Jim's Jottings b y 1 im d i 1 Sugar and Spice b y b i 11 Smill y a UWhtbe lu ilika cnd sourds of Steco-Era now hisstory for cn- other yer Il seema possible. to reaize tisaI th Fail iselbe shorllysiti s u. Children are back 'ta scisool, meetings revert 10 a more reguiar basin. sinler activities like hockey and curling receive serious planning and somne leaves have already gol o dasb of coor. 6 Oid Fasloned Ocys in islory argac. 1to, and despite nome Cen- tenni Yer hopes, il secs one of tise weaker celebraionî. t keep liinking its ton bcd because more and more costumas ire appearng every year sitis ptacticalty no encouragement -aI ail. Makres me sonder shat mighl be poss- ible if tise event wsa ever realy organ- ized on a continuing basin. Ive taken a vase îhough. 'm not punhing il any rurther. 0 Tise Aemed Forces. Talla., staged lait seek at the CNE before huge audiences, lasorth seeing. Il's sched- uled for caîseo nigisî stand in Hamilton in case you missd il in Toronto. The tait tf 1700 makres gond use of tise vaît area in front of the CNE grandsîand and bleecisers. Il's a show ful of color and pagentry sith a litle bumor mxed in very judiciounly. 0 Wîateied atons reprosenlatîvu in tise Dairy Princens finals attise CNE Coliseumn lait week and se ably witis royidowns Tht pesky flyl es boen buzzlng around my head for 10 minutes nose. cnd he haînt lit anysee long enougis 10 sseat. Ive chcsed hlm rmund Use office c couple of times, but he keeps dlssppear- ing on me. Come 10 tiink of i, 'lie" mut b. a "lier", for only s female could b that bothersome. Oh sel, back 10 %ork. Lets hope ihe's gone now. Whoops, aes back again. GOt c good look et ier Ua dîme. Big brute, abot trcee imes tise size of c normal ly, and Isice as noisy. Vroom. vroom. TiereI Takre thati Ad thatl Dm1 ta a Mi.lva mlssed agali. Bure seis she'd liglt comeselere for just a minute. Non. she'o casino Ue domd lmenas mocm. Shes 20 feet cwa'îw cMa tilI hear ier buzzing. NawWse S m oinlastisa w&asnroom. Ouickl IlI s*ut lise waas- rocm door and keep her tisue.. Drot Nows iesi ccd l'ou at. Hose seil I gel ler nose? I know, .111 op- entise door c 1111e bit and snek i nil fcst. Tient wilbe just the twoof us, face 10 fices i tist tlny m mmssi1 beasa. Sb's cunnlng. but l'on quick. MY raflexes ca re ect.lMl S lier. Nana.1I1 jissepic Use door. cnd ..vroom ...- se's Sgose gain. Tier.. sibes resing on Bob's desk. IlI croup up slosly ccd noiseiesily, 1Mk.acgreet whlite hunIer steltily stalkin a c 510er lion ..,I rase my gan ... vroom. thons off agin. Okcy boiter. noseI'm mcd, l'ilSet vau in mld-slr. Sseoosh. Mlmed. Swoocs., Mised. $woo ... -dcrn il theb ssd fise of tise fly swncter. Vroom, Vroom. Nan. bossdoue sho Scose my naa ponsq out of commission? Sb.'î honing cround my hucd agin. Okcy the swat- ter% fixed. nose e id t he go? 1 know shat 10 do. 111l go back 10 h. typese.riter and pretend l'es workig. mies sure 10 coma bcck, Good Uslng l'mi l lone in the office rigit nose; Ihose other guys would Uslnk I1secs crazy 10 b so upset over c bg fly, but lise nisy brtes ,bouteasing me and I've Mayerigt nose sould ge a good ime b write UsaI edtoricl chousIlosen ,ounil, sehile l'm in the riglil frame af mmnd, Vroom - sho's bcck, Nose wb.re'n ir.y ssatter. gnaooii. Miaged again. 340w ses represented the county, even tisougis she didot dcaim top hocors. Carat Swack- iamer delivered a verv capable speech ccd to my unskilled eye did a gcod job of mlkicg a cos. Her skill of course wa: oie of tise reasosshue socs one of five finaits out of o field of 40. a More copies of The Milton Re- former came la os Iis owck, io- cluding tise finI aand second issues of tisaI paper. t dont imagine seel ever compi]e anything liki- a compte set of that early Milton paper, but every capy expandi lise early record of the towe and areas iistorical referecce 0 tavent heard any figures on sater consomption iis year, but t sus- pect lb. amouet is dosen from previns dryer summers. Lames bave heen wl walered by nature Iis year acd lise art- ticiputed few seeks wisen grass cilliog sas nedîtcedjait neyer seemed t0 mater- la!ine. 0 Il wsmasueprling 1 se. tise num- ber of people wiso lurned out for tise Prk's Board Concert Sunday. tt juil shows people do enjoy om. acciv- ity le loca! parks ced tise town does bave some excellent, il somesehat ignored. park settings. tiackin t 1909 up 10 1500 attended band concerts in Victoria Park, a litle re-eaci reveals. out l is e halbi sesrealytrave a bee and movl What's tUsci lng tb. back dont Shes gene.C Can ccyonet tisose tseo fles oz Tise centennim Era in Miltono grand show. cnt Uera are silîl sen rouer. Milton Fridiy mot, an astique gas tr his homneithlb lit probably fel w& hilotosesi. over. isosever, i turmed in a1ith there ses 1itsii secs reirnd TisueonuSatl lotI iss allet The honest find Use headquartert tect) before lw siz one. Nose if son up tisaI saluais] izn' Band ban lit aI Use Saind torIs Pirk ... The old prea Ne recd hic tex they brought uni UaI seea ken The pceachei c acrutinlze yo limes cure your divers diseass cur. Acd breUh epidemic of div 'Somne divef Schaul la over.5 during tise even ilo c liaI of.c ing for Ue Lord and teke c trip dive for tieirn In the ofterng, titb.. Somoe dive Ue minster g1v lb. iter ail Use il lakes tise Loi cisurris to cure1 ;r~ 9nm pocket to pocket I15 Hose long cow. fool oursoives about ail tiss.tac "breaks' "segov- ern menti are glvlng us? Do sre. iave Corne theevicipnce in nos tisai contradlicti tise ay. F'il fol10w ier. Man people Il ofthtie time? ïelling fait. Buaing like Tie Ontario Committee on Taxation g 1k . ~ ia ial oent ogaat noise? Somneone'u open- hsfnlybrougistclw tlo" a- or- 'look out, Bob -. » ec report. It doest iide tise tact thta Outside. Good rddaece. tise grant-giving patterns of thse prov- 1e11 me seiy Noah pot m are quite compticaieci cor does It on hearttemp in10obscure tisa understandable ai year edillon of Steam- liseory tist if reductions in one are.of on tise seekend wii a taxation are effacted. incree»dsciLsta In d it proved on. thing - >me hocet people in ced oliser directions are 10 b. ncessary. Tise pottically astute provincial gov- xlssg, c member drivina croment.' iosever, hatesslfietse 4spot- ractor ta lb. show from adistrict lait is sallet. ligisi from tiseiard facta of tise report from his pockel on lt.e 1tiste area of piums. A property tac Defore tse mornifle ses exemption on tise f»h$2,0.0 of e*asc- it b.d been found ced th police station. And ment is 10 b. lniAti t t10rduetis sn the sallet, ci of whlcis paint oftie rsidential property osera- otclnl, mn cthrouw ors. Tise provini*e 5 10 assume eiicosts urds. c ain attise85. oftise administration of justice whlcis ýder bcd il turned 1in10 5 isaoreiicaiiy 10 ciao work Io tise adi- nr tent f wilis Use 85 In- vastage of tise property osener, te osener even kee Il Tise promise Is also given tiset ihare meoone could juil turc is Io b. no new increases in taxas tis e cornet that Acton Cil- year. And tist of course is quit. un- kndmnaster George ElliotI deritandable seththtie great possibility Way andconertin ic- of a provincial elaction tiis year. t's aàiard fact. but sosseday see have to come Io tise realilation tht mcier stoad up 10 preacci governments do not generate money. xl, tattisese4: 24". ato hlm li îick people Tisir oniy source of income is texpay- ri iti divers diseases.ers: Andi seiile taxpayers grumble r said: "Nose. the doctors about tis site of tisir property tex, ou. analyze you cnd uome- ir ils, but sen yau have ;,1he0 only tise Lord cmc irnn. there ila cregticr iera diiecies àmong us." for Ue doar fter Sundcy Some dive for tb. TV sel .ning services. Some dive excuses about nol seork- -d. Others dive for the car iover lb.eseekend. Some nickels ccd dimen 10 pt ý,instecd of payng liseir vfor lise doar as soon as ies Ue appeal 10 prxy cI eclose of tise sereice. Yen. rd and tise love for tise IPEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST MMOI OF1M SW1M M A flled poweer suchIs tems as sase but Milton on tise seekend as tise Ontailo cisurni, chapping boxes andi so on. Ti Steam andi Antique Asocation return- one, manufactiareci by John W. Smif eci sitis ls seventh annuel reunion of Co. ai Ibontreal. sess operateci by tw igricuitural iistory. l-lre's enotiser me- iores and ran a large sase seien Il se mory, but yau'ii have 10 b. an olctitmer pisotograpise i n east.rn GOtaro mcn 10 recaul if. Tisa horse treadi e s i n yearn ago. Photo court.ny Lorne Skuti use.,efre tise fsarnof tise century 10 tiseir scies ts, tisir company tex and tise hast of others. govsrnmenls seemn- ingty continue to bamboozie us wltis stories of seit tisay are givlng us or sehal "breaks" tisey are inlraducing. Tise iwo moyen an tise recommen- dationc of tise Smiths report sili cost an aciditionel 126 million dollars. Tise pro vince bas to locale tise funds for tiis ac- tion and tise isrd realilles of tise Smlish Report trtdlcate quite clearly tise fundo seul came from tise taxpayers ai tise fedoeailevei or siseosgis neseor increas- eci provincial taxes. That almply meansa tisItI annI yet been determinaci wiicis pocket youIi isave ta put a littie more tas money in. Somne amaller amount Is 10 b. put in your tosen tac pocket, a uitle more par- hffl Iin'yojqilea pAvmla)tac pock- et or yoUr Income fedie~ andi provin- clahtextacpocket.In tise end isilil Ike- ly mana littie les n tise pocket from seiicin you control expenditures direct- IV- t sauld not b. forgotten. propos- is in tise Smitis Report. lest giamorous and lesappesiing, ao calieci for raius-in Income taxes. gasoline. hair- cotsandsc otiser services, If municipal tac bis drop It seul be a temporary meuture as tise Increaslng demnand for services continuas and &d ministror. - etise gain as a chanci te cUtci up on th~e prssing neacis. Tise more goveernment wue dmand, tiseiigiser tise prtca. .91/aoit4ffp,6enq<itir Tise Ontario Committee an Taxatmon i includeci in isreport a suggestion for tise introduction of regionai govmrn- ment. Tise report envisioneci the prov- ince divideci Ino 29 unit.. PEditoriaiiy lise Toronto Sar iscea- temptici1taîtel us about tise rmgnifi- ce ni benefits we seauid gain under ro- ~' gonal governmentî as oppOseci 1 aur present county. tosen iyslem. "By grouping taxpayers into larger gpoliticai boundaries. regional govern- menti con builci Up sufficlent revenue b cafford higis scisools and teacisers com- - parable 10 tisas.in cilles; reslilbrcry facilities; btter iosopitalisand public ý elhunits; regional parka andi co-or- dinateci protection services. "A regional government con under- take longrange area planning - and afford tise experts 10 do i. Conserve- ain-af ccnd and seater resaurcen over àside ares becames practicai. Stand' &rd cîsesîment con b. arranged and tex collecton made more efficient. ter "Regionci governments, sitis plan- is ning responsibiiities over larger. ansen, t coalci reduce tise present cut-tisroct tom- va petition betseeen municipilitien for bus- eny iness assesîment. Tiey ssoalc i cio b. e. able to statsiardize building codes and tisus reduce tise cot of building bouses. "'Andi most important ci tisecomn- mittesaea iti, arger political anitasitis a more secure fax base seul fin i t casier end cheaper to borrose money". i souncis sonderful. until you rendi it tb. second time aci start cisacking al tisose b.nefiti-ta-b. againsitishe bene- iti yau presentiy isave. Tien too, yau notice tisat tise benefits of ibis big re gion ire toc, often predicted on tise aI- tainment of "bignesa". Tise b.st ex- ample seeve got of "bignesi" ls Metro Toronto enci lait year government Coist n Metro jumpeci 23 per cent b.tween 1966 andi 1967. Witis increases like tisat it eold have 10 b. casier 10 bor- rose money. Tier. are no bugsinivtise county system tisat couint b. ironeci out by sonne constructive tiinkers it a lot cias coît, but, contrary 10 popularly-hcld tiseories, some of tise proponents for regionci-type services rseflot confineci 10 tiesotisern manicipsiities. Brllng- ton, for insace, refuses t10 move 10 cauntyasîsesiment. If c reglanai gov- arriment secs estsblisised tisey lunt seouldn't bave sny alternative. Sa we seonder aist sho la paslIng for reg- ansil gaverfiment snd seietiser tise ben- efits ield ouI are illuslonsry or resi. Well. I scarcelly know where to start. Expi, 67 is surely the greatest display of buaion ngenuily, imagination and organ- izalion that bas ever been assembled on the face of the eartb. Il's absolutely magnificent le almost every respect. Ail ou need 10 enjoy the big fair tborougbty is about tbree weeks, $3000 and a Pair of legs mode of steel springs. We did a n îbree days, on $150, sith legs tisaI rapidty îurced t0 putty. if itl i passible for pully 10 ache like a badl bcoth. We took off rigbl after cburcb last Sunday. As usuat "rigbl - afler - church" graduatly lurced int 3 p.m. Drove 150 niieF. Slayed wilb sister-in-lase. Long lime no see. Big palaver until 3 a.m. Bogged anoîber "200 Ibrougis the heai 10 Alexandria, cear Montreal, where old buddy, The Mac f romt Gengarry- generosas, joyous Gene Macdonald-had offere.o, f ree, îwo motet rooms for as long as sec santed. Swift tour of ancient. interesling tosen. drink aI golf club, dn- ner at the Macdonalds. Same slory: long-time-co-see etc. Overflowing bospit- ality, even 10 tll, dark and handsome lb- yecr.old son Neil to entertamn our Kim.. Etimated departure time: 10 p.m. Actu- aI deparling ime: 2.30 a.m. Up brigbt and early and off et the crack of noon. Fortunately, as Gene isad proiniied, il secs only an houris drive fromt Expo. Became biggest joke of the trip. He obviousiy meant by jet, or straighl acrons - country. My ccr goes bettet on highwcys. "Juçt follow the Expo signs,'" it said. We did. We completely surrounded ah. ciî -v of Montreal and seound up in a parking lot whicb was a 30-minute ferry ride iromt Expo. The regular lots are f ive t0 ten minutes f romt the grounds. The ferry cosl $1,50 a persan. The other lots provide a free bus. The ferry dump- eri oe aI the srong ecd of Expo, juil ten miles fromt where wee santed 10 be. At 3.30 p.m., se wsere cI Expo. Neyer mi, see finally picked up my press pass. The press building was a lit- île bit of beaven - air conditioced. food and drink reasonable. Slightly revived, antu about the ime I bcd thougst see seould b. beading for homne, we stcrted out 10 "do" Expo. As; always with our family, tiser. %vert. na plans, no organisaation. We wveflt nIa the first building we nase. Il wsc te International Broadcanting Building. F-scinating, perbaps, for an engineer. For us, it was sligbtly less absorbing bhai a visit to the local ibrary. The fighting began bere. Kim is aI the age when she abhors being dragged around by ber parents. Her finIt propo- sai was "Lets spli and meet nom.e- ss'lere." Would you turc loose your 16- vear-old cbck in a crowd of 300,000.,I an are a tbe site of a large city, whien noce of us bad a dlue aboul bow 10 gel lack to tbe ferry? So we sulked out way tbrougi tise îelepbone building. Il's a dandy show. And il seas ber. Ibal 1 finI discovered thot my press pass made Aladdln's Lamp look like an old candle bul. (10 jusl tooti il out and kissed il as I write). See, tbere are Ibese 7,000 people lin. mvi up, about four abreasl, for a quarter mile. With a press pass, you walk 10 the bead of the ice, flash the pana, and your partl', s admitled aI the "reserved" ent- rance, immediately, along with peopleib wlteelcbairs and comas and otber condit- Tbe firsl ime we did il, see felt like real skunks. I expected the enraged types ir, the lice-up 10 scream and rave or tbrealen 10 tear 1us 10 pieces. Nothing bappened. Tbe second ime. I felt like Chartes de Gaulle. After that, 1 lost li compunction for the standees, acd lie- gais loakicg for pavilions with the long- est line.ups, for the sheer pleasure of gate.crashicg. Such is mac. Russian pavilion cest. Beautiful lice- up. Pavilion seas rather like a vaut depart- ment store specjalizing in space - travel equipment. My sife collapsed toto a chair an the third floor and a number of people tbought she wsahving a stroke. By sheer good luck. we found aur way home, and hurtled that "one hour f romt Expo" in only tseo and a haIt houri afte' missing the turc-off to Alex and wandering about the wildc of Eatern Ontario for an bour. Bed at 2 c.m, Pages of the Past SIf r o fro cha-mpion fi les 20 years ago TiSs ra. is lsstfhie I Cmsoemu issi ch»ismna, epteasissn4, 1947. John Krysiarchuck of 'Hamilton, aseaiîing trial in Haltan Caunty Jail for takieg part in tise 5105,000 robbery attise Bank of Nova Scolma aI Campbeliviîle in July, secs recentîy taken ta tise Don Jail ai Torontto by officens as c precau- ionery meastiro, il han been cnnotanced by John J. Sullivan, Hamilton, iis cou.- sel Accused wsin do ldentlfied ci lckig parti he b.Carling Brewerien Lld. VS0 robbery ai Waterloo Icît May 29. A flash fire ccused from gasoline Iotclly destroyed c garage and seriosny threctened Use lcrge brick bouse on Use farm of i lliam Cross. Righway 25, I Pri'tay about 4.30 hi Use aflernoon. Fred Cross, a son seho baid boe seorkig seis Use father Itise fields, wsc sent 10 lb. garge 10 obtain more gasoline for lb. jeep. As tise boy sec pouring tise llquld toto acaticlb flash ooesrred, apreadinu tire croucd lb. gcr- cge. Marnes qulckly lickedup tise -eils o! lise building, snding spcrka to Use roof or tise bouse over 30 feel cwcy. ire bil begun hi Uroe pcces on lise bouse rocf by Use lIme firemon srrlved. Clilef RcndRUvll stliced. 100 years ago Takun froue isa asaietTise Cssselssin Clsamle. Mile.la,tmisor s, 1867. AI cn early haur on Priday tait, Mn, William Maure round tise bady of a mac on lise Grand Tronk Railseay, about c mile sesal of Actoc, On ecqulry. it wsc round lo be the body of William R ..... In the smploy of tMr. W. Hemnîrout Cresons Corners, On the previous .vening, the de- ceased got a imalaur a o money from iis employer 10 purcisase a pair of shoes, Il ippeirs t rom lise evidence aI ibis in- queil tisaIsehile in Use village, h. ccd Iseaoîhers seere drinklng for a cocsid- erable lime ci Wrd's Tavers. and tisaI lise dececied did nol leave 1111 belsenen il ccd 12 o'clock pin. Tise deceaied had been ron over by ane of the nigisl trais, Vtoh of bis legs secra sevrad from bisi bady. The inqnteat sas adjauroed 1111 Friday cerI. On Wednesday nigist. the jubilation of Rrfarmers wsa extrame, and they as- smmbled in great numbers before Use residence of Mn. White, and gcve hearty checro for lb. Oueen, the Newe Dominion, Whte and Barber, and Tise Chacmpion. Sirrieg speeches see deiverad by Messrs. Whte, Barber, J. Desear, John Stewart of Esquesng, and Samuel Ctarke, Bsq., of Wellcnd, ex-sarden 0f titis county. The latter gentleman gave thîie 11t10 liseoander in The Herald, tisaI Mi.- White hcd driven hlm ouItiof Use C-untv. A grand bonfira concluded theo praceedingi, In Gorgetown, îimiisar ne- joicingi 100k place. 50 years ago Taieon from tlb. lssasofiThseCaeis Champion. Seplember 6, 1917. Police bave given out the details of the Osili - conscription dynamitent' pro- gram, seich included tise mundier of Lord Atisoîlsan. tise destruction of his Sous. and of the Montreal Star office. the assansinalion of Hon. Artisur Meigh- en and of Premier Sir Robert Borden. and the dynamiling of tise Paliament buildings. David Anderson of Toronto, seio hougst ou1tishe Milton Fouedry Co. laie. ]s sIOt in towc lait Mocday, accompan- ied by trs. Anderson. He inlendi ta open th.a foundry for seork sithin a sisort lime and customers silI find hlm an ex- pert machinint. He han been and silîl is aI seonk in a munition plant. making ilieli fuies. LasI Friday sanPness Day aI the Caeatlian National Exhibition. Tise ness popermen mene made lb. guets of tise direc*ont ai lunciseon cnd tea and ai thse grandsland in h. evecing. Hallon rap- resentalites seere E. A. Harris, Burling- I-n Gazelle; H. P. Moore, Aclon Free Fres: J. M. Moore, Georgetowen Herald; W. J. Vleuîy. Oakville Record. R. M. White, Milton Reformer and William Pacton. Canadiati Champion. Managers of banks have been searn- cd b bbc on lise lookoul for spurious $10 buils which bave been circuicted in sevenal places during the paît Isea seeeks, Il is ucderntood lise blls arcac gond imitation of lb. Royal Bank $10 bill. I is col knowc tisaI any have beesu passed in Milton. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 " Mat Et s llthPt. 871-34t O Jîcisi A. Oit.Macqits taise Roy E. ocs, Nms tdte Nydi Pa,. Adocittica Mansan p,.ithod 09cY Wecsday9auain sti.. Mito.,Ocualo. ttsubsu ci tesdCsiasCssty itosetesusA.tattimised fiita Octoi nasmi imeqyq tti atbon. Sabapui= as'.- inMtism, n$s.00 ion. t7.00 in 841silimis OiF-té. hcCa.d"; OAdttiinoi. i medonas »n&macia. li the .ct il a tmptphmisl ansitic t , ioft.adittaatta pm -.* emidisedichicas Ili.t.. qiiazWi, tamie soir la itamous. Il 11ot bSt&.Misfore.,a %*%ia ofth.iiiaivtuuiutt iti i te ts a la .Pitm asl it. te il.e-1 mf a typtgzptttoaMW sdsssthham tacts.-c-tmst . mmd. Odatits -01.11.11- miad cay ai ct5dtesmylt. A.tutatd « tMIcd tm Msil by du Pss. nSDenau,. OtaL A hootin' tootin' weelcend -61 ýFEÏe -]Ïl SEýàÈS. - -