Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1967, p. 14

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S6 The Canadien Champion, Wedssday, Juiy 12, 1967 ASIE Californiai for family Dp Mrs. Geurge Pelletteelo About 75 relatives and friendi; gatlered ai the Pellet- terio home Susday afteesoan for a family reunion. Inciuded were Mr. and Mns. Bob Peiet- terio and daagtsr Corrise froca Los Angeles, Caliioesia. mho are visiting in Canada for imo sseetss. The aternoon bran,.b ai St. Lake s A.C.W. iteid titeir meet- ing lest Wednesday ailervoos ai the home of Mrs. Ray Crippi, wiîh the president Ms. Altan Tyreit condacting the meeting. Guent speaker for the afiernoon mas James Gray, selfare adminisiralor for the tows of Oakvile. Cngrstulations to Mr. end Mes. Jacks Proad on the recent arrivai of iheir ciosen dasght- e Karen lamne. a littie sister for Rasdy Ltte Scott Patteeson rein- beated is second birthday os Wednesday. Jlis5. rus here reunion Me. and Mes. William Mere- dith and Patty mare guesis ai tbe medding ai ibele niece Date Cargo, and Avro lenses et St. Peter's Lutheran Churet, Torosto. The reception wsea betd ai -be home ai ber par- ents, Me. and Mes. Lloyd Car- go, Cuetingian. Me. and Mes. Jensenso ill make their homo in Ceantford. Mr. aasd Mes, Mereditb and Me. asd Mes. Barey Gasby and daugbtcr visited Susday muta Me. and Mes. C. Ganby. Margie Pelletterio eetebeated ber lSthbhiethday on July 7. The Zimmerman U.C.W. hetd their meeting last Wndnendav atteesoon ai the home ai Mes. 1Allen Patteesan. Piantsewere stade ta arrange a pesgeam ta enteetain the residenssoa the Haiton Manor. Me. and Mes. Dan Vlahas and Mes. H. Heitskita ai Guelph visited Sunday with Me. and Mes. Atlas Patesan. LOWVILLE Rev. Grili farewell j HOLY ROSARY SCH001 gradnativg ciass ai the conclusion ai the 196667 schaai ynar in- cludad: ront rom: Stiring Bcklsy, John Ovl- as, Alenander Darst, Peter Maie. Jas Gengaris, John Mclwraith, Kein Smith. Second ram; Marias abir, Dais Chnchmach, Cynthia Bean- lieu, Elizabeth Windmaiier, Lindla erili, Anne Maryisson, Mary Sestes, Carol Smith, Falmira Marchesicit. Third rom< Sister M. Madeleine, HORNBY Sunday schooI picnic held features rides, races, bail Bp Mca- ibe Hanilton St. Sepens Angitcan i chancit Susdey Scitoat Picnîc mes beld in te Huenby Parts an Saiueday, Jlis8,. a lb e gaad atendence. taierie Elle mas ins chargeaif the porty rides miicitacre greatis cnjaycd ho ail tsechildeen. Races and e game ni besebal acre enjosed 5y al. A Picntc Suy peessas en- jnyed Thte 1t7îbannualrenton ai te Hamilton iamis wes beid on Sondas, Jane 9, in Stanley Park, Crin. Ttc pesident. Harold T reenor ai Meadow- vate. mas in charge and asked for a minaies silence le mcm- ary ai William Hamitonaned Ms. licaethliHemiltoanmita itad bath died tiis year. A doudcous pot tacts dineer. prepared by the ladies mes grestly enjoyed antit a severi thundersiorm nand bevrein- fait sent eveepose rssning and il mas decided taivent ye te reasios wauid be hld an te lst Sasday in lune mth M. and Mes. Aber Matchý ment as te hast and hstrss Ment Hamitonian mentcd as pesident for 1968 and Mes. Ian Break as the seretees. treasarer. A vote ai titanks mas etended in Me. end Mes. Meivie Penn, mita mccc hast and itstess tue thii seat and aiso la M. John Neweli, the secrelaestreasate Faiiamîng thc tutness ei ing Finsd Haiattltan o aittk- Mission teaCher visits sister here Mtss Anne Fartaîts. aii slanary irechet stita ta, laetn moekisg ila Lattait, Chioles for thepast 12 seat.i->ci uttiii ly enjayîng a tiaidas <ttlire sisier Mes h FAlEtiein Mlion. Ttc sttets lit,- i sccn cachaothertfot 27ý, aes Miss Paetittascaches LI , liah itLteatar,..and Latiiia mtssion -chool ain tdei Sita a rriseci n Niit<alutac14 end iascs tliis <cel, lo a maeid caiereace ain t)D Janiea bei <tee ciii, in, ti a Umtali, ville, prescnîed the ladies mt Cetesiel pins and te childrens t wtutrings end aiher trenais.c Prices o-ee aisn emueded ta v( the roupie ramieg fom te t tarihesi distance, Mr. and Mes.J Sert Hamilton ai Wroeeee Abert Marchment, for being a te aideai member eîîending: v Dethin Hamiton, te young-S cvi memite: Herold Teear for is Van Dvtse eard and Wayne Ratssteay ai Oakvilte c tue te ialtesi beerd. e M. snd Mss. William Lyons 1 ai Isinglon. visited on Salue-d day evesing mt Me. and Mrs.0 Atanr plant. Mes. Cdna Wite. Mes. Gar- ( das Sharpe. Belin Lidiam and t Lauren Fes la n Wednsdes for a trip la Vancouver. Lestes Nicai ai Tornois spnndieg a vacation mt berv cousis, Viekîn Tvner nifte I CîgittitLise. Kimmy Squire ai akvilte is spcsdîsg a 1cm days mt Me. iand Mrs. Ras Paicheit and iemity. M. and Mes. Geatd Muent-1 mentenjnyed ïv vacatiov t Wa- 1saga Beach. Congrtulationssla Mr. and Mes. Lamrence Lating ufthlie sSistit Lire, mita have ennoavc- cd li te tîtni thireson et the tMlton District Hospital an 1Ttaeadas. Jais h 2 Me. and Mes, Garnet Hass ira an d lemîls spent the meets csd ai Wasaga Beach, Belaid retinga ta Mark Patchett tsta ccictraîcd his biîrttdas ta Sondas. lois 9. Annîsetsars gruceîngs ta M. and Mes JcSitea, icta mli cectrate ttc. r îsddîng anni- ,ei,arsan Jli> t. Thte Horsity Midgai Sutail Team ailtecpies îng at te s Stedden Mîdgeî Sotitail Touar- a am nt nSaturdas. lai> 26 i-The boss taie mon ail their !t ËUc, a) st acrti sseason tl Bteîdas gretîngs ta Mes. t1 Oas Elis tnd JaîLs Sanaders va Jais 12, ta Mes. Hares Lee -v Jais il, iaa Break an Jais t114, G%<ert tttilegeiton Jais15. t% %r.Goiae Lamant atd Das 14 id PFecit aon Jtais1l. Mesý a Stan W.tiers and Margarct )c Site.îor Jais17,. litîd M.arct- ametad Nancs Peacacit an lais 18. and Mes. Hares Lee, mita miii cembraie their mnddisg ansi- teesery an Jlty 15, and ta Me. and Mes. Hugh O'Connor an oulp 16. Me. and Mes. Wtllis Hamilton and Mes. Witiiam Hamilton ctuited mth Isabel and Anse Stout ai Guelpht un Thaesday eening. Mrs. Carry Hamilton attend- cd lthe tift annuel graduation. eecnses ai the cîass ni Nues- ing Assistants hetd an Saine. day, Jaty 8, ai Centrai Peel Sec- ssdeey Scitoot, Ceampton. Gel mcii wishes arc cstended ta George Baitey. mita is a pa- ttent in theMiltion District Hos- pital. We are sare y ta report ltai Mary Lyse Manneraw's horse mes tsllcd eerly S a taurdasy maenisg an Trafalgar Rond its a passing matarisi. .Feiends ai Mes. Alvin Vivien miii be pteased ta hear site is os te road ta rnraveey foi- taseisg a stey in lte Gekeite- Trafalger Memartai Haspital. Permits down in tow.nship Nassagasseya tutldtngin- spoctîr S. W. Sesage teparis permits isth a total calueut $118,300ssrre isncd in the tosnstpdauratgtith ncathaof Jane. birtgtng the 1967 serti- anuitotal ta $58,300. Tit lune figure mc iodes a 533,001) t nctî ,:rtal cantrtotn. Bs Jane, 1966, N assagasseYa tad îssucd 51,toO,htO istrth ai permts ivciadtng the S750,000 addition ta Mahassk Raccuaes uta S200tcrvic,.,station Pollock and Campbell Maouactarers ai 610H GRADE MEMORIALO MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Walsr St. North, GALT Tolophoso 621-7380 'Easyto like. Yes, if's easy ta lîke buying a car at Milton Motor Sales. No high pressure, no gîmmicks. Just plain ordinory dollars and sense talk with people you know and a f rm you can trust. We're here after the sale for service and thats why customers find ibis dependable place to choose a car, from one of Halton's biggest selections assembled on our lot. And Goodwill cars carry a written warranty for your added protection. Drop in today, easy doos il ai penic asuCash Beamost Acade. Vayulul -OMC T'c uesSet eITNMTO AE Anne Cantovir, Christine Kaszc Merrit Mary Grace Ledanne, Annt dsrheydcn. Vaiey Richard, rens Williamsan, Anne Seratini, Fate Faaeth raw: M areen Sasvowski, Bi Renato Plani, Hans Langedyts. h dyk, Babby Kecm an, Engene Mt Santon. Name eight champ at school field me< Pupils pass musc exams Thet laoiiang is a lst ai sac- cebssiaicandidates tin xina ions heid reccntty yitshtt Royal Canservetar> ai Music ai Torntol in Milton. Ttchentes are areagerd in arder afienit Grade 8 Piano. H anars, Lis- de Howden, Jrnnîlti-Rîddrii instoati. Loutse Fchet. 1leur Marsit. Meente 1IHare. Maeg- rit R. MarRas. ;Lacs A.i Jnterens. Grade 7 Piano,. PiIs a trîcta D. Ford. Grade h Ptana. iSonar,ha- ses IsmndCsnttiaFP.Lauder icqoati. Pasa, Jeanne Atder- ctets; Chartes Reed. F,tricta Andercheks Grade 3 Piano, First Cias Hanars. Maetlsn Martin. Han ors, Ans MeClate Pas, Jaser K. Wilson. Maeta Ccser. Sherîs MeKeer: Catterine A, Jtsslan. Grade- 4 Piano. H anars. Lydie Dadsik, Barbare A. Ingicheel inqeal): Mirtele E, Hae. John G. Beyet, 1LsinncHarets icqual) Fess. Netaite Daidatik Cariai Ta. Grade 3 Pissa, Hanars. Nlan- cy GO'Nci Mrgtet M. Fiee- ris, Cis vTenaîit icqoati. Vtckî cliezi: Wends Cool- son: usan J. Ttamsaa, Ken- netit H. ONcil. Puss, Anse M. Sasiord. Sheites M Chach- atti grteaa,ton* tite Mltan Jon S, olsý At the chctn ampions t brai kot o Cantam gttls, ri t, Dtck t13): la C tcr Ellisen. Cit tunior girkLoti, MI Denses i15). lenn Tomner, W Van oMeFitail. BC t 13i. int entecliaie da. 0< halte, J M îtiereadatr tasý ,,elfldt. W 1 i FiatdW 1IDi Tiis Is the seco ce, ltaDale Gi latte %voit teret. mach lequali. JO Grade i Piano, rs A.Hassard Nz Far is faremeli sermon ai a the Lawviile and Zimmermnan tc Unsited Churebes, Ren. A. K.M Grifiitbs ots as the theme a "~Mas and His Maker" complet- t ting tbe cestennial series. Ai the close ai the service aiM Lomitie the cangeegatian as-w sembîrd in the Jasior Chancit r C. Hail On bhaali aite congre- gatian Jacts Carton, ciets ai Session, presented Rev. and la Mrs. Gritiitbs 'iih a parse afil S money, as a taken ai esteem R and gratitude for the spiritual leadership during the tourC ti, Therona years os the Lowvilie-Zimiser-p M aria Van- mas charge. Jobs Bycre. on he- I Tor Kathy ialo the Junior Choir pre-o sested Mes. Gritiiths mitb ab et Mupy pariisg gi. Mr. asd Mes. Grif-a rie Bseney, ftubs earh made a ittisg reply.n lattis Lange- The evesdas unit ai the Unit-t ller, Marga ed Charch Women held an s apes meeting in tbe Junior r tStaf Phota) Chsrch Hall, ta mwhicb they sn-b outed ail membees ai the Unit-a ed Chuecb Wamen. The leader,s Mns. Crie Gudgeos, meiramed a the geoup and Mrs, Gardon t d ons Maimsteam casdactcd tewr sip service. Smaii di scassion f granits mere iarmed ta ansmer Làt questions an the Scrtptaee pas- !s-tai tracts sage regardisg the jadging ai arhld ai the ourhtetiawêman and teaagbt Jane 23 for rhmass pointsatfviem. intor Pablie The speciai icatare ofi the eve- cconciasiosnînng 'vas the pesentation ai a cd ta the foi- set ai siiverratie spoons iib s tot ai points engraved ceesis ai the prasinr- ns ai Canada ta Mes.A. K. Geit- )aie Stark, W. ftubs as a parting gi and sn )anîam boys, gratitade for ber snseiiisb pan- race St., (t:O ictipatiiasis the mark ai the iCoal,tn, J.United Chrh Wames Mes. instar bcvs, Giiiths made a gaiaas eeply t Dick, and of thaitks and reviemed the eacr St., tic, chapter ai the Stody Boots on tegr.,Ceea- the gramîh ai the chaech in tItiv, 13. Casters Canada mhich inclad- sý John Has- ed sorne items ai istereesi as ch and Riets Lasisbaeg Cape Breton Iland teck, tic (13). wheee Rev. Geiiths bas c .nd sece in a repîed a charge. Reireshments env and Van 'vere served and a social houe respective sec- spent. Mr. snd Met PF. W. Haymaed have rtuened tram a vacation ahn Hathertes. trip ta Darset and Ottama )Hanars, Sali- mhere îbey visited relatives. ýanrv J. Ceadie and speni a ie'v days ai Espa. 'hakespsare* Caiette Sève! 'Woods' SLEEPING BAC eprlaual9ss FISHIN OUTFIT TACKLE BOX bn""9.87 TOIJRIST109 zZ1hsoO.88 la;,o-425299 F-t-rt ti.fiuii, t<iu. e 72x27"AIR MATTRESS ottt acui.tt aae- sec<-te-. t fiths leaves charge iermon Iast Sunday rTuose visitisg Cipu titis meets son, Milton; and Mes. mho ire Me. and Mes. George Coul- Morris, Cunlngon. son and Sheewoad; Mr. and Air. sd Ms.Buedge Cash> Mes. Cordon gitatmsteam, Adah and Stephen are nom residlng and Esthser, and Mes. T. C. in themnese home os Cedar Ramiteos, Ans and Bobit>. Springs Road, and are wslsed mit seishes are esiended lu coslinsed happinss in ilseir Mre. and Mes. Tenes Grant mita ncm hume. vili reside in Milton. Mr, and Mrs. W. J.iRobertson have retarsnd tram Camber- Iand Beach, near Orittia, where tbey visited with Mes. Grace Robertson. Members a ofsev"le Usited charcit Womes made a sur- prise visit 10, the home of Mns. W. J. Robertson on Wednesday ni lest 'vents Me. and Mrs. Ro- bertson 'viii cetebrale the éOth enninersary ni their marrnage sent munt and in honor of ihal occasion a Lite Member- sbip in the United Church Wo- mesn'vas presented to Mrs. Ro- bertson. A long lime neighbor and triend, Mrs. Leonard Coul- sue, read the address and Mes. Thomas Ramsbam presented the certiticale and pin. A beau- tiui corsage ai pink rases tramt ber aws gardes mas de- sigard and pissed as ber sister by Mn,. R. S. Heatheringlos. The ladies served tea and a soctiaseou'vas spent visiting mith Mrs. Robertson. Also pre- sent mere Mns. George Robert- sas, Kititeide; Mrs. Orlo Coa]- ARMADA OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT Standay moesing service ai Zîmmeeman Cbarvb asd Me. S. Poeîch deiiveeed the sermon. Continuation ai joint services theough Jaly and Augusi wllI he as iolaws: ai Loseville on Jsty 16 and 30, Aug. 13 and 27t ai Zimmeeman Jly 23, Auguta 6 and 20. Lay memiters sal candaci the services and delîver the sermons throughout JuIy and Augasi. Services setîl haln charge ai Ren. C. C. Canules-, lnemeeiy of Owen Sound. The services are aI 10 a. and there witt he no Sunda>' Sehool sessions atet ee rharrh antit September. The Red Cross says thone hackyaed mading pools are lts ai tas for ehildeen, but îbey casid cause a tragedy if pas dont supervise posar rhiidreeseveey time the>' go near it. Over 150 ansopernined rhiidren dromned in Canada test pear. Exrsire - ac .33 At. Robe Gallon qiiDI SchAko sv esi... ie snee- W3 Eeg.$398 A-PueeFREEZER SET "'BiOEA DIEft' obens vlu raîn staýbew t ht t îrtu e -vhor tiître.a iM!stdna C,' ' U LASSES m rc O1ib l ianuniisns ie 6 Pet. BEVERACE SET $SUN-P 1e i s eteis' J.99-C N- ",i.tss Ilin ._..d_ , - W ' TEMSo Cshad aaryBO USCU aN '9VSHUYLER BROS. LT. - - "459fMain St MLON 878-2349 *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY . PHARMACY 24 HOUE PEESCEIPT ONsmvc 878-4492 - Aeo 1eusS74l FREE DELIVER> EIN OMPC K H ELOLEO, . BO h 1 1 1 - mmzÊý --rsor4 sEMR Mmrs 8784%1 REVLON COSMETICS ksc., Phm.

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