Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jul 1967, p. 11

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The Canadian Champion, Wedlnesday, Jul y 26, 1967 83 - [W~jâ~ Aa>ÀY~j S Lvestock judging AN IENJOYABLI SUS TOUR 0F FARMS in Wenlworthhemd Brant Counties was that cosers 150 acres of land On the rghr, the bus is siopped ar rthe Jerome taken by eyerai Halton Soit and Crop Improvement Association members on Bros. farmai Ancaster, nshere 270 acres of potaioes are grume for the manu- Thursday. Core, potato, catle, piq and poultry experts were visited on the facture of potaro rchips Mr Jerome (wntb neeqolphonel euplines bis operation day-long tour tIsai sîopped ai fnve large farms. Above on the lefi, Mitîgrove io the visiiors. farmer Sam Neweli (facing camera in centre) explaies hos grain corn operation (Phsotos by Merle Gueibvi Visit Wentworth, Brant counties Soul, crop association tours farms By GeolE. Taylor The Haltstn Sn,ît and Crop Improvement Associattio held teos ua bs rip oniiThurs- day, JuIn 27,turng ltrms i Wenîsvrth and Bra,,nt Cotes .- Thte group ut 70 members lirst vsted Sanm Neucîl. R.R. 1 Miîlgrovc-. Il tvas quite evi- dent tIsai gtud larnt manage- ment practi cen sere respunsi- hIe for thc ent and tsdn ap- pcurance ol bts farm. Grain corn mas gtunse tu be sold as dried. shctled corn the luttune. tng year. le une Field corn had been plunted lur the 20th time in t tFant 21 ncars. Hi, aver- ag.t vieldturithe p.stltewears has bee in thc neighbrrhood of 100 hunhels ut corn peruacre. Storage tacilittes nycavait- able on the farrm lnr 20 tons ut tried. shelled eon, inet hume-made curenres Tbc second stop trI thetur uvs itihe arm tot Jeromte Brnne Ancanner. ns ers- ibis vear 270J acresof Aonand Kenetrec puiaiues wrc- henng gronn.to be îîscd ho the polalo chipping indusîry. There the average vieid- arc beinucen 275 and 300 75-pound buge per acre, Alibis farm minimum titlage opera- itons are bcing praciiced ho% dn.cnng lwice. iollosvnng iih a ruIl-uver pions. niih a "s bd- tuster" uîiached behnnd te piom, and plantnng. Wiih ibis meîbod ut tillage îhev are able to plant 22 acres of totatues a day. AlIv1r hirtestinig and gr,,dnng. the pnnatues are put tinune-ton pallt b one, and then eiured te Seek hazards in farm safety week Farmn Safety Week is a gond ime for Canada's farm peupl e tu check and correct tbe numerous accident haz ards [bai are a cons tant threat to ibeir physicat and econ- o eIl h-eing, ssvs the Natiunal Salety League ut Cana- do. S ponered anexa tty by the League in co-operation witb the Cannucltn Htgh%%zs' Safetv Councit, Farm Safety Week ibeing othersed nantuonallv july 23to 29. The Halton Fnnm Safetv Councit is backing the tam- paige lucatle. " The hesti neurance tg.insn the disastrous cffects ut taro acc ide:nts. dclaruod P. G.McLaren, the Leagues General Mantager. ' , tir get rtd ut att possible bazards. hoth bhethsious,and tbe mure subtileunes" Wben aaked to list commun farm bazards, be eaid. Must peuple tetdits dentilv the obvous unes- fuel tanks ton close tno buildngs, the menueing "lawe" uf sartous tyýpes ut equipment. nor ,amean bull Hossese. hbc' mrned. typicat farm hnards tnclude mues' "esos Utus btotust asyscîet" tr,,urds such assa crackc'd ladder rung, broken hoardsinna psrc h tour or steps. oily rags in ctstsed cup- boards or in a she'd, beaducee abtets lefi (in a dresser, tosie c hcmçc,siteundentified containers, ,tvertntudnng tnf electrical î,Ulilt,toInl riko thers. A cheikb il .,11the rooms in ann .nerage farm hîose would vteld mnns, "lttle" h,,cards th.nt n'edct crrecting. sald Mr, McLaren. Andtii, eath tof the yard, haro. shc'ds. and fteldns wuldstceld morte'sc't"Buiontvîtakes une t, injure or kitiandttntdrattothe hankccount,"becarnedt Remlnding arme.-s ttrt fcsser accident ptssibilitnes can on lv meanoIester accdntesthe i eaguenurgc'd hem tir 'enrntll the hc'l)of l tI tmilc membes te seekinu ,ann eliminattng ail pceihlcnobstacle, t,,rs.ifetv' tn the ftrmi HAYING IS STILLIN1 PROORESS aI a number of district farms, as raie bas delayed tbe barvesi- (Cg and on many farms thc met weaiber bas either rutned thse crop or decreased the quatity of the boy. Thes scene wan pbotograpbed Sai- urday ai ibe Campbellvilte area farm of A cunett led ,tmttsphecbutld- ings. S ttrage lacilittesar avattable 1or 70,000 O75-pttnnd btgs. Thie ird stop ot the d,îonvas o the arm ut Jtm Fti,tt .R.R. t. Brantford. Huere 170 tnt the 2M acres u'rc-tengurked. wilh apprustmatelv 55ace inncorn 20 nnuats and barlev, and tO0 in han. Sixts dairy cous. consisting ut 40 Hulletns and 20 Jersens. and a puuliry luck of 2_500 laving hensnsuerc the tsctentcrpriscs carriedton. Haytage, 'hich han been ed for the îrst etght vears un ibts tcrm. and corn stlage made up the botlk ut the ration for the tirNsc s DHIA.records hanne eett kept ton tlte herd 1r the past 10 yars. Tbe neol stop was at the arm ut Jtm Snmtth. lOtO t, Mtddlepttn t. shcrc h60tssand 250 ntierns ere keptfIts lage and curenstlagce nyre ledtt the siur. ntdl aren lutheote s. tim and htertther Bonbtatrni apprneimatete 900 aucres n trsto farm operations. In 1966trthctr 24 s 70 Ilsit look 70 tecres otcntte si (tpe tnt tiIl. mhnch then Itnets aenotngh tnt tecd the 200 head tt beetc,,t- Ic durnng the wUntetr mntthe Tite bing npert inntbctsween the lnsotainttecottttet fni ,pprtns imatele 60 so,, ns sth al] the ucanling pige treng ledut niai bel Fucilntcsn%%r' ,v.nlnle ou le.d uy tlu900111hogn pet ne.tr Peed mnsnegssas dnennthe tarm uetng hume-grtttvtt teed,. A htop ai 1the arm tof Brute MeBate. R R. 2, Caledonn,, con pîcîtdthect,,setonte Tttthutt dred orces, pus 150 adlttntnat rented. Usr, henng usentti gruw cnrrn ,nnd hett lnr the 4.000 lanning hees. Tu nînnann terilils onethe heavv'ctt]an redelnnycens, gettesoRecent t, d rainnage tntrb gase indca tionts ofincrensest n'etds io the ti-n te tlng tis titchs lce i muati yettinttn the LtOc ns t, nn wceks , ttc ' t tr w in 'ch gneseimore poi n nrý, ed n elc, is nleUer" cvn_ te do ni ,habout f70 pu'r a,.a .n erage -1ttsttn 1t48t .' Boers, mbere workmen mere binging in a load of bales. Moct of ibe firsi crop of boy mas boned or sold for mulcb, but experts say the second crop bas a good start and shoutd bç an encellent crop ibis year, (Staff Photo) HALTON FARMERS on the Soiarrd Crop terprovement groups bus tour are showo dcrioq a stop at the Culedonia farre of Bruce McBIain Mr McBlI, r rht, enylains hins farming pro- dlucrioreethode ethicBranrttCourity agriculital represerra- live Do n Graharr leetHaltnn q. re'n Henry Sarley and ihree McBlain boys liste'r (Photo by Merle GCnb,') ApPdIN ELECI-t, COM AN ,STTOSD O0. RPAE INDUSTRIAL& COMMERCIAL CONTRACTIMO MUSAINMTNCE SC 24 HOUR - LOUIS NODALIN BOX 08, Iîî0N, il 878-2206 UNI Batterie EXPRTNE RVCEE THIMITAL BASOUNG REL ION CM 88.13 FR OU SERVICE O 0 2 Service Trucks Rudio fquipped ID Front End Aignment 0 Brake Service 0 Complete Line of Uniroyal Passeoger andTrruckr Tires Name five trophy winners or group, witb a score ut 624, witb Larry Bennett eceon d attd Lots Hunier third. Tropbies to be presected ut tbe annuat awards nigbt for lthe higb novice, C.N.E. sield- Norman M ill1e r; Cbampion Dairs' Judge îropby, won by Angus showmen Tsvo Onario ongeters bave been named to compete in the Natiocal Junior Angus Show'- manilnip Contest Augost 7-8-f ai Lexington, Kentucky, Claire Sweetman of Hornby. ece tary ulthIte Ontario Aberdeen- Angue Assoeiation bas unnoun. ceed. Tbev arc William Jaekson, Mono Road Station. Port Cred- t, and Miss Juditb Hausen. Ariss. The to o mut compete againsI boys and girls lrom al uverte U.nited States and Canad.a for thebaonurtofbetn nesltop juntor Angus strutsni-to Bill Aesandter; Champion Beef Jutdgttitphtho luDon Brand- e.; Champion Streep Jadging lroptry. 10 BiltAlexander; Champion Livesloeb Judging tropby, to Don Brander. A DESCRIPTION Traftic accident - "head-on collision beiveen imo station- ary cars eac h purked on ibeir omn sides of the road." ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Oplomelelst Friday 9 M.01. 10 f p.M lu4 MAIN ST., MILToN (Davis Jeweîler. BIdE.) BY GnofU. Taylor On Wedne.sday, July 1f. St 4-lt asnd Junior Farmer memt- bers t rotî Halton Counly took part tn the annua! County Liven stock Jadging Competilion beld at tbe tUniversity ut Guelpb. Participants wern rnquired la judge brece classes of dairy cal- de,. unc ut sbeep, tbree of beef andc utte ut hog carcasses. Rea- Uo s ere gtven on tssodairy -lasses. non beet, and une on ,licep. Contestants were dinid- cd intu tbree groaps according tsu previuus participation - no- vice, J unior and senior. In the Novice group Norman Miller stnoad lîrst, titb a total score of 573 out of 650. Bob Lastro was second and Judy Hardy tird. [n tbe Junior di- vision Murray Brownridgn top- lied the group witb a total of 61t. tollowed by Bob MeGe and Patrieia Omeiman. second and third respectinely. Don Brander was tread ufthte Sec- Thi, lme of sear cati bc a dangerous ont' lui, or larm silos, ai teusi dangerous to the larnier. If youubanc lltcd sour silo mith grass eluge or vtrer forages, take unira tact' when Yeu re'tillil.DependtStg Unevt iwfactoreibe re ntas Irenet trUc gases lurmcd. These arc- aselunnshhr nssad c, chnnking anndt suogtitit ted tan bc l,îSl. Stbetnnrcrctlling. hlt% ot holatad p IA.T. MOOREI INSURANCEI CAMPRELLVILLEI 1ITHEY GROW - 1 Nature' ,nteded boat calces sbould nurne hitrtsd.nnn s Ion 8 or 9 eontbs and gave treot a strnoq rqe-toqroae dcrteq this 'r'ttod &,hnrin bey 'moold de asscred of a tconstant'cupply of qroeetln nnnol'tg n'ntttevts ln th ,n',est of dollars and-cents retorrs, do rymnttoh.nne sbosteeed the tinve etf 'end nq ttlk (or otlk replacer) ru 6 WffKS and haoe conseqoeetly lnenned rhe danly eutrint allowaeee drastically . So itt soecessary ru yrootde qrowthrneaktnq ectrientsisnt another forti or pay the penaltyt in sIow re qeth and tindler stzed cows at ona tu tyt Idonrer fondss Re-ateh (tas develoteed Master CalI Startr- Grouner ru 0(11 the octrittooal gap. Wbetn ted on dtrected, ibis feed proondes the Nutreets that nature ontenedn calves Io have, ie o palaiable foron that clves lite. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP $125 CHEF SALAD ROAST TURKEY DINNER & CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHEO POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES COLE SLAW STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FOR UESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 W. Are Open Every Day The.ughout the Y.e LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONED MHR.n AS NATURE INTENDED - 22 e mo, (& tz$vco e , ! MASTER FEEDS (STE WARTTOWN) DIAL 877-3512 (GEORGETOWN) AW

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