Summer is Rapping ut Your Door-Use Classified Ads Some More BIRTHS DEATItS 1 FOR SALE CL ISFED R T S7 WAUTED 8 HELP WANTED 16 SERVICES PARSONS - Mr. and Mrs. Wl- TRAYNOR, Basil - At Milton -HAVNG a parade? 1 doz. BOX traiter wanted. 878-2027. CIEAistNG lady, 1 day per CUSTOM combining. Reagn-. lim R. Parsons (nee Dela- District Hospital, on Sunday, Mountie uniforms for girls, sizC Telull The Canadie 191 at. li 7C14-4200 week, preferably Fridays, begin- able price. Phone 854-2246 Iunt) of RiR. 1. Acten, are Piea- August 13. 1967, ln is 46h year. 12 to 15. 878-9925 after 5 p.m._ etmr 8-21.6l549 sed t0 announce thse birtis of Recitation of the Rosary was cl5-4442 878-41 Champio Mille., Outarto USED 16" or 20" tricycle. 878- nigSpexbr 7 -2012. tersnRoetJoseps, weight f ront the MasiNab and Son Cha- 30' MOFFAlrange, fuly au- oAOMEOOt-Noasen m-. 6942. 7c15.44198c541 g lbs., 8 ozs., at Milton District pel Witb Requiem Mass in Holy 3"tomatlc, gasse, V-S yeasau- SARFO Rer tV- 1J Iots n Ionif dwnpamet F8368 EPLYMN NTD o cmpet ee cnt Hospital on August 10, 1967. A Rosary Churcis on Tuesday, Aug. nid alcsos oenh i eat t&tLraw.87FOR 005 , Sbn..ntmeit n nor "'-r"dngs.l ____9_______________or_____te w cntr brte o ne l;as oewetsrw 7- -t tp@,l-rdOtn cratea 50 S nBut e 10cnd tOaffl c1 4on îawm ansdfield$ 15. teterment was in Evergreen 919 tt5449ucdtnot Oce, cm 15, «"alcPursonat.t broter or nne cenetryMilon.cosoNeo evuENT. CAlnS OF TssAIM - -U for îc t sa.. WAfcT.ED TO BUY, privae'ty WtIL care for children in my CALL SMITH - Mal and Marilyn are TRY June Draperies fort 1cfr adtiseo na ue ariv possession, 3 to, 4 edroons own home while mother works happy to ansoonce tise arri- besti n draperies andi broad-i- neimEoORIAM - $1.2n psu. ac ae eof ,. I o hous'e, Milton area. 878-3424. 878«603. 9c14-4194 Formosa Landscaping val of their daugiter, Sbelby CARDS OF THANKS oons,sore-to-dooir service. Free c.sxso t1LYRIAL IRTATE - $1.40 asPr1,0 o cs. 7cl5.4372 ____________8836 Irene, weigbi 7 ibs., 4 ozs., as ______________ estimaies. 878-2513. c4l8-tf ocanne aiu. l»mtttc55 - 5 .manc Me88-326 oakvile Trafagar Menorial 1wudlk oepesm ETtalr lourgt O UBR oti fie-2oadt-1 HUEwne,3-4bdomi OTO TAE 64 Hospital on Sunday, August 13, nooi ie5 xrs y TETtalr isurgs. Bo- bouse, in Milton. Substantiat _____________ 1967. A sister for Bradley ansi earîfeit lbanks to my friends standard size Heinteocan pianO DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY dooco payment. Elobicoke 62t. Wre.andi cutomers for their kind :Botb je gond condition. Cashs 8866. 7c15.4446 LOST on Monday, vicinity of Cutm Ws Warn.iougisis dring my recent bie. lcmms only. Cati 878-3101. Mi ia2peeoag ah utm Hyn STICKLE - Mr. andi Mrs. Leon revmesIC154423 .RDE Io Hamilton, vicinityof ing suit. inder please catI 87- Stikl (ec mib)of180 hS.42 Lrrie ox. IL LR byîg i 8o Tise Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Augunt 16, 1967 St. Josep's Hospital, to arrve 3644.11c15-4440 Sahn Bronle St. S., Milon, are plea. YOU ILLK uigyrat8àmeunap.5.--, sed to announce the birtis of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roberson, buildings oaterials andi cool at. a 8o.m., rngetrsap. 8-55p.mad.,l beatiut auistrJan R. 2 Mton w ablbask od'Campbeliviile. Ouick FOR SALE 15 FOR SA EsemniaSp.5 7-55 n ai th euiu atr aeir ta , ailonCrawfordshank2 PRODUCEVEHORLSSSALE7c15.4421 1 O ET8836 lizabeth, weigbi 8 Ibs., 4 ses.. wbo gave gifts, fiowers and service. Higb quatity. Phone ______________ ______________n as Milton District Hospital on cards on their diamonsi wedding Campiselîille 854-2232. 'tctf-4i6 SETcrfo befezr p rtam Hornhy t, busi- 7-36 August 11, 1967, at 1054 a.m. andi exeesed their beet wishes, 1 OT aoan alPe.3cp% oz lae hs odr T icness'section ofreBranmplonaarriv- mF'JRNI"SHED room forcgenile. t6clf makieg it sctis hapnpy vent. er hOTs aoganyhul Pe - 3ý c r o. ---- hoeores n\l ~ tn asarigSp.5 bn erooboas. 40 sp., eectrît 1 n. c78-3c7. tcul-t421 4.30p.m.m strtring S pProxmse 7-58. 1c54 _______________ art,___ st, nansi ntol, 2"y Ar 878-3329. 7c15-4371 MOTHER oili give day tare Painting & Decoratng E1AEENS twooisi lie l tias ailwiedsbieid, ophoisterçd seats. frcide nonhm.88 alPprn iboeGAGEentcare.gifeand2 sopR. 7-210 -Attention Farmers AOLD Canadian furniture, 2238. 9c15.4376 WaI aprn ths h etcrs itad cl5.4439 I glass, china etc. Seli direct-n Mr. and Mrs. Dougas G. 0-. came to viil me, Esbiercve commission. For goosi cash tINS-Dbceo ae Connor of Miltas are pleased to Rev. Keitis Hawkes. Speciail DtIcING raom suite, 9 pieces, WE HAVE TO OFFER: easure prices, cati 6370179 coîîect af- ment apartmens, 1 persan oniy. PHONE 878-9853 annousce the engagement of îiasks ta Dr. McCutciseon, sur- aiso ail aiber iurnisiig tram ter 5 p.oc. or write Box 183, Cas. 878-2579. 13c154447 heir daugiter., Rares Ceceia, sees ansi staff ot Miton District 8-raom luxucy bungalow. Muet -. uncct bay, beet aifalfa, Sec- T adian Champion, Mitons. -BEDROOM apartmenî avait- JOHN WEYKA.MP toM.JfryLee Couter, son1 Hospital., seil. Most articles tees tisas 1 ans growtb. 50 acres. ~f 7b16.4333 able let of Sept., located in Mit- 1d of Mr. ansi rs.e R outrc154416 George Baîîey. year ols. Pîcase cati after 3 on 88312. 1c1-43 *0f'St. and rs. CoR.leg erra1t128270146. lclS-4375 - baiesi bay rigist f rom f ield Tripto. _____________________6el ofSt________llge Aroa COINS WANTED I BER Mapreni Ont. W;e wouid lise ta express our or bars. 1-BDOMaatnni _______________leartfeit haniss ta sur seigis- ALL.WEATHER test trailers. le ceo ntrs ledoiarsbatv- Milton, centrally localesi. Oak- etcTnPup g Mr asiMr.Jsn . al f ar, eatve asifsede frsîcepe b. ail steel consstructinso n ais and harley right from WHEN YOU CHOOSE Cule ctsr iterdledjrbsg epic30. 1cl-41 M. nt f t he n aubEr Haofra-exreas an d f matbysor oîe1 u.Nw ae~Gn sONE 0F THESE e, nickels or misaI have ysu .Atlle-lc~t akP pn Torsnto announce tise engage- tise many acte of insiness ansi trame. No doms payment. 20 fielsi. e BLU SPUlEENTP844E arel Lois, tai Mr. Bordes C. during our recent bereavement. BP. Coin Car Wash. 341 Oueen Milon, f rom 9 cige coins. private home, suit business Wheeter. son of Mr. and Mrs. Editis Csxe and famîy, Si.. Acion. Phase 853-2114. e orani 6 est 10 260 acr 5 Uontic AuR t ns t reetd ntJS ad go-ent deian.878M g. rclom, inrte b Bordes Wheeer of Milton. Wed- ist-4427 c42-643-ti 4 Door Box 190 2JBEDROOM apartimeel. heat- E. S. Frenchs and Son& ding to take place at St. LARGE giossy prinle of Cana- Ci Lic. 212336. Canadian Champion esi ansi hydra euppiied. available Domestic aand Industeiria. Gregorys Church. tIsington, osntlooulsi like 15 express mylsuas Chameponstaff photos, 5x Monday, September 4, 1967, al vers' siscere hanke ansi appre- 17 size S.80, 8 s 10 size $1.50, pise(~Lzw ,5~0ac 94Glxe50Sdn71 e fSp.8969. 1c54 2 oclotis. ciaion frts is iogi ta. Cash -uet accomtcany or.1 ~7 V-8. poxwer seerisg. power ELECTRIC HOT WATER MILTON - 878-6869 as expressesinjetise masy carde der. Esquire now at Champion k~.n..,c a- braises, auîomalic. whiîewalis, _____________ HEATERS oisi free service. Mrs. Trady Wallon of Port recetvesi ansi for lise heip tisai office, 191 M'in Si., Miltas. Management lllLI'ni- mieel discs. Lie. 77088E. Phase Milton Hydro 878-2345. 16etf Arhur wiehee la assauste tise bas been gives in sa many lc4334tf 8 HL tNE 3ctf-425 engageetc e eds ag- ways. it s indeesi a trac saying asii 4-955 or appiy 1964 Ponfiac oo HL WNE ter Carale Anse, ta Clifford tisai in ail tise anrisi, Iere te 1no WALNUT siiig rooxo suite. 4iis Linesuho mg.LXRapren dpsPCN Lloyd Milter, son of Mr. ansi loveier iing tias frienseip. $150- Norge auîomaîic sifrost ,suhaiOaiSedan MNt oko mre ablUXUY aar indrpe, ACN Mrs. C. Miler, Sarnia, Ont. Tise c5-29 Robert Etiot. refi geralor. 165; Mottai 24" de- former Sorencue tare. 2l6 Auiomalic, radio, awhite wase, Mn. taw8-k4os.mariset gar-ilatonyCoansi artmcos 87-siositog. mroval mariage wili taise place on St- luxe range with rvtisscrie; large 2c16 ocieel dise. Lic. A35519. D: ENTAL asissans, ns esper 3395. 13cl5.4426 urday. Augut 26, 1967. as irt .u nomner of smaller items. 878-94 ovîrC jp e1red.iresPcase phose Fni- GON vatin E LIMIT-ED Preebylerian ChriCmrsr~I- h7airbpm r76 1 tvnsorning 9 10 1l, 878-2971. Reni a Iraiter ai Variety Camsp- Higist cash prices fordaio St. Pot Atisr. OMIG ~r-NI-a Lis. 115« Moor ompctey uerbulei,8c15-4430 ing Trailers, 538 Broste Rd., disabiesi cows ansi bornes SYRSMtent asin,3 ANIMALS FOR SALE Lic. J10019. _________ SYES airelyFahine .MIDDLE-AGED lady or genîle- Bronle, 827-1865. 13c3440-If CALL OPERATOR - ASK FOR Psccsc bus trip la Waeaga toe li- shorts. sîcrts ansi 1964 Pontitac 2 Door asn ta do occassosai sisng 3BEDROOM aparioceni, chilsi- DEATHS Beach. Thursday. uge 2.dreseslisy" Laoges.Cpee MINIATURE Manchester tr- ___________________Phone 877-4593. h7-168 oand la lest styles in materaity ier. Apipv 392 Oak isS..Miltas. Hardfop Parisienne ml lel eUmn 7-35 ren over 12 yeare acceptable, 3 Zeih995 ANESN .Feeii-ai u rpt xo et lthing ai Syre PFamily Fasis- 3c1-4451 6 cylinder, aaiomaiic. radio. 8---c15-4386 miles tram MloaatbeLc o 3R6 76 ANESN R rdrikSd usti o xo et.1-4 cn,28ManEphn 7-Lic. 38625. WOMEN ta pick muchroome Sept. . 878.9845 after 6 p.m. 1I6cIf seniy, at Bracebrisige, on Sat- For information, coul Mrs. Tons 2067, Miltas. c52-3469-tf HERFOR___________A-______________ Mot ro-13l5-38 urday. Auguts 12, 1967. R. Fresi- Haines 8774t593 collet _____________ _ gos. due i Iis tise neet 2 mos. Four Door Hardfop vide axe transportation. Sseady ALWAHRsn riee GEORGE'S erick Anderson of 32 McRae Dr., b7-4169-tf MATERNITY CLOTHESa 5-90 c549 1963 Oldsmobile 88 emplayocees. Na siadenis pîeaee. bransi new. compicte wils mat- DA RDSBE Toranto, in hie 72nsi ear, be Greolt Epecaians., a camP- -YEAR-OLD colt.Pisone Oak- Poxeresteerisg. toere brais- Cati 878-9375. 8c 144189 treesansicanRy. Fr inarma lovent huebansi of Hilda . And- Bus trip ta see Confedieratios letc maternity siop, Welingtan vile,87-168 bixned6 .m. e, adiaFaoomatnformia- - ero;dean father of Mes. Ted TraniNuish Yark, Friday, Square Mail, Branti.St Burling-ad7p m. 3c16-4282 .ix heei dises, aIl origin- WOMAN to lne ci, 10 louis af- lion, colt B.P. Cin Car Wash, STOCK SERVICE Lyle (Audrey) of Miltas, Jack, Auguel 18. Phone 8774593. ion. Lingerie. sportswear. afler- ___- aI. Lic. 115802. ter cht rnwil ohrworise. Acion, phone 853-2114. 1c64t ihs ahpie ad Mrs. Geralsi Dunkîey (Shirley) b7-167 noon ansi eveing dresses by POODLE puppy, 8 weeks aid. Roono ansi board ansi remoner- 1c64t iietcs rcspii ansi Trry, ail of Trants. Logeas. Phon.ý 634-4936. Ciosesi Reaoeabie. Champ. ite and 1963 Pontiac Laurentian alias. Weeiendc off. Campbsell- _____________ Telephane: CAMPBELLVILLE Service in Humphrey Panerai Bock agaie by poplar ne- Manday. lcl5430Ueow dam. 853-1417. 3b7-173 Two Door ville 8542501. 8c15-4499 Hoe orno n usaya-oesMltn Hralas 14 WANTEO TO RENT Collect - 854-2485 He, o at.0o o tera- quesi, Misinoe raa houwLARGE cupocity Dura water SADDLE HORSE, 5 - pear .oid V-8. aalomatic. pamer atocr- BANKING CAREER - Young 2-su evc,7dy eS ,eno 13 t isi.Ilr ieHuej enayso ,ient Mount Pleasani cemneterY. ansi sance at Miltas Arena, Sol antie t, ageepi aisglinb.4mst fe.gnl. st, rak io. xieali rioreres, griadp2oit3 gr hadua te e-pt 2, 2 os arday, September 2, feaîuring ansi aulomatic conirois, $10;$200. Rocismoosi 836-4598. Cce lcsatsrdItein eets 5apslontatmils as OE, p byin Saep. 29,8125mas, License No. 1e6-C-67 l,7 JENKINSON, George B. - At vcls rc oca cod pair 13" sfloe tires. usesi I SC- 3c15-4395ý Lic. 114080. excellent future.Cotcjeaepisnaivc.87-5. 'BaivieGeneral Hospitali. aii Mucewisn, luscGra- on. $15; Voonisalwinslshield1963 SeapCtBanis of Mantreal, Mil. 14 Brockville ion2stGormaLewRsppusaGerma ,SADDLE HORSES, punies ansi1963mple. ___Customton.__________ ly uut9 7,adUkrainiae ac $6 "GrmnRp gsln colis. for cle as ail imes, 5 re- tîrUyin t541 FARM. 100 200 acres. Re- os Wedeesda.Auut ,197Snsiggop.1 1hpeetic 7;fe .n2Do ad o ain .'W LU A C George Broc kiey Jenkineon ofI poncoresi by German - Cand-ptmp, ih. lcii,55t t sy came tram Indiana, USA. 2 orHadTp RAWLEIGH business avoil- lly Bon 188, Canala Champ- ILU A C rescots, belovesi huebansioattise ion Clab of foios Caunly. Asi- vl ornr i. ? 3ci5-4369 G, D. Morden. pisone Oaisviile Atmairadio, powerete-ableein'Milton ansi pars Halon ton. lc54 late Jessie Rcdge ansi dean fa- mission $2.50; asinance tickesi ______8454497.3,:17-4377 sng, ipower braises, power rean ony.Epnenenecsay 4RO ouea poieî ofMs. E rsfr i- î 'i n CRT-wîcdox. mwhite mals, aheel ty. EWriîe - Cnippiesi and Disabouelersi Camont ter o rE rdod Cle ol$2 aOltton eicaessn , TRUCK & TRACTOR T-ahane average carnînge. st i Milton, as soan as possible. Cipe n ialdCw mense Mrgaret), George R. Alonsos Fruit Markset, McCu- RES, new ansi osesi over 2808 siscs. Original co. Raxicigis. Depî. H-284.2k4005~ Contact 878-6702. 14c17-4384 and Hanses Jenison, Mre. Alas M. Rose ig I nsurance. c17-4292 Kelly Sprnegfieldtresinstcis 1963 Mercury Meteor Richeiseu St. St. Henry, Mont- BellyI. Miss Clre Jenkinstut lIsi. 7 ou prîtes; flots ft ed5 VEHICLES FOR SALE -ea._____ 8c15-4324 COMFORTABLE bouse requin- 24 ilour Service anI rak . ensis. Tise grealeet Comisg Enent for $125- weîs balancesi 18. e-....2Dodarfptiby Sept. 15. Reasonabie renî. Tiefuîri eviewe esisuansiyoure ueiapc S angutcie-Inm8ecr V.ruj. iitexails. wheel NoiHu aiiyhm celbe ioe Lic. Nos. 133,RP 208.-2 on Friday, Augustil1, 1967. It- 1967I o cnpay a personal ns truckss Milton Tire ansi Ra- 1959 VULRSWAGEN, A - iss -tn.moo omit- enetvn 87-17. 1iIS4O ccmetery. Tient are 15 grand- pou have an ieirlaam or histaic 878-2711. lc52-3473-t 1962 CORVAIR 2 . duor, blacis 265A631525088. chilsren ansi tour great grad-aricle foc pou ranceetapre asvtis resiinseriar. radia. 878-177. 1963 Acadian lapprosimatly 2 hours dolte clesi by aSeposi1 o uple, Cali _________________ sens il la Halos County Mos- 5cT16441 Station Wagon for collets Hamilton 544-0126.FO URNX MIDDLETON. Janeile - At Mit-em 'mscr naii efpr eSsi ONE ~1963 FORD Galaxie 50tonner- One omnervsince nex. lac KINDERGARTEN 1c PA436 FRY URN NET O ton Disrict Hospital, os Thur- in saur familys ocefr ie sle, n 8aod conditio. 878- nileage Lc49947X. FARM ils buildings. in Mil-PATBNUT R sday, Augusi 10, 1967. in ber nesitientary. A res-seulesi Cen- 6003. .597SESD. LIMEHOUSE, tas an Oakniile area. 50 ta 150 WEDDING Oliyu.JnltMLom- tenniai centicote mili be pre * Rundom lagtone Lueta ý 9sowofEarJne. unsi sita r e entesi during ibis yeur oeiy.* Wall Stase 1956 4 DOOR Pontii,cbodiy 1962 Pontia- Lueta GLEN WILLIAM AND FINE- acres. Phone Oakinile 845-2571 Cos rmoeo u h di oarfof rugs.noestcgiean25dresi 2 DorHar Tp VEWSCHOOLS lent. 206), 7.30 a..10o4.30 p.m.; Cae rn s forlse nI Lorve o Milon ansi ranks Contact direcor Mao J . 4*" Lesige Rock ruh odegn.$2 rbs orHr o Watter 4.30, Brosie 827-0017. complete disnet settlflgs. of Picton. Newman, Halion Couety Mue- aller. Cal 87"-687. 5c13-4385 Aaîssmatic. radia, whitie malle, Apply in xrilieg ta: 14c15-4188 Availahie at: Fuserai service mas frac tise tc es asroin ro oig *Se 1966 I4ARLEY DAVIDSON -501 m62eelacs 1 ea. Mrc. C. A. Grant. Sec.-Treas.,POESOA opewt MaeNab ansi Son Ciapel an Sot- R.R. 3, Milon, Gel., phone 854% Granite Boulders c.c. 3speed, gousi condition. 16Impaa Super Sport Esqaesng T.S.A.,POESOA opeml Milton Party Rantal 986o8b.ePhone isn 8789762 ater 6 1cm m ssdo.srto so R.R« 3. Georgeown. 8b83 chilsiren ta reet unturniehesi 88 Milms St, srday. Augasi 12. ils inter- *9868.Stne b7 ou hr74p 8,2_r________prten o meti vegencmeey Dcrtv soe&agrgts5cl5-4437 icatit, pomer teernef. put-r'2bor3sedrMo.Oapart corPHONgE: 878-9956 or 878-9413. Milton._____________radibousewhMiten. Occpancy16et Mitton. ~~~~~~~~1964 C(3RVAIR convertible, rks alic oi, Augost i or September t. Cal______________ OR, ara . l ilonDi-1 FOR SALE W RBanso- Ltd. standard transmission., excellent miseel disss Whit ilsnesi COUNTY 0F HALTON colleci Greeneville 627-10)03. tR.MrictHsialJ.o- Ai Milan Dis- -_______R.__________C__- conition. 871-6764 ater 5 pm. bucisel sctse. Lic. 97343. 14t15-4158 ST O P! hen 8, 967, MiJ te g GSo f u 68-250. inds.RayG68-tf d n f nario -___ 5c 315-4415 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 PRINTER OPERATOR 2- BE ROOM bouse requiresi Do cal throm amay lion in var. _____________________196 PLYOUT 4-doasr, 6 cy- Convertibleb epcil ugcule lusse chaire. Let pour HOP. oste Robet OGm of Harnby; GRTHOPEDIC motrese, new, 878-3621 lioder. autosaitic, sadiso, whit- VIIa,uîîmaîic.Power seing, Young pensas ressiresi imme-astis i chilsi, excellent referenc- Workesop re-meb il for you. sitar iter of Mr. Lydia Hue- 4". 871-9488. lcl5.4374 ici7 cille. good conditiosn.0783578. owr - keradio.,cwhite iiateip ta taise chargeaof Print- e. Reni, an rent cith option 1 Heip tise rctarded adulte ta help ter. BABY sîroofr orstrasie fo a 8-t5444 svlie, ecieel dises. Back is misng Depanimeel - Io operate purcisase. Sepiember accupancy. lisemeelves. Have a "nem chair" Funcral service mus helsi at mwin sîroiler. 8789943. lc5-444 CONTENTS 0F LUXURY 1964 MERCURY Paris Lsne resi intenisîs. Lic. 55022. Offet Phn nder, etax. Be- Bx18,Cnain Chamio. or528 Ftheiv. Iere Fni ix Stomeph on d îSoLion. 871-9914. in LAKESHORE HME broogisoul5$1,650. Georgetosvns 1962 Impala 2 Door teine, Xerox machines etc. 2 OR 3 funnisisesi heotesi Phone 878-3369 enF ica n emrineSy. Sefo god odiio.by91. îcî84 Frencis Provincial custom tises-077-4483. ctS-4378 Hr TpFine-day cecs; excellent fringe moins or bosse, nos mort thon 854-9966 _______Anglican ________ierleld;tabes. ype;race 175pe4mo5t, fo 2 aTop t5fed tbe;11p; an-ïl0 .9l59 VAUXH-ALL Cresita Aoomatit. radio. ixo flace. benefits. $75îersingsiaeta scsfori2 anls, BASE LINE, MOR3OBY. SOLTY, George - Ai Milton PItILCO Couien portable TV, bacis osdhiscsrs;, iiipasnssngs; clides new ires 450 mile~ s ite malle, cheel diets. Verp APPLY in miting or se persan: wclisurcistuaieesi ooe pred 16CIS District Hospital, on Mvnday. lb", blacks unsi misie. 878-9335. chandelier; mail bioistsesco- Resonable. Phase 8782779 crce model. Lic. 97343. cuc frihdmispe Atius 14 167,GergeSoty f cl5441 lnil dn r rc.rou cestr-Personnel Otticer, terred). Write la; Mrs, Bernad- Aîsueu14.196. Gorg Sois f ilS fildn;uladeri orbles;ndO itedater 6tis Rea5c15-4425 oni t-flo e teRajoute. Massep. Oet. Milon, dean latîer of George l-c;lme uIs adbads lt 1963 GMC Haîf Ton AmCisir o atonBi, 1c541 acsi Peler. 2 GIRLS bicycles, 26, 525 ansi rvg; 9 - pcce mosdernn niing 1962 D3013E Drt 2-soar ced- Adminstratin_________________7_REAL_____ $15; 1 boys bicycle, 24, $15. riim uîm ite. kiiehen su ite; a, n. us îssc,c nec braises, new Pc Up Base Lise, Milton, Oet. 1 ELETT Reeing aitishe Scrboraugis 878-9365. Icl5 4434 Sp.înisb ndmousdern master - ticsnssp. citexalis. 2 epan- Widt 'box, radio,.miseel dsets. 8h15 Chapel of McDooguil ansi Brame-n ~bclioiisssute stereis; 23" TV; -s equispes i mils ubelese snoo6 EVIE Lîs., 2900 Kingston Rd Icear 19 INCH portable Phisllps TV oriental csvyets; 30" lriiities, sers' gîsîssiunning caesii- 1959 InteSERVICES 100 ACRES Si. Clair Ave. El). Funerai 9.30 isis stand. 878-3534 hesmeen 9 ckr rc 45 5-90 EPW NE u..Fridun ta St Jasephe to1 Iam. c15-4452 cui,1 i.I ergrtr11, vi nc 45 5.98Tractor YOUNG, local, experiencesi CucHgln rsfrR-Mst ariclu.tses citan une ytar 5c 15-4450 Full ,air, Suis wieei ands addle MALE suosician ciehes ta cake cas P T NTA Cuim HMgs t0amCnes.r R-ABOUT 10 squares ut uses Int- sui. Al n like-new condition, -tanise, ready la go. Serial no.t isestablisisesibande i n que aso 80.It erolksiges$ elqur.87. h ra Oiia atra o ment adoining cisarcis cernes-eni5sngt,$prsqa. Pieuse cali alten 3 p.m. For Youn Next Car - 7. Seed Cleaners thct ae rgiawaena o INDUSTKuPAL GILSbiyce,26 miee; 112-827-0146 TRY CHOOSE AND SAVE AT AN-hieipovs arngmt GIR'Sbiyce,26"whcl -AN -consulird an. Metisad oi remun- Llydbaycanae HrvpPe- UK AMLONI ratian open. Repip ta Tise Can- SITE TASKERIfaroii Gonso_ -0A