OMGH Sister, Brother complete unuversity, school courses CLOSE TO 100 YOUNOSTERS attended the ed cith e project. Pepsîcie stichs mare used Daiiy tibia Sehool t St. Davids Presbylnrees fo r constîrucon purpeses. When qxestîoned. Church in Campbellvilie lst wenit Hem eu 16 te yecngstnr refxsed te receai any informa- David Nicholson hlps a joung student snocle tien concernînq the prejeet, (Staff Photo) Dy Mes. Cai Patterson Congrattulations te Miss Mary REeid, on eumptetixg ber second saur ix the Geneal Arts course ix tanguage et the Unicersity cf Torontoteand te ber brother David whe cern- pteted grade 12 ut White Oaks Secondary Scbou nd heu been accepîrd ut the U.niver- si t fGuielph, for the Icco machines. Mary and Dasid are the eitdren cf Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid, foertb mie. Timm > vGreen ix betiduying Ibis week witb is grandpar. 5515, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dysen in Oakville. Congratultions t0 Mr. and NIcs. oba Kexdall. No. S Sida. road, on the birth cf a daugb- e., a sister for Penny Lee. limmy and Briax Dysen cf Toronto ara beiidasing un the farm for a couple of weaks. ilb their oncle, Dalton Rasa Tlwo groupsnue w mhbers nurses' coniliation hourd Noiiinîlions lii the cuncilia- lion1 bîtîrd named 10 mediata the cispitle beicceen the Cccx- lx and ihe fealth Uni nurses havecbecn made bv 16e lie geiiîps. Waedex W. Coulter re- pîîicclîeîCouîni Cîuncion Tuedav. Ncmince for flic nurses is Sielihen t.uits of Toronto and foi- the coiuntv Jack, Grahamof Slieetsviite. There its heen ne notificatiocn front the province of ils .îppîîînîîrenî iof ichair- mani. the tcielereported, Hae autioed memneex bhat titi% cîî,rkx thc mis mke Bundy ends term LENING A NELPINO MANO, Mrsý David Nicholson shows this ycungSter the proper ,xi5 10 ciiiteîîh nqgs rafts, segisg, gaeas, and Bible readeninq e t' ipart of the Bile Scitool t St. Davids Presbyteriiîi Cherch ciin apixelleille Close Io 100 ycungsters atteoded theochoc lest airek Staff Photo) PieU for help Ask farmilles te provide children with hi By j. Steeir As urureceni.trex oc. coma larfer. cmuie andl Ier domnîcon 5ccngx 1.ex tee being subl eileitaiiihaving lbeietîseî,iandidie:tniîi.ciO ixed filii ,te%%x01%x itli.. Tieir paienîtccixi-i ccl. n e and greeen pucarc .- sing mile allemile- thal oncie cei.- oi..ccl-cc being buli cipoiicelir 1e - igh rixe dcclctlcic for high raite. ccL cIIII es- presswa3x crcilcciiai, Thexe citldeeî e îclcxeeg i inte centrei.- iii li, pcitan aicix and le bue t being ilunltdin teliii i.-cc ing grocct6v tei-e ment. A boBJdaY un ca ii n, icicri fa ml.ulci cch c î ders citt thexe hlcl l Thousandandeliciiiliîî cf dlliex areie iccîc e v unis pentix .ie11 cxlt il the imporant pecli-i1cilc country, te s cciii gîtei Keep thi. iiilie ci ce ns providing t hclîcl.î iiiha familx duiog ilcex. tuicccii tannial yi. Bars Ra,exng b7 Sixlie iarng antd ciice lii c projeet. c s xeticlirii- te cen a m ii t ri cc .c c iIi ash iralsi cecîteilei Centennial cairn for Erin township Bain ilcciic.eC i diiatlittiiel î,eime.. e.,, lhi. dci,ý i, -, . cc beco madit cec'i Judgc C.1i A ii.,-tA ile,1 se vie a litc- jili ri , ilice The,îeîcecc%-,cccii 1.i, lîcîvnsul f c'ilte, cm ececîce k Ceitlenîtel ,tl I-i ? l "il flhîx-av 24. dlccci t, cil ci [cec i te 11lW l commerioraain e lier ennfli off e ... e, A plaqua e i le..h, e a hitisiies of te tihcic (mcc inf ii l 1ax tise .iiciîi 819-1f20. Te -illicîx m arîîund 1f20 ccii i citelic x ii ccxncil ii înîccl ic 1842 lie cii -ilc , 1ill ie- unciei te dcxii cci1 .l icetce Cotînîxilc185- Icîtîft-nucîîl Ilaikut d tîc i ,lit caiesn exi cai-c l ini r lc t iuethaxed lroitem he Otlî,îiî ceparitii itgitisixxn il crner xi.iîîîl geounds. oliday s ,tngeThe pert5 ixtît .aivci iicîheex gains nielei tan ite pet un 6e miisie itilpi, Wr bure the île. ue i i i lii ,. i lit.- criiie i .' At iliv momilet acx ie hitix op c i eic i , r l ic ut, oi mîîîk ptiottie -,eietplis mon, %ier, i.c igscthe "cii mur, cii ti' ti, -c tietiAsclcti -cex ii cciiic -k li,, xcm itae , sîtunce ceecxii iiixicn Jci i ,tf i lie t,,lihave ciii-1ii cl cIiii 5îl hi Wcc i i, it 2ci . 2 Oic c. cci c416 lS lin the probiem coutd affect negotiatiiens The best we cxx do ix hope the malter citt ha espedited and a quich resump- ion of xefiitiutiilxs achiaved," 6e said. Deputy Reese C. Menefy cern. mended the ardex fer nul appearing ut an Oubnitte ceuxt- cil meeting te report ex 1he luin.I1leelth1ev mare out of place in ushixgyocu. Ha suggrsled Io di scuss the preb- lem cpenvcouid 6ebad fer 6botsîdes authIis pint. iHe lermeil the Oakite invitation xii p id' Firefighters' convention at Mount Forest this year Mli cii Fii'igliti'ix i e li ccig ccci titi Ii Jt.iilt.iiiitgi !.1ciititalcomtnctiitciititie. ilicOi ntît tiietiglitui-ixA, xi ,icfl iic i rcrti titon, ForccilpîcIx Chîil George Buncc c -i liv Miltco brigade> cca fI icîcîl cctk as, cl lite- tige guip. d %'al cx cx it li ili \tliî,c 'i lin %% 'clin ii' i cc ii. Mti,, ".dilhut iae ,i I i c l ccc li, I jicciciclictic" ilc1),, .1 li andi, .1 dcc, ccc'i c i lic b'. I I-A I. l cîtîcclie e t,.cîccî Cci li 1). titi-cli pm cci otit. hi i il ki olcc îc ic, i citli1 l1- 'dci ior cl li 0 1,11.iFcA ii li incc,. -- il i Att For Al cf Your TV Needs Make CHASE'S YORT.V. Headquarters IN MILTON SALES - SERVICE - AERIALS FREE PARKING AT CHASES 181 MILL ST. HOME APPLIANCES TEL. 878-3221 Voiing delagales from 16e fiee depariment include Bar- tien Cukiixn n d Peler Dser, ccîlh Iran Shepherît us aciter and Mms. J H. Cbapman and Ellen. Laurir Anne Robinson front Burks FaIts spent a weeks tîetiday with ber grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robin- In repçrting ix test marks nems un the Sucw reentien, we are curry an errer was made. Il sbouid buace read. Ettssood Snow oi ailnalad is 1he pres- dent [or next year. Gai wall lshes lc Mrs. Bet- ty Vician mbe is ccucatescing tellewing surgers ix Oakvitte huspitat. Miss Dianu Mitigan is beti- ctayiug Iis week witb rata- tives ut North Bey. Drew Mitigax returned front bespitat ex Wednesday and is ccncaiescing ut is hume, Brit- uanie Rcad. Drew bas a cast on is left ieg but is able, with crutches. te muse about. His Itung Iriencîs are insited lu drop by and spend a little ime îitb iim during tbe nest Iccu mentbs wben be must he quiet. Mr&s.Donugla Green and duugbter Vaturie attended the graduation euercises ut Scar- hcreugb Genertt Hospital ex Tbursdaîe. Juty 13 as gonds cof ber sister, Mrs. Deroîbo Mc- Pberseu cf West EH, une cf the gruduatixg stass. Mrs. Mc- Phersox bud ibe btgbrst ag- gregate mark in the stusand receis-ed the Alumni Award and sbe deisered thc Vatedir- tories address. Congratula- tiens. Miss Brigette Von Cube cf Moffat cccx aIse a graduate in tbis dclas. Birtbday greetings te Linda Van De Boom, Mrs. Marion Snicter. Douglas Green, Sexs I ccxc Eavnor, Raxdy Joncs. Kaîren Atamsitn. Ceit Patter- son. Murs- Ei7aitth Curtis. Pal'u Cripps. Wiliam Mitchell, BtilHitccien. Chartes Pccc Denny Green returned boe on Tbursdav. Jitix 20, from Camp Gagetowcn, New Bruns. cick.sshere bcebaiiheestuv- ing fer the past If dayssmith bis ftbcr Doutglas Green. Mr. Green scaslin unaceriat weed spraving îcxitract, uief his fi ne neisbeicepter. nate, The Litties' Auxiiarv has ,eiecied Muiel tCouîsnxandl la7exi Ectetîxaxiciegaites Date of Burt6 Par tsi Namet Address Loi No Mentit Phone No. Concession No. ... PLEASE PRINT THtIS INFORMATION -Our Readers Write MUSEUM SHOWCASR Georgetown, Ont., 31 Byron St., July 17, 1967. Tu the Ediler, Hailtos Ceunts residentu hane mech te ba prced cf in their ccunty museum tccaled aI Kelse park. The antiquily cf ils cntents cen be dcubly appreciated in Ihat they are hcused In a 97- year.eld harn whieh sets them cff te best adrantaga. Tu hune placed them in a modern type building weuld certainly hune put the article dispîxyed eut cf rentent cilh the uge in whicb they belcng. Tbe tremendees ameunt cf aber innlved in the restera- tien cf the presant building is a monument le thce respcn- sibla fcr Ibis Canadian show- Witb futtrher buildings con- îemplaled lu bouse the uncient relies, Ibere citt 'be an epper- tunity fer residents cf tbis ceunIs lu make donations cf articles ccicb citt be well ta- ken care e) and citt be a me- mentc te tbe dener fer future gençratiuns lu iew citb pride. The museum is net asking ter mcney, but frem isiters, exp donations received ccoutd be greatty appreciated to betpc- ver espenses uf the eperatiun. A certiticate, betutifutty ix- .,cribcd. suitabie fer frumixg, citt be gixen te eacb dener ut an article beiexging le the mears long past. Ycurs trcly. Ed. A.Peter%. BURLINCTON GROUP RECEIVES SUPPORT The Cilizens'Ccmmiltee fer an Independent Burtinglen wishes te acknemlcdge the Ire- mcndeux support il bas resais- ed from many Burlinglex resi- dents ix ils campaige. The Cemmitîeceis preparing a brief fer presen talion le the fellewing: (A.) The Honorable J. W. Speener, Minister cf Munici- put Affairs uf Ontario. (B.) The Counici ofthIe Townu ci Burlington. (C.) The Commissicnuhue citt tuds Ibe teasibiiity (amn- ceg cîber îbingsl ui the amui- g-atation ut Burlinglon and Harnittun. The Committrefestars .th1e brief sbîuid expres, the varced opinions ci thoeeresidents îîhc arec ppoed te aniganoîtion witb. Hemilton. in crder te make Ibis possible the Commit- tee wouud be pleesed lu recrive and censider any constructine niews fer possible inclusion in our brie). It was fuund ix the tetephene surseyseonducted by tbe C.C. L.B. Ibat an cnerwbetming mu- jurity ut Burtingîcu citizans were uguinxt any genernmental atliance witb Hamilton. The Cemmitten weutd wecma the participation cf interested per. sosor organizatiens in ils pro. gramn Aller ail, me are a "Citi- zens' Committeex and Ibat ccutd mean YOU. If yuu share ln the niems cf 16e C.CtI.B. we urge yeu te pur- cbase and USE a Burtingtun bumper stieker (wbich peels off easity). Yeu may contaet the C.C .. ut 632-1313, 528-1336, 634-6325, Mrs. W. Gall. Crawford Lake scene of Sr. Citizens picnic Forts eight of Mituns Senior Citizecoxexitîxec a pii.nic Jets 18 ail Cc.sclîrc Lake. Aller lunch a shoart meeting iras heid and acard ignedbsuttllpres- .,-i %a, ien i oBill Scott icho iin the hîspiiel. ' Mr. endl Mes.Drede estand. cda nia ion o 6e club for iheir golidenî inniversirs i.eie- hriîîxxs September 10. Tom Huichinscn prei et a deliii. cdl iitirrciof aitropiised blus torIoiToîrontoî Augusi 2. Ail bhoxe întarested ix guing shculd contact Mr. Bradley. A second tnîp latrin August %%ax proposed by P. W. Hurbet- lie i.;the Canadiax National Exhibition, teanixng Mitoen etI p.m. These ixterested in ut- tending sboutd contact Mr. Harbottie. Aller the meeting ctused ,omne members catkad areexd the park grounds and eoncted- cd t6e alternoox piusixg the eiîeiîltheie choice. TOWN 0F BURLINGTON Notice to Realty Taxpayers The counc i of the Town of Burlîngton has authorized the establishmnent of a system of municipal and schooi tax credits and refends under the provisions of The Municipal and Schoi Tan Creclît Assistance Act, 1967. te assist elderly per- sons. A t ax credit equivelent te one-hait of the municipal and schocil taxes moy be allcwed in respect of a real preperty, subinct to a maximum of $150, if: <a) the owner, andlor the husband or the wife of the owner, is 65 years of age or more and occupies the real property as a personal residence, (b) application is made by the saxpayer during the calendlar year in which the .realty taxes, in respect of which the tac credit is claimed, become dae and payable, and (c) the remaining portion of the realty taxes, ater the deduction et the tac credit, has been paid. Fuil particulars cf the systen of tau credîts and an application ferm may be obtained f rn the cf fice cf the municipal treesurer t 426 Brant Street, Burlinglen, Ontario Appicants sheu Id supply documents cf ttie shewing legai descripticn cf preperty erth6e registration nunber cf the deed on mhich epplication fcr credit is being made. D. W. FARMER, C.A., JuIy 18, 1967 Treasurer EW DIMENSIONS IN DARIN LO0 - P ROFIL E CupS SURCINGLE for stonchion barn use WIDER * ASz ý FASTER Mils AL cws egodles :,o,,de cocicty a beak Loest techxeigp has beex of tct paceent nd .n o rnik, iibiity n xoporated jeto Ibis ude laac.Cl nsi ta e e h nqatrsml raknr ccp. Il il stiti the pe. ad isu es auu test mike mode. HORACE TOMLINSON DAE RR 1 INGLEWOOD PHONE 830-2264 SERVING PEEL AND HALTON COUNTIBS *PRESCRIPTIOS ELSLEY PHARMACQ" 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - Ater Iteurs 87"4961 FREE DELIVERY - REVION COSMETICS K H ELSLEY. B Sc. Phm. ESQUESING TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS KIN DERGARTEN ENROLMENT OnIy chiîdren who wiII be 5 years old on or before December 31, 1967 are eligible ta attend Kindergarten, commencing Septem- ber 5, 1967. Parents Please Note Change: IN ORDER TO PROVIDE TWO-WAY TRANSPORTATION FOR KINDERGARTEN PU- PILS, CLASSES FOR THE COMING YEAR WILL BE ON AN ALL-DAY, ALTERNATE BASIS. Ratepayers are urged fa notify any parents of kindergarten chidren who may not be aware of the above information. Please complete the attached registration form and torward immediatety to MRS. C. A. GRANT, board Seretary, R.R. 3, Georgetown, Ontario. Parents stsu Id hane pour childs birth certiticate anaitable on registration day. B R EA KER SIPHON for parter use