Ind 20yar ofpiao tachng 2 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, July 26, 1967 Miss M. Telgmann returns to Kingston Dy LamryMrli Tbere wili be leurs. Ose cant escupe tise fuct lisul Mignon Telgmans bas brougisî the stan- dard of dMilton piano tudy 10 a level il neyer knees before se camne - and wilI be bard 10 maintain 110w shes lef t. Since se firsi began com- muting f rom Toronto 10 Milon 20 yers ugo, teachisg ixsuat MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 8782022 Chritiant gatisrcd in lise nanome athie Lord Jeton Christ. (Mati. 18: 2) Lords Day SUNDAY. JULY 301h, 1967 10.30 a.m-Breaking of Bread- 12.15 p.m.-Sunday Sattool. 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Wdnesday. 8 p.m. - rayer and Bible reading. Al are melcome t tisme services. Tise Lord is loxg-sffcrtng lu- ard us. sot sulling tisaI any sisuuld perisis. 2nd Peter 3. g, THE UNITED CHURCU 0F CANADA Lovvvitie Unted Cisurgit Pastoral Charge "Cont close 10o, od and He milI come close la pou." SUNDAY. JULY 301h. 1967 10.00 .m.-Divixe Wrsip. Eseryoxe Wecomn No service ut Zimmerman. ST. PAULS CI4URCH Of THE UNITED CHURCI4 0F CANADA Mais St. ut James St. Minister: Rev. C. A. Humer. B.A., B.D. Organîsi and Choir Leader: Mrs. Harold Magne. SUNDAY. JULY 301h. 1%07 10.00 a.n.-Morxixg Worsiip. Sermon gexeral ihense "Littlu eusus nmes of the Bible". Subjeci - "Tise Ouiller". Knxox Pres'- bylesiax Church silI sur- sbip ihrcugh July ix St. FouIsý United Churcis A Rcgisieeed Nur-se wmutbc pre snt inthe cribhroom. Invitation 10 al. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCI8 Commecrcial Street, Milton Minister: Fasior Claytos Cola: 878-4473 878-3542 Tise Lords Day SUNDAY. JULY 301h, 1967 9.45 a.r.-Suxday Scisool foi ail. 11.00 a.n.-Mortiing Wortsip. 6.50 p..--Song Service. 7.00 p.n.-Esering Worsip. Nursery ut Suxday services. Wedscsday. 8 pet. - BiblI Sludy and rayer Mgcipq Wdscsday. 8 p.ns. - Youn Peoples Bible Siudy ar Frayer Meting. Ait Are Warmly Wetcorned is nom tise Hllon Region Con-1 servation Autborily conferencei room uhove Milton Hardware. and luler buying tise comfort-1 able red brick bouse ai 240 Gar-1 set St., Miss Telgmans bus us- ed mvers' tache xshort of bure lirsîs 10 propel studenss lathe iigisx reacbes of Ibeir capu- bilities. Ask uns oI tisu-su.tiscyliai- BOSTON AND OMAGH- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister - lA Rev. Stanley E. Srnitis . A. 20 SUNOAY, JULY 301h, 1%67 Bath Churcises and Sundub Olt Schooîssujl in cloued dur- ing .luly. The coxgrcgui ions arc ixvited 10 mr ship ai Si. auls Unted Chrch Mito, in tise jint service ^'iih Knous resovicriax Churcis GRACE ANGLICAN CI4URCI4 Milton, Ontario. Rector: Rex. T. M. Dutas BA B.D., .D. - Associae: E Rev. Canon F. H. Masos. MA>, B.D. SUNDAY. JULY 301h. 1967 Trity X SUMMER SCHEDIJLE 8.00 a.m-Huis' Communion. 10.00 am-Mureing rayer M and Sermon. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local assemisîy of TME PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIESOF CANADA Pasior: Rex. M. Chrisieses LORDS DAY SUNDAY, JULY 301h. 1967 9.45 a.m.-Susday Scisool. 11.00 a.n.-Morxing Worsbtp. 7.00 p.m.-Enangelistlc Service. Wedxesday, 8 p.m.-Biislc Stu- dy and rayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.s-Young Peuplesý' Service. A Churcis You Cas Muke Your Home A Mars Welccme lu Eerote KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CI4URCH Minister Ret. J. K t._ McGosu, B.A. 878-6066 878-2652 "o cume, Icitu s rship aed busc dosun; Ici us kniel efore lise Lrd ilur Maker." SUNDAY. JULY 30th, 1967 l)oto a.m. stîrnîng Wloship jintlxiîswth i aIs Us- uitedccsgreg.l îsîîîin S. Faut's chulrcli. Rex, Charl- r es 1flaier cînducling CHURCH OF CHRIST OMAGM No. 5 Sideroad and 49hs Lise Trafalgar le SUNDAY. JtiiY 301h. 1967 E- 1.00 ans.-Bible Scisool Class- If et for ail agca. id 1.00 a.m..-aMornttg Worsip. 8.00 p.m.-Preacini o tise Gospel. test 10 i. Tisey'lI also recaîl thev resulîs of Toronto Conserva-p tony of Music exarinations eacb June-suien lise iours ofc praclli. liste perfeclting repeti-t ion pid off in iigiser markst tias liey'd dreamed tisey couldc get,. Two violin pupils. ose in Tor-D onto and tise other f romt Guelph, obtained iigisteslcam a results sis ing ilver medls from the conservatory..and $25.P Milton sas sot ltout. Rohert Lucas, son of Dr. and Mrs. C.1 Lucas formerly of Martin St.,. also received 53Plus a medal1 in piano.1 Despite tbe succesof ber1 piano work. Miss Teîgmanns considers berseif a iolinisi. and a collection of britîle, yel- Insu press clippings sretching back la the World War Ose era1 certainty confirm il. Tise first of six cbtîdren in the family of Oscar Tegmase. f Kinîgston, she mwas playisg tise violin before she reached scisool age. Her parental grandmnotber was a concert Pianisl in Gcr- many, and her fther wus tise composer o the military opera "-Leo. tbe Royal Cadet". inspir- cd hy the Fort Henry regi- menîs. and depicisg tbe 1879 Zulu War. The original work 5 110w un- der glass intise Music Depart- ment of tise Toronto 'Music Li- hrury, and bas been noted ie Cententslsl year reviesus on Canadian composers. Her inherited feel for iolin- ing was recognized earty and hy 1912 tbe Kingston Whig Standard was saying: "But ilboul a shadosu of a doubt, tise star of the esenisg sas Miss Migno>n Teîgmans. pressi. vtoliti tomph tivuled the kir declat cci. ai Miss 1 tbe m. as tbe The Musici The boroul masti gir-l', atusts ber ol bas a before AI1 It b, Public Her door, quesi mind clown pointi Mii ut tis ued tt sitert Sh. teuch scbnu Kusil fenil tIte T tira. Torsi At lu Tc unde inlt dian Summertime Specials FOR YOUR CAR CLEANER.. Protects Your Engins From Overheating Due to Radiator Rust '"" SPECIAL -- ----99C GOODYEAR WIIITEWALL ALL-WEAI4ER NYLON 775 x 14 Tires INSTALLED ... $1795 Front WheI B.rings R.packed SPErCIAL--- ....9 9c DURANTE S ESSO 878-2079 Northwa012l Ïon and feeling upon ber tg 1ibut the audience masC etely cuplured and cap- cd by ber execution upos t ng of instruments. Muny t id ibut site mas a mur- r ind il is ptuinly seen Ibat t Telgmune ix fust rivutling asters of the pasi us weii ipreserit!'s eeveot wus the Queco's cai Club assuai concert. efoilowing year, the Peter- gis Examiner pruised the ry of tbe "slip of a scbool ai a concert of Toronto s. "She is a vulued mem-1 of orcbestral xociety. and abriltiant musical future be er." uarge part of Ibut falte devoled lu sbarisg ber ledge of music wiib otis- tegus une day ut Kingston îc Scbool wbere Miss Telg- ýwas uttendieg mbat is mnowe us Grade Eigbt. cr moîber uppeared uithte of lbhe ctussroomn and re- cd ber duugbter bcexes d, us Mr. Teigmans. mitb 1important ibings on bis dbad gose for a wulk toms. forgetting us ap- ment witb a pupil. inos gave tbe lesson. and he pupil's requesi. contin- tu instruct bim. ce been ai il ever since," 'eculis. àe ment 10 Peterbsorough 10 th violis. and ment 10 bigis ail ibere. conlisuief tu Tor- :)0t study under Luigi Von its. a recognized musical ls sn bis time, conduclor of Toronto Symphony Orcbes- and beud teacher ai tbe elto Consersutory. 16r yearsuof age sbemutved roronto and misile studymog r Dr. Von Kunits, worked te suppl s offices of Casa- nGeseral Eleciric t10 is cy foîr lessions. bn is deatb. she ment t0 s, suhere the freat Germas si teacher Carl Flescis sas iucting a siolix ctass. etureisg 1,1 Canada sbc mas cd in10 leadcrship ut the 15101t Caîtitusi Theatre or- ira lus- suent mosies by àkAritur, îuellýknosuenom pr,îducer oithe Canadiu5 tissna I Eshibition grand' nd showu Smoue rirusthe Kingston 'e bouse 10 the Alhambra Toooeiin 1926r wus follosu' sonalter hs the uppeur- c, of.oind-tirack movies. FORD BRAMALEA GENERAL LABOUR The Ford Noter Company of Canada Ltd ,hat Imanediate openflifln list PARTS OPERATION ai the National Ospot, Bramais. Ontario Areas oft voolvemient will entail stock picking, and handling, shipping and receivinq. An attractive mage. and morking conditions are offered. Corvpany-paid bevefti cîode P.S.I., Ontario Hospitaliza- tion, Blue Cross Grug Plan, Lite Insurance. Tuton Refund Prograsu and Pension Plan. Mature candidates who have had reîated esperieece are encouraged t0 report in person onîy t10 MR. JIM ROSS CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 24 Queen St. Fast, Qunen's Square EIdg. Brampton, Ontario SPECIALS THIS WIIK Presswood's BOLOGNA 3 Ibs. 99c P Dulcis LoaE - Macaroni and Meet - Mock Chiciten Loat Pcleke and Pimenta or Head Cheene - Vac Fac - 6-oz. pkp. Presswood's COLD MEATS - 4 pkgs. 99e Presswood's WIENERS, vac pac 45c lb. pkg. Presswood'a Paramount BACON, vac pac 59c lb. pkg. Fresh RIB ROAST .65c lb. Fresh Lean Back PEAMEAL BACON 69c lb. Fresh POT ROAST .SSc IL Round, Sirloin, T-Bons STEAK 85c lb. Facette Moderne - Reg. 2 for 65c 2 PIy FACIAL TISSUES, large boxes 4 pkgs 99c FLUSHABYES $1 .29 pkg. Lady Finger or OAlaselii Toast - Reg. 24c pkga. Star of Italy BISCUITS 5 pkgs. 85c 2-lb. Pkgn. Primo MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 3 pkgs 99c One FPer Perton Primo VEGETABLE OIL, i 28-oz. gaI $1 .69 BANANAS 10c lb. Sunkist ORANGES 3 doz. 89c Large Sze WATERMELONS .,..45ceao. A&LFON SOS FRUIT MARKET y 172 Mill St. Milton 878-2460 1 F RE E D EL1V E R Y j and Miss Teigmane turned la teacbing violin pI tbe Toronto .onservatory of music. Sbe mus violte dîrector of tbe University Setîlement Music 1 Sebool. mitb four of ber pupls winning medals je tise 1937 i C.N.E. Her circuit Ibmn inctudcd studios ut the Conservatory. lise Conservatory Acudemy. tUniver- sity Setulement, und meekends ie Guelph ut the Y.M.C.A. build- ing. During tbe Second Worid Wur. tisrougb concerts in Trie- ity United Cburcbbail., Miss Telgmane raised money for tbe Evening Telegrans Britjish War Victims' Fond. At une sucis recitul in May 1941, tbe yoottg- est performer wan fine years old. Finatly jlotaf 1er tbe mar's end je t945, tbe accumutated suming of untold bundreds of students wbo were not medal- is1s or bore musicians brougbt ber lu tbe decision 10 takte a break f rom violin instruction and teacb piano, a subjecitse mus farniliar mitb ibrougis studying tbe accompuniments 10 violin selectioflt. Her dernands for near-pcrfec- lion will be rernbered by budding Milton p i ani sîts tbrougbout Ibeir lises. Tise stoey is tld of a situa- tioan, sot in Milton, but typicut. Tmo students wuiting for tes- sons te an ante-roorn mere met by the preceedisg ptapil. in tears, and obviously depressed and vengeful. 'You sbould be glud," tbey told him. "Wisb sbe'd make us cry. lit meass you're tikely to gel f irst class bosors on tbe ex- Ne did. For two yeurs sbe wus orgue. ist ai Grace Anglican Cburcb, Milton, and wbile stiti living jr Miltue sbe went t0 Hamilton t play lirst viotin sib te Hamil- ton Opera Compuny until i required a bip operulios. Wben il wus Iound sbe wmu curryieg oui ber intentions Il quit teucbing piano ut 70 Kingston Symphony Orchesîr' asked ber ta rettars10 bei birtbpluce 10 pluy first violir witb îbern. Also, she bas becs aubec 10 uccept a 1cm udvunce% ciolin students. but bussI yt mude a final decision. Despite ber *tetolerunceto unythiez but lbhe supreme el fort and ber demundieg. occw jonuits violent isstructic Icw During lise regular meeting of tise Public Scbool Board Monday members also: e Approved tbe Pilis Insur- ange plan for student insUr' ance Ibrougs B. B. Clements Insurance for thse corniez terin. e Rqb-invested 56,526 le a guaranteed invesiment certifi- cale mils Halton and Peet Municipal Oancilora' AsaCc 0 Filed an insurance dlaim for 1307 for damnage t0 mater founlains aItbe choola. 0 Reviewed actua!atnd bu&- geted expenditures ta date Ibis year and noted increasea n revenue and expenditurea. 0 Autisorimed te purcissie of filing cabinets, a typewtiter and book truck as ravlewed b- the properly commtîce. e Ralified tbe appolntrnento of Mms. Mary Blait and Jack Lune 10 complele lise staff for Seplember. e Arranged die ereclion of chais is fence along tbe gas- cern limit of the MurtnSt5. grounds. Easy te like. Ves, it's easy to like buying a car at Milton Motor Sales. No high pressure. no gimmicks. Just plain ordinary dollars and sense talk wlth people you know and a f îrm you can trust. We're here after the sale for service and that's why customers find this dependable place to choose a car, f rom one of Halton's biggest selections assembled on our lot. And Goodwill cars carry a written warranty for your added protection. MITN OO SAE p 0N.0' C ED5 n. t. 4 Oa e Pai Bu. Baaitt ACCOUNTING Waiî EARL G. BLACK cxcd B. Comm., .RiA., CA. Ru Cisaftered Accountant dire. Municipal Auditor King 163 Mais Street cises ) 460 Milton, Ont. Jack 878-6542 as P N at ARCMITECT A DONALD E. SKINNER i iBArch. '- MMR.A..Cý cd, IA Mili Street, Suite 2, Actas axc. Tclephone 853-2740 or Stasirhank Rd., Fort Credit 274-3428 fice Houes isy Appoiniment AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Au.luxcet and Esiluatur 30 Chape[ Stý E., Gcorgeiomwn Telephane 077-2864 C. H. TUFFIN AIICTIONEER AND EVALUATOR Phunes Rocksuood 856-4246 856-4373 EDEN MILLS. ONTARIO. CHIROPRACTORS A P.KENT,.D.C. Doclur of Chirupraclîc 237 Kîxos Lourt C rescex t Corser Martin St. lundav.. Wt:dxesdas. Thursday 1 p.ns lu 9 p.m. Tuc'sd.îs and Frida % 9 ans ltois pro S.,î,tas ivl an..tu 3 pet Pho;ne 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Aut-ois.1ic Feilci,,n.Accid en ndîîh.Ln'.sF.iils' Liability Fam I-iii.hlit Ycv .\ilitonAfent Mis Thea Kurz R R No 1 i Mlton Phone 870-9741 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME C.usi Ait Loxîitioi.îgx <i î,cv Lasîiecîs Seiice \chi t o as 8781-W512 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 00D. 1,14 Maix Si . Militn FlIccc 8-9972 Re .8-9678 Haurs:'* TUESDAYS, g a. etu1 5p. I'RIi)AYS, 9 ain to108 p.s WM C MILLIGAN, OOD 111 V fi.îl,aî Rd.. O.îkslic Oflce H61î,iDaily incuadiiig Satitday a.m. aLII 845-1511 toi, appoixnmcnî LIBRARY HOURS Tucsdasv, Tbursday« vand Friday 12 sous lu 5.30; fr30 tu 9.08 Monday. 12 0000 10 5.3» Wedxesday, 0.30-12, 1-5.30 Ctosed ail day Saturday. m MILTO SfVU272 show Tit.s & al.St. THEATRE l 'luý"l 2p.,. THURS.-FRI. SAT JULY 27.2e.29 "THE SINGINO NUN" - Color DEBBIE REYNOLDS - CHAD EVERET 'WAY OF SCIENCE" PFIRST SAD MAN" - Carton SUN..MON.-TUES.-WED. JULY 30-31 - AUS. 1-2 "GAMBIT" - Color SHIRLEY MacLAINE- MICHAEL CAINE "ROBIN HOOD"- Woodia Cartoon THURS..FRI..SAT. AUG. 3-4 "FANTASTIC VOYAGE" - Color STEVEN EOYD - RAQUEL WELCH "GREAT DE GAULE STONE" - Cartoon "TICKET TO TOKYO" Matines Saurday 2 p.m. BRAESIDE FARM MI1 L TO N FRESH PITTED MONTMORENCY CHERRIES SUGAR ADDED - READY FOR FREEZINO 22-lb. PAIL - $650 il1-1b. PAIL - $3.25 30-lb. PAII, - $8.50 PHONE 878-2665 Ploaso Pick-up Monday to Friday - Noon to 8 p.m. WHERE TO FIND US No. 14 Sideroad _______ ______ Main St.-LL MILTON CtD t-, ii Braeside 3 Ln ~' 1-armo e No. 10 Sideroad0 Water;. tn an alternativ'e pans or until public meeins sadbeenisl owners. Mr. Gren suggesîed tisa rural arza residents mare ieieg tîreatcd "19ke second cluss cinent. Ernest Hennessey. solicitor for ilve nortisers landomners, said couecils undue haste was a "violation of tise rules of fair play". Ha said tise bill mould affect tise tome's t as structure as il mould limit tise develop- ment of "mstate homes". Tise councillors miso fuvored tise passage of tise bill sucre co'nccreed begause 50 rural 10- acre lots have feen esîabisjsed 10 date ibis -eaar, and 'be tome mould have nlo control oser rural deselopanent mithiot tise limits set outi n tise bill. Tise O MB. milI ihave tu approve lise bill belore il takes effeci. meticis. Ibosa witb lin truc feal for music milIl eed tome- îthisie otiser tisutspussing inter- est ut ber departure. Tisere milI in tise relization tisaI sometbing is ining lost - tise feeling of confidence ose nets from beisg neur lise great. Yes, tisere milI in teurs. Trust end Savings. Tise fonds are retirement fonds icis arc retained isy tise Board je trust. 9 TooL ne action ie requir- ing fise dedication of lusd for a scisool site from lise propos- ecd ine lot plan of subdivision ol Peter K. McWilianss. e Approved ose reservation fra semis ar spossored by tise Onatrio Scisool Trustees and Drop in today, easy does it at