Ed seas bons with cerebrat palsy that bas handicapped hlm, but tortunatly flot as ser- ouly as sonme chttds'en mho suifer tram the diseuse. Wite some C-F sufferers are bcedrid' denor tsollned te sueechairs, Ed Barr can uatk and use is limbs quitc ,mell. Hes ambu- laoveogite.attendl regu' tr cia-, in ,chususi andlonce (,,lu aeo Bo\ S'olu i 21utt.ttt0p n Sisebsue us toto tie p.rtici- patd in - and linishc - a 14 mile hike. This fait Fd iii begin a spe- cial twu'-yeas' course'in Miton Ditsrict Higis Sehoul. "If t cncomplete miv gradc nine ssith .ustuas a 60 per cent pass,.l'Il bu aoing to Varietv WOODEDEN CAMP FOR CRIPPLED CHILORIN to camp was uponsored by the Roary Club near Londlon, mas a grand place to spend a of Mlon, local sponsor of the Easter Seat three-week holiday according tcn Ed Barr of campaign and crippled chiidren's mork. Tise Robert St., miso mas there in July. Hiv trip camp h as ine cottages ike those shown. MD MRR OF MILTON mas une cf 1,200 crippled childen from across Ontario wmisaisd a grand tsme aI a special camp operat- ed by tie Ontario Society for Crippled Cildrnn. He spent ihreet weeks ai Moodeden Camp near London in Julp. fd lu shosen miti stome cf tise souen iri and bandscrafts he rought homne from tiis years and previcas camps. (Staf f Photo) Village in Toruntu neut year," ho reports. variaty Village ottrrs crippl' ed tenagers a choice ut tradt- es including drafting, ypiflg asnd business. ctockmaking andi repais', sheet mnetat mark and uutluttng. Ed chose sheet metat %as'k shen be viited the Vit' lge sume imre agus iu sec buse su styrates. Ater a coopte ut vain the Village. bc itI b.ss e bss tracte a nsi be placed i c ai u here ho can hecume .0115 ut p pur ting. Camup is sommer mvas an ,-ciin seperirnce fur the boy. biýa is turss vear ai Wood ouLeu. atrbuaghbchehad spent tutu nnemmrsas Nrtbwuud sous Kis'htand Lake as a lots' tue ,.amsper and ftuas' sars alt ifiiso ,,sntain camp near Col aei'usuu s a senior. The ýamp prsscs'.m as vasied, fuît .5 o, n great esperience los' the 64 crippled ehitdren uu'hos ,ssscded duarisgthe sbree su ouk, he sas there. The Ontario Societp fus' Crip' pied Chidren. uhich sperates o:biîdrenu camps îhruagboot thr province, s tarted tbeir casmping prug'asn in t937 witb one camp and bs1954 had ex- pandedilt su[iue cam ps. Tbe phitusaphu bChind il is that wbile att citds'cn reupssnd meit ta camping prugramts, tlis marc ut benctit to tbe physi- catIs bandie.spped bus or glt mhuse borizons mas bc imited bu is handicap, hy the user' protectiotn ut bts parents., sr'bu hisnsnitiueness su is disahil' KILBRIDE Praise weeklY papers Dn>wn-(nden vieing vows promoting centenniail 1- - . .- - 5. me excbngw i n rile fly Mes, William Watson Carlsle United Churcb a the scene of the July 2fucd- ding ut Artene Cruden and Rue bert Brcwn. Thceremunv wa% perlarmed hy Res. C. R Wragg. The bride is the daag. tes' ut Mr. and Mrs. Blt Cru- den ut Carisle and the groom lu the s'ut ofMetssn Browns. Cedar Springs Raad. The bride mrc a sre trngth dresu of hte lace and a s orsage ut red roes Mairesn ofhonor. Mrs. Bette Sciman. sses' utthe hbridec0,s attsrrd n a back andi suite sls'ss mitb .a corsage tsI pinh 'the grooms brother-iisui% Philp Coatio,ssnotfILouucle. mas hrst mon. At ruasecc'ptisun ,t the husse ut Ms. and Mrs. MeCsrmssch at Carlsle, the couple lit lus' a trp to arrs Sound and Vu' saga Beach. Guests attendesi ram Cas- liste, Hamilton, Rilbride. Lous- ville and Watrdumn. The Brames are nom sesiding n Kitbs'ldc. M. and Mes. Wlliam Johsn Robertson tsftbu Lomuite area beld open boose t Fairvicm public seboot an the occasionf ut ther bth wedding aussîer- sary on Moday evefltflt.Aa- gut 7 Misre than 300 friendu. nrigbbors and relatives t tesded tut cungrasuate the coopte on this happu toccasioan. The Robrrtsofls bave lins'4 su Lowvile for att Ibeir marrscd lite. Ms. Rabertson as borts n Bervir in Bruce Coonts ansi Mrs. Robertsonl, the fsrmer Frances Anne Bell as btrn le 'Netson Township. Thrp were marrird by Canot Bell att St. Gorges Anglicat Cbarcb, Lsvlet, son Aagast 7. 1907. A weeli known district frmes Mc. Robertson served as dt poty-reeve and res-c af Nelsai Township and heriff ut thc couatt for 14 peurs. Mrs. Rt hertuots as recestly honorec mith a lite memhesship le th Unied Charcb Womcn anc bath are mcmbor su t the t-t cie Unitedt (harets Ms' and 7tMr,. ulutsttt TV trom ubuei itdIlos fil a :rutul amp uuuuuluissil.tk' and a centenuts-ul sfut;', ui Telegeains serere seutsi lruum Her M.uîeutu Thefltots Frime Mnisses' I. Feus usou. John Rubats't Futeti tutofOn- tartes,tndtM ti ttos's'ttss.tts tot Bu et tng tn Theur lamiu usnuetuslsut eildren. Ms', Ituisu (uttitut (Marguerite) sut Milton. Rut- o .nd Grorge utfiKullitus suieis Ratu Murets-utButsIiiin Mrs Bruce Mititisu otu ss Burlntogtnandt Mss hIsues Cupide- i Wtl.s s sutli.utsiliusit There 'une 21 ',ussss ossi I5 gs'ot-gs'.unutuiuitls'est Luncbh usus-esue , tus ho isember- tfIflits'Utituti f ussul Wounenusitusussu lie Thcbee aieil hi MruCusutier-use Harouldt Rutitoiu ,tttls'i lusic for Ili,, 1 Plans arr nowuits utto t for.5l 1art Old F-bsuei Fcs, 1utsl 1 helsi aIt tusses lePsurk ons -Thanhsissi onda,.u fu u0, os 9. Thu Kitosu l ussuIditutusRo- erecatusun Astittutvt i number, etlitouIsuTttki.tuI; s.ucnig uili ils,' t-i(Icnist il u 1 tutusaethi, aurouivticee,- jtklibrud,- Btti,itstliO r Drams.' ' auesoi o 8- " on Fridas, Augast 4, anud on Augst 9 Omagb defeateut Kil- n, uý-dc bv s scorutf 21-13 al Kil- t bride. Klihrlde Bastams ivon hr r irul gamnein tbu 0 R.SA. bN - deteating Sheffieldi 177 tasi on Tursday, August 9 aut Shelfield te Donc Yemm pitced the ntirt c. gaine for the villagers. ýd Rillhide Squirts mens' defeu ce cd bp Grrunmood in thir finsi id fume in the O.R.S.A. last Fri sr, papers base doneagreas tub ps'suststissg Casadas Cen- tnilau.tos'utng tus John Fsh- oer, Centenniat Cummissioner. "The peopesin the smatt comuuniteu aerus the tond s'prent thebhcoebtfc Can- tus jIopt us -munant in buhe.case 'u the Cetenniatcelebratiofis tuts c,,nuivceJ.that tesaeutf ojjullusm irut haillsop in us ou. bcu'und the big cities. "Weekts papars base hetped sus ss'umote the Contederution Tr e n auvt Contederatiofi Car- maitsars and4 manu other natuuonaul. prsvinesa.t and local pu ut 'rum, an.t cetebratissns Su busc, the ethnic pa pers and \Cr gestefat for the europes" ,tuso'spirit ut edituses and pub. litubru Mous impurtnt softt. ut, es tmsaodlocal ners usjj ttbus'rcepota.ge Io ite us tointt hai Cteuoiul enthos- uu.nt\vsu.,stiod totsheillhis Vs eilil. M.Fishr satd. Est s t,t sosu Ms' Fisher ,uud Jack SOitihers. Chief ut tuttusumation Soeusies t the (Cutenniat Commission fond iurmrssec hie nouesîospes edl- turi mured ou a aheme for Lisiwpaper eoutmn. "Cetrn- cîts at Gs'eoutuuutbu aucuns' sut 24-0. Ms'.,andlMru Art Robertson sut Kuilirude Rtts i ,,susisue ti-sun osutiii.TtssttItoligîstu sand tuse Ossterhos ol Acton bus- stsud recentlu t Litte Go lostuc Bts. Fusil Severni. Ms. and Mrs, ithent Ford ut Kstbrude Roal hauve arrivcd hoealter spendiflg tucu seeh n Western Canauda. Ras Farkin saul Lannu Val' soarrsvc'd home Tueudasu murning aftus'spettslnguasseek A mi.,cellnouttesottuer w 11] n honor ut Mrs. Robert Bron of .ilrssie ai tbe hume tsi Mrs. Fhiip Coulson ut Low- vile ast Thorsday evcniflg. Aýsustllg ilh the shumer %as Mrs. Linda Powel also ut Lots' ville. wuhich mont esclusiuclu t Witls bh- assistance outhIe 229 Rutary', Kinsmen, Lions, Kisu ,nis, Richelieu andi ther clubs whicb sponsor Eastcr Seat prugrains, the SocietY is hetpissg 1,200 citdrcn, aged se- vcn ta If, go su camp for o imo or tbrec emek prriod eacb year. The camps arr nus treatmentt centres bal many uft he camp' ing acivities-tikc simming. arts and crafttu. iking andI ds'a mais- arc tberapcutic. And yos rani bras a sum- mer camp lus' bouting mur- ae. Emphasss as camp lu based on paricipationl. rather thon cssmptitiufl A targe staff (abotsa 2-1t aiu sotstafcrs tu uampers si on band to bctp the chilsiren mbcn tbey are se- paraseut tram their parents- many outhsem away trore home fors'the irs imr le their Campers mie in a retaxrd t. mosphere, tas' from tbe res- trictions ufthke ctassroomn or bospitat routine. Oten camp' crs are susrounded bv citdrets mhose handicap migbt be mursr thon their umn. Ibey make ncw tricnds and share the encititsg activities with tbcm. And îhcv become store independent, brcause staffers. - a large percentage ufthtem traincd nurses - encourage the chilsiren lu become more ,ctt.sutficictst and du more for tbcmsetvcs. Rd reports bhat besidru, sleeping andI eating ttwu ting, asltcamplers ratsdo witb uetusrits' . sbhc Wsodeden c.smp activili"e mbraced arts and crafs', s.ssimming, camp- sabtie. tsssss.. .sdspte'st tIse Mtstso Id tiorman msning ses uts stuc uvuttstg ils Sasuny usus iziIf sssbdapertanysmt- cra] sntot 1u, thrlnie eu andt ser V Caetnianpersi, pWeishint0 Cnaant'.tassc pishn flan ng age., otsus ame, tntat seresu ol-se Fluber, to Can- adsan scerbî pnapcr-,- a nd etbh nic poperu. Csnsmentiea son thbrsocess ot tbe coumn, Mr. Fiser sass, "Week iessss'dinaritv dont suant hand-oat materiat tus' buýir news csstamns but he. case the sobleet mas Centen' osaI heu mens aitoutasBvs tu fait 500 suchkiies used as trust ,ne ol)ar repossass sontb. çtnadtan Su "ne Neus Servisce. Torotntos wich scrves thnie and drama. tils favorites? 'Hikes. swim' ming ansd ishing in ttsat or- der." tn crufts1 sesstnns, he tank an atuminum tray, scattoped tise edges, and painted un a pic' tare utftvling ceeue. Barier t Bloc Mountain camp, he made sume Bloc Mountaîn pot- tery. and aI Nortbwood bis fa- vanite chure mas wcaving reed baskets, Every eseing, there was a prugram betore "tlghts ouI" aI 9.30 p.m, uhen 10 campers and muo counsettors woutd bcd clon lu comtorlahte cabins sarrounding the ptaying fields ofl Woudeden. And in Ibe final sueeb Ibuere mas a big banquet, compîctu sitb toasts and cnt- rtainment, uhere Fd plavesi one osf a group ufteIen-agers ushu mabbed the slflflng stars for atograpbs ie a skit that stas's'd a bandicapped cast. Arts andi uval s session', also saagbt im ao make articles tram suood and Icather matcr- ils. And une day Ibes' bad a paradc that inctuded a marcb- past ut dccora led wbcetcbairs. The swimmlng usas tan, tuu, asnd Ed is prugressine in Iis spart. He bas carnrd is first Icuci Rcd Cross safti badge. The B arrs arc qoitc pîcasesi bhas hein sue iv able tu unjov bue tbrcc - ss-cc camp, and speak higbts ufthbu Rotaty Club tor its continardl support of psograms forcrppled cbitd- seu "Tbe Rotassy Club and tbr Cs'spptuut Chiturens Society de- serse a lot ut cresils." Ms' tar IsjcJceus ssopscd.sun uthes' Ltnguctte on n Fhitadetphua asissg t Ornamental "The ind tof spirit wobiob mitI kccp Canauda goint as Cen- MRON tennialtempous the ftuore mut r ' e get mach ot its energy tram [ RAILINGS th umaît tsssuns and rurat areas across ts coonitsv." be -Accidents can bc, espenssue ruh IonW r -tise mas sosa 1Hie. ~5092 -Duuss't lotruthe hursi uas ql bu, aucident, does it.l Yes, easy does it when you're buying a car ai Milton Mofor Sales. No hîgh pressure, no gimmicks. Just plain ordinary dollars and sense îalk with people you know and a firm you can trust. We're haro after the sale for service and that's why customers f tnd thus dependable place ta choose a car, f rom one of Halfon's biggesl selections assembled on our lot. And Goodwill cars carry a wriften warranly for your added protect ion. Drop n îoday, easy does if at MILTON MOTOR SALES P 0 ýN AC T'ýACADlANý BUICK ]ADIAN PHONE 878-2355 MILTO N nsu a - ui ced-seduenti ia. -d V ..eusehiatOMC t su D .i., The Canadian Champion, Wedrissday, August 16, 1967 8 THE WASHER USE GENUINE LIFE TIME FIBERGIAS Screeing *WONIT STAIN *WON'T BUEN *WON'T CORRODE *ITS GLAS$ AVAILABLE IN 20", 24", 26", 28", 30" 32", 36", 42" WIDTHS Gei Your Fre Copy of How f0 Apply SeenInq Availahie 1Now ai . ...m Dont get tires Get UNIROYAL Tiger 9R Paws g iqPaws haeheeiitesedat bette basl120 miletashase, uslained speed. * hey respond qssckty andd esgerly, rain et bise., g And thep have sch toeagh insards. yoia cas go * oser same af the inuit guetiog eseda withost g worrytng ane bit, g When yan'rr taking à sharp tarse, Tige. Paws g * gine yaa a fe t nf the raid Iha t y as jaî st a tf' o it ou rdiay tres. Thep tenter heastiflty. 'With g rttsatyno sqaeal t att. * Thep gsne yas that cesi sporta car teet. As 8 if the car m a part nf yoa. * If ya t k. ta drve, ibm yaa skould * hane a set et Tger Pawiseder y=t. 1 Camin and pck themupkbers. ' * lî the tie w he ed MI Tie IsaeHr * - - - ' TIE ALS .1 Bae*n - Mlo 8833 Milton youth enjoys holidazy Camp program helps crippled children fly Roy Down if yau îhink children's camps are fine for chi'tdrefl, you're sure tu appreciate hum mach benefit they cao be for crippled children seho, through handicaps, cansot attend reg- ut camps. l E Brr Sixtcame. er-adE ar son o 'Mr. and Mrs. Afred Barr' of 157 Robert St., is onc local soongster who enjoyed a threc week camp his ,omn mer. Frs'm Oty 2 lu 23, he had a onderfut time at the Wood- den or contined tu wheetcbairfl, rets near London, îhanks ta the generosity ot the RotarY Club ut Mitton, the local spun sors o the Ester Seat camp aigu attd crippted chitdren'O work. t