A Vacation Expense Check, Check Stow-aways for Things to SeUl! BIRTHS DIX3UAY - Misr. and Mre, Lostea Dsagoay (ne. Morby) of 123 Meadowbrook Drive, Hilton,i Ontario, are pleasedti 10as-i nounce the birth of their daugh ter f Bonnitte) Doris, oeiglt 7 lbs., SIi 0zs., at Miton District Hospital on July 9, 1967; sister for Stephen. LAKRING - Mi. and Mi-s. Law- rence Laking af R.R. t Horn- by. Onario, ai-e pleasedt lana- nounce the bu-lb af ibeir son, Gregory La-wrence, meigbî 9 fbs. at Miton District 'Hospital on Juy 6,196. 'MBRCIER - Mr. andi Mrs. Ron- aid A. Mercier (ose Parton) of« 330 Pearl St., HMilton, are pleas- ed 10 announce tht birth of Iheir son, Christopher Fau, weigt 7 lbs. 0(4 ozs., at Hilton District Hospial on Juy 10, 1967. MESSEOfGER-ufsr. and -1Hi-s. George Messenger f nee 'Barn- staple), Brampton, Ont., are pleased 10 announce th birth of their daugbler Cheryl Anse Joy, meighi 6 lbs.. 9 ozs.. aI Peel Memorial Hospital B-amp- ton. June 21, 1967. O'NEILL-Frenk asti Joan O'- -Neill rejoice ai the bu-lb of Ileir iist child. a son, Sean Christopher, on Jly 11, 1967, at -ilton District Hospil. A me- morabte centesnial evesl. RIDGEWAY - Mi. anti Nis. George Ridgeway (set Pear- son) of 202 Mais Si.. Milon, are pleasedt t annousce the biitb f their sns Kevin James. weight 8 tbs., at Hilton District Hospital os July 10. 1967. SMITH-Mr. asti His. William Smih (set Sheridan) of Ap. No. 306 235 Ontario St. N.. Mil- ion, are pleasedt 10assousce the biitb o ibeir taogbier, Frances Elles. weighl 7 lbs. 10 azs.. at Milton Disrict Hospital os July 5, 1967. STOLL-Werser and Eike SiolI. Cliffard. Otario, are pleaseti 10 ansousce tht bu-lb of iheir 7-lb. daugbier Barbare. os July tli, 1967. Happy hit sisiers are Elizabeth. Camons asti Dams. ADOPYIONS DORNANS-The Dornans. Pad-. dy Leana anti Rochele are vtry pi-outi astihappy 10 an- soucet tht final adopion of Mai-k Alan. ENGAGEMENTS Hi-. asti His. William I. Woods wish la ansounce thtes-n gagemeni of Iheir tiaughler. Beveriey.ta Hi. John Linesey. son f Hi. asti His. Reg. Live- sey of Burlinglon. Wetiting te takre place in Gi-ct Angican Church. iton, August 191b, 1967 ai iret o'clock. Mr. anti His. Robert Draper are happy lu assousce the en- gagement oI their taughier, Irese Elizabeth.,la Hi. Wayne Arhur Asellos. son f Hi. and 'His. Ronald Aseltas of Holland Centre. Ont. Tht wedding mill taire place in Iigbway Gospel Cborch. Hilton os July 29tb, 1967 ai 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Hi-s. Regisalti S. Tho. mas are pleasedt 1 ansaunci the engagement oI their tiaugb- ter, Gail Collent tMHi. Wiliam John Currie. son of MHi. and Hrs. Gordon Coirit. iesIoP R6ad, Hilton. The etdisf mili takte place os Salai-day. August 12, in Knox Preshyteriat Church, HMilton at four-lirty o' dlock. MARRIAGES CARTON.HcLEAN-Mariiid by the Re. Hi. Gai-tier. Rock- moti, os Sat.. Jase 24. 1967. He. les Gladys. yougstidaufht aIfHi. asti His. Eimer C. Car ton, R.R. 1, Raclemooti asti Ro Loi-se HeLean oniy son of Ht anti His. Aichie HdLean of R, R. 1t. Ados.t DEATHS BRICK. Gerrude Haliseake - f'Is ber 801h year) At Victai-i B. C. on Susday. Juiy 2 1967 laxI survivirg chilti 0f the lati Hi-. asti His. James Hllinraki aI Milton, ont. Dear auni of c Osbrn S. Holliarake of Torot ii asti Haroldi A. Holinrake e Cootsville, Ont. MOFFAT - Hi. Deimar Rar Hoffati. of Moflal. Ont., in bi 411h year. JuIy 10 1967, belotec bushanti of Doris Muret ElsIe, and faiber of Thompson, Job: Stephes asti Michael, son i Professor asti His. R. C. Moffat of R.R. I Guelph; brother t Donald, Toiosto: îes <(Mn Paul Claike)lofI'Windsor ase Do-thy (Hi.-.F. L. Matin) 0 CARDS 0F THANKU I moulti tike to sisank eN ose wha mas kinti andti tis fol ta me white 1 mas a pil in Hilton District -Hospital Connie Ervin, CIO t mootti like ta tbank fic reltives anti neighbore cards, gifîs anti visits whÏ patient in Guelph General1 pitl following my accidet Davidi Corne. cli Mi-. asti His. Lloyd Cres misb la ihask iheir frienti: seigbbors for makinf theiî Wetidisf Anninei-sai-y ap ani asti memorable ete meli as for the giftx, dard: letters receiveti, 010 Tht famiiy 0f tht laIe1 Henry mish to thank neighl friestis asti relatives foi cartis, floral tributes anti oI kistiness tiuring their ne bereovement. A special thl ta dotai-s HunIer antiMc cheon, the nurses asti 810 Milton District Hospital, C. A. Baiser asti tht Mc0i Fusti-al Home. Tht Henry famity clO u--érsincere thasks and precialion is ententieti ait lime 10 fiiestis asti relativ.ý kistiness. catis anti floral butes receivet ai the lit oui- bereavementini the les oui- beloneti mife anti M- Speciai îhanks 1ta11ev. WV Kiicbing-Steepe Funerat il asti palOb.arer- George Pef g asti family. 1I wisb ta thask aIl my lites, friestis asti stighbor! jiheir cartis gifîs asti cal]s 1ring my sîay in Milton H tîai. Special lbanks ta Di. wartis asdtihiemontierful of nurses for their patience untitrstastitg of us 9 people, aiso speciai ibank mn friesti Ruth Wood looketi alter my home and my gowns asti cloibes clear l oi- the lime she spesit-su bock asti forth. Etisa Buck. cIC UN MEMORIAMS 2 COVERDALE - In lotitj mai-y aI oui- dear neiceK who passeti amay July Ilt 66. ose yeai- bas passeti, sise sud day, Whes ose me Iteti wasc away. eGodti ook lber home, it s- dBut in oui- Searis, sbe1 stilI. Almays remembereti by mRon asti Auni Ruth. COVERDALE-Is tovisgn ry aI a dear daugbier an ter Karen Chalns. uoP aseay July il. 1966. A ioviog tiaugbter. so gesl kisti. 0Whai a montitiful memor n li tbebinti. -Long tiays. long nifhts, sit ber pais. To mail loi-cure, but aIl in -r Till Goti Hitaself ksem m1 as besi. r, Hetiook ber home astigfi A Ton dearly tovedtia0ev id loi-galles. om. Dati.S ýi asti Rantiy. I hSTOKES-Islonvisg i-er rance oI a dear laiher grastilaîher. James Stokes pusseti amay Juiy 13, 1957 :ePeacefluY sleeping. resi h. last. t Thtemai-id, meary iroubl Id triais are pasî. sp In silence 6e suffereti.1 lliesce he bore. st Till Gati caileti bitahi in suIfer no moi-e. Aimays rememberetibI Jack, Haret anti chiltirer. STOKES - In Iovng r aI a dear hushanti. buh -grantifaiher James Stokts j, passeti umay Juiy 13,. IF k-There ix 1no pariisefroe me e love, er No distance con dinidi, - For iotiay in memory's9 ay We stiiii aih side by s I.Each damnise day a thou b. ita. b Ai enentide a prayer. In the hearis that loneti *He aimays mutl be there. Lovngiy remetateretib Moud, sans, tiaugblers -grantichiltiren. sa, 67, te COMING EVEffT if En us Tnip la Espa. Jul3 of Aug. 14-18. For informatic Hi-s. Tom Haines 877-330 rl DosI t foi-gelthe 'Horet li tien 'Party July 15, siail tid 7 p.m.. a full sights eti ey ment aI -Horeby Corn ui, Park. if ilt Milton -Senior Citizen, of la Crawford Lake os i s. Juiy 18. Cors mitI le& ti Poul's Unitedi Chorch i if.arn. Bi-ing your lunch, a CL SàID A E VEHICLES FOR SALE 6 BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 8 HELP WANTED __________ very- - I BEAUTY SALON cientele MEN AND) WOMEN do you 14WATD ORT ti8t* elatlîneA,. * artyelike to seli fu11 or part lime? )lb. req- h Canadien 191 Main sit. Ir p stablished. ApplyJamnes Write -Box 171 Champion office, R3BDDMhu.o il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Maou Ontareio A n1y T u p S Wteel ibrd cîMilton. 8b10-4046flat, for respossible family,2 0411 BM .lýim.1&%IUAM. rffrcolm aArJAGMm- ELP WATED- Mature , r. needed by August lut. phone -o oAoUoei¶ sponsible woxnan bo look ater colect, Oshawa 7284585. ends, FM5 au&. Fm55 »MTuM- li" I.» a x gnoU a7WordTEO small baby, do light housework. for - se anper od Oeaauf. Sanam lsan ettom (tn oy wm s.annt4cl-12 di ý.tWe5 n o tA m e ver ord 'O sama. ieLiv. in preferably. Cali 8534M0 4142 riea u GaD ne kitor . -after 6 p.m. 8b2-2802 AHR eure e [Hs lifo&MMCRIorIAM-$.1 t i40 i ea u e GO M fr t room hoseo in Milton by Aog- nt. V4e10orfsare, .dditio.W nea,. tens. 878-6987. 7c10-4155 ust 15. Witl pay up to $1500 [-4201 BCon LM $1.oata l- 10is. Pnea.tr. of UERNEDN onhy hsecleî - CLAtanlun OIPLAT. I5ZAL ESTAI - $1O pr.o 1 irlp $200CASH offered for mod- GrITNDN imsbhy 945-2n49 afle 6 p.m wford Doa,, neU. OeliSmons - :m .Mod"s.T ipern piano, 078-2455 aliter seven 0F BUILDINGS G14c12-4159 ftr 30pm [s and nox bNuMEEcts t,, ui.office - 25e .dditttone. Pm.7c10.4154 1c245 501h ____________Mushae__________aionry pleas- DEADLINE S 12 NOON TUESDAY WHN OUCHOS surge milker in uIhv t CaoSainr THREE bedroorn bouse pre. ~ A ON 0FTHgondE8 Engineering Papers of Ontario fereble near school for famlly ns NE USE CARSE condition. Phone 878-2990 after with Expereneflin Operating with 5 chlldren. References amd 0-4135SD AR 7 .40 Pmn. 7.04164 Building Mdechanical and Elec- lase if reqolred. Needed for [0-413 6 The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay, JuIy 12, 1967 Irical Services. August Ist, phone collect 827 EUne __________ 1966 Acadien Two Door Knowîedge of Preventative 1424, Oakville. 14c10411l6 bors, Stili under new car warrantY.8 E W TD « Maintenance Requirements for rte FOR SALE FOR SALE Li 6î4 >PROFESSIONAL couple wlth 1 athe Lie.____H69145.____Plumhing Heatiuig, Air Cod-3 children i10 mot unfurnosed ecent COMPLETE set of bunk bed, SIGNS of ail kinds. Ray Guay 1965 Pont iac Laurentian TWO GUARDS for County tiotfisg and Electrical Eeluîp' 2ore3 bedroomapartment Or ats 10,ae 5i 45, Physically fit, ment is essentiel. tanks- phone 878-M181. c18.4114 878-2150. lc8-3163tf 4 Door grade 10 education. Apply pr Excellent Employee Beneflîs August 1 or SeptemberîCI f f Of DOUBLE BED, box spring Lic. 212336. sonnel officer, County Admini- Available. collect Greensvitle 627-1903. Rev. and mattress, 878-ffl0. SANDSTONE 16Ch elsraion Building, Milton. 4l18 Kersie 1965 429 YOR OWH Malibu 8ta c10-4127 Apply in person or in witing1518 [0-4157 3 SPEED racer, 26" wheel, BP LDSation W37 8 uomtc ao pw CARETAKER wanted for 15J Personnel Officer, 16 SRIE good condition, phose 87-9157. Paio a s 37 platmai. aioe ton Heights Public School, ap- Coonty 0f lfalton, 16 SRIE Fireplac er steering. power brakes,: pl in writingt cx .qBaeUe this 1c18.4142 with naturel Sandstone posi traction, white walls, ratSe.trea s C.SA. Es aseILOn, Otr es for CRI!, new mattress; 3/-bed; whedsc.L.2546 quesing. RR. 3, Georgetown. usîo ED. MCMULLEN al tri- car-top carrier; drl press, 878- Drocktofl Quarry 1964 Galaxie 500 Sedan fc18-4t43 Contractor me0f 6346. lcI1-4147 Poe V-8, power steerittg, power MAN WANTED to ptow 201le Plastering, Cement Work othe Rof BERtPhdoannewthbrakes, automatic, whitewells, acres in Speysd a0.Mot£ . *Chimneya and Pireplacea fragg hay rack. G. Morden. Oakvilte 877-4022 or 877-4218 wheet discs. Lic. 708 . h ave necessary equipment. Wifl Çounty of Halo S ' Exterior Stucco Hoe845-4497. 1c8406 c-164Pnia aisen pay hoorly rate. Phose Carlo 0 Plastering Repialm Hoe WEDDTrNG DRESS with train,194Pnic arse e Toccaliso. at Oakville, 845-0177. Centennial Manor Phone Acton 853-1818 F. si e9tecletcsttton Convertible 8c10-4149 ct 0-05 81-51. ct-4532PRODUCE FOR SALE V-8 automatic. power steer- AEYI okn o at SITN 61 - ~~~~~~~ing. power brakes, radio Lti al nur y eia- iITCHEN chrome sotte. ltke BLE SRA.poe81 white walls, wheet discs, comn- ime work thisDfaGlTEnqoar ýr o AEDSRW hn 7-for information on opportotti- UEIT EN SADNGA rsfo r four air cushiosed chairs. 2248. 2c10-4169 pîetely reconditioned. Lic. tirs with Beeline Fashions. Cali SUEWR!NDN .,, EPE"I Ido- Cali 878-152. lcI104M ____________ H99025. Mr. Carpester. aea code 519-83- Pat quarter, part tlsorouels- Hospi- 14 TEN WEEIC old pigs,17 rwieBx10 aainbe.Pesngnl ipst r. Rd- ADDJNG MACHINES type- phone Campbellville 854-9925. ' 1964 Pontiac 4 Door t475 or write Box 170. Casadian bred.Pesngnl lpst 1staff writers for sale or rentaI. Phone 3l46 ea Champion. 8c049feqMaumd Ied iath ety - ion. Book limaited grade mare. ce and 878-962, Harrs Statiosary. 3t-17 SdnfrMtr eenwt ehn older tctf-417 QUANTITY of masuire. appty Automatic. radio, white oalsEprecdtao ril clorTdsExren -A- POE79a. ks to Ne-. aArhu.R.R. 3 îst lise, wheel discs. Li. A215519. -dEiveriencedhrart ra eeliyt cal orae anperiec - Ab- 7 - P845491 who HARLEY DAVISON motorcy- Erns 2c1-2414 die o hothu ede m tt o raiead iet Okiîe-8541 t kept cie 1965. in god condition.______________ 1964 Corvair Coupe mnediatety. over 25 years, maer- Staff - Dipomatie, Tacîfol Per- 31 s stPhone 878-2598 after 6.30 p.m. MIXED HAY standing in Motor comptetety overhauted. ried prrferred. Afternoons shft. sosatity to Handle Welfame of Cutm Hy g cetsahaeaLc.nd09 Fine day work. Usual besefits. EdrCtzn Colde0 51fC 4 mites north nf Milton. 878 Ivnoy tc oto n utm Hyn 1417,EIGHTY 10" cernent bocks, 4846 2c10.4148 1964 Pontiac 2 Door BOX No. 178 tusnvory uSok orle ande 043 ery reasonahie, also bricks for ado Paiine CNDACHMINS thg oulside fireptace. phone 878- PICK your own strawbemres. artpSaisene CAA)A O PON Prcisg woApldasi Asst. - 9569. lctO-4162 25c a quart (quart containers 6 cyinder. automatic, radio.8c0 WitnApcaonOI. wain etra or hring your aun). A. and Li. 38625.,_______________ e received by JuIy 3X, 1967. and Balng KELVINATOR refrigerator, 0. Ferri, th Lise Wesl. south193PnicLueta tt cu. fi.. across top freezer,.1o Huttonvitte. 2b10-4003193PnicL rntn Personnel Officer, 878-2363 ng me- good condition, 87-2956 afler 6 Two Door MALE HELP WANTED Counly 0f Halton, 16c.tL KaresP. t.lcl"-145 V-8. automatic, power teer- th. 19- IN VILLAGE of Kiihride, 2 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE meg, radio. whilewatis, wheel Mas wasted for automotive re- Base Ltse. ed Sryn hedroota home No. 6604 Fred- discs, black with med interior. tait business. ed Sryn e that erick St. Cati -Hamilton 527- 15 PIGS9 weeks oui. uest of- Lic. 114080. MILTON, Ontario For complete weed contrai catied 0157. tclO-4040 fe, 878-6433. 3c10-4152 1963 Mercury Custom Permanent job for right party SbîO on Iass and OlA" ONE AND une-quarter inch 50 LEGHORN hiens, stili tay-1 2 Door Hard Top APPLY 1____________CAMI as is Gyproc nails. To clear, tes cents seg 75c each, 854-2503. Automatic. radio. power steer- 9EPOMN ATDFroaLnsai iiebper pound. McKim Hardware, 3c11-4t44 ing, power trakes, power rear Canadian Tire Store EMLY NT ATE Fom aLndcp g lv tRY78 une2Draperiefor the 5 YEAR OLD Palomiso mare wisdow, white watts. wheet Hilton. Ontario NCD7a8ysi32r63 -1 tJscieTYJ raesfrte and iack. Phase Camphettviite discs. Original car. 8c10 EXPERtEN 878-3263tte bestini draperies asnd broad-8592.3c-47 available, days or evenings 878- _________________ 11-4122 ioorn. Sîrue-to-door service. Fr.e_854-9821. __ ,__ ,4047_1963 Mercury Meteor MALE OR FEMALE 4426. 9C10-4115 estîmaies. 878-2513. PART TERRIER-part beagle 2 Door Hardtop BO KEE antRnhLd memo- lc6-3865-if pups for sale, imo months otd, V-, radio. witewatis, wbeaiRnc Ld knd sis- - 878-9461. 3cl0-4166 discs. 2-ton.. motor complet- -0________ JOB_________ad__________ow passed 3 TURRET KODAK monte Our 'Bookkeepei- Mrs. Bennett10 TUETOB CppdadDsbedCw camera and case wiih 4 bar POODLE PUPPIES. reister- ly onerbauted. Serial No. havng moneti from Milton. pro-an Hre le and lamp aîîacbmest. Complet. $30. ed miniatures. Hoiran Kessetsý 26SA631525088. vides the premaneni excellent RELIABLE high school boy 24 Hour Service Phone 87-2847 or 871-507. Milon, 87"-360. 3b10-4141 193Aade ett payisg position for a qoali. seeds sommier position. Jeffrey Lic. Nos. 133RP 20644-2 )ry she 1 c 104160 16 cde fied career misded persos. Phiitips, 87-2453. 1c184125 BORDER Calie pups, black Station Wagon Vii rtlpoefritriw,GILSUETcpbef Waterdown MU 9-1044l WAXED miik caroas,, suit- and white, 2 montbs aid, maie Oeol i e w 1w Vii rlEctI o itri IR TDN cpbeo ebore able for freezer use, anailabte anti femair. 878-9107. Oneownr sncenew___à_________________ urig 1ct -ai Milon Park Dairy, 320 Base 3c1.42021 miteage. Lic. 49947. MltnBrckC. t]. tmr oidays. Cati -Bonnie iniLise Rd.. Hilton. Reasonabie. 1963 Pontiac Stn, W n MILTON, ONTARIO McGrath. 878-6092. I Peter P. Looser Swbal tcI1-3954 8_______________________radWg. 878-4441or Toronto 925-3455 1604136 inn bier DINING ROOM sut consist- 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE L ide r 3. aîmlcrdo8SI______________ Carpentry 5fg of exension table. 6 chairs. 1962 Pontiac Laurentian il M 1 LOST OR STRAYED Form Prame anti Trita Work cver be China cabinet and huffet, $500, JOHN DEERE P.T.O. cota elpwanteo al Repaira - Aterattons Sharon or hesi ofier. Phone 878-9145. bine, 7fi cal, 854-2479. Camp- 2 Door Hard Top PARemp aiecitin hneOfl 1141331tc1-4130 blvii.4c 10-4203 Auîomalic. radio, orite watts. ANDYWORKER PAIR LADYeSptrescoo rpin Phnm5-98 nemb- NE CHETERFELD uile. meel discs. Very cdean. LUDY ue isssaturaZ8. i ol am-R. qR. i, .IPEVJE, iýme E HSEFEDsie,30 FTl ayrath enalor on es 871$12708 S2.14 er4049 r and space -aeer-.. chrome surs, ssietîsels, condition S275. 1962 impala Super Sport Sliy1.0-8.4prbu s, who Astral refrigerator. siones etc. Wairdamn, 689-4018 aller 6. Tua door bardlop V8. auto. Preterence ii be fivn for 1 O ETARCNIINR 7. e. MacLeuds Furniiurc-, Adtos. 4c 10-4139 maîic. pouwer steerisf. power preniaus experience with latin- 13__ FOR______AIR_____________ __________Ontario._____ brakes. radio. white walix, dry machinery. We wmît pick up wlndow esad 17 FT. BE-ACH COMBER fibre wheei discs. White itb red RO n or,882.mutduis ta la dsadgasboatl.wmmd shieid, sieeper VECLSFR AE bucket seals. Lic. 97343. Tbis position iscîtides att Ont- 13c10.4134 them, oit matai-, check balance 5giassSFO SL aria Goernmesl benefits. f fan bladte, replace flter wlth ipa- titano $375. excaer o n.609 16TRAITER, stefps 4, ftily neor glass fitter and ramounit dis o seuls. o molor nceie68co-9- 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 Applications shouid b. sent to equipped. itcb lncluded. 878- unit at a cost of ®rto 4018 aller 6. 1ic10-4140 .1954 STAKEîtruck V8. ,00 Convertible Business Administrator, 3209. 13c63895«f$2393 VOII lit tes1Eunoningoiiurin a7 oo2 d c911-4tS VO.aulomalic, power sleerisg. Ontario Schooi for the .Deaf, sy 05 uidins oalrias ad oalaipomer brakes. radis. white Milton, Ontario. APARTMENT for quiet aduits n. Cramfords Catapheilvilie. Ouick 1963 INTERNATIONAL t-on wails, uheel discs. Black with 878-2851. 80oloCRepi ox7. b aaia U c 10-4150 service.r High qsaliiy. phose pick sp. condition A-. $595 or red inlerior. Lic. 55022.apo. 13c104123 REFRIGERAITON seo- Catagocltilie 854-2232. lcif-416 besi aller. Phon, 87-368îî 16 mpl or OA KIN - ROOH asd board in i-ural Catapbelivitie - 854-2228 her and MIXED GRAIN loi- sale; aiso -- - - - CAMPBELLVIL__878home, closert Hlon5ho.161 s, wobowhite crih and maiiress, size M94 CORVAIR 110 HP.. red. Hard Top CAMPBELLVcoiLLE 87-3170 ller 5 57. 28" s 52" wiih side bar estes- buckei seals. 4 speed transmis- Automatic. radio.,w ts.Requires the folcvig 3c845 m those sion,.is gouet condition, phone Sion, good conditon 878-6416. whie wails. uheet dises. Very 0 Short order cook GOING os vacation or Expo? PACONI Campheiiviiie 854-2486. 5c1426 scarce modet. Lic. 97343. p-xeiecRdnnglug ent a traiter at Varlety Camp- Dead Stock Removai ___________________ OExpriesed inis iosgeing Traillnr, 538 Bronte R&, tci1-4163 1i962 RAAMBLER sn good condi- 1963 GMC Haîf Ton maitresses Bronte. 827-1865. 3c3440-t LIMITEC gardes. ton._____alvjob$39500____________temaage ide. ALL-WEATHER Lent i-allers ton kNesaIne bC35amPcpp-rtetemaae FARH, 200 acres, just South "Highest cash prices for dead or )ugbt of sieeps 6. al steel construction good tires; brakesp oneC-461Wdbordo hedisofMlngdbapnno ialdcw ndoss leamne. No dams paymesî. 20 beliille 854-9968. c146 iebx aiobe e. MOHAWIK INN 0fHous, dbr, p ondone isbiti ow atihoso monihs la pay. Nom on sale ai - 1959 International bouse, phone 878-6482.M 1hi. B.P. Coin Car Wash. 341 Oueen For Your Nexo Car . ..- -to P.O. Box 81, Campb.ltviltC 13c15-4168 CL PIITR-AI O Si.. Actas, Phone 853-2114.Taco OR ELECTRIC -BOT- WATER Zeih990 by ile c426434tf TRY Full air. Sîh Wbeet and saddle Put 5-27 ETR wt ie erIe i.N 7397 9 t n~ anks, ready 1u go. Serial no. or P po mtPonee%277H it Ilyd ri-34, N. 0567 9767 rsad SYERS Matersily Fashions, BUCK HAMILTON 807C. FrA 8pit e-t PoneitnHyr 7-3tf45 ________________ ct1-2415 tops. sims, shorts, kirts and AT 198 aro 100 aarme t nPa- FOR dresses by Lagnos. Complete198Fro3ateinpl- FOA asd tatesi styles in maîei-niîy BELL BROS. BelTcpieTuk epW ne ae m, avoulable July 16, children SUMMER SOCIAL ciotisg ai Syerxs Famity Fash- BelTlpoeTuk Hl atdM l 5RO87-6388 Boughi directly fromt Bell ornicome, close to sehoul, 878- ions. 228 Mais ýE.. phone 878- ctf Telephone in original condi- 2056. 13c10.204 Whipped Creaco 2067, 'Milon. c52-3469-tf tion.__Li_._8174V._MAINTENANCE Dispenser, Sherbet y 24-27, ~LARGE giossy prints of Cao- -qRUSE e itf' Gass PnhBw es Jn alidian Champion staff photos, 1958 Mercury M-500 MECHANIC HELPER roota. primate wasb raom, meats AVLBt!T os, ctoptionsa]. Reply box 174 lb. AALALEA 52 x 7 size. St; 8 s 10 ize, $1.50: USE Cab and Chassis Salai-y $176 - $2.06 Per bour Cosadian Champion. Rna bI-4038 plus ta. Cash must accompasy Like new. Lic. 2664V. - mit-- 13c104124 Miltoni Party Rna by Gar- order. Enituire nom at Champ- CH M INHOSADSVET Required 10 055îtmane 88 Mites Si. ton Ot rtigai ion office. 191 MaisS77iltfo H M IOn.OS N SV T nonce tradenmen. Sbould hava 4 ROOM furnisheti apartment, - loOt ýneti- lc- CLASIFIDS mechasîcal aptitude and abili- oulskirts of Hilton, $85 per mity CAR TRUGK FTRACTOR T ty 10 use tools. month, adoîts only. Write Box Phone. 878-9956 - 9413 CAR1TRCK 31 T. T- UR :sd Ti oiinicue l n-176, Champion office. l 01216db- RES. nem and used, uner 200T i icnic KellpinSf id tiesintok, T arîo Gonernment benefils. Tuesday, ail sizes, tom pricex; fiais ixed. L ETE ettalr ave St. $125: ubeels halasced, 11.00.'we Redtern Appîy 10 the ban nwEATHmpEteswthtraiter ai1.3eav r atrieks.flosre sd Ra- SLLLimiteti 'Bsiness Admiistralor, tress and canopy. For informa. OnaM idSub iltnTn, d a.Ontario Sehoot for the Deaf, tien, catI B.P. Cois Car Wasb,