Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 1967, p. 18

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J k ln Champio.Wésuuv kmu HITOHNOIKINO HIPPIES frorn Ontaro are hoed ing for new ives in Britisht Clumbia these days. end manry can bu s»en long the hgit- 1 wuys leading west. Norm Stut. who Ia ac- companylso BI11 Kelly on a camping tn!p weOt skelched this lypicel roadsldu Icone of, glanlout Norhern Onalnosbealhtaking beauly. Aw hehm Kely ""Westward-ho" forCentennial Euiloea Noe - PIlienian M BKelly u8" mm a Ilumm docidaionua trip tb We.t. emuadaforter ii-.cene- niai peojeal. BMiBlu Wifosu lo Iue umorou multu m0 effarai te amui fi. Oiaut au. Note.'au-Outalo C~lug of Art tui.il ad hope. ta bblg bon usm keldue i& piedul hbor travelu. a" e. Misr@ m latte ta tb.fonts hock hoe Dp DIMIKfuy Mr. EButor: Titere bave beu vaios Centenstal projecs-tie clear- ing of lounaund cly alunis, tse bu.ildinlg af librunles unidsim- migpoots uni io.aaiisg ta Seneral. Titere bave becs th- is sifet urm n I 00pacesuOr lb. Home Owsersitip Maie s-a ty plan, seiicit probubty amuli maltsau bai Cetenstat pro. jecl as il sellt probably taee the participants thers10 ubout po ea-at nilîkisi t-rSl ane ai aur Centessiat Hal. $tains, t ponieeciCnaia greases. ite b.naics af b.r ploneers, te vision of tse Fa- Ibers of Conisieruios. te ca besion ai lb. provinces la qit. af geagnupiical ni cultural uni political incangruitiet, sehen Non Stoîl,.. 1veterate sitten-itag and gond friesA. ualkedi nIate baro n ad me taI be soul iktilts go fa Vuncouver. Aaty ucaeltetutplansa tu t1niay bave bai ta do te se lilg ee inimeiiately praci pitated int a fini) rasalve taito lb. sanme. Tiis, Iben, is Ôaî Cenessial projeel: a camping trip tlafaiaementtcnei coasti seit Non idoing sanie sketch, isg ami paurs truty, same di< vet; a sarI af pon mas's Chai lie Weaver reparling ituek t: Munt tvy, traugi aur mat ual fieni, Thte Candila mans ingeiuily aginstlte e eenes, l'I bnlng you up-Il iate impty itp taylngtaI osi isparlursIfrani tanieewsusno unlike uny imilur ans, le baseever needlesth b.e tensiM prepralians niay bave stem t Ibut ime, Le. laklng even thlng Inoni peunut baller I jam nd niaspirins (1??) un bad aids, lbey bave uait sas theIns. boe s ul. t.mra camiping sl tilfi ing on matnlmany, i intaI a ter yo've boani invlvei it, yoa niust continue, regar lm ofaisecond Iboughbl Tbougb we gralellly hb louai ses sera e l adisei taking atasg ailt tiese tisi ses ra stilI wasisning basetlb wll manage buek home seil ouItte kilcitens tl We sent west an ttigbwi 17 as il bnis ilseli arausi ti rockt - imnisi sortit aborea Lake Superiar. Prom te B: rie ares ta Sudbuiy uni t So, il sas unlnteresslng,i Iis sas aid groani. Nonr w l f mach note f rani my bu un nlerast stanipaint, ssc for te consistent occarran of "Hippie", titose carte Norlt Amercans sciotogic pbenomeitaitîoanmisîlita sebat en ryou wse al cIttht Titey are lnieei nateseanlhp, teail fron tem gensi-là pearunce, seiicit la genera untiiy uni ancteas. M.ty wme bae-oolsi a aU were beanisi, toolttng I Sampios n isetitvolcea I Deliait. !lme carry fuli uni bongo drnis, wbici tl probuabty cas't play. Marty sausewere ittc>it-blltJsala litb Columbl, as wM mueta notroonias ntuMes.erd msfiîed peuple are obelouli not ai the AD. et*, wt tir 9 generully Biblicat ura. A l111e later in aur jusy we bloend la give o0e5Ra tt. ju o laSee wbal eatiy makes Iheni tlck (a note to amp larmers: "ici" 10 inhi Inanace 15 nt meant as a). l~ in lumt ~isteruat fr us befaf ll b. Boa ahe Up la tee hn. For ans inePt in lb. llleruny art Of incnlp- ias, ltlIl suffice t10-7ial .'must W e an te be apprec- iatei" Maiteteal estale ada say. Thislo"sortitsis ' "Trui canua" roule clubsn. curve. and pumssets Ibrauit ImsOla laissas, rocky grda s.ec- oni osly la Briait Colunia.. Tislowell ravelei uai"weU rniaaindhlgitwaY lua favor- ite roule for cross - Cuna"a cunipens ani traiter tourlss.ao wiicit thene are plenly, us yo sel discoven seben You trY ta pas titrasof theni 10 a row. Tbsy seeni 10 average about 4o ropit.. Thte omal lakes are the niat attractive ta tse nm- toim at.Mheyuaclose la tba hlgitwuy and very ulaM a The absence af refue 10 sucit nalural beauty Spots SmoUS M W r qas la ose Who ba&SM uses general grbage - tuke appear-. asce of aonie af te beacites araund te Georgias BuY dis- trict. BUU. LY Theii.tu Lahbuaiities of Port Arhur - Fort Wiliam. in whicit we lied a iniati ecitus- ical ielay, were stamy n soaoy, altbougb la firns, il sitould bW pontei out tliai h was very avercait and bumild at the ime. Wile camping la very ceas- amical, it has sanie moments af extrenie hunian dtsSoofr. Le. niasqutoes uni ralnstormss. At Nipigon, the moaqullosu were extreniuy anopttg uni persistent, athaugit t about 10.30 pr.. tiey al sSenii l disuppeur. and rther addly en- arugt.etuthlie ame ime nste curfese alurn for te ciludren - muybe theres sanie connec- ias. A you mey ksow. wben ebisu a lent, you cas face sdoor or flap ta lte seeS id avoi lte stars of lte lun- e, or la lte est uni avoi *p possible rais wbicb wouli abably came fro lte pie- allng wesi wind. Weve mas- gei utways ta malte a wrnsg aoie. Hot ani cati nussisg Mjser will ulways bave a tpe- lai tignificance la me. Test amps nioitly bave sooer uni vasitrooni faciities ln case uit oua test dacîn't, us ours lessIt. Zast rsing waler.. Oui- visit ta iCenora inclai- Il sonie usexpectei ftrse loig- nga aI ltse Lake of lhe Woois otet. sanie fisiia ni a dgit-seeiag taur hy fiant- gote, wbicb uffandei an es- ellesl opporluslty for picture îking. Thte very isleresltg ush-type piloaImais lb. uiuat ock quipu about ftylng, cii-c- la uni droppsi lte cruf I 10 ttl.uies of conveniesce aver varlous points of Intereal. At lda endof lte tfight-ltse, thi. air-uce aiflte nortittasi gave lte impressionltaI lte crafi wsatln sanie iifftcutty ani ltai b.wa n ttble ta uani. whiicit caussi tome mid unreot among lte res aIflte aussengers <tw a). Faseever. your correspondent froisHat- ton felt secure ln lte ksow- siege ltaI. uttitoagithebrs .auli bc sanietruli ln lte pil. ilts statement, If lt were true lb. tituation ut ituni cauti as. ly rasait is graater eSnomy in titis ciatnerei fligitt. for se wouli bc langer uloft bofare. crsig. 'Fisiisi as quis uspeclue- ulur in lb. Lake of lte Woois as t sxperiencediti. Witit a jamnisi ap reel uni camplele lack of putience, we puckei aur gSar in iigasl uniditeaiei for Winnipeg tle lnlte afler- ntoms ta sce te Ottawea - Win- nipeg football ganie amidni- sy wsern fas, more sext sesek ELECTRUCITY I5 o1Ip BUSINESS DoWt bu a Tlakw mlWU »utly. CuiteM 0 «elfor M NW CIRUITS *ADoITImON OlYIf FEATH'ERSTONE &EClTRIC COMPARE AT 49C - AUSTRAL BRAND COMPARE AT 2 fer 67e FROM AUSTRALIA WHITE SWAN FACIAL FRUIT SALAD) TISSU E FO Tins. O3R 4 095c 2ln 8- 5ciR SPECIALLY SELECTIED - TENDER YOUNG ONTARIO LOIN 'O' PORKlbl LEN- MEATY - WELL TRIMMED - FOR FRYING LOIN PORK CHOPS Ideal for Stuffing . PORK SPARERIBS 69 ' dccl %or Saklng i BACON 79f~_ 79' DIJCAN HINE CAKE MIXES 2 R8S5c Compare et 89. 24-ou. Sire GLI.DE SPRY STARCN 69C Compare et 69c - 2.1b. pkg. Compare et 2 for 49c - TANG Compare et 41c - CLARK'S BLUE BONNErT ORANGE TOMATO MARGARINE CRYSTALS J U IC E.t 59 1Ms5-189c1 3 11 et 89C GAIN ESBURGERS COMPARE AT 79c - REGUAR SIZE BROMO49 SELTZER 4 COMPARE AT 53CI - PLANTEIS PEANUT BUTTER Compar, et 59C FRESM - JUST ARRIVED LIQUORICE ALLSORTS 1 .4b. log 39c 16&a 39C compare et 37C Heunz Tomato KETCHUP 15-oz. sottie 29C Yrna'II b. Proud of that New Look 1 m nusube seM neb.% Dring your uphWeyprobemu t. um for à frft tmm... n. obllgadatl MILTON UPIIOLSTIRING L. LORNE ARTHUIR &~ IL fitoN 878m R y

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