Dont Break Babys Bank for Cash - Get t With a Classified Ad BIRTHS IN MEMORIAMS 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE ANDREWS - M. and Mrs. Ja- MORRISON - tn las4ng rner- 3.888 BALES of hay. Ran Wil- mes C. Andrews 1(nee Mnia) ory of a dear son and brother, son, phone Carnpbellville 854- pieased ta annoance the birth ed away sa suddenly Juîy 26, A n-r ' o hi agtrShrnLees, 1954. FRESHLY eut bay in the wfeir uh terbs, oShar lon fied, 35c a bale. 878-9244. wegh 0ls. 4az. a MltnWe da nat need a special day, 2cl2-43l6 A District Haspital an Friday, Juiy To bring yaa ta aur mnd, 21, 1967. Far the days we da niat link PICK yaur awn raspherries, P e s r ERSKINE - Bob and Karen af of yo. 25c per pint. Supply yaur ama P ea ur 194 Riverpiace Cres., Miton, Are very bard ta find. baskets. Na ebjîdren under 12 happity annaunce the iirtb of If att Iis mrd were ours ta years. J. L. Wetberett in Kil- tbeir daugiter, Lee Victoria, give, bride. 2cl2-4178 meigisi 5 bs., 10 aes., at Josepb Wed gise il, yes, and more, _____________ _ Trip Brant Memoriai Hospital, Bar- Ta see tbe face af Gussie" dear lingtan, an Jaty 22 1967. A sister Corne sriling tbroagb tbe daar. 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE WHEN YOU CHOOSE for Jarnie. Always remernbered by Mth. MeLEAN - Mr. and Mis. Alan erand Dad. sisters and brotb- 19 PIGS, 7 weeks aId. Wilson ONE 0F THESE L McLean (nec Burgess) af R. ers. c12-4263 McDawelt, 878-9463. 3c12-4268 USED CARS R. 3, Campbeltviile, are pteased YORKSHIRE boar far sale, la annaunce tbe birtb af Ibeir papers availabie. praved. 878- 1966 Mustang san, David Alan. meigtt 9 lbs.,9244. c241 10 acs., at Miton District Hos- 1 FOR SALE3c-4l 2 Door Hardtop 8 pitat on ,uiy 20, 1967. Brother BORDER Colie pups, btack V8. 4-speed transmission, ra- fr'Pattie and Scot. - SIGNS of al kinds. Ray Guay and white, 2VA months id, mate dio, whiitewaîts, wbeet dises. MOORE - Ken and Phytis of 878-2t50. c8-3163-tf and femate. 878-9107. 3c12-4271 Lic. 82520K. e Campbettvitie are pteased ta OE AD-ratr- a HOLSTEIN cow, fresb 2 1965 Pontiac Laurentian annausce tbe arrivai of tbetr HM AE iefr weeks; Hostein heifer. due Aog. 4 oo san, Wiliam Ritcbie, weigt7 camping. 878-9649 . c2-4273 24. Camp(seitviiie 854-9828.4Do lbs., t a., at Joseph Br anit CRB and carniage, gaad 3cl2-4384 Lie. 212336. Memariai Hospital an Jaiy 19. condition. Pbone 878-2445. CHOICE Brder Coulic paps, 1964 Galaxie 500 Sedan 1967. lc12-4245 tri-cotor. Rosemary Boothb, 5409 V-8, pwer steerisg, power L NADALIN - Mr. and Mrs. Hen . _- Higbway 25, Miton. 878-6319. braises, autarnatie, witemails, I ry Nadalin of 3159 Base Line SIDEWALK ire engtne, oarge 3c 12-4266 wiseel dises. Lic. 77088E. Rd. are pieased ta annoance the enougb ta ride in. $12. 878-3167. birtb af tlier daugbter, weigt c12-4261 D06, Beagle bitcb, spayed, 141 1964 Ponuiac 4 Door 6 Iis., 5 ozs., at Mitton District moitbs aid, bas bad distemperl Hospital an Saturday, Jaty 22, lt1-BUS. bog feeders, 035.50 and rahies shats, icettsed. Dagi Sedan r 16.A sister for Sasan, Henry eacb: and 4 6-bus., $24.90 eaeb. hou-r isciuded. Phone 878-2981.1 Automatic, radio, white matis, [ 1987d on br. 87"-175. lct2-4313 3c12-4250 1wbeei dises. Lic. A35519. A 3 TON of hated boy; rubber BLACK standard Poodie pop. 1964 Corvair Coupe tired wagon. 6 tans wiîh rack. pies, not suitaisie tor register- Mtai compieteiy averbauied.o ENGAGEMENTS 878-9873. cl2-4319 ing, wouid like gaad borne, can Lic. J10019. ______________________leave mother Juiy 29. Waatd 2 GIRLS- bicycies. 26, $25 and like ta get 4 each ta caver vet. 1964 Pontiac 2 Door Mr. Harry sham of Miltas 117; aisa t boys bicycle, 24", tees. Coul afler 6 p. m., 854-9923. Hardtop Parisienne wishes toanasoasce tise engage- S20. 878-9365. cl2-42461 3c12-4259 6 cvinder. automatic. radia.e ment of is sas, David, ta MissiILc365 Marie-Terese deMerse af Tras-1 BRAND new Raeigh racerl i.365 10. daugter of Mr. Aime de- s"ths Sturmry - Archer 3 - speed4 ML ENSFR AE 193Pnic auetn Merse and tise late Mrs. deMerse bar shif t. Phase 87"-543. 4IMLMNSFRSL 93PnicLueta of Motreai. The wedding ta irt2-4181 Two Door be assoasced aI a let date. EBERSOL grain isower, 3 V-8, atomatic, power steer- C.E. REFRIGERATOR; Beat- hp. mtar. 878-4800. 4ci3-4262 setaimstmts he ty stasher; io good condition. idi-erabloc, witils. wineior. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oil-j Campiselvilie 8542478. JAMESWAY silo anloaders L iscsblcki4080. itrir. mas af R.R . 2,Campiselivilte. I c12-4306 and hrs cleaners. aild and i-Ls. 1100 are pteased toanasoonce the en. stalted. John Rdgeway 87"1675. 1963 Mercury Custom gagement of tieir eldesi daugis- ADD4ING MACHINES typse- 4c124312 2DorH dTp ter, rance Iree, toMr. Cr-sriecs for sale or retstai. Phase2 orH dTp ten Frcaes triese.tauber- !078-6962, Harris Stationary. MASSEY HARRIS 90 Specia~l Atomatie. radio. powe steer-' mibesoael Mr.he H u-rtaf -ctfMî7 cmbine, ncw mtarintaescel- ine power braises. power rearc Kithîde sa aIMr.Joh Ha _______________________lent condition. Aking $2,500.,sindow. white malts. miseet bert af Wnnipeg. Weddsg date 12 FOOT track piatformn witb Stantcy Gormon, li3 undas discs. Original cor. ta lie annoanccd later. racks; 1951 Ford trucS, eqaîp- St. W. No. 5 Hmsl. Gakville.1 ped ta bondie grain. Phase 878- Phase 845-1901 ater 9 p.m. 1963 Mercury Meteor Mr. and Mrs. Stunlev Fuller, 6134. tci2-4252 4c12-4179 2Do ado R.R. 4, Rockwood, are peased TRY Jane Draperies for tise Massey Harris No. 60 V-O, radio. wiitewaiis, wheei to aI nete naeet fbs n draperes andbrod-dtscs, 2-tone. motor comtstete- their daugiter. Marlene Jav. ta. lam store-to-door service. Free Sel65A63152Cmbne 1, 5088ae. Sra o Raobert John Honni, son of Mr.I estînaîrs. 878-2513. 1C4t80-tf 1) il. coi wth trow pad and Mrs. GeorgeeHanna. R.R. 2, 1t sd c-rerle sieta 196S 63 Acadian Etora. Tise edding ta taise REPOSSESSED new tursit- radsoe ctninxra 16 Aain place Septemiser 2 at 6.30 t m.. ore, ciesierlield suite ad 5 occo- god condition.Saio V/go aI Knox Presisyterian. Osyringe. sionai chairs. Haroids lphoi- PhaseSanrtionceagnw o On.stery. 379 Pine St. 878-2056. STREETSVILLE 826-2026 Imilcage. Le 94X lcl2-4267 4cl2 Lc.494X WERE movîng and must seit 1963 Pontiac Stn. Wgn. ANNIVERSARIES aur Inglîs custom, wrisger wasb-8 -Iidrauo lcai. e-tC, 3 years yo0058. hp - top cas- 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE Li ,itomai563adi Mn. and Mrs. William J. Ro- dition Luw price. Phase 878- - -- -_ bertson, ER. 2, Milton, wîlI cel- 611. c12482 1966 YAMAHA Tmîn, 3000 mi- 1962 Pontia:z Laurentianý ebrate tieir 601h meddinli an- B-R -M-i-sbnglw les. A-. 878-9393. 0124204 2DD Hr o nivesarv witis an open bouse, alumînum stanms and sereens, 1957 BUICK. in good candit- Automatic. radio, white watts, Monday, Augusi 7, 1967, ai Fir- paved drivewoy. tasdscaped, ioin. Campisetîville 854-9860. sseie dises. Very dlean. view Scisool auditorium ai Low- cetralîs locaîrd. near seboots. 5ci2-4318192IpaSueSor ville. 7.30 ta 1030 p..m.Gfs8830 c247 gratefuily declined. ct3-427 1958 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, Tua doîîr iardtap V8. auto. YOU WILL LIKE iuying yoar standard. Phase 78-9273. 6 ta matc power îcc.rîng. power buildings maicriols and col at 8.ct2-43it isnohcs. radio. white atis. DEATHS ~Cramirds% Campiselivitie. Oick - eril -ieldscWst u e DEATHS service. High quatity. Phone 1963 POtNTIAC converil - hohet eul scLWie 97343. -- __ - Campnetlvitie 854-2232. Ictf-4t6 8, automatie. good condition. Re- uktsas i.933 FAREY. Arthsur John - At tise - - yîy P.O. Bas 71, Milon. Guelphs Genral Hospital, on 39" McCLARY range witb 5ct2-43tO 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 Monday. July 24. 1967, Arhur wa sig ven and 2 utitity -Convertible Jobs Frey ai R.R. 2, Actîts.c- ise , - 1 odio , fuity au- 1962 BUICK 4-dour iardtop. V8,auîomaîic. power steering, toved isîîsiand ai Lotie A. tomatic mus coc and timer. comptete power cquipment. ex- pwrbaks-aio ht Steee; ear atier ii Hzel$30 8786114 evenings oniy. celteni condition. 8782694. hmrbass aiwst (s. John igi. the ofAcas te242OSCt2-4274 wmîli1s, mseci dise.s. Backs wiib (Ms onListli At tl-26 ed întcrîîîr.Lic. 55022. and Kathleen (Mrs, Elmer Car- ALLWEATHER ent traîlers. 1959 FORD Sedan, new paint. tun) of Rochwood. iceps 6, ail steel construclion mecianicalty OK, goid rbiser. 1962 Impala 2 Door Friends may eul] at tise Rom- trame. No dows puyment. 20 Georgetown 8772551 or 877-3577. Hard Top le-heae uneratliHose. montiss ta nus. Naw on sale at 54-00 1A-tmticradîi sio , w to Privale fuserai service millibce beid on Tiursdav aI 2 p.m. In- termesl Churchill emeteny. Flowers grolefully declined. b McEACHERN, James Claude- Hatos Manor, on Mondoy. Jo- y 24, 1967, in is 601h yeor. Claude, son ai James and Editis MEacsernsand brother ai Mrs. S. A. Pop (Mary) ofailMtas. 'M. McEacbernn s esting aIt lise MacNaos and Son Ciapet ton servicesan Tiusdap. Jsly 27 ai 3 p.m. Inlerment in Ev- ergees ccmetery, Mlton. CARDS 0F THANKS Tise amily oathelse tlcMes. Emity Oliver misis ta express iheir siscerc- oppecialion totise nurses and staiofHouas Cen- tenniot Man. ,D. McCuteis- eon, Re. Canon Mon. lie memiers aiflise Lodies' Ausil- iary Brancis 136. Royal Canad- ias Legian, tise Evenisg Star Rciekab Lodge 79, and triends and neigisiors. for thiai ex- pressions af sympatisp and re- membrasces during tieir rec- est ieravement; also lie Mc- Kersie Fuserai Home. ThonS you ait ogai. c12-4251 COMING EVENTS Bus Trip la Espo, Aag. 14-18. Par information, collt Ms. Tom Haines 877-4593 cottecl. b4-4038 O.P.Cui Co Wab. 41 uceni St., Adtos. Phase 8532114. lc42-643-t SYERéS Malernily Fashions, tops, sims. shorts, sirts and dresses hy Lognon. Cample and ltesI sles in malersilyc clolhing ai Syers Famniiy Fasis- ins. 228 Main E, phone 878- 2067, Milton. ie52-3469-lf CAR. TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- RES. new and used, oser 2,000 Kelly Springfield ires in stockh. ýàsues, tom pices; flts iscd,1 $1.25; wheels baionced. 51.00. We bave iatteries foe must cars and trucks. Milton Trc and Ru- citor Service, t9i Miii St., 878-2711. c52-3473-tf CONTENTS ai living and dun- îng room: Frenchs Proviscial custom made 4-se ate r chester- lîeld suite; maleiing tables; im- purted crystullatm ps; chandeli- irs; drum table; antique goid mirar; mariset able; iookcose; trench Provincial dising roam sute and itehen sel. Hem con- dition. asly 4 mas. aid. Phone Georgetuwn 8774208. 1 12-4309 SANDSTONE BUILD YOUR OWN. Patio Waks Fireptace mils ratuaiotSandstone. Brockton Quarry Phone: 877-4022 or 877-4218 lcl2-eow 1964 ACADIAN. blacis. ccd n-' tîîuor, radio, giuuitcondtion, 6, standard. Must sell. 11,000. 878 1791« i-42t2 1959 VOLKSWAGEN. good mii toi condition. sem heaises, clulcis. seeds sasse hîdv vorks $100. Cati Bnyun Share 878_2236: 5c 12-42 58 -i964 PARISIENNE 2-dor' hardtap, auotîîsuic, passer sîeeting. nadio, rear scat spea- ker, 2-iane. excellet lconditiion, 1 auner. rivole. 8789024> 5,12-4186 For Your Next Car ... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-6380 5t 7 WANTED G000 used iraclanr tire, 10x 28. 878-9107. 7c12-4272 t MESH pluspes, t igischair. us god condition. 078-3635. 7e12-4302 GOOD bosse for 4 part Pens- ian Silens. 79 Ciimmercial St.. 878-3613. 7cl2-43O3 ,acemode]. Lie. 97343. 1963 GMC Haîf Ton Pick Up Wiclc nau. radia, miseel dises. 1959 International Tractor Fult ir, Oib wbet .and saddie tîsuis. îcîidv ta gui Serial no. 807C. CLASSIFIED RATES Telephone TIhe Canadian 191 LMait. 87&-2341 Champion mton, Ontario DIcTits, DEATiIa, MAisaiAGU. FOTiCOUffl tAPIiiAGM .- GAGESIENTS 9- lisCharg. FmaiSAIZ, FOis tam".i. -U Jiaias hargeitiashU soue -c petii ird iSeresiler. isahiQniOtiiiiit is weouse êaaisi -5. so5uunt lmwd fur .htus il leds. heele h'e COI1NO E5512ili.Coana 0F THiotSa - $1.1% go, tet t" Ui. CLASSIFIED DSmPt.Y. REAL ETATE - $1,40 parsu tinchs. Dedethis cmu siuititiîion-5pst Mord". DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY 6 Tise Canadiian Champion, Wednesday, Jsty 26, 1967 8 HELP WANTED 113 FOR RENT 2 I-ELP for hayisg with some FURNISHED room fargentle. esperience. 878-6486. 8c 12-4305 mas. Phase 878-2622. 247 Elm. muaitd Cres. 13cl2.4258 WANTED. wumas for part- ime mark, chiches pieker. Hal- ELECTRIC HOT WATER tan Poullry Produets 878-441). HEATERS mitb f-ce service. 8cl2-4255 Phase Miton Hydro 878-2345. WR seed 2 ladies for pleas. 3t-2 ont telephune mark f rom auri GOINO os vacatian or Expo? Miltan office. Clt 878-3570. 1 Resi a traiter at Vaiety Camp. 8ei2-43141 isg Traiters. 538 Bronte Rd., FEMALE hooiskeeper requir. cimmcdiatety, top mage ta, 'igisl persîîs Apply lu J. 'Koch- sur. Adtos Limestone Ouarries, isclos. Ont. 8b4-978 LADY required for part-lime office and sales position, cvns ualty toit-lime empioymest pos- sible.. Write Champion Bus 181.1 8clt2-4765 FEMALE bookieeper requir-1 ed immediatly: top mage ta righl persan. Apply ta J. Kacs-1 sut. Actas Limeslone Ouar- ries, Alos. Ont. 8c 12-4248 ARE sou laakisg for part- lime mark ibis Fait? Enquire for information an opportusit- les mils Beelise Fashions. Colt Mn. Carpenter, orea code 519-1 853-1475. 8c 12-4092 4îb CLASS stoiianary esgi- neer required immediateiy, cx- cellent salon' and conditions of mark. Apply luoG. Aspden, Georgetown District Memarial Hospital, Georgetown, Ont.. phase 877-2294. 8bs4-9994 WANTED, persus misu may commute Ia Burtinglon or Ha- multon and wmud bc islerested in pîcking up a parcel in Bur- linglon us Mondoy and Tues- dos our detivcry in Miltas on a regulur isasis. Phase Jim Dilis ut 878-2341 ielmeen 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. 8.12-41851 PART-TIME BOOKKEEPER Bs Eteciticai Contraclor Es perîenccd in pricing and invoicing. Write Box 182 Canadian Champion 8c12 MARRIED CO0U PL E For home os ouîskiris ut Ha- milton. Mon for gardesisg, maistenanc- and bundymar csîscs; wmaman tan housework. Permanent aillpeur positions, gaîîd salaries, medical coveragi and smul bouse su pptied rent- trc. Reply givîng EXPERt- ENCE. AGES. FAM1LY, WHEI AVAILABLE and TELEPHONE CONTACT. Box 180 The Canadian Champion 8cl2 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED_ WILL GIVE day cane insm Eoms home. Esperieneed asd ,dependlaisie.Tel. 878-3561. 9ci2 4269 1958 Fargo Bell Telephone Truck i LOST OR STRAYEO Bîuuglîi diecîls t ram Be ll Teluphune in original candi- lin. Lic. 917V, GIRLS lantaise siseti rim glisses. dowstomn aiea. 878- 1958 Mercury 1 Ton 3362. Il c 12-43088 Tow Truck BLACK nvd o-ite part Spuniel Duoal tes V-8 mator, .4-dag, b rosvn causer studded cal- speet transmission,' 4-ton hoîsl lur ailsrame and phase num- nit boom. nc-i tucks cundît- 1 i.siude vciity ofTremaine its. Lic. Y3042. Rd. and Main St. West. Vent Itiendin. 8782180 aller 7 p.m. 1958 Mercury M-500 1c12-4315, Cab and Chassis Like seul. Lic. 2664V. CHOOSE AND SAVE AT Reed Redfern Lmited Where Used Car is King THE AD in this space lasI week Ontario Street South, Milton. mas stapped because il gat ne. ,sais, -tf 878-2393 ALL WEATHER lest traiters. h:and sem. complete mitb mat- îress and casopy. For informa. l ion, calt B.P. Cois Car Wash, Aelon. phone 853-2114. 13c3644-it SELF - CONTAINED 2 - bed- ruaS, aparîrnent for smatt tam- iiy. $65 a masth plus ose mosth deposil. Appiy sn persan ta Tex- ueo Stationsis Moffat.1c246 14 WANTED TO RENT 2 OR 3 hedroam bouse or ap. 1arîmeni. preferably furnisbed, .hv Oct. i. 2 cbildres. 878-6785. 1 14cl2-423 TEACHER requires 3 bcd- raum bouse in Miltas by Aug. a tst 15. Wîlt pas ap lu 5150.00 manîhis. Phase colleet 10 1C.ntmsns 945-2049 afler 6.30 p.m. i l4cl2-4159 PROFESSIONAL couple mith Y3 chitdres lu rentas tarnished 2 or 3 isedroom aparîment or bouse in Milton. Occapancy Auguslt1 or September 1. Colt cîtiteet Greenssilte 627-1903. a 14cl5-4158 15 PERSONAL WOULD lise former Margar. et Elizabeth Blackbiurn ut Mit- juin. bars in Toronto, please contact lise Res. M. C. McDer- mati ai St. Simon's Anglican Cisurcis. 40 Homard Si.. Toron- to 5,.Ont. 15cl2-4249 16 SERVICES ED. MCMULLEN Cantractor 0 Ptasterng. Cernent Work a-0Cimneys and Firepiaces 9. IDEsteniur Stucco in Plaslerisg Repairs k. Phone Acton 853-1818 16ci1 Weed Spraying E For compileemeed contrat inls awns and fields CALL , Formosa Landscaping 878-3263 16b-tf Custom Haying Swathing and Baling 878-3263 l6etf Septic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRUCE ENTERPRISES Operated by E. S. French and Sans Domestie aand Industiail. 16 SERVICES 17 REAL ESTATE Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippled and Disabled Caws and Horses 24 -Haur Service I ~ ~ Lic. Nos, 133,R? 208,U.2 Waterdown MU 9-104 1 Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROKEM 189 Main St. - Milton S21,500 fait pnice, 3 - bedroomn brick bungalow and garage. L- sisaped living and dinisg noom, ilcisen ils disisg an- co and ample cuphoards, 4- piece bath iîh colored fix. lunes, fuît hasement. This is as immacuiately Sept home and mcli landscaped. Terms. $18,900 (ail price, 4 - hednoarn spliilevei homne and garage. brîgbt kilehen mith ample cupisoords and dinisg area. large living roarn, etra roorn but issemesi. Terrns, VILLAGE HOME 110,900 tati price, 2 - hednoom claphoard home, living noamt mitb tireplace, large lot. COUNTRY HOMES $22.900 full price, 3 - bedromr brick home mith beautitut viem, on Ima-uirds acres, kit- ciscs ils lunch caunter and disisg area, living room mith 'roadioorn. $25.988 tati price, modern stase and trame home, situated os anc and a third acres, iteben ils saturai cupisoards. sep. orale disisg roam, large living rnm mu fireplace, 4 - piece bath, masuer bedroom mitb J- piece masisroomt plus 2 lange bedrooms, fult basement, breezemay and garage. Tenms. MILTON - 878-6869 12 starey aider type home. 13 FOR RENT î&c-tt ROOM and huard. 878-6829. 13c12-4307 --967 NIMROD test Iraitens, iutty cquipped. 878-2902. 13cl4-4232 16 TRAILER. steeps 4 fully equipped, iteb included. 878- 3209. 3c6-3895-tf 3 ROOMS and bath, self-con. taised apartment, adaîts osly.1 878-2926. 13c4301-tf1 Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Higbesl eashs prices for dead an disailed cams and bonses CA-LL OPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lie. No. 73RP67 97C67 1l1bctf FARM 100 acres. clase ta Miton, 4- iedroam home, ail convenien- ces, large banS barn. Asking S65,000. LOTS 10 acre lots, close ta Milton. Price $8,900. Termns, Cal 878-2095 878-6057 17cl2 Campbellville 23 Acres Wooded with Stream $12,000, 23 acres bard and saft moud bush mith stream, on gaod gravet raad, close to 401 Hmy. 155»08-D.P. with ex ,eltent terins. Campbellville 231/2 Acres Corner Property $750 per acre for this nleely treed, gardensosli wlth good frantage, an Guelph LIse and Sideraad, laeated 1(4 milea sauth of 401 Hwy. inter. change, This praperty cao lue divided and said in 2 parcels. Burlington 2 Choice Building Lots $4,888 each, far these scenie, sicety treed building loti, 150 f t. frontage and 250 f t. deep, as a goad gravel road, close 10 mais bighmay, in an area of good quality bornes. CALL BARBARA KING Tel. 878-3551 PAUL S. STARR & CO Limited 173 Wotwich St., Guelph, Ont. 17cl2 Por Service & Satisfaction conssIt GEORGE'S DEAD OR DISABLED STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid. Telephane: CAMPBELLV1LLE Collect - 854-2485 24-haur service. 7 days a meek. License Na. 106.C67. 16e7tf Peter P. Looser Carpentry Porm. Prisme and Trim Wark Repais - Alterations Phone 854-9886 R. R. 1, CAMPBELLVILB. 16cl2.eom Milton Dry Cleaners CLOSED FOR VACATION Will Re-Open ON Monday, August 7 16cl3 17 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE e 3-edroom bungalow a attaeised garage 0 eornpletely landscaped 0 noroadtoom inetuded e 6is N.H.A. morîgage a ceslraily laeated r PHONE 878-2445 1ecl New 3 Bedroom Bungalow LONGFIELD RD.. ACTON Cati Daytime 878-3262 n Eveni ngs 878-3262 1- or 853-2445 9 tt SCENIC ýESCARPMENT BUILD- ING LOT - Situated as the edge af the Niagara Escarp. ment. 3 miles tramt Milton, ha- vîsg a franloge of 360 fI. and an area of 2.4 acres, milh a treed secellas. Ideat site tan a splitlevel home, beautiful viems acrass ta Lake Ontario, OaSsilte and Burtingtan. List- cd price $9,500. Colt Art Pea- cock 878-6292 or 878-6447. DOUBLE YOUR PAY" - By purcbasisg a 18 acre ehieken farm ilb a 4-floor bars 60' x 40', mater la al(tonrs. hydra, capable ut holding 15,000 chi- ekens (contracts available co- vering stock and teed), 10- monm bouse mith 5 bedraams, 2 kilcisens, moden bath- roomn, P/A ail heatisg. situat- cd 3 mites (romn Milton. Ask- ing $35.888. Omnen open ta of- fer. Cati Bob Cross 878-4892 or 878-292, FOR RENT-In Milton, camp. eîeiy eqaipped restaunant mils 6 stoots and seating for 16, sepanate kitchen and stone- raom. Produceyparon stic ereamn. Take-out caunter. ample panking. Reasonable rent. INDUSTRIAL SITE" - Wth Hwy. 401 (nantage, eonsistlng of 61/ acres aeeess front 3nd Lise, Esquesing god adver- ising opponlusity, excellent gnound mater supply. Liited pnice $15,000. "ONE OFTHE PEW - Asmart 3-bedraom l1/i - storey home, siluated close ta public and higb seboots in Milan, epar- aIe living room, dining roam, Siieben, bathraam, P/A oit bealing. braadloarn. paved drivemay. Prieed ta seIl at $18,300 ilh 15,300 tatI down paymest. NOW RENTI.NG" - Milton5 Medicai Arts Building, 224 Martin St., Miltan. Profession- ai office suites. RentaI rates inctude mail-to-maIl broad- ioom, central ain candition. isg, "music" systern, parking for 31 cars. eletricity, beat and mater. "The Business Lo- cation in Miltas".Pan further intormatian, catI ýBrion Best. Buy and Seli the Modern Way - Photo MIS Members of the Bampton Real Estate -Baard. Office Hours: Manday thraugh Tbursday evenings until 9 p.m. 7l rT A 0 e "I 1 310 Main St., Milton, On.. 878-6292 878-6592