit aid recalling tings oi lte pasi niticth have ctaîged drasicatly, a lciius bufe sîpper was enjoved. Sincere svmpathy s exlend- ed la Mrt,. Leslie King inlte dcalh of her graîdfalther Mr. Geoîge Callerick, wito died in lte Toraîto Generai Hospital on Tuesda 'v, August 29. Birlhday greetiiigtot Mrs. Edward Robertson and tAcs. William Tailsi wita viii crie- braIe titeir birlhdat".an Tharsý dat, Septembr 7. Mr. ond Mx'.. Roty Break ci- terlaincd trieidt aid ne.igitbors r-s-s' '-' ~-' 'v ~ '~"- .srewn9,e'e.sr ~~'ee'sa.tsvcr7.~sn.rr~v- ~"sets~sstisF~ tiecaa4ui Chumplts, Nqds*dy, !LSa r 6,1967 corn o treunioninnw ti their home on Satoeday îighc. Folloseing a social Viai. a cors roast wssheld outdoora bside a huge bonfire. The young folk aloo enjoyed toasted marshmalloses. Anivecîary greetinga oMrMc and tAcs. Gardon Raynor sebo pWl1 celebrate iheir seeddlnq an. nivcrsacy an September Il Birthday grcetings 10 littie Kendra -Hamilton, se itasltl b two ycars aId on Seplemiter 9, and ta Jai-e Ficktlwita iili bc Iwo vear i d lte same day. 'Local exhibilors aI lite Mil- ton Steamigra Show seere Gordon Brigden seith liii itearn laigise. Spencer Wilson selth sateraI antiques and Bill Balley lte ai mai. Mr. and Uns. IRay Fasetand family retureed home on Sat' urday framntteir sommer vac- atlLsi lnOrillia. Thte Horit*sy girls wn their finIt game ofth ie semi-finali sehen ltes' defeaird lte Omagh girls by a score af 13-7 aI the Omagit Park on Thursday îlght. Hornhv was minus their pitch- ing staff but Mrs. Helen Rlddle nitit tome assistance frors Nora Hearnes. came out on top. Mc. aid Mrs. Harold Rolison, BobbV 'aid 'Faul celonned home laîl Wednetday eventîg irant lteir trip 10 Expo. Birtitdav greetings la Mes. Hart- Londen on September 10, Aine Stout 'Si September 11, Mrs. George Titamson on Septemter 12, Mrt. Douglas Browen aid Mrs. Ethel Dielten' soi on Senlemiter-13. Thse Hoenby Actloneltes par- licipard in lte SteamEra par- ade aI Milton on Salorday. Falawiig lte parade titet t-e- lorîrd ta lteitame ai' Mrs. James MeKas'witere ltes'ci- jos'ed douaitiots. chips. POP aid loaçtd marsitmalatrs. Res' aid Mis. Keiith Hawkles aid famils' re',îraed home ccc- enIls' rais titeir sommer vac- atien aItAMilaord Bas'. Mr. Hawktessvn s tackin lte nul- pil aI lite titrer local cittrcites on Sundavs. John Ciluotsa in charge aiflthe Mornlss' ser- t-ire dut-mus lie moitit af Aug- at't. Mr. and Mr%. Thomas Boas- fieldi aid famils' enloved lteir tornner vacation aI Bila. 1 seosld 11k. b cocreot an errarnai n aritecks nens niten lte nmes i of r. aid Mrs. Pital Mas aid infant daugittet- ,Sheret twere mised In lte dtuner nae-t lisI iallowiîg lte chrisleifing ai Thtomas Artur Pi-tnt Mc. aid tAcs. Fred Work- mai enjoved a v-rath0tlii #e Ottaswa dlilrlct. FOR ALL OCCAS IONS MGAGEMNT WIDDINOS sHOwgag GRADUAIONS ANNIMUSARIM CIIOOSE APPROPRIATE GIFTS OF DISTINCTION Gifis Thot Are Sure To S. Appt-eciaîed Choose Confidently At 13Y tiraA. IL Cealler In opite of Inclement wgalher on Wednes.Iay nigisi of laut week a gond number met ai' lte home of Mr. and Mrs. Coatdon Malmstrom Mc enjoy te ainual U. C. W. Famiiy nigitt aid cars roasi. Alias' supper a Vesper -Worsip asr- vice nas conducted by Mn. Burdge Cunby and Larry Coll- ne iad citarge of a fese quizi gantes niticit were vet-y muoîl eojoyed. Rev. E. B. Bankier pronounoed te benediction. Rtegadar meeniag services resumed t tbe LowvillleZl- merman United churches on Sunday mot-ning sitb Rev. B. E. -Baîkier officlatlng. Thse oeramony of Mloly Communion wss observed ai bot cturcha. Memberi of Ilalton FresbYtesi mi11 conduci te Induction cer&' mony for Rev. Baîkiet- on Titurîdat, niglt. Sept. 7 aI 8 pa..lntise Loseville Unted Chut-ch. Titere selîl be a recep' tion in te churrit hall follow ing te sereice. The Christian Education Cen' tre at te Lowvllie United Chue. ch aid alter memtorial gifts sel l e dedicaled ln a special service nest Sondav aI 11.30 am. Visitors selîl ic made welcome. Free dance A Milton Plaza Association spokesmai reports te frai sîreet danîce held in te plaza parking lot Salueday cvening wsa a succesi. A large erowd danced for four haurst-th ie music aifte Tint, Hopkins orchetrla. Il la sati in M at vo re- port thse deatit 0f ltarld fass on A aut 26. fi. e. t uaag arealen ' fi't esa 1fe and aympatby Io ilanhs to hîS uit. and other ______ of his famlly Tom Ramsbase vent 10o$Aa- katoon via Air Canada on tbe neekend 10 attend lise uj- ding of hits niece. Mr. aid Mrs. Donald Htunt aid son Dainie, Burlinglon, aid Broca Feer vsiled seth Mr'. and tirs. Bugesse Coultar aI Loon Bay' Dorset, over tise holiday weekand. Zimmrman Ulnited Cisurcis Couples' Club mal at lise home of Mr. aid Mms. Brace Bau#deai recently. A gnod prograinwun planîed for te comlng mOD- Ihs. luseLouvilhaBamsebis o Ite Bultsgton Public Llbrary tig- îed up 14 nae memban anMd itad a circuilation of 330 books tac te moitit of Asagoîl. Resi. dents lntitis area ara lnited t0 visil lite lîht-aey an Tucsdays aid Tbursdays belsecen tae itours of 2. - pin. Ornamental MON RAINGS Wroght iron WQ - - - - - - Pis ---- THE WASHER WITH A 12 YEAR - GIJARANTEE $200 o Wk AT Home Appilance. Milt St. 878-3221 Exhibition - Specials SEWING MACHINES We have a good selution of Used Trade-ins from the C.NLE These Machines WiII b. ON DISPLAY Wednesday Aftorn oon, Sept. 6 FOLLOWING LABSOR DAY 12.30 -mn. until 5 .m. ADMIRAI COLOR TV, FOR 1968 NO W A T RICHA RDOSN...-SEE MMHU TODA P! PROVEN DESIGN FOR SETIER t'eWAdmiràilRectangular COLOR TELEVISION ... PROVEN mrT LIABILITY FOR TROUBLE FREE SERVICEs a " Admirai "Super Scope" Turret Tuner 0 New Admirai Color Balancer 0 Admirai Color FideIity Control " New Admirai Rectanguior Coior TV Picture Tube 0 Admirai Warrented Dependabiiity lm. VINRIAN, oo lu COME IN AND SEE COLOR TV-- I OR WITI4OUT OBLIGAT .0.. ITRY ONE OUT UN YOUROWN Hiome RUCHARDSON'S Buge Trm TV & APPLIANCIS SkAvaliable t. SutYourP@le.k 200 Main E. Admirai Sleu & Service Phone 871-6949 JI WLLI f W, --- - 1 ÉUMMUROU .-- - » style wtha lg.nw hai r-do! r ~ ~ ~ o 0fye tutai fadaieUp.r SPECIAL FMIL PRICE o. WUGS & WUGLEI'S 133 Man St. West 878-2131 DON'T MISS IT A CTON FALL FAIR SEMIER 15 -16 -17 IN ACTOtI PARK FRIDAY - 8 p.m. - 810 VARIETY SHOW - Featuriàgî - The Don Gardon trio - Young Bobby Dowdall - The Williams Brothers - The Osborn Sister, - Jmmy Reynolds - Reef McGarvey - Master' of Ceremonies - Vince Mounford - Acton Lgion Choraliers - Acton Citizens' Band - Crowning of Miss Centennial Queen - Judging of Centenniat Costumes SATURDAY- - Gala Centennial Parade - Guetph Opti Knights Band end Drill Corps - orne Scois Miltiry Bond -1Ffild Artllry Band - Acton CitIzent' Bond - loota - Entertinmeni. Baby Show, 'livarsiock Judging - Fair Nighi Donc. - 8.30'- 12 p.m. - %h Shaynos Dance Band - Canad', Flrst Outdoor Sportsmen', Show SUNDAY - 2.00 p.m. - Community Church Service «>W'e. feraew LIudah1iW t w m~ fu m