MORE STAAS HONORING CENTENNUAL Dear Sr: The writer was quite inter- ested in your reference ta Ex- po 67 stacaps metioaed la vour Jottings. Sbouid you care ta entarge on Iis at another date, bere is a compiete list of ait sucb stamps issued ia fionor of ourecentenniai up t0 two weeks ago: On May 30 Togo issued sev-' en denominations and aiso a sovnir sbeet. Rwanda repub- lic issued a souvenir sbeet of stamps. Iretand bas stated that it is atso participating <(num- ber not known). Jugosiavia bas issued sis stamps (denominat- ions not known). The United Nations bas issued tbe foitow- ing denomisations - 4c Sc, 6c, 8c, 10c and 15c. United Nations stamps can be purcbased at Expo and may be used on lt- ters that visitors wisb ta write to any country wite tbey are visitiaf Expo. And cof courat, tbere are also tbe two tbat you mentioned. Yoo might atso state tbat al tbe above stamps may be pur- cbased from tbe paviion rep- resenting eacb country ment- ioned above, bot tbe oaly ones tbat can be osed on tetters and accepied by tbe post office department are ibose of the United 'Nations. Rwanda, Togo and tbe Unit- ed Nations are ail noted for tbe beautiful stamps tbey issue and I arn tookiag forward ta reeeiving some of them. Kiadest regards, 'Herb -Marshat, Hamilton. SEEK INFORMATION ON EARLY M.P. Dear Sir: Wite studying a aumber of Ontario politicians of tbe Con- federation period, t bave en- countered Mr. Jobn Wite (bora t8it) of Miltos, Liberat M.P. for Haton, 1851-54 and 18%874. t amn anious to obtain materiat wicb witt enabte tme to compiete a study of Joba Wite for inclusion in a study of pariameatary representat- ion. t arn especiatiy anious ta teara is date of deatb and interest in business and econ- oric developrnt. Aay inform tion wiit be very gratefuiiy received and will beip record tbe career of an important Confederation poit- icias from Haton Couaty. Yours sincereiy. Donaatd Swainson, Assistant Professor, Dept. of HistorY, Quenas University, Kingston, Ont. ERIN A majority of Weitigton Soutb voters believe tbe gov- erament is playing too large a raleinstbe ises of Canadians and tbat indisiduat initiative sbould be alowed to tara its so rerards. Tis appears to be tht trend of opinion as ex. pressed by constituents wbo bave becs returniagthte ques- tionnaire distributed t ast msntb by tbeir member of par- liament, A. D. Haies. Ques- tionnaires continue ta 6e re- turned to Mr. Hales' Ottawna office and is staff bas been snowed under and ix runaing bebind in compiliaz the opin- MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Baeu ins Roud West of Hhuiway 25 at Milta Opta DalIy ta t030 pm Friday & Saturday tu t2JO - m. Sunday 12 nomn to Il p.m. SUCKUTS 0F FLWOR- CR181 CHICKEN 8 Z oe, .Chieken) $199 12SesFour $3.09 14 mees Six $3.59 16 PSee"va Sevea $4.14 18Serves Eight $4.62 21 Servea sNias $5.25 24SPeeea 10 $61 36 sev 5 $9.09 ADD TO YOUR DINNIRS OR BUCKET SFECIALS Bos Freach Frieto Serve Six ......... 0SA Six Roua ...... .. >. ........ 1 Cote Siaw .................. Siagie Order Freaeh Frisa 20c Six Paeks ar Haaey . . ...n - -. -Lo SP CIA FR Z NJA F FLO [4IuIq 4 IEI SPECIAL! MONARCH SALAD DRESSING m 32 FL.OZ. JAR CALIFORNIA S FINEST! NO. 1 GRADE! VINE 3 LARGE CANTALOUPES RPN IE FROM CALIFORN lA! NO. i GRADE! QUART MATINO PLUMS BOX FAMOUS OUTSPAN BRAND! -% RED OR BLUE BRAND BIEF PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 9,10.i1.12 SPECIAL! NABOB INSTANT COFFE SPECIAL! SPEC lAI' 610OF DUTCH BLIACH JAR 9se 24 FL. OZ.ff PLASTIC - BOTTLE W 96 FL, OZ.A PLASTI C BOTTIE M49 SPEC IlAL!' IDOMESTIC SIIORTENINS PK. 3Si SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES BETTY CROCKER MACAROON 13ASEROEZ.m CRisps CELLO BAG VDINNmERS ' PKGS.8 4 SPECIAL! FANCY ASSORTED SPECIAL' WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE AYLME14 lFL. àUAPS 28 FIL. 5 PA S 1 L 2TIS 48 BcEANmS&mps2OZ EL.rRSU SPECIAL' FARMHOUSE FROZEN SPECIAL' POLSKIE OGORKI oCHOCOLATE 16 OZ.3: LIA 44 DYSOms ______CAKE PGPICKLES r1YT1 SPECIAL! BETTY CROCKER HOMOGENIZED SPECIAL! HEINZ 16' FL. OZ.l PIE CRUS'! 8180zZi SI WHITE BOTTLE l MIX lUPKGS. iiMam 33 FL.OZ. w - uVNIOvm *OTTLE U SPECIALI IDEAL FOR SAKINO OR RILINQ $YWTHEPNICE c BACK BACON ....H...... LB.79c S5~ SPECIAL MEATY 6~l5L 54 PORI SIDE SPARE BS...... 4 SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS UIAUNSCHWEIGEI, LIYER & BlACON or ,-. 7< 4 9 SANDWICH SPID IOLLS .......................ACH27 4 9 ~ SPECIAL! FENNYWISE DEEF DURGERS.................. 594 The Canadien Champion, Wadnesday, August 9, 1967Il3