84 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, July 12, 1967 4-H Club News HALTON 4-M ELECTRIC CLUB By Vers Thompan The third reguar meeting et tise Hatton 44 Eletric Club was hetd on June 19 te tbe Ag- ricultural Otice, Milton. Club leader Murray MeGine- is, represetatice tram Ontar- la Stydra totd members about an essay cantesi sponsored by 'Symbot" magazine. The top- ic is "Electriciiy on the Farm". Prizes oitered are aî15f saings bond and a $25 saings bond. The meeing was tirned oner Ioto buguet speakers tar the test of the eenieg. Fred Speers, District lnspec- tar tor Ontario Hydro spake an "The 'Rote ot Hydro Inspection" sehite'Stan Wright, Willawdale, demaestrated the l'Hytiee Hae- ard". The meeting ended aller a discussion. HALTON 4-H JERSEY- i GUERNSEY.AYRSHIE CLUB By Stuart Nurse The bhird meeting of tbe Hal- tan 4-H Jersey.Kuernsey*yr- sire Club was betd utthIe arm af Waler Nrringlon on iuly 4. A clasot Jerseys and a oison ot Ayrires was judged ta gire members practice for the Coua- ty Livettck Judging Compel-ý tiion The member- then moned in- sîde wbere îbey diided ino seniors under John Cockburn and juniors uoder Jobn Mc- Nubb. The seniors discossed the importance of performance îesliog ta the succent ut a tarm- er. Bruce Pickering, Murray McCaig, Rasemarfi Booth, Cr- aI Swackbamfer nad Stuart Nurse mre etec led as the dis- pay commillee ton MillIon air. Aller tbe meeting. relresb- ments mo-re serced 6v 16e Nue- ringtons. Douglas Jackson loan offiCer Jr. Farmer BranCh Douglai Jackson, a former assistatOOAgricultoral Repre- tenta' e nel Haltun and Peel, bus been appinted Loan Ad- minlisration Oltîcer of the On. tario Junior Frmner Lu an Bruech, il mas aenuuced Iis eek. M. Jackson graduaaed ram t6e Ontario Agrcullural Cl- lege le 1959 and joined te En- tension Branch oi 1he Depant- ment ot Agriculture and Food. He serveet tan Imu ears ini Hal- tue and Peel. Later 6e openul- ed a dairy tarol t Bradord. His duties ouI include the sup- ercision of exsiîg boans and working wiIh 16e fied ntaIt on uppraisaist Sifve medu te o a llàds The Jersey bull. Nunscîand Farineuse Vcor, Excellent, Sil. cen Medal Supeiar Sire, bas jut bee designaled a Gld Modal by the Canudiac Jersey CaIle Club on the 6gb produc- ion ut bis daughlens. He bas bas 22 esed daagblens milb an average production me. ut 10,523 bs. milk, 512 lbs aI, 4.8f, pen cent. and 23 classiied 8609 yen cent. Thet hre dauphlers tbal qualilîed Nuslaud Parineusie Victor as a Gld Medal bull are: Gleebaolme Parinceuse Mary, Very Gaod. ith anrecord t 4 years 207 daysin 305 ducs. OI 14.471 lbs. milk, 626 Ibs faI. NORTH MALTON 4Hf HOLSTEEN CALF CLUB Hy Mary McGee The regular meeting ofth1e North Ballon 4-H Hostein Calt Club was held ai the taros o Fred Nurse at f p.m. on Thunsday, Juty 6. The meeting opened with the 4-H ptedge, loi- towed by the minutes of the ast meeting. A committee was then select- ed lu plan for the exhibit for Milton Fair. The mnembers schich were slecled mre ýDan- id Austen, Bob Tarowetl. Don- ald MClure and Bob MeGen. Att the etembers judged a cias ut 4-year-otd Jerseys, and alto a clasut 4-year-old Hosteins, le which att the members had 10 gin e reasons. Tbe club mas spitup ino graups ut seniors and juniors tor the letton on the Record oi Pertormance. The meeting end- cd wih retrethments serned by Check hay temperature to guard against fire A lai of buy i.. fois iitu stoage an HattanIis year an damp condition, Il wauld bo mise lucbuhck il t teaal Iice a week tur tbe nent moetb. ta ensure Ibal il is eut bcating. ire tramt sponlaneaus com- bastion usualty accurs during tbe irst tson montbs aller star- age. At easy %vay ta check the temperalure is ta make a bay probe trom a ten tout lengtb ut hall loch lectrical conduit or lubing. Yaa con Ienrivetia sbarpened bardwmd point la Livestock T~ LeeD4ue F rUàsU aiEDI7Pi nMe@£& .. -s sjudged By Geofl Taylor On Monday, Jane 26, mast I) 16e 4-H Linestack Club tembers atîended 1he Frac- ce Linesîack Judging Nigb't, eld utth1e tarms af ion and John Willmolt and Maurice lealy. AI 7.15 p.m. members coim- rwnced judging a dots utf Ah- tefeen Angus heiters, totlom- cd bs a elass ut sheep. At the second stop, Maurice Bealys tarn. members iudged Iwo claî4es of Jersey cos. FolIOw- icg She îudging. reusans mere gise? in 16e Agriculloral Hall. aI ttbon Pair Grounds, with t6e 441 Club leaders in charge. Thiapractîne enenine is held z:ni n preparatiic for the Caantt. Lîsesîack Judging Cumpeiîîoa lauhochlacd on Wedîiestay, iuly If, aI 16e Uni- %cisbi 1 4 Guelphr. AI Ibis cool- peiiuflcîeniberb are dicîded int grotps a,.i.rding ta prev- joas paribipalion le such aul eNeilI -5ovic. junior and senior. Nevies are Ihose uhu hav anu(a Ipeiounl> ,.ompeted. juniors arun udr 16 ycars oft age,.and tnors arc 1bond Pnîze nliVisi5tardedas ,elus .lialiige irophies for becS. duirY. %lne and sheep judgicg lIntditiin, a Cham- pion Li-estlii.ktucigief [rapby s, assarde.l 1,- the uceî ail uouncls .biip.This i.am- ystitioc 5 caiîpulsorv la ait senior 411 lu, members ai the 4-H tait an: Sbcep Clubs. 433 per ceni. Srelacd Pan- neuse Ninelle, F4eIlcIt, ilb 13,323 Ibs milk. hS1b%, fat. 4.90 per cent, in35 d.kat 5 ears aI age. and Nur-f1acd Farin- euse Wueda. Enu.ekt wiîb a recordof12,9J8 thlbmîlk. 632 lbs. tut. .8f7 yen Ortin 1305 days, aItbree cours BS days. Tisa Jersey isu, Lui4ae Echo Lîîck. Verc Gîîîd. bastîso heen desigcated a sucver Msdal Sire by the Cacadiac Jer-4, CaIlle Club on the bîgb preucîlan ut bis dauyb ens. Heitas six ested daughtens that tecean anerage production Illiat 9, 719 Ibs. milb. 522 bs . 5.68 per eent, and 7 classitieaven- uge f5.M per cccl. WE'RE WIDE AWAKE und Ready to Serve You With: Lubrication, Oil Changes, Confectionery, Auto-Par e e Batteries and Tires 0-25"SERVICE 60 10-25 STATION 10 Sideroad and 23 Nwy. 878-2952 FEED MAILL SUPERINTENDENT National Fend Manufacturer rectiret Miii Saperntendant with etensive Pellet Miii nuperîene for formula Fend Milliie Sothnrn Ontario. Top Wages for Right Man WRITE BOX 172 The Canadien Champion 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. ýjL iii uix Iole', i three- cigtlî.inch diameler witbin tbe batî,m sis inches. Nom tuwer a Iermameter un a 122 tout card la the botom ufthIe campieled hay probe, and yuu -ire rcady lo aktube 6eemper- alune 1vouhaby. A piece at spangenrubber sb,,ild be used u(th1e hollam iii the tube ta act as acushinail deilprevnt the îbermîieeler tram break- ing. pugh the probe well dame into the bay and trace ton if minutes. Pull (lai tbe îbermom- îcy, eervthieg, in tact, tram bilkicgthbeiiss o breaking the hoîrses. Lis e Clas swim- Ming, riding.,înd al inier sports, but tircersl is ber de- nitian ltu farm lite - tomne- îhing thai sh,îuld belp ber le t6e Duiny Princes. campetition. The siimpe itiiii is JuIn 15 at the ttî,rnb%,Gardten P,îic if 150 dcg. F. entering danger uone. Make temperature obser- vations daity. It 1601 deg. F. Danger! Inspect enery tour boans ta sec il temP- erature is riting. At 173 deg. F., tire pockets may be untieipuîed. CatI tbe lire departmcnt pomper. and wet dame bay. At 185 deg. P., remune tbe hay. The pomnper suld be anailabte since flames mitl de- nelop wbee air comes le con- tact mith hay. 210 deg. F., Criticaîll Hay is almost sure ta ignite. Workmen sboutdnt enter alune, or witbuut nopes lied lu tbcir moisIs, since tire pookets may banc deneloped and tbere is danger ofthIe men talting inia îhem. Long plseka nsay be ptaced acruns the top ufthte boy tor snorkmen ta stand uon mbile making observatiotns or remue- ing the bay. fMk a Play il satlMk aby probe tbermomeler and know the condition ai cour bay Loin alan ielpu lier int bc sonkicg on theb, iwir iSe bas euîcpleted lierfiiaml cdii cation aCd nou ciclti,, s bei GOODYEAR WHITEWALL ir n:I e er a L i lliA LL-W EA TM ER N Y LO N ir FLOWERS For Ail Occasions ~ 775 x 14 Tires FLORIST "~INSTALLED $79 JOHN AND RIA WILSON Phsone 877-3817 R..i Norvai - 9tis Une Front Wheel Beairings esusn Js o t- Base LUne Reakd sEiL 99C Specialize Araneens DURANTES ESSO 87-27 Nighway 25 Juet 0 COSAGE 8782079 Norh of 401 Overps *O FUNERAL DESIGNS NEW DIMENSIONS IN DAIRYING L0 - P RO0FI1L E BREAKER C UP S for porion use for stonchion bore use W IE R * - FASTER Milks AIL co- s g,rg,diess Prolides capoc.?n ta break oest technleun ha, beer oteat0 pacenent and colun of nlk, isibiliin ircorporatdind mb thîs p0 e ^ ' ue ,HORACE TOMLINSON EIE 1.. 1 INGLEWOOD PHONE 838-2264 SERVING PEEL AND HALTON COUINTIES By David WIlmot Laura Hendersua. 17, aifR. 1, Georgetow~n and Lois Mur- ray, 1f, ai Aclun arce ou more enthusiastic contestantls in 16e Haltun Dairy Frn cess colnpeti- t ion. Laura attends Georgetown District High Scouol and ssill continue ber sludîes lu becane a higb sboal maîhemalies teacher. 56e is iîerested lu al sports, but mbe,î she is cii busc elpngoutaole 1eamni. sbe spends ber ime a lb une aI er maoy social Cneess She is sec retary of ber agri- cultural club, bas hcn vc president and presîdeiri ut a Young Peuples'gouo ad is nery active in 1he Silverwood 4-H Homemakieg Clubh Lais year Launa mis chown tuIiiai- tend theHumeniakig Conter- ence al 1he Lacadi.ic National Exhibtion ohîch gavce ber somne experieoce .hush o ili no doubl enable fber tla(h, wellin ber pre se ut endea ut. ONTARIO'S CAIRY Prieceso Dolly Anc tdmnunds of Ren- frew Coanly miii 6e in Hure- loy Satunduy nannîng lu off ici- aly open the 20th annual Hordi-y Bail Clubs garden party. She wiii alto crame the winner of the Halton Dairy Pincescontent mbicb bas tlb mn econtetants, C araol Smackbamer, 18, ot Actan; Laura Hendersun, 17, of R.R. t Georgetomn; and Loin Mur- nOy, 18, of Acton. tramt leaving the scene of an accident. ifl ne slips, i You Coudil e in Trouble.. Lîabilily insurunce ta protect youre. McCUAIG insurance Limle 208 MAIN ST. E - 87&-2894 unemployment insurance is now available for most employees of FARMS, RANCHES, SNURSERIES, GREENHOUSES, HORTICULTURISTS, FRUIT, VEGETABLE, SFLOWER GROWERS. Il s teyaur adnuntae te Ced ont if pan arc eligibte fr tIha onemotpeant in s a n c p r te ti n n o n l e fe t fer norbees n agriculture und oricultre. employers: Il peu hase peuple wring for po, tIsera are regutations thut pou mass adbere ta. Il s la ynnr adcuntage ta gel camptete parîloulars imreediutety about anemploment isurane fon pour norers. ý- INEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION GOVERNMENT 0F CANADA 7383(C) W ATTENTION FARMERS ... Forthoe i th Polty eusiness and especially w th laying f iocks, hot sommer wea- te abcadifiulie. This is the time of year when mites, lice, worms, and other sirss o nitonsapparw th the loying fiock, alto in puilels almost ready or staring f0 ay ufetD see(leComhl galte often it a prohlem. FOR MITES AND LCE: We recommend HOWARDS PEN PEST LITTER DUST applied in the FOR FUI. ET C SEASE (BUE COMU)- We recon mend yoa treat them witb Mariale ci Pots 60O- tbepoon 10 1 gai. of water for 7 days plat MASTER POULTRY PERK- TONE KRUMS o 3IS days w 1h pienty of clean, fresh drinking water. FOR WORMS IN POUITRY - Fend MASTER POULTRY WORMER KRUMS for one day oniy, foiiowed by MASTER POUITRY PERKTONE KRUMS. FOR OTHER STRESS CONDITIONS - Feed MASTER POULTRY PERKTONE KRUMS for 3 to 5 days or as directed. "CIMENT' Master erds (Stewartowni are agents for Portland Cement Manafactared by the St. Lawrence Cement Co. This cernent is pocked in speciai ined bags le whlch the ce- mnent miil ot barden. "FARM FENCE" Me carry a compiete lien of Frost Frm Fence and Pnncing Supplies: te WOVEN FAIM FENCE 411 STEEL FENCE FOSTS 0 ELECTRIC FENCERS " BAIE WIIE O FENCE STAPLES 10 ELECTRIC FENCE BATTERIES " GALVANIZED WIRE 0 SNOW FENCE 0 INSULATORS " BLACK WIIE 0 FAIM GATES 10 ELECTRIC FENCE POSTS "CONTACT US FOR FR1 CES BEFORE YOU BUY" STOCK WATERING TROUGHS We have a good supply of 7 Il. and 8 ft. troaghs on hand. Cait us if you need one. Me can make immediate deitvery. "HARVEST TWINE" Master Feeds lSlewarttownl are agents for the mel-keowe brand of Plymouth Han- vest Twines. Flymouth Bler Twine cames in îwo Iengîhs and two klnds. R ED TOP: 9,000 f t. per Baie CITADELt 9000 fI. par Bale R ED TOP: 10,000 ft. per Baie S CITADELt t10,000 ft. pan Bale There ls lis breaking and knotting wlth Plymouth Saler Twines and litis "Mode In Canada". Cati us and order your supply nowt "Ask for Plymouth Baler Twines". "BULK GRAIN BINS AND) STEEL ROOFING" We are agents for Wnsleei-Rosco Baik Grain Bin and WnstelIlRsc steel roofing, cal us and order yoar grain bins nom for de ivery in lime for hanvest. A W.stock a fullino of4 1< MASTER FEEDS MASTER FEEDS SERTON 0 Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown 0 intrunts devoted te farming Summertume Specials FOR YOUR CAR CLEAER ... 4î,- Prolects Your Engine From Overheafing Due to Radiator RsPUCL 9C 'Mrs. Nurse. IWO muli-Y