(dlf club foed ink1919 Iwmàed 4,500 4-H pr.jects Dp H. 1. stazley ia Iis aur Cetenial Year, me tend la 1ook back over the history of macy af aur argon. mrations. 4.H Club mrk tart- ed la 1919 la Halton, with the formation of a clt club. The 28 membera borrawed $150 ta $230 ram the bock as six pr cent intervst ta parchase thir heet heifer. On Auguss 20 a Field Day and Sle of the hit. ars as held le Oakvitle. 4-H Clubs hase been active store hen with the exception of for years je the 1920's. Over 4,500 praýjecîs hava been taken la 235 clubs by Erm boys and girls in Halton in 45 yeara of activity. Thse typea of prajecîs have changed anar the years. Ia the early days swine, garden. for- escry; grain and trector clubs seere papalar. Now these have been replaced by 4-H conserva- tion, electric, strawberry and forage clubs, la addition ta aura, calE and sheep clabs. came oethEe 4-H agricltural club projeots, sucb as coniser- vation and elecric are design- ed for aIder club members. During the pat haUt century Hlton 4-H members have con- tributed greatly ta tfarmiag. ta agriculture la generol, and la iedustry. 4H club leaders are assaming more rsponsibility eacb year, and are greatty re- sponsible for the succens of 4-H le Hallon. Halton 4-H cub mrk silI continua ta change and pro- grass ta step wilb the rvsl cof aur agriculture. LI ~Iiampion Wet weathe Huy is rottiegi ields Tbe seCs weatlter of lise pieU f ew weeks la akng ts toBt on Haltone ba o an d scen boy ta rotng n tbe fieldsascea result. Growrnsespace a reai slcaclage of the ime eut boy tUcla yer, ad a Us of6 qualty n ca aby can b. savef. Tbe Uonsof quaUty conUld aUto cauae a drap n nalk production, corne Say. Dive Pale f6 tise Ontario Depaotsnent of6Ariculture and Fond office n Esilton explaned asy boy f6111standincg bas gosse 4-H BREF CALF CLUB fly Pt Sweetrn The second meeting ut the taltoît 4-H Beet Clt Club mas hld aI the trm ut Dr. C. A. Martin un Higbmav 25, Hil- ton. Our hast mas Charles Martin. The presîdeat oi 16e club. Bill Jackson. rouned 1he meet- ing ta rder and Doua Gard- hanse tuok the raIl col. The meeting moved lasîde the fras buildings, wbere o class ut An gus sîcers as judg- ed 6v al membars, and oral reosons sure gîvna y Doug Grdbuusc. Donc Jackson. and Bill Jackson. The otficial plac- ing as glynn by John McKia- nue. The membcrs moned out- sida the building t an opea ya rd mbcrc o class ut Angus coms mre judged. Al meas- bers gaie oral esons. The ut- fical placing was given bvJitn McKay. The membars pcocaeded ta the resîdeaca ut Dr. C. A. Mar- lia la Hilton. A discussion abo.ut hart caIlle testtvtg pro- grams and sclccting o bard sire mas net on 1he agenda. Rcresbmants mre secned hy aur hast and is mvita SEED JUOGING By Geof f. Taylor Theaonasal Hollun 4-H and Junior Frmer Saad Jsdgiag Cuasptition as beld on Wed- nesday, July 12, la the Paish Hall ut Grave Anglica Cbrcb. Milton. Appruimalels 50 con- testants ob port ia 1he am- petition. Eacb ufth16m mas e- quired ta judga classes uofolts barley, rmd cincar. bay. sîrom. barries and .ippici. Reason' mre gisca on boy. apples anc naIs. Cntstants vere dvid- cd inIa Ibrceagroops, ccordiai to particpation in pcaioa: cuatasi., - novice, fac Ibosi mbo lad acvcc tokca prt in sscb a .ontesi. junior, toi Painthtie bes stage, and qtalty wUB decrease luriber iUthSUe crop Usla lt standing rnucb longer. Any boy wblchbaUs beon rnt but rat baed yet due ta danp sertber s rottUag on the bottons. Proqects for a gond seconnd crop are excelent, bosever. The wet weatber bas gtven t a gond secr. Grin craps are aso matur- lng seUU wftb ltce Irequent reans, MT. PilUettsacld. 1 in, Pr OY Ch mambers under 16 and senior,p anar sistean yearsuof g. b The tap Ibrea contetants in rt each division mre as toltomi: Novice - It Murray MrGee; 2nd Mary Andersan; 3rd. Ken Austin. Junior - tI Donald- McClure; 2nd, Murray Brama- ridge: rd, Bob MaGne. Senior - It, Lois HunIer: 2ad. Bill Leslie; 3rd, Bill Alxander. Wnners of6thse judgiag tropb- ls wrre Bilt Alxander, Course Grain Trophy; Carat Smack- hamter, Smalt Seeds Tropby; Lis Hunmer, Cash Crop Tro- phy. Tbe Champian Seed udte Trophy as mon bn Lois Huns- This meeting servd as a eompulsorv meeting far ail Hal. ton 4-H Cura, Forage and Stramberry Ctlub memisers. The Halton 4-H Stramherry Club hld ils Achievemeas Nighl lan onjunéllon wib tba Seed udglag Comý)etition, and att srcoad-year members mare equlred ta exibit tour quart boxes ut stramberries ram their patch. These brries mre lter sold bv uctian. The top rire w05 5, paid hy Arson 4-H Club Leader Nino Braido for four quarts ut Stuart Nurses sîrasvhcrries. Stuart had the champion enhiit ut strawher. sINS YOIJTH AWARD By GeolE, Taylor Lois HunIer daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Abert HunIer. R.R. t Burlington, bas been chose alaag ith Il other crat youth peuple [rom Ontario, ta attend the Rural Learniag Assciation Central Yautb Proîcct. July 21 ta July 31, os Macdonald Col- ega. St. Anne de Bellavue, and the Motreal area. The Halton Federatian ut Agriculture fines 1100 toamadshe cspene o 'sA.T. MOOREI 1- INSURANCEI CAMPELLVILLEI ESOUESINO CONSERVATION AREA on the FirsI Line Engues- vg is oaa of Haiton Raglan Conservation Authority's many projecis. The bush, Halton's (ast stand of virgin timber, mas îmned by a ranomnad conservatîonist John Moore and pur- chased by the Avthority te assure praservotion. A spring-fad tond suts la the centra of the bush and many nem frees have tean planted around the aid bush. Officiais attending the rcans presentotion ot lands cnmnmony as the neighborinq Dufferin Quarry tournd the proear and are shoma here ad- niring the pond. (Staff Photo) -Tractar satets - pov.îble -Dead mas's di.trs ges ns check.tebatrchce oorw Doreen Harrop is c bus trip winner a By Geo00, Taylor f The Eastern Ontario and t Qaebec Bus Trip. sponsored hy y the Junior Uarmers Association fi af Ontarioa s heldanually. with participants ftmal rouat-7 lies le Ontario. Damena Harrop, 1 daughterraf Mr. and Mrs. Allan tI Hrrap. R.R. 2 Narval. bas f, been awarded this trip, ta loke place August 13-19 inclusive. Doreen has rompleted 10 4-H Hontemokiag Club projccts. and ilaodditipa bas beld var- iouscexeculive positions la ber home-making clubs. She is ac- tina la Juniar Frmer mark as o member of the Narval Junior ntitute. Her hobbies include seiag. reodiag. cookingad simasitg. and she is preseatly eara5ted aI the Brampton Busi- cens Collage. Wile on shis trip. Dorera milI isit points oftia- tetest ln Eastern OGario and Oseher. including Espo 67. The Halton Mamans Institute is praviding inanciol assistance aoDorencforthstrip, Paylan,,, ats hast la hllt taansamat î By Geoff. Taylor On Fridoy eveniag. July 14, Narval Junior Farmers ptoyed bossta oActas and Falerma Jun- ior Frmer clubs t an invita- tional hasehail taurnomeat. la the irst gamte Narval deteated Acton hnoaclose score. loltom. ing mhich Narval and Palermo, competed toc the Halton Jun- or Frmers Basehail Trophv. mhich 'sas mon ttv the Patermi, tCub. A miener roastraomplet- cd the evein's activities. OBITUARY W. L. McClure William Lawerence McClure tE Meaord died ut a heart aI- tack as MeaEord Generat Has- sisal on Tuesday. lune 13. Mr. MIcClure, a resident ut Hatton County mass of bis lite, mas in sis 79th year. Bora ia Hatton, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James McClure, ha farmed as Streetsvitte, Harnby and Acton before mavtng ta Goring. near Meaford some 15 years ago sehera ha contincsed farmieg. Mr. McClure's wifEa live Johnstone, dird fa 1955. The coopta mare married i, 1914. Mc. Meafurd belongad w tha Church of Christ ia Mea- ford. H. Uc sncrs'lsed by une soc James at home and a daughter Mary lMrs. Elgin Emptage) ut MeaEord. taterment was in Meatord Cemetery. PLASTIC 31106 Plastic is hecoming une of aur mass versatile materiats acd macy articles on Our farms and ia aur homes are made ot plasti c. Hawever, il doas hava limitations and some plastics are cas compatibte mith gasa- lice, so cner use a ptastic con- taicer or carryicg spare as ic your car or boat ar for star- age aroucd 'home. Gasoice could teak through the plastic jug acd create a dangerous ire hazard. There are more choc 4000 cotieclors of cdocks in the Un- laed States. Palîbearers were Rober t Brama, R onaatd Johnstoce, Samuel MdKay, RalpBt Con, Herbert Lemon and George Seabrooke. A RE-.a grasses taking over your corn field? ... HERE'S THE 1 IMMEDIATE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEM4 Linuron plus oit app- lied as as directe d spray whert corns is 15" or higher, will dlean out your annual y grasses and broad- leaved weeds. RECOMMENDIED METHOD Check it oat le yoar spray guida. t is the tat chance ta central manda. Linaron givas your crr a frash sat by liminating the waads that ara stealing moistare and natriants naaded by yoar cern. lt's net ta lata, s0 gat the Linaron herbicide yoa naad frera yoar Local Niagara dealer teday. NIAGARA BRAND CHEMUCA AFOLAN* BRAND Linuron 'AIS, Barlington. Ontaria MoRUIBEI The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jtaly 19, 1967 63 w We say: "'Pressure Control on MF Tractors gives more traction by cutting wheel slip as much as .50%." LET US PROVE IT! COME AND SEE A DEMONSTRATION AT THE FARM 0F Claude Pickett - 7th LUne - Esquesing 0 1 1 /8 Miles North of Hornby S S ETHE MF135, 165 175, 180 AND THE Alil Equipped with Pressure Control which Permits Transfer of Weigkt f rom Farm Pull Type Implemrents to the Rear Wheels of the Tractor. FREE DINNER jFOR TH E FIRST- 50 ATTENDING MILTON EQUIPMENT COe Uimited 3163 Baseline Road, Milton, Ont. 878-2121 ATTfENTION FARMERS ... For those in the Pouîtry Business and especiaiy with laying flocks. hot summer wea- ther can ba a difficuit time. Thisis the time of year when mites, lice, worms, and other stress conditions appeor wth the lay ng flock, also n pullets almost ready or startfflg la I ay, Pullel Disease (Biue Combi quite of en is a problem. FOR MITES AND LICE: We recommend HOWARDS PEN PEST LITTER DUST applied in the neStS and on the litter. FOR PULLET DISEASE (BLUE COMB) - We reconimend you treat them with Muriate of Potash 609.% 1 tablespoon to t gol of water for 7 days plus MASTER POUITRY PERK- TONE KRUMS for 3 to 5 days m th paenty of clenn fresh drinking mater. FOR WORMS IN POULTRY - Feed MASTER POULTRY WORMER KRUMS for one day only, follomed by MASTER POULTRY PERKTONE KRUMS. FOR OTHER STRESS CONDITIONS - Feed MASTER POUITRY PERKTONE KRUMS for 3 ta 5 days or as directed, "CIM ENT" Master Feeds lStamarttown) are agents for Portland Cament Manufactured by the St. Lawrence Cament Co. This cement is packad in special lined bags in mhich the ce- mnent mîlI nos hardan. "FARM FINCE" Ma carry a complete lina of Frost Farm Fance and Fancing Supplies: " WOVEN FARM FENCE 0 STEEL FENCE POSTS 0 ELECTRIC FENCERS " BARB WIRE 0 FENCE STAFLES 0 ELECTRIC PENCE BATTERIES " GALVANIZRD WIRE 10 SNOW FENCE 0 INSULATORS " BLACK WIRE 0 FARM GATES 0 ELECTRIC FENCE POSTS "CONTACT US FOR FR1 CES BEFORE YOU BIJY" STOCK WATERING TROUGHS Mn hava a good supply of 7 ft. and 8 f .toughs on hand. Calns if you need one. Ma con moka immndiatn delivery. "HARVEST TWINE" Master Fends lStamarttomnl are agents for the mell-knomn brand of Plymouth Har- vest Twinas. Plymnouth Saler Twine cornes in Uwo lengths and Uwo kinds. 0 RED TOP: 9,000 f t. par Bale 0 CTADEL: 9,000 ft. par Bale 98 RD TOP: t10,000 ft. per Bale 0 CITADEL: t10,000 ft. per Bale There is less brealing and knctting wlth Plymosuth Biler Twines and itlis "Made n Canada". CalU us and order your sppUy nowl "Ask for Plymoeuth Saler Twnes". "BULK GRAIN BINS AND STEEL ROOFING" Me are agents for Mastean Bosco Buik Grain Bins and Westeel Bosco sinai roafing, coul us and order yovr grain bins nom for dElva y in tîme for harvest. A iwy W. stock a full lino.o >1ê MASTER FEEDS î7M Î67 EDMSE O E1IT HTCUT MASTER FEEDS (STEWARflOWN) 0 Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown Il - - ---------- -- , -.. - -.. -.- - - l. . .. , - - , , , - . . - . . . . . . . - 'i ý àý ý 1. :- . - ý . .. . .- . . .. . . . . . . .. 1 .. 1- ., . - ý .. . Class leaders Narval Acres Favorite Elsie, a daughter ot Brampton Favor- ite Acme, bred and owned by D. H. McCuaig and Soc Narval. was cancer-up in the senior two-year-old class ic the Cana- diso Jersey Catte Ctub for Jane. She produced aI sica years 213 dansit 305 days. 10,- 283 pounds of milk, 511 lbs fat, 4.97 par cent. A Silver Medat 'Record. ta the junior tmo-yaar aId clans, Fred Nurse of George- town ptoced second mith is entry Nucselacd Climax Noomi, danghtcr of Kingbucst Su- premr Climax. Sha produced at tma year 66 days, le 305 days, 9,419 pounds ot mitk and 492 pounds of fat, 5.8 par cent, for a Silver Hadal. Pedastrians shoutd be ceea and cal ha-rt.