schadules and other league buslass. Tihea buba ea on defb decîsbon on aamlng a coachs f or Milton Miercisanta yet, but 'a decislon is expeÇted earlY naît week. * * L Rck Coleanaad Ted ltood. nho bath ptayed Midget hockey in Mlton have rtceived invitatians ta try out at the Hamilton d Red Wiag camp af the OHA. Junior A leagtae. If tbey can convilce Red Wing coaach Eddie Buish t5tey bave the gouda, il could bc the break every prospective hockey e playtr needs. The firattirvaut ia September 15. Tri Couty Minor Hockey Association !will bld a league E meeting Sunday at 2 p.m., at the Miltan Leglan.s * * e Poay raclas enthusiasts will wetcame punies ta the Milton Fair Grounds thîs weekend. Tht panies hase been racing in Bramalea thîs sommer. If ait gaes nell Milton Arena wilt be apen far public skating September 30, arena manager Larry Arbic soya. Milton ** * Ail str *ra emwn *l-sa sars Urban AlStars scored tour "Sixih fo et:if"ýd'ur ila big ruas in tie inth innîng 10 the final stanza.' display superiarity oser tise ___________ cream of the crop f rom the ru- ral division. The Urban leam wo 41 efoe a gaod crowd Pony racing atRtr akSunday eveaing . S n a leamt witb a bame rua and two e S n a sge.Pat Burkbotder daub- ted and singted twice. and Shr -Puni races, a regular attrat- tey Bridgeman siagled twire tin at Bramatea Puai' Race- 23 inch Brown Trout "Monster" of Glen Eden The mannster" af Glen Eden Latte han been faund. Dlctt Calrna, nehohan ta go dos-ain the bootts as a persis- tent lisherman, caught the tee- endarv big une at Keisu Thur- sdav eveaiaj.. Wbea the about- ing was over, he had a 25 inch Brown Trout that tipped the scales ai 714i bs. and measur- ed l5ti loches arauad the ginsh a real traphi fins. Mr. Cairm, elated ai uis prize catch, sald '1'1l prabably never catch anather ane litte ilsi my lite." His persisience paid off. For the pasi three weetts, he has been fishiag ai Kelsoalamost dailv. iryiag ta, land the big brute eV eryane han heen tattt- ing about. Several anglers have seen or hootted oata a fiant tish there, bat untit Mr. Cairas got there. nobody had been able ta land hlm. "tl tristi flis, 1 tried min- aows and 1 tried warms, and ihen t went back out with Vies again,' he said, waviag ihe big tanker around for att ta see. This craoy fly Ive gai here finalty gaitishe brute." Tise fiy s une he han doctored up ta suit imsetf. its oatv a tini' brun aond white fis, faite doIt anîd uv.oppetiiOSg ins uppear- ane...but it did the trickt and thats ahat caunis. Mr. Cairns said! Iltatt about il minutes ta hring lise flsh ta shore. He s-ent for the fly near the s-eat end of iKelsons latte. Officiats ai Haltan Region Conservation Authorlty, tise oseners of Kelso, sav Mr. Cairns' brosan s the biggest la date ftram ihase waters. Browns havne neyer been stoctt- cd ai Ifelso su the fis muni he an originaltihat was there s-hen the slream through tise park was junt a ticttle, ive vears aga. Spekisd Troat and Rain- itows have been planted ai Kel- vo and the record Ralabos- s-as a 23 inch. 5 lia 2 oea. flsh. Titis fish, ironicalîn, was neyer caught. fil sas washed ashore after heing kiled by a lamp- ren aad two yauag boys foiaad t and iook ta lishe Conser. nation attice. 't have neyer heard ut anstbinf. over five pounds tram Kelsa hefare.' ,aid un amzerd Dase Murray. field ufficer for the H.R.C.A. 14 Coniffi4n Cha"Im. 6, M? moi' Ail lhree-ginls are ftram Milton. . "',moe o uln"' i Bannie MazDougaîl andKi.GrNounds this Sunday aternoons taSeseson represenied At- and il races are stated. Post ton on the Urban tea m. Bth lime 5 2 p.m. - o rod c r wl saw action laeienthe gam BilRem em ber-Milonur old car wiIInibe Betty Quakenbunh singled an ing iudge ai th, rala iripted, Banale MacDaugal îruck. said the races w Il in homred and singled. clude 10 ponv races and anc be worth Iess one year's depreciation Urbas Al-Stars scored IWO race with siandardbreds. There IMHU MON O 011111«N, a recard-brsaking 25 lncis, 71ha the firsi, four i the sili he children's and ladies' Pound Brwn Traut s-as haulet tram Gien Eden Latte ai Kelso %ecand, four an the seveth and evenîs as s-elI. Pony awners by ikCin f35Knseg orMloTusa vn when new nioaeus corne out. tour in the ninth whille the Ru- ftra alarge district have heen . . Dic k ei of 325 K ain lito out.llan , Tyro iturs a rt rai eam plated sisgled rum n iafvlied. Admission is free aad Q eiake -tt 5mi -ttiiadafy a -l thetiaiseon fort. aaive coletin -iI e itte. sgit Pound test lune Staff Poo th fri.seodforhfit, slercolctonwllbetke.B uy now at low price Junirs limiateWalkrto C RCMLBefore New Car Pric e Announcement wun series two <james to one SEVC Record Ford sales mean record Ford deals!, MiltonaJuniors elîmnatel bani.Leon Stickledoubled ta iili a Vsk- p i te 1 8t 378 -2992 Walkerion ta tihefiri round scoreBe tion a d ue ntelrt rei h h ADO CONTROILLW 4aCme intoda uFthie OBAJunior B pay himscit un alcro oMura andCornein ire xii iiaj. aoums s-hen tbey beat îbem Duan M O tonscrd sxi !o 2-4 n.Walkertua on Monday Bill Carrne iarted u b Bhe________ianzoningle____Ber.Ths yor ost tm otbuy a newFrd. Sahtnw yaan ta n theonanas moeand moe popeareswithngIFodromo5thS .,,.,n Nouton. Nvlei. NIc- a barer ira royor Frd dealeraon sutry ar ho sals hoas mas Is sanething yu.anns ns tm ntu eint a tt Saturday witb a 7-3 wio, but nere unabie tu sport a slecoat nciory Mondai' Eradie tbrosing n partîcu- tac and sloppy bail in general cut Milon a os Saturday. Waikertoa sred inea ruas ia the irai and four la tbe sec- ond fur a total ut six ruas an anc it. Milton had scored three ruas on îwo its la the open- ing stanza but neer got a fauitb man acrons the plae Crala Brusb. leadoff mon, gai on througb an error and tran- kie Bertassun tollosed im witb a doubte. Bruah scored on Trev Houstons sacrifice Lown Bowling Ia receat lana bowling ac' ,fias Mlton Ladies woante lOgh tripla t a tournameat la Streetsviile, P. Jahnston, M. McMllan and Ms. IRobinsoa partlclpatedl on the rlak. . A mlaed triples jitaey nas held la Miltois Saturdai' wth tbe higli double and the higli triple song ta Strcetss'tll riaka and Burllnglotook thse hgh ingles. or te first ioning unly. Car- rie bat trouble finding the range and svas relleved by Ron Nayler. Altltuugh officiaIs do not ain or lune bal fumes. thuse nhu ssorked the Sturdan fumte Ict a slul lut ta be desired. At ditierent stages ut the gante umpiovs had to change thir soums and the fumte sumetimes seeetas if il suec a hautle outlongues ru. bher bts. Milton hit huit and fat iv Mondais eiclsh pickiag up s ruas on six hta iv the irsO ivniag, sering tssuia the sixih and une in the ighthad Leod and ot iubles ) toi Son s .oIalBBll C urrne, Milton ploient 1%%o *ua.,i n the ixib iflnlo BcirOossoo %% a.l kecd. Gel îîdi> slonnbvd, Stooklc sintoten andt McLeut ingledt. Ionulonbon o- ho o.ilIle igth and it inoit 0005 te inl ii'Illett nttao intninonnbn.soBinoîttiigrni et, nmusenlt ontecsion onuCui'- ,-je, .jc1,tjce and i>otedt on lin ngle Nayier piched loi Milion odlloong ottho n ron i \ hi51 bu and lannilitt14 bnttervý. Mlotitn noitioNnýti uord rol oins tlite O.B.A. uinoîr B" nomn o er ilt seo iv lenites 00l11LI iltit ili g as-e. Service Y.u cou *Iways ceuni eon When oar men do ths job of painting or fix. ing tse body of pour car, you'r. surs oftse bet. BILL'S AUTO BODY 26i9 878-2721 Mili.878-3251 record:sio, matty arasa. The renuit isan hettar geai tnr onu.s-ile, voar allei ynar. But thras anothat reasas tor kuyvosa snos -Frd. basodes the kttnr Son pnur Fard dealer liay. Check the otanity ihat cotanas-uitFrda& deai ynu tan ast, lis the qonity yogel or Fards. Thos nanlil s las-sas Quiet Rideanmd ihe check t ha ttar dean psu sas geuI You're a in a *Quieter because they're botter bulit! MOTORS 0R 00C. LTD. 1.409 Main St. Eat MILTON 08S-2M 1 f iii a gns*l acoot fFIN lls t stlfyIl Woi. plato un atîitsafo tse giofl isithfeaO o1 sumermeaoras$ygruntire 'oer onB*lBeitO medslaern li.cot o Jb on a ii aoatsdayfrl dan camps nail woldenubofs hîs tolsowAtugute V. Ilstdn flaoron famillev10 ed folrte.aotiate& otasse nom, mal Thme re seatlv chParglung edr ahl wt icp nhireot.Poster Mr 'ote xpsssrlw - recer wPaulA.iieIvuvO modeoe rgrtham tfor job dmtflctint toewadti Mdo grucaps o o ueragef2 ehawsbld PublicalseholBoadftis ho amidfleetse rest ta seof . ees gsomd .i NSJeC nize a akptrera htian fr sathe RecwrtenCMit-n A Te LLVI lthe s'ung teenagers. Bitte tee for allawig him ta do tihe races. soap box derbies anod job s-hich he regards~ a menm. 8 5 4-12 71 south groups are coamptes of arable exerlenoe." ON NEW 67 FORDS SAVE MONEY NOW