Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 11

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Councif for Pal Patterson thinki Enquesng Couricil sbouid 'nbop arouud" for bei- ter bank interent raies wbeu Il borrows rooney. He bold counicil Ibeir syn- tem oai oorrowing al l undi from oie local bauk mai nut- dated, during Moudayns meet- ing of the council. Members appron'cd a bs--ata1 borroiv 3378,064 ai six per cent inter- est f rom the Bank of Com- merce pending the sale af de- hcnîsie-,o the Sîcîcartînsenn bLonIiaddiiion. "«I lslu bgh i me we cbnged the svsiem and cbecked witb niher banlns and tront rompu- nie% for competitive interesi raies" he told councillors. "DanI tell me the intereni ru- tcs are the same, beconse then asre ni." Reene George Leslie said il ira- an cstobliihcd practice to do al ibe township business \01h honue bonk. In other businens: e Coutnappointcd depuis cierk Deimar French as iemp- orîrv wced inspetor and anti,- oirsed hlm to gise mrningi lu aI least fine praperly usen- ers wbose lands are uver-ron with weedu, If the owneru du nul <ut fbem wllhiun eveu davu, be n empunvered lu send a mou lu to u coltbem and put the charges on the nwnee'n- tan billi. lu previnus yenrn, Ruque- sing osed the servilcen of the couutvneeed inspeelor, but be rclired ibis near and a new onue bass eltoinbcappointed. e Mcmbers eoneîîrred in tbe aions of tihe titi iship sehool heers in asîeeîting a 914.936 tender farthtecaddition of isco pastabie roormî ai Pineviese qehoot. anti deeided to asic the Ontario Municipal Board fnr permission in spread posmenix oser ibreexvearq. e A ieakini'sroof in the tonvn- sbip ,îdminisiriion building nias discîîssed asnd councilior fJnies (tests tcsi frssmised l provide a selant sititin the nesins-eek. e Furiher di scussion ou a towsnship lire deparimeni end- cd in a decision in requesi o cop%,tif tie plans of the Nsobe- ion ire hall from the mi srho designed tl Members had Amateur show winners wiII appear on TV 13 CONFEDIRATION CARAVAN nstor tweakx the moustache ni life-lîke mannequin, a cty sicler crnuchinq on a gld rush river baik, panîing for is fortune. ilin inger ntisn the siii and gold Iiecks in the pan, his head îoddiîg. Mud aid munets fouis are trewn rund hsm mith the stream liablilng genily behind. The Conledieration Caranan n cnmiîg f0 Mlons iis weekend, Saîuedlay and Sunday, Augos 19 aid 20. THE SWINCING SIXTIEIS came in focun ln of Iss, Canadasvetennsa I satellite; a structure Ceniennial Caranan which seil lie isiing Mil-nofrlies e%ýr- lenlsesthi' atnsnsc enerqy ptant inn thin eekend. Saturday and Sunday, Aug- at Cheik Piver- tind st the nppostr mwal. a ast 19 aid 20. The eveu irailer-Inads of dis- photnnerrtn omf rivait and Canarlans at ptays ni Canadian histnryî include thix model mofl asti pity Billing H.R.C.A.... tCotuudf rît Pour 1) hoidaying, rferred bu. matter lu is assistant Me. Thatcher. Mr. Weovnr enprcssed dis- oppoiniment in the treaiment the government had given hlm. Hallon Reglun Conseration Authorits fied olficer Dose Murroy deeined io make ans coîmment on the charges. Ai the i ail enecu tive mcci- ng of the H.R.C.A,. members had earned theough the press, i Mr. Meaver 'n thrcatened suit and verhatiy dineiaimed ails respssttsttltt tIsse Barri- Hum1th ru , is tl ,t ste stu said theutlasît trsthis saved Cuurtlille Parl ion wrcIltutting eheuitise tit bel hackl a large ,îsîîsîttot the mat-ar ihat tsu]itn tt ttis ýail par si-st, ,sss,llî ii ion, t- ivys enisits lie i-st-s, sit 111 t s t , euiuidtisu Is, wepiouiuton. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL s1e25 VEGETABLE SOUP CHICKEN LEG DINNER, SAGE DRESSING FRESH GREEN PEAS MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FlIES BAKED DEEP APPLE PUDDING FOR RESRVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 WeAre Open Every Day Throuphoul tb. Year LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Mais AIR CONOITIONED Mlton Pet-ons entoring tii. Milton i Chamber of Commerce "Miton AmateurNight mascend up un tleision. ------ ----- -----Tb irst thre winners in 1 ICENTENNIAL * RIA LT DA N DAY FT'R E FIASATRD INDASEPT BER 1 22 On Si c aii, andes t i-spr, - s festt stl n lt i, i i.iiet ss s,? e.it . l s « nul. 55,- u st iF itttiGroun 7paurn,2 Ilt:n 2J t atiu chicle,î~î , g e nt- Mr ses.cciiýii t , i iks, s.i tin, nl-sp- Onm4 FRIIIAY. SEPTEMBER 21 îilI lot, i-iavshns l tSs,n e.t i nit ial Danse' g i Mt t . t Mi A re n .i1 l p sci zlnpu the tauent exhibition iii .p pear on 'Coonten Musie Show"' ocor Channel 13in oKitchener. Peizs asardcd iniode S50 uir5 25 seod, $10 third. and ih re others ai $5. Evervone enirring viliiigel a souvenir peine. Wllb Tluy Hopkns as master 'Ai eremtunics. theshow iviii open tiepeniher 1i n the Milton Arena. Mr%.Doin Havseard %i]art as aeeompanîsitifor those requirsng ber. Appication itîrnîs mas hi. ýcnin lec Chamber ot Com- tierce .îdveriisementini ibis piper: tir piclued un ai scieral- Smatl huis D.id, whati s the faeprutnem' Dad. Pseliîng Sentimenitl oong lady: Ah ptstte-.or, uuhi,uiadithiuuid .,k avi lcud tahPioie intlvuda,1aman em. ELECTRICITY S OUR BUSINESS Doult be a Tînkerer wth Eleclrlclly. Cal au expert for * IEATING *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTILETS *OUTDOOR LIONTS FEATsHERSTONE ELECTRIC 8786378 ln, Wednesday, August 16, 1967 11 poned E Ilam Coi applicai provai Ii Highwal niited Nobleton lu nee the ; Acý f ire bail and fel il suited the oue fox tomuship's needu. calin fnr e No actionn max aken un 10 dogp au invitation to loin tbe Cen- piecliane irai Ontario Regional Deveinp- 0 Cou ment Counte!]. applicati e The banement room in the build a2 towshnip administration build- detached ing wos rcnted in the ochool 6. The1 hourd for another sear. wiib a e A. iiicn's stîfer f0 make road bhi sîgus for the enîranen to xci dcci Limebssîîse and Stei-artiosen roadwiva sets referred ta the coiniy meantir rssads commitece. os bolb vit- orgcd i ages arc on eotnui roadu. prssnai e Mcmhrscexpressed no Oh- bcd ans jeton o aLrden centre pro- cil. BELL UNES by Arnold Blachford, your telephone manager ,nqCai drThe Cnda hmi ~ Should "shop around" for boans You could cal Ibis l1111e yens "Handweltlug un tbe wall," fIlseems Ihal a subscrlber'a nolce was becomlng nery famllar la the Information Opeestor. The sanie suc- man kepl calliug, falrly uflen, aaklng for a different mm>in ber each lIie. Sensslg tIsaIshte wes belng eeccpslzed. lb. lady apologleed and enplalned su the Operalur. "I'm aorry lu keep calllcng pou aoouflen. but lbey Juat papered my mcm nand covered up ail my numbers!P The lady had tIse rlgts, dea, save lIme and anold number errors, Il's a good Idea to jol down frequenlly called numbems. But we tiblul a Persoual Dleectory for such numbers la mucb hendler . . . and much lesa llkely lu bie wall-papered I If pou would lîke a Persoual Dlrectory for pour frequenlly called uumbers, juol gve us a clli aI87&-2301 and sel bie happy lu tend pou one, fre ofchabrge in' casier for pour friendi and annuciaten Io contact pou wecn your printed businiss cardn and ietterhcods or persona[ tationery gise your compiele name aid addrssn. Thal includes your compicte telephone "addresn" - not joni sour tciephone number, but your area code an weli. Muore and more husy mci and women are finding il vaiutabie to ha-ce thei r arca codes prinied on icîterbeadn and business eards. I makes it nu mucb casier for buni- nes ,îscites to each thcm quickiy by iciephune when necennars. Even if ail sour orpondence in personal and vou doni tuse prinicd siatiusiery, un s sitl a good idca o ici noue friendi kuow vour arca code aiong wiib vynr phone uomher. And iii know the-compleeiciephone "ad- dress" of voue distant fricnds. Of course, using the area code is a must ifro male mo dial 500e osun long dix- lance eaiis and sou are phoning 10 u place oulside your osnnarea. Where (ne tof nue Operators muni place the cal for you. gtsing ber the area ecode beips ber to spennd Vour eaH aiong ils seav Nom bres a unique cuperleucu lu elepboulug - cxIl- luI purpolse-to-porpolse l I beard receutly uf a porpolcu- lo-porpulse loug distance lelephonu call wbleh cumblued communieations leebnology suith marine bilogy. Patici- pautsiluthecoeaneration were Spudy. a lralued por- pulse ai Marlnelasd outhIe Pacelfieand 'Splacb," lis cuun- lerpari ai Marlnelaud ut Floride. The Imu porpulses squeaked, cblrped and whistled lu uone anoîber one the 2,300 mles of tleuphone lites Ihal separaled lhem, Eacb appeared t0 lînlen luleutlp lu tbe ulber wllb ouly occasionu- ai luleriapîlous. Porluuately, a purpulse lu a mammal, nu no one chou Id accuse me of telllug a flsh slory. frlot 7, con. 7, by Wil- oveyduc, but warned the ilt lie shud obtaîn cp- from the Departmnent of ays before proceedîng. ccnunin pald lncluded xkilled, five ambulance or township realdenis, pickupi, and township es for ;he pasi montx. ouncilluen dlncunsed an inn frnm Dirli Punitnt 2.20square fuot nemi- ci hnuse nlot 23, con. houne wnuîd interfere aprnpnned township )u cnuncittorn have nni cidcd when the new avciii hebult. In the nie thc applicant mas no gain Heaiih Unit op- foi the prapnsedil ile id report bock i n coun- ?5e UPHOLe$"IU4G iýý q ýCapable Hands for Your Furniture Yssur present furniture sloesn't fit in. look@ ils age-e I)o,'t bus sex% furniture! Tasteful, illexpetnive 18phlalnery is the answer. MILTON UPHOLSTERING kORNE ARTHUR R.R. 3, MILTON 878-9094 ANNOUNCEMENji Text books for Grades 9, 10, il and 12 at Milton Dis- trict Higli School wiII 6e di stributed to students dur- ing the week before the opening of sckool. PLACE - Milton District High School Cafeteria DATES - August 28, 29, 30, September 1 TIME - 912 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Deposit - $3.00. Students aro asked to obtain tiioso toxt books in proparation for the beginning of the fali term on Soptombor 5, 1967. LOCKERS wîiI bo assignod bo studonts wFton they receive the text books. COMBINATION LOCKS - Students wiII socure their Iockers with corn- bination Iocks. Grade 9 studonts wiII purchaso combination Iocks at the schooi for $1.10. R. C. HUNTER, PRINCIPAL TOWN 0lz-.F MILTON Notice to Realty Taxpayers Thn counnei nf the Toneo f Milton has authnrized the estabishment of a system nf municipal and schnnl tan crndits and refundn aider the pronisionsnoi The Municipal and Schnni Tan Credit Assance Act, 1967, in ansist eiderly per- sonn. A tan crîdi eqssaient tn nne-hall nfIthi municipal and ichooi tanes may lie aiinaeed ýn respect nf a meal prnpnrty, subînct Fn a mnanimum nf $1 50, il: lai the owner, and/or the hasband or the wife of the owner, is 65 years of age or more and occuples the real property as apersonal residence, (b) application is made by the taxpayer during the calendar year in which the realty taxes, ie respect of which the taxc redit is claimed, become due and payable, and (c) the remaining portion of the realty taxes, after the deduction of the tac credit, has beienpid. Fuil particatars nf the systese ni tan credin and an application form may be obtin- nd frors the office nI the municipal ireasurer ai 251 Main St. E., Milton, Onlario. Telnphnne numiner 878-6921i Applîcants will bs required to produce documents of itle AUDREY B. BRUSH, Auguni 2, 1967 Treasurer

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