4 Tie Canadian Champon, Wednesday, Jly 19, 1967 Riddeii records winner Miton fois Card bid for league leadership Maanagenet of tise Brisg- ton Cardittats mighs ml asis oI Miltons Red Sas, "Wbs, nom?" Burington came itt Miltan Monday igbs for misas would bave appeared In paper s on eay victory anad a sof t patis ta top spot in tise Halton Cousty Leagor. but ent home ose gamte furtiser ram sieir goal as Bosch RiddetI beld tisrm ta four bits and ianded tierea 4-3 defeat. Burtagrt, ios a shade out orfirt place ieind Dondas, iad ptayrd Miton tice prior ta Monday nigits meeting and had brases siem an isotisen- coostert. Brlington toobed ise troub- le in ie first ining miestise firt btter. Roiin Jobsny, is- eted and scored on Dan Wigles triple. Wigte was tise second Bîriagton batter and tise sec- ond mass an tise Buringlua clubtist get a base bit. He was also tise tast man on tise tram ta bit until tise sevencis and f in- al isning. ihJc In tisefienttnns il Jc Clark an firsl base and smo mes out, Riddett worbed Robin Johnny ta a two and smo count and ties fired tise iird stribe. Tise bail gos away on Dac Mc- Cutcheon and att of a sudden sisre sare mer os isst and secotnd an dnotbing loobed safe for tise Sox. Wigte groonded dossn tise tiird base tsne and Red Crnie glosed tise hall and mode o bad sirow ta Ras Nos- or and Clark scored os tise play. Joinny scored on tise seat play mien Price singîrd. making it a 4-3 hall game witis Bob Satishorg t bat. Satvis- bîsef drovc une cdama tbe siird base ine and Crnie putted st dlown for tise hird avis. Jima Brooks watked Dance and At Jordan in tise second in- ning ta starstishingo off for Mii- tons Ibreerunn spere. Ron Nay. or doubîrd ta score bath Dance and Jordan and be scor- cd of Bill Curries single. Tt was strictty a pitchers' dort untilthtie sixtis inning wben Red Currie singîrd and sconed on At Jordans game innine triple. Tise toss draps Burting- ton dlown ta third spot, juot a sisade betom Campbettvitte. Miton ptays tonigbt lWed- nesday) in H-amiton. Juves hit hot streak biast Viliagers 20-O Af er losing ta Campbsell- ville Juvenites Mooday ai last weistisa Milton Juveaites bait o bot streais, retaliatiaf mitis a 2)-2 oin oser tisa samne Camp- bietville teont ad sanding tise Georgetown Juniors a 5-3 de- let and tise fi.ergetown Jases- tIrs an Il-t trousc iat RIcis Clemeni eld Campbsell- ville su siree its mwhite lise Mit- sasnstttggers unloaded in tise second stanra, scoriaf 10 ruas. Thry scored ise anîthr first, 10) t iseb second. tiser in tise siird and lwa an tise ifttstoa c- caunt for tise 20 run barrage. Gara Mitchell rrlieved stars- ing Campiselîvitîr pitcher Bill Oranis otter anIs ane insing. Desais ltowed ise ruas on foac its and smo matis whiite Mtchell allowcd 15 ruans on 13 bits and sevea maths. Tres Haustos ed ther attacis witb ,here singles and a double in fiv e imes as batl Steve Ger- vais stagîied icse and dauhîrd, lOch CIement tripled, Barry' Mclrasis stagled siier and sin- gles ent ta Misc Harrison, Leon Stckle and Brian Baugis- Bg Red Casrie Lured the Juveniles ta a 5-3 tvta oser tise Georgetown Juniors. Carne tacot tisa distance altowisg tisree cons on tour bits and b tcrs ý,Milson scored ose anintise second innig on o scalis ta Steve Gervais wisa reacised home os smo George- toms ersars as Milton ent abrad 1-0. Georgetomn lid tisa score in tise tourtis on o bit bot- ter and a singe ha L. Dm5s- Crnie had troublc inthie fit- thi ining mies Georgetowa scorrd twtce on a it btter and tsos cas o tehen tise sus se il-dodhiodcred trst hase. iîaCiag B us'svisiosand Hornby team enters tourney Horaba Midgets oI tise Hal- toa Rural BaLball Leagoc ilI s nier tIse Shefflieldt Mtdget tour- îant ia shillid JaIs 22. coachs Berlram Steswart an- autacedci ecetlv. Hornisy, misapay ia a league wits Gca Wiiat~ms * iimviltr and Omagis have bers undetrat- ,ctnwvatais th is seasus fliher team, a tsiatg -ho tour- rament arc Guelphs, Gais. Pres tn,.SSiMary*s, ýSheffield, Lyn- dea and Ville Neure. Becs Stewearts iaaýssttd b; Jin tHamitotnd Res. Keith 5-aises,. Tise H5-iaabateata plavu their lrst gasse o tht ioarnamcflt t 2 pm ,Jly 2' and msm t iythr gimes t vs a tise ttaourameti. Leuvers enfter soithuil leugue ise Mîlto t Sotîistil Lt.ais naide lsti '.lin f aite tyl ast To.-da,ýcvcaing wmi thtbrictted laantes ,Fuel by an 8 1tt,i'.ia. F-,il 'stbo pitthed tr Letivc, tannts nite b.ttecs Lecavers scort iglitsrin', un 10 bits ana lt Tise Charles t-otel stoppe tie Leavertclub Tbarsdayi a10 utts Deboer as il teint piieher. Healalomed 50 is. ssii errors. lanaedfi% .ad issec tm>aliss Pcîîvsding tise Missar Bal A sticiation reeives permissit tu pay halI attie Martin Strei Scisuitî, tadustriat Balw scîtedute double brodera i tutus Tuesd av and Tiursd2 es ýttungs as Ritarv Park. H.,d dem.atrwtiea ut Kelse Pool WL GuIl erguoun. Swm iDîre- taroat tise Kelsa poot annoteacea tisas tserca sautbcean artilcilt p- 1repiration ittoonstcatiinata tise Kelsu pool tanîght îWed aradavi at 7 p.i -Tier'e Il alsu t-aswat ,alto i% înîia Wehave faand that mansot t-ec bidrca saha t keswin- U mnglcsatns knabotaiîand are atle tii apIpla atitîcil res- pi ratitînt-at tieucparents b as-e neyer t-cen exptisd ta and ar-nus utle ta ase t " sho aid Tise demonstra iaa iv part ai the pnga and terail be BILL CURRIE ni a dmissiton charge. AIl those inîrested arc ucîcoine cousîag ht-uv, isottso ritu- lin! put auts. Beiind 3-1ina t-e fift i ining Miton pîckrd op tour ruas as Bres McTnacis stated tise raI- lv mus aa singe -loudby conaeatîve bits t-s Ricis CIe- ment wmus a double. Tran Hou- ,tan as-d Steve Gervais singîrd and Bill Curic daabled and a t-st pîita Lean Sticisie su ac- cîtuat toc tisa toutisun alty. Bs-an Bougiton put is som taveita des tn is irsi 'tort on tise moone thiis season and alt<awed onl; t-cee bits ta tise Georgetima Juvnite', strib' ing oui eîgbt. Milson scoeed one rnnin tise iraI as Barry MeTraci singîrd and soredoun Robent 1Lers is- gir. Milstun sîrue k again ton tis ruas inthie t ird ona a matis su Steve Gervaia folomed isy o sngle bs Ceaie Brusis and a sngle bs John esatîn George- townsastarse'.t tiirail tia tise fhlis on ,asinualc ba [.iiîî anîd aMilstotni ieir ttîke tise sciit' 3-1tn a aîtroi Mlton. Milton setree ie ronsin tise lit Itis ussingles tl ie tve Ger- eus., Letîn Stiskie andi John Peassan.Beusis aaked. flatac rion ailiedt to gise hein an 8-t margia Tisey seoreîd tiscec us-an atIse- aishfor aaf1naI si-i victc ry. Joîhn Toat mis tise lasîag pis- cher, alloaing Il citas an 10 its and tanaang tisre Miton bossera GeorgetownvsJuniors iit Mltonta tua 7t5 iWcdncs- davsi Gaint îmc is 630 p.m Junior hockey executives meet *lotise;N plans foii tht ceimitai * esnil]bcImhmittlattd o 2 tt-iicsdisiigtt seltesttise on- IiIttIlouetesCub ese,uttsc aili bho etecteet as MîttîsîtLegîtîsa Piessicat Iae Bittaissasa tlle selcuIme mitat iottiti aîaauase tisieeteti thtie Juniort club- andtise 8-0.3)itteeiaft, pen. TheIse 1iitsg sali bct-e eisuasindaup lttcltisearc plas ad tise i c k-tltpoint fi tu sIte 196-7-8seasun. se ciA wincesrs drives- iv seldots 1 wekesvry long. sg no INSURANCE d Sandy throws no hitter Belles trounce Oakville Sandy Cuthbrrtson appeas-ed ia Miton Bette uniform for àte second limse is season t lt Wednesdoy. Sise marked te occasion witb ber seconde vtory and did it in fine fasis-c ion, pitciing a n-itter againt( tise. second place Oaisvitlei She fanneal 17 bttera, walk- ed sis and it one btter. Mas-- sa Watdie beaded tise Belles' os tacis itis foor singles ansd i~j ed tbcm tu tisef40 victary. Iianne errier bomered and BUTC RIDssngted. Raye Marsb tripîrd Rurail bague Anse Heurtas singîrd twice standi gs -hite Shirley Bridgeman singl- bal t n ig donce. Tise wis gises tise Belles a 3-3 W L Pt. , onloss record and leaves La 'tIr 13 3 26 1 hem six points out of fisst Patermo 13 3 26 olace isis sbs-e games in Procor 9 g 18 band. Tise Belles sec action Onsogi 8 9 16 hucre agatnss Drumquin Wrd- Halcon 3 12 6 ccsday' ansI travel tu Ornagis Horsnisy 2 13 4 Tborsday. ____________ In other roague action Wed- 0 ncsdas, Gaissilte deleated Pal- 94. Omagis bras Glen iffigtoil nlipo zWil1 ia m s 9-8; Georgetown st nd n s ond , Honby 10-9ad f**p Dramqasn maltopped Actas 10- Baninosçtvndiiç2 P W L Ps. Horabv 7 4 3 8 Omags 5 332 6 Kilbicde 4 3 t 6 Gen Wiliams 4 2 2 4 Drainqusa 4 O 4 0 Future fames: July 19 - ttvitquinai Klhicde, Hors- t-s a Gen Wllias.July 21- filen Willams ai Omagis. Mialget Standings P W L Pts Hotcaba 7 7 014 Ltissi l- t- 3 3 t- tiagis t 2 4 4 Gien Williamis 5 O 5 O Future gantes: Jais 19 - Htîcsiss ,t Lt ill5e: (len Wil- osma Omaifli tuty 22 - 1ýwil.asi(GIen Wsilliams; ttmagsh asit4îîî abs Halton County AI Stars meet Standings Pr visiamers (a l i v ea 17)1 l titis u i -fait Alil ttais W L -ni GB3L ou Iijclt u usPuavs Donda il 3 .786 tse' a i u tiiliati Buis Buiîngtun 12 4.750 Foiiliitte tAi ,trPark, t rb, l 733 V, tala 2 1(a, u eititt s 8.30. Hamilton Oakaille Gergian Prestîta Waiecd'a Mlîtî 9 t-*t-00 2 t t- 9 *400 5t iý 4 t1 .267 71, 4 33 .23950Pi 1I14 .671lOi Batting leaders gf ais ta Larry Wilson. D 1 5 45 .449 C. McF-etrstJ0 1547 .426 D. Art-îc. G 13 42 .3t- L. W cas. O D 15 5t-.375 O. Wîgie. B 17 52.365 W. Pt-suifs. W 13 480 334 T. Bi'acas.O Il 35 .343 Dt McPhatl. t) 15 46s.32t- P Ch motî. B 14 40 325 B. tllîîîti C 12 40i.325 B, Cu[ r ie, M 14 50 .320 J. Pîc. B 1752 .308 10B, isatu B 133h 306h J Mi imO. D 1 t-46 304 t M abO D 13 4h 304 Minor bal 'Ite, fitaIs etîmbe L, tIi an-i ,:halleangeet iiisi pot in tise Mît iti M t ata i Ixl.e,îac h sicîeýting tise sccond plate (titis 119Las Rîîta'v Jîcis Jais 12. 'Ile ite ants cle ais o telîlkiang tda% I, beat t-c h% ta ts tatlie 19-5marin Ile (iîats t1icin irtisace i ut- h23 patistaMithelia'lt-al t- i iii i tise seisia 1 Tise Casdnais iti a al 411cuieltu estte' iiats sautas \llit.Brati-sHtssbta anid r Weie;Il corccil ta Ille iras riiitata.Rut-cita. t osita.Wrigt, 1 i its itI;itht ii bti flit c Ili,, friant,. C.C.îgili ecoird -l ttat Meleets aut Palmr- sst ii,iie.L3tiitel.ierdatauof Lîîîsaîlic ai litai base, Max Maxsheislilctel ci PaIermu oai second. CatlI lt.dliîid ut Ont agh it s t-ual.SttaiKitsg uf Lau aille astabusi, Chantie McFrt- vis l Palcavîîîin lat field, DonsCucrecil tf.iernaioiin crs- ic field and te Caulasnut Lîtîvat lit- a igisi. Jacques Fa- aI teutLîîu'î le ansd Clint Jontes tif Pcocue mîlI bandîr tise pîtising las tise Att Stars ai- tittgssi tt-Alai 1cm iiiOmagis. in regutas- liaison Rural Siiit-tiiLîtasîet-as itarnby 115,Itee Ciulaîta pitcbed bis inisa tin t tutsas-t ts, gis i up seven its white stis- iaag otnteven ad sslkiag smo. 1taltitiS te tisa liteHînby. lTe Ltvisesle atacis mas Ira tee,-cCitai atti h a tripla tata so iaf les Cîsesîtale anti ll'ti' lt itit i itue'int- lu1,, ttii s m ittit5tt eîubl îtt i",GitiiiMas sistl. Sit Dliît-l atit i .tacs Cîspiseit al siagieti tîici' ttîslisnex hm, itî ia tilt%;ga iiIl attiiu Cmit, ti itise Ctl Ntis liii th ,titi .îiîa1 tteS fa tlise' i,is t. t eat th Met, iiTiiaii's citase' \sîin tutu .îi pi eiit r n",telatl lt ili titd in ls t SATURDAY NIGHT LDANCE M sT AT THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION MAIN ST. N.- ACTON, ONTARIO JULY Ilnd. FEATURINO "THE MANHATTAN'S ORCHESTRA" DANCING 9 TO 12 P.M. [Admission $2 Per Couple - Everyone Welcome Glen Williams trounce George- toms 10-5. Monday, Dramqoin bras Pal- rntasisis a 17-11 tais: Aclon dowtted Glen Wiiliams lt-S: Georgetowan squelrbed Oak-' ville 14-2 and Omagis edgrd Has-nbv 21-20. SAN.DY CUTHBERTSON Throws a No Hittea- Moat metiag ébt., schedues Seek school diamonds At a joins meeting of tise Pirks Buard, tise Rereatirs Cîîmmttec. tise Minor BaIl As- stiation and tise Industriot Hall Leagur on Thursday. tl stars decided tisaitishe Recrea- twa Committer aili approacis tIse Public Scisool Bord for permission ta las Mînor Bal H titia League gomes on tise Matin St. scisasa diamonds. Compicatonsoarose cunen- îag tise Rotary Pari scseedute mises Turadas and Tisursday ra-rnings mere allosird tatise ando-trial Bal Iagur on tise iîhted eiamoad. This in etet asiiaid eut tise Misor B,ll scise' (fille b%, so iames peremers. ChueS Gervais, iead ai tise Rie rîiia Commutter. aaid iletchall berîs i int mers- iagîti thae ciacered in tise tiis g ad he had 'nen ted tii belisese tisîteve rsone mas t ,Ieý Ieauicc noait tuer le-tibie mas' ta set it osiand t-ta chedulte shitlet tive gîtar rinees long agit Aîîsbîdy teliît end t ut-mdiamonda milI 5tia'c siigoithtogbsthe priiper chiasneis." Me. Grevais s,id. tise peapere haiitîtin ta tIti aitie' oîlet bc Ile Piks tut-si Pentust. AI Tomner. Jack CItaiiti ristndJisv Eigeg cl epreacataf t-e Mitîtr Baîl] Assotciatioin. capîtiard tbrie nee i'dItir sait eli,îtids osntn toc ttin Mi petrcotisaut sl îsîîuld bc impassible toc shemn iii las Frietisevettiags tir Si! tirelas.d(Itl le itriilis si I ertisafcoiietes anel titipires titisittortise game itnes us t 1-At tise hegnnistg ioftise sea- t- otIse schelule'%%ita t wn ti p is the joint mteetain n il.Tte'aIi a ndi Tisra i eea itita tate ,îlîîtlc tii tise'Soit- ýe but i eaugiie i nîer tise ighiss il Tiis tel ttise witw ists ibot- 9-îiîîîîîîîîîls Mitela, le-,dai; ait WediselaN antd ittetditti ý,itltouThuirsdav' 'T-e Mînor Bail Association uili ta fa tup a t-tboliil,-t~ rutîtntîl t-ev receiiaed nuot titis urit t-e rerrcati oiiitee' tlirminaf(heinut t-e change.,îilîîîeîng stiltisit u. titi t-e lîgited dtltetntwii.- i \ei Tises itra mens t tel urIil (,tttpiiitest. Cîîuacilree tu otieectise protesi and at- they always bad. No one tram a tise Safîhal rogue was natit-1 ird ut cauncilas action, but tisef groof mitbdrew votuntos-itS tram tise paris and playrd hibrr ganses ian tise Meser Plant and1 Ontario Steel diamonds. 1 Monday of Iast oek, ater1 a lapse orfise mrrks. Cliff Hioston, president outtie Sots-( hall league. ment ta coancili and a jint meeting insotving tise parks boards, tise rerea- ltan cîîmmîtte'c and tise smo baseball elegatiiiss mas arg- anized. At ibis meeting, il mas estaSi- ished boat tise ont; solutian mould beîa seconad site witb mii diasîînîs. tii ,llom tise Missîts B,îl Assoiiaion ta scise' dole teti gamnes ,ît tise some lm tii ancplace. hl s als nce% bisohae .acen- taloaintii permit tise plase rs Iigel honme'aitarecO- ,oatm shie i is i :ish and Game News b y as-n coualson Bass, onfiftflie gameot fish t in aur fresis waler system,k pound for poond, osupt more fight tisas any fishin Ontario. Bass mils strike read- ily on atmost any ture pres- ented correetly. Sunfare ures. popping plugs and deep con- niaf lares taise tbcir tatI of boss in bot meatber. Inweedy and sbattomwter, lise min- noms are mass effective. t Thse amati moutis isse mass popotar Ontario coot materc bass, witis large moutis fre- quenting tise warmer climatet. Wbite smatl moatis boss are in mas takes in Ontario, tbey prefer sbatlow, rocky and reedy bottom taises. One of tise mass popular spots for bass is Long Pint on Lake Es-le. Large catches bave bren se- ported sisere an opening day Due to tise ieavy wind as Erie Sunday. mastsauî boats colda't get out, but fuît catchses mere reported as Part Doser Sondas. Jane 25, witb- n two bours. Parrv Sound produced somne boss of oosstanding sire this vear. Higb waterr s hampes-- ing fisisermen on Lake Sim- eue, one of tise good spots for tunisrr trous and large pike. Bass are iitting very mcll as 'Bronte astishe moutis of tise 12 Mile Crerk. Tise wite bass in the creek bave nos shown yet. Tisose who feltisze fishing n North Halton reaves mach for minors Under tise prenant situation at Rotory Paris bhere is some- body maiting for tise boys ta finish tiseir game tbrer sigisa a meek. On Tuesday and Thutr- sdav, tise Sol isaIt roague watts for tise Minors tii finish tiseir gome. and on tise Wrdnesday thr gir-l roe mails. If tise Minors are givra a diamosd an tise scisool grounds, il would alloin tiem ta play laser tison tises 50W do and allaw any game tisas mould ordinarily S tars aitishe conclusion of tise misor hall gaine ta begin ear- lier. In eeect. tiss'atnd mean more plasiaf tisse for att con- cersed. Nos anIs mould tise mose sre- soIt iv marc plasjing sime. but tl mavid alloin limr for worb ta be dîne on tise diamonda witisoat holding up gamea. Mr. Perroti poinird out almoat aIl tise aoris presently beisg dose an tise Rotary diamotsd sis eing dose on Salurdoy mîîrnifigs. be desired, you're flot wor- sg bard rnough! We seere iing ta a fettow from Bar- ngton last week who caught tx ovety speckted trout at the et of Ketso Dam. The fish re flot particsatarly targe the targest running 15 inch- s'but thats flot bad for Juty iHatton. The oame tellosa [tas me the streams around he old Beaver Dam have pro- tced some 10 ta 12 inch spe- kles for hlm thia montb. He bas one word af warn- ng, thoagb - the mosqoitoes tr terrible op shere, so if yoo e planning to fish the ares, ke tots of repellent along. gaie certain nana of the rfe- 3eltent gets onto your hait or My wffe and 1 took a trip 50 arry Sound last week, spend- tg the weekend witb Tom aod Mary Ramshaw. While Ihere, te travelled across thee laktes to get ta a place called Clear Lake, sabere we caught eight large nortbern pise. They were att caught oo igbt spiasing gear with a Red tevil spoon for bais. This is a beautital take and really 10 the wilderness, bot it s well worth bhe trip and the two portages vos bave so make to get there. For those who are ptanning a boliday fisbing trip this somn- mer, don't overtoos Algonquin Paris. The csld lobes of tise parks are suited for troos. Somne aftise laktes are acces- sible osto b y canars or small boat, su the fisbing pressure s sot great. Lake troat up ta four poundo con be caugbt is Lake of Two Rsvers, Source, Cache, Casse and Kesnev. Smobe and Ope- asgo bave prodatced lakers up to 20 Ibs. bis sommer but tbat Tis mall taise traut «4 Ibo.) are the best eoting, having a mocb fiser grain. A permit is a mass for Algonquin Park bttt costs ontv $3.25 per season. Oct a map ofthte park be- fore vos go and he prepared ta stay as least a weeb. Oct in toacis witb ose of tise Ran- fers, a guide would be a gaad idru for a coupte of days and ssett wortb the money. Watleye filhlng bas been es- peciatis' gond tbis vear around Pctelbttrattrb witb many fisis bcbng recorded as 4 ta 8 tbs. Cisemony Lake, Dor Lake and Two Sister Lobes sortis of Pe- terborougis bave praduced s-e- cord pickerrl tisis year. Halton girls Halton County League baI stadins Omagis t-W 3 12 caîrgetama t- 3 12 hols baut cotes akvî:îe :4:10 hod euycnet Actîta 5 3 10 M c i t onq 3at 3 4 6 A ýgai ( etaMs nh e 'ss en mobci ut flen ilin 3 4 t- 1111)ncujjjýLetgewii d wllm etcal nximn u larn Wi s 2 4 4 Totenaeal selc t h f-t a . d i laleumît i t- 4 Tii puce7tit sIitee tise Misns talo ersn n o anty m 1 6 sim lrte istcken l uAg- uiIl u miietn , saut bc a thiuetatiup tloEput, tour- ai lNîtrton lBuas (nca. Contestanits, aihoi mast-rc asagle am e iice 16lbandl22, taIileiee"titiite igbt tomna sit icîtit an te leigue's nt- Judting %ili taise place an t'uuîlua. Atîgaîgal Il il lise lia- teiloiaitLegin.A dance ivill Tise game iself mîlI ise play- cil tuatise tîlilîîaîg Saîneyat- eanootuttiv tan tise jitige.s' dcci- ain ta iii t-e anoua ced. t-t ai'a tîppasîtian ton tise aiî tîrs assîbthte ie Guelphs CJOYS. tais hase bren in litsplace ibe SeniorItIr- ecuia leigue AIlseason. Manittu o f tbe ine trams lau o tsm ilI inlude Bro- moIra. Brampton, Burlinglos. Campisella le. Gergetomn, MiltasQaisille and Watrr- Tis iatise final tinte thr leagate bas eses- staged any kiail ofibeauty conteat in con- netlion asthis linosual aIl- baiegaine. tSre nouas esercise and bat hsusssd daya are nul goad mis- era - bath add ta tise mark ul tis e brt. COMPLITI LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE No lob t00 amai or- ta, large 0 Complote Mainfonanca Servie 0 Fao. Etilmaton RAINBOW LANDSCAPING Ceii 878-2741, _878-2097 -WÂNTED- Certified Mechanic Wanted For Off-Highway Equipment DIESEL AND GAS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED APPLY TO: Acton Limestone Quarrios Ltd. ACTON, ONTARIO Phone 853-2230 ROSSLAKE Centennial Sec 1 The Foflowing Facilities Will 8. Offered Free to the Public For The 1967 Season -- 1 0 No Admission or Parking Charges - Camping - Swimming- Picnlc Tables (When Available) For a Nominal Charge The Following Recreational Attractions Are Offered: (15) Passenger Stern.Wheel Riverboat - Hayrides - Pony Rides - Saddle Horses Snack Bar on Grounds - Plus Facilities for Organized Picnics and Parties. Lifeguard on Duty During Hours Posted at Resort - SEE LETTER TO THE EDITOR -