Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 13

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Jim's Jottings b y jinm d ilîs Sugar and Spicel b y bih 1s m 1lg9Y a in cachier yers communities bai mome than une newspapor ai a local nature, Milton mas n01 unusual at one ime in having as muny as three. Maoy mOll still rmember the days of The Miton Reformer wich was founded in November 1885 and continued until December 1931. At that ime il mus pur- chased by the amners of The Champion. e Unlortaoatcly any efforts on my part ta locale the weck-by-week fies of The Reformer have been unsuccossftut, but occasionalty the odd copies keep lurning up. The first and lasi copY of the paper mre in our office for saine ime until recenlly t prefcrred la entrusi ibein 10 the provincial archives for safe keeping. a Lst woek, homover, t "inherited" ight more copies of The Reformer for sale kceping. Al are daîed in the 1929-30 ru and us usaul tbey provide saine interesting reuding. e In those days il mas not unusual for those wbo ltcf to-n for Toronto 10 retuin their links with the hometown. A Jone 13, 1929 issue mecords a meeting in Toronto of Miton Otd Bacs is mich Mayor Syzr exened a arin melconie 10 the 400 preseni 10 rturn 10 Milton for June 29 mhen il is unicipated a good timo wouid he arranged. il would tube quite un eurth-sbaking event 10 round up 400 former Miltonians in one place, t one ime nos. e 1929 tonmas the ime for discussion of t-be Ferguscin Plan for seboots. Inspecter Denyes was poinfing oui the problemsofotthe sinal chool sections. Ho noted there mcme 17 sehocil sections in Trafalgar Toms-,hip, each wifh three trustees, a total of 51, yet ail the other affirs of the township mre tooked attr by fiee mes. And nom in 1967 with avastîs espnici popution the pro- posai]aifoeBardof Edactian for Ibe entire coon v bas swan somne support. e -Miton Oit Rofineries, munufacturors of cotton seed, soy bean and fin- sed il, cake and meal, more umong the advertiscrs of The Reformer. e W. T. Barnard who operated a con- fectiosery store mus faturing a Saurdue Treut of peasut toffee aI 25C u poand. The torm Saturdue Tmeat cauaabl ms eve hecaîîse 1 cao ml remein- ber the im portance the ltuile bag oai cundy. bought on Saturdas for Sunday enjoyinent, played in a coose life. The trip for the usual 25 cent reat ta a local confectioseymuws the weebend highligbt, ctassed wilh the reudingo îf the "funnies' from the Star Weeklv. e Thev hai more durable editors In thoso davs 10. An article in a 1919 isue rocoutçlshow William FanIon mas in is 651h cear of office as couttv ck. Ho mus uppoiitcd t the age of 18 te succel is father Far mune pers be mas alsi- cditor of The Champion us well as being active in Masosie affairs und the miltia t guess thinga have changed. TECUMSEH AT THEIBATTU 0F TiHE THAMES, 1813: One of the Most color- fui heros cf the War of 1812-1814 mas Tecumsoh, a Shamnee chiof mho mas a groat admirer of the dashing Gonoral saac Brock. Whon Tcumseh gathered as array of Indian tribe o 10 015 ith the British and Canadian forces, the proud chiof rode by Brocks side. Brock died as ho led is men ta bafflo af Quoosston in 1812. In Soptomber of 1813 the Canadians under Colonel Henry Pocclor more aI a lom ebb. Sup- plesw a. o, Oilitia wmortlrniflO t0 the farms uni the t ndian forces fluctuated unprodictably. Proctor bars- ed Fort Detroit and began a long ro- treat ap the River Thames. About 70 miles aprîvor t Moraviantoo-n, Tecumn- seh persuaded roctor 10 make a stand. Il mas theo ast stand for the Shawne chiot and ho sensod il. "My body mil I remais on the field of baIlle," ho toI d bis bravos. In the spirit of is friend Brock, Tecumseh died sn the ensuisia BaIle oi the Thamos, flinging a toma- hawk t the American commander as he fol. mail of et uf r heac nr Any hot litiL li pr i kd fik Thi dis Down[s] in this w ih oydons Corner L The pasi week bas beco rathgr un- t eventat et fuît ai the 'lle' thingo a cotumnisi cao use ta fli up ibis much space in the editoriat page. MONDAY: Heard the latesl "Neofie' joke and manderci o-hy peuple select the Nemlaundtanders as the bull of so many stupidity jokes. Reckoned il mas jusi a lad - like hla hoopsani ete- phasi jokes uni miniakiris - ni outi soon pasa MMade a mental note tu visit Newloundtund for a holiday saine ime in the noe future thint, hint Boss) uni rescurch tbe educationat standings of the province. Oh, the joke? Why dues il tuke fivo Neo-ies ta milk a case - one0 bo houd the spigols ni four lu lft the cose op and doms. TUESDAY Rosi su intercsting ar- ticle on Outcb Elin Diseuse as seen îhroagb the epes of a cooservtiooist, mho bemoans the losa ai aur ohms. Ho calta for a sutiano-ide prograin thul mouli inctude rentovut ai ail deai or dying etins ni replacement by other species of trees ta be sali t cosi thraugb gov.rsment nurseries. While iis diseuse bas becs arosni Norh Americu since 1930, il oaitei antit t hougbl the onty lot ini aur hlock an Woodward Street hoasting a hage c l-. helore il reacei our end aIosas w Question: why dont the Dulch give ap their cli diseuse production uni start a Dutch Danietion Disese? WEDNESDAY: inulclv ob a ride on Toranto', submac. t knom il's bees there frveurs, bat I neyer bai a chance (or the incintion) ta lry il ouI before. The ride as ice. bt the viem la oasy. Give me Espa's Express uny duc. Even Chicaga's ntariaus "El" mas mare on- joyabte thas Toronta's suho-us, eben cou consiier the cenery. THURSDAY: Acompane 30 Miltos members of the "Crtas Shobani Pais Club' ta CR0O studios in Toronto 10 participate in the lapine of a couple af huf-hoar segments of "The Pig ni Witie" show seedc for Taesduc nigts iis tati. Il mas the irai esper- once inside a TV studio for masi ai us uni quit- un enjoabuhe eenino ait ar- osni The aciors - the Irishinens show- band thts s) popatar mtb flkts heme- abouts, tbc TV tatiansa hini-ibe- scenes lune uni eeetyanc were sa nice uni triendIls And the trip stisici my longstanding cariosity abaut how ibose TV showssare put togelber. FRIDAY. Reai. with atarin. a mire reporet ram Caveniry, Englani. Ibut tends ta dehunk the old tale about Lady Godivu riding naked îhrough the streets. Historians propartng a report fot the 9001h usnieersary of bier deatb came up milSi a nom stant - documents suy Lady G mas sîrippcd of bier rask, flot ber ctotbing. ovor ibe incident. Sooms damo shume. 900 peurs lter, ta disclain a good story hike that. Nent îbing you know, theytt be îetting us thut JeSUS Christ mas a figment ai sarie eurlp writer's imagination, or that Cleopatra mus un ugly old hagl. SATuRDAY: Lotos Lsing dropped in 10 rave ovor the swetl parksauni camping sites tbey offer tourisis in Westers Canada these days. JusI huck f ront a trip ta Bnxpo and thon on 10 Van- couver milh bis mife and granddaughter Mary Lau McLaughlin. Loron mus ecola- tic civer the mestern hospitlity. the scenere oi the Rockies. uni the fine ac- commodations offered hotidayers in the prairie and western provinces. Every- hody's gose on wbeels Ibis peur, about one car sn every t-o mas hauing a imitler or a lent. hole daims. Ontario's camping grounds suffer budie in coin- parisos ta those in Saskatchewan, he suys. Oui mesi you cao gel flushb bibis, bot shomers and good tuundrc facîlilies for 51.50 a nigbl. SUNDAY: Wbile purks arc stillinl mind. came across a note about a sign n the Otosahec Region Conservation Authorily purks whicb scellis a Most filîing admonition: "Louve nolhisg but footprints - tlke nolhing but pietures.' Thse population explosion campuign- ers must bc irehisd thee dca af a 70 mites per boar speed unmit an controtici- access higbmuys. Raisisg the speed lirit froin 60 ta 70 miii aust lice eery- anc ticense ta drive 80- afler ait, every- ose coceeda the presen t speed lmils hp 10 miles an hoar asymay. And il migbt bc anc ansmer li thocîgh a gary one) u, the increasinl prohicm il oece-population. Il 80 is upprovci. il miii heua lue cry tram 50 peurs ugo o-h en speci limita o-can "bonor systein' that îseigbei the driver' s courage againsi the roui conditions - uni "dead mes" o-cre plucei ai internais an mcli tracel- led rouis ta muke eau stase doo-n laine ae.r the piuoned hamps. PEEKING. INTO MILTON'S PAST7j 65 YEARS AGO the famiiy of Mr. ssci Edmard, Mr. Co-los, Mary, Mrs. Toisn Mms. George To-ms, Kibride, st cdoms uni James; back, william. George Ro- to pose for a faiiy portrait. ln the bort, Franklins asc Charles Photo coao- front are Ralab Osmali; middle, eci by Reg. Co-los. Çeitepo'à te' ail ê'thei Successive Postinasters General Thero ani officiais of tht depar-Iment ail a strict acci îhrcugh the peurs have bosn masflng of cosîs mit to charge more for the carrnage of sec- It s surpri ond ciass mail. inctading nemspapers. il IliS thi Originally, il mas considored desir- ly or nol, able la gui papers imb ihe bsnds of an emazinç as mari Cnadiens as possible. This ime o-hen playeci a very important parti n tihe two or threi making cf Canada and ihere mas a radio and' thoory that the goci Canadian citizen hundmed ar knom o-hal is gcvernmosts more do- and il is pi îng, gond and bad. in Ottama, in thse million dcl provincial capilals and dloms t the revenue fr toms halls. it s stili important foday. 5o-tY. Bat pool office officiais are in- clîned lo migh the mater in aonibur A moua may and to urge IbsI neo-spapers ond dus shoaid puy rates thal mculd moae i comparisci coo-merciaily profitable for the polt spendîbhrift office tc carry the mail$. by thse taxl t ia popular ta suggest that bo- ibere cause county govorninont doveioped is for a Court thehorsamanad buggy ugo il sboaid ho afror an serappoci for the glittorîng nom mgional edgeubie govorminnt concept. the lashE il is argueci the county sysboin ment eali has val b oen apdatod. bas nat boon, edacation cnpaeded inom and logîcai roas Comm, oi seraice bat moalcicompiemont tbe the iro- .ocal municipal govcrmslntý ment Cory The pieu tram some ai the polie- inoolve a ans is for somthîng biggor that mouldci cuniy le% over thoasancis more acres and redace ai assesar the friction of boandaries. The prap( We are amoeg those cuba mol that local mur agirai services, that couli 6e handîci 16crg i-iiîCientllp 0cr the largos coanty rna. the coani haaensot becs deaclopeci Dut the Counscll: 1,,ollem s sot eau6 the countp goocre - fieldsaofi aient, t is aath the local manicipalities palîticas s ,hbo bave formcd ctensive dcport- ,saîtcd i mnais ta caver specîiic services and govermo --ci' usaalling ta part wîtb tbem How Inle lin formation of a buge regianal sys- escoarat lem: ai goversmeet iii convînce the stickbgrar local goversmets ta ct cdown an ther -ehal s ci local empires is dîflîcuit ta imagine govercle A caustp celfare system, replue- establisi mg Ibm part-tio-nefforts ai loc-al cierlis egional acd ibhecili.organized depariments oaithe Horn tbe larges sianicipalities bas becs a las cour tbe larger iiîaiicipaiities bas been pro- menlt ri posed Inlethe smaller rruicipalities her, lbere bas becs a gcserallp ready ac- ageen ceplasce ai tbe proposai bat tbe opposi- Unit ta tos bas lacn es tItrom tbe large soatb- Unit bec etc mueicipalities. ta picb A coasip planning bourd mus once ai open iropasci Ose ai the arguments for marc 'i regiosai govemso-nts is the possibility It al aif îtregraicd planning that mould end of sprcad lacpond iadays lîmilîsg boundar- vidisg1 os. Wbairesulted mas the oatered vice,,cr cloms formation of a Planning Associa- countp tion bhat servecaus a forum for di scus- rbiefiy alonanduni cchange of vico-s mitb no moaid power. lrouder e s a gond argument againsl csuntisg and a strict rolurs lbt a litile profit on the sude. isisg more peoio don't use ilt the Casadian people, mise- subsidize radio and TV 10 ng smount. There mss a nCanadien radio coat in Daxes oe milion dollars a yoar. Nom TV are approacbisg theone and fifty million dollar mark :robabie Ihat the two hundred llar mark, in addition to CBC rom advertising, is sot fer atively tom deficit on the sec- mailing rate seema amati in )r o-itb the scasdalcasly it maysofo the CBC, paid for Kpayer. e as the proposai ibis peur itp Board ai liacatian. moade exh austive s lady by bsom- niesn, and il mas rc1ccied. Pet ctt aicwof-airegiasal governs Is for sach a saper board of 1oaci a mach uarger area rsntly ihere arc di scussioans os Dductios ai a Coasty Assess- mîissîoncr sysicm . t would t single depurimeni ut the evl ihat wouid masure cqualiîy sment ihroughoui the county. osai catis for branches sn the n c ipa h t es. -ce have becs item services in y rccently scbas the Familp ng Service but the addition of fcanîman inicresita ail munici- eco-s to be score resîsted bhas ted cbîefly ai the large local est level. the o-cantîme the proaincec s uîing. tbrough its carrai-as a- eti structures, a dcl vite drifita carrcstip andcisioad as regional ent, Oe eample, nom mcli icid, is tbeconstruction ai the ilDetestin Centr c ta be builtin îby direction by Peel uni Hal- vIntes mil6 fînascial encourage m eprovince in ibere mas the recesl encaur- it offerni ta the Hallan He.aiib study o merger miih tbe Peel ecause tbe provnsce mas mîliing Sup a bîggcr pari ai Ibm cost -atlas if ibm ima coald foro -a 'conomicai unit. appears ta as ibai the desîrci fregiosal gouerno-ent by pro- uarger ornas for a commrronse5r- couli be met îbroagh enisiing ogovern-mni if local officiais, sn the uarger municipalitica, pop marc iban uip service ta the rt concept of administration. yhose if waned around here - I've ade a discovery. Wilh the minimum encouragement, 1 could spend the ts my life as a heach hum. Nover mas mach of a hound for the îch tif0 belore. As a boy, t so-at rivers undd tukes, but not ut bouches. nway, kids are 100 husy swimming id Jiving and horsing around t0 ho thred tying on a beach. As 1 grew older, beaches stili had ttle attraction. I just didn't like sitting ibth sun. I don't tan. I just sort of ir a hîîrnt orange. Beaches were for mon, litîte kids and old peuple. I referred golf or fishing. Weil, lin nol a woman or a lithoe ýd su I must ho îarning imb an otd eopte. Someone wilI îhîok unkindly, to douhl, that it's the advent of the kini that has premuturely aged me. ris is merely a half-truth. l'in not îrticutarty uddicted 10 the sight of tvels, though somo of the other sluff fsptayzd fs mildty intcresting. No, it' the other sights and sounds laI fuscinute me. Nom, I don't like the iugo, cromded, commereialized beach. rinspires in me, with ils noise and Aufler and hamtîng transistors and wreamisg bumanity. nothing but nausea. But the beach m2e. 0 10, almosi every day the sus shines .,s sot like thut. Il iclcun sund and cool, blue wmer und frieîîdty, retosed peuple. There arc no )ud spcakers hetloo-iog the tastest bout. 'bore isnt a hot-dog stand or a molor- cc ar a beer cas in sigbt. That dosnot meus il's as quiet us a church. The gulîs wail, the mumas toIler ut their children, the kidssemn and fight and cry. But o-hes cou stretcb out on the susd afler a dip, and the sus bores mbt you, taking amuy the aches and tensions, il's as though voo more heuring il uit tbrough cottos mool. For some reason, aur" beach bas heoeiie a mecca for nemeomers to can- ada. Poreigners. us me used to euh ibein in the aid usenlightened days. Yoa cao tic tbere uit day und scarcely heur a word ot Engteh. And o-bat a plcusant cbange thut ii Yoa couti he ut Odessa, on tht Black Sou. Mv Hîtogarian and Potisl and Germas have improved îmemesd- ously. the sun, mind their omon business, and pick stp their* junk mlten they leave. which is more than cao be said of a good many tenth-gen.cration Canadians. Il's fun 10 walch und tisîco. Over here are a couple of Italian grandmoth- ers, in back dresses, bath huiltiabout live by ive. vattcring .iway .ighty miles ano hour. Just over there is a majestic yausg maman witb Stavie features, a baby, a bikini so spare you couldolt blow vout nosse in it, and a basf that wouli knock your eve ouit. Moybe bofh of tbem. Back up on the sand a bit bs the teenage cromd. They toc, bave discover- ed aur beach Iis osimmer. About six- tees of thein sprawled in a f oose circle, beads together, indulging in barmless sexpta *ytastghiog, punching, smoking and making their infricule plans for tbe evening. But theyre deccof vousgsters, who apotogize wben fhey bit you on tbe bead %vith their football, No hippies, cbank the pomers. Hem oumea an elderte Gertoan gen- tlemnan mbo must bacc drunk haîf the beer mest of the Bertin Watl 10 praduce thal magnificent pot. Theres a yostng Jewîsh father. spoiline bis kids rotten. Theres a Itungarian couple, tanned the cota,- ci tar. siih o-a beautiful blonde urchins. And speakino of urchins, Iis is the real fan of the beach. Tbey arc îhrougb, ovzr and around the prose bodites. They buitd castes and dams and forts. They buel themnelves into the mter, sbriek- ing with detighl. And Ibeypre al vo brown and firm and smnoth vou coud cal them. Wby do att those darttng chubby fivc-vcur-otd girls bave la tro mb obored neurotie, harassed wmin? Wby do al those carctess. ststrdy, bappy itîle devits of boys bave ta tam mb bo ard, suspiclous ulceratedimncn A gond question. But I stilI bavent e totd voo why 1 like the beacb so much. e s'e discovcrcd thal il's the only place h in the mortd mhcre my wife mili shut ber 1-mou'h fer awo or three hours aI a stretch. Pages of the Past f r om champion file$ 20 years ago Taken front the Issue of Tise Canadian Chamapon, Augiast 14 1947 According 10 C. L. S. Palmer, presi- dent of the Halbon Crop Improcemont Associa tion. un eoning meting is being heud hy tise Association os the larm of George Carrne uni Sons, Loi 6 of the Sevenih Lise. Esqoosiol Township, jasl t-a miles ahase Hornby. On ibis furm bbc loalcurap improvement association in co.iiperatios ihbbbc ieud Haabandry Deparimesi oftihe O.A.C. laid doms te- plicaei varîety est ih saine 18 varicties ai oats undi burley. Prolessor James Laagluni of Guetph ii leadins discussion ou the secrap vmiOiies uni iitbir prahem-s. Taesday. Augusit 5. the trienis uni neîghbhes tram the lirsi uni second uinis gathere i uthie home il Mm. uni Mes. J.H.Tuorner iii bu taremel ta Mr. uni Mrs. Joseph Picbcut wobahacc sli iheir turm asdiniteni aine up rosi- ience eiseshemo Thue venine o-as spent niasi picasus lin in conversation, lames unido-usic. Miss Margaret Crîsier. ac- campasiei bc Miss Margarot MueDoagali renierci bwoadeligbtiai salas. An ai- dsouws ro ai bv Miss Ada Turoer, aI theccuasiorn of mich a set af dishes uni i iîhleciobb o-cre prosenbci iti Mr. ani Mrs. Pichet 6v Miss Es-a Crazier. 50 years ago Taken froin the Issue of Tise Canadtan Champion, Auguat 16, 1917 t isu Satanas nigbb, aller mcc orbe6.k Chiot Constable Joncs irresici mii mon sehain bctîîund banging ariiuni ho sireets uni inîk :hem lia the juil. Thea apycarei heuore Police Magistrale tDiein Mîndv nrîrnivg, sou boy b ai iot lnBufflolaeun sorb ai Cobalt. but bai bien diseharîc uani necre waai- ing inie Tbcvssou.i pssparts The'c cmda foodî shîînbuge in juil as there noi prosvisioîn tor exira inuates. Tbcc gui su hrcabt.îst un Mîniav unlil aier t isa b hebrea i cribi nat rame .truand. List Feulas eeening. heisseen 7 andi f )'clc>the bu ici-sinim ier passci bbc CP sialiolîsic-ne ai ils tîsiai igh speciý Jîîst ics .îaG.T.R tnreigbt train, micb bl ,hsieifirai. inunernasingthie dia- miord.Theip iîauiman ai bbe diamoid pîocoîîiecl a sriii oeoliiîîon be icrait- ne vthe cinoise unidCorelies il the tuer. The engine siîsppcd abouti15 caris froin bbe diaindni A s il aras. naboi mas hart uni no oneut dama goenas: danc, bat traffic o-uns omembaitucci vd.West- gîiniz trains bai la labo bth eft-asi beach. The aaxiiiuamincrivedai about 10 pin. Getiing bbc bcav * vongmneofaItbb tuier bacb an bbc rails mus sametbing ofa caîtr.irt. 100 years ago Taken f rom thIssaie of Tise Caadlaa Chamipon, Millton, August 15, 1867 Ols Pridan evoning tat, bbc laboe resi- dusce of Mr. Henri; Pape mas iotlly cassuo-ci hp tire. Portunutcly il mas asoccapiei. uni the ini bcisg tom, bbc ire dii sol spreai. Il mus lutin- surci. There is saine difficutty as 10 bbc Nussagumepu Rollt, soatulil is not ksanowseheiher the rail for 1865, '66 or 67 iii hc usci. The 1865 tint is quilo correct, but 1866 uni 1867 o-cre smorn helore anis une Magistrale insteai oi bwo as bbe buse requires. The Cerb bah- orei asier a misappreblession, hy fol- ioing the praceodises required in Lamer Canada.,sehere anc Magistrales ceriiate is enasuah. The 1967 Ral mas entereci sibh the Ciorb af the Pouce in lime, bat bbc certilicate hoing issuftic- ient o as aller" i an Juic 15, mich mouli muhe il campicici besn than anc montb hetare i. Issue af Writn, mhich are duici Aagast 7. John A. uni John S. Macanad have bencs onssated us 10 the inciter. In the meuntime. me sin- coreis hope tbai Nassagasýecca miii sol hc iisontranchisei foe a legat quibble. ltbis ailepaintu utv ote arecord bbc losn ir(-tofthe bosse situavbei n the casi endioai bases meai hvMe. Parley. The ire lob place aboat îbrec ocbock ibis mi îning uni nîîisithtandinî bbc gret enieueorsaofaur îosenstoib, il mas impossible ta ehec k bbc conflagration. hl usus niih greut ditlicuity that Mr. uni Mes, Pari cm- svecresuveci.but thep score gai out uni kindtp tubes cure of bv Mr. McGattin. The building ws oaccupiei hs secerai tenants unit oas, sec believe. îînissured. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PaWli.dby MiL PI tiNGAD. Oo.LS.GC.LD uaie, o ir.i.aî. Hrî, OPaik, nI 5e da aagerki Oi.h. i n,r si 191 M- i,n $4is 00,,err anadera; cerner Sel-cern Sa reo-cri5 n0,. 5 $700 ii ,.r11 :h' iiiirnulyg'i,.ia -Ir.Clier nSian i "'i,,- , - poi ied btur.iii -Ihe c .i aile fi sý, î du f- btIir l. M Iiaae i l]bniid din f aî i t h .. .Otie -2eemei Oe. g.

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