N4aylor fans 14 4 The Canad4n Champion, Wa.dn.aday, \Iy 12, 1967 ____________________________ Sox break jinx, bea Tigers shutout by Hamilton ýMonday Afer encauntlering aImat every imaginable obstacle blocking te pat lavictary. Milton Red Sos broke te jiax and came titrougit wit a 6-5 in in a len inniag conlesi ai Walerdown Sunday. The Sas relurneti home te iollosing nigiti ansi for te finîl five loaked like te same bal tram tai ad braIra Watrdawn te day before. Titey iteld thte Hamilton club scoreless for five iningi but gave up lwa runs in te sistit and one in te eveat and were blanked 30. Box waaied no ime in jump- ing an Walerdowa hurler Cas, picklag up tirer ruas in their fiet bai on four coasecutive singles, a base an halls and an «I-ar. Rannie Shannon, và lagird four imes in five trIps ta te plate, starleti tiingi off wit a single and Bill Carne, Ron Phititps and AI Jordan al followed suit. Mti(atciteon walloed anti Brian Stover gai on îhraagit an er- cor la te shoristap. Shannon, Crnie anti Jordon scored the Hamil-lan scared twa ruas ta the second stanza an tiree canseculive ers. Naylar slruck aillirer men out in tati aing. Shtannon sngled and scored in te tird inning palting Mil- ton aitead by a 4-2 margin. Naylr gave up is finI bhit of te gamein te sesent la Piillips. Pillips advanced ta second on a passed bail and scored on a sacrifice. Ronnie Piillips put te Sos aitead 53 afîe daubling inte eigbt inning. Lowville spllts pair with Procor and Omagh te lait baif of th inth ia-i niaf. Scanlon pePired one 1 dama te iird le line ibroagit Brian Sto*'s legs. Scanton scored on Pillips' triple and iPblips sred an Hcnwoods single. Shtannon, te firstIttier ta face te Waterdomn ,pthcbr j te ltitinning, singleiarlie fourti timein te af on and moved la second Cur- ries malk. Tite nesi lt ba- tees ment damn i scsian and McCulcbeon bamia d a big single la drive Sitanmn ia for te game mînner. Larry King drove a bhol dama te Iird base lin(Und SIver seoped il ouI akite diri for te iird andi finalut. Hurler Ronie Naylor ped te Sos t 14 slribe.olpl- lossed four hils andti issild0t walks for fisc ruas il n nings af hall. Cas starleti fonrte Ti and was relicetid by fast bar Neil tiodmas DodmaO 5%#s with a sore ari and was i-e- lîrveti by Clark. Coach Art Meanion had ta juggle is infieid itere Monday against Hamilton 10 field a team when onlv ine showed up on turne. The startiso lise- up saw Naylor ai first, Shan- non at second. Philips ai short and Red Carnie ai third. Both mismplayed scoreless bail until the sixlh inning miten te Rebels broke te ice, pick ing ap lwo runs in the sixtit anti one in the seventh for the 3-0 stit-out. Sharpe iripird for Hamilton in te sisth and scored an Beaudoins single. Huataon gai on titrotîgi a fielders citoice wben Shannon threw ta Dance, forcing the man out ai second. lesciuit doubled, driving Nat- ion ta thaird. HnSon scoreti on a wild pîlcit. Bill Crne and Ron Pillips singled lo account for the onlv Mlton bits. Milton itosis Burlinglos itere nesi Monday. In Halton Rural Sfibal. Laseville split a pair of gamnes. iteaing Omnagit 5-1 anti lasing la Pracr "S-. Againsi Oinagit, Lawvlie searrd Iice in te second, once in te third and iice l inte igilb. Omagit seareti in te sevrait miea AI- Ian Frw tripleti and scred an an lnfirld oui. Jacqur Pa- quelle nruck oui 19 balters while giving up threits. Johtn Willmelt anti Allan Few pitcbrd for Omagh. Dranis Sinclair anti Gord Marsal doubîrd and singîrd, Doug Ca- verdale singîrd lwice. HaroId Halton Rural Minor Softball Standings SQUIRTS Wi L T Pis Lawville .4 0O1t') Gien Williams 2 d I 5 Kititide . . 2 2 0 4 Druniquin 1 I1I0O2 Honby A I 30 2 j Hrby B . 1 4 0 0 PEE WEES W L T Pis Druinquin A 4 O 0 8 Omagit. - 3 O 0 6 Horny A I 2 0 2 Lomile....... I1 2 0 2 DrumqîinB 1 I3 0 2 Hcrnby B 1 I 0 2 KIini0r0OO0O0 Titampson doabled and Jacqeu Paqueile and Larry Campberl singîrd once. Proror iook a "-Oleadin te second, gai one more in te sit, imo in te secentit aad Ima in te eigitlh as thry gaI 14 bits off of Stu King wito was forced la piltchwiten Law- villes Ibre pitchers ere 001 abe la play due ta work. an ijary and bolidavs. Wayne Helop iook te win, allowing sixn its sciile sîiking ouI fine. Harold Titompson led te Lowvilr hillers mt a double and lwo singles. Doug Caver. datie. Larrv Campitell and Dan Heateringlon al singled once. Lomvilles nexl home game is Fridav. iuly 21 againsi Hal- ton Holel. Te Halon Rural Al Sars silI plav Ancasler Provisiosers on JuIn 22 as Low ville. HuitiR"m Lup Standings W L PIs. Lowville 12 3 24 Palermo Il 3 22 Omagit 8 6 16 Procor 7 7 14 Hallon Halel 2 Il 4 Hornbv 2 12 4 Big fifth inning clinches for Ccampbellville juves ov Camnpbetiville Juvesiles up- set Miton Juvesilos mt as lt-4 wis la Campitelîville Mon- day igitî Garnel Mitchell ent te distance for Camp- itrlsille allowisg foanriuns on sevra iitt ndastwo errons. He issuedt tisaks andasi truck out six bitlens. croig Brai t tiee fine com- plele inniagi for Milton. Ne gave up sin runsanOsisuitl. fine scouts anl four stiho cuis aad Ciement gave up two uanns on ans htin one inniaf af re- lief. Gai-nec Mitchell. Jontigles anti Neil Robertson ail douitiet fan C.smpbilviile wsiuesingles mont ta Sla-ve Smith,. Pete An- drews Jackt Mans. Murray reemas. I Belles lose two ~IIGtpiU f'M1defeat Drumqini Cards oefeat Villagers secure irst position Casnpiteiis sIlo drapuseti e Gor>geo cre iis Isue iings ourth gaine aitte sca-,slns-,l r Birislsn ise upltwa 'lîosdaN hv a iaris 32 ir.n, of.fsiitroc hîls.Hoentruckt giu u Barlisglas 'Th.' m i ou, i i hrc andi sîskAe. ncDan Burliaglun in Iiisîslaheo d Cisilîsiia it heco ionisas iii ra- aw te eilageen ulasse ao oi ebîhut-out IamphicIIiiIeons lasîrlt. (ampbteleilie cc i,,sîshil- Ho slraekioui tIi iakhaSudas'a-osieupa 1 andse s.itod ssii Missesva, smn scr Pron isn slslictes'. sssng pîiter, ningn ai hall. rie gane- 1 Campirlvîlle gai ail them call e eane'utsi rsn rain l!5c' urss iSiitit one out1 il was alnugh tlu ss o ise. Misse c- inglai1bill 1515Orec Rbers sitiltsssisl'ssoutiil secncesditsCitcr Elîsa's standing u15'iii ( .nsîshell- ingle sontsCheteestu second ville . l iasbe ionsa-i l sacs Kin ,ýtrbrîascel la ix hitil suite slsikisg 1ou1 ise :ile shot s slp woisiî lipped la asti aîkine. nc.Ue uIttee:nd torlaslite i srce ut bul hits waisa sisgisgi tclolwnil ,,j asadlan a'ii.le drîl> gaI iboli a.sIe.î:ksinield èf' Dais Jîse boa sinid ______________Binl1liiigui ii, biils seýtlli l ( l ise lires shen Ruts. Jîshnns sînLItci. sisle W ii îîiîitird antisced on a aèieiIls se JackitPrice. Th itesî iip i ansiingreiss ver M ilton ,e .dinh, oil Wg Barryv MeTrasit ai Troc Carke"t.ierifice harlst,,s, hîsit Hosustons pacemi lite iiî,ersssîit men %eta - . Ro nisgIc1 a pair of i eiihaccitRici thritsghirsîip,'scoeusne.ian '-rrcrt inu el-c ie andDon .îsîsher m-'in onus Hearnnesi gledonce Campitolilie irîugits sut t e itsssarliliors siite llt sening corirngilise snan d gir-nf them a 7-I loas lTe fis- al score esas 8-4. Y Johitllwe and Miglo cash bil sicîs.iglesifor Burlinglas. J,,hieîîs'n 'in te luth scas s-silo s ville l'r thal Hal Dmago Palern cille sîcre c050:c0'l sustisgs lit Re pi pl,,emsu ird. 123 45t, 7 R H F ('Ville 2003 11111112 3 2 Barlisglsi o S10020011\s-3 h t Ralpit Rinlaul pice tel11 lthe ,,I.n a' ho bold Pies 1oo o l ,un (s'fivsu is sucer licolsn- ss'aîiceI issloiIn o,'.o 15e1tw thirI- isnisn, n saliel,1. ir Hajmillîs a ssilitedlrc Hoe itati lusI een relioeel it\Ro- bortsebeaien hrelu înisheti lthe 05150 Spike (aeigin 110111 .11the oas Isfor Pra'isss Iliig lise rrsotIl hbiIl e iiseck out titree asel esalit-el lis-' Pretn looksial s1 Ooas1 ilsinte sceoid inlsni liislclitell. an iniieldi ()il I 'îeaor,-cl nan iniielt suit 'Ibmi e.d leliltirp -issu lthe ltissu ssesielseul liis ngule, lî\ StePlisil, Don e,, Riiiîiii ,iiiiiiieI Illo 1scoring MîPîsîl but i isieîg i Dessrus ilosrelPr.- 5555e Sies bulatlriandillslsbeicaneîîn i a Cîroslios 'eage hosauedi 3-1. iplt sl.Bill llabiot d bal>m sîl tseixtehn ithlba c sanciaiglelîor Camsp- dubsle aililslIlil lhca le la Mîsîrc. DuosIlRillI 13.snssss'lýcd.e % te Ie a5e orsMP~ il 11scsrtosiIiîoublestva .ici 'IbM d ad or% Ichiil Phial ..oiing.'Sseilit Rplis Il . aklIgbl Il areu. P irgie ados thsîltorsIk Iitce -011 te,- nîii ite Issusl as tn tsiosto il 5l31 ;lg cisosîgsi"Il kOti Henîlernssssii i.îI"il-î Il,)", rtpt I l set' lond 1IA-l isr P re-sîla . ,i'lIsifn lise sai%cl ol siBuislien bird timng tarrs MePiteil leite CaasîilislIe %illitac Ric eRpsa.CO l'lsgo ('iesser iton Urîs anti Bill Dormis oselis elIsses sngen isand Rait iintolîssanti Ris Grînalel snglecoe . Il Staidings zm elllsnxth e W L PIs. gumeissl ho agaîssl Waler- 4 2 8 o l iiicS.esenelac Jîsî 1h.t 2.30 eloss 4 2 8 pas lie 4 2 & 123 45h 7 R H P bh 4 3 8 Preles 010 (M 0 t 2 t Williams 2 2 4 C'cille 0111 032 s 5 Il 0 nsv 2 2 4 Pnesîsîss Cîsîsylîs and Ren- in 2 3 4 ner. iquin I 2 2 Campitcls ilo. Risisisl. Ham- mo 1 2 2 sios 16). Robetrts (7)anti _____________________ . osce ailonBls-I-plu ia lnGirsn S,,tilsî.sl si h sicalos- c aajIuixis n he lacsthc ,tasrsn.Tises' 1,,,t24 4 sts Horn. its. heasDi sînîsîsrfl13-3 and ladt a queaso.ker ts Glon WilliamIS Coacht Murray WMiie lor ad bhrce iaspLrtýrom Kilitnido in th- Gloîs wilin luie go.Dcit- hi,'. asnd Pas Bssrkhesldor. il. toilts.ss i th,- ad intiss sgit- enodlshisilteld essssssdorslv. il sbr lvace- ppsos lthe lisý,n î5'ls ho lie i i , te tsi- hl iphu tIhe' tti mteMl ei tsi, rissss is' urhsi-sinIi0no os asDs lbse ieskhssielosansi ohs, issie oî'lccsisIl Anse tisîssoite Bl l- lile An ,lie ilsgil i tsecv ssh shile Pull Bas khelsle' . '-isrls'Bridlgs- mssnsani Sanchs Rsrbhssldcr sil dsssile.' ,M,sîg Msssre pitîscel a-.oson b -.sî Iolh'lsssfmquss is h% 33 'ssssgs in ye- ,oaaelroc ssîik. cli lot 1\%i,1155510'il s'Icl i ienssîsqsisssqs.s vdI.r IleSOsiî ilIlsoqa ts.ssî m' s.is îs'the'il l'o Ool Ka,sh. s 11-0saBle sl 1tiso , ilis .t'ue.ss ad P, liii lsîsîses su .sss5ie' i i eil, The Relies sufferes I .s24-4 ils01-'Iild, utIlse tdiv' 'haretlIleDthIV ing 24 i sss,ssml isîs.Il 'Or sand lises ii Hceoî Iidul sGii1, 'i so 1 ili hotoImriss' ' hilesî 1 \,Iras it'.ssss s i 1 e'. lut'. for 13s.ssîsse FT lies SSii1-hjOies 1hids Tliissii.is..sl11ls ur lirtse e KILBRIDE Bantams winnei in basebail Kîlitricee ianlalis elziis e Dsuasquis 1h-14last Friday 7-jusso 30 sand stesn asWedses eida,, Jais 35lt es' dcelilc Omagit ils-6 asKilts dov p KîlicioPce Wecs score d 1iceebits Isrîits -B seiith ' casc of 32-9 lInS Tuvrsav. J5I' 1- 4 sî Kilbitrde il idcL qicssit, redea dI1-6iLust Thesrscisn.Jîsis h a Kilitrideo in allier league action Geo-srgetown's eai Palorrmo 9-2. Aelon etigetiDmagb 8-7, Norn- its boaSt Milton11 2514, Omagit sîcer Paîcrinis 25-6. IlIn Wil- liants bcd Orclon 15-8, George- towno delealetid.îkville 13-8, Milton heal Druenquin 13-3, Oinagit beal Druniquin l3-9, OIes Williamsn cdgvd Milton 5-4. anci Act on squeakebcdvs George- towsn 108. FLEETWOOD MODEL 12-26 Portable TV ON...... [$149.o ONE YEAR WARRANTY LOW RATE FINANCINO AVAILABLE Stewart's TV & RADIO 348 Kingsleigit Crt. 878.2452 W.nt ta knowu how you oen... Atit brîgit nasu ieauly la yaur home? 2 End painting anti aniS- rior maintenance for gooti? 3 Cul bealing canIn? 4 lacrease lthe value af your praperiy nubulan- tially? Easy! Just oeil us and ask ta heur the '~~o Climatic"',story. BIANDCO INSULATORS Rockwood -8s6.9971 BLOWN INSULATION Applied by Experts miith Spun Gloas Fibre - Rock WooI, etc. 20 Vears in Business EASY BUDGET TE OMS Rooflng, SWding, Motai Doors and Windows Bantams ceibrate 'nîsl saM %iiul"ey Ban- 1.111 chreit,isiriin lor h-it7 cele hi esîc theiniti aa te boIme' iiiJean asti.en Milis. Te boss scre raîti loaa barbecue isîîisîsssng swillin lile WIlIîn pool. Sîs s.dseITomai 3is prociti ad nses aineal Tenocesing \%all h.1550dtBasa Mas- .seî Bîîitcooll. ,5ff -m - V f-M IMMUN,-' 7v wq ) SWIMMING LISSONS BEGAN Tuestiay aI Mii- sstroclors, They ase frans la s-lt tao ightt ton Cammusîlo Pool andi pool superaissa Des- Matylynsa Emserson, renda EuaIoland Sharon is Snîden saisi about 175 chltiren enrollsd.Emersona Inte back roa Nei Struw Carl Warkîng unden Snder are a capable crean of Pardy andi Dennîs Ssîder (Staff Photof Ration Caunty League STANDINGS las of July 9) W L Pet. giti Duadas 10 3 .719 - Hamilton 10 3 -769 - Burlingion il 4 .733 - Campheiînile 9 4 .692 t Dakville 6 6 .500 3131 Georgetowun 6 8 .429 414 Pientas 4 9 .308 6 Waienioma 4 1il.267 7 Miltosn 1 13 .071 91,5f Odds and lods CLEARANCE SALE -POWIR MOWERS- $5.00 Mflthly Budget Tnrn Cicab~Don Merrilt Authorizeti Owne A I '1 - WANTED - Certified Mechanic Wanted For Off-Highway Equipmêlt DIESEL AND GAS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED APPLY TOý Acton Limestone Quorries Ltd. ACTON, ONTARIO Phono 853-2230 Reciistration for Second Session 0F SWUMMING LESSONS - ENROLL SOON MILTON COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL SWIMMING INSTRUCTION REGISTRATION AT MILTON COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL - ROTARY PARK NAME .... ....................... Age . . ........... ADDRESS .... .............................. Phne ........ Tiis coupon with $300 registration fa., shouid b. mafled to: MILTON RECREATION OFFICE, Town Hall, Milton, Ontario 1