Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jul 1967, p. 4

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4 The Canaden Champion, Wednesday, Juty 26, 1967 MilIton bows to Rebels lose another squea If points were given for close stanza when he singled, ent 10 ed ones, Miltun Red Sox soud second on Doc McCucboon's ar be eading the Haton County bunt and scored on Bll Car- Tb Intermediate Basebatt Leagae ries single. o today. t was an all to-famit Ilt was a short-llved Icad as ilt iar sitaation Wednesday nigt the Hamittun club it for mno as the Rd Sox boved lu the tussînt Sir hait ut lhe first\; Hamilton Rebuts bs a nurroso inning and scured ugin in the o 3-2 margin. third inning for their three a, Ron Shannon scored the first runs and the win.t run of the game io he frst Bren whnbtheSuaecbtess- f Sandy leads Belles I to win number five s Sandy Cuttbertson stniltîi- ed ber tio streak ta four and ssetfed hcr strtkeuarecrdiau 72 in four appearartres, as she ted the Miton Bettes lu a If-t Irouncing over the Actîîn te,îm Mur day. The Bettes scored ire un n the firsî, onu in thetrd. onerin the tourtbisevn in tbe iflbh. anrî anc in the xth. Pat Burkifotder dîrubicîf wice. DeS- bic BUrkbalde-c itngtud tuicu, and Sands Cuîhbeîrt sosingted and înîpt'ed. Singes ent 15 Marba Watdie. Carat Ann Hearos, Sands McMuien and Cathi Houd. L. uno ingled tirrce and J. Hrst singted once lu ccouni foritheonlv 'rec hit, gten up bv Cuthbbrtson. 1linOther eague ;.tiiîn Horn- by îruttuprd Patrmît 22-8 onî Juty 19 and on frits 20 Gien Wil- Hatun Rural Sotîail actio thîs veek sa un- Cus le spltla pair oaI gumes, tasîng lu Pater- mua 5-4 and beatîng Hulon Ho- tel If-0. ln a batleleutoc unI Place alermo toka a4-0 lead 0in he second tovîng. ussrîtle made il 4-I in the isîh and ied theî scorc4-in theetigth. In the hutain ut the nînt aih Issu val, John Jaui bhil a home rn tu %inlthuganlet or pal- The Lowistle attack mas ed hi Deonîs SinctaimilS lira ilogle-. shite Haîotd Thumip- ,on, blu Kng, Diîig Cuverdzite. Gord Mrshall. Dn Halbur tosdeeteid lîrîbv If3.7, Mitron dloîsnd Omagh 1l-t, andt Oa'.ti e ritunced lDram- qtun 8-9. fuis 24 satwMiltont run aîrar stit a 151 tin oser Acton. Georgetowrn beal Haro- bv l49 tart il %va, Gien Wi liamscc DmOnagh 147. Girls' bal standings P W L Pli ,eotgciasi n If 7 f 14 (Iev OfWiam.s 9 6 3 12 Acto If 6 4 12 Davi tic 10 6 4 12 timaglit it6 f 12 Milton 8 5 3 If Drumqîn v 8 3 56 Itîrobs 9 3 6 v Paîteîîvo 9 t1il 2 oglon andl PSu Buck ailsin- gled. Lour'ille pîcked up lb re cons agaivil Haltîîn Hîlin bue irt î i nnir andîithlrne mare inîthe sconland cîcîtedlthe a i 1bches,;îv.Sncair l the asat irth a home ru and Issîl doubes. Jacques Fa- quelle tîîr a double und twn snges, Dan Heaherington cnd Larr Ciilling douled atnd sîngted,' Stu Dîtîbet singtud nire and Dog Citicrd.tte had o sangle. John Jarvis gave the Hallon Al Stars a5-4 %,n vr e b Ancaster r ii iiners mitha lbre ruon bumer' Sulurdas Lee blanks Brampton throws three hitter Sosihpati RobtL ee helil Brmîpton u,%%otit bi flic sifhi iin o ii, Subhit sfîîîi out ofîhe carea ailMtin lui- coite, %%on the gaie 4-0 Lee struek îui vive hallcci tnus ocltý IiMiilt ,core 1%%, run, lit e fulil coning as Rchatrd Clemeni tfoirci bihaittîubleiihiTrev et I Wilfb -,tilt ttItîtitonul ,Ilte i if he ,ri îîîrcît Joîhn Pensioi-.iucivSt Brusoplonvtiic fiecr Toti Bunîr hielîf Mlto oec unlil the liuîulh aeofJ.Pen Brian Biugbituv trîple. Boughtîfuîo iruncî n iv cci Juiors elect 06eW execuftive Miltron Juior iIlockci Club lletu CiC Irc irntti % cuici turc ai ithe Ccgti.ti 'huLa enng.Electeltoîîîîlilceiiecc Darc Bru-.lî -t-. ftictitf.AI Prtin sc-r-.ie.Muii tu Hoo~d -eretii tiandf.fi uîhh Ieasuier, Af Pailttiti 1-1 naotid as Manatiltcan luttiei 15thOIAA The members of ihe wi flie pc.ett' 1 htc isif fb, ieldcil uitAiugiii 20 Theoinatinctliiic fur tecutitutkiitlt 11\o suiiablicurpfiemevli liitSe 12 canexcittiie Aîtiuugit uSe metig ua pen tlItlhe go cru lpuhlic onf s ii n'en. aI ex culuor'. aicnded. Dihur temburs oftuf uSe tiearc fîtASoulbth.tn Soutuh Guurgr Flecher, Cbsî k Get vais. Murai Wbiileî a inu Diiug Hiail. COLD CAPER Asoong the variatios ofuth Srotch Reel, Iaditionat tutl dance ut Scttand, is the Rei ut TuttorS - a routine n-icl oiginted hecatuse of humai mtsry. Acrding 10 logent the hetated minister of o Tul loch countrypcbunch usual foond is soiting congregol ioun cavoting îo keep warn Thein hehaior ed to th1e de% etopment ufth1e dance inhir] mode Iis village famous. ioth SeBi.iiîpiîi tî 9lSii cn il lo 4ci - 0it I viîicf îî' . i TI i i l I ibtl B îî,l îîîcîi.îî t Vi, tiltii t toc ih t 90 TfIietcL'ilt lm titi- ,;lT-til -- fî-. i hai t \tt%-,ni nie gin- 1 1 1 tit a nti tli rîî tîîl îîî t,- i ti [t t o' l in li iiicr itîîîkîtt lt t Wa nt te know how you can... 1 Add brîglit nom batp 10 your home? 2 End panting and ete- cirmaintenance for good ? 3 Col boating csts? 4 locroaso the value of your properlp substan- rînly? Easy I Just cali us and ask te hear the j/ri n Climatic" story. BRANDCO INSULATORS ke Rockwood -8569971 el h BLOWN INSULATION kO Appied bp Epers wifh d, Spun Glati Fibre - i- Rock Wool, etc. ly 20 ears in Business i EASY BUDGET TERMS M. Roofing, Siding, Motel M- Deors and Wicdowt ,he iker ed soith retiabte pitcbtng thon re plagurd bs costîs errors. bue Rebets scored Issu rues un u bit, oasvatk and an errur je tefîrsti coing. Tbe att-bou dam- t aginit crocin telic uniinfling \\s iaiged ti Franîk Bertas- ou Be rla-,:,îîî babeen raicil a,-unc ilthi fasiest ptavers in bthe ague and sritb bis spced te cautd maîcriatize toto one ut the feague's top tielders ilf se ciuifd manage tu butd unto ic batl once ttc catcbes ap lu Hamlton sred the gane ainn r u iswosu i"glus and a tratk inthttc îrd inving. The Sux caille back ta score in the sibth Doag MeCuteen ssatk- cd, Bitt Carne duubted anîd Me- Cuiceen i uunded tird but vras picked ott ai boittean a tbruîr tram the tbird baseman. Bitt Carnie scored tattassingt ibai pta.N.HaEl McCutcheon F sciitcd on bis etfort Carrneb uuutld bavc rcpreseni ed 15e f tin.grcn and the gaine soautdT bas-e badtair un tiretv dîtterent complesion. There, in a nul- shelt. tie, the saga 0uthIe 1967 version ol the Milton Red Sos. Big Redl Carne pîtcbed n-it oing hallttotth e Sîrs. striking oui 12,giving op onlvlfourbits andti-,suing 'airt sosratks. Midget action Mitton Midgets rhalked up lau more soins in the part sreek's action, btanking Oak- vitle Mtrnday night 8-0 and squeaking bs Waterdon-n Sat- urday b5*v a 7-6 margin. The oins gisvethe mtdgets cigbt soins. two lies% and a single ttaggton daubted and singled, Naplor bail a pair of singleos, McKersie doubted and Harri- -un andl Es si mo ed, pac- îng the mtdgets lu a soin our bue Oubvitte tuant. Dance wsu thecsinfling pitcber. The midgeîs bIen- a 5-2 se- cond înning tcad and bad lto scr w n the sisthinn0010 for tbe 7-6 cecision ovcr Wa- terdosso Tet Hîoîd got on tbase fourltinmes in fttur limes al bat. He rriptrd in the firsî infling,got bit Si a Sallith1e ueon nd t gIn tbrougb fielders îttic in thu foit l andI suIS Nayior îrilted andI inglud. Faggitin invledi ii and pitcbî.îI fti' Mttitin a d l vitf is tits ind stixs tt.tk- andi ,truckiiontîix bteri, Ctark pitîbedt loi Watrr doss, o itiîiîisix iiti istiveL seven vriki mît fîttiigfine baller-. Claîrk anît fliiiiier SuIS cmipidfutoiitîun ~Îo,. HALTON RURAL AUL-STARS edged Ancaster A good cr trooisinners of rhe Big Four Fastbait League game anc up a 5-4 score in rhe rural ioop's anouaf en- mith dram hibition gaine in fomnitie Park Sarurdaynoighr. nessngon The stars inctudeil Lomnilie, Froror. Halon -foIFt, Hornbp, Patermo andl Omagh piapers Rural Ail-Stars edge Ancaster cr010 infielder fobnns Jarvisc eviîitHatîtîn Rural Soit- hallASars iii at5-4 iclîlrv ire r itel iîraleit Acaslîr pîiîsiiis Iiilite 14îmiitîtn Big Fru FriSil teifgle Satt The Prîîîisîîînerr and llAi Staîr, la,hedit ltiîsluPark t hetîru a.argtro wdlsctThe Att- Slan,'tîopre,,ncleîthterreum if the Iillîîiýi ruril cnîîp, ailS tae-frît, iSmagli t ir ile tlttîtbN. PîtcrtrPiilecîmîl aj j Itîtîci Att îiîtAn- are r-giîir .higgiler.tr it Pît- ernloand itinte Fi-iiion itîsi liscît,.1 t tif bla ivuh Falermît regulars R.lpb Mie 'eclei -. . t,bîî nglebîni and fon trtric tisîrtiî p in An- ,;cti ui in,fr tirebugaine, ;itlthîîCb tîrie and MuPer- pl i stlet Ah Altati 'Form- erMîttîtît ReitSuer Mîrriv D.iîrstîv n(j Bick Riîbirîtuin .af Furlin0îtto. .a fîtrmereîaich et fî thSe Itrtlîop. a-ue .11- ouîiin Ati,,iitetiioifiîrms Thte AiIl îiiiliîtud Alîn Fe,,. ititi 7ii -Om;l: t ttili Cite- ie Dit ii Cîekî ttiW.îiî iitp e, mîl: Cliol Jones, Procor; Art Brooîks. DickSnSoder. IHornbv: andl tHarolld Hirsîl. Terrv Whiteheadt. Hullton -tîteI The cîiachttssscci I îsritte's Smu King. Paterintîr Wîlf Inrtetîarl andl Prtcircî icS fîtbnston. At Few staried pilebino for bhe Att Sîars and ais effective bu hefini Ibhrecinvings. as r-a Cliit ol nes in Stsheolirnt andt eigtlb Bth tield the Ancasler jIrillofftilhIe scvre -fIl îl nî,Lec Cîîkhtirn -iactlion initSe fîuthb l Halton County Ieading batters LEADINEitASTTERS 44 ai attire plate appearaaces t 2p i Il Si t hhu 5 15 17 22 449 12 lOIi f 2 1 Iiî 4t10 i tC Icets. il1i(' i7 21) 4i0) t WliiL.cIl,. I 1 921 M7 'A Phillîpî. 't t. ifi9 9$5 I l Iice.il t 10i 201 9W D Atîrir , G 1il) 17 3_54 Il (li-l.f ; 'i t' 341 i) Mîitaiýil, Il ,li q a 17 340 l9 i itil,,. \I If' 8il ci ;9 Ilt î l-f I l ; 7 301) i t\l ., l if 12 14 tib4 i cuti il f4 if1; 294 crmd mas on ttand for rhe fioodir td roueralinivthe crumd menr hume ,prîzes, an additiooai1 rrear afrer soir- nne inonqs of enrouMent softbalti qiulle. tresh 1irîîm unother -il atDîtnîas, arriscdin lînre lo it the S iinlb Ait Sim,ir\--nei i icaît srîlb iîîitîtitickiroin ivlietfening fuît AvolJcýi ie ltîkth Ie leci wili singlle lins in the middlethrifccinîîngs. one a bomer ' ohfîitPautsun. furvis' lwo-iou bîtier invtbu suiS ctincbuît tbecric Itrsfortheb Stars aîltoiî0btbeProvision- Find out the difference between gasoline and Formiula 5 GASOLINE THERE ARE FIVE. CO- OP Formuta 5 Gasotîno gises you bett perfor- mance for ise differont reasons. Ifiat's mby we cuIt t Formuta 5 tl con Se stored tonger witboutcdoter- ioration due 10oidation. Votatilti-s controttod from month t0 month to gise pou peak power sobenevor pou need ti. t contaîns a car- buretor detergent to ctoan oui barmfut deposits, A tut-10 corrosion iehbbtor lietps koop gasotîne free of impurîios and an anti-îcîng additive fîghts cotd moatber mailting. Catt pour friendtp CO-OP Petrotount satesman Hett betp pou keep lhings run- nîng smootbtp Petroleurn Products A COMPLETE UNE FOR HOME AND FARM ai== HALTON BRANCH Milton - 878-2391 Georgetown - 877-2271 Eriti - 8332222 mmmRmmmmwzmý --SUMMER--- Ninth inning homer gives Palermo win Hyi sou hor ee xr SUPER-CLSaOCatt01 UONU5I SCt4IYLER BROS LTD. 49Min t Milton - 878-2349 ......... i I s 4 A SUMMER DRESS AND COTTON SLACKS 2 () coOFF Special Collection of MEN'S SHORT SLEEVED SPORT 13 F SHIRTS 3F REGULAR AND L- O K e e SUMMER WEIGH« SPORTS 2I5,ýo JACKETS OFI IO/o OFF lb Short SIeeve Sport Shirts and Dress Shirts 8Y A8ROW- TED LIPSON - CURRIE *T-SHIRTS BY JANTZEN AND STANFtELDS ALL .. . Swim Wear 1/3 0FI Mid-Summer SALE MADE-TO-MEASURE Suits From NHouse of Hobberlin Save up ta $38.00 1 $79.50 THIS US A SALE YOUI CAN'l AFFORD TO MISS ALL BRAND NAME GOODS 1 LM'S WEAR_ Milton 878-9 LE Special Clearance of Mon's SUITS 2.5 co AND 15 co OFF IT F F i 61 q,

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