The Canadien Champion, Wadnuey, Setmbe6,19#7 W MISS CIAMIER 01 F COMMERCE Lois Cairns asce. Close (o 20 groups estered the talent chats with country music entertainers Grant contes> and about 250 people were on hand Devîts, tif> and Bruce TyreIt. Mr. Devtin and ta enjoy their performance. Mr. Tyrelt won third prise with their peformm (Staff Photo> Loal talent on display Singeris, pipe,&,r win amateur show Ant abundance of local ama- teur talent came belon 1the spttllglt at Milton arena Fni- day evenlng au the Chamber of Comsmece Amateur Talent Show. ApnosIiately 250 people sere theXe tb am Gal Brosen of Pl&. 2, Miltos. recul fiset prime sinner aI the Hlgh- lu aidseaplplsgcompetlt- ions la Halfax,île 16e popular Ilialtonettes alinglng trio of Joy Hayseard and Ruth antI NWima Msos for flrst prime. Grant Devls and Bruce Ty relI of RR. 4, Milton, won third prise wth country munie entertaitnment Tis e nmieytsîyg for first aplît $75 and thîrd place eelv- cd $10. The top three estree wiil appear on a tcieviscd tel ent show i Kitchener. TIhe date lias yet ta 6e dccidcd. Uis Anderson of R.R. 3, MWI ton, sang ber way 10 fourls prise,' wlile accordion player Ruth Waldes took flft6 prise, a nd twist Judy and Janet Pes' rier of Cantpbellstille sang tlr way 10 sixth place honors. Se- venus place was a toss.up bc- tween Tom and Maery Wllls, who play the piano asd drons, antI accordlon players Cindy and Sandy Hlgglns, the second set of twIns partîclpat- meg. Fourdst81, .sxth and Mv. enlh place sinners necelved cheques for S5 antI aIl parti- ripants wen pnesented witls centennial spoons fronth1e Chamber of Commerce. 016cr contestants enterlne the contest were piano player Barbara Barr. hap dancers George and Meleza Ceseon, singer Reg Thomas, plano plaY- ers Susan antI Anse AriIegui. tac player Robert Coulter, elec.. trie gularist Sheila Lutes astI accordion player Amnelia Biuhm. al of Milton, andI sing- er Derothy Wilson of Brarntp ton. YOIINO TAP DANCERS usere among the many pertormers il thse Milton Chamber of Commerce Amateur Talent Show. Georges and Melisa Cescan attracted the crowds (sar but eveeyone cani 6be uinners. (Staff Photo> Mmi N. Lanigton of Lowville and ber dog Teesy Wec per- fommed, but weensot in thei contest. Margo Carksn dune. cd antI sang as un addcd at- traction ta the show. Ttsy Hopkins was master of1 ceremonies and Rots Brancier,1 a member of 1he Chamber of( Commerce, wsatchairmas of1 the Amateur Show commîttce. HALTON MANNOR U.C.W. sponsor August party fly Mui L Moire sul Mrs. M. Watsia The church service os Suit- day. Aug. 6, wsa coiducted by t6e Gideons. Mc. Dolby wsi the speaker with Mr. West aI the orgas. Mr. Dolby sang a solo prior 10 16e sermon. The texlt of 16e sermon usas laken front the 1916 chapter of Lukse. . An enjoyable evenlng wa * th 1e auditorium on ;j.nday. Aug. 9 whcn the Zimmermas Unted Chucch Iornsnpontored the August birlhday psrty. Stan Porteli actcd as MC. and afler selcomise everyone. led in commnity ingisg silb Mrs. CarneIl ai the piano. Mcs. K. Powell sang lhrce lovely so- los. Mc. Portch necited 'Abert aid the Lion. Gardon Warren shawed films of Western Can- ada. Aller Ibis pleasant progrant, the birthdalys seere callcd out and the guesis look Iheir plac- es ai the hcud table sehich held atsvely birthday cake. Bach reccived a f avor. Everyose present Iben cnjoy- cd a mosi deticious lunch. Misa Lottie Mooe thankcd the vis- tors on behaîf of the resid- enrts. lThe churcb sae.ean Sun- day, Aug. 13 wsatcanductcd by Mc. Dolby af the Gideantsith Mc. West as organist and as- sisird by R. Morion. Mr. Dolby sang a tala priar >0 1he ser- mas. Scripture reading wsa Arts 16, vertes 6 ta 34. On Aug. 20 the churcc ser- vice usas uguin conducird by tMc. Doby of the Gideons. Mr. .Struight led sn prayer. Mr. Dal- Sby sang a taloanad obk his Ilmessage front Jobs 19: 5 "Be- hotd the Ma". NICE AND EASY-. yu, if se Sasd geaysy bsy a car utHilon Motor Sales. No bs pressur, non lmnncka. Juil plain ordinary dallars and ainse calk i wthpeople you knose and a fient yosa cas trut. WeIerm suer the sale for iee6?ce and tisaIs shy cutomera flnd tis dependable place 10 eboose a car, from n oaf RatIo.',blgiat slarIions aasembled on our lot. And Goodwill cars carry a srenesarmnty for your added protection. Drop in today, easy dm sa a Pmstaa - lik asaum Asis .Vohaw TYiNO FOR FiRS? PRIlE HNON (S n the Chamt- Hayward and Wilma Masos, and piper Gai> ber of Commerce Amateur Talent Show seere Brown. First and second prize money mus the popsiar tinging trio of Ruth Masos, Joy tplil lwo ways. (Staff Photos> Mr. and Mrs. Jack Randal a> Manitoutin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhc:t Ford, Kilhride Rd.. spen> last Satur- dav ai the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. The Ladies' Ausiliars of the 14>6 Bucting>on Cuhs and Scouts. wi> mecs in the Sundas schoot ruant for their fimss meeting o> the season on Mon- day, September Il. Ait mothers are cordialîs inviled 10 attend. Mcx. Chartes Hepburn. Twist Rd.. is home aller spending a mnt nlbnScotland visilin> rl- utines. Mr. and Mrs. Garv Twist spcn> a feus davs las> seeek visiling with Mr. and Mrs. Dos Toms and son o> Belleville. Saturday, Augusl 26, was the date af the Haiton minor play- off tounament for the Pee Wee tearn t sHornbv Park, The Kitbride term had la, forfeil Ibeir gaime as aniy ive play- crs lurned o01 la play. An ex- hibition gante was ptaved silb Oies Wlliamts wilh Kiibride winning 8-7. By Mnt. William Watsn In ils tirst ycur of operatios us a scbot with Onade 13, M. M. Robinson Higb Sc6esal is proud af ils Ontaria sehlans. Terrence Tricker is the sehools top seholur. Tcrry esrned fisc irsis and un overaîl average of 82.5 per cent. Tecry ws esdi- toc of the sebool sesespaper. Whitc 6e mus in Grade 11, Ter- ry epreten ted the schooî an a trip o Yelloseknife. Terry is a gruduate of Kil- onide Public School and 16e -on ai Mc. and Mcs. B. Trlcker, 2027 Kiîbnide Raad, Kilbclde. He plans ta ester Engineering at rither the University ai To- conta or MeMaster. Witb firtn aIl eighl mrd- ils tried, Cacalien Lauries ast- erage usas 81.5 pec cent. Car- lien is the duughter of Mc. aid Mrs. John Laurie . R. 3, Camp- bellviitc. McNiven Roud, Kil- bride. Cacolien seul encal ibis Fal n Physicul and Occupatianai Therupv ut 16e University tif Taranto. Can you Imsagie anyosc up- noting îsea of t6e three Wfel- came ta Kiibride" signi pres- enird t:> the village by the Kilbride Scouts? WetI. Ibis Is the case aid ibese iwoseasgns are nasehere ta 6e secs. Il Is indeed bard ta understand sebo seauid do such a tbing. acrsehy they seoutd do il. When one considecs 1he lime. cnecgv and financial assistance given 6v t6e leaders, tagether sith the effart put Farth by the Scout îraap, il is no sean- der 16ev al l ed mastidiscaur- aged. ft would therefon e b mass upprecîuted if 1he persan or prsons respansible, would indi v retors the sîgîswuhere tbcy beiong. Fareweelilausommer vacat- ion wsath1e theme of 1he estes- ne huvride. dance and cars nousi hosted by the Tees drop- n members last Satucday, Aog- tas> 26. ut the home of Mc. aid Mrs. Oseen Yemm. McNiven Raad. About 28 ai the tees usembens joincd in 1he fesîlvl- Putsv Anderchek aid Sas- dru Coulson* of the Firsi Kil- bride Girl Guide Company spcn> tuso seeks camping ai the accu camp ai Kiua. P uis- ville, whiie Caravns Wilsher spent 10 dansa> division camp .5> Pitusans B us near Hunts- Kilbride Buntants defeated 1lamnby 8 - 5 ai Kilbride lasi Wednesday in the secand gante ai the scri-finals. Lynda Lausios af Stewart- lases holidayed siîh 6cr grandmarber, Mns. Fassie At- exander of Kiibride Raad rer- ently. Master Victor WoolletI ai Frederick St. accived hante as Manday suter spending twa mntnhs wiIh bis great sont and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liiam Aimas ai Wiactan. Mc. and Mns. Harold Masos ai London and Mc. and Mrs. Ralph Marshall seece Susday visitons wilh Mns. Fassie Aies- ander. Mc. and Mcs. Lloyd Caulsan. Twist Rd.. balîdayetI recently sitb -Mci. Coulsons parents. THE MOST SENSATIONAL EVENT 0F THE TEAR' THNE DUTCH CANADIAN COUNTRY CLUB 0F MILTON *CENTENNIAL E 67*96 DANCE & CABARET 881 198 SEPTEMBIR 22 - MILTON ARENA - 7 P.M. FEALU.LLLa *Famous TV end Radio Star - GORDIE TAPP *Canadian Centennial Band - Bob Scott and The Canadian Pioneers *The Pairseand Squares - TV's own squara dance exhibition group *FRANK'S COMBO - Continental Europe Band *And the World Famous Cabaret Star from the Fiji Islands - PRINCESS CARMITA ... Milton "Welcomes Her" - London Plcadiily "Loves Hee' - Milan, Italy "Pralses Ner". ADISO . $2.3% D=OR PIE> Rosam TnIp te ADJSSONAmufle i(or Equivaleas) RFIMMTS 0eAh. Spaclal PrIa, foran b Old Fàdhlod Costume Don't Miss the Most Spectacular Event of 'the Year WELCOME SUNDAT DNN3 SPCIAI, CHICKEN AND RICE SOUP sl.25 . ROAST TURI<EY DINNER A ND CRANSERRV BAud; FRESH GREEN BEANS COLE SLAW MASHED POTATOES OR FMENC14 PRIES STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PNONU 517549005 W. Ar. Open bvery Dey ThrffghoialdubmY" 11DO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONEW MIN"so -N OTI C E BURLINGTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION SCHOOL SUS SCHEDULE 1967-68 SCHOOL VEAU Cemmaîcing Tuesday, Septeusbe , 1%7 PART 1 - PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS (a) Clarkadale Pupuls in grades 1 ta 6 inclusive residing in Tyandqga Subdivision wilt be picked up ai 8.15 amn. Kindergarten pupils will attend the afternoon clans and be plcloed UP ai 12.45 p.m. (b) Fairvlese Routes and pick up limes will be the samne as for the 196667 schuol year. Kndergarten pupils wili 6e ad- vised individually bv telephone as t0 pick up limes. tel Kllbrlde Routes will bc the turne as for the scbool year 196-7. First pick ap seul bc on Irafalgar-Burlington Town Uine ai 8.15 arn. Kindergartes pupils will be adviaed in- dividully by leleplione as la pick up limes. Grades 7 and 8 pupils atlending Fairview will be picked ssp by high schoot butes. (d) John A. Lackbarl For kindergarten and pupils in grades I tii 4 inclusive resîding on the 6each boulevard. Firs pick up at municipal bouse number 924 ai 8.20 arn. Bus sel i avel easlerly with stops ai the follosing bouse numbers: 1006, 1092, 1156. (a) Maplehurg 6 Grade 7 antd & popils fromn Fairfield area will assemble ai Fairfield Pusblic School tor pick up at 8.30 a.m. Grades 7 and 8 pupils from Woodview area elîl bc lrunsportvd on the regular rouies with buses operating on the same scbedule as for the 196667 sehool year. Mf Moustain Gardenis For pupils in kindergarlen 10 grade 6 in Lelglslad Road and Westland Survey area, pick up wiII 6e at jonction of Brunt St. and Leighland Road ai 8.40 ar. (g) Rolling Meadome Roules sel6e the samne as for the 196".7 school yea. First pick up ai the junction of the Burlinglos-Trafal. gar Town Lise and No. 5 Highseay ai 8.30 amn. Kindar- garlen pupils sel, attend the aflernoon clos. Pupils residing in Beaufort and Tyandaga Subdivisions sl bc picked up ut 8.10 and 8.15 arn. respectively. (b) Ryeson Roules and pick up tintes seul e the tainte as for 1966. 67 scbool year seben pupils attesded John T. Tuck ScbooI. Kindergacten popils seul attend the morDusg clats. (1) John T. Tuck Routes and pick up limes wilI 6e the samne as for the 1966-67 school year. (j) Woodviese (1) Roules und pick up limes seul 6e the tante as for the 1966-67 school year. A tapt showing location of bus stops and scheduled tintes is avallable ai Woodview Puîblic Seboot. (2) Kindergacten pupils wilI attend Maplehurst Publie Schuss> for the mornifle class and wil 6e plelied ssp wilh lte grade pupils. (3) Grades 7 and 8 pupils wiII attend Maplehurst Pub. lic Schuss> and selbe picked up by cegular buses. (k) Speclal Clan Pupila (1) Cildren atîending the Opportunity Clati at Fais' view School wil6ebc anspncîed on the regular but roules. (2) Cbildren attendis g the Opporlunity Classes ai Rol- ling Meadows School who requin ltransportaîlon uiti be îransporîed on the regular bus notes. 13) A ntap sboseing location nf bus stops and tchcdulad limes bas becs dislributed ta ail 016ercrelîdren who attend tbese classes and who requin Itrans- portation. PART Il - SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS M. M. Robnson High Sehool (1) Studenss sho retide nortb of the Qucen Elizabeth Highway. Routes and tintes el bc the same as for the 196- 67 schoal year. (21 Studenîs seho neside south of the C.N.R. and In the Aldershot tana. A ntap showlng location of bus stops and schedulad tintes is available ai M. M. Robinson Higis School. KILBRIDE Two Ontario scholars here top M. M. Robinson scliooil COMFORT MI HOMSIGN aid ENOINURU0 IATINO BY SHIPTONS Who have designed Heaîîng Systems for a gmet> number of Fine art Homes ici Hallon County. Ask the man who owns one Adi Us i. Design YOUR Naaiing Syssee PLEASE CAIL: ROBBINS FUELS 878-6338