17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 20 AUCTION SALES COUNTRY LOT $600 Down Leonard R. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 'Courteous, Pofessionat Servsce 4 acre site, north of Actan, on good road., Thinking of Seling? FULL PRICE $3,400. E A. Mitchell Ltd. REALTORS 24 Queen St, Fast, Brampton. Phone: 451-6232 17cl6 Sumnmer Cottage 15A80l new cottage on Bear 1.0k, wet of Huntsville, large living roon, kitcben, 3 bed- rooss, large lot. $1000 down. Easy teems. DAVID BARBOUR Hiîsburg 855-4212 K. G. Leitch Realtor ERON 833-2371 17cl5 IN ACTON 5-roo brick bungalow near sti rex and schoolx, in iovely coi. dition, landxcaped. -Must hx sean to be sppreciated. Akitj 317,500. $4.900 down. Mortgagî carnies $100 nsonthly, pinti pal and ifterext. By appoint ment onty. JACK HOLMES RIEAL FSTATE BROICER ACTON - 853-1650 84 Cburch Street (Iocated next to telephone building) 17b Farmns For Sale 100 acres, rich, productive soi 0f hardtop road. 65 acte clear, 35 acres hardwoi large barn, 8-ruons insut bric bouse, bus a gate. Ankir price $36,000. Good termmx 50 acres, rolling, sandy bua near Millsbumg. on good ro, gond sping on fars. $5,5W, 6 acres, tendl to ollin rugged. scenic propety, son hardwood bush, cedar grov and slopes, eearvd land f building sie. A steady srea curves its way acoss pro erty, near highway. $1,5 down. Good lernss. DAVID BARBOUR Hiîsburg 855-4212 K. G. Leitch Realtor ERIN 833-2371 17c Immediate Possession Immaculale 3-bedroons ed b bungalow, bighl L living-c ing ron, farnily sieed1 chen, sparkling baîbroons, lached garage, ciras fulz ment ideal for finishing, fi and vegelable ron, large wilh patio, sicrly landsca wilh rees and shrubs, ný etras includrd. Vacant1 session on closing. Pricri $21,000. Good Building Sut 10 acres, choice building wilh trees. Price $7.000. 5 acre parcels. $5,000 euch. 22 acres, scrnic reed acre wilh good roul sreas.1 per acre. 50 acres, vacant 1usd, CamPI ville area. $25,000. Income Property Subslastial brick residence downlows area wilh 3 1 aparrnsents, good polir brrr. Cal for appoift Price $35.000. Caîl us for farnss and othet petes. Our variely mac3 teresl you. Cal your Gibsun Willoiaghl, niled epresentulives. Anna&Archie Caii 340 Main Street lai Phono 878-6980 FOR FAST RESULTS, LIST WITM Leonard R. Chandler A eding RealI %saIe Broker 824-9199 R.R. 1,Moffat - Homes - Farmx - Acreages - Businesses 17c48-tf Farms For Sale 50,000. 144 acrelevel, day b.ans,on Bwy. 9 neamt"u, tovely 6 - mu bikru surrouridedbytes lag barn with nens steel tablisg, nese milk bouse, new butS milk tank. Priced lu sel. Guod tersx. 200 acres. rich, productive oil. S Il under cultivation, river 15 Ifowing on fars., 8 - ruons bouse, large bars, ispîrsent shed. Asking price 535,000. JAS. A. DAVIDSON Grand Valley 928-2973 Tk Cut Stone House 200 Acres rhick-walîed mtne hume fealur- es large living roons, modemn kitchen and dining rons plus bage family soous aI bath, 4 bedmoomns and bath on second fluor, C & W fumnace. Pars conlains appronimatrîy 165 acres clram womkable acres. bulance sixed tisher bush, spmtng creek mmme on proper- iv, large IJ.uhaped b arns arr sel op for accommodation ut 300 pigs, sound dritled wett.1 (Pictures uvaitabtr.l Price $28,000. M. K. Hendry REALTOR Main St., DUNDALK Dial "519" 923-2812 17cl5 A. E. LePAGE RIALTORS LIMITED Mensber o! the Toronto, Ontaeio and Oakviltr - Trafalgar Real Estate Boarda 54 Yrars' Cuntînuous Service MILTON FAMFLY HOME $t9,500 or heslt irs offer, 5- muons brick bungalow, splt-Ir- vel entranca, fuît baseens, Immediate Possession Nemw 3-bedrons bungalow witb finished rvc. roon, al electrir heal. Will qualify for V.LA. School bus t tihe duor. Low down paysrnl. 4 Bedrooms S19,900 tor Iis lovrly home, f in- ished basensent wilh extra washruom, conspttly fenced, patio, barbecue and many nsore exIras. MunI be seen to- day. $14,000, 2-bedroom bungalow, Ps. nelted living rons, attached garage, large loI and close to duwnlown. 30 acres, t Spepside, with slrung streans running thmough properîy, al wooded. For information on the above properties, pîrase catI youm lo- cal Kilh agent. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17cl5 18 TENDERS COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Households - DispersaIs or Fars Sales Chris. A. Schouten AUCTIONEER Gaduate fros Kansas Cty Auclion Sehuol Sales conducled anywbere. Mlesse raIl colleet 878-2576. 20c44tf EVENING AUCTION AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 21 Edwin St., Guelph Commrncing 6 p. The following - Fig. with fllt top freezer; eteclric slove; -pirce kitchen suite; 2 metal tables; 9-piece dining rons sui te; 2-piece chenlerfirld; cof- fre and end tables; 3-piece bed- rons suite; TV; wardrube; wickrr chair; gossip bench; mouns divider; continentl bedn; chesl; fluor lamp; rl-away cul; washing machine; table amps; lishes; olher articles tuo nus- eruus 10 mention. No reserve as enerylhing must be sutd as prop. has sold ber hume. Prup. or auctioneer uot rex- ponsibte in case o! accident. No previens until sale ime. MRS. ANN OUAIL, Prop. C. H. TUFFIN, Auctioneer, 20bl5 Phone 856-4246. Caii 878-2461 192 Main Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 MiII St. - Milton 2 ChU. 8783263 FOR APPOI'NTMFaNT *ý Modern Equlpment *Expert Styllng, Colorissg, Waving. C52t ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDUSTRIAL *COMMERCIAL *DOMESTIC *Commercial Ready-made Drapes in stock For Outons Servie., CAI 878-M07 FOR NOUS6 SYERS 228 Main St. 87867 21o.s OUNIRAL CONTRACTO RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. " Homne Iaprovement. " Renoxations " Mlterations " Additions " Commercial or Industrial UL 4-2263 The Canadian Champ!on, Wednesdey, Augusti- 6 1967~ *MAUTY SALON DELORATINO Vogue Beauty Salon DRAPERY A 1NEW COIPFURB Designed hast For You BROADLOOM ' and - * Residentlal COMI9LETE BBAMTY SERVICE * nmw t K. G. Leitch for the childrcn, îower amies- TENDERS PUBICTRIST a% n- na, well landscaped. Carnies CL bR Realtor for $113 monthly .P.T. FOR QIL FOR SCHOOIS AUCTION SALE Complete EIectric Home hRiN(ROFN te ERIN 833-2371 1c5 50 ARS Sealed tenders will bc receiv- REen gts MiAsstioentre, . 5IRhartsGS. MitonFor G ' ci 7l 5 CE cd untit noon on Thursdav, Aug- FRIDAY, AUGUST i8 ROOFING BAVESTROUORING lit- ___________ LOTS 0F TREES ust 31, 1967, for supptying Oit 7.30 p.m. 878-9513 ALUMINUM SIDIN tIl $200MO asktng prier for tis sce- toth. following schoots of the The folowing - 2-piece chex- ReRooflng otr Specialty - Christie & WAoods nic and interrsting roîing ter- Public Schuol Board of the T.S. terfield; 9 - piece dinng rooml PHONE 878&6020 MILTON o rain, can bc divided into I( A. of Esqoesing for the schoot aiite- washing machine; drop- TV and RADIO SERVICE Free Estinsates - REAL ESTATE BROKE.S ar lots, 2,000 fi. of frontage vear Sept. 30, 1967 10 Aogusi 31, leaf table; double bed; love seat; _______________ > 8 AanS.- itn corner properlIy. This is 1968 - Speyside, Norval, Milton chesl of drawers; treadle sew- G1t ti good boyindSa.so-nMinlesn-Heights, Limehoose and Pine- ing machine; dresser coucliGr ment. vieW. chest of silver; scales; radio D RN Ncil A total of approximalely violin; rocking chairs; dinhes TV ANI) APPLIANCES GARDEN SERVICE Wh 51930 fîtprce,2 bdrom35000 gallons of No. 2 Poisser and other articles 100, numerous et, brick bungalow and garage, MILTON AREA Fuel Oit. 10 mention. SALES & SERVICEFo oa siluatrd on large lot, living BRICK'HOME & 1 ACRE Sealed tenders t0 be addrrss-, Following the above sale, theFom svi roomt wh fireplace, separale $13,500 9-room real good brick cd te- contents of * Philips TV & Tape Recordera dinin room kitcen, - pice I cre o lan, wel Mrs.C. A Gran. SerTr*as,,M.Alesse Guny * C.A.Sterc, TVApplancesdsnosapin wiigmnkthn ithetrahome,1ar flnwl r.C .GrnSc-ra. r. seGny * Sparton TV and Stereo ce ?b7 bath, full basement wt xr trerd with slalely maple RE, 3, Gorgetown. 0f 41 James St., Milton, will 222 MAIN ST. 8784443 CONTRACTOR to - 2-piece wasbroons and parrly trcs, bouse reqires furnace be sold. Ct finished recrealion room. This and bathroons, Real opportun- Onlv I irm bids accepîrd. Lons- The following - Frig.; 24"c-i S eedlng and soddlng er home ix in immaculate condi- it fr b andynsan thal is est or any tende r nul necessar- stose; 3-piece bcdroom suite; os Weed spraylng Co in, ard gives csid rea rv looking 10 the future. ilv acceinîrd. lg u ash sand; elrclric healer; el- si Pertiîizlng wn -ex, yacy. CALL _____________________ ecîrir fan; rug 7' n 9;record SIW1NO MACHINE asTree trlmming ai 52res nîlpic, cybdros OM BAL EYL LGL plaver; Lazy-boy chatr; dressers, _______________ SPatios I od, 21,00 fll ric, 3 beroom TOM BRA LEY 9 LGAL kilehen suite; dtning room, M ik bungalow and garage, L-sbap- ___________ table and chairs; floor lamps; 878-3263 'n ed living and dining room, kit- 878-9543 .rhçst ut drawrrs; piclures; dish- S INGER 2109- chen wilh ample cupboards, 4- ts; lawn chairs; other articles tic m.piece balh wiîh colrerd fixtur- 17l5 AI fu numerous lu mntnion s-- si am, es, full basensent, well land- ASZEN'4 reserve as everything mu.st SEWING MACHINE PA9NTING AND DUCORATINO b ForSeriteASSlisaclonbc sold. SLE SRIC scaped. FrSrie&Stsato Counly of Hallon 1O.H UFN utocr SLS-SRIEa ing VLLGEHO E onslttuwi: 0'bl5 Phone 8554246' RENTAL GIL VANSOELEN f )me $10900 full price. 2 - bedroom l1TL Notice is hereby given that a fores t c pahoe, livge om iLlI........... the Siltings of the Supreine - IMIPORTANT - PHtONE 878-661PAINTING b !am iepae arelt Court of Onario, as and being CIN SL MitnFbcCe reotati h tons $60003foulpricer 3 -bedroonsm ~,the Courto! Assiz n iiAUCINMltnFbicCnr Cnrco older type home. ~and Prius, Oyer and Terminer, ServictemsndIndusireaon- Reeidential cc ,500an..t <, and General Gant Delivemy for 0Servic&esd thr IemdofaRepaira- onrlo U FARM REALTOR AND he sald0iAniqe Intereat att makes of aswing machinesal interfor - Ee ior a tes u $65,000 full price, 100 acressil- INs uR A N CE COUNTY 0F IOALTON- 20e>fC0 lnwfo ra alm ai ualed on main highway, 4- wbe held in the Court Houne To be beld ai the 878-6137 e brdroom home with aittcon- n the nrw Edien Mills Auction Centre Box 114, Milton. s veniences, large bank bars.u ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AUGUST 26th TAiLORINO - RPAIRS 21-tf a LOTS 310 Main St, Milton, Ont. Basr Lise, Esqueine I p.m. il____________ 10 acre lots, close lu Milon. 87-29.7-69 on » 96 ,stal; colored glass consitinig * Tailuring * Allerations WRL DRIWNO f Prier $8900. Termss. 87-22 7-69 TUESI7AY. SEPTEMBER 5, 96utl cranberry, the rare apple, ai the hour ut 11.00 in the fore- green compurl nilb the beaded * General Repaira c15 '..aii - COUNTRY HOME - Siluated nuon ut which ail Justices o! grape design, as well as other riesnbl /I DILN o tn a 21,, acre lot, on the hanks flic ýeace, Coroners, Constables, cumporîs; figurines; gublels;h 878-2095 878-6057 uithte Sîsteen Mite Ct eek. con- Gaîtiers and ail others conccrn- tnilk glass; carnival; amber SEE OUR SPORT COATS AND i(. UTA 17c 1 sising o 2 bdrnss, liincd e1arc reuested tolte notice ptckle jar complete wiîh le me; SAK .R ,MloOt ,îm ichnadbthroons,.tnd ,attenîd, lu do and perforns oiti lansps; Tiffany hanging SAK .R ,MloOt gaaean nghulii. Ta- iidîties sshicb aperlain t ltnps; tante lamps încluding Phone Burlingtonn MEson 44M0 ii cdprcethmthe rare lephant lamp wîlh FRED'Sa S1,00 v h 600 own. îecep amber prtsnss; old baby; AON ns bdoo rick ban- ANDREW W. FRANK, ctrtbs; extra large baroque TAILORING SHOP CUSTOM UPHOLsTIE galwconisingofa lvng..l Shertîf, Co. Hallon. trame with out painting ut child; rdVstae w mui (iotkitchen Sbnls lie rass; pensler; cupper; guns; ____and____________full basement. MheitsOffce percussion; muezie loader; hans- 217 Main 878-3302 WMILTON n i ialn.6'x120 lot, Milon.ershol and ther types; pow -____ )rc 1, A..iwgg.Monthis Atgîlsi 4, 1967. 19c17 der horn and severtl se-ords. UPHOLSTERY t ;-i-N wBikBnao ann," .&T itàWhal-not; 2 large irnrup Now owned and op.rated by kit Ne$ rikBngl9,500,t i3 &T ise ____________ketties; binaitiirittts nd rI TAILORING t.ome Artlstsr kit - $150 etroum nevi.ckrtch e "IOl 20 AUCTION SALES uns; primitives; conspote tit ut bungalows utih atlached gar- S11,11 10 iî buin ttgalows set; uiher incomplete; love sca t ALTERATIONS PHONE 878-9094 tase- aes on t ,acre lot, lcted 6 centatus i1iiî.iicî iii Scltllîî, ,nd 2 malchîng chatrs; cltckcn adR .3Mlo fritmle nrh f ito.Aut iie w ,ig t ibacks and other adR .3 Mlo t lot 25 Hwy., luvelv spactttus kit- ltîttîtt ttin,îanc i lniy Waltier Rienrart Ïuine chairs;wBston and sueral REAR* Re-upholstery ipedi chen with plcniy itf cupboards rotin. di ui u rîttîn.ktchen, Brantpto Livesttîck Enchange other rockers, chesîs ut d rascers EAR * Auto teins nayadeatog rea. panielled liv- alî.ti n, ,6 gas hcattng, Snelgruve tociuding pine, cherry; spinning .si,î'SMN ER * upstns bultfnitur os ing rons. ardwood fors aiitchctlgarage. paved drive.îihocel;baby buggy. otd cupper*Cutmbi ur t troughoul etn kilehen, itav. liseS25. Ternss can LicensdA tone tub wsasher; very old, heavy 202 Main Street * Free pick-up and delvey and baîbrouns are vins-I ashes- hce ,înîccîiFît nsStles, Huuseltold Sles wetght, chitntng grandiather te to tlte. Earîy possession. S6,010 t LI. DOWN PAYMENT an pONE ds ock. (Stevenage), in working PHONE 8784472 3ot Tcrnss nay bc arrangcdi. PONurder and excellent cundition; 21047tf site47are piclsiuaeon-' Segruve 8431071 consplote 9-piece e-amnuidining Halton Upholstering 10 Acre-Pond ite tL -tte 1 t otiMttn, on, Blon 857-1726 toottt suite by Malcoîns.in beau- R--hîtrn pttiîl tîttlctttttlttl cctrp ltht Kthne 197273.titît condition; spoul and rupc REPRIOERATIONCsonBit unur $6,900, 10 acre, %voitîlir tsi Ilutlt- JctI beds; tables, Vîcturian etc.. Jul- C so ul untr 56,900.ng 10tcre tueiltreed hunîLd i.a ,1 tinotîîîî yu aig5.,t7i 1%, Nigger mechanical bank thal Chrome Kitohen Chairs $5a0ge e ut cloe l sreîm, c n t cil s es eves and cars whnsc oins DOMCO Rug and uphotstery shampooitng $55 gîîud gr,îvel roslarceubaroiue 10 main hightsas, ,lre,îîly s-, C0UINTRY .11 ii2intesESTATE ANTIQUE ies' e;trg aou.~ r paraîedi. 2.500 du-npl nen. î ionltt, ,un tLi i acre1 iito uI top uak desk; and K~i.sc~-IsJ4 Free pick-up and delfnery. pbrll- lt eih 2501fi. irîîsîge, Tisl CANADIANA ,tiianttthet items loci nunserous Doîîsestic ReîntoerilorH.EN N LovileBilin o me i a2 bou i tiise, con- o mnion. and HJNE uovleBiligLt ' t . i îîî,tiiins 22' n AUCTION Nît reserse Evervthitîg must Freeer Service R.R. 2, CanspbelIvillIo. Y 400 cnc building lui, 150 12. t.iiiii iiiii littg loitn b suid. P o e : 4e0.seic20fiiikiciii. 2ticioîiits tnd a UFN uPooPhone: 854-9939 e in fi. fronmage,2f. dep.just t11a large off 1he Guelph Lise, in an ar- ,.iiitiii i li t iiilim. NVAt, PARISH HALL Eden Milis, Ontrio Campbetlville 854-2605 21c52-d til ea ut godqualily honses. mut iai tnt îîîî24' x21'Pou Ae 1186-26 __ ___ 21ctf ________________ oii Lî i onre î,4-car Mna vntg sut21 NOTE: Previeto AugusI 25, 7- BARBARA KING ai,iiîl.ii.ieF/Aîîoitbeaut Ai 7 pst s 'harp. .30 P.mt 20015 K IN G Haroldes Upholstery r pro- Te.88-51 iiits b ecs coitnplete--Cu 8825 iy in- Telx88-351 i.ii&icivîce ncil g,îîîîeî. 1ti 11t, grtsdnsoîhers ond a REFRIGERATION 379 PINE STREET Atikittc pi ic S26.000. ÇCiiiAr t itei'seslilttinc Ansheina al8825 Pecîck 878-6447 tir 878-6292. fabile l.înîp, lî.tngisg lmpsulh- INDI STRIAL. COMMERCIAL Reupholslering cheeteefield i. ~~SALES &SRIEscats, customs building and te- rs&Company Limited For Ail Your Real EsateIe d china.î,and glass houlder ffImmh styling. irs 173 WOOLWICH ST. and ,utsetc. etc. vome asCaMbleadEffVicientFree Etinsates tInsurance Rquirements ROY ASHWORTH, PV.I. APELIE Pick-ups and »6liverles Guelph, Ontario Cal8 -69 Aucti uneer. Brampton 459-0588. 854-2228 HAROLD KELLN ,te 17c15 17cl5 20cl5 21ctf21- .th OAI TsI thers faner by said Bay, feieî Th ingt -n j- char Th ing1 Th liot Th a fit bour in r Tt drei B'J dot( ed i me ans pi bit lews of me Distric MVILLE 'o youosg Oakville bro- rs, missing f romt home for :days, were fund aI their otite Bronte swlmming hole t-heir father and unele, ars after the woreied tather che would phone North y, where the family hans ends. bhe boys tuok o!ff a! ter lears- they would have to appear juvenile curt 10 face a thef I arge. hie boys hitch-hiked sorth far as Guelph before turn- gback. Isiey alept alouagise the rood ýnight and in s service &ta- in the nent. lie boys supptemented whal ney they had by working for irmer who paid thes by the r. Tbey bought Iheir seals restaurants olong the way. The boys are sccused o! sling a purse frons a laun- morat, RAMPTON You nase it and Bramplon's )cateher bas probably rescu- il ai one lime or another. In bis sonlhly report, coni- îconirot officer Martin Hor- 1indicales 82 complainîs me anssvered during the mon- of iuly. 0f Ibis number, 28 -olved assistine rabbits, cals cuons, sqsirrels, chickens. cons and even a palamino raken 10 the shelier on lvis Road in Cuoksvillr mere hudgie bird, a horse and ickens. t uts came mbinihe piclore :)o 38 cals xere givro sheller. %EORGETOWN The conlroversial ex-coron- !r Dr. MorIon Shulman wiII wak in Georgetown nent nlbt if the Georgetown Civie roup con arrange suilable fa- lities. Bis talk, tople of vvbîrh has nol yet been disclos- t, milI gel coverage front so- ir nrwspapers. radio and tele- vision. J. "sril LS, 27. will suc- ced C. 1. Bibbert as George- twn's assrsssent commission- er Aug. 21. Mr. Bain mas one f threr men inlerviewed aI a committee meeting. Bis salary will be 17,000 plus a $500 car ilonsance. Mm. Bain Is present- gv wilh the assesssent depart- ment in Ottawa. Roy Haley, Georgetown's po- lire chie! for 12 years, bas re- signed Irons the force. Be bas îeld the position sinre the own reinstitulrd a local fore fIter having the OFF in charge for some years. In a leller read il a special meeting, Mr. Ma- ryv said thal berause of i-l] îrallh, he was resigniog front the force effective immediale- v Subsequenlly counicil pass- ca motion which will contin- ue the chief's pay and benefils under a municipal siekees and accident policy until the end of the year plus o lump smons o!W100 ithin 10 days after Jan. il. 1968. It was thse Ihird sperial meeting within Isco werks 10 discuss police a!- faims. 'Mon. 301v 31. aI a special- lv calîrd meeting prior t0 the r egular meeting Mm. Haley was reinstaîrd as police chie!. Me liadt he sspended Jonc 2 St a meeting ut whirh Ihe Ontar- lu Police Commission was axs- ed lu conduel an i nvestigation in10 his conduel and perfors- anie. The chie! hadt requesled sucb an investigattin in Jan- oarv. clainsing bis çability as administrator bad bren ques- îionrd on nunserous occasions n the pasi rwo veurs. Mens- bers dl seussed a recommenda- lion lu the Ontario Police Coin- missitonsvhich bas bren asked tii appuint a local police com- mission ichicîs milI bendîr po- lice mullers in lown ie future. The commission. established hv hv-law aI the July 31 meet- ing. witI comprise the mavor, a c )iînt%, odge andionetber cilizes. BURLINGTON Ir the Board nI Bmoadcasl Gî,vemsurs tives upprovul ut ils faIt sitttnps. Burlinglon coutldscinbas-e a radio stal- uts. As application lasI Sirch hv di rectums Ernest Bennes- ses unit William Logan 0f Sur- 9lisptus and IL'res Cassisu o! Londotn bas bers cteared by the Drparîmenit(if Transport and fursearded lu the hmoad- casting hourd. MAr Hennrssry saidtl iat station plans mridi- dle tif 1he rîtad modems munir wvtb a fuir snsaltering of con- versation." Be addrd thut the publie service aspect o! the station scill also bcestressrd. .We frît ihere is a nerd for a station in Burlingîn. he coin- menîrd, "esprcially wtb the commercial gruwlh o! the toms. Theme is no other rus- dimcnily in Canada with Bur- klingIon's population mithout a Sradio stItion"-Be added thot