ASH Bp Mm-s George Peletieto Harold Titorpson and is bride-to-be, Darlene MacDoug- al were presented mit a love- iy set of tainlenssnteel cook- marc, aI a party lîeid in tht,,' bunor Priday evening aI te 'home of M. and -Ms. Brock Harris. About 40 friends and neîghbors attendrd. The ee- ning mas s50mb piaying rucitre. Miss Terry McDerniîl ut Brantford mas a goet on te mrrkend mtit M. and Mes. George Marnball, Jean and Shrley. Terry and Jean return- ed 10 Brantford General Hon- pitlion 'Monday t1 esome their training afler a montb's holiday. Jean wmut tart imb ber third year of nursing in Septembe. Gordon McKay and Judy Fraser of Brampton visitrd Tuesday evening mtit M. and Mes. George Marshall and girls. Mr. and Ms. Henry Proud visited Saturday eeening mitit M. and Mes. George Marshtall. DRUMQUIN Teuclwr MrLPercy AMerry hmmood at duss ,eua By Airs. Cecli Pattemsont Mrs. Donald Wilson was hos- teos recently tu friendo and rel- atives for a linen shower for Miss Margaret Robinson, bride- Janice Rogers of Burlinglon ws aweekend guesl of Margie Pelletterio. M. and Mrs George Pellet- lerio mure among te members ot the Toronto Milk Marketing Board and their wvives, as guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. Herit Simpion of Ballantree Sonday for a pienir lonchit a Mussell- mates Lake. Mr. and Mns. Allan Patterson and Beverey and Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Patterson and Connie atlrnded te Shorhoro Breed- ers' ptcntc Satorday aI lite home of Mr. and Mrs. Rutit of Peterborougit. Mr and Mrs. William MeFad- den visilrd Sonday witit Mr. and Mrs. Percy King of Oak- ville. KILIRIDE Strawberry social ends euchre season Dy Mm William Watson On Friday evening, Juty 15, the Good 'Neigbtor Club betd teir annual stramberry social in the Kilbride Centre. Eigbt tables o cuchre ere played and prizes ent lu Ms. Florence Collitg, Mes. George Robertson, Mes. Kelly Sharp, Frank Cartwrightî, Riss Cltîng and Edgar Elenton. Thte doue prizer as mon be Melford Col' ling. Tbry milI resume their par tics on Octobre 2 aI lite cen- Swmmlng and a barbecue at Coral Park mas enjoyed ite sec- eaI memberesof te Teen Drop-ln set tat Saturdue eve- ning, July 15. Mes. Gruce Robertson, Cedar Springs Road. enîerrained ser- eaI friends and relatives on the occasion of er bitedas' tat Salurday, Jute 15. Those attending ere Donnie Coul' son, Sande Coulson. Darrett and Roger Coulson, Bec Coul' son, Bey Jackson. Dave Brown, Garield Dobitie. Doris and Ane Robertson, Judy Turner and Steve Tanner. Sinly ersons aîîended te 26t Pegg reunion aI te BoenLi Community Centre iast Sun- dayJuly 16 Relatives attended from Don- das, Guelph,. Freellon. Truc, Campitetîvitte, Kîthide. Milon, Mountsberg. Nelson Village. Barlinglon and Hamilton. A bilel meeting wao ietd fol- loing te supper and il mas agrerd taI te reuvivit bu beld net yearcon Sondas. Jute 7, 1968 at te ame lcto mt M. aîîd Mes. Oscar Prgg n charge. M. and Ms. Frank Ciol-on mccc te commiller in chtarge cI iis year'srerunion. Mes. Frank Coulson. R.R. J Canîpitetvitte. George and Lu- tard egg ut Cedar Springs Road atcnded te funeral of te aie Geurge Evererî Cae- eut. husitand utfte former Laura Alia egg last Friday ai Niagara, Newe York. Mes. Diiug Watson, Karen and Kathe utf anion Street ai. tendedlaî itrhdav parte last Satîmd'allc-trnoovn nhonor of Bcnda Sales ut Miton seio celeitraleîl ber liiftbîthdae. Me. and Mrs. Doug Watson and lamîle isited M. and Mes. Lîveve Thomson avd famity ai Betisood at Sunday. Ktheide S qu ierts detealcd Gen Wlliams 41I ast Motday ai Kitbirde Me. and Mes. John Vav dee Voori. John and Edde of Mc Nîcen Road. Jimmie Ferrier of Mottai avd Me. and Mes. Char- les N oune uf Niagara FaIts. Neit York, spent Sunday ai te Buftalo Zoo. Tblrly Cuba frum te Frst Carlisle pack and 14 Scouts, alîîng icit Cuitmaster Rod Sieinitrugger. assistant Cuit' masters Winsten Hendshe and Ron Coverdate and Scoulmas- tee Harold Robeteson spent te seekevd camping ai inehuest Coînservation Area. Me. and Mes. ercs Warrell ot Fcs,,.îem. Manioa. are spendieg a lest dues mit Me. and Me, James Wetcreli. Kil- brite Rtiad. to-be oif Harold Wilson of Mit- ton, whose marriage t a k ets place on Saturday, Joly 29. Many heautiful gifts and good wishes were enlended 10 lite yoong c ou pI1 e. A delicioos lunch was served. The itostes was assisted by Mrs. Walter Wilson of Milton. The 17th amual class re- union mas held recently in Tor- onlolofpupils ot Hornity Scitool grade titrer. Those aI- lending were their teaciter Mrs. Ferry Merry and lte pupils Mrs. Alice McFadden, Mrs. Margaret Michie. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fay - ail of Milton; Mrs. A noni e Citapman, Hamilton; Mrs. Leslie Cunninghnam, Port Credit; Mrs. Vera Martin, Mrs. Ednia Crozier, Mrs. Leuca Jam- ieson, ail of Toronto; Miss 'Mar- garet Boolth, Orangeville. Ab- sent mere Mrs. Oucenie GaI- braitht of Hornity and Mrs. Vera Scott of Canito. A pleasant afternoon was spent reminiscing. Mr. Fay sbowed pictures of a Caribbean croise taken by him and bis mile witile on a vacation trip last winter. These were mort enjoyed by aIl. There was an exchange of gifts and as a special token of love and appreciation for teir former teaciser. Mrs. Merry wsea presenîrd with a bouquet of one dozen beaulifut red roses. Aftl!r a delicious luncht and happy lime togetiter, ail tel t for tbeir homes wilb espec- talions of another reontion test year. Mia, Maureen Leslie of Oak- ville bas bren bolidaying mith ber grandmotber. Mrs. Wilt Leslie. Eigltth Line. Misses Margaret and Mar- mee BaIl are attending te fie week sootmer scitool course in Etenientary Science aI Doffer- in Heigitîs Collegiate, Dowes- Renzo Bernardina is eojoy- ing a sommer holiday witit cousins and relatives in Prn- nsylvania Congratulations lu Mr. and Mes. Frankt Faîte onthlie iirtit of a son. Mr. and Mrs. D. Boescber are itolidaving for lthe sommner wiith relatives in titeir home- ]and, Hotland. During their ait- sence their daugitcer and son- in-taw and tamnile are occupe- ing Ibeir parents' home. Me. and MesE. BaIl and tam- ity mere Sondasvîvsitore in Port Dover. Meï. G.Bernardini eeturned borne recentlIv from a liso meek holidiy mitit ber motter je St. John's, Newtoundland. M e s. Bernardini was acompaeied be ber îmîî sisiers trim Pen- n.syleania. They travelled bv air tand enjoed treir vacation. Birtitday greetings to Donald 1Brown, David Cordîngle. Karen Adamson. William Rau, Sua.n Grestoit. Si ncere sympmtby is exîend- ed to Mes. Harold Treantîr and District1wi fuir àt.s Tbe folloming is a lisI of sorte of te district FaIliPair dates of interestu Aberfoyie .................. Sept. 22, 23 Acton ...................... Sept. 14 10 17 Ancater ........... Sept. 21, 22, 23 Barrie .................... sept. 27 10 30 iltamseille .............. Sept. 6 lu t Beeton ...................... Sept. 26, 27 Binbrook ............ Sept 14, 15, 16 Brampton .Sept. 14, 15, 16 Caiedon ..................... Sept. B. 9 Caledonia ......... Sept. 28, 29, 30 Elmira .......... Sept. 1, 2, 3 Erin Oct. 6, 7, t Feegus ........... Sept. 15, 16 Gaît ........... Sept. 7, 8, 9 Georgetowen . . Sept. 22, 23 Lindsay .............. Sept. 18 ta 23 Maekitant .......... Sept. 28, 29, 30 Milton .............Sept. 29, 30 Orangevilie .... Sept. 2 and 4 Owet Sound ....... Oct. 4 10 7 Rorkton -...... Oct. 7 10 9 Sution Westl........ Aug 7 10 12 Tresmater ........ Sept. 29, 30 Toronto C ......... . Aug. 18 10 Sept. 4 Toronto Royal Nov. 10 t0 18 Waterdown ............. Sept. 8, 9 Seek cadets for St. John A Cadet division of te Mit- ton St. John Ambulance Bi gade mut tbe tormed and start courses in September. if et- ougit inlerrut is shomn. St. John membre Douglas Coulson said thte brigade topes to ind ai trust a dozen inter- rsled boys agedll1 toi15 o forin the nucleus of the Cadet group. A junior course mut 6bc given tem by experienced leaders. If pou have a son interesled n joining Iis challrnging but interenting tacet of oommunity service, please catI M. Coul- son an 782142 or Brigade Sup- ervisor Don Mitter ai 878-3259. son George of Meadomille on thetr ecen t passing ofth1e bus' band and tather. Me.Treanor passed amay verre suddenly frîîm a heurt atlack on Sundae. Juty lb and besicles is ite and son tsscoreieedity sevrra'l itroltes. Mes.Treunor mas te former Muegarcu Hamiltoîn, Ninlt Lîne. Red Ceescent Socielies are couonleepues of Red Cross Su- drutes in Mosen coanlres. COMPLOTE LAWN AND GARD N VIC N lob totemmili or t.. lorge le comple.Maintenance Service 0 Fréee Elmates RAINBOW LANDSCAPING Calii878-2741, 878-2097 ifs a f amilu af f air.. HORNBY Bloor-Plant reunion accident make news Dp Mrs. JileaHaiion Mes E'lssard Roberson and rhildrcn and Mrs. Roy Ellis1 and cbildren relurned home on1 Sunday f romt their vacation ai1 Red Bay. Me. and 'Mes. Bilt Beeney and family relurned borne on Sut-1 orday from a meck's vacationt ai Sauble Beas. Jimmie MoKav is ependînga seeek ait F-amama mth Mr. and Mes. Bob Baker and mîlI also accompany te Bakers tu Enpo mbere 16ev iili spend a meek sighlsering. . Me. aMcd Ms. Mrray Brig- den bave just relurned teom Calgarvymitere îbey visited mith Me. Brigdetls brother. Sergeant Freece Brîgden for tree weeks miile they also isited wiit a cousin, Mes. HillI aby of Edmonton, who isas te former Mae Brigden. Thev also visiled ai Banff and Jasper. They returned home he James Bay, Krkland Lake and Fort Fr acces. Wiile ai Calgaes' berN altended te Stampede and aI- so sam Mr. and Mes.Bob Atex ander of Georgeetoiwn. w'ho stere travelling as far as Vin couver Island.. Tite af lernoo s sci g grîîîp ut Hornby Uted Chur, h Woc met met ai the home iii Me, Roy Wilson recen le lor a quilit îng bre. The Northb Trafalgar Cutn- munity Clubt ield iheir JaIs meeting ai te home ol Mr,. Fred Near uit Wednesdav nighl, July 12. Mes. T. A. esliuiî'i.'t cumed the ladies lii the'mec-i ing miich wasaopenec id i club "Ode. Thte roaIll ailsa ansmered ity the 21 memtbres present. Doing te business period the Lucky Luncitron and Eucbr e er discussrd and il mitI be brld on Wednesday, Novembere2,in te United Church Hall in Sîreelseilîr. Il wilsua deciilditai hev ucuildvt have iheir moîîly euchres tis 5510er bot wuood haveoune in te ltiand one in the spring. Mes. Cliffoi'd Mav and Mes. Mars' Leslie mere i n chtarge ut bhe îrogeamt. Eocitee mas play- ed muthlite prîces going lu te lolioseing winners, Mes. Mor- cer Wltîamson, Mes. Ahideeson May. Mes. Alred MeCrachen ana Me,. Alred BaIl. Lunch sas servidby the hostess. as- sîsled he Mes. Anderson Ma% anvd Mes.Mare Leslie. 1, vousersars greelings 10 Me. anîd Mis. Rinald Archer %%hoi chratu heur iveddinuu an- nivrsare on Jute 30. Bîrlhdae grcetines t Lorne Sampyson (in Jute 27, Frank Flustler un Jute* 28. Margaret Fnnicion Augus 3. The annual Bloor-FIant e tu ta iteldl(in Suedas, Jute 23 ai the homeout Mr. and Mes. J t- Bt tîtr iofMaliiv An aI- ienoni i isebalI, horsesities and races uas elitued l thI the aduti, and chîldeen. The ldestîtuemier presei mas Mirs. James Bluior Se. and te ouriesi was Tom v e Fant, in- lit uit Me. and Mrs. Rue- atdFPlanît utlîîrîiitsFolloîcîîîg tesparts. Jttv Btuîuîî so ,dthc' J40 ic'i ts..s prescrit Io The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, July 26, 1967 B7 a delîciaus picnic supper pre- pared by te ladies. The Bloor farm is where Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Plant came f rom Rngland n 1911 and seere followed by Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es Bloor Sr. in 1913 wbo also came from, England. The farm bas been in the 'Bloor name ev- er since. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bleesr for tiseir ltospitality. Mr. and Mr%. Clarence Dennis will 6e the bonI and hostess for the 1968 reunion. An acebdent at the intersec- tion of Trafalgar Road and the Derry West Sîderoad resulîrd itwo young girls lieing Irral- ed ut Oakvilte Trafalgar Meca- orial Hospital on Saturday af- ternoon The one girl mas treat- ed for a broken nose and bruin- es we elte other received cight stitohes for cols b bher face and several bruines. They were released f romt the Itospht- al folloming trealment. The girls were hit by a car wbicb failed 10 stop aI lite stop sign on te Derry West Sideroad. We are sorry 10 report tat Leslie King had a bone broken n bis foot seben tramped on by one of his orses. A speedy recwvery is mished for Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Delberl Downs report a very bnjoyabtc holiday n the Parry Sound district. MILTO HA :RDW~ 1ARE1i YOU'RE THE ONE , WE TRY TO PLEASE twith.. BETTER CARS with et. BETTER TRADES * I .. BETERFINANCING I TERSERVICE t Honstyand Integrity t CARS AND TRUCKS FORD - MUSTANG - FAIRLANE - FORD CUSTOM - GALAXIE - FALCON ÀA AA MOTOFS O. R D 409Mai S. EstPhIoL78-3N 409 Main St. East Phone 878-2369