Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 1967, p. 19

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GRADE &A Charinuine Anderson, Wil- liam Baudler, Phil Cllen, Di- ane DeZeeuin, Marianne Et-via, Rickie MMillan, Rey Tomlin. son, Brent Dnce, Steven Fuy- azchuk, Rundy Hananon, Mary Anne Lyans, Eva Pierce, Ste- phen Ceoper, 'Darlene Et-vin, Amna LMarsh, Grdon Poole, Hazel Scott, Martin Gauld, Marilyn Catlain, Grdon Chtis tie, Gerald Clark, Murray Git. lies. Dnna Harney, David Mc- Kee. Ted Melenbacher, Lvnda Smilitie, Shat-on Taft. GRADE SB Marilyn Elliot, Jo-Anne Had- ley, Robert Millet-, Tam Milis, Warren McLeod, Heather Bila- Co, Darla Day, Francisca Jag, Fraser MacKay, David Morgan. Benny Nijhot, Ruth Reed. Clteen Clement, Pou) Fuar- chuk, Fred Hatinga, Pauline Hep-worth, Robert Lawrence, Sisan Pupe, Mar-y Gay Quck, Raymond Wiliamson, Sherry MdKerr, Sid Fay, Chartes Wil- son, Dehitie Aikenhead. Judy Whetham, Mark Chase, Brian Green, Clii ford Herron, Rose. mat-y Mark, -Km Moantin. Claudette Phetps, Richard Ro hets, Batbra Tam, Susan Ar- bic. GRADE BC Justine Filipawski. Danny Grant, Rosemary Holtand, Pal- ricia Presniak, Walter Weise, Raymond Barher, Lna Dur- nan, Lois Fay, Wendy Rend- rick, Stephen Kitomtes. Rick Ormond, Terry Roley, John Carruthers, Sunan Mowat. Jack- e Meikle, -Monica Andress. Stephen Brancier, Fred Bell, Janet Brodie, Henry Brynkus, Wayne Coake. Vaughan Crip- pen, Elizaheth Delin, David Harrison, Jenny Massen, Non- cy PetI, Karen Trimble, Shirley Ceulson, Grdon Duaphy. Rick Gosing. Anita Pravaznik, Suz- anne Ricketts, Alan Roherts. GRADE 8D Shelley Beetan, Leslie Brawe. Fatti Clement. Allan Gawing, John Hatherty, Janice RInv- notd, Peler Roberts, Steven Smith, Stephen Watkins, Dion- ne Gihbons, Mary Jean Had- son, Beverley Timhers, Betty Hamilton, Eugene Keller, Wen- dy Mountain, Cheryl Patter- son, Jin Robertson, Robert Sîringer, Anne Weise. Davina Eptes, Walter Kalkomnki. Ton is Wildiong. Susan Thamson, -Michael Merritt. William Clar. ridge, Bradley Enans, Jane Langridge. Gary MacDoagall, Cheryl Pettigresv. Barhara Vundecan, Merna Wilson. Ste- phen Wood. GRADE 7A Freddie Ambroise, Danna Barr, Kathleen Baudier. Rus- sel Chaney, John Kelman, William Maskell, Michael Ford, John Hasselledt, Nancy Heth- eringtan, Donna Jacdns, Davd Pearce, Diane Semple, Robert Davis, Carl Barker, Ral Clous- nitzer, Louise Davis, Thamas Eliot, Rohert Groy, Robert Rusk, Susan Riddell. Heather Argaît. AnnerColinson. Ken- neth Connar, Catherine John son. Marie MactMurPhY, Bren- da Schultz. Evrive Lyons. Sa- Anne Skinner, Rodney Watts, Bill Tardiff. GRADE 7B Gregory Cross, James Rosa- ick, David Roherts, David Ru- part, Janice Schayler, Davi Smith, Kim Brdolph, Rohert Addison, Kathleen Blinco. Les. tey Ellmoad, Lamna Greenfirld, David McGomn, Mary Samp- son, Murray Walace, Harley Callan, Nancy Charlton, David Caulter. Marilyn Martin, At- exander Raberts. Stenen Rob- ertson, Kathleen Rask. Char les Alcock, Lynn Colson. Ko- ten Gotra, Jonice Richardson, Diane Timbers. Anna Willats, Dale Merklep, Jean Snyder, Do- id Prentice, Athoîl Robertson. GRA1QE 7C Shirley Clarr Bill Francey, George Hoad, Fred Masser, Brian Merkley, Jimmy Nors worthy, Hoard Wrigglrs- morlh, Ronald Downs, Suao Graham, Pouline MEKchere, Glenn Murray, Catherine Strie- £Ulm là Smersye u uIways metnio When aur mec do lbe job ot painting or ia, Ing the bady cf paur car youre sure cf thte huit IILL'S AUTO BODY »9 878-2721 878-3251a àoc Il ger, Glenn Torner, Ruth Wil- son, Lois Coulson, Joyce De Koijer, Kim Deeaurier, Ker- ry Kitchen, William Presniuk. Vlerie Crippen, Cathy Donald- son, Janet Gillies, Joan McEg- au, Dehorah Mthesan, Mielh. art Rudnikevich, Aine Rabat. son, Shelley MoKenzie, Sandra Knot. Lawrence Cargill, Phit- lip Hepworth, Bill Ctarke. GRADE 7D John Chatinor, Steven Ditîs. Miriamn Lee, Van McPhail, Brens Tyrer, Lloyd Rhynold. Leslie Wilson. Richard Case. Naney Noble, Graeme Riddell. Dehro Sm, Virginia Waoland, Guri Vaten, Bruce Adamnon, Mark Grenke. Robert Lang- ridge. Brenda Little, Keoneth Rolry, Ingrid Vonlingen, Shrla Farness, Grace Meikle, Brion PorIon, Deborah Stratit. Debra Watdrn, Karen Wright, Kennetit Blythe. Phyllis Tmviss, Sandra Fay, Bill Furbrick, John Matin. Philip Rhynold. MARTIN ST. SENIOR PUBLIC SCNOOL in Mlton is rnady for the bock-ta shool influa of studnnts onitch takns plaienenxt Tesday înorning. Ail Grade 7 and 8 studnnts in Mlton wiii attend classes in thîs building. whiîh mas the former hîgit schooi. School officiaIs napect 264 students nes t wnek in t his school. (Staff Photo) WORKMEN GIVE THE NEW WING or Brookolle Scitool tite fînishsg touches Joe Marrun., lvfr and John Cemis, borIn oS Guelpht, touch up poins oursîde thev building, The $300.000 addiion iladys ss vassrooms plus a home ecovomîns room and industriai arts room and a library Superîstevdevt Mihe Reidy of Battaglia Covstruction Cormpavy reports te building mill be ready cohen sctoos t arts nes t Tcesdan (Staff Photo) STAN BERNARD SCHOOL 0F MUSIC FOR Genuine Professional Instruction 1300K NOW FOR A CONVENIENT TIME FOR YOUR LES SON Compare These Advantages: e Yoar chire of any instrument 0 No oge lîmits Ob Prinate insrrctiov bp professionals e ladisiduai Modemn Stadios (See te New t Sudos in Hamlton) e No registration fees - No saiesmnv " Trial instrument rentai e Frac aptitude test and report e Examinations arrosged iit Royal Colinge cf Music --1 Reaching capacity First senior grads among 450 at O.S.D. Amang the 450 stadents ex- pected ta enroîl for classes vent ssee k as Ontario Sehoat fur the Deaf, Milton, are the first senior students seha il oflicialîs "grodoate fronthe i esdentiai school. Nest Jonc, several seniars lcoIegan their specialized cd- uca io t OSD Belleville and c 050 \f %iicn ta ,mile .iii aanmiu ,and l ichooil lil and heading ona min tIe 'business sortd to makc a living lai theinselves. The 1%67-68 terin enrolment -,'n ,dditiioii 55 tudents ,)\e nilacinn.tr,total af 395. The staff ihis c\car ail totat 2q';fll)tinte pious everai sop- Pli ta.ilt-r, and port tinte cm- plume-. -tiptiniendent D E. KennnndNseipirtc. IISI) iii, dcigned Ioac- ,iiimoda1c 50 junionsen- -o tarini--.butilacîli tics are hnîîimiog îisnîf alretdv. The tient inejn ior tt-si hailt)thart the i.iilitien ian h.îsdic - so soi un iors u iiiIbc living in reieîncc.tnd ume wilt lie aiiinniing cl.i-sivnnheen- The schootwill operate 27 for cn lt iiinit-s thiti veor, iiîiincei i Iwo'onCr ast %ct.Am ng the janiors are tý lrcginnnt-s. ise and sis seor ni %ho arcela i startine 11fr ini tic schoitl. Biîndris ofthe area can cintih% the schoalihave chane- cd thic sveat- Untisca-, OSD. %'iotiîn h.tsdicd al ciadents liv- ing cccl aIof-ighm.ts 400, mhite îîîvîîaliîvngecast oaibtis div- îîîsg finticattcndnd the- Belle- ,i li chuaiBui on Septemher 1lthenu cnticc oI York and hîîrniic însuding Metra Tor- mito ime sien added ta the \lil tnn-t aMr, Kennedy said itiiivmea ns an addition iii 15 tir 20 childeen - samne \%hoitit ii))r.înslcr from Belle- %i linand -ime heginners. The Depatiment oi Edîscat- ia nî.%>has pions for a third cýhîîîl fir the dccl. samemitere inîheproîvinc.A site hasnont ,Icihccn inniiavrd. c)SD.'cvttnai'nal prigramn lo snicnîr sindents itas hemn csîî,îniddhic seat-, mititthe adtoof secoand ramener- cia si ublects icacher, a secoand ,lîhiriiat, a cxtra oyas*accu- patiionnc ic.tcitcr additional hoimenuitnamicsand indust- r-il ristc.chcrs, and the ap- visg top af tite cabinet making chii;t Mr. Kinnedv said mwe milI he using the complete voe- ahaonaI facilities iis year, ilh the exception of te apholslery shop.. Tsso other areos of the scitool arehbeing expandrd itis loti. The home visiting pro- gram - sherroy teachers oS pre-scitoal deof and hard-of- hearing children tvit the child in his home and ccnductgroap clnc ltheInncîhcîîi uit-r chldren - i, grîîcn, iv iiand a ihird ceacher hic heen add- cd. The on-the-luit training pro- graort seniors ns also ta bc espanded tbic seat- and m.îny ai the hetter stadeats Nilcih placrd in prt-unme ni rkivg an- sigamenîs in local inductries lot- proctical training. Last vear jant anc senior, a iveider, sorkcd in a local shop as an enerment and Ine pragrain îaccansiderrd asuscccss. Cassen at OS.D.sili cîart an Titarsdav. Septemiter 7. Thne tudents cill Ibe arrining ao check into residence on Wednesday ai nesi creek, Sunshinfe ilsgrowing Sunshine Sehool, te North Haltun Scitot Eut- mentaîîy reta,-ded ehîîd- ten. wiII gnose ta about 30 studentu tislafait. Principal Mrs. R. P. E. Jefares reports ilsai many arce erpeesed inhen selsaul re-opans neet Tu- esday mat-nîng. There ut-e 16 uenior tudeais misa wilîl attend clase, ail day plus 14 juniors, wbo go fur haIt a day. Amone the Juafstthis year are fIne flne - year - aida tust be- ginnisg ihefr chuol lfe, Staff bauldet Mrs. Jet- tares inciades vice - pti-a eipal Mrîs, Tom Mtchetl, morsstng junor class tea- cher Mrs. Don Hancck. and afterncon Junior tea- eher Mis. Ted Doîbel, sehu Ionese i te staff tisl year. Mes. Samn Sher- rait selli return ai nuppîy teacher. tePe Mii a littie bit 1 tI4 1ah*e Even Though the Hardware W. SeIl Reflecta Current Trendsa the Ethics and Principles that Have Guided Us for More Than 50 Years Romain Unchanged 1 V WE BELtEVE tat ta deai fairiy itit aur costomers is an obligation which we should neyer forget. V WE DO NOT BELtEVE in a gift as a bribe ta get yoa te buy. Wt E DO NOT BELIEVE in pricing some marchandise high enough te permit us ta "make deais" on otiter merchtandise. SWE BELIEVE titat when a custamer buys from us he should be able te do se withotat any misgivings. %f THE CONFIDENCE of aid cstomers is oe of aur most vaiuad assats. s) WE BELIEVE our prices meet legitimate competition and strive to keep them se as ail times. SWe Extend a Hearty Welcome ToAlSteam-Era and "Old Fashioned ToAl Days" Visitors MILON ARDARE PLAQUES 0F PROVINCIAL EMBLEMS and a tario Department of Educatian, wiII re-opfi centennial synibol decorate the front of the for classes next Thursday with an expecfud administration building or Ontario ScInool for enromenet of 450 janior and senior studenfi. thn Deaf during cnntennvial year. The residen- riol school. a $10,000,000 project of te On- (Stuff Photo) Woinen Win C N. E.crufts the, L.i.iuiaii Naiîcîal EsitI tuicepit.,a umber ai at-ca ili telit tagv ct atcocmpeti- 1«lc cciiict iscocaccned itlic ltaiili.iais .îand killb ui pioncert-Canadian wmament, and includes sucit things as knitiing. crocheting, needle points and sculpture. Auit1 te Haîtun siniers %eeMrs. G. Malmstt-om of R. R. 2 Mlltua, thrd in Class 91 Needlewark - and Mrs. T. Mit- lio) 5353 Cedar Springs Rd., CainpInnlville. hM, Miltar aaok faut- amards sn Ine display, ncluding lhit-d an Seisg, Clans 102; fitst in Seinag, Clasn t10J; thit-dit Clans 465 (for womea 65 ar tins-t- and a first in Claus 467 of thte saine seniar cilizens' div- ision. I'VE 00MB 1? Thte neigihors fot-gel ta in- vite te neighborhoad scold an their pienie avilI taevery tant tminute. They sent aver a bey to ask ber. l'its 1to ale now sh ie snap- ped. 'Ine atready pruyed fer tain!l" SMartin St. school allocations ESQUESING T.S.A. OF PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN PLEASE NOTE 'R IcroScIc SCHOOL. BUS ROUTES GLEN WILLIAMS, SPEYSIDE, LIMEI4OUSE, PINEVIEW, MILTON I4EIGHTS AND NORVAL ROUTES REMAIN THE SAME AS LAST TERM LIMENOUSE CLASSES STAR? AT 8.40 A.M. GLEN WILLIAMS CLASSES START AT 8.50 A.M. SPEYSIDE CLASSES START AT 9.10 A.M. NORVAL CLASSES START AT 0.40 A.M. PINEVIEW CLASSES START AT 9.10 A.M. MILTON HEIONTS CLASSES START AT 8.40 A.M. STEWARTTOWN CLASSES START AT 9.00 A.M. GRADES 1-6 - Lot 14 toi18 inclusive on the 7th fine WiII b. picked up at NICKEN SERVICE STATION and WEST CORNER of No. 15 SIDEROAD and 7th LINE at 8.10 ar. Other Stewarttown Routes Romain the Sème.. Pupils Attending-the Jr. & Sr. Auxiliary Classes WiII be accommodated at GLEN WILLIAMS TOWN HALL and UNITED CHURCH BASEMENT, respectively. INTERMEDIATE AUXILIARY CLASSES at ESQUESING TOWNSHIP OFFICES, until such time as the new addition at Stewarttown is completed. Parents of KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN are requested to take chiîdren f0 their respective classes at Speysido, Limehouse, Glen Wiliams & Pineview For registration on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Sth, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. At this time, parents wiII receive further instructions from the teacher. THE ABOVE SCHEDULE 1S TO APPLY IN ALL INSTANCES, SUBJECT TO ANY REVISIONS THE BOARD INDS NECESSARY, P-OLLOWINO A TRIAL PERIOD. SCHOOL OPEI' 5!TEMIER Si, 1967 SDrive Carefullyl 1 à - ý - ý

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