Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 9

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19 LEGA L ACTON The Canadian Champion, Wedriesday, August 9, 1967 9 A trial project in thse reisabil- TOWNOF BRLINTONitation of amatdi reservirs in TOWN0F BRLINTONOntario wilI get underway on PUBUC MEETING Fairy Lake, Atan. in the near 4 -44 Tise Building and Panin The Credit Valley Conserva- Committee of the Counil of the tion Asthority. in co-operation Tawnm of Burington wil hold a wth thse Provincial Gotern BAT SALON DECORATING public meeting onr Thursday, ments Deparment ni Energy ____________ August 24, 1967, at 8.00 p.m., in and Resouttes Management, Paiviw Pblc 'ciool 296 -a.bas accepted the tender of6 5 ide Road. Cmis~s~incm Vogue Bat ao pany, Toronto for dredgiga- ANWCIFR Thse purpase of tise meeting prottimatety 400,000 cubic yards AeiNEW COItFoUrEYt BROADLOOM is to receive briefs antd hear of sult f rom the take.Degndus oYo submissians either ie fovor of If iis plet project proves - and * Residîntiat tr -. or oppased ta By-taw 3365, a ecoenomicatty feasibli the maey COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE * Industriat l. capy of whicit is siomo betow. mutl ponds and smatt rester- Tise area affectrd by the By- virs ie Ontario, sited through Call 878-2461 * comrncial taw is primarity ait of the area the years util they no longer 192 Main Street Ready-made Drapes in stock. in tise Towa of Burlington, are of any use for watir star-______________ FrCtmSrtc nortis of tihe Upper Middle Road. age. may get a nem liane on FrCso evc WM.K.SIM, :MCT. Asmall floaing deg HENNY'S CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME Town Clerk. which may hi îranvported ,ity APPOINTMENT lighway aed assemnbled at the HAIR STYLINGSYR Ponid in question witi bie used YR Th oroaio f to piamp the muck from titi 198 Milt S. - Millton 228 Main Si. 8782067 The orpoatio of bottomn of the aise. This muck TheTow ofBulintonsel be Inomped tai sampy CALL 878-3263 2tc tI TheTon f Brlngonareas adjacent ta Fair Lakse FOR APPOINTMENT 5 nad after sttti'ng the water GENERAL CONTRACTORS By-Law No. 3365 witt drain bacis inta the taise. * Modern Eqipment ___________ A Dy-law ta amend By-law 1642. Work illit continue for at teast *ExetSyig orn, (1L0t requhOemiits IAglsix u nonths wth finat cear *Epr Syig Ctrn, RAY OLAN turdan sd O D"I-tst.) ing up le the spring of 1968 Waving. c52t Up usail l bs tisa. the Pro- BUILDING THE COUNCtL 0F THE COR- via Goeroment would not AT THE CANADA PAVILlON at fopo '67 in Montreal, yoo miii PORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F 'pay grats on any woark of the ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONTRACTORS LTD find the Kat:roavik lEskimce word for "meeting place"), a hoge BURLINGTON HEREBY EN- uhort itpatety omoin - *Home Improvvments nvoerted pyravc:dthse focal point of the pavillon aitihe 1967- ACTS As P0LLOWS: ln. hsnew'rojet setsa ,.vIin olExiiinTeCndaehbt n21crsfte precedlent vwhichmareta AUI*ReoainWod vbt:vTeCadanohlt.o21cesi1e t. ubscton aiSe tio Onizeeconservatio prctses ivCrHIL s.ELECTRIC *Atrtosl.rgnly mac-mode le Notre-Dame. w:il be thse argest pavillon, of By-law 1642 is amended by ie Ontario. a INDUSTRIAL * Additions nhnlo tvt striking out: R. R. Parker, Chairmatioatthse *Cmeca rIdsr "Evrylotortrat f lndFtood and Pottution Contrat a COMMERCIAL * Cammerciat or IndustcritnoDie-te inan'A isrit hithae Advisory Board of the Credit la DOMEST1C UL 4-2e , i,t nl iîo The:t'cca,i:on I idthanf A"itIrit s100 feaet adVlley Conservation Authoritv nMcand o n an area oi atI least 20.000 square irought the idea to the Conser- la ELECTRIC HEATING visit ors part. 'v'i::n %svd lv::v sru nation Branch and itt sc, is CALL i erd srli o1r a lfisc feet." idca brougisl to comptetion iizt nixlad le and stbstituting* his home tome of Aclan. Complefu Electric Home IRVING ROOFING B>~ Mrs. fGeorge Pellelierlu cecikv:.sn vl:: o ': t.::l,:th Mi l:nils pt'ci,,cdhr witsa<Cri "la) every tot in an "A" dis- n hre t uIeFor i, , n Pci.'N trict shaît have an area ai at Tise Ontario Housing Corluor' 6Cals i itn ROOFINI7 EAVESTROUGHING andIli, ft.,i o' ccl birs. Douglas GoodwIn (I Er teast 20,000 square let; aina ienqe fls 7-53ALUIMNUM SIDING :vc t: 'titi:, j ch i M ,:d W.:kcl j. YkhnEgad 'ilb)every tot in an "A" dis- Couneit ofthtie Tome of Acton. oRoigorSnity rt,::::::iv- r: sc <v:gtcp:ltîe0 trict salaeeyt e-'IOE8862tMLON i.cMIlciss.Ohbenrhn:ther-and p, sisait ndbehacontigoous to i 'scoeducting a sorN em and'__r______________Mr and 7 1111Mt O oi51.lia1. '.tc1.: setadsiaithave a idith termine thisene n andn - FrceoEstlmates - mitfal,:,t lc:j-le:cr., .r o n<vlM'Rs at tise street and a width as de- for public renlt iousing in tie TV and RADIO SERVICE 1tlu f ined in etaus 126 of section mîrnicipatity. tir_________ l1 ______________________________ 2in accondance miiitiste fot- Tii, propnsed hbousint;m.,uid laing table: accommodate etiser familles D R A GREhSRIE or senior citizes mitaare ci- UR ANAADEoSRVCE Lt reia -Miimm v tister living or worling ln Acton TV AND APP.1ANCES ENTENN UAL as deftned I 2 f(1Il da-ion is inadequale in semre SALES & SERVICE Formo1 sfqamllseheisusig ccm-* Phislps TV & Tape Recordens LALENDAR jV\/ Lest1 n3,00 square madation wootd prosahi 6e tirR.C.A. Sterno, TV, Appliance C. RCTO r More thon 30,000, square feet tmostorey and eltiser of nom * Sparton TV and Sterea ece CONTACTO 'but not More tisonI acre - 125 on semi-detacised deige. 222 MAIN ST. 8784445 le Seeding and sodding feet. Thse sIte o tie oils outd c-tf 6 Weed spraving MONDAY '< tI UG T 28niMIENDAN SFPTFMBE 4 'More titan 1 acre but not vans according 10 tise necds e Fertiliziog 0 1 ADj 1,1r ,il, unc ia atope . more thon 2 acres - 150 feet. of tise community. but tiscy e Tnee tinmming o M ýi,.Iidj u l-dI,-a ,1 ahoe More titan 2 acres bot not isud ane as many as four SEWING MACHINES 0 Patios Np k - S liplk nthloc more tison 4 acres-250 iret. or finreiedroomi. ______________.____ 'More noan 4 acres but not n e 878-3263 2ci FRIDAY. SATI RDAYY ONDAV SEPTF'.BER 1,2.4 more tison 6 acres--300 feet. BURLINGTQN __and________________________ton pcwnt More tison 6 acres iut nt More tae 2.tO homes i te SI NGER 2tcli> On Si iltop a itGnns 1tone thon 8ars30 e- Aldersitot arco mire misontPAINTING AND DECORATINGI <ý<««'. tc:'.rt .. Tiqi.<v:9: <, es as en- More tison t acres but îlotct oe oa tim oe SEWING MACHINE __gui___. m, .j ovc.vlv.11t ki, n tvc flo.id :::t.c ccti:nrît more tban 10 cres-400 icet. aitermoon last eîk. SALES - SERVICE.j St.' .::: t :.: .'.o-quipincffl.,%Iiliiiiing. en:v eilc: n:v t More tison 10 cres but nt Tbeeiacisot came mtien SLS-SEVC I VNOLN il dltv :.::p::'::..-1 :v:o .::t:ltv vt:t::mn more tison 15 acres-500 feet. igitnino iit a 2.700-volt cohue R E NTAI PAINTING .FRIDAY. SF.PTFMBER I More rian 15 cs-600 feet. tîading tn an Ontario Hsdro ( :. tllt, ,ý,attrw iýotý,9p . (c opro hl rc r suistation on Partridge Drive. PHONE 87861 Confracior S:t"S :. ::.'t,: t-.,il: il<p. .:: l t al :entplus usci no pein on sb ot n rA local Public Utiities Comn- use "Ay dsrit tanoy lot . ission officiai sid titi power Milton Fabric Centre îv:î::tri::î-tieidential mom-pty mtit ctauss (a) and interruption lait for lirî Ivîcnlon -Etenlor nit8)i.SFPTEMBRFR 2 (bs) aiovini5ppecting lot aria iours in somte arias. Servi ces and Retils on k.. t: fin'-lreeu Estimutes si 't:.:: .. l' in, î.:jii,-,,It, <,*::,n ,lthli\Club and idth provided titat ivery almii >vv:gmacine lot le existence on titi dte of 2cf 7 ...Mr te passino of By-tom 3365 shiot 0 AUCTION SALES 20c 3ox78-137 Mlilton.:: t tc.t k.:: .i::ci,t t::::' l:.:.'::tttg clauses loa) and (b)l in respect TIOIG RPISFIASPEBR2 oi aria and idis." NOTICE WTAILORINO(In, ,l Ci-ni REPAIRSlDace 2Suisection (1) o> section FRANK PETCH. Auction- *_aorn_*_itnaio i/E aRIlIG iiî iavi <T Ii, ETMER2,3 23 of By-tam 1642 is amînded isy un, iii not icte availahie alrn Atetis ,T'IY SPEB 2,3 strikïng out: irom Angvst f to Augusi 24. *Generai Repairs St:t :::: I::: p.::'..:e: I i i,::tAgiktutu: l Srclcts li he "Titi oses permittdid nle aon 1967. 'Pione Georgetown J. B.RUTTAN loi':'t:: ::.':':.: l. , ni ft ::,:::l he cvhihîts ian "A" district are permittid in an eni 7720 2fs * Reasoeahte..... district."________877-2201. _____ R. R. 2, Miton, Ont, 'O" istrct."SEE OUR SPORT COATS AND Phone lfurl:ngton NEison 4.625ý and suistituting: CLEARING SLACKS "Tise uses pirmittid le an C"A' ram na district are permitted ln an "ORE' district and teqir "e A CTONFRD'sCSTM RNLSER se u nsciniq8iiiietn - _For seIl eto aaeo-FrTAILORING 5H01' MILTON IO pl.S. C. BARNSTABLE ilRIIN St 3. Tiis By-iam shahl not come SaeVlyPruFdrtate UPHOLSTERY intof orce un tins approvid isy Lot t. Con. 6, Oaisvil e. Loer 217 Main 8783302 tise Ontario Municipal Board Base Lini. 2nd Con. notit ut No.____Ni,::oit<5t<d and opîruted hy Cl but suijîct to sucit opproval. 5 Hwy. Love Arthsur Wroughi Iron Work ofispassiez. AI I p.m. TAILORING PHONE 878-90940 3coler; isay, sHtir nd Ralndlon Phne87192 ENACTED AN'D PASSED tiis 0cattiee. iercd itens; AI TEDATIONS RR3 Mitn 0.97 241h day o Jly. 1967. compute ler ab r imiemnds ' " * Reupholstrry----h bols * A.to tim Lloyd F. Berrymoe, Mayor. grain:;iouseitoid furniture. * ttpis::stei y ciiaxing Win. K. Sims, Cerk. TERMAS: CASH. REPAIRS * Cîstum hoilts furetureTH 19c14 ALBERT McBRIDE * [ree pick-up and deiveryTH 20b6h Auctionecr. KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 2Ie-t IV ___________ 202.:'an Street --- 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE PHNE87- 47t Halton UpIîolstering 10 -2 Re-l.tiIlstering lis ORe.adGrade Hosten k ::l::în 13,::lForn:iture W le enat Comi and Helfers RFIE IN Ctt:::::t Kitchen Chairs Nog Brampton Llvestock Exchange Rg-adREFRIGERATIONpo N . Snegrove Par 1Rug ::pidk-phands:el hming I WILFRD BAIN.E DOMCO INc ik ::.:d e:ey Licensed Auctioneer G> Ciurcisviiic. RERG AT NH.JN NCO P TE B FarmSale, Husehld Sles Due 10 tise horning o> Mn. RGRAINH.ESN OM LEEB and Appraisali anshrttssaimi s ooî. Rccat::n R R 2, k'.:mp'ieiivilii. PHONE an'ban hssl ilb oetcRlgc Sneegrove 843-1071 hloitd Itise :ndSEVC Balon 57-726 Brampton Lîvetock Exchange F reoc CSrice Phono: 854-9939SEVC Colirsi Kitchener 519-742-7437* 3 milrs nortis o> Brampton, Phone:2c2t roeis îaete, ~ ~ ~ 2ctt an No. 10 Hmy., ai Snergrove _______________________ SATURDAY, AUGUST 121h Campbellviîle 854-2605 CofetuneY,' hI 4. At 1 p.m. 2ctf PITN Tobacco, Tirea and COMPLETE MICTION 9rg osei os oeBatteries SERVICE fres, otiesnta fesisen le Sept. SEVIE nd Oct.. some le ful flow of K 1 N G Fo Your Prîntîng.. Houseitoidi - Dispersait mils; 4 grade Hosteinx oins. tOpen 8 amll p.m or Farro Salis le fuliflow, t due in Sept.. 2 REFRIGERATION * Top Quatlity Daily incîudng Sunday hned Apil and May; eg. Hot- * Efficient Service Chris. A. Schouten ste i eifs 2 yeons ldopen. INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL * Reosonahie Frites AR. HARKNESS, PROF. S UCI .EE 1-oyo>ae . SLES "& SERVICE '10-2Y<' You've eust wo. .. ' Check free gift cureflly t'. lhoI :is:-d id abtus- d:îîîn -:<pevcr or telephone all in ho pttch man:'s nepen- .icac::n:j'iiiMilton Pot- ýc ChieI Ra: Andresso Mrs Tanstev Ba mes aed nuce and Pat Bron,,svisited :ilj,ijv:<itis Mn, and Mn, Vig- zoFîslisî:g .and tomiln af P.iot Cripps celeitnated bis n:,th hinthdasv on SuIs y30; Briae Cripps :-as 16 on Auront 6and Larni' pottettenlo mas 21 vn Aupust 5 cc-c dents \vt ite irsI ilow col a nw rash of compiainîn dcns'toping iocaiiy in conec- lionavciltt mag'<ives. He emphaslzed tise import- ace efvi esidenis chrcking thoroaglts iscone accepting anc iind ai a deal le which 'cou :< .1 pas'te postage" or oni: schte prizervounve juil %voci s coupled seit tise necrs- si o maise additiunot pur. c ha ws "lnestigate hefone you in- vet s stili sound odnice Chitir Andress declarrd. Wieners - - - 59c IL Polish Sausage - 9c lb. Cottage Raoll - 79c lb. Side Bacon - - -75c lb. Smoked Ham - - - 59c lb. Pork Chops - - - 69C lb. Farmers' Sausage - 65c IL Boiled Ham - - $1 .09 lb. T-Bone or Sirloin Steak - $1.09 lb. JOHN'S MEAT MARKET 276 Main St. E at Commercial 117114M6 rimerce ias it! on Non-Chequing c " Savings Accounts tte"ct e ot ou'It ruce:oe pour ielerest po:d nemi- annualty on pour minimum montlt balance. And, a Commerce Non- Cisequ:ng Sovîngs AcconOi n iut misai tsp... paq, ta nt >> write=q hyols :,so:'.<ccjc ~temptotion to ipenit pour nov- tc ings bton pou neonis pour goal. Gf course, yoa Map M.J moke mitisdtawats ut onp lime. tInayo have a Regotar Sov- tc ~ ~ ng .yetaiAccounî aitlise Com- merce. ou lot/%irieent mis cequint priiltetes. eut nom, pou con atmo opentise Non-Cseqaîng S avingo Account. IPERIAI»BANK 0F COMMERCE

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