I. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 12, 1967 B7 Equipesent and supplies hsd la be crted belmeen the bouse and the bush by msy of stone- boat a flt ooden plattormn bi7jfldu kids and dramo tiy'i bosse. Also. me mere araud lu alcesys carry somzlthing as me ens bacb and torlb. Very sel- dam cas Ibere much snooc let afler the brigbt sunuy days lu Match, but thz rosty nightx stittened the mud op so il did nul gel tua sott until the sYruP mabing cas oves. Nom 00r moîber deatI citb our muddy fet asd ctliug t do 001 se- member, but ste must hsve taben il in er sîide as t do col recaît toa mucb tecluring oves il as I mnigt give My yoongsers mben Ibzy "ptsyzd" in thz mud aflerscseoot. There ere many risses me accident- ty lpped int the cseek iîb anc fot os bath, or sid do a moddy bank on Oasr - - th- ing. Since me dtd have lu go lu chaal t iwcas thz lte aternoon asd eening bours ceen hz ssp had ta be gatbesed, Iben me moutd estthe supper Ibat maîbes sent bsek mitb us con- istiug af a pol ut babed beans, tresb biscuit, applessuce sud cookies. An aternate mes t migbl be raId spase ribs mitb lto f mess on them os boited eggs mieb me eooked in the bot ap. lick slîres of home- made bread toastcd oser he coaIs ut the big ise. spsead mith butter and bsaesn sofas. or buge ebunke ut Isesb ginger. hreador jobnnyecake. No mon- der ous younig Iiends ibed lu belp, and o causse everything tasted su goad becasse of he bard cok in the otdoors. As melI as galbes sap me bad 10 be toreves lugging mood 10 the eboppluz place chese the boys rot il lto propes lengîhs fus the ise and the stone. The girl s neyes gaI ap en- ougph courage-te qoesy vesnight lu the sbsek but msny of the neighboshood boys bahk turne stayiug with my brothers Msny ere the tricks pîsyed on one anothes en the middle ofi tbe igt ceen une of îhcm woutd gel up 10 replenîsh the tise. We heard tales of ghosts, tsitd animalesud eseaped pris- dners visiting the camp.,chicti mas one eason the girls necv'i lob Itheis iusn aI stsying. Tise girls. homever. did make use ofthe sbsck duing Easleî bolidays when me osed iltfoi our supper stop aller a lhree or tour mile ike îhroagh oui larm e tu he nent concession, asound he soad iim e cami lu the path thal led mb I he sagas bush and io the shuet webez e enjoyed aur picniî suppes ut bol dogs, baked beans. col tee and cuokies. AI les gaîhering some of he irst flomers of sping and enjoying some ouldoos games anda siug-song ssound the ire ce would asise home jus( helore dask mhich ceas oas curIes ime. In the somifierlime, the sai bouse as a hatîeas biose fla 005 besry picking pais and lunches, bal bhai is anîlber sîosy mhich ciii have' liiait for a laIes lesr BesI Regards. Eteanîîr Colies Wbo eau appreciate your in. lzgity sud gooditl unlil yau give samples? l Even s tes bag neer bnoom ils ocen stsengtb untit il get5 intobot wcetr. Upp or-A usten ehrOirn pn Mss. Elizabeth Brinkesan, Obrerahesede, Germany. flear Eizabeth: Na building permit was need- ed bsck in the 1920s to bild mhat the boys catted the "sup bouse" and no unionized cas- penlers ese engaged ta put lu. gether s sturdy but hat stoad tus many pears 'lu aur fathers mapîz bush. Na blueprint olh- e lian wbhat as linteb hap imagination mas used sud yel Il tu'ned 001 10 be s metI de- signed ltulle sback Ibal ansmer- ed the puepase for micb il wsa but, that o providiug a sleep- ing place when somoone had la be ou hand overnighl 10 keep the tire going under the buge iran ketîle. This mas suspend' cd by wire 'rom s strang stralghl pote. poxsibty irun- moad, which in tom mwas laid in torked sticks panted in the gsound a1 either end aud secur- ed witb more ire. A tire pIt mas dug ouI untit there max a deep depression in the ground sud Iis max surrounded by a ring ut stunex packed ilb mod lu kezp the tire conlsined. Sticks and teaves bsd lo be rak, ed away for a considerabte dis- tance lu, eliminate the rixk ut pseko causing tire in the bush. To retusento tise shack. loug the efl as one entered th dar mas bult a double deeker bunk on mbîcb max spread matresses ut clean sîrace, he beddiug be- ing some of mothers older. heavy q uit1 t s uppemcntzd iti homse blankets. Nigbls coucd gel pretty eatd lu the lat- ter days ut Mareb sud early Aprit. Along the centre othe back watt wsa the casI iran cooktove. outmoded in the farm kitchen aud discsrded lu, thse srrap pile amailiug the nexI visil 0f he "sempesan". The boys guI permission lu remuve il 10 the shack ceere il mork- cd ike s ebarm afler the fimlt fece pufs of s docndraft umoke lt you know that ceere here was smokz Iere mas tire. 'Na anc max attomed 10 igbt il untit they understood how he dampers sud drafts cerked, so he yoongzs mees- bers of the tamity bad 10 con lent themuelves mith gtberiug twige and brush for kinding and tuggiug otd necexpopers tramt the bouse about Ibrez% quarless o a mite away. Copboards and sheives made of scmap umber sud orange craIes and an otd. old table completzd thez tomishings. Poadstuftx mere nutlteftIlong in tbe hack for obvious rmas- uns, but on the shelves tbere mas au odd assortment ut pots and pans. some otceicb wre liketyslvaged ram th scrsp heap and fixcd mitb 'mendits'. t recalIbat some ofthIeza were lopsided snd bsnged op but they boilcd cottez usrlesled hot chocolale. Variely lu eau- ned goads lu Ibose days mas ai- maxI nil but "pork and beaux" lastzd prelty god wben yaur appelite bas been sparked by bard work. Chairs were ual needed because Ibere erz any nomber ut bocks ut mood Ibat the boys bad col 10 the rigt licit and usuatty me aIe out' side and sal ou a log, s sate distance ram the ire. Tise terein ofthtie smatt 13 acre moodtot mich mas our sugar bush mas uphilt sud domu. oves a pring creek sen- cmal imes as il rau tbraugb the guties. so il cas nu easy job gthesing the ssp troze 1hz ovzrtlowing buekets evzry day. Wbat made il essier mas the tact that the neigbborhood eilîdren Ibougbl il a speciat privilege 10 be able 10 betp s galbes he sop sud carry il Io tbe ssp bouse chere il cas zmptied mb toarger tubs and eaux. Anyting Ibat happened Inlu tIto the ap enroule onty znbauced he flavor aud as tolty stzritized lu he boiiug sud by a speiat pracesx of ctarifying taler aI the bouse by the mumen fok. Tbe marriage of Lita Bar- bara Austen to John Adam Up- per took place i St. George's Anglican Cburch in Lomille May 20 aI 2 p.m. in a double ring ceremony. The bride ix tbe daugter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Austen of R.R. 2 Campbettville snd the groom is the son of Mr. and Mss. J. C. Uppe-r of Atwood, On- tario. Bath tbe bride and the groom are employed by the Royal Bank of Canada. Tbey bave taken up residence in Tor- onto. Tise chrt secs decorated in white mumis mitb cwite bows on the peses. Re. R. P. E. Jet- fares officiated wile Mrs. John Nicholson was the organist and Mss. Art Leonard sang the se- los, "0 Perfect Love" and "Be Thou ilh Me". The bride wore an empire slyled dress of white chantilly lace over latfta mith elbum length sleeves and a white chap- et rosI of organza. The cntl mas s cape lenglh. beldi by a petslled bheadpiece. She car- ried s cascade ot white bridai roses entined silbcwite rnb- ban. The brides attendants wore iloor lengtb mist green dres- ses of empire style. The skirts were crepe and the bodices mere of lace. The seeves came 10 the ethboc and Iben flared out. and lhey wore matehing ilesopieces. Misa Marie Harrison, a friend of the bride f rom Toron. la was msid of honor. Miss Elizabeth Robinson of Camp- bellvilte and Miss Pal Brooks of Toronto, also triends of the bride were bridesmaids. Miss Madeline Austen, sister of the bride, was the ftower girl. R. E. Austen. faîber ot the bride, gas6e ber away. Raymond Kiddle nf Dear- haro. Michigan cas the best man and Jack Cullaton of Gaît and Doug 'Schroedes ut Toron- lu werrausbers. The reception mas, beldi ai the home ofthIe bride, North- fate Farms le Campbcllville. Seventy ive people attended. Mss. R. E. Austensoc a pate pink silk linen drss cil a lace bodice and a mali.inf lueket. wiîb pink accee'..rie'. Her corsageuuas of sieaihlearl Tise groomus mober Mrss J C. Uppes woe asks hi ue uat and dress ensemble ofi lace witb bloc shues and whie ac- ceesnrie'. Her cossage was o sWealbeast roses. Table centres aIfschite munis t und pink carnations. piîiîec munis and big double mumn decorated the boue. The Ibis, tiered wedding cake cas madle bs the brides mî,lber and thi farcbwassicre decoratedt citt cards and wedding belîs. The brides gog-assis oulfit ceas a Isciepiece bluoc suit esthi suite fus collas and lbîîe h lengtb steeves, She wor a rblue bat and whbie accessiiee and white carnatiio, Tb Ilordy wwe t Ioe Tmenty-ane members out-the Milon Senior Cilizeux Club speut taxI meek aI Cedar Brooke Lodge in Part Elgin, Ont. M. sud Mss. William 'Mc- Psdden, Milon. jained the group lu midweek sud xlayed overnigbtto10jain in the ton playing shuff le hoarad, golf. simming, bridge sud general' lv h.sviug ton. Ms. Jennings, Ocnes of Ce dar Brooke Lodge, had a bingo for is 75 guests. He sesved ice creses. cookies sud tes ta the enlise compsny. attes micb att joîued in s heasly singsong. Tise paty vsiled M. sud Mss. Chartes Laundon mîso are al Ibeir sommer home in Wiar- Ion sud hadt atternoon tea on the lawu. On Sundsy Miltan Senior Cil. izens isited the churches, some to the Anglican sud Unit- ed Chrebes and olhers lu the Psesbytesiau Cbuscb. Ou Thussdsy a visit mas made la Dunhlane Preshyter- ian ('bosch whieh ix 105 yesrs aId. Att joined in singing the Ladies Aid, W.M.S. hears Of Star Ruby The Ladies' Aid of Nassaga- weys Psesbytesiau Choseb met un Thursday. July 6 ai he home ai Mss. C. Cargili milb Mss. V. Nussis, psesident. lu the chats. Mss. Nosis sesd senesal lu- îerestiug quotations f[rom the Frieudship Book. The minutes wzsz sead by Mss. J. Roberts sud he finsucial statemeal given by -Mss. S. Robinson se- gasding the eatzsing ut Nassa' gameya Centenniat mzekeud. Il ceas decided la mark on the bale quilt on Tuesday, July Il a1 Mss. Nusris'. The members agsezd tu cales fos s tes lu Septembes sud the meeting closed iîh seciltion of the Lord's Prayes. Tise Women'a Mlselossa'y So- ciety andes the presidency of Mss. E. Dredge openedwihsa rcading of the Centennial hymu couple boneymooned in the Focono Montains in Fennscl- vunia and relusni.d Jonc . The bride atteuded Miton High Sehoot sud Ryesson Poty- techuicul Inst ilute in Toronto. The groom gsauated tramt Waterloo Lautran Univessisy n 1965. Guesîs fsom Deusborn. Mich- igan; Beigen. Newe York; Tos. ontoî. Guelph, Kitchener, Si. Pauls%,0.-hua. ,Galti.Listomel. A îîeîîî' , Cumpbetlvitle. Mount Foresi, almersian, Cuvuga andl Miltion aîîended. Miss Pal Brîîoks t Toronto an] miss Belle Jellases ot Camphelîs le gave the bride miselaneîus shoscers on Aprîl 10 and April 23 tamiliar hymns. Mss. MePixes. sou. Niagara FalIs, spoke s tew mords and made an appeal tas tondu for the renovation ut the nid cisurch. $35 max laken up in the collection. Mss. Bill Scott, Milan, also paid a visit but the Senior Citi- zens mere aI Wiarton mhen she caled. Paper drive Save your dlscarded neses- papers - Milton Boy Scouts are panning enoliser papes ptckup drive uon Fctday. Issty 21. Trucsse xiii be caiisg et local isomes tromsts 417 pi.. and tise boys would appreclate il if pou mould isondie pour papers secureiy and place thern et tise street hy 4 p.n. Dont try for endorance re- cords ou the igbwsy. Stto the cas every so otten sud lt the wbote tsmily gel ouI and slseeh Ibeir legs. Its good for the cisculation. sud prayes. "Unta the Hitîs aroond du t ilt up my laugiug eyes" cas sung and the inut- es szad hy Mss. Cargilsud ap- proved. Mss. Pyatt. as convete r, spokieufthe preciaus star suby diseovesed lu he 201h century sud casved mbt the likeness ci Christ. This besolifful. dask red suby bas tuflied ils des- tiuy mitb the cumpletion of 1he casving by Hassy Derian ut Lus Angeles. Newe lustre bas been added lu is lrzsdv well casu- ed repulation as s gem sculp- tare. The cars'lng. nssud ECCE HOMO. depîcîs thé suttesiug and sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Deian. cebo spent is essly yearssin Jesusalem. cas tamitias ih the Ibeme sud coutd dram un is eitdhuod impressions uftIhe Holy Land. Il is s tasinstiug Ihuugbt tbat a stune tsom the old mines sediscovered lu tbe 201h cen- tury. shootd be caseed inIoaa ikeness ut Christ, ceho mas hum utf Mary.,chose busbsud Jaseph cas s direct descendant of King Slomon. A short papes mas read ou "The Htope ut Canada" sud Mss. Pyatt ctosed ber part uft he psugram ilh prayer. 'O Sale lu the Rock thal ix igher thon t" mas sung lu romplele the meeting. 'Mss. Cargitl served a bounti' fut lunch citb a Centenniat theme. -Knox, Boston and Omagh Psesbytesian ('bosch members arecsàorshipping ai St. Paol's United ('bosch in Milton dur îng Joly. chile Iheir miniseCs eniov hoidays. Baskets of white chrysanthe- mumsa nd snapdragons decor' stzd Ebenezes United Cburch on Jone 3 for the double-ring ceremony that united Carol Anne Elizabeth Preeman and Lloyd Arhur Luess in mas- niage. The bride is the daugh- tes of Ms. and Mss. Walter Freeman. The groom ix a son of Ms. and Mss. WalterLucass ot R.R. I Campbellville. Rev. Walter Leeman officiat' ed. Soloist, Mrss Kennelh Grif- fiths oI Lowville. sang "The Weddinf rayer", "The Lords Frayer' and "0 Perfect Love" accompanied ut the orgue by James Zehs. Gîven in merlage by hes ta thes. the bride more s gacen ut chantilly wilh lace bodice, ssb- rina neckline with lang lily point steeves. Panels ot seat' loped lace enhanced the front ut the bouffant skirl. A wsl- teau train lowed troza tny bows aI the shoolders. It, b.o mas enircted hy a cide bor- der ut lace. A cracen ut seed peasîs with crystal drops held ber illusion veil and she carried a cascade of white bridaI roses. The brides attendants were Mss. Dog Black of Guelph as matron of honor, Miss Wini- fred Dunbar of Campbellvillz and Miss Susie Richardson of Guelph as bridesmaids. They mere dressed in format floor length pink shealh gomnn ilh empire bodices fealuring an overlay utfswhite Smiss lace. mith brief steeves. A panel of chiffon felI from s hom at the Pink crystal combs centred wilh a rase and tulle neils toms- ed their hesdpieee. They car- ried a colonial bouquet of pink miniature roses and long velvet ribban streamers. The flomer girl was Miss Bar bars Stokes, niece of the bride. She more a white organzs dress with s fult skirt and wîde pink chiffon sssh and a pink velvet ribbon enhanced ber hair. Her flowers were the same as the bridesmaids. The ring bearer mas Master Lawrie Smith of Raekwood, nephece of the groom. Bruace Jeukina of Oakvitle. a MARRIED AT EENZER Unted Charch on Jane 3 mere Floyd Arhur Loeassand ('ol Anne fElzabeth Freeman. The nemly- meds are making iheir home at R.R. 2, Rockwooçi. (Photo by John Harrison) Wanlta take some lîme off washdays? A nrwv electrîc vwasher wiII do il for Vou. Toss in your wash. set it, andi you'ro away. Ils thut simple. Tukeao holiday from washday worrtes. Hund the heavy work 10 a ne electric ocashet. snd lt it carry theloati. live bettes tlectrically 'b MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELPHONE 8781-2345 Lucas - Freeman che Id p M Black of Goelphb ssxisted hy Miss Wiifred Dunbar and Miss (Met- en Richardson, att triends of tbe bride. Ou May Il Mss. Walace 'King asisted by ber daugbter Mss. Lamne Culing betd a miscettaneaus shamer. On May 26 the ladies of Ebenez- cm Unjited ('bosch hetd a mis- cettaneaus shomer in the cbureb parlor. The ladies uft1he U.C.W. preszuted the bride aud groom mith a tovety Bible. Mi»* Phnc 246 MAIN S. 878-2343 COSMETICS Elizabeth Arden Freporations Du Barry-Max Factor Chanel No. 5 Agency for LAURA SECORD CANDIES Muddy days in Mardi an automatic electric washer next best thing to taking washdays Off sumnmer ALL SALES FINAL DRESSES -SUITS - SPORTS WEAR savs on the freshesl alungiet, meost excitiflg sale selecttn int osen 'The *?iob*a h~e'd 224 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4482 Hot, Humid Weather Left Your Hair Damp and Straggly ? .. We're experts in givng your hair new life and color. - Cail us today. Our expert styligs are itoy# on hand THE HOUSE 0F FROFESSIONAL HAIR STYLING At 171 Main St. Phono 878-9533 ir 1, c ic k ýc 1 d f- s t Ia le 7e w ýp )r id cr ýit n- )u vs ýts mon. The ushers were -Ross Luxas, brother of the groom and Chartes Stokes, brother-in- taw ot the bride. The reception mas held in the cburcb parlor. The brides tmu- tber received wearing a two piece ensemble of blue tace over tattela and white acces- suries. Tbe grooms mother re- ceived wearing a two piece aqua ensemble witb matcbing Afler tihe wedding a dance mas beld at Bsookville Hall for friends and relatives. Tbe couple lef t on a trip 10 Nortb- cmn Ontario, the bride wessing a lime green tmo piece linen suit and white accessories with a white. oscbid cosage. T'bey are making their hume aI RR. 2 Rockwood. Honored guests aI tbe med- ding were Nelson Anderson, grandfatber ufthIe bride and Mr. and 'Mm. Wilfred Langevin of Hamilton, great aunt and oncle of lise groom. Other gueslsjsetre sent eBur-