Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 1967, p. 14

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n Cne0an Champion, Wedneady, laptembar 6i 1967 ~ j . n u , * 'Where is the "unique bou- ilothes, Mca. Betty Starkt; ap: *Ltique'? You'll find it this Sat- rons, ýMc. Becyl Pettigrewse i en S at urday at the annual lasen par- fish pond, Mc. Êvelyn tafian, D.CA.Martin end Mrs. Mar- way; penny table, Mrs. Anne the hurh ti onMartin St. fram 1.30 ta 5 Ptolemy; soft drinks and pop- p.m., under the auspices af the corn, Mrs. Marion Elstev; tea a__________________________ Hospital Auiiary of Mit tables on tihe terrace, Mrs. District Hospital. Jovce Semple. Mrs. Elizabeth Brlnkntan, right places shen it came ta Mrs. E. B. Clentents wilt con Tickets for thlt drases on a Oberahosede, spotn missionarles and vent tht boutique. There sel 'olariod Land camera, electric Ge-nay. doigeg hard work around be many other boolhs with carving knife and sel of staîn- rar Eliabe,.th: s the churchinteresting hargains lu fit ail tess steet table service are ai During this centennial year, tht woamen in tht churches at- ruas tht nation are studyiag tht gruwth of.tht Church in Canada front 1615 ta tht pres-i cnt tinte. This slady, along1 sith related progrants on tht effeet tht chureh has had on1 c-ulture. politits. education and lases, has made us more ap- preciative of tht benefits tWC have, derived throagh tht lfe of aur respective charces. We have also become astare of tht tremendous sacrifices that ntany men ted womni made as tht contry opentd up front tast t10 wstsiand by their i aith and fortilude, laid tht groundstork for tohatever prugreas Canada bas made 1- stard a higher standard of Christian living. Peos oeay lIm, tht wo- men le tht tontmunity have donttohat thty coaid through their Missianacy Societits and Ladies' Aid groupa ta alleviate saffering and 10, spread tht gospel overseas. Tht former raised money by fret-stili of- itringa and tht latter looked afler tht local expenses le charch and parsonage by rais- ing money in other toys. Mach fan has been poked ai th stamens groups over tht ytars because their mtthads of hlding meetings was another social event le tht eyes of ntany ted they were accustd of gssipieg. but records prove that ihpir ltearts stere in tht Worahup periodsantd stud- ta aif the variaus probtentu le tht mission feld stece the con- tent of the meetings. sappît' meeted by a sacred solo or raading by anc ai tht ment- bera. Then a social bouc stas held daring efreshment tinte. shich aI ane ime Wt5 qulle elaborate. Once a yeac. a spet- !l misianary service stold ho held aI tht charcis ted a ce- tucned missiaeary stould ho l- vited ta speak. Ris message in- apired aIt ta continue l intir good stocks ted th dutY aife- îertaieing the speakc becante a privilege tha t as pessned truand ram home ta home. lise eusne appliel 10 enler- taieieg a visitiltg miister aI aenivtrsay tinte. MeMbers ai tht church stera pleated 10 rentember hast maeY Yetnt their chucch had stand un th camntunity ted commemoGrat- ed tht date silh a speciti ser- vice. Persans Woho htd ntOved aseay front tht acta stera invil- ed ta rture ted bouses stera illed sith comptey for tht day. Seala in tht church stece fililed up ted chairs stece brougisl ironttht Sundty Sthuol hall and pltted le tht tais. s, sgreat wsthie trostd. Sonte charches called thene services "Harvet Honte Servi- tes" ted as steil as floral of- feriega front tht hontemakers gardens. thece stere fruits and vegetables as decraions ted an a thankofferieg 10 GosI foc his boueliful harveit. As as otimiatitisoaianniver- sary ted harvest services. of- tee durin tht folosing steek. a fastl supper wsa served la the basemeet ai tht churcis, tht fond pruvided by tht tant- lu tIse amnsmr tinte, a gar. den parly stas usually held in a field crass th corser front tht churccis.rturas iront sehlch wece anther source ai revense for tht apketp ai the chucch ted parsonage ted a social eentI thicis eeryane aI- teeded. Fart chacenstwere dont up early ted the first ev- cnt ai tht evenieg stas a bil gant ehteen tht local and a viiting lte. Blocks ofaiostand dplteks made rowsaoa seals for the speclatars ted thera was e- thusiastit, frieedly rivalry. cheerieg foc thtleam oi our chaice. The visitief hall tem sets treaaed îa a sapper plate cansistiel pi salads, sandwich- es ted sontetintes stcastberries ted Ice crean. Thtesat of the patrons paid foc their npper- aI that tinte about 25 cents. Young fcy haaked Iinketa oute ai a make-hlleve fish - pond sith a pin on a strng, ted a tentpoary booth sets set up sehere chocolatse bars, gunt sn sot drinkt tould ho bought. Th variety wsnllntted ta, or- ange crush and rot beer ln thoat days. bt theY store a ceal treat to US. EtWbsfM tt enslted 0f l1ca talent aI th statited al the girls whoha hd taken clo- tion tensant ted tise mutic- la n etise tantnnity seere cafllt upon for their services. Entes'ainlng the Ladies' Aid was a big accasion in tht tonly 1900v tend sas anc way tisaI a woman wouid feel she was do- ing hec bit and gave a heaty, hoapitabte stelcome ta, tht lad. ies ai tht groap. Maay of tht ladies drove a horse hilchtd ta a ight buggy aed stould pick up a neighbor alang thtestay and lake her ta tht meeting. My hssbaed tels ai ane day whee he and a chum stere warkieg ia a bushiat close ta thc ruad, they heard tht sound of valets before they hcard tht horst's feet an tht stone ruad. Pttking through tht trets. they sase a rubber- tired buggy conte mbo vitto and tht occupants stera tao ladies makieg tht Mot Of their ime by cachangine eews Items. la th quiet counry air. iheir voices carried furîher than they realized. Ont of tht boys holtered "sthaa" and tht obedient horst sîopped le his tracksa mnoat spilling tht oc- cupants of tht buggy over tht dasihoard. Neither of tht lad les hadl heard tht command ted lhey could not set neyant hocause of tht tanceallng branches atoeg tht roadsidt, so they stere vtry puzzed as ta why tht hors had stapped tii saddenly. Bt thty continatd on their way ta tht meeting and tld th t socy.ta tht am- usement of the ther ladies. lies ai tht congregation. Ont ftmily might ho asked ta Pro- vide as many as four toat ctickes as mnay pies of var- louas sorts, hot vegetables. cak- es with ahipptd creant. pickl- es ted relishes. 'Laoking back, il seema thal il muaI have been a miracle that hundreda ai people, tnd 1 mean that literally. could ho ted by about 5t wonen ina inadequale kitchee silh ont amali wood -bureieg range, no paid foc their osen supper as welt. tftec doeatieg. preparine ted servieg il. B3ut tiIs was thteseay a lot ai tht money was raised ta aper- att tht churcci. Having a large family tas no excuse not t0 participate. Older sisters ted braIsera helptd ta 1ook ater tht yauegec unes ted small ba- bies see put ta sleep ted laid on tht charch seat,s sith tht mothers taking tures keeplng an tyt on thent. Il sets a boey. bustling timnt e vecyone looked forseard tu il. Gar tara foc etaxing camne shen we could iit a neighboring church sthen they put on their supper. raeks sere played by tht yaaegec sel.,1tontohen pies ted cakes slaced on thtsin- dose sut aifopewiedases mys- terioasly diaappeaced. This dide't seen tot affect their ap petites aey as they vled seIth ane another ta see ho caald cal tht moat pie aI the table lter. Bowsîantd plates ai food stere put on tht table ted tati anc hetped hiieseli. and as the food diaappearad. ilsets e placed front a stemiegly neyer ending source. As tint eta on. entertain- ment groups ram the city giciana. siegers. comedians ted P titer a fese years, tht gutar- playing minsîcetusewith their tastboy sangs. No ancestold dreant aigoing bome antit 'Goi Save tht King" sets sang ted tht mess cleancti ap. Next moraieg. sagrup Oi men ted stomen stoutd conte batk tnd set that everything sets leil ahlp-ahape. Tht oste- crs of Iis farnstere the good-naturad hata ta thin gar. dca prty for yearsantd wsen the fart changed hands. tht nese atoneru contnued ta ho gracions hasts 10 many tuch t gatherini athongh theY htd bought that privllege along sith tht fart. istes wua uomelhieg about tht socltbltlty ai thtcommunt- lty being llntced stth tht church t. taa,1 Mt a aY, han been laIt avec tht yetrt; bat tht need for somethln'g 10 replace I111e IIs moderna agela a challenge lor th youager generatlon. Meansehle. the ses- mares groupe le thse chorch are doleg sllat they tan ta fil1 th Ma. WatnS, hst egusyda- descriptions as welt. Mrs. John Bcverle*v is convening thc par- lv and wilI have the foltowing Aosiliarv members conveniflg tht boo tha: Home akteg, Mrs. Atice Be- cube: books for young and naî-so-vaung, Mrs. Myrîle Hall and Mrs. W. Rawney; white et. ephant, Mrs. K. Young: Jams and pickles, Mca. Helen Van Sickie and Miss Edilh Dick; used tays, Mrs. Joyce Beeton; candy, 's.aCarat Jubb; baby SOtà .uverse Congratulations to Mr'. and Mca. Robert W. Dredge of R. R. 3, Milton, who wiut celebrate their golden wedding annivers- ary on Sunday, September 10. To mark their 501h annîver- sacy, they witl hold an ope house at their home on Hlgb- way 25, north of Milton, that day fraie 2 lu 5 p.m. and fram 7 10 10 p.m. Margaret Ane Black, daagh- ttc of M. ted Mc. George Black ai Campbellville. be- came tht wift tot George Alex ander Bickecs of Miton le a double-ring ceremny aI St. Davidas Preabyttrian Chucch le Campbeilville. July 22. Tht groom is tht son of Mr. aed Mca. Fred Bicktcs of Hil- ton. lMse hurels wss dttorated with standards aifswhite monts ted pink carnatians. Rtv. D. Nichalson officiattd sehile Mc. Tom Manea of Acton ptayed tht ocgtn ted Misa Karen An. derc'sn of Bruasels sang G Pec. tedt Lave ted Tht Lords Pray- Tht bride seoce a shart- sleeved floor tength goste of wehite acganea silh an empire styied Aliee skict. Tht bodice tand séeves weist of Chanltly tact. She .wore a to- titred French illusion veil stth malching tact. Tht brid's headdresa was a cruwn ai ntatching lace ieterapersed with seed pearîs. ted she car- ried a crantent ai piek deliht roses ted fera. Mn. Wn"ePhillip a st matron of hanar. thec at- tendants sere Mca. Ralph Ast' rvy ted Mcs. TeneaMaore. bath sisters of tht bride. Jun- ior brldesatid sets Miss Nan- cv Bickers, alier of tht groom. Al tht attendants store pose- dec blue. steevelesa. flaor leegth gasens ai slk linen ted empire stylieg wth an ovelay ai wehite lace on tht bodice. They caccied cascades of piok miniature carnations ted wace headdcesses ai matctieg talle held le place by a single rose. -Tht bride sens given le mac- cîagt by hec faiher, George Black. Bryte Hilsan sens th graomsmae ted tht ashors e were Wayne Howdee. Jint Fine tead Brian McOuffe. h Ont hundred atteeded the - dinner follosieg thtecemny, hetd ai St. Davidas charcci - choolront. Tht brides mther store a faste ai turquoise tact avec lafieta tnd a carsage ai saint- on plnk swethtart roses. Tht gcoom's mther ctcelvtd le a pink crepe drestith lace bod- ce ted matching accessaciet-. She wore a corsage ai pink A PERFECT WEDING Staris sith qualiy jtetellety frtan engagement ring ta seeddlng rieged the couple's enchange cf gifts. A DIAMOND IS A LIFEIME GFT Cheoea stsIConfidents frans i n aom«cSCntter. ____ _____ John W. Osîler, chairman of the- Hospital Board of Direc- tors.,îitt make the draw ai 4 p.m. Members issued a sincere invitation ta ait ta 'corne and have a happy aflernoon". Kitchener chorus f0 present concert A eai treal for muit lavera will he tht visit of tht famed Schneider Mate Chorus of Kit. chener on Friday, September 22 ai 8.30 p.nt. This wet-known chorus wilt sing at Martin Street Senior Schaal auditorium under tht auspices of tht choir of Grate Anglican Ctturch. Tht Schneider Malt Chorus has buit up an exttellentt ep- utation for ils fine chbral ing- ing in bth Canada and tht United States. A good demand for tickets la anticipated and they tan ho ohtained front choir memibers. aed white seetheaci roses. Tht brides travelling atlt consisted of an enemble ai a navy blue shtath dressantd a navy ted white chtcktd coals wiîh swhite tccessoctes ted a corsage ai piek garmet steet' heart ruses. Tht couple hoeeymaoned le Vancouver ted sili maint iheir hante le Hilton. Guestsatateeded front Lon- don, Bruasels, Aubura. Toron' ta. HaitItan. Wtstpocl, Go- etph. Acton, Pictou NS.. Tru co NS., Ayifocd NS.. Mltoe, Campbetlville and Burlinglan. A SPINNINO WHMEL aver 150 years aid, spun woaci al week- ed ai tht steant econian, sehite a centucy-oid loont weeved the stool jta a pattern. Mrs. Hugh Clark of Hagersviiie oper- aies thteseheel while hec husband demanstrates hose tht theeads lice up an the antique iont. Tht demanstretion. e eew featuce af Steam-Era, created a lot of interest and their trailer exhibit sens full of visitors foc mot ai tht weekend. (Staff Photo 1ASHl13l September bride honored at shower By Kin. GeorePlleteelo Macgarat Hueler was tht ce- cipleet of maey lovely and use- ful gifla at a bridai shaster le hec honor held ai hec home ttst Satacday tfttraoe. She expresstd hec tpprvciatioe ta tht ladies fac ber giflsantd le- vited ailtot attend hec trous- seau tetaon Satucday. Bbc la 10 he marritd on September 9. Our sympathy is extended la, Mc. tnd Mrs. Fred Alexander tnd family le tht death on Fri- day of Mca. Altxaetis nth- er, Mca. H. A. Cady ai Saint John, N'ewe Brunswick, Mm ad ar ttwright rture- ed hante lasI Friday evening CUTTINO THE CAKE re neslyseadt Margaret beck end George Bickrs. hey erntaitd July 22 ei Si. avid's Chucch ln Campbeilvile ted honeymaoned le Vancouver. - I tram Utah. wheealto apent a weetk ai tht Tapperseare Jubi- tee tnd sales training progrant aed convention held aI thtelin. iversity of Utah,. aI Logan, Ut- ah. U.2A. Mc. aed Mca. Gardon Cotton and sans of APPltstood Heights. Caoksvilie. spent tht weekeed sith Mr. and Mrs. B. Oaies and famnilY. Bob Wheelbaed la a patient le St. Joseph's Hospital, Ham- iMon. folowing sucrgery on his back on Friday. Ht is cepocted ta be doing very well. Orlando Iracci af Mhstmar- ket visited Tuesday slth tht Pelletteriat. UileShelley Gunby epeet tasi steek stlth hier grsndpti" enta, Mc. aed Mca. William M- redilh. Io Evertl relurntd by plane on Tuesday evening ta Ger- many. whece she will rasante teachieg schoal. follawlag a Ibret week visit at hec home. Ifeather tnd Stephen Heid- mac of Tharuhill ara viaiting Iheir grsediparenls. Mc. and Mca. Lorse Scotlaed. Waîming an extra roamn becamea a quiCk and eaay job with eIectriC heating. twon't over-tax vaut pretent heating nytem. Or your budget. But it wuiI deliver quiet, draught-free warmth ta any chilIy raam n yaur home. Like ta know more? Just ask vaut hydro. live botter electrically Bickers - Black Elaborate social hours *PRESCRIPTIN E*LSLEYr ' PHARMACY'j' 24 HOUR PRESCUIPTIN ShRVfU 8784M t- AirNaes «84961 FREE DELIVERY REVLON -COSMETIcI K, M.ELSLEY BSc. PISt Those early garden parties lmaz electric heating can make an extra room extra cosy j * MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878,234-8 .... .. ... . 1 mmâ" M

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