r . . - -. - e- - 2 Tb. Canadran Champion, Wsdnenday, Angunt 9, 1967 HORNSY Double birhday celebration held By Met. lIm itamiltan Mrs. Leroard Buekler hetd a double irthdavy cetebration a-t ber home on Saoday, Aug- Approuve suie Tree Fcruit CO. Approvai for the' rai.,otri portion ut the Otaio Tec Fruits Ltd. appie packargiog plant at 370 Ontario St. ruas granted Toesd.rs evcing, Aog. i. hy the' Mittun C.rmmitee of Adjastmenî. The irmx applictairo nted the' packagrog.reci ofthe' piaot mas to he roid tc Winooa Fruit Ltd.. and tire remtioder, a controiied atmo..phert' star- age pantrt.tu rbcie.rsed to the Winona irm. Reief aal xo ounght trusnthetnr qairemnetrito cr.tr siz'ee- Solieltor A. 1. Mrehrrir ex- piained rhe Winorrsri tiova taking ar ttc sert opton trr parchase the courrotiird .ttmr ph ere s'rt ee c,..tionr trithe' plant. Dncrog the -urttte meting, the crrmmttee et rsntcd .pprtt ai for a antrd ci.r tttobNtc-. Sadre Kcw ser %%lln atl3i7 Wttdtrt. vit rih rt iciirum ide str d reqtrrc mentx. crodtrto.tt uo Pt the' bitdingrresertintt r.. .aringlt is onis rsrrr t.ix ittcttcs Members ase -,ritci tankF Kusrit' tr SPAr1i3(l tkCt a sitit's .rd t ý.tr et ritix and ooeqrartt'r fcc 11 ACCOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Comm -RIA.CA. Chat?,.'. d Acotroat mNiup.rtAudior hI63 Niino htreert 0cr 4603 Mii rs. OuI 87"5342 ARCHITECT DONALD E SKINNER Brhr - NIRSAI.L 17A Mil btrret. hotte 2 Atan Teiepbroe îtt 2730 or 20 itte5 urk R-iP-t Lrît 274-3428 Olitct' Hrrotr buApprtrttit AU CT(O NEERS FRANK PE7CH Tt'iphtue r87722064 C, H TUFFiN Att Ittl\l tR A50 Pbr.uu Rt.kwt. tiC r423tr 8;(,373 CHIROPRACTORS A P KENTD C 237 (siii cc (li iOr ,,cor f ur Sotu i S a i;, bCp 2ri INSU RANCE CC OPEOAtORS iNSURANCi e m L t . .t 1 RIlR Il- iNIiîrr Foone 078-9741 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MoKERSIE FUNfRAL HOME .7.44r2 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSO0N, OU Plirr.rr82rct9ý72 R, , 878-9678 itouu" TUFSi3AYS 9 .nitro t.pro URIIOAY'r 9 r rnt 1.,Oir ru VVM C MIkuIGAN OD 11li t r-i-i ',RdO.tkr itec tbticce lîrttt ,it9 ruuliodru ti- audap am (al] 84.51,11fi r ppountron LIBRARY HOURS ruesdas - lrorrittand Frid.) 12 noo o 530;.6,30 to 9.00 Moodas 12 nro 10o5130 Wdorsýdos. 93013t 93 CIoxcd ait day S.trono. ort b in bonor ut ber ao-in- tam. Clyde Brooker and is .00 Brtrd triHarmiton. Mr. and Mrs. Lesie Raîledge andlfamduvsentbterreekexd rt-cbMr. and Mrr.lIrinc Wal- act' ut Btvth. Nies. Gars vHamilton, Kent oui (scoUt ru e c gUert ,Strorur driuocuofi Mcx. Buh Srncir ri Gcorgercsrn, then rit erncrtaned somo tirendr ut a brtbdas parts in hoor oftherrson Curt, %%hovsas cetebrarrng ir bhird birebdas. Caroli Leslie and Sands Soutosrurpeorthc-eevkend .0 Was.rgu Beach. Fri--toit us Mrr Bol)irrco ot rttterrrhctx a aiaentin rie Milton Drsrrrct Hospital, Mr andNMr,. Vctor Hall cda planet'triprru Ed- rtc inAiher ru%,rr-re ther loraic"%utasrxtttbirr unit hrrrrbter und sscýn la%.rr. tud Mr,. BrulSales. OBITUARY Blrthdey greettngn ta Haroild OBITUARY Rubson on Aogost 10, ta Mur- ray Royce on August 12, Mrs. George tesie on Augost ý13, Mr.r and Shetley [epson on Aagsrst 15. Mra. Jessie A. Mrs. Lydia Ropre ejoped a don Townshipt few davs receoîlp aI Wasaga Bellestille Genen Beacht. Moodap, Julp Mr. aod Mrs. lacE Thorrue beiog iiil for E.i enjoped a week'r vacation ai mas in ber 8t Dorset, Hlitborlon and Peter- Mrs. Andrews hurrregh ditrrct. Lrmerick Tawn Mrs. Ras Fiant and chiidreo residedt iR arc boidaxing at their cottage She is sarvive n Or tuaý ghters, Mrs. i S-se, ofHarold; Sectt Thorne spent a week lÙlv'ai Scotti,R rrthhbisgranttpatcntxMr. and and Mrs, Herher Mrx. ThormarxHosudert tri Milton; bhx1I A meeting tt . bel ru on un tornci25 grear gr 'l,,\ .-t - it.kirr i ti.fnal tlans Asa sursîiain lui-r1- rr.1ri Ntcrtr 'sS"ti Edrsrd J.Lt., hallioro.roentsuvhtchtttiht'bc sanand thrt'e's held in ttlîrrlrnbs Park o ex Rapson ot S-ttrr d.rs. Aagost 12. Ans Liddle of Tht' lorohu Mdgets mon Miss MotelLIc rhih all br ie.ntnSatuordav aie. She wts nighr h s rr.cri 119 rrter hec ubsaoid Th the' Onragh Mrdgetx BtohRobh Tht' ancra] so rrýa thecstinning thotte r Wc-dnerdas%, Job stireee thrrlos rrurk thet' io ugit'Fan » i..- ý%s.rtrrt brrrt [eise 0 rhcrr pi.rosrrbut the' Ban- Rer Newton1 tairn pittet.r i il d iTir arIl LIrr rrs- ,a former i , t'drxt'ctac.utit rore dretu, resFrtxh Stadert' oecuen'ftut'the Stirling, triei rtp-t ir i- b.ttr itctitl1uC Tht' hearcrr rtrttr, jýjo su. M.rrrrn nicidu I' ilci pin'iial Firgr, GCr'g Surtt scrh Inttr rt % Mrs. Dorothy Jacobs OBITUA&RY N.\Ir OuDotitrr M1at% J a ohb. cric- ut OFF t. pt Lrnurr iuce.br ut1Sv350 .rttttSt,- Mil ito tond don Ihut-.d.tu ooto org. Job??27 n Mdltonr lrt ItrJ.rcrrbr 38, u.trreciet ,tr>Itot Ille-ru- t r liirrrt rrri She mas haron ru flý, irtirrrer i .lt .rand MirRto iti N-hNîrrrrrr tirr r.-t tOr , r.. .. 1t',-tt. 1s..e1%, 1 uurttutptY', 5a MILTON GOSPEL HALL t06 Ontarior..Si. N 878-2022 Lbtri....-. gathereti in the' r...oe trithe' lurd JesrChrist. iM.rîh. 19- 201 Lurds, Dry tri.30 .r nr-B.eakrog ci Bread 12 10 pmhoodas Scbtrui 7.00 pntii--utrpei Sersice. 8 duras pot F-rayer ,rrd Bilrbi-cdrng. Ni teut etume tutrrIere r. i- e FIirur.I titrrtr -1- S urrero . c rt-t- b pu.ot- Nir trot Nilrr r, alr- trtr. Sher rcsid ic o NM" il Frrrrt ' r A ilttt1ut .i tr rri Nr r,.. IIlokerlo Ic. ROSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Niniostcr RerStruIes F SmithBHA. Gi OtrANGNICAlNt t trCtHr tttt tcR O Oh Or t NIl--u HA-r'it v tro)c 1 Si A -B 1 THE UNITED CHURCH vi\rtitt titr.-o 0F CANADAlrriuNi Il.r Unilrtetd Churuh ttiSfiiril PastoralrtCharge ,tt. ir Luu-ciouo,d and He t rS.., rte il..]fii t NtN 1-i i S tir 1J67 trrrr, h.. pr HIOHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH -~~~I Itlt:rTi 1rrreOSTALrr ST. PAULS CHURCH t uRu'SfIAY otNfhA Xirvii[ t 1 i lsh THE UNITED CHURCH 4Srrr rrr.rhboni. 0F CANADA i tri ,r. Srtrrr ot sipý t t tr- \.t i itir S ruSi 'I: J.rvrrxSt. ,ct ie .tht-tir.. tir 1) nit-Bible Sta- i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i irrtt lN ii ti ttI Frlru er Meting, 1l.ir' prr1,il .tugpFrrptt'r tirttiFluor Lader: Settot' S i l il.d M.gre. 5 t i. Yoo Cým Makre Y \5 15 M or SIm -utc Or v iiuerpoxe t1r10 ,1rtr1', hSr rirt' tKNOX r tr1% 01i r srr. F iru t ý PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH ir ir crr iu.iu vRut Pr1tKt1(s i Nil rv, B.A. t KL BAi,-c . tr -nr r878 tiru 8782652 llit. l~in-Ocr , 1k11u cor sbhp tnd Invitation [0rail. ru-. kuicetbeture oit rd -r rr irrr - EMMANUEL RAPTIST CHURCN S " t' 5 S\1 St" t it t1t)7 t reote ia S treet, Mltorn iîr. Il.r \t.rrrcWruthp: Sioue la.ieftyto Coirs iot r e ritG.pt'sý X7804473 978-3542 tre rrrr-.trr ti st. - Cut (i ietiCti fiur. h ix Si NithO At tu 11)6lOti. lus? rit itt lgtptil Au triturs 945 r Sur.~ Subul rd tc rtrulto il-X tOi1r ri-Mo titiog Wrrrsip. CHURCH 0F CHRIST 6.50 pm.-Suug Serovice. OMAGH 700 p.m.-Eucnring Wrahip. 5 Tdratandgar i Nrsers .al Soodoy set-vices.Trfla Wedorirtlýv, O p.m. - Hible SIiNIIAY. AlSi ,'1trb.1967 Sîrrdp and raper Meeting. 10.001 a m-_Bible Sehoolci t We.iuexýday 8 p.m -Youang et lur al ges. etryter Bible Sttdy and i1-00 aur -Mot-niug WursMp. Prasur Meeting. IlOCp.n -Frecuhixg outihe Ait Are WMurrix WIrctrmed I'toe Claude i Atii r-ri (0, 1.ttt.rget, NiricLhro -d it e 1 a o t Ni %rond il. t h.r N 1 Caisson-Archer 'rtc of .r mots trifight irc e rt3rtc-.and Editb Ni. E-tcertt Tht' fanip ouituded brurbers Arcbre> Frustr (el cittt. ert. Ciar- cie lioglir and Gtige ait de- ut'.t'rtil.and a itetr Mts. S -5, i1 :t iiru)toiiWoodwsard ltic.r rcrrle lMî trrr Public 5tiWtt il beimertahting if-iliaitttcred rith Knor Fr.iu.-r.rLItrouh l'ancrai service rr.rrJuIv 27 rrrSu rtrcu-t.d Homne r ý- r C iet t % Ilirnrr ic i.t- lot, ritii% ýlt O -o -.. % F rrg reen t jjo(jr u p.riibearerx in- rrr-ittterr Chtr t'rand (sertir irs t..roc IcEachern. 0Rrri i cI.,.ý:ahco ,Drortgias \ticc. id rond Pe-ter r-ti, fMitot. Aaéewws antermspixk 1 ndrews, af Ram- elabras decoralted nitb pellon i r, died in the' roses and laillnwnite laper cao- i rai Huspîtal an dies tormed the seiling in c 24, 1%67, aller Rox Preshyteriax Cburcb un t fur neeka. She Jane 24 ai 4 -pm. for the' r 1h pear. double-ring ceremuxp îbaî uni- ra mias haro in ted Lynx -Denise Archer and1 wnsbip and latter Thottas William Casun in i rlixg. marriage. Ren. J. K. L. Mu- ved ho ibret' dao. Gomo ofiiciaied. David lion-j Enerett Ermai den ut Milton mas tht' Orga- I d; Mrs. Clarence Ottt. ,R.R. 3, Stirling, Tht' bride is tht' daughter ot trit (Pape> Higgs. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Arch- 14 grandchiidcen er of 316 Kingslergh Court, randeidren. Miton. The groom ix tht' eldext ngrsuoinehrother. son ot Mr. and Mrs T> W idie. ot Powox- Lasson o1 312 Kurgxligh sisters, Mrs. Agx- Court, Milton. rBelleville; Miss Ginen in marriage bu hier If L'Amahie and tather, the' bride mvas radian t .rddie, of L'Am- in a fluor length grrsun ot ipredeceased hp ruhite ligared latcesutith a scoop- homos Andrews. cd necktine. and tirted hodice. 1 tuas hcld on the ftoit kirt tvsresbanccd isv26hatrtheDol oitb seall(pr-dlatrtt, notlre,: 'ral Horne.,Stirl. oser netand illeataredrsrist iength porntcd stecues. A nReid. Pembroke rm.ttt'bng detochahie train oil litrai St. An- lace vsnob xcaitttptd edgc îlots- trerian Charch. cri iront tht' tuaist. A rucdding ci.ted. ring head-d rerr rrrth trvou brrr s vre ber grand- ros% er 'd ber elhors tength iOin', Thomas recilShecarrred alrwhite Bible vScort, Raebarn otth rcd rrrre-. and stcpbanrtts. liggs and lamer The' bride, attendant, aul o%,c nart.btg Irti e , or ]n Stirling hlCm St Witri F Col- 0 lKio ,beoier .rrr-cded bcrlxster or _______ ri ol oru ina l letritb 1nittttrc rttle ,jttt r tact. htrdruc-. irret' quarter McEaChern lvad he A Miltonrrserarce-sta uttmh cenutr-d %svirlt,%oroster tr Jantes Claude ord tulle teil voh ctrlntmatch- dred ai Martinrncrg br sthoi nred ber ht'ad ai Cntenial a- 'i, ouiand he u.rrrcd a cas as Jlis24. -;2er .rcd hi Ocim, elo toittttse-d an ii- Tht d hreaalsi, r rr bhan aucar, h rdrmiseei, i St.. Nidton. Sep-L ocrriOSpteer 'Ard l,. nu-cc c i 07, Mr %IcEihern 1rIre tride .ol Nil-ttodrir['p- PLZA OF OAKVIRLE 131 Spen Rd. eKerr St. Air e Free Phono iCondition.d Parking S 4-55 Let Time Today "TNE CAl" and "CAPER CF THE GOLDEN BULLS - 7.30 p.. STARTS THURSDAY "The Sound of Music" w it JULIE ANDREWS Mtines Starday end Sunday 2 p.m. - EvsnlngnSa p.m. ]e ut Port Elgin, lite long frieird ut tht' bride. Tbey more floue Iexgtb matubîxg ensem- bies et gold crystai cbarm and rarried xusegaps ut white noms, peilon roses and blue crtriowsers. Thet' raîrrhearer anas Mari- Ivo Speer or Taro, niece ut the' bride, mcaring a fluor lexgib gomnofutbloc cru" stal chat-m. and a corsage cf vellon sucet- heuart roses. Yvnne Schomacb-- orr of Miidmauand Janice Speer ot Tara, nieces of the' bride mere fhumer girl stucaring ftitor lenorb matcbing c'tsemrbies of rote pirk cruxtal ch.rrmi and of ,t hr c. vo ors,, pr oL c t rrao, t au,! hatcq aiser AIt cure pc:ri necki c-es. a gift tri the' bride. Wayvne Casson of Milton tuas grrorinsman for bis brotbcr. Tht' obers ts cre Albert Cas- son, hrotbrroftrithe groom and Jobs Ba,,tt. a lrrend ot the' groombhtr f i iton.Th' recepîitrn susbetd in the' eburcbh parlorrrr Th' brtdeýntrer rec'treri wern nunt green hatht drex-coflirgorei atio brccade rritb nratcbrng tie riartec iot lcteredbharand and aorat'r.-of scusst rb' o Ituer Tht' groom', rturetb-eueerrltucr tog.racrcr,teen oriiedhbro r.ui. rhcath dr,-, berge b.o .r.u csr esand a.trtsage of trureetheattrose Ixe.rrng tort rhcrr turnesoun al Muot Auriodg% Mount bridrt%%ore ar uclircr empre strie ltrocsdit-r, emrpireucrt ofh il ce a--re inesrr 1% iiiii. tric-c trt-d orths ccxr,. tut (re t t ot The o. r nl'ilhm morrioge. A surprise partp and prexen talion mas beîd bp tht' statf nI the' Seirite S-lare rr bere the' bride mas empiuped. H otesses of shonera net-e Mis'% Juner Graham, Kingsîeigb Court, o bituben shoner; Mns. Prank Senicar, ingsleigb Corurt, c misuelîaxeour show- et'- e punîry shoner ginen top ,Fi, Suotucb ooup. and a linen rbntrcr given bs auxis and relatives ot tht' groom mas heid aI tht' home utfIbrs. T. W. Casson. MR. AND MR$. THOMAS CASSON (ns. Lynn Dsnies Archer> MILTON 8784272 show Tii... 1to x u N. d'Y:.UR RQ 7 à9 .m. r THIATRE ansmd 2p. THURS!.-FRI.-SAT. AUO. 1011-12 "EASY COME & EASY GO" - Color ELVIS PRESLEY, SUZANNAH LEIGH "ACCIDENTS WILL MAPPEI-r - (Cens.on> Matins. Saturday 2 p.. SUN. - MON. - TUES. - WED. AUG. 13 .14 .15 . 16 "ONE SPY TOO MANY" (Color) <Robert Vaugbn, David McCaIIumI "ISLAND SPLENDOR" 'NAUNTED MOUSE"' (Cartoon) TNURS. - FR. - SAT. AUG. 17 -18 -19 "GOOD TIMES" (Color) (Sonny & Cher> "RIDE THE WILD SURF" (Color) (Fabiarn, Tob Hunter) Matins. - Satarday 2 P.M. le the MUSICAL TALENT o? your chlldren heing wasted t o"s'O'tf. 'tort; ah b3t'Q OiOId ~ chold, él lfoQt Today's parents want Io give their children a mumlc educcallon OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE CONDUCTING A MUSICAL SURVEY offering a NATIVE ASILITY ond INTEREST TEST n the privacy af your home without obligation or cosf ta help answer thexe questions. For Information F111 Out & Mai To: CANAiDIALN ACADENT 0or NusNc t 200 MAIN ST, MILTON NAME-------------------------------------------------------------- APMPROVED BY:) ADDRESS .--------------------------------------------------------- ---------_a-j1 ~&" U'121j P pa _E _- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- --- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - 1 & Church Services] tlrrnorrcrguertr .riteoding tht' trctlrhnp tere Mr,. C.Reuben Fi,rxnonftri Brntiucd. grand- niler) thc-prortm and Mr. anti Mr,. It.rrrriuiC.rsttn ot Stratiýrrr. uru't t .rrrandmn rnctc tri ticrerom.Other gues precrirot Tara., Sud- ma.rPort CredO. Brunttord. Strfford, Trrtru, hotbamp- to Kttuhu-i-er Prr Elgin, t3rbbrotroAu tr. Mitotrnd t,%,trerrs.tttti Tht' bride o ru hrrnrred at o-rerdthucuprurr to ber à \-%0,46 My chilci? 9 beeý? shouici 1