Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 12

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MThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Auguse 9, 1967 ters. Elizabeth Brinhmae. Ohcrrabmcdc. Germaey. Ocar Eizabeth- On fis %sstînidotsisonny sp>in tîs tsts tg. itsotttsi ike sou o accoipiny me on an imaginars rip trough our village - imagieary for yuu, eut a reali- for me [busc many ears aeu shen 1 as smaii. At [bat time erraeds un foot as far away as a mile or tsrosserc not uncommon and 1 bas-c accompanied an older sister or brother un maey ut hem. We sili stan oui hy saihig on a coirom- boardwaih but for pedestrians, as sometimes ho roads [[ee anhie deep je mud. This sîariod ai the Mcth- odist Cburch on ho corner iuss a fied asay o ho south uf us and continued os dotto through [ho vilage. We cross the crck on steppin stones and go osc te h ihlu [oho north. Wc pass a grcy, eather- heaten oid bouse wich Se- ons s o our fathor an>! s hnoosnas [tho othor place" and is on a 50 acre parcel of lond acquired when faiher os- tende>! is farming oprat- ions. There are otd - fashioncd swite nars issus in btoom aong the edge sst sha[ use>! [n hc tho laon. so ttc pick a foc s u the% arc gîring off adoighîfl fragraneonthetoarm son shine. As we go siesteatong ho hiside îssss.5-sithc vilage st- ied [bai [ho porpte liiacs tbat ahound thero are in bloom and uc hbreakb offa est branches, as sterad\il] take us [e a bouse oce [other ide nf the s illico tthero ste arc tah- îvg a haskrt oI goodies o a shu t - it> son>! cf the lamilv, and sse îhsn k hoessit enioy a bouquet. We go pasitho ht.c,hmith shopyon tho right h.tnd ideofcithe orita>!.ndl s, ,:an hcar t ho r> nctng sostesi tr ,te ,te mniths sh.tycs ttc shoe o the hohsrsos t> [ho cmui Wssik hi,, are ,hodi on thefotst landitho rttad horse-hhd on tn.stouir tt ho rotds sae neol nt ng [so ho sorfaso>! ss îh sharp tosser, se he smith i, kopt buse Ilu s a tcmpts[iue lu tarry a whilc and satch as ho uses the bel-n lw o how up the tire. hec tîhos [he [onbs and remones terditsteel and platces it oni th[e ansit te posînd il 010o slt.Syo.m.sing [ho sparhs fiy.ï We arc at[owcd o satcb quiet-t v lîmtsho dorsvay but [bisy morning mc must hurry on. Coming oui on the icvl of ho sal[ov foor, wc hear a humming sound, and reatîne [bat [ho becs tfromt the apisry on ho right are mahicg use of [ho pretîn dav lu galber hsncs fi sm [ho sarloos hioss- OM.Ilis a littie ou ariy forî tho appie orchards te he n btoom but thoesild cherry an>! plîm trocs [bat dot ho lene ocorners arcesvhi[e mitb hio'sssms. WC pass the uitile n lit-v stre and case the main ruesi[s> o a[s on siosn a grassrcomtnen posi the ssttsrchoolbouse wsere t %illter gn s> sobool. Wc lookthlongingts inIe the cool ssssssisono.cb ide of [ho crook teo toIet, but rmît do- suer)r ha-bot hefere tome h.,rnscornes tsr t. We bnssso [boro are hte,. schussand %hite itt[cis ted Jach in-tho- potytt îher and [bat the green tusb lrns still ho tinldetl e- stigh [s> ho fresb and prolt.y but %%e crsts oovr [ho foot brîige b.,t labos tîs cross the Tssotre SMie Creoh sshich 1 hase meniened holore. The bridgeela wide cnough fsor peopslo [o mccl comtort- sbts and tierr iqs s mooden htnt l sl.tong tho ide foc yrotecttion. Theco are îhrec cornent pitiars spporting il andsit is approsimatelo 90 foot tsng.andi ahout six eed .sbssc tho setr-moshe more. The bsttonîof thebcech aI titis ysiot S, csrored wuh Sti hgo bs>ou drsaroued %shifh [ho sssif[is [iowieg 5555r toakes mans su ding udstîes [t %vesstand stili aed loosk ssci [ho r.itsng nie [ho sstor.tit lowtsatay from ii, 550 cari merrily sai away sttriste.m, but.as soon as wO ilt sssr tises o ho land on cadi sideofnItho creob, tho urnes ends. Our i-tîttcailtrsitp oser - te contnuse o ho httt-iie shsch s isot cd sitîh hlrubberv .snd s-rs tcep.Tht- sl a short cul aondt s, tt -ci a-loit vpois pie gocco op .aedl citrsIllie Si. ssssssletop- ssth .s [band roai mk ite.ioiluit Ilsos ai %rahoncroslsît[hem se %%C loselhiiIc c S-nu, corne ou itohec sf055 t he top sst Ile Sii rWCVc coo Se nn cisiher c-Snti-c, bu> i il us> Hîghs il o sitemd te >!stingussh t iim tho part ottheoviltlage ihis tic, sn the taitroy. There arce bal odoien or su outse ib ispart of [ho village as, soti as [ho hi, ,quatreo cc-mont blockbuiSîstt>!ss tsich is ho ietephsrne oticO, Theoteicphssno -mpaiisis pri- s--t scîs 5>55 tics!hses! hoetoi hoencuilding il familial- tsiu, al %ste oe eegiso ritti iathe sitssý,mtmeime, ssci-b ifsr the ssssnec bhs isî osirys pistelsnd tbr eqsipmcr n Ater ieisîotusr Sbouquet ishioh ;s mss>sil pprrciîsosl aod the b.îshetîshich cosnlains i- rd îyple an-ti , daiet ccpcîb os ste s-r t Sacb Thi, lim-e c sei-e dlown tSe iti Sttav oftho rad insi%%scocitt gcpis> [tho gris> milI ses! tSe pondsiThore ila citasibridge-oetrhe b-can- .tt ikoti ti-p oSIstti h>>reins hoîssoe te pod n tshe mill tS.> t coal thtir i-SOsSut 1 dît nît bnsîssscbs il il se namosi Wc-s tit o, oe he brisdge h-osovr -bis>tti e off ansu ssitschiogiheonurh ,ide oftthe pondstitii%%cecome [s> s taire ooîdls Wr bntrm- ste rill finit millire, chsprii,- hoitss tmmsnls oalled b.t>jsstfîtt ,mailse, pick. hlî>c tes %i sb ons,eamc lenliese sceeds stsis -in ho [ýi-Sri I . i i sue sc-S i ts- Ih, i-i c ravci asnssthe sil ],-,sk TIhs> tristefamits ýN1I cniý% th t-o e gatlher quilerise atits rsinf -ur osetytsho 5>5aa> cntaner Ttes.,;, trier tie ctl n,% >then ihN>ir-iSng andter-n the sttrciaS-lt t sts-iin focPai ttiae ojti-b udt csstssslir. butsif th[e i Su>tsbirsn orI hem o ,toksiistsint. s tilha, born krî-5sî citehappentbal scbest Icboist %hos ac oSt par[iali i, took Ssssotroos syt ho Wo ao re Nvrm nd .ts oysi-s isstessnrobisbforshomesnd ,%,-ps- Setsret o bhave ma acspcteocii-ste, thon rtrac )i- tisccasttecsnrb th-ho itI tt-o aribssme Thiss Sos p.rsscsia tors ptia.nî sisisi-ondiotlbspe vou base IlosI regards, Fl FANOR COULTER tcsSit ho beet iuch anp rnaoec.trrhae isnst[nbhave hec»ri orn Sut [bat soidont il ucckhnts à à* ytotali Milton Police report il acci - dents occarred vaithin the d&- partmen's jarisdiction daring July. The crashes, fine ot thein caasing more than $1te dam- age each. caused a total prop- erty [ast of $1,325. Total accidents for 1967 50 tacr is 112, mitb Jaly's one in- jury bcinging the naseber ut people han jen collisions 10 Fie bt-andrans mccc ce- ported. The mrjtrritv of motor inci- dents occucie>! bcttoccn 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. und [ho pcriod bc- tmen 1 o.m. and I10 a.m. re- mained accident-tree. Satucday mas the mosi seci- dent-prune day for Miltonians. Total properif damage for the vear sruftac s $22.040- Exhibit fautures, woter inwprtace Use and importanceut ai a- cbas incceased greatif se the labt 100 yepars. and [bus. tugeth- or stiti sumeofaithe oern oays ut cuping ssih idayts toater problomts. arc leatured [bic Nureat hoOnlatiu Waicr Rosourcos Luermission's exhi- but pcogi-am. Visrs t [>rirec upcumteg Ontario [airs antiexhibitionls stiil ho hoswn hast %%aie j> osoti today. and gise n an out- lire ut toutretajor OWRC pi- ecols. înctudini;[s ,Greatl L.ros and sîrtîhere Onrtarit> surson opraio sstien pipelines. an>! nuns iual staste urorgam. Tire tlisjr %il >bc11h,,%%ttn al Io.rrrtngttte. Peterboroîugh. Ot- [>550., Toronto.r. .îîiîtr, Sirt- ford 1.Marbb.trrr m i-rii trttn[tr ml h ibcit ice ssîtb a litI-Irot dtspl.rs tri the Octantrisorut mrît bildcing ai [ho C.,nttiasiNa>tional.riEs- hbihtiîon.rnd atsnia lier- shrbi[ a> the o Rt.> aroWter Fiii Nýd%.rs rrr e ai »dors n-t detormînst%%ho rir 5t - unis mbr usi, ci> Il ~Iiampîon Lawrence - Axworthy MR. AND MRS W. C. LAWRENCE mere marrted recentiy ait Christ Chti rFisArglican, Clarbson The bride is tSe former Catol A-îîAxwr oshit aughrer of Mr an>!Mrtt George Au- worthy, 20t Street, Newt Toronto The greorni sthe son oh Mr and! Mrs Cnc I Lawrence, Oabvîlle 41 Senior Ciiens Tour Toronto cty hall, High Park Fotsone members ot Mil- to Sonistr Citiicont Cub jour- nos oi h hts ftctr[1atiu f T- roses ,ils- halestn ad-o b Meeîtio i Wr> iltSbilant Atlen je rlie coiSicit sb.shrs T b liitîsbtnston.0OC reosnslos -m c[srt ttt lishoc n u -if titobs ssbu. b stre %scoit ce sots >1 bh> Src Allen. Allttn-îilsssi f si,- ic-s hthe ciigamtrrbcs-of Miton, toii ndti SicAtlen repiied, ,lin htlits ho togbt il tsi b>- bs-tes-I itiot [bol MttStnhcosnlo tatibtrh of Aller telir liy lissittour. tho diS oSitStotS sorce ecr bnt Sttcn fliSrsctoExcOtt PLAIES TO GERMANY Mtiss Rose ftiisîiit 00r>of 54>5 S Streeot West lits reýiirne>! trosnt .s iîstr \teob liîebt trip [o Germ.Sv nd tssiAtttria, wshere sho w.ts iitog telatives ted lei(I o t- the (,tttSlis>t iSSt>tin lligh l'isissatt S-iiiisotiaiSve- 1 , iikor ,- s t» rhey tîSner ttttkesl Siindt he park dnti- in, tbr li(ti iiSiStf1reser or- Early councillor's descendant visits M - 55 555 t i S i i d U i tus iL 5 \115> Si fl M i St:" iS i i i i i uc tC l .Ss ill Msliimd s >i~ SSi li 0,1 5 [[5~5[ .5551 55555 S5 St 51> ranfement, .rndi l.sing pietur- Afier alstore seated in tbe bu.s ccady forr homo. presideef Aenander Woî son on behali -i, the club îhanbod the driver teni sclctrmosiMiss Icene Htttf man, [hoevesses I membor anc hasi [he hirtcbd.seirng sang il ltih L.ting Manriofth[e ladieu 5t[rîîed BtS in trie [cîditional The members .,rivcd hart il, Milto>n ai Sta'sotschitref :ilt5p.m.anditeano romsred i 5555 alorrilir day. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Optomotelst Tuesday 9 si to S pin. Friday 9 &.M. 10 9 pi. 184 MAIN ST., MILTON (Davis JwlemBd. THIS BOY NEEDS DvesGUIDANCE Diesage 16 to 24 were invoived in 74,500 accidents on Ontario roads last year-an in- crease of 12 percent over 1965. Fatal acci- dents climed 660 lives in this group-an ncrease of 10 percent since 1965. Yet statistics show that drivers who graduate trom approved high school driver training courses have tewer accidents.. . far fewer traftic violations. This year, about 275 Ontario high schools wilI have driver instruction courses approved by the Ontario Departmvent of Education and the Ontario Department of Transport. These courses are under the control of the local school board and principal and do not interfere with regular school classes. If there is a driver-train- r.: oreciorofsafeiyEducatinHighwaysafetyBranch. ing program in your Ontario Orparirient o Transport, Quens Park. Marriage vowe were eschang- ed beiween Carol Anss Ax- wartby and William Cccii Lawa- rence in a cercmosy at Cbrist CburccbUnited je Ciacrkson on lune 10i. The bride is the dasghter ut Mr. and Mrs. George Asssorthy, 46 201h Si , Now Toronto, and the groom is [he son of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cii Lawrcence of Oakvilie. Yciiow muns and white giadioli decocated tbe churcb for the ccrcmoey. which mas pcsformed by the Rev. Robert Oliver. Alan Gent mas the or- ganisi and Mrs. Vers Cook, the soloist. The bride. as she was given n mariage by bier father. iooked loseis tn a flour e ogih dress ai white organea oser taffeta wigh ftied hodico. scoop nechlile and cîhose iengtb sieeves. Her A-lice sirt wbicb was ce-emhroidcrod witb Chantilly lace aînd crsst- cd with seed poacis, iormcd .a flomme pareleidtrain at b6c.-t She more uncoibot tongîh vcii ot pure silk ilusio, casght up to a hcadpiccc of white bosoardia flossers. Hec bouqset mas a cascade of white carnations acd ils-ut- tho-vaiicy. Mrs. Aimlan aggrt mas mat- roi hocorMiss PtFrancis and Mcs. Paul Hansen mccc bridcsmaids, acd Miss Jane Labe was a iunior hridcsmaid. All were dressed alihe je tful engtb guwcs ot apipie green <tgasca ovor taffeta je empire stvIeics-[ th low iengtb sicces -a.nd Aine sirts. Thi-ce maching oeg.i oea roses lcd ic- i» a u i lngih panel ai back. Tîtoir he.tdpioccs ocre match- tin organaiross and [bey rc.rried cascades ot yeiiow moissatd babv roses. f The best man stas Nelson Lasseceo brother of the groom, whiic AI Aworthy, bru- bher ofth e bride, Paul Hansen ted Calsin Ligtloot servcd us OAKVILLE PLhpo bois stotoactive dsr- m t[he [broc d.tv Oahsiit, Littes Clubh tressai .rCotron- ation ParkrhntristsiOahsiiic Qabstîle police asid t i.,cast e dz icozns îosrîcd los- t g lhicr dtots urng tir: if ,ekcl.ot Sortir storo tuant tr ittuiqSoi rctntents.[t is es- ît im.,tot ho pickpotckets stule d 500 turi19tig [ur tbroc do n stav in he t,wc ashers. Robert Thoropson wss the pbotogrspber. Foc tbe reception held at the Ascot Inn. the brides rosber ceceived je a matching coat and dresef pick pure silk. sith bond beading around the collar of the coat and neck of the drcts. A matching piok toile hat, porte and shees, white gloves and occhid cor- sage comp[eted the ensemble. She was assted by the grooms mother je a dcess of heavenly blue crepe, whke tlte bat, white aoceesorle and a corsage of wbite rose. Tht bride chose a travelling outfit of shrimp colored Sitk sbantung dress and jacket on tbe A-ine witb matccing tsar- ban bat, base coiored acces- tories and orcldd corsage, for hcr wedding trip te Virginia, North Careina and Washing- Out-of-towne guests mere I rom Bermuda, Califoreja, Ro- chester, Odessa, Milton, Wind- sor, Hocnby, Guelpb, Brant- lord, Welland and Georgetown. 4 j Capable Hands for Your Furniture Your present furaiture doesn't itiin ...looke its age? Don't buày nels furniture! Tasteful, inexpensive upluolstery is the answer. MILTON LUPHOLSTERING LORNE ARTHUR R.R. 3, MILTON S70.909!_4 ~aGjeaT H STYLE T he womas with a good heed on her shoulders lots us style her summer hairdo in the most beoming, fash- ionable way. Our expert stylisis are alseaya on hand Fushkion Oeuuty Louage THE HOUSE OF PROFESS[ONAL HAIR STVLING At 171 Main St. Phone 879-9533 BreatFless in Highville 1 I Ia - SAVE MONEY on a FREEZER NOW 25 CUBIC FEET ONLY s219 Other Freezers for As Low As $159. ISAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL 0 BUY ON EASY BUDGET TERMS 0 RICHARDSON'S RADIO & TV lb We Service I many paths ONE GOD many colours ONE RACE many countrie s ONE WORLD THIS VITAL YOUNG RELIGION - Phone 878-6949 200 Màin St. E. MILTON What We Sell

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