A WIRE HIGi4 VIW ut Mtons Centennial Park shows tise etent of the to blues and green. A spotlight higilights the t lag and cairn while colored centennial year project reoching rom tise spillway on the let posîtishe site lights illuminate on pond-side trees. A cleared stream side banls hes mode of a former house lu tthe cairn, f lag pole and to thse neighboring hanses, tise polis over the bridge and long the bank a popular walk and tîshermen Speciol lighting effects are being tried by Milton Hydro Commission. At nigisî. stili dot tise banis. ongling tor tise speckled trout mitis miicis the pond was special ligisîs play on the cscodinq mater ot the spillway varying trom reds stocked. (Staff Photo) An appeatlu tiste Ontariou Municipal Board, againut tleis tond separaias ut fine acres ieing purchased sy lise Milton District Higis Scisoul Hard. n'as withdrawn by Milton Couscit Monday. Tise council iad caier ap- peated lise decisian outhtie Oak- ile Committec ut Adjusîment sioce noucoud allomance dedi-i cation mas included in tise sep-1 aratian. Thse School Board iad ag- reed ta purcisase fine acres ut land tramt Cecil McCan for $25,000 and since tise tond was in Oakille. adjacent ta tise scisol pruperty. lise tond sep- araias iad lu ie approved isy tise Oakvillc Cummitîce. Solicitor Daid Thompson. represctisg lise Higis Scisoul Board,. ld council tise pur- chose deadlse mas July 15 and tise plans for lie scisuol addi- tion would have Io Se redraws if tise tand mas sut lu ise avait- able. Cojanit had cattcd tac a de- dicatios by M. MeCans ut a 66 tot ruad altuwance ta tise toms for lise future extension of Commercial St. Tise solicitor ponted out tisaI ise mater had gune ho- fore lise Milton Planning Board on a scheduled meeting nigit Building drops penimits show Milton ibuildng permits ils a total value ut $10.070vmccc is- sued in Milton durisg Jane. ulding Inspeclor J. Charlton reports. This risgs lise semi-annual ltotltoc 1967 lu $232.370. Lat pea at tlis time $64- 693 orts ut permits had heen issued. Tise large 1966 figure iscluded lise 410.000 Diptomol Aparîments. an addition 10 Holy Rosary Churcis and tise ereclion outa ueoO.PP. detacis- ment ieads1tarters. Tiis yeac an addition lu Em- manuel apist Cisurcis wos lise osly notable structure foc m-hicis permits ere issued at- tec Jasaary t, 1967 Rogister events Millons centennial celcisca- tionss ili kick ott Aug. 19 and 20 mus lise armiaI aI tise Con- federation Caranan miicis will hç localed in lise Agricutural Gccunds. A numiser ut local gcosips are pasning evcnts tiaI mi lake picehbelmeen ties and tise con- clsiun ils lise Steam -Ero making ils annual appearasce onn lie Lahar Day eekend. Orgasizations are urged lu regisier lieir ptnnned events ils tise iomn centessial of- fice am tise toms hall ta aviod confie of dates. isut a quorum isad sut Secs present. Threeouttise tour mnemisers present. howeVer. 01- reed lu tise separatian. G. C. Gowlasd. a memiser ufthtie Hoard, oijected su Milton CooncilthtiIno land dedica- ion iad Seecs icluded and coutscil etercd ils objection. "Had we iscen gises as uppur- lsinity la preses t our side il migit nu; hune ieen appron- cd., the Hard solicitor argucd. Grdon Gowtand agreed ise had appealed tise mater per- sonalty hecause ise telItishere iad ises severat separations ftm issparcet with nu dedi- cation for future street pal- terns. Questioscd un mheliseclise detay in tise land acquisition mas causisg a probtem, Board properîn chairman John Noile noted ahout 60000 had isen spent os design wurk foc tise addition of the scisuol. If tise tond was sot anailoiste il mould hase lu hu edesigncd or iuili mils nu provision foc o ptaying field or future ex- passion. Deputy Reeve C. Menefy ar- gued lisat ai $25.000 toc fine acces tise omner mas hing am- ply paid and should he ablc ta dedicate sume lasd. "If ie dessi want lu me should lt il taIt tisougis. ise suggesled. Councittur C. Fay disagreed, nois1 tise laxpaner mould sut- fer. He maintained lise iigis scisuat huard was las in nul cttecking ils tise Planning Buard cachier and council mas las in nul ging aiead mils ils plan lu exlend Commercial St. lit sa pointed oui since Mit tons objection ta tise separa- ias, tise Dakitle Planning Board iad supported i. A resolution ta withdraw tise objectionn as usasimously ap- proved afler Counicillor BesI caltcd tocrlise Higis Scisoul Board, in future, lu kccp const- il informed ut ils plans for major properilu purchases ts- er tian lhrough ils ansuat bsudget. Tise Couicillor nîso called un tise Planning Buard lu have annuat meetings aI least ils neighisning plan- ning hourds, if t al] possible. lu di scass iondary accus. sumber of hîih n-e apart- meuhs. ur atIclasi I10 -iocevs, mas given approsal in prînciple isv Miltont Cs>ncil Mosdav to omners ufthtie 701 acre parcel ut ladhit indes tise Milton Plaza and lise indasirial area lsrdervd iss Ontari S. Hal- i us Centens il Manor nd Giv- en Roadt The approvat sn principle mas gis'rn un mu cunditions. Firsi hlnud mustl he rom- pletins annesed lu lise toms conil must agree lu a sils plans Solicitor Jarvis. speaking for ,hisoumnrsof Oaisville Desel- upmvst Lîd.Csp rewd lise hope hisisirm could islain some pol- icI' lr'îm lise Ieparîment ut Municipal Afair. egarding os- Consider trunk next imeeing As i e.lutiiin lu sutisurize in- sia ioiofa îrusk semer rouni ithe Ireaimesi plant Io Main St. iii ie placediselure .monlîsCeusmil nesi mecis. Ceiî.illur B. Bei tîîld mcm- l'ers Muîîdas. He s 'slrcd edsie %vsi -a de[- snite neeîlu1r lise prilleci and nuled lise lumpîllo station presestils .îlFulton cuuld nul aridle the Iiiîî'durnîg a slrm. Stoîrm hoilding tanks iîssalled si'ien uhe ircaîmesi planticvis espasded aresiiu cdisevau'a. the Giîm cassili bc liried is nulgistheliseeghl incis lise roi îhc Fulluîn SItsations lu lie lr.alment plant il peuh Tise trsnk semer rajeutI ias iees complelels cngineered înd i ciesnalîs plaîsned te lilluiî lise srcal roni lise t reatiet siplasntlisruugh toms Io serve li-'ires sons thliste iýc line 'roîc l tha% bees a contsroeri l pruilect micc il. OPPOSE NEW MINI STERIAL. POWER Fractures sDine wosui have any demaocratic rigisîs letI. Cuncllor Brios BesI arned Milton Cauncil Monday. aller miiciscounicil maved lu support a resalutitan tram tise Towsship ut Sand wichs West. Tise resulution mas uppos- ing plans lu clîminale tise sec- essîty ut Ontario Municipal Huard clma os officiaI plans and amendmenss miere there are Ojections. if waa auggeted tise Actmas heing changed lu permit lise Minîster luo ct, despite aisjec- lions, if he fet lise reqaess mas sut made in gouil faits, mas lay. Tise esolulson maînîaîsed tisai ans per-on makîng as oh- ision is had Lthiscould he pesalized ils lise cosîsoftiflie iseaing h5 lise Ontarioî Muni- cipaI Huyard. Tise Sandwich Wt'sresoln' tilts called for lise Premier of lise province "lu lake al sleps neccssar'lo presesi tise alter ing ut Section 12A ni Tise Plan- ning At. and lu presesu lise passîng of anv legisialios tisai permits tise Minisler su decide whetierorsnola request is made lu good failis. s fricis. fuor is made ficrlise pur- pose morelî in 401 accident miai misen uiue i a carac- ýiwi lic-n tiicil ceai off Higsmsass411v.emtoftise Hal- lum-Pnc'l Lise . Puis 9 Jeans Isaisel Huuclîer of 10 Wscmnis oauit Dmîmsss'em. lr.mtored belr spine and Ken- iels Clî.pman mfthmie same ad- dress sullered scalp lacera- i Itere %8 900 .lamage mu 11i! car.Cuî.iîiln Hurkce ai Miltuon Delîchissentmut tise tS.P.P Meî.mel uch.ing- ns user, laid. He iatd couecîltIhe 10 slurev minimîum ssaisel s-mec il %vas planned tu isas'e îied elevat- orstnd this smuald sut ibe eas- iste icîsunlicallv siiisuui tisaI Iteigisi He sogge'teîl somne migist ise Iigiser lu permit a variation in leigits Theise îesios iii i s-.ighl isv Mc. Jarsi'. and hi, clients woild loi cInde liseindus- trial acteage isisicis mas part ut tise eriginal 70 acre pa:-cel. Ses- etal intiiîries are alreads' lu- ca!ed in tise ircaî%vîicliis still1 inOakile. Mr. Jarvis stressed ise ietd ou ogaatee st assexa- lion ufthtie prupertv but empisa- DepuIs Reeve C. Menefy sisised Mr. Jarsis luck but slressed Oakville mas a pretty isard laskmaster mises il cores lu assexation. Reeve A. Ledselth asked il tise Planning Board isad becs in- locmed ufthtie plan. Mayor Ciilds eplied il had becs dis- ca.sed mvilh tise planning staff. Ieputv Rees'e Menety mais- taiicd ns committmest sisoutd ise made as lu misaI ouutd be permitte. un tise lasd until il mas o-ctualsasnesed. Tht. moion lo approve in principle. subjeet lu ansesa- lion and site pion appruval mas adopted. Assessnwat, feuabref my churt future houes isoasing and ils etteet on tise lax rate, Asessur J. Charlton uisserved a hume ut approxim- aîeiy 1250 square teest ilson asse-e.ment ut $1,5is9 per copi- la mas as good tor lisee cuno- my uf tise toms as commercial or indosîrial assessmenl. Thse report was pcesrnled lu Milton Council Monday fllow- isg an eariier request for some guidance on misai siee humes could bc permited ilisout eopardieing tise lumes las piclore. Tise report did nul contai s ans conclusions be- rond su-se tisaI could be druo-n fronmtlise lhree tables ofi figures. Il mas pointed ouI there %vere 1802 humes in Millon isilis a total populatioîn of 6541 and as average ut 3.57 per hume. Tise age grouap out35ta 19 sears îscladed 2.058 or 1.14 childres per hume. Tise per capila assessment sn Milton m'as $1.579 i.ompared lu a pro- vicielIaverage ut $1.902. For mamparison fise streets mere asalszed. Tise 27 humes on Williams Ase., mish a popu- lation ut 133 iad a per capila as-esmesi ut $990 ils 2.4 c.iildren heimeen 5 and 19. Tise ancrage assessmenl per home was $4.178. Kingsleigh Court had 84 humes ss%is a population ut 344 and an average 1.5 children per home for as assessment erage home assessment ot $4.575' Plie St., with 84 humes asd 344 peuple. had 1.2 chitdren and a per capita assessmcst ot S814 witis as average home as- sessmenl ut $3,101. Tise îiree aparîments us Os- tariloSt. have 115h15 ms ils a population ut 276. Tise avcrage numiser ut ciildcen. howener. s .26, tise average assessment per capila is $1199 and tise an- crage unit assessmes'l S2,879. Analyzlng nine properties isuilt betwecn 1965 and 1967. lise report estaislished an aver- age ut 1270 square ted., with a population ut 3.9, as assess- ment ut $6.164 and 1.4 scisoot childres. Council memisers agreed ta study tise report toc discussion at sent week's meeting. MINOR ACCIDENTS Onty tour minor accidents uccîîrrcd mtiistisearea uof5Mil- ton Police deparîment tiscougit- out the past week. They iscluslcd ose causing $20 prupcrty damage Tuesday lJuly 41, Imu cousisg 595 and $25 cacis tise totowing day and a S20 sss-isjury crash Satur- day. _______ Gel hume sofety fhum yor sammer vacation. Dont eert yoursett in ways yuu waoldo't during lise 50 ther meelti af tise year. Ceuni colis joint meeting iren eut schedule cenflict scisedules ion ise mîf diamonds ai Rolars' Park came iefore v'o-'e-go nu - -- MILTON RECREATION COMMITTIS is teaciing delti geltisthe e utofmater travel attise Milton MILTON SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED until Septem- isolds supercised summer playgrounds. About area ciildren ose of tise most procticol, pet Pool, as ulisers in tise closs look as. ber an tar os tise scisool bourd is coscerned. lu gallup offt here is Allisos Hoff, as play- inîeeesing sports known. swimming. Here i- but somo. lke J. M. Denies and W. 1. Disk ground leader Marsis Maldie hoids tise bridie. structrens Marylyn Emerson ielps Todd Corna- (Staff Photo) Public Scisools, stili have plenty of ciildren around, as tise Milton Recreation Commillen (Staff Photo) MildonConcil cadtainmeet- ing Cut lse Reere forunadmPark inuardthemusr Minr aIl Pad Botadt oficiinor BThursd lu teaIleftieipaislfoem. rda Thse diffIcoity firet camne ta Miton Councit seneral weekn ago mies Minor Hall officiais protested îhev mere sut being givnîtesougis. imte on tiseRo- tarv Park diamunds and tise in- stalitionsnf fluodlgisîs and use hy tise Softtiaît group wuuld make il impossible ta uperale. Counci: ut *hat lime urder- ed tise Minor BaIl scisedole in proceed as pobllshed and te pr'ablem ironed out. Cit Hauston. represenlîsa tise Mens Softiaîl League re- nsemed develupments in tise nrnbtem and o pre-seas joint meeting ai miicis a sehedule mas morked ouItsil ishte Rec- reatian Commitlee. Changes is tise Misar Hall eecutine tuaIt place. he noted, and tise sched- site mas fsiund unsatisfaclory. lu tise mu-intime tise Recrea- tins Commitîr2e has found nu ceason lu aller ils originatly accepled sceadule. the chisidres off the. diamond.' Mr. Haustos empisasized. Ho asised couscil ta tellt liem if tises could usc the diamand and if so 10 matie tise necesory arrangemsents or tell tisem tisey couldnt use il and liscy mould maise their oms arrangements. He ohsecvcd tisere mas $55.00 seuctis ut ligisîs utsa dinmond n Rotary Park.,isomener, tisaI mould only Se af nalue if tiscy mccc used. Councittur T. Cousens mand- cred ut there mccc sot utiser diamunds aI fisc scisuols tisaI contd Se used tua. Consecil called foc. a mutualty satisfactory arranugemenlt mark- cd ouI this week tac submnis- nias ta council nelIt meek. Withdraw site appeau approve board purchase PREMIER ROBARTS IS TOO BUSY Premier John Rohars is! self saish ail tsi. delaîl.sutf mocis tua iusy iecause outhlie tome's applicatiosn .li.ad ieavy commitmcents to vis- ut lime iti Milton and discuss ils an- Coascîl decided Iu pro- inexatian pruhtems. Miltan ceed and lise depty clerk Councit mas tld Mosdoy. mas asked su o eh suc h an Dcputy Cleris Mrs. A. appoisîmeol ailise ealesl Brus reported a phone cati cosses ence îf lise Premier. had advised hec il mmld Milon Couscil requesîrd sut ise possible for tiselise meeling earlieras a il iPremier lu visit Milon and efforts lu aciiee sosme de iif as appoinîment mas cisio on tise lss1965 ap. w asled lu Toronto he would plication iefore lise Golaîmo wattm c cuiii hlm. Municipal Buard isad lailcd. Vol. 108.-No 1ILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 96xîteen Pages -Ton Cents Okay hi*gh rise if land annexed "q ýw .t wani iime iu acquaini nim-