Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 14

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Master Feeds buys Hornby farm for researclh 'Mauler Pet-du. a division of Mapie Leal Milis Ltmiled. bas purcbased 1501 acres aI excel- lent faim land nrtb aift'ornby in Esquesing Township for a ct-w research farmn, campany officiaIs anoounced lhts week. Tht- praperiy includes the 100-acre Ciaplan Dick fît-m and the bock 50 acres a. George Corrnes adoining iarm, siàu- aIed ou the Seventb Lîne Imo milesnorth ai Harobu AI- ah>atgh the- ctraapan ivtes lpas- sessiont Setiniittiet- i, t-iistrct- ion ai st-sert-I telsbuildings is sua cxpcted ta start until the spring ai 1968 wben a modern compex resrart h centra il ha estabiishcd. The research luron, according t'a D. W. DouitlIas Morrisîtn, Drectîtr cf Nutrition and R- scarch for Master Fecds. wiii beused b cntpan escarc- crs for tests in al topes of poulîrs. ssinc and mînk fed' ing. Master Pt-cas' rsn re serub farot on Highwav 7 norîh-cast ai Thornhîll ss il bc slt-u'l "phascal att"aMien the sw arnt in Haiton is oper- 3tionai, Dr. fuorrisan esplain- ed. Thue Thornhill projeca mas !auched lu 1937 and the build- ings there are considereul "out uf date" for the firm's 1t967 standards. The pt-sent fras also bas a large acreage (510 ares) whicln s not ail neces- ,arv lot- thc research opera- tic. Plainesra unvlslan about cight buildings au be crected in 196f ut the Hornhy turm t- ire puultry rescaruh buildings, tmu frswinc, u "tait-tv extensive"' inunk reca rt-h ar.a pla'- a piro- ciqunit for te',t t-f quai- ivy andl esamaning animul The- harn ut the Dick tarm wilI bc used lur sturage and the present two-stot-ev brick houtte with an.adjoining apurt- ment milI he used tfor staff, Dr. Mrrisou sid. The lot-m land, i n use at the peet lur sonemrorps and aspusture land fur dairv cat- ti, %desu rihed as "saîme o the hestfaimm lasd it aHlton Co'tv" Master Feeds llie- aI' ,id a lcation close ta t'ii4hwas' 401 ivas necc.ssarv and the Dick and Currie larms uere ideallv suitedl lor their B2 The- Cavadian Champion, Wedsesday, August 16, 1967 researeh operation - rom the .tanalpoirat ot bath location and qulitv of the site. Soi] tests and a ater melI hoth praved ighlv satistuet- st-y. Total investment in tht- re- search tarm stilI reacb haIt a million dollars within the next tew vears. otticials said. The Manier Fondu division of Mî,pfe Laf Milis Limited he- gan in 1927. The original com. pans i sabti i60 sears aid, but i162 Maaple Ltai Miling Ca. and Toroni ta ElevCrs ~i~mcrged ta provide more diversilied op- cratians and gise birth lu the nets' name. Maple Leaf Milîs Ltnited. Master Feds has unother re- seat ch aperation t Bassano, Aia. . shich is strictis' a steer feeding researu h unit. Dr. Mtrrt'san esxplains that poultr teced is Mater Feeds' largest setiing item at the pres. cnt time, and the fit-ms e se-arch plas's a big rtte in the campanvsu pragram. As direct- or. he designs feedingexeperi- ments mhicb wili he carricd ut hs the- animal techoicians ýthe tarmr.stha tutU ither lise i. the propertu itr close hs' jHalton 4-H Club HappeningsI Adnsttlng ho la quite a f lag- waver for research, Dr. 'Marri- sou stales "agriculture bas prabably made greater adatan- ces in etticieney thon ans' other industrp. and research is a vital part of al of Iis." Citi- zensof todav can thunk t-- tensive agricultoral rt-seat-eh for the bet ter qualitv food then arc eating. he suggests. The researeb deparîment uf Master Pieds ssorks cioselv with the Universits' aif Guelph staff, bth at th'research tarmn and ai the universits% Dr. M(rrt'son bas preparcal secerat papers in canjunc tion ssith the oninnrsily professors, and the professais frequentli visit the research tarm t ausec espert- mets and swuap notes. Vlutors and group tours milI be melcomed tshen the tarur s aperatinf. Arrangements for a tour sbiouid be made tbr- ougb the campaniv. a local dealer, agricultural represeul- ative or 4-H club leader. The Dick tarm tias been in the familv's rinme for over 80 vears. and Clatons son Paul, t, is the foutl genceratian Diek ta tue 'there. Mr. and Mrs. Dick and Paul 'aecet ta selI baur daim btrd and faim im- plements and move ta a home n Gieorgetowen mien thes icane the fat-m lu carIn September. L Alezadaàr uneay lastitute ichelurs HALTON 4-H CONSERVATION CLUB By Douglas Sokes The Juis meiang ailthe- Hal' tun ConservatiaoClub. ht-idtn Juiy 2h. toah tht- lot-mofai field trip ta an Esqucsang moodiot. Guettt-fot- tht-t-sen- ing. Daut- Mutrat asd Siephano Oivina rirth,: Hai tai Reg tan Cotsers',tiian Authrits, led the members ff an identi- fiicatitoaaif the- dierent t-ccs anal thear Icases atunalin tht- ateu' Associate Agrctitrai Rt-pateaatativu John Cokburn hen eoded tht- meeting mth a qtiz o sotifthe-icavs'cen earier in tht- cseing. SOUJTH HALTON 4-H HOLSTEIN CALS' CLUB By Douglas Stokes Tht- Augut meetattgai tht- South Hiton 4-H Haolsin Caif Club sas hcid ai tht- iarm of William Bennet, Buringto. on Auguit S. Tht- meeting htgants ith tht- otembers judinOfat-lassaif Hostein cous. Cub Lader Biii Sincair tht-ogave t-asons for the officiai plat-mg on tht- class. Foloing hit. a dem. unvration on cipping a caif for tht- fait- mas gîuen bu Lass eil Lindsav tram h.-tuoai ai ta- fcial insemisatian unit. and th,!amembrs 'e-t-taId tht-nec assary equipotena ta raog ta the At-itv-utadu Tht- meeting ciosed mth a qaie. and rereshmetssu'rcscrved NORTH HALTON 4-H HOLSTEINl CALS' CLUB By Mary McGee The regular meeting ut tht- North Hatan 4-H Hostein Clt Club as ht-id ai tht- tutm ut Hoard Tut-etil an Augusa 3ui t 8pým Tht- meeting open- 4-H members to visit U.S.A. By Geoil Tayîpon O Augusi 19 a gtoup i If 4-H Agricuturai and Home. makaog Clos memhcrs iii ha earg hy cars [rom Miton tf-oroe'ss'uk taN n homes ut Aaaaricao 4-Ht-t-s, n Wicom co Countu. Marviond. U.S.A. This s the second hait of tht 4-H esuhooge pragram b I 1966 a group lrom Mat-t and stasca in Halton Counts ith 4H- hosis. Tht', is ta hbc tt-put-dc as tnt- ut tht- hîphcsi asards ut tht- 4-H pt-ugtam. Ths year, thatte attt-ding tram Haltuat ocludo tht-fti- iotiog' DuDug Garathiatse. R.t 5 Miton; Sttari Nurse. R.R. 2, Gorgeomn. Doug Stokes RR. 3 Campheiliiie. Biii Lot- hy. R.R. 2, Rocktt-aaatl.Bil Jackson. R.R. MonoaRoard; Rost-maty Booth,.RR. Mil ton; Elizabeth Nîrringaoo. R F h Milton; Matl-ou Britian. R.R. I. Ataîn. Lin'iu Liobam. RtR t, Limehouse. Wiired Dut- bar. R.R . 1,Canapbellville. cd uith the 4-H pledge. loliow cd bu the minutes. AIl the members judgcd a classnf mature cows in milk, and the t-asons meecgîven bu George Henderson an d Tcd Brown. The members wet-e then shows hast ta cad anal clip their c aines. Ward Bromoradgc taiked an dairv htrd halth,siame atf is iopics met-e mlk icuer. pneu- mania, mastilis. anddfoot rat. The membhers met-e quizecd ai theendiaf he metingandt t- trcshmest'.oere serncd. HAITON 4-H HALTON 4-H JERSEY - GUER- NSEY - AYRSHIRE CALS' CLUB Bp Suart Nurse Presadent Mrras' McCaig and serclaru Liz Norringlon opeord the meeinfgcof the Hal- tan 4-H Jersey- Gueron.w Ontsire Cait Cub on Augst 1, au the fat-m nI Mac Aexan- der and Sons. Gibet- leaders present. besides Et-ic and Mac Aesander, wtt-c Jihn MNahh and Walter Norringlon. The members judged one clas utJerseys sith Don Mc Caig as the officiai judge. The meeting then moveal inside the Alexander bouse. and Et-ic Aleander gave the members a quiz an the m'aitk ot pasa meet- ings. Th-, meating concluded and tefrshments ascre set-ned bu Mrs. Aleander. 4-H BEEF CALI' CLUB Bp Pal Sweehsuun The faurth meeting ot the Hulasn 4-H Beet Caît Club look place at Mcrts'roiak Fat-ms. R R. 5, Miltan, aasncd hy Mms W H. Merv. Thc meeting tpeoeal wt icte4H ptcdge ,and aiacndancc wa, taken hv tlteseeta Dugfaardhattsc Jaohn McKinnîtn parc a dem- tnstra titan on clippinu and pt- paration of an animal for showm preccsding Rîah Metr-us dem- tostratitn 'an shoasing an ai- mal. A clous oi mataire Shirhorn CO S as iudged bu the attend- ng member, and tralicaasons sure given n the classu The itfticiat piacing was given bu JohIn Wlmatt. The meeting ,)itccddaaiathe htttsc tuba-te a liuesttack qti, tuas ansts'eted bu the members Il! tuas then t-akcn up bs John Wii- init andl itm McKay. Rcilreshmen tstete scrved and Dasc Jacksoan ihaaaked the hostess Mrs. Metru antI basa Bob Met-%frt.lu-theaosauaithe iarm anda supplviitg the cxe-i leni ciass oati t.ttsliaI sure îttgdc."lb' meeting %,tsi' ad i u t-ned Grace Bird winner safety poster contest By Geoli Taylor At tht-et-t-t dit-t-ttors' mete. aog of tht- Hatun Fat-m Sait-tv Cuntil. ht-id os Thursdav, Augusa 10 sn tht- Board Roomn o tht- Gntario Departmesa ut Agriulure aud Food, Miton. tht- 4-H and Home-mokasg saPe- au posters met-e judged, Gi tht- iv nt-tries suhmtied Grace Birds mas agaîn chasco tht- winnasg poster, for ahich tht-at-ilt-t-cie-110. Ken Aus- tic as lu eeund place antI t-l ecea'ne 1. oloaeal hv David Rtid. S6. andEiaetth Norriotos and Elizabeth An deason. hoth ut whom mwilI t- ct-ave $4. The wiselug posaer milhc cxliaahaed ai tht-Royal iatIt- Ftair is Ta-t-oto, un-Imil cam- For A ~WolDosignd HIATINGI SYSTIMI j by Shpftnsa Ca1 ED ROBINS Ask abouttise BP Finance Plan ptte n tht-Pt-sint-tai compel- itasn ai tht- annuai meeting ut tatascit aa he University ut ait tht- Ontaraio Fat-m Satetp Gulph, in Mat-ch.1968. Tht- plater, met-t- ased on tht- 1967 tht-nt-ofitht- Gntario Ftran Saiets Council. "Pesti- cid The Sats"Tcideas met-e original analdatha pt-onulk- in. a ni t hc' asitiers rtot ube 0 ON LY 1319!I Itu Butersu new et-an- amy Model-299E. You get Butler qualitiea - but t a nom bmw prit-e. No frillu - nu upecial featut-Ot - justt uafe, long-lating star- ugo anyone con affard. Check us today fon al tise detailu. FARM SUP'PLY COMPANY 1221 Iolvl.w Av.. BSURUNOTON, Ontario 6342f05 Ernest Alesander ut Norval mas among somte 850 youch scholat-s alîendiog the 301h an- nual sommer session uftIhe Amertuan lustitute ut Ctrtaper- .taîn at Patduc Univeasitu o August 6 - 9. Tht- detegates. tram 41 states as mdll as Englaod. Dnntark, PuetrauRco and Canada, par tact patcd in a speciai thte-eday program cespcutaiiy fortaihc saung people. Major atîcaa. lian %vas given la the need lot- greater iaooiumcnt tfi yauog at-mr, andl uauth in [armer co'sprattes and assta e- caoragc and hlp tbem liad tiaicai-i ttastscng c-tact' t- inagrahusinetsý Th"mr tai the hree-dasnimaet- ing was"CuaertusPa.e- Some 3,0011 agrtcuitura'l lead ers, as melI as the young tarm- ct-s and rural youth suholars. including represco lalives of 17 rural yaulh arganizatians. ai- icnded the Institute. SUMMER LIGHTNING Sommer ighanang cao llook qut atacie la distance but if tht- storm looks ta' bc coming pour u'ay. dont st-au lot- tht- rain audric.' tata t aif the field, tance labatis the tac auvhen tlac lghtiiang mach mat-t-dungc'raus. i quttu tht- stroogetliglîpitan hlts at-c matt-cdaoget-oas uhen the'rain islitserai miles aa.Suada"thcecaught it anton-id wih a tractai, tomahanc.att-eut-o maing, bc cauase lightniog, like al uit- trit-itO. mut take tht- shartesi path ta the ground, uit-h uouid hbcabtough vour hadv. Liberal candidate education director fitoitaa at 1lîhet al ,tutu date RathabîtnS1,11catl Ifi.attlie la , a ne%% tit ilice da, ON THE LINE Eute ilsîng. a papular unit. ct-taisports an siottu mather, bus seracal thraugh tht- ages ouI aasiy asapleasurahie pastime tfr umalilt-rv. but ai- ýoas a lielpitti tetisit fat- gromn o laku. Occasitanalu used foat militars signaliiofin suar- tîme. tiispretieccsaîr taiavia- aios bas alsat ht-tn empiaycd sn t-at--sisi.'rescef insta dis- tresseal siips. Ih bas pioncer- ed sn tht-filcdsof ai aulpho- tographu and steather obser- vationa. CONTACT MASTER FEEDS Stewaittownu O M 0877-3512-o Farmerla àa cacher an tht- , ai ofAppiehs Clilege an MiLsala. MaSluce itoast tht- n.ii.attaLl etitaatiatadrectarof tac Uti Natioans Asication it i.raaa.uah heattuart-ers it laottat aMr.Sk octsa idi toact, lcited tuatht- prasînctai i nt t he iietactspuictin. ,li te UN.A-oacatiaas WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT West End MEAT MARKET Classai Mun. Open AIl Day Wed. Open Thut-. and Srlduy UiI 9 WC Feature Red Brand Bol We Serve the EusEd, To@ THE FURSENT UESEARCH FARM operated by Master Feeds near Ttarnhill is a sprawling comples of buildings - some original farmn buildings that stood when the farm mas purchased in 1937 and some new units, added in more recent years. The firm is phasing out" te Thornhill faim and transferring its research operations ta the Hornby district farm, beginning sent spring. Photo by W.J. Watson) M a" Short-chop your corn with a SEHI Chop-AII *Cisop-AII rom ct-up attacismenla lot-ud, t-un 2-t-ne coin heed: nareow rom I 2-rami cors iead. *9 Cieoane-edged kniveu tay sharp ct-bn'ort- tomusofI fie-eut forage. *Select-A-Cut tranunuasion gvvea pou alhnit, mediumo or long leuugtls forage wiltise puas ut a lover le Easy-Swing drawbae and lnrwand-neutral'reve-ue Lover conteolieai Iroon tractot- sat. *b Alo uailable: 6-lt. Hep Pick-up. 6-IL. Momer Bar Fusanig auailoble. Mals. us Prove t wasIla(S DeMoUtratiool COFAX Grouse Mde 5.5.a.avy.bas ca-at Seurinu.. CloS .a.. - anO-aisSun b.utn.au« uic.... For pforeattu 4.aApI tout ayriedt Ca CO-operatmne. CO-OP SUPER HEAVY DUTY OIL ý2 Cucanuntuanurh netyp.e . IrMOn/ "ca te, on-aî.peant"... .nines .ui.atbt a nil eand 5IIJl dieel poveu.Aualabl ln SAt- Gruade. 10.W, b0ts0uu. 30.un CO-OP SUPERHaay Duty Q DUAL SEASON utGld te)Maeih tane newtype Gieyu ne&ult nar runaailtoa Sateruad Wintfus utuAL UIFruf eluipann. SAIE W-20uand )OP Petroloum salusman knoma purual ad grousse n Susa besn fam-taiaed ta suil pruducts deveaped nm us&. What'silmare heu buckeat bpaun rauiuatiun îrestet hesnt... your member-cantrlet MILTON EQUIMENT C0. Lii). Lin J =0 Mosan 7-2731 Base Une -- Milton - 878-2121 I'w' - 033.222 _________________________Orsusaylîls -941-180 A DIVISION 0F PARKWAY LUMBER ITO. 1447 MILL ST. - KITCHENER PHONE 576.2580 Let us design and erect your next project to suit your individual rectuirements - Hog Buildings - Stanchian Barn - Free Steli Cage Layer House -Clear span structures for Waretouses, Truck stoage, etc. CALL OUR OFFICE NOW fer umamts s0" Aduhue E 50' a 116' Stanchion Bars presently ander construction for Mr. W. Egger, Bell Schaol Lise and Base Lise Rd., Milton. AUGUST IS THE MONTH TO BUY JAMISWAY 0 Barn Cleanors 0 Silo UnloadersI 0 Bulk F.dng EqsJIPmeJ Coii JOHN RIDGEWAY t 878-6175

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