The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Augitît 9, 1967 *~ww Ow occien :48 from Childrens Village à__,5 wft M w IN THIS CONFUOBRATION Brthday ear tise crests of Can- ada and the Provinces mode a fitting backgroucnd1cr Mr. and Ms. William J. Roierson, siown hein as tiey bappily cete- brata tise occasion of heir Diamond Wedding Anniversurp ai Fairview Public Shool, Lowille. (Phoo is H, Lng) Lowville couple married 60 years Mr.atend Mrs. William J. Robertson ceebraled tiseir Diamond Wedding Auiversaey un Augut 7, 1967 in Fairvico- Scisool auditorium ai Lowville. More lises310 guesix atend- cd, inciading some fromt Brt- isis Columbia, Westo, Toroa- ta, Orillia. Hamilton, Burlisg- tus, Detroit, Lus Angeles, Nia- gara Pols, Gat, Lndon, Ont., Mouant Hope, Carlisle, Kil- bride, Acta, Campisellilie, Oakviiie, Binbruok, Ciarissox. Lowville, Georgetown and Mil- tus. Mino praient wra lise mcmt- bers of tieir family cf six chistdren - Ms. Onuo Cousun (Marguerite), Hilton; Russel and George, bots of Kilbride, Mes. Tiea Morris (Ruth)i Bar- ington: Mrs. Bruce Miliar (Jean) Campiseilvilte. R.R. 3; and Hrs. Ciarlie Cupidu. Wil- dol Hamilton. Al iad a sery enjayable ime and wisised lise couple many mure years cf iappiness. Teiegrams were recived f rom Hec Majesîy Tie Quee, Prime Minisier Leser B. Pear- son, Joisn Rubants, Premier of Ontario, and a certifiiote fram tise Town cf Burlinglon. Tise wedding cake was mode and ieauifully decraled by Mes. George Poule. Tise family prrvenled lieir parents sili a portable TV. set wiicis as greatiy appreci- ated. Tiey aisu receieed nom- raus cards. gis and fluw- ers tram lieir muse guud friends. William Hayscard, cn bu- bafoit thlie cmmoxhly. preu senird Me. and Ms. Robert- sun ils a moiair wcoi bienk- et. a beaulifol table lamp anc a paiiised cenlennial ray. A daty lunch was preparet and served by members ufthlis Uniiud Chiicli Wumen cf Low- Mr. and Miv Rcbertsoîn cx- lenîluil he huicrtilil ihanks ir clivslîhelpee miLe lie oinvîîîîsomîîail e nid lhap- A dclîîîînistvrict ferm- er, Me, Roi'onviiiivvias îepîîvîcu.eîand rueil ut Nul-in tiii,hlip: andl sheiriff ,ttecltNluii14 veu,îvHe hiiiboni ni 1883 .1i Brvie in Biuce (îîîîîv Mev, Rîîielvîî. lise tonere Fiam,incAmie Bel. 11,1v hum in Nulviiv Tîîîîîîisîhp Tise cou- pli. hure jIjtIicd hvi seCinox Bull nii Sit. uiiiie's Me. Robertxon mas r.î vi. l,,fevianlieludvi, 143 eut -L -,Lrci. 11 in publivc lire,1 \,,(i ,hl,hiiig hefptce ari in 1943 .i.lles fil ,1 vpioii wa \Witjfloieî,-i,îlîiit.Teiiiiif 1,1e ulii ii îu, iii Nuuline P, flc'pahrveur pevvviii.iî(,tîlleli)thriv.iuid ing is.îl, MI lieiuifuels hi, f111- i ,illliiililisu- fli t thearv %Ir. Robertson, ilmig ii ii isa 1 îrîî tl f 14ý ii i seh esa- blivislicilci îior îluParti th', fi ell'i îuiIlhe p-i-ir Tise ouîîpi, ,.. iser, of 111 li. lîiiuîl Cl,îîî fiand dFr*mî,ive ltiirIviiii ils rent- fhcrvis in irii, liiiîl Chue, h C t ,iiii.e' Five people injured in week's accidents During week ut July 30 lu Augusi 5 inclusive, personnel of tise Milton Dtcaimuni, Ov- laria Provincial ic.e, mricd a total oi ff4i i hiors and pal- rrlted a ttaliofi7,956s milev île area iigimaps. As a ruvuli of patrot, 39 lraffi. i.harges luc preterred. 103 trahfie violation merxixgs ere isucîl. and 208 veiicles mre sfely cieekcîl Tieremwere 1f convictions ri.- islered in Mgisruies Court Tiere werelisre personafîin- jury eccdents, resuliing in ise persons heng injured. sixpro- perly damage accîdentýi ecs igated. une of miici s av îis and ux accident.,lie driver was subsequexile ioceled and ciarged. Tise tbiefpeuperly damage ixvlved ixlise nive accidents was approxîmaiele $5,150. Causes of tise accidents %vere. Inattentive Drieing. Polowing fou close: Sped 100 fast loe road. tm proper pariing; Paîl to yield rigisf cf mliv: caretess drivixg: Driver Ios i ionirîl. Ipedesiriaxi Wakig on roed Fiee pervcns werei.isaregi- mush infractions of lise Higis mey Traffie At, auvaresul of hese aceidents E L ECT RI1C1IT Y IS OUR BUSINESS Dont ha a Tinkerer stis Eletrlclty. Cal an expert for * EATINO *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTLETS *OUTDOOR LIONTS FEATHERSTONE £LEC:TRlC 87"4378 dkiio ;6i p-illi ii enlcviiiiic Bri, in vi Llifig .1viilml lifife fandieî r îîîîfhîue 55, l iiîif1-111 viei The[[-lof , :ijjtjcii e hi. l afler 1%%,, i>f îîî.îii ,ii.daiv.ige iittdý > e t i ch ii. n-i K,-],i, PoL, r , l l0iii tI liiipilfilve-l p,îrîîîv,îîî. li% ii- f flîi hi 1-1 iigin iiii i fo to A,[i , l- ii, Lici-niiv ie_ enjoy two week Kelso camp Takiog rare ut 12 ciild- res, ages 6-13 in addition ta your umu fanily wuuld sceem luraok close lu im- possible. But dontteil the blouse parents at Chisidrens Village oi Saint Agalisa. Tisai iv exacîly misai iscy dc, aîd lSuy unjcy il. Fu sesiv fiifliouep. iv,, Mi. and Mis. Paul Sisioît, Mi. aîd Mrv. Jolhe Van Ovi.i, Mr. and Mes Mauriice Wbser and Mr. and Me. Boh Dean liveuin lise Ciildeu's Village near Waterloc. Tisisvilagueuxon ciss f oui Icilages. ad- liîil stalîisîîbulding and ieuiraiiclai.ilitiuv. Lacis laiiiil lîcsvilh aîîd cae lor 12 ciiîliu thlic ear round. Theiiiaici ii ci the childicn ie lu is.iovfc Chisldiuciiv, Aid Sociclies. Ilie areu lali font a lai assas avOila,vîand Nui-th Bay. Il ail started îî is a tue 110 %>car, agii usen elgis i.hildivii sîclucl honte- le,, oph.îîîv ilcyseeril plactinîl al vacsantilo g iiiîieuiiofitheuvillage ok iclivicillg loii ho iiiiniv ut ite lireu Niîiulslrime la iiiplianaige andiîl at and Milton. "We gel al our supplies in îown. We dîdn't bring any witis us and they jusi treat us wendertully.' Hoe cparents are care- fuliy screened befure being accepird as suc . Aimosi ail cf ibem bave esperi- îuw tacbîng chisîdrun. Tbe ciiieren. lise majcriiy mords ot Chisidrens Aid Su- rietics, live ils, are cured for and love tise village un- tl sueS ime as tisey are aid enougis and ready lu ouicrter lisemselv.x er laken over by thse Sisters ut Notre -Dame. Just une year ago tise otd orpisanage9 was torn doms and four cottages and the administ- ration building ruse in ils place. The four sets ut house parents. ihir children. the i.hildren out hei.ilige and a-ummer sviti have juvi completed a twso veeck stuy at the Kelso Conservation urea, A bouse mther ex- ptined lbey bad cume out for a littie relaxation, and somctising a lttle differ- Program direclur, Jerry Ruer vaid tisat befure use% iad corne îo camp ar- raneemnts iad been madc tu hiru ,a cous bai bu back- ed oui ai bthevIaNminute. leaving Mr. aîdMrs. Rues urssiiibu heciiikingcisorc-, Mr Ruevur cfli the meut', haj huun a huge success. Tbcr îcîvacb, are ike hoiiiiiilusv pus. ibeget oui cf bed liu al. iudtimme e,îi. bu ii kcd. Fora single uîel huv huiieiud 400 liesv i read for Mr. uer vîpoku higisl1 ut ltse bis e iuerchants anîdthu peplueiof Kelsiu i have1 realiy said. Tis 1 Mr. Rue The visitsi cl imbir and sp( ety. Juck dlles thi end ci eces turc. Chisin Village nine terrariums lu wiich- they keep soakes, toads, frogs and other smait ceea- tares. The ciildeen take core of ciis tisemselves and do a fine job. This is oniy a summer projeet and tise animais wiit be eleased is thse fali. Mltiougi tise village was oc predominantly Catho- lic il is nu longer su. Cilid- ren ut att recigiaus denom- mnations are taken core of and have their choice of re- ligion as wett as formai cd- ucation. Some attend * One new home and smefl re- *sidential renovatlons and gar- * ages occounted for Multons " building permit issues during " July, building Inapector J. *Charlton reporte. * Ose residence evaluated at 1 12,500, plus ties alier pro- jeets, broughitishe montisly tut- *al to $16.0 * This brings tise total for 196 *su far ta $258.620. * * * A .1 Caixutie schouls ana oners * y are guod kids and atn ulcshos igs iopes for a lut in pbi ciul. * ým. M ans ili du Tise Village ix a Corpora- * ecl.' Mer. Rueser ion and bas a 13 mon * Board oi Direciors. Tiscy* la lise second veur receive graitisfrtatise * iv camped ai Keisu. goveroimesi simitar tu * user raies lise camp. tiose otregutar scisool * i"c iuge success' grans, s.o mucis per stud- * program included cal per day.* ta f isisialciseries, qoarries. mounlain Fine nuns aisu belp in g, nigisilv campfires running lie village. Sîsier * arts ofi a uide van - M. Alberta milsuon bcte s admînisiralor, Styer M. AI- * OConnor, ivisu ban- fleeda i, acting administra- * ie pisvsicai uducalian tue. Siviur M. Doris is tise * lishe prcgram, cIsc hisîd care supervisar, Sis- * ýs lie ciildrea nature ter M. Majelilaises cure utf Tise chisldîin go lue tshe laundrv a nd Sîiser M. * aSbig way and aI lise Micialîne ruli.siiver lise * iisey isad eigisi or kilcisen. -By Bob BarIl * a *i~ -'a ' WNBN THE WUATNUR 15 NM theongs of crowds lu tise leakage inlise pool being re- peuple enfup swimmieg facilities attise Milton pared. Lsi peur tise mater wus cool dce ru Coniriuioty Seirivg Pouf Pouf manager constant refillisit bultiis peur lise mater bas Donvi vSnAevi sud rroeeds more mucs botter rarely droppyrd beiaw 70 degrees hiv your dive ctinv spife v ouf lad oflen sel ce îiher Mr Sider alirilvuies tise beiter (Staff Pisotof Il, i if 1-1iii I t d , I , 11 c kil',i m iii1, IIi Lii"I i i, idc i.ii i flif .1111 f $1.79 rAle 37c lb. 49c lb. 65c lb. 75c lb. 69c lb. .......75c 3Ibs. 95c 3 SURF SOAP Maple Leaf COOKED HAM ADE FRUIT DRINKS UNICO OIL BRANDED BABY BEEF i ROUND 8.5 I STEAK 0 FREE DELIVERY * Joe'ys General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878-3161 Only une accident occurred in their area during the past week. Milton Police report. Tuesday of lest week a car drives hy Vera E. Hannen Of 206 Bell St. received $250 dam- age when il 'eau mvolved in an accident near 161 Bell St., wisich also resulted in $25 damage lu a front lawn and a collision with a culvert. No injuries were reported. &oi. Kerr utteaL#ag Lookaes thinker conférence 7,Y UN 4 Gi. ii. fKer, MLA, cd cao- Y O N dîu ise Pîencal rud- in lHaiu Wes, s n'ue 1AND Ths onenio i hin hldPRETTY im cnsis, (A nive sil peoleAs You Really F»1 -Il, in a WIGLET or FALL I'*.~jISEt OURt SELECTION NOW A.T. MOORE IN AIR CONDITIONED COMPORT AT INSURANCEI Ç /' Ca i 8 54-227 1 133 Main st., West 878-2131 Old Colony CANNED POP. case Rooi Beci ra, feure fapu. Levîlo Lune. Ginger Fresh CHICKENS .. ------ Maple Leaf WIENERS PORK CHOPS PEAMEAL BACON.. RIB ROAST Maxwell House COFFEE, 1 IL bag 11/ lb. tin $1.69 3 tins for $1,.00 gallon tin $1.85 Sata Night - Aug. 121-ýiý TOM AND IAN AND THE SOUL SET MOVES 'TILL THE MIDNITE HOUR (THE AGRICULTURAL HALL 4q HAS JUST ARRIVED FOR FALIL' Xtadq Affe CO-ORDI-KNUTS n Lovely Shades of SMOSS GREEN CAMEL SRUST 'jjHEATHER BLUE "ROSE *~~ KELLY GREEN Exclusive with Milton Department Store 'i~'JACKET - $23.95 *~ SKIRTS - $1 3.95 - SLIMS - $16.95 ' CARDIGANS - $114.9Mi '~PULLOVERS - $1295 MILTON DEPARTME NI STORE 200 Main St. Phono 878-9261 65 AMBASSADOR 880 V-, auto. white- walls, pr brakes and steering, wheel$195 discs, rdo i.J8 6 . ... ..... 1 9 5 1961 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE -CONVERTIBLE 1 Full Power - Lic. 254-898 SEE T NOW AT $ 495 '63 CLASSIC 6-cpi. 2-door '62 CHEVROLET 6-AUTO. Lic. J-t10220 $99 Lic. J-8373 ...... $995- '62 CLASSIC 400, 4-door, '62 CLASSIC 4-Dr.. auto., auto., radio, whitewalis, Lie J-29120. Motor Com. Lic. J-8507 .....$995. 'c> Ovrhued $15 '62 RAMBLER AMERICAN 4-door., auto., Lic. 660-380. '61 VALIANT STATION Motor CompletalY Over- WAGON, 6-cyl., auto., Lic. heuled------..... $600. X-5603 $695. '61 CHEVROLET 4-Dr., 6- 6 LSI UE -y. .$799o, i. -028 standard, Lic. J-9989 $795. '6o CLASSIC STATION WAGON, 6-cpi. auto., Lic. '60 BUICK 2-Dr. Hardtop, 78356-X. Melor C0mPletely Lic. J-t10222 ...... $699. Overhauled .. ....$595.11 '60 METEORt 4-Dr., 6-Cyl. standard, lic. J-6909 $359. Il EASY TERMS ARRLANGED CLEMENTS-WARD MOTORS LIMITED YOUR RAMBLER DEALER BRONTE ST. NEAR THE HOSPITAL PHONE 878-3441 >,éie,é food pricet " ME « IIEE