Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jul 1967, p. 10

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62 The Canadien Champion, Wednsday, July 19, 1967 PSH Exchange student is visiting Expo Bp Mn. George PalleOerlo -Karen Campbell, student uf M. M. Robinson High Sebool, was amung 1hose choses as et- change stodeols. She is pres- entll the guest ut Asirce Ru- hert ol St. Bruso, Ouehec, ab- oui 10 miles lerom Espo. Plans are stade toe Karen lu spesi stveral days as Espo. The ladies ot Palermo Unied ani St. Lukes Anglican cburch- es held n miscellaneous bridaI %b oser last Wei-nesday nighl sn lise Palermo Utnited Cburch Sunday school ruom, for Linda Inglebari. mb-) s s lube marriad os Sturday, July 15. A srprise kthe sei ho wecr for Beverley Paîlerson, bride- to-lie. wus beli ai the home ut Jean Marshall os Friday nighl. About 15 girls allended. Bever- ley is lo be married in Dtober. We are sorry to report Ibal Bob Wheelband is a patient in Milon District Hospital. We al hope is stav wilt soi be tees long. hi J5 Bt i tei B( Li Pe b-ý and littie people going here, there and everywhere. They travel Canadian Pacifie, But tat can mean a lot uf thinfis. Staaming acruts the Alantc. Crutsing the Cribbeun. Vîewung Canada f rom a scanic dome. Jattinfi to any ont of five continents. Or lstI going two stops down tht line. Because Cunadian Pucifîc is the ordos most cumplete tenuel system. And me Inke cura of our customtms because pleasmng them s the batS may Ou make sure they keep cumung back. A lot of big people travel Canaduan Pucifuc. Su do a lot oft utle peuple. And ait for the very turne reasons -service andi conuenience. WRS OST MPLUETRANPORTAIO SO O mi Linda Pellettertu ceeheated Bp Mesiliais Hamion Rei e 22nd birîbiay us Sataeday. The JuIy meeting outhIe Pri iy 15. Hoeshy Womens Instilute mas seti Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Haetîay ot field aiflice home of Mes. Hugb suti arlinglon visilad last Sunday OConnor. The president Mes. Bnl iib M. und Mes. George Mr- Clittori Wiggîeswoelb mas in wel taIt and girls. the chair and melcomad ail Spe Sandau isiturs with the Pet- membees and isilors lu thea lu- llanros icere Me. and Mes. meeting. The roll caî-"Namie und lo Peletteiio and Cureay Ofais old tashioned lome-mas his os Angles, Caiorsia, M. asswered by the Il membars m-e id Mes. R. Pettetterin and uni loue isiturs preserit. PI, ansi of Domnsiem. Jean uni Mes. OConnor, the horticul- ritq Oeggy Rai-sac. uni Gars Bell- tuent cosuener, mas in charge riti aise utftIlinglos. et the progruin and irst caled mit min Mes. Stan May, mho spoke c os "Hext Yea's Gardes'. She N.! gace information onstsartisg ii5 perenniai saeds earîy Iis peanepi tur eset ers btoomisg. Iris hu su de y rouis shouli ha planted in Au- b gusi. Sheaiaso gave tha eariy G histoi-y outhebatutip halhs. hum ile sto ek epe tl keap mum plants ocer tu ei another sear and said depbin- Ba tam seeds hace lu be rozen be- sansts present as greai grand- tore îbeu mili germinale. An- Ga taupter Alsha Hendersos ot snt lseeds should ha plantai lt Grimsby. indoors in April. ho Others cama rom Barrie, Mrs. OConsnor rend imu pu- M. Meslon. Toronto, Bulingios. aisenîitled. "The Vorld is j Oshama, Port Credit. Cooks- Mine' and 'Plumai-s Lance ms ville, Vancoucer, Winsior. Their Fragrance on the Hand ti Hilisburg, Streeiscilc., Guelph, thai Geoms Tham". A tem ints Il icion. Miton. Chippama, Lom- on hum lu gai gardas souf eady Ek ville, Rockmood. Spaside. WiI- mre gicen and a contasi on oîdale. Kiihrîde. Monisban the names ut tiomers mas en- ch and Campbelliite aloug ith joyed. Mes. Athur Deatb Se ai the local district. îhankcd the ladies toc their h M. and Mes. Lloyd Campbel mostinistrmative program. also ire holidavîng in 1Western Cas- Mr. -iConsor as hostas. u ada. Dornna tb-business part out M. ni Mes. G. De Grume t ha meeting Mes. Roy Wilson. s %fient o av lait sseek in Dons' secretars, ei the minutes ut C villa. the 1- lait meeting ai thare had M. Marshall Pstt nf Toronto becs nu meinis n lune. She v s holiduying t is home on aiso reporied on the Ceniannial h the Gueph Lise. projeci ut quilîs, reps andi1 M. and Mes. K. Dent uni craîts dis pi as Cmmittees e tamiy and M. and Ms. G..De mre appinted to lok aller Grumne spant Mondac t Niag the dispasi ai the Gergetomn ara Plls. and Milton Paît Paies. Mes '- Me. uni Mes. William Heu- Ce ns-te oPerai tu look ater ici-sos tati on Tuesias tue the coceespondence uni par hibr home ai Richmond. B.C. cels lu ha sent tu the Korean M. uni Ms. Geali Heniar- chiti udopîci îbcough the Suce son tatI on Weinesias otuehic ihe Chidres Puni. hume in South Bucu abc, .BC. Mes. Stan Mus reportai on _______________________the district ansual, The meet- psing dlosai oîth the singing ut eiown uni Tomnship utf Es- The Quers uni rapealai the In- qursing toc issuing oI a $50,- titute Geace. Lunch mus secu- 000 debanture lu creata a pro- ci by Mes. George Galbraith pere piying field, purchase ni- uni MesHussard Bradley, as- ditionai ichool peupety and ised bs Ms. Bill Braites uni compiete the inuncing of the Jas;. c Braites. mosirercent addition tu the The 20th annuai Horshs Gar, schoul. dais Parts mas fbeldSatocduy aesînng. Juls 15, oîtb a large isa tlnver8itY u of eîph de- cromi atîending. The ecenisg celupment [uni bas pssaîtha siartelaiuft oith the Daicv Pris- Imo-iiris milestone on ils ces, utntestisst mitkiug cos mup to a goal of S7.500.000. uni gîing thet espeeches.,sîbila The' campaign total eachei un ntecas tip gamte ut hall was $5000,000 in early Apit , cOm plucci bc the Ruckmood uni chiemas Abert A. Thorn- Loosilia Iniermeduate Mens bcougb, presiieni of Massay- Onturiou hoîthaît Champions% ut Prguos Lti.. uni Ronald S. 1966, uîiih tha Rockmotctam Ritchir. a du-ae t Impeial iitin h a scoce of 9-0. The i tdLi, eelai. 'AIl Our unI- Litsille îeum mus minus ibir ontae muekecu theouphoal pitcher. Jacques Paqueite wo Dntario uni the esi ut Cana- isuons un vacation. du cas ha pioui ofthIe pro- rMiss DoIt Aun Edruinid-ut grss ut the cumpaign." M. Re!nicesu. the 1966 Daics Pris- Thocnybrough siaici. 'Whila cessalticialîn upanecitha Gar- the bard pact ut the cumpuigu des Purin asnd croonai ihe Hal- s nom in progreus the entb- tous Counts Dates Pi ncess. Car- usiasm ofoune ciluisiersmili ut oue wakbamcieoftAdos. Obî sec ibut mc go ocre the top" o'untruîiuccd hv Mci Jim MOFFAT 0.1 Moffut &J mu postamt«, Bp Mes D. Handeson The community mas shcea 50 heur Tuesday moenisg outhie sudden passing ut Deimar Mot- fait. The Muffttts ai becs blidayisg ai Wasngn Beach wben Del mas laItes suddesly il. Ne mas rushai to the bus- pitl, but lha passda uon sthe ambulance. Ha mas the stotre keeper ni posimusie ai Mot- ft foi- a number of ers. He tenues is %mita. the oe-m- ai- Doris Elslay. ni toue sons. Tom, Jobs, Siaphas ni ýMich- ael. muo havc the ssmpambs ot the communiip. The PoseraI mas hldon Thasiay rom Wlls Ponecul home in Guelph mu Ehasceer cburch cnsteei- At the Hendeeson tome ihera mas open bouse on Saturday, Jly 8, 10 hosor Ms. D. Han- dersoni OO0th irihiup ni a melcoma homr party Pr Dec- aId ni William uni tamiirs ut Vancouver uni Dathari and family ut Chippamu. AIl ihe amily but use grusiiaughlee uni tmo greut genichiiiren mere persasi. Among the GEORGETOWN Ai the conclusion ut a cous- cil meeting, rarce William . HutereanedMayor Gib- bons Imo cheques ha bai re- cicri toi- commitra meeting tees. "I coin aginss a cum- millea meeting tee ndI tdont munI lu accepi any puymants.' the i-cave sid. I ouli likr lu sea iis monep mmci docer lu the recreulion committe.' Thr reaur is the scnd municipal ofticialtamureusr mu accapt pupmasts. Mayor Gibbons bai daclinci ho ccepi is $2.500 yeurlp tee iueing is tenure ut ofice as mayor. MaiSon Raglois Coservation Autboitp mil i lie expropria- ion plans ginsi egbi oms- ers ut 150 acces ner George- toms - the fi et sic p toari a 560,000 dam un the middle hruscb otihe Sixicen Mile Creek. The 45 tout dam is de- signei ta proide cotinuuus si-cars lom ibroughoui the sommer monihs. h ouli back op the middle hasch ut the creek into as artiticini lake a mile long uni 60 Pet muae. Daid Malocy, conserva- ion ile uticer, saii the ex- propriation plans ara a focma- lily micb milI make lusd ne- goiations more usitorm. Georgetown District Higb School Board passed a resolu- tion at a meeting 10 seek the appruval ot Town of Geor-g- tw, . t When aur mon do the job of paltisg or fia- Ing the body of pour car, youre sure of the best. BILL'S AUTO BODY M 878-2721 878-32511 id, a former Ballon Dates iîcess. Darlene Wood pre- enîrd the faeincess miih a cor- age on bebaît of the Hornhy ull Club The peuple mers lcomed 10 Ithe gala ruent by taencer Wilon. Vince Mount- Dr mas M.C. for the evening nd kept îbings moving wilh s jovial jokes. The retrash- nest hooîhs mare the scese or enly ot business. The pony ies in charge of Waed Brow- -ige mare a big attraction lbt tbe childeen. Congratulaiisfs to Mes. A. ailsus os Ihe arrivai ut ber est great geandyon. Christo- tee Paul Mercier, bore on fly 6. Me. and .Mrs. Leslie Rutledge. mwes, Ricky and Kesny, spent te meekand aI Drillia and vis- ed wilh Mes. Belle Cousins of ass Lake. Me. and Mes. Eari Panney. Gail and Pery of Gander. Nem- furiind are visiting aI the home of Mr. and Mes. Alberi Marchmant. Jimmie MaKay attendad the militaey lalloo ai Niagara-un- te-Lake on Tuasiay nighi, Juty il, wiib Me. and Mes. Jack larker uni Bruce ut Dakvilla. Mes. D o ugl as Leslie and childeen and Mes. Bill Tallyn and childen are eojoying a îolidav aI Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mas. Meluis Pennry anîd Ceaig, MMe and Mes. Erue Penney, Joan, Gail and Pary spant the meekesi camping ai Collisgwood. Mes. John Forbas ut Streais- ville esîetaisci lrirnds ai ber home os Peiday evenine, lulv 4, mhen she bhl a baby show. er tue Sherry Mav, infant il, je - --F ei~ -- - daugbter ut Me. and Mes. Paol May. Follosinis the upenisg of masp lnuely gilîs,. Mes. May axtended bar sincere îhanks lu aIl. Lunch ,cus servad hby the hustass.' The Halion Junior Parmars anjoyed an eveninu of basehaîl aI the Hors by Communit: Park on Feiday auenisg, Julu. !4, lnllowed hy a wieser ruast. Correction - AI ibis lima I wisbh o torrent an ereor in last meek's naws, the Horuhu Mid- gel Softbaîl Tears will ha play- ing ai the Softbaîl Toarsament ai Sheffield us Saturday. July 22, and soi "Sheiden os SuIv 2(V' aç previonsîs reported. FERGUS The halcbei. hariai miilu l horale ceemunies heissees Pergas uni Elora, has appar- eîtly becs dug up ugais. Fer- gus coascil is upset becanse cut onil chose Elura, ov. er Fergus. as the site lue a sam Wellington Coanis hume. Elora reeve Arthur HuIler re- porteilp calîrd the Pergus site a maeshland. To hacb their case, Elora represesta tises pro- daced pîcturesuof the peupused Feegus site aller a heavnu rats. Thes sbooei puddles os the land, wbicb accuedisg to the Feegas reese. belped to make op the misds ut the cousn'y la- bhers. Pargus mayor John Campbell, i scessed ai the El- oaaci. saii il massit cricket. R ail Bros. Lsd. ot Kitchener r wsthesucccsft uiddicer flue - sew coca tionul oing ai Fergo t higb scbool. HORNBY Flowers, garden hints topic for Institute N ormas Smith ofTis Ritadi s home .ilter being alpais ietai the Jo-.eph Braint Mem trial Hospital, Borlupton. Mes. John Cool stn ut Twis Rîud -s hi'tuic-aller being a pat- ietai the Milto iiu Git tt-ls- Mes. William Allison, Mes. Haroldt Jacksointand Beverle, Mrs. Gil Jtvue, Mr,. Bruce Hamiliou, Miss Georgina Hard- sand. Mr, Bi)bI eicis'st', Ru- bert McMllteu and Mes. Rus Paretitieuded a iclae out, shoiser ;u houîîr of Miss Jin uTiitrie il the home ut Mes. JiîaniGordoni.RA 2Ham- il litn, (it Nituier Sis Highmay. AunieunceNe'w HRealig stansce: SitrinkaPiles A veoaaasa sssnsh ssuta.hm faund s"". -h b a mbta rhuMa spealasa itssilaeri=h aud dsseoslrt sinsminutessu epsedaup hialiaa uf tChiu iJsd induaméd time la sams allerCam, uhils ,uUly roi, a ctul r5uhli Masst importat of .Ii-esust ueeaotburossahtthiPmeoes mmet wcsmalatajeedu*vea b sld i rny mon"be ThM a umas s.sapishsd ith a sw e ulisj uhsaDoe Bi-Dym Bac Rie-Dyne in af.ed a iein- stat.Saiaat anseyuderug mubdod. SAVE MONEY on a FREEZER NOW 25 CUBIC FEET ONLY s2.19 -~~'"~ OherFreezers For As Low As $159. ISAVE ON YOUR FOOD BLL 0 BUY ON EASY BUDGET TERMS 0 RICHARDSON'S RADIO & TV 0 We Service 200 Main St. E. MILTON What We Sell 4 q BI adShasea McMulten Hazdwoik: n accumulation~ KILBRIDE of Glaiefer Avenue spent the cf eusY Oingu pou didat do wemekend with tiseir grundmolb- when You ti d «e e, Mrs. Robert McMulen, Mil- Me.ansdMes. George Wcol-- ca pSee d tret pnth oia ek Masts.r Vctor Wooltett 01 end visiling relatives ut Wiar- Frids.rîck Street is spending a ton.N 1 month with hts greai aunt and Mrs. Lloyd Coulson, 'Twiss uncte, Mt. and Mrs. William AI- Rond visited with ber parents, mus at Waiton. Mi. und Mrs. Juck Rnduil at Mr. nd Mrs. Gornal Betlit Munitoulin Islund recently. veau of Rve.r Heet, Nova Kiibrida Baitansa daleted Scotia~ are spending tmo mneks Hlornby 11.7 ut Kilbride last ELE (TRIC UT" with Mr. and Mes. Ray Turner Wednesduy and then os Priday, and fam.ly ut Kilbride Road. JuIp 114. tbey defeuted Gen Wil- s URBSN S Captattt Mes. John Lillycroýn ltans 9-6 as Kilbide.15O RBSN S Bec Coulsun. Grace Roheteork, Kilbride Squiets mre deleat- 'irs Coul uit, Saoîts Coul- , eJbY Drumquin 17-9 at Kil- DonC hae a Tinkerer wilis atoi Stue j tn e itea LuIly bride last Thursday, July 13. Eieetricity. Cuit an espart for cropp uitihe Firit Kilbride Fli c ciliren attending the Land Rangaýrs and ose mother, Kilhride Playgruads enjoyai u * HEATING Mrs. Donald Coulsoî,s. peut a splash party at Mountaitiside * WIRING weekend at Camp Wvoka ra- pool last Thursduy afttrnoon. * NEW CIRCUITS teiiv uly 13 * ADDITIONAL OUTL9S On Sunday uternoon, July 9, Mes. Stanley Daintd Miss * OUTrDOR LIONT the First Klb-id ir uieAns Duncan. oh lPeterbr Comnptus and Land Rangers, ough, spent the weaketid wtb along ctth their l.ooilic.s. bld Me. and Mes Wilbert Ford of FEAT4IERSTONE pncai the bomne ut Mr. Kilbriia Rond. ELECTR'IC and Mes. B. Aderchek, Guelph LUne. Neyer bas mcney been so George Casick of Guelph vis- easy lu gel and so bard to 878-6378 te at Saturdavsovitb Mr. sud keep. Mi - tnvW.itsuel,-iiCedr FSummertime Specials FOR YOUR CAR CLEANER ... Protects Your Engne From Overlteating Due to Radiator Rust ~ SPECIAL --- 99C GOODYEAR WHITEWALL ALL-WEATI4ER NYLON 7.75 x 14 Tires INTLLD....$1795 Front Wh.el BEari ngs Repacked SPIciAL .9 9C DURANTES ESSO Nlghwey 25 Juet 878-2079 Norih of 401 Oceepse Our experts gqt aoiI.d upholstery lean as n.wI Let us renew the beauty ~ < of your ocms with au- pert cleanng of uphol- stered furniture. Cost is lowe and well do th job fight in pour home. Use th samne dayi Ail our wor sfll urneeci MITO 1IUPHOLSTERIN G \II LORNE ARTHUR ..--W AI'l cided stceý «'il -11, ul, 0 Couille, 1mýon«'d 0 Automot,( ntcIlýùI 'q1'l Autoillot,( W(I'r nu 'ght A(Jjustcil)le t e in p e l (I t Li c on tr 0 1 b 4" qeri u, il(, F ý bet g In -ý 1 Il sLjýctiorI ess(>( i to b World foniolis 1 e c Li mi U ci i t L-ow teniperoture Freori iýu fi , gel un t Lockirig honcle with 2 key,ý Food Insuronce Unit Insuiori(e Lifetiiiie, worrority see mi, printed wairontO " New niognetic g(]«ýk('t " Approved 4 Co Fi LI (] 1 stondorcs AssocItltiorl m SI R ic 0 R à 1) F c 9 Lx ý6Z, *Ww Phone 878-6949

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